Ultimate Guide To Incident Response and Management

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Ultimate Guide to
Incident Response
and Management

In this e-guide
In this e-guide:
There have been 446.5 million reported number of sensitive
consumer records exposed in 2018, according to Identity
What is incident response?
Theft Resource Center.

Security breaches can require notification, resulting in

Why do you need it?
customer distrust, reputation loss, regulatory fines, legal fees
and cleanup costs.
Building an IR team

That’s why incident response (IR) planning should be a top

IR methodology priority across your entire organization to minimize any
security vulnerabilities that will allow hackers to invade your
Creating an incident response

Inside this guide, learn actionable IR strategies that your IT

How, when, and why to use IR
tools and enterprise security teams can use to meet today's security
threats and vulnerabilities more effectively.
Incident response problem-
solving Plus, explore:

• How to build a successful IR team with 7 key roles

Prevention is key
• How to create an IR plan (a helpful chart on pg. 15)
Further reading
• Numerous IR tools and vendors on the market

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In this e-guide
Ultimate guide to incident response and
Introduction management
What is incident response? Kevin Beaver, Principle Logic, LCC

Here's why incident response is something your entire organization has to

Why do you need it?
care about: Hackers are likely trying to invade your network, and security
vulnerabilities likely make this easier than you would believe.
Building an IR team

Indeed, we have evolved from a time when executive leaders were mostly
IR methodology
disconnected from the information security function to an era where it's top
of mind for many such former naysayers. And for good reason: There's likely
Creating an incident response
not a day that goes by that your organization isn't under attack or otherwise
exposed to IT-related security risks.
How, when, and why to use IR
Security threats and vulnerabilities, and the subsequent incidents and
breaches that they can lead to, affect organizations of all kinds. Literally
every business -- both large and small and across every industry -- is a
Incident response problem-
solving target for criminal hackers and careless employees alike. The question is:
What are you doing about it?
Prevention is key

Further reading

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This is where incident response (IR) comes into play.

In this e-guide

Introduction What is incident response?

What is incident response? Incident response is the process of detecting security events that affect
network resources and information assets and then taking the appropriate
Why do you need it? steps to evaluate and clean up what has happened. Incident response is
critical to today's businesses because, simply put, there is so much to lose.
Building an IR team From the simplest of malware infections to unencrypted laptops that are lost
or stolen to compromised login credentials and database exposures, both
IR methodology the short- and long-term ramifications of these incidents can have a lasting
impact on the business.
Creating an incident response

Why do you need it?

How, when, and why to use IR
Security breaches can require notification, resulting in customer distrust,
reputation loss, regulatory fines, legal fees and cleanup costs. And these can
Incident response problem-
all come at once -- in ways that even the most financially secure of
businesses can have trouble absorbing.
Prevention is key

Further reading

Page 3 of 28

In this e-guide


What is incident response?

Why do you need it?

Building an IR team

IR methodology

Networks, software and end users can only reach a certain level of
Creating an incident response
resilience. Oversights will occur, and mistakes will happen. What matters is
what you have done, in advance, to minimize the impact of a security
incident on your organization. You can't prevent hackers from existing, but
How, when, and why to use IR
tools you can be proactive in prevention and response. That's why having a
functional team, the proper technologies and a well-written incident
Incident response problem- response plan are essential for being able to respond to such events in a
solving prompt and professional manner.

Prevention is key

Further reading

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An important aspect of understanding incident response is fleshing out the

In this e-guide necessary elements in your security program to differentiate between
threats and vulnerabilities:
• Threat: An indication or stimulus, such as a criminal hacker or
What is incident response? dishonest employee, that's looking to exploit a vulnerability for ill-
gotten gains.
Why do you need it?
• Vulnerability: A weakness in a computer system, a business process
or people that can be exploited.

Building an IR team
Threats exploit vulnerabilities, which, in turn, create business risk. The
potential consequences include unauthorized access to sensitive
IR methodology
information assets, identity theft, systems taken offline, and legal and
compliance violations.
Creating an incident response
Related terms include the following:

• Breach: An incident where sensitive information, such as intellectual

How, when, and why to use IR property or customer records, is exposed.
• Hack (sometimes referred to as an attack): The act of a criminal
hacker (or hackers) or a rogue user doing something such as taking
Incident response problem- your systems offline, planting or spreading malware, or stealing
solving information assets.
• Incident: An attack that's successful in draining computing resources,
Prevention is key obtaining unauthorized access, or otherwise putting information
assets and related network resources at risk.
Further reading

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• Network (or security) event: A term that lawyers often to use to refer
In this e-guide to potential security issues that haven't yet been confirmed or the
details of which aren't ready to be released to outside parties or the
Introduction public.

