The Principle of Separation of Powers - Constitutional Guarantee
The Principle of Separation of Powers - Constitutional Guarantee
The Principle of Separation of Powers - Constitutional Guarantee
The principle of ensuring the legal bases of the State functioning is the fundamental principle of law which actually settles
down the principle of separation of powers: legislative, executive and judicial power. Over the time, the principle of separation
of powers, although in practice its enforcement experienced more than two centuries, it hasn’t expressed itself in a pure form,
not even in the most advanced democracies. Whether it is approached the thesis of a more flexible or more rigid separation of
powers or the thesis on certain exceptions to those two situations specific to certain political regimes, the principle of
separation of powers is the fundamental mechanism in ensuring a balance of powers and preventing the establishment of a
dictatorial or authoritarian regime. The complex content of the rule of law consists of: the rule of law regency; the
capitalization on the actual size of the fundamental rights and freedoms; the achievement of the balance/mutual cooperation
of public authorities and the performance of free access to justice. If the form of State organization of the political power of
the people is done by several groups or categories of State bodies with functions and features clearly defined and characterized
by organizational and functional autonomy, as well as mutual balance and collaboration, it is emerging the principle of
separation of the State powers balance.
Keywords: fundamental principle; principle of ensuring legal bases; principle of separation of powers; balance of
* Associate Professor, PhD. – Faculty of Law – University “Bioterra” of Bucharest; Asoc.Researcher - Romanian Academy – Institute of
Legal Research “Acad. Andrei Radulescu” (e-mail: [email protected]).
Léon Duguit, Traité de droit constitutionnel, (Tome II, Paris, 1923).
Serban Alexandrina. Law - as system, (Hamangiu Publishing House. Bucharest. 2012), 51-54.
412 Challenges of the Knowledge Society. Public Law
Over the time, the principle of separation of effective means to weaken the omnipotence of the State,
powers3, although it experienced in its enforcement a spreading its prerogatives6.
practice of more than two centuries, it was not Whether discussing of a flexible or rigid
expressed in a pure form not event in the advanced separation of powers, by certain exceptions in both
democracies. cases (specific to a regime or other), the principle of
The principle of separation of powers was set for separation of powers - is the main mechanism to ensure
the first time by Aristotle in his work Politics and was a balance and to prevent a dictatorial regime.
later developed by the school of natural law - Grotius, In terms of terminology, the doctrine attributed
Wolff, Puffendorf - and then by John Locke, but finding two meanings to the separation of powers theory7:
crowning in Montesquieu’s work. - In a first meaning, also called original meaning -
Aristotle in his work, Politics, in Book IV, speaks being the non-despotic form of political organization,
of segregation of powers in the State, asserting that: In in which not all powers are assigned to the same person
every State, there are three parties, which the or authority.
legislature shall deal with if it’s wise to appoint them - In a second meaning that is emphasized by the
as best as possible, given first any individual interests. modern doctrine, reference is made to the need for
These three parties once well organized, the whole separation and independence of powers, specialized
State is necessarily well organized itself, and States can authorities of the State, to ensure the balance between
not effectively distinguish than by different them, to prevent a despotic governing and thus to
organization of these three elements. The first of these secure the individual rights and freedoms.
parties is the general assembly that deliberates on Montesquieu expressed particularly eloquent this
political affairs, the second is the body of magistrates, need: Because there is no possibility of abusing power,
which must decide the nature, the competences and the power must be defeated by power. When in one hand
mode of appointment, the third is the body of judges.4 there is joint legislative and executive power, there is
The general assembly was the deliberate body, that is, no freedomʺ8.
the real sovereign of power. The body of judges For these reasons, the separation of powers is
included officials and formed the executive power. As intended to provide a guarantee in the normal
per the courts, Aristotle shows they are made up of functioning of the relationship and the balance between
judges, and these judges make up the body of judges - them, representing one of the fundamental principles of
the judiciary power. the rule of law and with the purpose to satisfy of the
John Locke argued in his book Essay on Civilian national interest9.
