Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Impaired physical After 1-3 days of Instruct patient with techniques Rocking from side to side helps to After 1-3 days of
“He was mobility related nursing intervention, that initiate movement. start the leg movement. nursing intervention,
diagnosed with to Parkinson’s the patient will Instruct patient to get out of the Parkinson disease causes rigidity the patient’s
Parkinson’s disease as improve and chair by moving to edge of the tremors, bradykinesia and may functional mobility
Disease 2 evidenced by maintain functional seat, placing hands on arm result in difficulty getting out of a was improved
months ago” tremor and mobility as long as supports, bending forward, and chair.
shuffling gate possible within then rocking to a standing
Objective: limitations of disease position.
Tremblin process Teach the patient to concentrate A special walking technique must
g of arms on walking erect and use a wide- be learned to offset the shuffling
and hands based gait. gait and the tendency to lean
Can walk If client is mostly immobile, forward.
but slowly encourage him or her to attend a Chair exercises have been shown
Shuffling low-intensity aerobic chair to increase flexibility and balance
gait exercise class that includes
stretching and strengthening chair
Instruct patient to raise the head
of the bed and make position These measures reduce
changes slowly. Teach patient to orthostatic hypotension.
dangle legs a few minutes before
standing. Avoid dehydration and
maintain adequate dietary salt.
Provide warm baths and Helps relax muscles and relieve
massages. painful muscle spasms that
Administer anti parkinsonian accompany rigidity.
drugs as prescribed by the
physician (Levadopa and