Attacks don't always lead to incidents, and incidents don't always lead to
What is incident response?
breaches. They're all considered network events and are often played down
until the details can be obtained. It all depends on what took place and what
Why do you need it?
can be determined after the fact.
Building an IR team
The purpose of this guide is to give IT and enterprise security teams
actionable incident response strategies to meet today's security threats and
IR methodology
vulnerabilities more effectively. This is regardless of whether you have an
existing IR program or you're just getting started. It can also serve to help
Creating an incident response
plan get business executives on board with this critical function of a well-run
information security program and highlight ways users may need more
How, when, and why to use IR security training. You can use this information to improve your incident
tools response capabilities, share it with executive management to further their
understanding and get buy-in on your security initiatives, and even use it as a
Incident response problem- basis for your policies and ongoing user security awareness and training

Prevention is key

Further reading

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In this e-guide


What is incident response?

Why do you need it?

Building an IR team

IR methodology

Creating an incident response


How, when, and why to use IR


Incident response problem-


Prevention is key

Further reading

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Key Takeaways
In this e-guide
1. Incident response is an organized approach to rapidly respond to
Introduction security incidents.
2. A solid IR plan starts with building the right team.
3. Incident response is a process but technology can help automate
What is incident response?
certain functions.

Why do you need it?

Building an IR team
Building an IR team
A good incident response program starts with building a great team. Without
IR methodology
the right people, security policies, processes and tools mean very little. An IR
team is made up of a cross-functional group of people from diverse parts of
Creating an incident response
the business, including IT and security, operations, legal and public relations.
One or more of these roles could -- and should -- be at the executive
management level. The reason for this is to ensure the highest level of
How, when, and why to use IR
tools decision-making and that the business's best interests are kept in mind.

Incident response problem-


Prevention is key

Further reading

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In this e-guide
What does an IR team do?
Introduction The overall goal of an incident response team should be to detect and
respond to security incidents in order to minimize their impact on the
What is incident response?
business. Such teams are often referred to as a computer security incident
response team (CSIRT) or a computer emergency response (or readiness)
Why do you need it?
team (CERT). A larger group of incident response professionals are often
pulled together into a security operations center (SOC), whose scope is
Building an IR team
broader than incident response. The name of your IR team is largely
irrelevant because its goals are the same.
IR methodology
Whatever the name, the IR team should be working to support its role in the
Creating an incident response overall incident response plan, which itself should complement the goals of
your information security program and overall business. Team goals might
include working on response times and impact minimization, conducting
How, when, and why to use IR
periodic meetings and performing tabletop exercises. In order for these
goals to work, they need to be very specific, written in the present tense and
Incident response problem-
include steps that must be accomplished along with deadlines to help with
solving accountability. The following are examples of IR team goals that might be
developed by the team itself or an overarching security committee:
Prevention is key
• We develop metrics for analyzing our incident response program
initiatives that involve monitoring and alerting, communication among
Further reading
team members, and technology evaluations.

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• We update our incident response plan document periodically and

In this e-guide consistently.
• We create and execute three separate tabletop exercises for incident
Introduction response simulations.
• We engage our security committee and executive management to
report on incidents, actions taken and additional improvements
What is incident response?
needed for incident response.

Why do you need it? The IR team -- or program manager -- would flesh out each of these goals
with specific steps needed to meet each one, along with deadlines so that
Building an IR team everyone on the team knows what's expected and what to aim for.

IR methodology Another thing to keep in mind with your incident response team goals is to
make sure that they are both reasonable and achievable and, most
Creating an incident response importantly, that they are being reviewed and followed. Otherwise, they can
plan become an afterthought and evolve into a liability rather than an asset. It's
even more complicated if, after an incident or confirmed breach, someone
finds that documented incident response procedures were nonexistent or
How, when, and why to use IR
tools not followed at all.

