Saucers & Aliens #3
Saucers & Aliens #3
Saucers & Aliens #3
Business Advisor
Jesus Christ
Patrick Chouinard
William B. Stoecker
Saskia Kraft van Ermel
George Filer
Thomas Horn
Nick Pope.
David E. Twichell
Stewart Best
John Milor
Stanton T. Friedman
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the BorderLands
rom its inception, The Borderlands TBLN was dormant for five years because want to see and more! We want to be
Network or TBLN, was created as a raising money for a television network was interactive with the viewers and offer
venue for the paranormal like finding a needle in a haystack. Yet on a contests, trading cards for members, special
programming world. No other network has daily basis, the sheer will and determination events and a lot, lot more. We want them to
programming channels whether on cable, to make it work kept us busy trying. As we be involved and part of the TBLN family.
satellite or broadband The viewers should have
exclusively dedicated to that access to a network that has
of the paranormal. Jose quality films, cool freebies, live
believed a network was
necessary to show the The Borderlands Network is telecasts and products no one
else has.
touch of a button.
When I first met Jose, I was As irony would have it, things
looking for a web master. Lo just fell into place.
and behold, I found Jose
Escamilla. As I found out As we all know, any film that is
he is not only a man of many talents, he is were struggling to find ways to make it not properly protected by encoding and
also a great human being. We became very happen, it was happening. encryption may soon become the “You
good friends and would spend a great deal Tube” special of the day. Jose’s film
of time talking about a lotof things. When We kept plugging along everyday. Little by “UFO...THE GREATEST STORY EVER
The Borderlands Network was broughtup, little we kept chipping away hoping to make DENIED” fell victim to being the massive
something in the back of our minds knew it that one grain of sand into a beach. We freebie of the month. In one website alone,
was time! There couldn’t be a better time would brainstorm all the time. it was downloaded over 300,000 times. He
for the network. But how do we do this? invested two years of his life making that
Where do we start? How much money do Let’s make a killer web site, we thought. film. It was nothing short of hard work and
we need? Should we find investors? People need to be as excited as we are when sweat with his passion for film making, only
they enter. Let’s give them everything they to give it away. Enter, Vividas.
TBLN in partnership with Vividas and their great asset to TBLN, and he’s just a great The Borderlands Network is honored to be
proprietary technology of encoding and guy! Ken Salottolo is our Promotional the first All Paranormal Network. The day
encrypting will be able to present the finest Consultant for TBLN sponsorships. He has come for viewers to get the diversity of
films protected from piracy. Broadband brings to the table years of experience in all paranormal films at the touch of a button.
streaming has reached a new level and we’re promotions, advertising and marketing. We look forward to a very exciting future
proud to be apart of it. Jose and Ken go back a long time and it is a with all of you who have waited so long for
pleasure to have him on board. the void to be filled.
We also have a great crew at TBLN. Randy
Haragan (Publisher of this magazine and Helen Staats is our VP of Marketing, Europe. Thank you for letting us into your home.
owner of is the VP of Based in The Netherlands, Helen has Saskia Kraft van Ermel
Acquisitions and Programming. As far as extensive background in the European President - The Borderlands Network
we’re concerned, he is the only person to business market and we are all very excited
fill that position. Not only is he more than she has joined TBLN.
qualified, his expertise in so many areas is a
If Ruins Of An Ancient Civilization Are Discovered
On Mars, Will You Lose Your Religion? by Thomas Horn
According to polls, a
majority of people could
accept a genuine ET reality
without losing faith in God.
ASA’s recently released ultra high
resolution pictures of the “face on
Mars” reveal details as small as a
few inches across including what some
believe to be girders, windows and walls
from ancient structures. Richard Hoagland
and his Enterprise Team believe this is the
smoking gun. “The debate is over,” he says.
“I no longer need to prove that these are
ruins, my critics need to prove that they are “I claim that our forefathers received visits
not.” from the universe in the remote past, even
though I do not yet know who these extra-
A few years ago the movie “Mission to terrestrial intelligences were or from which
Mars” sent NASA Commander Luke Graham planet they came. I nevertheless proclaim
(Don Cheadle) with a crew of four astronauts that these “strangers” annihilated part of
to the red planet. While exploring strange mankind existing at the time and produced a
geological formations on the Martian new, perhaps the first, homo sapiens.”