Government the existence of three powers in the State, Even though between the three powers -
namely the legislative, the executive - which oversees legislative, executive and judicial there is no full
law enforcement, the federative, which represents the separation, they must work together in the words of the
State in external relations, prerogative which included principle - they must concert.
powers that remain available to the executive. Arguing What is essential in these cooperation
the idea of separation of powers, the English relationships between powers is to keep their
philosopher John Locke pointed out that the temptation independence and the separation of their judicial
to seize power would be too high if the same persons functions, also motivated by the need to exercise a
who have the power to make laws would also have in mutual control.
their hands the power to enforce them, because they According to another author10, the separation of
could exempt themselves to obey the laws which they functions between the legislative and the executive is
make5. the most critical because of the interference and the
Therefore, in his opinion, in a well-organized emergence between them of a new trinity of mutual
State, the power to make laws should be vested in an control and balance of powers: Parliament,
assembly specially convened for that purpose, but after Government and President.
the laws have been adopted, assemblies should separate This point of view, of the author mentioned
and obey the laws they have adopted. above, can be estimated to be entirely justified and we
Taking up and developing the ideas of John might add, in support, the fact that this trinity, of which
Locke, the true theoretician of this theory, Baron he is speaking, really contains a fragility to ensuring the
Charles Montesquieu and then all the liberal State balance between powers.
theorists have seen the separation of powers the
Mircea Tutunaru, Constitutional Law and political institutions, ("Scrisul Romanesc" Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015), 253-255.
Aristotel, Politics, Book IV, Chapter XI, (Bucharest, 1996).
John Locke, Two Treatises of Civil Government, ("Antet" Publishing House. Edite by Peter Laslett. Bucharest, 2011), 123-124.
Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, Public Law Treaty, ("Casa Scoalelor Publishing House, Bucharest, 1942), 243.
Sofia Popescu, Rule of Law in Contemporary Debates, (Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 1998), 84-86.
Charles Montesquieu, Spirit of law, vol.1, ("Stiintifica" Publishing House, Bucharest, 1964), 195-196.
Mihaela Adina Apostolache, The national interest and the cooperation, between the romanian president, the Parliament and the
government in the field of european affairs, (Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences Issue 6/2016, Petroleum and Gas University
Publishing House of Ploieş ti), 9-11.
Sofia Popescu, work cited, 85.
Emilian CIONGARU 413
Although in this regard many examples of the Consequently, the minister of justice, who should
lapse can be given, we can remind and submit to enjoy a maximum independence, in fact becomes an
reflection only the present situation that characterizes instrument of the executive, regardless of
the Romanian political life and the original way in acknowledgement of party affiliation or declaration as
which, quite often, these powers get to work... independent.
Therefore, it is considered justified to emphasize Another remark: the text of this article speaks
that, regardless of the degree of flexibility of the only of legality, impartiality and hierarchical control,
cooperation relationships between powers for the authority of the minister of justice, the principle of
maintaining the separation and balance, it is necessary independence, accidentally or not - being absent.
to drive a wedge primarily by any overlapping of Then the question is inherent: if this principle
functions conferred to every power, any substitution, would have been found alongside the other principles
and secondly - to distinguish between cooperation, previously mentioned, would have been inconsistent in
mediation and interference. terms of terminology with the hierarchical control, or
the latter no longer justifies its existence?
It would seem so. To discuss about an
3. Constitutional regulation of the independence to be hierarchically controlled is an
principle of the separation and balance of antagonistic approach to the problem, or at least
powers illogical.
Could this be the explanation for the omission to
To be able to find a rationale for the title of this mention in the text of the principle of independence, or
paper, we need to study the ways that can be used to it was thought to be understood?!
argue whether, how much and how it is applied and Discretions can exist in this regard and one might
observed the principle of separation and balance of conclude that in reality, the political decision-makers
powers. It would be appropriate if before any concrete did not want the independence of this institution, for the
examples of factual situations, we would first undertake simple fact that the Public Ministry is still an important
an analysis in terms of the provisions governing this leverage of power and the political forces could not do
principle, starting with the Constitution provisions. without so far.