An essential part of incident response is understanding the various team

Incident response problem-
solving member roles and responsibilities. After all, what good are goals if you don't
have the right people on board, or you have people working on the team but
Prevention is key their expectations are not clear? At a minimum, you should outline in your
incident response plan, or elsewhere, specific roles and responsibilities.
Further reading

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In this e-guide


What is incident response?

Why do you need it?

Building an IR team

IR methodology

Creating an incident response


How, when, and why to use IR


Incident response problem-


Prevention is key

Further reading

Page 11 of 28

Incident response skills

In this e-guide
The IR team should include the following:
• Technical team: IT and security team members.
• Executive sponsor: A senior executive charged with overseeing
What is incident response?
information security.
• Incident response coordinator: The person responsible for ongoing
Why do you need it? management of the team and incidents.
• Media relations coordinator: Your PR representative in charge of
Building an IR team interfacing with the news media and related outlets once a breach
• Forensic analyst: A forensics expert internal to the company or an
IR methodology
outside adviser.
• Outside consultant: A third-party information security or incident
Creating an incident response response expert.
• Legal counsel: Your corporate attorney or outside law firm that would
represent your organization as needed for incidents and breaches.
How, when, and why to use IR
tools Incident response requires a number of skills. At the heart of an IR team is
the core group of technical staff and incident responders who defend an
Incident response problem- organization against cyberthreats. These members are skilled at security
and can execute on tasks such as monitoring the network for vulnerabilities
and breaches and taking the appropriate measures where necessary.
Prevention is key
As for incident responders, these team members use data to spot and
assess the scope or urgency of incidents and perform other ongoing IR
Further reading
duties. They may also report on trends, educate the organization's users and

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liaise with law enforcement. There are specific questions that can help
In this e-guide organizations better hire these team members.

Introduction But technical skills are not all that's required for successful incident
response. As noted above, a solid IR team will need cross-functional
What is incident response? members who can execute on nontechnical tasks, such as talking with the
media and responding to legal issues. The actual titles for each of these
Why do you need it? roles can vary from organization to organization depending on your existing
staff structure, staff expertise and your specific business needs. The
Building an IR team important thing is that you have the right people on board.

IR methodology In terms of team building, rather than pulling people into your incident
response team who may not want to be there, seek out those in the
Creating an incident response organization who are interested in the topic and are eager to add value to
plan this critical aspect of security. Each IT and security team member has his or
her own interests, and incident response may not be one of them. Moreover,
How, when, and why to use IR it's critical to have both technical and nontechnical people on your IR team.
The technical people will know the network environment and can help dig
into the details in system logs, network packet captures, vulnerability
Incident response problem-
scanner reports and the like. Nontechnical people can help lead the
oversight and team communications required to keep everyone in the know,
Prevention is key
ask the not-so-obvious questions, and help in the decision-making process
so that business interests are properly represented. You might consider
Further reading
linking to an overall business communication plan that may exist.

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In this e-guide
IR methodology
Introduction An incident response plan is a go-to document for when the going gets
rough with security issues. It outlines the who, what, when, why and how of
What is incident response?
addressing security events, incidents, and, once confirmed, breaches. It's
important because the last thing you need to be doing under duress is
Why do you need it?
figuring out how to respond to these challenges. In fact, when you don't have
a documented plan, you'll be reacting. And when you react, you lose your
Building an IR team
ability to reason. You're flying by the seat of your pants. You can't think
clearly, and you're quite likely not going to make good decisions. By having a
IR methodology
documented IR plan, you can respond with clarity and direction and avoid
letting emotions drive your response efforts.
Creating an incident response

How, when, and why to use IR


Incident response problem-


Prevention is key

Further reading

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In this e-guide
Creating an incident response plan
Introduction An incident response plan should be developed by the team or IR
coordinator in advance and should contain the components detailed in the
What is incident response?
chart below.