Benevolent Creator Astronauts Theory
landscape, the truth about the Face on Mars
(ET=God) As was illustrated in the Hollywood films
and the origin of mankind was discovered.
Contact and Close Encounters Of The Third
At the time, director Brian De Palma Kind, Erich von Daniken’s hypothesis took
admitted, “Mission to Mars is set in 2020 A staple doctrine among many ufologists is America by storm in the 1960’s with the
because that’s the date the experts predict that such a discovery would lead to the proposition that mankind was possibly the
we should have a manned landing on conclusion that the origin of myth as well offspring of an ancient, even ongoing,
Mars.” as the creation of man was the direct result extraterrestrial experiment.
of intelligent extraterrestrial activity, or
The film insinuated that, when we do set benevolent creator astronauts. Ufologists like Daniken assert that the
foot on Mars, the discovery of past alien Sphinx, the Pyramids and myths of ancient
presence could be made near the Sphinx- In the introduction to his bestselling book, cultures are potential evidence of an
like “face” and pyramidal shapes CHARIOTS OF THE GODS?, Erich von encounter with these other-worldly beings.
photographed by the Viking Mars probe. Daniken, who, it might be argued, is one of They claim ancient men would have
the fathers of modern ufology, said: considered space travelers as gods and
would have recorded their arrival, their
Supported By Historical and Religious Texts 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 is often added to this
Claims of extraterrestrials visiting the earth
in ancient times and interacting with men is “And then shall that Wicked [one] be
referenced throughout ancient history, revealed....whose coming is after the working
including sacred texts. As illustrated in the of Satan with all power and signs and lying
two views above, ufologists differ in the wonders....And for this cause God shall
definition of who these creatures were and send them strong delusion, that they should
what they were doing. For instance, both believe a lie: That they all might be damned
Daniken and Sitchen refer to the figures in who believed not the truth, but had pleasure
the Bible here (Interlinear Hebrew): in unrighteousness.”
William B. Stoecker
author of The Atlantis Conspiracy,
ost of us have by now wised up example, China and India, where coal could Not only can we not measure CO2 with any
to the fact that the controlled elite continue to be burned without limit. So how certainty; so vast and dynamic is our
media around the world routinely would that limit CO2 buildup? They are a little atmosphere, and so complex the interactions
lie or withold important information from the hazy on the details. between it and those vast heat reservoirs, the
public about such matters as the JFK murder, oceans, that we cannot even be certain that
9/11, or the London subway bombing. Most They give us varying figures on the likely the temperature is increasing.
of us also know that the standard tactic for percentage of CO2 increase over the coming
the big lie is to tell it loudly and often and decades, and the average person, numerically We are encouraged to forget that many of the
publish nothing that contradicts it. And what challenged, can imagine that our atmosphere prophets of global warming were, as recently
have the elites been shouting at us over and is, say, ten percent CO2 and a (for example) as the nineteen seventies, warning us about
over and over for the past few years? They five percent increase would bring the total to global cooling and an imminent ice age. The
have been warning us about the deadly peril fifteen percent. Here we see the value of sky, it seems, is always falling; it just falls in
of global warming caused by our consumption dumbing down the schools over the last few different directions. Many of these same
of fossil fuels, which put carbon dioxide, a decades. It is not ten percent CO2, and that is people (and, of course, the elite media) also
known greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. not the way to compute percentages. As well predicted that a nuclear war would cause vast
This, they claim, will warm the earth so that ice as can be measured, the atmosphere at present firestorms, and the resultant smoke would
sheets will melt and we will all be flooded, says is .03 percent CO2, or three percent of one block the Sun’s rays and bring about a nuclear
Chicken Little, by the rising seas. Since that, percent, or only three parts in every ten winter. But to predict that, they had to ignore
apparently, did not frighten people enough, thousand. Even if it were to increase by ten the inevitable CO2 released by those fires;
they have also recently been warning us that percent, that would only be ten percent of three now they do the exact opposite and focus on
warmer weather could cause a sudden ice age percent of one percent, or three parts in every the CO2 while ignoring the light-blocking
by upsetting ocean currents. They have hundred thousand. On the face of it, it seems smoke from car exhausts and coal-burning
shown detailed, computer generated maps of wildly improbable that such minute increases power plants.
