Estimation of Residual Stress
Estimation of Residual Stress
Estimation of Residual Stress
Residual stress and magnetic behavior of multiferroic CoFe 2 O 4 / Pb ( Zr 0.52 Ti 0.48 ) O 3 thin films
J. Appl. Phys. 105, 084113 (2009); 10.1063/1.3115452
Lattice strain and lattice expansion of the SrRuO 3 layers in SrRuO 3 / PbZr 0.52 Ti 0.48 O 3 / SrRuO 3
multilayer thin films
J. Appl. Phys. 92, 101 (2002); 10.1063/1.1483369
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174103-2 Dutta et al. J. Appl. Phys. 114, 174103 (2013)
furnace for 30 min in air. To check the ferroelectric nature of From literature, Elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio for the
the multilayer film, electric field induced polarization (P-E PZT thin film are found to be 130 GPa and 0.3, respec-
loop) measurement has been performed. Since the PZT-BFO tively;17 and for BFO thin film 133 GPa and 0.25.21
multilayer was deposited on SiO2/Si, there is no bottom elec- The macroscopic/average in-plane residual stress in the
trode. Therefore, the electrical properties of the multilayer thin films is determined by ex-situ wafer-curvature measure-
thin film were studied in-plane by generating inter-digitated ments using TOHO FLX-2320S laser reflectance system. An
terminal (IDT) patterns on top of the film. The multilayer film accurate fit for the radius of curvature of the substrate was
exhibited remnant polarization (Pr) of 30 lC/cm2 and coer- determined using a line scan consisting of 50 points. To av-
cive field of (Ec) 214 kV/cm. Dielectric constant (room tem- erage out the residual stress value, two curvature measure-
perature) of the multilayer films is estimated to be 650 at ments are taken along the diameter—first, perpendicular to
1 KHz. Details on the study of electrical properties of these the wafer’s primary flat and second, parallel to the primary
films are being communicated separately. flat. Initially, radius of curvature (R0) of the oxidized silicon
Phase and crystalline structure of the PZT-BFO film was substrate is measured as the reference point. Subsequently,
analyzed using high resolution XRD (PANalytical PW the wafer curvatures are measured after ZrO2, PZT-BFO
3050/65 X-Pert Pro MRD HRXRD) in h–2h geometry as multilayer depositions on the oxidized silicon. The changes
shown in Fig. 1. It is well known that changes in the crystal- in radius of curvatures (R) after each film deposition can
lographic inter-planer spacing (dhkl) can be used with Bragg then be used to calculate the residual stress (r) in that partic-
equation to detect elastic strain in the crystal. To estimate ular film via the famous Stoney’s equation16,19
the changes in the crystallographic inter-planer spacing 2
(dhkl), XRD data are recorded around the corresponding dif- Es ts 1 1
r¼ : (3)
fraction angle (2h) of the plane at different incident angles 1 s 6tf R R0
(w). Then strain (e) in the crystal can be found out by using
Eq. (1). Residual stress (r) of the sample can be estimated This well-known equation is valid only in the thin- film re-
from the slope of e and sin2w and by using Eq. (2).16–18 gime (ts tf). Hence, the calculation of residual stress in the
film only requires knowledge of substrate Young’s modulus
d0ðhklÞ dðhklÞ (Es) and Poisson’s ratio ( s) and does not rely on the material
eðhkl:wÞ ¼ ; (1)
d0ðhklÞ properties of the film. For Silicon (100) wafer, Es ¼ 130 GPa
and s ¼ 0.28.22
eðhkl:wÞ Ef
r¼ : (2)
Sin2 w ð1 þ f Þ
Here, d(hkl) and d0(hkl), respectively, indicate the d spacing of Fig. 1 shows the XRD patterns of the buffer ZrO2 and
the (hkl) plane in the film and that in the bulk. Elastic modu- PZT-BFO multilayer films. The diffraction pattern shows
lus is Ef and f is Poisson’s ratio. For the present PZT-BFO that the deposited ZrO2 films are polycrystalline in nature
(3:2) multilayer film, the effective elastic modulus and having orientations along (110), (211), (220), (003), and
Poisson’s ratio are estimated by weighted average (310) planes. From the XRD peaks at 30 , 50 , and multiple
3x EfðPZTÞ þ2x EfðBFOÞ peaks around 55 , one can visualize that the ZrO2 film de-
EfðPZT=BFOÞ ¼ and posited on the Si sample is monoclinic.20 The diffraction pat-
3x fðPZTÞ þ2x fðBFOÞ tern of PZT-BFO multilayer shows polycrystalline
fðPZT=BFOÞ ¼ : perovskite structure having contribution of several orienta-
tions, namely (100), (110), (111), (200), (210), (211), (220),
and (310). The XRD data also show a sharp peak corre-
sponding to the Si (004) contributed from silicon substrate.