Why do you need it? Incident plan Purpose and scope

Building an IR team
Overview Introduces the plan; details high-level goals, the scope
IR methodology of what's covered and assumptions that have been
Creating an incident response
plan Outline of Lists and discusses the duties and expectations of each
roles and of the team members.
How, when, and why to use IR responsibilities
Detailed list of Outlines the specific threats, exploits and situations that
Incident response problem- incidents require formal incident response actions. The
solving requiring possibilities are endless, but could include denial-of-
action service attacks, malware infections, email phishing and
Prevention is key lost or stolen laptops. Note: This is arguably the most
important part of the incident response plan.
Further reading

Page 15 of 28

Detection, The beginning of the actual incident response

In this e-guide
investigation procedures that you plan to use; this includes directives
and on tasks such as analyzing the situations, notifying team
containment members, getting outside parties involved, securing the
procedures network, confirming the incident, gathering evidence and
What is incident response?
reporting on findings.

Why do you need it? Eradication Provides the general steps for cleaning up the incident
steps and may include network traffic and system log analysis,
Building an IR team forensics review and subsequent vulnerability testing to
confirm resolution.
IR methodology
The recovery Details tasks in the recovery phase, such as reinstalling
Creating an incident response phase or reimaging hosts, resetting passwords, and adjusting
plan firewall rules and related network configurations.

How, when, and why to use IR Breach Outlines the how and when to alert those impacted by a
tools notification confirmed breach as required by contracts or law.

Incident response problem- Follow-up Discusses additional reports, enhanced documentation

solving tasks and lessons learned that might come out of this phase.

Prevention is key

Further reading

Page 16 of 28

Call list (in the Provides contact information for incident response team
In this e-guide
appendix) members and involved outside vendors, such as internet
service providers and cloud service providers.
Testing Outlines specific testing scenarios that have been or will
What is incident response? scenarios be carried out.
Why do you need it?
Revision Outlines details on plan updates and improvements,
Building an IR team history including who did it and when it was done.
IR methodology

Everyone's plan will look a little different depending on specific needs.

Creating an incident response
However, the essentials covered by this incident response template are
standard and should be included in every organizations' plan. There are IR
best practices and other resources available from organizations that you
How, when, and why to use IR
tools might consider integrating into your plan.

NIST, US-CERT, ISACA and ISO/IEC all provide frameworks that

Incident response problem-
solving organizations can use as guidance. For example, the NIST "Computer
Security Incident Handling Guide" includes an incident response framework
Prevention is key in the form of an IR lifecycle -- preparation; detection and analysis;
containment, eradication and recovery; and post-incident activity.
Further reading

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Additional frameworks are available from the SANS Institute, the Institute of
In this e-guide Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Internet Engineering Task Force
and the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security.
An incident response plan should not be combined with documents on other
What is incident response? organizational security plans and procedures, such as such as an overview
of security policies or disaster recovery and business continuity plans.
Why do you need it? Instead, it works best as a stand-alone document that all your incident
response team members know about and have easy access to -- both on
Building an IR team the network and in hard-copy form. In addition to consulting frameworks
from the organizations mentioned above, it can help to start with an incident
IR methodology response plan template to guide you in the right direction.

Creating an incident response Creating an incident response plan requires the expertise and input of all
plan your incident response team members. A good way to go about establishing
an incident response plan -- or, even, fleshing out your existing one -- is to
How, when, and why to use IR divvy up the various parts to the necessary team members. Once everyone
has fleshed out their section, the incident response team can pull it all
together into a single document and start working on editing and forming
Incident response problem-
the final version. Keep in mind that your incident response plan is not unlike
any given security policy; it's a work in progress. So, you want to make sure
Prevention is key
that it's reviewed periodically and adjusted appropriately as changes to your
network, security and business come about.
Further reading

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To put a fine point on it: Your incident response plan needs to be kept
In this e-guide current, or it cannot keep your organization safe.


How, when and why to use IR tools

What is incident response?
If information security is considered a strategic function of the business (and
Why do you need it? it often is), then incident response would be a tactical component of the
security program. A military concept associated with the decisions and
Building an IR team actions needed for effective incident response -- dubbed the OODA loop --
is a cycle where you observe, orient, decide and act. The essence of the
IR methodology OODA loop is to use situational awareness and information to see impactful
events, such as security incidents, unfold so you can quickly respond and
Creating an incident response gain an advantage toward thwarting the threat. This enables you to minimize
the impact of threats on your business.

How, when, and why to use IR


Incident response problem-


Prevention is key

Further reading

Page 19 of 28

In this e-guide


What is incident response?