the future climate (this from people who cannot could cause significant climatic change. In
even predict tomorrow’s weather in your home fact, in a vast, dynamic system like Earth’s Furthermore, a temperature increase, if it did
town), showing, among other things, atmosphere, where air and moisture are happen, would, to some extent, be self limiting.
desertification. This works because most circulating and CO2 varies from one area to More evaporation and more clouds mean more
people associate deserts with heat and fail to another and from one day to the next, and can water vapor, which is also a greenhouse gas,
realize that a warmer Earth means more be dissolved in or released from bodies of but also more reflection of sunlight away from
evaporation from the seas, hence more clouds, water, scientists cannot even measure such Earth by the clouds, and the net effect of these
hence more preciptation, not less. small changes with any certainty. In other two opposites tends to be a slight cooling.
words, they do not even know for sure that Not only that, but extra CO2 stimulates plant
Their solutions to this imagined danger the CO2 content is increasing at all. growth, since plants metabolize CO2 during
include proposals for a UN tax on fossil fuel Furthermore, the media only tell us of those photosynthesis, and there will also be more
consumption that would lower living scientists who, knowing where their next check and faster plant growth worldwide because of
standards and make the New World Order is coming from and what the results expected the longer growing seasons in a warmer world,
even more powerful, along with a host of of them are, parrot the paety line. In fact, a and more vegetation in desert and semi-arid
regulations that would only apply to the great many climatologists, seldom quoted, regions, now receiving more rain. This
developed countries, where the citizens still have stated that global warming is not proven increased vegetation will take CO2 out of the
have some semblance of freedom and at all. atmosphere, so that the CO2 increase also
prosperity. The rules would not apply to, for would be, to some extent, self limiting. Most
Was There an Ancient Civilization on Mars?
By: David E. Twichell
he rock formations and landscape found on the surface of
the planet Mars may well be nothing more sinister than a
trick of light and shadow. Here on Earth, we are able to
discern faces or skull-like features in rock formations as a random,
natural consequence, especially when viewed from a distance.
Likewise, one may lie out on the lawn on a summer afternoon
and find countless familiar images in passing clouds that soon
morph into some other familiar object.
David E. Twichell
Is Earth a Colony of Mars? by George Filer
The Filer Research Institute is dedicated to finding evidence for extraterrestrial life in the universe and for providing
reports of these encounters.
In 1997, Biospherics’ President and CEO, Dr. Gilbert V. Levin, announced his new conclusion that his 1976 Viking Lander Labeled
Release (LR) life detection experiment found living microorganisms in the soil of Mars. Objective application of the scientific process
to 21 years of continued research and to new developments on Mars and Earth forced this conclusion. Of all the many hypotheses
offered over the years to explain the LR Mars results, the only possibility fitting all the relevant data is that microbial life exists in the
top layer of the Martian surface.
Dr. Levin was hired by NASA to develop a laboratory to prove that life exists. He designed experiments that tested the soil of Mars nine
times at two different landing sites under different temperature regimes and environmental conditions. All his data point to microbes
metabolizing a nutrient solution and giving off an indicative radioactive CO2 gas. The tests conducted on Mars were positive indicating
life, but were not accepted. Dr Levin states, “We have waited ten years for all of the theories, experiments and results produced by the
many scientists investigating our experiment to be reviewed before voicing a committed conclusion of our own. After examining these
efforts in great detail, and after years of laboratory work trying to duplicate our Mars data by non-biological means, we find that the
preponderance of scientific analysis makes it more probable than not that living organisms were detected in the LR experiment on
This is not presented as an opinion, but as a position dictated by the objective evaluation of all relevant scientific data. In conclusion,
then, we submit that this real possibility for Martian biology should be an important—even dominant—consideration in the future
exploration of Mars. This clearly is not the case at the present time, according to published NASA plans for continuing the unmanned
exploration of Mars which neglect the biology issue. The search for life on Mars, when evidence for its possible existence offers such
important potential, should have much greater significance for the planning of such missions.” Thanks to Dr. Gilbert Levin.