The Constitution, as any normative act, must keep This is why the Public Ministry’s position within
up with social developments, adapt to the social, the judicial power was and still is a controversial and
political, economic context and be able to respond to unresolved issue.
both internal and international trends11. As per the wording under the authority of the
Thus, in the Constitution, art. 1 para. (4) - entitled Minister of Justice - it is hypothesized that this is not in
The Romanian State, there are mentioned three powers fact than some apparent sweetening and a masking
- legislative, executive and judicial - and that the State through substitution or avoidance of the term
is organized on the principle of separation and balance subordination.
- in the framework of the constitutional democracy. The assumption can arise that any provision given
In subsequent provisions - specifically Chapter to prosecutors by a State official, among other powers,
VI, it can however be seen that one of the powers, is in total contradiction with the principle of
namely the judicial power, becomes authority? impartiality and represents a serious threat to
Before any opinion on the compliance or breaches democracy.
of this principle of separation and balance of powers, Not infrequently, for the impartiality of a
mentioned in the Art. 1, to be first stated - to what prosecutor, the question arose of how they can be
extent these constitutional provisions are consistent impartial, given that not only they must obey the law,
with each other. but also the mandatory provisions given by the Minister
In particular, reference is made to the provisions of Justice13.
of the Constitution12 - headed The Prosecutors’ Status, No less controversial is the status of magistrate
stating inter alia that their work is carried out under the given to the prosecutor, and on the other hand, the
authority of the Minister of Justice and under the position and the role of the Public Ministry within the
hierarchical control principle. judicial power.
So it would appear appropriate to make some Referring to the institution it is clear that, in
observations on this text, motivated by the fact that, as agreement with and with that title they bear -
it is well known, almost all members of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to... - it continues to be
Government headed by Prime Minister were and are attached to all courts at all levels - factually, within the
politically enlisted or politically controlled.
Mihai Cristian Apostolache, The review of constitutional norms concerning local public administration in the view of the European
Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), (Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences Issue 3/2015, Petroleum and
Gas University Publishing House of Ploieş ti), 105.
In the Art. 132 para. (1) of the Constitution it is stated that: ʺProsecutors operate according to the principle of legality, impartiality and
hierarchical control, under the authority of the Minister of Justiceʺ.
Nicolae Cochinescu, Organization of the Judicial Power in Romania (Courts - Public Ministry - Special Jurisdictions), ("Lumina Lex"
Publishing House, Bucharest, 1997), 406-431.
414 Challenges of the Knowledge Society. Public Law
judicial power, operating according to the same are and will still be, and the only regulatory document
principle: that of hierarchical control... that might clarify, largely, or at least should begin to
Also relevant is that they are still conferred clarify these controversies would be the Constitution
identical powers to those of the judicial power, instead itself.
of this institution to be on an equal footing with the The Constitution is the supreme regulatory
defence. It is envisaged regarding this inequality not document that regulates the State organization and the
only the status, duties and powers conferred to the exercise of national sovereignty and the holder of the
prosecutor, but including their physical position in the sovereign power is the Romanian people and only the
court proceedings. In a plastic expression, the people exercises this power in two ways: through
prosecutor stands at an altitude difference in relation to representative bodies and by referendum. Thus, these
the defence. provisions confer a clear and limited mandate to the
A final example in finding the answer to the representative bodies that are entrusted with the
question: exercise of power only, so certain powers and not the
In the Constitution14 regulating the Structure of absolute power. It is not devolution of power but
the Constitutional Court, it is stated that of the nine delegation of some power functions, and the only
judges making it up, three are appointed by the holder of power is and shall remain the Romanian
Chamber of Deputies, three by the Senate and three by people, resulting in significant legal consequences,
the President. including those relating to the responsibility of all
What conclusion could be drawn from the content public authorities before the people, responsibilities
of this text? that can get clarified only under the legal provisions,
- In firstly that this prerogative of appointing specific to the rule of law.