Why do you need it?

Building an IR team

IR methodology

Creating an incident response


How, when, and why to use IR


Incident response problem-


Prevention is key

Further reading

Page 20 of 28

The OODA loop can be utilized as an overall approach to incident response

In this e-guide and can also help define which security tools you use in the process.
Whether from the functions of prevention, detection or response, there are
numerous incident response tools that can be used in this regard. For
example, the visibility provided by packet analysis, system resource
What is incident response?
examination and file integrity monitoring are technologies you can use to
fulfill the observe component of the OODA loop. Technologies that use real-
Why do you need it?
time threat indicators and threat intelligence can provide context on attacks
and be used to fulfill the orient component of the OODA loop. The decide
Building an IR team
component could be fulfilled by tools that provide forensic details, including
replays of what happened in order to shed light on context and technical
IR methodology
information. This can help you make more informed decisions on what to do
-- or what not to do -- during the incident response process. Finally, the act
Creating an incident response
component of the OODA loop can be fulfilled by activities such as blocking,
redirecting or quarantining threats in order to minimize their effects on your
How, when, and why to use IR
network and information assets.
While incident response is a process, technology can automate certain
Incident response problem-
functions to help minimize the time involved and eliminate errors. IR-focused
solving technology vendors provide tools for functions such as the following:

Prevention is key
• net flow and traffic analysis;
• vulnerability management;
• security incident and event management;
Further reading
• endpoint detection and response;

Page 21 of 28

• firewall, intrusion prevention and denial-of-service mitigation; and

In this e-guide • forensic analysis.

Introduction Most technology products in this space are commercial, so you'll need the
budget -- sometimes a big one -- for both capital and operating
What is incident response? expenditures associated with these tools. As an alternative, there are open
source software offerings for most of these areas. You'll have to decide
Why do you need it? whether open source can meet your specific business requirements and
what level of effort will be involved in doing so. You must also consider
Building an IR team whether the open source software will be around over the long haul after
you've invested so much in establishing your incident response efforts.
IR methodology
Of course, as with any new technical control you put in place, you'll need to
Creating an incident response make sure you have the staff and expertise. Having the necessary resources
plan is critical not only in terms of initial design and implementation, but also with
day-to-day administration, troubleshooting and so on.
How, when, and why to use IR
tools One final point: Does it make sense to fully integrate the OODA loop with
your incident response efforts? It depends. You might at least consider it as
Incident response problem- a guideline for your approach to incident response and customize your
methodology according to your needs. Similarly, you can't simply depend on
IR tools to run your entire incident response program. The reality is, the
Prevention is key
success of the IR function depends on many factors, such as business
culture, security buy-in, network design, budget and people. As with your
Further reading
incident response plan document, your IR methodology and tools are going

Page 22 of 28

to be unique based on your specific business requirements. If you follow the

In this e-guide core OODA steps and use incident response tools where appropriate, that
will put you at an advantage -- ahead of the curve -- and that's where you
need to be.

What is incident response?

Incident response problem-solving

Why do you need it?
Problem-solving is a key part of incident response. Even though the OODA
Building an IR team loop is about decision-making, it's important to not get caught up in the
process of it or any other incident response methodology. It's easy to get
IR methodology sidetracked and lose sight of what's important, and that's prioritization.
Looking at this from the perspective of incidents requiring actions discussed
Creating an incident response above, you must be able to prioritize what to focus your efforts on and know
which ones you can ignore. You go about doing this by considering which
security events are urgent, which are important and how you'll need to
How, when, and why to use IR
respond to the various scenarios. The best way to do this is to view security
events, incidents and confirmed breaches in terms of the following:
Incident response problem-
1. What's urgent but not important?
2. What's important but not urgent?
3. What's both urgent and important?
Prevention is key

Further reading

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An example of an urgent but not important issue would be a malware

In this e-guide infection on a branch office sales workstation that only connects to the
office network or internet via guest Wi-Fi. An example of an important but
not urgent issue is a new, recently imaged laptop that is lost but that doesn't
yet contain any business-related information. Examples of an urgent and
What is incident response?
important situation is a distributed denial-of-service attack against an e-
commerce website, a malware infection affecting production servers and
Why do you need it?
phishing attempts against executives that have led to the compromise of
network credentials. Urgent and important scenarios are those where
Building an IR team
something bad is happening to a critical business resource or asset and you
know that something must be done quickly.
IR methodology