Filer’s Files
transports inorganic nutrients from the rock to the lichen’s interior, nicknamed “Gavesak” based on some of the letters or symbols we
algal-like, microbe component. Fungal acid excreted through the have found. The area is covered with millions of rocks laying in
tube disintegrates the rock to facilitate the absorption process. the soil that were once part of this city that included stone carvings,
Elevation of the exposed “blueberries” indicates an organic symbols and sculpted faces. Although it is difficult to determine a
structure rather than an inorganic substance. Meteorites from Mars, date this happened based on the slim evidence, all indications are
analyzed by JPL and NASA, contained organic compounds that the blast occurred thousands, if not millions of years ago. The
(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and fossilized primitive cells, main Gusev crater is estimated to be almost four billion years old
according to Hartsfield and Salsbury (1996). Organic compounds when reptiles were beginning on Earth. Notice V on rock at left
are products of oxygen photosynthesizing bacteria and plants. and possible face on right.
Regrettably, the Mars Rover is not equipped to analyze organic
substances. On earth, lichens are an indicator of clean air, as they
flourish in an unpolluted atmosphere and diminish or disappear in
polluted industrial areas. If there is a significant, living population
of lichens on Mars, as displayed in large changing color patches, it
would indicate that the atmosphere on Mars is not polluted.
Mars Orbiter Spacecraft located this are called by NASA the Inca
City We can speculate that Mars gained intelligent life far in advance More Mars Symbols Found by Expert in Israel
of Earth. A sophisticated society was formed not unlike Earth today,
but a terrible disaster apparently occurred. Asteroids with the force Daniel L. Levy writes, “ While searching, I found a rock, that not
of many nuclear weapons apparently exploded destroying many only has an “E”, but also a stylized Hebraic “Shin”, the power
areas of the planet. The remaining inhabitants probably chose symbol of, well, Adonai-Zebaot Himself!. http://
several courses of action. Many went underground to live, some
may have built space ships and headed for Earth. 2N130887058EFF10AGP1868L0M1.JPG, taken by the navcam on
sol 51: However, in the next picture, taken by the navcam’s right
The story of Noah and the carrying of animals may have been an “eye”, only the Shin remains somewhat visible. These photos, apart
allegory of a space ship bringing animals here. ! from their stark beauty, do not, in my opinion, enable a clear-cut
conclusion as to whether these boulders have been carved with
Filer’s Files
letters, or if they just exhibit random natural shapes. bed with an artificial dam, and several smaller catch basins with the
same type dam constructed to catch runoff from an area of deep
ravines. The previous sent photos of the Square Building and other
structures at coordinates 42S-158W is about 300 miles from this
Lake scene at coordinates 39S -166W. If both photos had the same
resolution, then it may be that the main Lake Dam may be several
hundred of feet in length with a height of perhaps 40 feet. http://
Robert Roy Britt reports that on March 11, 2004, the Spirit rover
took the first picture of Earth ever made from the surface of another
planet. It, also, spotted what could be a Viking Orbiter spacecraft
trategies for the finding of alien intelligence need to be expanded considerably, says
Dr. Allen Tough, a leading SETI proponent, as stated in his report entitled “How to
Achieve Contact: Five Promising Strategies”. He offered five basic strategies that
could lead to alien or extraterrestrial contact. One of these strategies is for SETI to expand
into the search for artificiality and intelligently designed structures or artifacts on other
planets discovered via satellite photography. Dr. Tough stated:
“Five of these strategies are especially promising. Because a highly advanced civilization
Tithonia can readily send intelligent probes to monitor our society and telecommunications, we
should (1) pursue a variety of means for searching the solar system and Earth for
physical evidence of an alien object or its effects; (2) issue invitations asking ETI to have
a dialogue with humankind; and (3) become sufficiently prepared for contact, thus
encouraging ETI to respond. For evidence from many light-years away, the most promising
strategies are (4) a search for astroengineering projects and their by-products and (5) radio
and optical SETI. The bulk of this paper is devoted to these five promising strategies.”
The Case For If we zero in on (1) Dr. Tough then says:
Absolute “A search for physical evidence could focus on the solar system or on Earth. And it could
focus on phenomena that are normally studied by mainstream science or on stranger
Artificiality anomalous phenomena. These two distinctions enable us to cluster the various search
approaches into four categories.
By Stewart Best
(a) Within the solar system, search for unassailable evidence of an alien object. This
object might be a probe or spacecraft, for instance, or its discarded parts. Such a search
might focus on the Moon, the asteroid belt, or the Lagrange equilibrium points (Freitas
and Valdes, 1980). Alternatively, the alien object might be a building, a monument, or some
other artificial structure. Indeed, an alien intelligence may have deliberately left an
artifact for us to discover at some special landmark in the solar system, such as the highest
point on Mars or the deepest canyon on Venus, or in some carefully chosen spot that we
will explore someday because of our scientific curiosity or our appreciation of beauty. Or
equipment might have been stored below the surface of some body (perhaps in natural
cracks or passages) to protect it from damage by cosmic radiation and micrometeorites.”