It is also well known that for the estimation of residual
stress by XRD, higher angle peak should be chosen and at
the same time the peaks should have sufficient intensity.
From the XRD pattern in Fig. 1, one can see that the peaks
corresponding to (200) and (211) planes have sufficient in-
tensity for this analysis. Hence, XRD data are recorded
around these planes at 8 different X-ray incident angles w
(0 , 15.50 , 22.21 , 27.58 , 32.31 , 36.70 , 40.89 , and 45 )
as shown in Fig. 2. The values of w are chosen to get equidis-
tant Sin2w values during d-spacing vs. sin2w plot. Fig. 3
shows the variation of d-spacing of (200) and (211) planes
with Sin2w. Corresponding residual stress values for the mul-
tilayer thin film are estimated by using XRD peaks and
PANalytical X0 Pert-stressTM software based on Eqs. (1) and
(2). The residual stress values are found to be tensile in na-
FIG. 1. XRD pattern of PZT-BFO multilayer thin film and ZrO2 buffer layer. ture. The estimated stress values are 825.4 MPa and 756.9
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174103-3 Dutta et al. J. Appl. Phys. 114, 174103 (2013)
FIG. 3. Plot of d-spacing of (a) (200) and (b) (211) planes vs. Sin2w.
FIG. 2. XRD peaks of (a) (200) and (b) (211) planes at different incident Individual PZT and BFO layers are not distinguishable in
angles (w).
SEM cross-section. This is because the interfaces of the
layers are not abrupt. As all the layers are annealed at the
MPa corresponding to the (200) and (211) planes, respec- final stage, inter-diffusion of elements might have occurred
tively. The average residual stress of the PZT-BFO multi- across the individual layers. From Tables I and II, the ZrO2
layer estimated from the XRD technique is therefore buffer layer is found to possess 279.88MPa (average) macro-
791.15MPa. scopic stress. The macroscopic residual stress (tensile) val-
Residual stress generated due to deposition of ZrO2, ues are found to be 803.63 MPa and 744.84 MPa
PZT-BFO multilayer thin films are calculated from the corresponding to wafer curvature measured perpendicular
changes in radius of curvature of the wafer measured perpen- and parallel to primary flat, respectively. The average macro-
dicular and parallel to primary flat as shown in Figs. 4(a) and scopic residual stress is found to be 774.23MPa.
4(b), respectively. The sol-gel deposited PZT-BFO multilayer thin film
The measured radii of curvature of the sample along possesses residual stress components, which varies from mi-
perpendicular and parallel to primary wafer flat are reported croscopic to macroscopic range. The microscopic stress
in Tables I and II, respectively. Thickness of the ZrO2, arises due to lattice mismatch between PZT and BFO layers,
PZT-BFO multilayer thin films is measured from SEM constrained densification and shrinkage during annealing,
cross-section as shown in Fig. 5. Thickness of the ZrO2 seed formation of inter-granular stresses as anisotropic grains
layer is found to be 40 nm; on the other hand, thickness of grow, as well as the stress caused by the transformation from
the PZT-BFO multilayer thin film is found to be 130 nm. one phase to another. The macroscopic component of the
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174103-4 Dutta et al. J. Appl. Phys. 114, 174103 (2013)
TABLE II. Wafer curvature measured parallel to primary flat.
The authors acknowledge Director SSPL for his continu-
Radius of Substrate/ stress in
ous support and for the permission to publish this work. Help
Bow curvature layer thin film from other colleagues is also acknowledged.
Substrate/layer (lm) (m) thickness (MPa)
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