You'll find that many security issues you're forced to address fall into the
Creating an incident response
first two categories above. Although they may need to be addressed in
some way, they'll likely only serve as a distraction. This is why you must be
How, when, and why to use IR
good at filtering out the noise and focusing on the things that really matter
tools for your particular environment. The third category -- both urgent and
important -- is where you'll find most of your incident response resources
Incident response problem- should be dedicated. What's important is that you take the bigger picture
solving into account and address the security events that are most impactful
towards your critical network resources and information assets.
Prevention is key

Further reading

Page 24 of 28

In today's technology-centric world where decisions are often made for us,
In this e-guide it's becoming more of a struggle to find IT and security staff who can truly
solve problems, especially when under the pressure of a security event. As it
relates to incident response in your security program as a whole, ensure that
problem-solving involves the proper areas, which include defining the
What is incident response?
problem, determining all possible solutions, deciding on the best solution and
then taking purposeful action.
Why do you need it?

Building an IR team Prevention is key

IR methodology Prevention is critical to incident response. You create a great IR program so
you are ready to mitigate cyberattacks and deal with security mishaps and
Creating an incident response exploits. However, your first line of defense is to keep your network safe and
your users empowered and security-aware. The security incidents that can
create the most damage are those that exploit the gullibility of your network
How, when, and why to use IR
users, malware, and misconfigured computer systems and software that can
be exploited for further enumeration and penetration. The average small
Incident response problem-
business, midmarket corporation or large enterprise has countless
solving vulnerabilities that have yet to be acknowledged, much less addressed.
Knowing what we know today and having such advanced tools at our
Prevention is key disposal, there's simply no reason to offer low-hanging fruit to hackers.
Weak passwords, missing patches and unsecured information can easily
Further reading lead to an incident or confirmed breach. Unfortunately, that's typically how

Page 25 of 28

incidents and breaches occur, so it's up to the incident response team or the
In this e-guide security committee to determine where the gaps and opportunities lie and
then vow to not let them lead to the downfall of your business.
Rather than implementing more paperwork and technical controls policies,
What is incident response? processes and technologies -- many of which can serve as mere
bureaucracy or a false sense of security -- what's often needed most is
Why do you need it? discipline. The discipline to acknowledge security threats and vulnerabilities.
The discipline to acknowledge weaknesses in your information security
Building an IR team program, including incident response. The discipline to take reasonable
steps to prevent most incident scenarios. And the discipline to have the
IR methodology proper visibility and control in place to minimize the impact of the exploits
that do get through.
Creating an incident response

How, when, and why to use IR


Incident response problem-


Prevention is key

Further reading

Page 26 of 28

Incident response is not just an IT and security issue that's overseen and
In this e-guide executed by technical professionals. Instead, it's a core business function
that's arguably as important as anything on the legal, financial or operations
side of the business. Business leaders must understand that information
security is a critical underpinning of the enterprise that must be supported at
What is incident response?
the highest of levels. Unless and until critical aspects of security are
mastered, including incident response, it's a matter of time before the going
Why do you need it?
gets rough, the questioning begins and intrusive investigations ensue. It's
unreasonable to expect a perfect security program. Still, it's better to get
Building an IR team
started on improving your incident response efforts now before you're
forced to.
IR methodology

Creating an incident response Next Article


How, when, and why to use IR


Incident response problem-


Prevention is key

Further reading

Page 27 of 28

In this e-guide
About SearchSecurity
IT security pros turn to SearchSecurity for the information they require to
keep their corporate data, systems and assets secure. We're the only
What is incident response?
information resource that provides immediate access to breaking industry
news, virus alerts, new hacker threats and attacks, security certification
Why do you need it?
training resources, security standard compliance, webcasts, white papers,
Building an IR team
podcasts, Security Schools, a selection of highly focused security
newsletters and more -- all at no cost.
IR methodology

Creating an incident response

For further reading, visit
plan SearchSecurity.com
Images; Fotalia
How, when, and why to use IR
©2019 TechTarget. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means
without written permission from the publisher.

Incident response problem-


Prevention is key

Further reading

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