“Baugher (1985, p. 155) has even suggested that an alien probe might, on one of the
geologically dead moons in the solar system, “construct a vault filled with information and
artifacts.... The vault could contain a description of the civilization that sent the probe, as
well as a set of instructions for the initiation of contact.”
Another quote of importance is from “Intelligent Life in the Universe” written by Dr. Carl
Sagan and I.S. Shklovskii which was published in 1966. This quote is from page 461:
Richard Hoagland
detection and interference by the
inhabitants of the Earth, IT MIGHT The Brookings Report is well worth a
BE PREFERABLE NOT TO ERECT read. We quote from several pertinent
SURFACE.” (caps added for
and other Martian parts:
investigators have “The recent publicity given to efforts
to detect extraterrestrial messages via
Dr. Sagan and Mr. Shklovskii, back in radio telescope has popularized-and
1966, thought it might be possible that
there could be secret bases in the Solar
run into a solid legitimized - speculations about the
impact of such a discovery on human
System. They suggested we might
find such a base on the backside of wall of resistance values. It is conceivable that there is
semi-intelligent life in some part of
RATHER THAN ANY OTHER SPACE PRODUCT - WOULD BE Congressional oversight, and without a select committee of qualified
ELECTRIFYING… experts looking over their shoulder to be sure nothing is “altered”?
It has been speculated that of all groups, SCIENTISTS AND Yet another quote of interest is from The McDaniel Report, written
ENGINEERS MIGHT BE THE MOST DEVASTATED by the some time ago by Dr. Charles McDaniel, Professor Emeritus and
discovery of relatively superior creatures…” Former Chairman, Department of Philosophy, Sonoma State
University. He has some very harsh words for NASA and Dr. Malin:
Aside from the obvious bias against Christianity (comprised “When forwarded inquiries from constituents by United States
evidently of illiterates and semi-literate folks who would not Senators and Representatives, NASA has provided answers which
understand anything and panic), the Brookings Report probably may appear plausible to the uninformed, but which cannot
reflects the inner thinking of NASA, and thus any evidence withstand even the slightest logical scrutiny. Among the various
discovered by them would be immediately suppressed, and any misleading assurances given by NASA are those having to do with
evidence found by independent sources would have to be NASA’s policy for Mars Observer Camera data release. On the
discredited by NASA through the mainstream media by any methods first mission to Mars in seventeen years, with growing public
available. This would of course include ridicule, mocking and interest in the artificiality hypothesis and NASA’s vigorous
possible personal attack to destroy the messenger. The truth, of resistance to that hypothesis, NASA made a radical change in the
course, would not be relevant – the agenda of deception and way photographic data from the spacecraft would be handled. Unlike
suppression of such evidence becomes paramount and the only previous missions, there was to be no conveyance of camera data to
guiding principle. the public as soon as it was received and converted into viewable
images (what is often called “live” transmission). INSTEAD,
Richard Hoagland and other Martian investigators have run into a IMAGES FROM THE MARS OBSERVER CAMERA WOULD BE
solid wall of resistance with the SETI teams even though they have UNDER THE CONTROL OF A PRIVATE CONTRACTOR FOR
provided far more evidence of artificiality than all of the SETI efforts UP TO SIX MONTHS AFTER ACQUISITION.” (caps and bolding
to date. Yet no interest appears to be forthcoming from either added for emphasis.)
government or private scientific SETI groups to investigate these
anomalies with high resolution cameras. Can the NASA/JPL/MSSS “This same private contractor has been given sole authority to
matrix be trusted to rephotograph Tithonia or Cydonia without determine, not only what images would be released and when, but
2. Tithonia has no such problems display the above criteria, forge the never end. Tithonia, on the other hand, has
within it, because the structures at claim of incontrovertible evidence! nothing to do with hills or ridges and light
Tithonia are very clearly and shadow playing tricks on the eyes –
architectural. That is, they display One of the chief arguments raised by because the structures at Tithonia display
all of the signs of forced Hoagland and others is the arrangement of all of the criteria used in architectural
engineering, straight and parallel the face – that is, it is symmetrical – with engineering – and none of the parameters
lines, flat walls, flat roofs, openings two eyes, a nose, mouth, forehead, chin, and used are missing in these structures.