judges to the Constitutional Court does not return
equally to all the powers listed in Art. 1 of the
Constitution. 4. Conclusions
- The only power of the three, being only the
legislative power - which is represented by the two In conclusion, as per the facts mentioned above,
Chambers of Parliament. we may point out that the principle of separation and
- That the executive and judicial powers - were balance of powers in the State is the fundamental
ʺless equalʺ in relation to the legislative power; principle of the right guaranteed unequivocally by the
- That instead of the other two omitted powers, Constitution as the supreme will of the people, as
another power appeared - that conferred to the sovereignty specifically set by the people in and for the
President to the detriment of the executive and judicial people’s interest. To achieve this principle, a
powers, which have been substituted. permanent and continuous cooperation of the State
- Equally true is the fact that increasingly more the structures should exist in achieving the people’s will,
executive power - by the multitude of ordinances and cooperation which entails clear delimitation of
legislative packages - more or less assumed, came to competences by Constitution, the existence of an
substitute in turn the legislature, which it turned into a organizational and functional autonomy, mutual
body of review. As it has been said in a more than control without the interference of a power in the duties
elegant manner: Given that on average, the and powers of the other, categorical constitutional
Governments of Romania have adopted annually in the guarantees of the commission fulfilment and the
last decade about 2,000 emergency ordinances, it is observance of the fundamental rights and freedoms of
understood that our State passed all this time by 2,000 citizens, as supreme values of existence of any civilized
extraordinary situations, in other word, almost every society. The separation of powers does not mean their
day15. isolation because each branch of power participates in
Undoubtedly this situation is actually the political the functioning of the other through a system of mutual
will and thinking existing in the adoption of the control and balancing. Thus, the separation between the
Constitution 1991, including the time of the review. legislative, the executive and judiciary powers aims to
In the spirit of separation, equality and balance prevent the establishment of a dictatorial, tyrannical or
between powers, an enshrined and thus constitutionally totalitarian regime.
guaranteed principle, it can be asked whether still in This paper is written during the susteinability
line with these principles - wouldn’t have been more stage of the project entitled “Horizon 2020 - Doctoral
equitable that the legislative power represented by the and Postdoctoral Studies: Promoting the National
two chambers to submit only three proposals, not six, Interest through Excellence, Competitiveness and
the executive in its turn to make three proposals - and Responsibility in the Field of Romanian Fundamental
instead of the president, the judicial power to make its and Applied Scientific Research”, contract number
three proposals...?! Of course, controversies existed, POSDRU/159/1.5/S/140106. This project is co-
Art. 142 para. (2) of the Constitution: ʺThe Constitutional Court consists of nine judges, appointed for a term of nine years, which can not
be extended or renewedʺ.
Art. 142 para (3) of the Constitution: ʺThree judges are appointed by the Chamber of Deputies, three by the Senate and three by the Presidentʺ.
Gheorghe Mihai, Fundamentals of Law - Objective Law Theory Springs (volume III), ("All Beck" Publishing House, Bucharest, 2004), 169.
Emilian CIONGARU 415
Aristotel, Politics, Book IV, Chapter XI, (Bucharest, 1996);
Charles Montesquieu, Spirit of law, vol.1, ("Stiintifica" Publishing House, Bucharest, 1964);
Gheorghe Mihai, Fundamentals of Law - Objective Law Theory Springs (volume III), ("All Beck" Publishing
House, Bucharest, 2004);
John Locke, Two Treatises of Civil Government, ("Antet" Publishing House. Edite by Peter Laslett.
Bucharest, 2011);
Léon Duguit, Traité de droit constitutionnel, (Tome II, Paris, 1923);
Mircea Tutunaru, Constitutional Law and political institutions, ("Scrisul Romanesc" Publishing House,
Bucharest, 2015);
Mihaela Adina Apostolache, The national interest and the cooperation, between the romanian president, the
Parliament and the government in the field of european affairs, (Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences
Issue 6/2016, Petroleum and Gas University Publishing House of Ploieş ti);
Mihai Cristian Apostolache, The review of constitutional norms concerning local public administration in
the view of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), (Journal of Law
and Administrative Sciences Issue 3/2015, Petroleum and Gas University Publishing House of Ploieş ti);
Nicolae Cochinescu, Organization of the Judicial Power in Romania (Courts - Public Ministry - Special
Jurisdictions), ("Lumina Lex" Publishing House, Bucharest, 1997);
Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, Public Law Treaty, ("Casa Scoalelor Publishing House, Bucharest, 1942);
Romanian Constitution - republished in 2003;
Serban Alexandrina. Law - as system, (Hamangiu Publishing House. Bucharest. 2012);
Sofia Popescu, Rule of Law in Contemporary Debates, (Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 1998).