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February 2019.
Concept design by Airbus Multi Media Studio,
Photos by Airbus, Jerome Deulin, Eric Raz,
Light&Shadow, Anthony Pecchi, Thierry Rostang.
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H160 BR 02-2019
H160 001
reinvents the
New development logic
Helicopter “0” concept:
“Iron Bird” bench for integrated systems
and “wind tunnel” bench for dynamics.
Help is on its way
H160 is ready to fly in less than 2min,
up to 155kts and fly more than 420NM.
The perfect secondary mission aircraft.
Patient centric
Help with patient stabilization:
No vibration even at Max speed.
Unique “flat” ride.
No downwash during loading operations.
& Business
ACH160 the ultimate
passenger experience.
Ultra-modern, fast and agile, with
a stylistically demanding design
and the highest possible levels
of comfort.
Developed in both ACH Line and ACH
Exclusive versions, the interior is fully
customizable from 4 up to 10 passengers
with combinations of armchairs and
luxurious bench seats and the option
of integrating cabinets as required.
ACH - Airbus Corporate Helicopters
is the Airbus Helicopters offer dedicated
to its private and corporate customers
offering end to end service-based
ownership experience.
008 H160 H160 009
Access more platforms (D-value < S76).
Lowest cost/seat/NM in the 12pax class.
Save training with Helionix®.
Committed to production
Built in system monitoring.
Avoid unnecessary return to base through
the use of sensors' redundancy.
New corrosion-resistant material (HiTak™).
HLO friendly (New RPM laws on ground).
010 H160 H160 011
pilot VFR/IFR
or 2 + Up to 12
kts 150kts
Max cruise speed
5,670kg / 12,500lbs
6,050kg / 13,340lbs
EGW Extended weight at
day one, no penalties
9,200ft 6,500ft
Max range
Max altitude
012 H160 H160 013
Digital continuity
Full digital eco-system, consistent and intuitive,
decreasing human factors risks.
3D technical Publications.
Multi-platform ground segment.
FlyScan services for HUMS analysis.
Field maintainability
Quick and easy opening engine and MGB cowlings.
Optimized access to upper deck.
Main and nose avionic bay architecture
based on MMEL requirements.
Important to you,
essential to us.