where one might expect to find rounded hairline. When cut in half, both
them, and pathways leading into sides appear to be somewhat balanced. In These differences are important – because
the structures. Their scale is totally other words, it has a humanoid face while one is attempting to show that the
consistent with other features in appearance, and while the left is slightly natural flow of the Face, admittedly
the cluster, with structures ranging different from the right, the odds are that mounded and molded, and could well be
from 150 feet tall to over 240 feet nature could not produce such a engineeered, it does display many features
tall – but all of them easily identified symmetrical shape. There is no question that could be natural! However, it is also
with EARTH SCALE. Further, there whatever that the Face is a very strange and possible it is not engineered at all! This is
are many structures, not just one, unusual formation of mounded material and the quagmire of Cydonia – for one can
two or three! The combinations of very possibly molded into that shape. attempt to FORCE a natural object into an
many structures, all of which However it does have features that COULD engineered object by argument. It is nearly
BE “natural”. And thus that argument will impossible to FORCE AN ENGINEERED
4. If the artifact is anomalous to everything in the area, and the
angle at which it sits into the terrain is not aligned with the normal
ebb and flow, then we must investigate the artifact itself. Does it
display the required characteristics of an engineered structure?
We have many more than ONE SET of parallel lines in this structure
alone, let alone the hexagons, the step pyramids, and the others
that are clearly engineered. Extraordinary claims, it is said, require
extraordinary proof. We will attempt to show you how the
architectural design of these structures matches those found on
earth, how they fulfill all criteria for intelligent design, and therefore
must be classified as artificial; and this is especially true of the
large building we simply call the MINING OR MANUFACTURING
2. The structure is carved into the side hill on the west side, but the roof
line is perfectly flat and straight, and is parallel on both sides, front to
3. The interruption of the flow of the land in and of itself might not prove
artificial design, but the structure’s shape, with perfectly flat walls, 90-
degree corners, perfect 90-degree edges up and down where the adjoining
walls meet along the entire roof line, are totally anomalous to the
surrounding flow of the land or any objects anywhere around it.
1) The vertical lines at the corners of the walls are perfectly parallel or we
could say “square” or “plumb”. Nature does not provide us with “plumb
line” parallel edges that are parallel from top to bottom, and offer
90-degree straight edges up and down - and equal spacing from
foundation to the roof. However, any architect or engineer would
understand that, and design a structure like it.
The first things we will look at are the vertical corners of the front or
“face” of the building. Notice that the west edge and the east edge
form perfectly parallel lines, and these parallels meet other to make
edges which have 90-degree corners, going straight up in total
alignment (for vertical, and stright accross for horizonatal alignment
- when was the last time you saw that in nature?
The second thing to notice is that where the walls meet the roof
line, we have perfect 90-degree angles in two directions. This is
FORCED ENGINEERING. But there is much more here as well -
notice that the face wall is perfectly flat and has what appears to be
several large but damaged windows or openings of some type and
one of them is a perfect rectangle within the rectangle of the face
wall (South wall, as we are looking North in orientation). Is all of
this just natural coincidence? If so, why does this not appear on
Now if we look at the top of the face wall, and we draw a horizontal
line across the top and one along the bottom we have another parallel line situation - and the face itself forms a perfect rectangle, close
to being perfectly square. All told now, we have two sets of parallel lines, with four corners, three edges, and all are 90-degree angle!! Was
all of this expertly done by nature?
Thus far we have two flat walls, all lines parallel, a multitude of 90-degree angles, straight edgelines and perfect rectangles formed by both
walls. Are we really to believe this is a natural structure or a rock formation of some type?
This world exclusive article revealed for the
first time the secret history of the British
Government’s early involvement in the UFO
issue, giving an insight into the politics and
personalities responsible for shaping official
policy. The bulk of this article concerns the
post-war period, but to understand what
happened and why, we need to go back a
little further.
he mysterious wave of airship
sightings that took place over
America in 1896 and 1897 were
mirrored by a series of sightings that took
place in Britain, starting in 1909. One of the
first of these so-called ‘scareship’ sightings
occurred in the early hours of 23 March 1909,
when PC Kettle from Peterborough heard a
strange buzzing sound from above. When
he looked up, he saw a bright light attached
to an immense, oblong-shaped craft, which
moved at a fairly high speed across the sky.
Numerous further sightings were reported.
widely known, but is documented in a Kilgallen picked the story up at a cocktail Croydon to Westerham, turning onto a lane
number of sources, including the following: party hosted by Mountbatten in May 1955. when they reached a pub called The White
1. Chapter 52 of his book Most Secret War. Kilgallen’s story has widely been dismissed Dog. Amidst great security, two staff cars
2. Annex V of the Condon report. as a hoax, but as we shall see, other events were dispatched, but failed to find the farm.
3. CIA Chief Historian Gerald Haines’ article may put her claims in a new light. They located a pub called The White Hart
CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90: A and a farmer named Bunyan, who
Die-hard Issue. Ghost Rockets strenuously denied having made the call.
4. Private papers held at the Churchill In the immediate aftermath of the Second This bizarre incident remains unexplained
Archives Centre, Churchill College, World War a new mystery was to emerge, and although it appeared to be a hoax, few
Cambridge. which again involved R. V. Jones. This was people would have had the wherewithal to
the so-called “Ghost Rocket” wave of get through to the Technical Intelligence
A British Crash Retrieval? sightings that occurred in Scandinavia in Staff and convince them to make a field visit.
Before we return to R. V. Jones, we will make 1946. In chapter 52 of Most Secret War Jones Indeed, the intelligence officers believed that
brief mention of how US journalist Dorothy is as dismissive of these sightings as he Jones himself had been behind the affair.
Kilgallen alleged that the British Government had been about Foo Fighters, believing Is there a link between the Westerham
had recovered a crashed UFO. Writing in them to be either “imaginary” or meteors. Incident, General MacArthur’s enquiry
the Los Angeles Examiner on 23 May 1955 But a number of personnel working in Air about a crashed Russian flying bomb and
she said: Technical Intelligence believed these were Dorothy Kilgallen’s story? Could these be
“British scientists and airmen, after sightings of Russian “flying bombs” and references to the same incident? Was it really
examining the wreckage of one mysterious investigated the matter thoroughly. Jones a hoax? If so, it was one that went to the
flying ship, are convinced these strange reveals how the Swedish authorities very heart of the British Establishment. As
aerial objects are not optical illusions or recovered what they believed were pieces a final footnote, perhaps it is worth noting
Soviet inventions, but are flying saucers that had fallen from a Ghost Rocket. These that Westerham is just a couple of miles from
which originate on another planet. The fragments were subsequently acquired by Chartwell, which was the home of Sir
source of my information is a British official Air Technical Intelligence staff and sent to Winston Churchill.
of cabinet rank who prefers to remain the Chemical Analysis Section at the Royal
unidentified.” Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough. It Media Interest
Writing in Flying Saucer Review (Volume 25, transpired that an embarrassing mistake had We should never underestimate the power
Number 4 and Volume 31, Number 1) Gordon been made and the fragments were nothing of the media, or its capability to set the
Creighton, who had researched this story more than pieces of coke, but the story is political agenda, even to the extent that it
in detail, made it clear that he believed interesting in what it reveals about official can drive government policy. This is as true
Kilgallen’s source was Earl Mountbatten of interest in these sightings and the way in today as it was in the post-war years. The
Burma. Indeed, it has been suggested that which British scientific intelligence experts year that ufology first really hit the headlines
were able to acquire the material from a in the UK was 1950. Prior to that there had,
neutral country. of course, been coverage, but this largely
concerned US sightings and the reporting
The Westerham Incident was often dismissive. But on 8 October 1950
Chapter 52 of R. V. Jones’ book Most Secret two major newspapers started a series of
War contains a truly bizarre anecdote articles on the subject. The Sunday Express
concerning the alleged crash of an object at began to serialise Gerald Heard’s book The
Westerham in Kent, in 1946. Apparently a Riddle of the Flying Saucers (The book was
signal was received from General subsequently published in the US under the
MacArthur’s staff in Tokyo, asking for title Is Another World Watching?). The rival
confirmation of a report that a Russian flying Sunday Dispatch, a London paper, ran
bomb had recently crashed in England. The extracts from Frank Scully’s Behind the
other Director of Intelligence on the Air Staff, Flying Saucers and Donald Keyhoe’s The
Air Commodore Vintras, suggested to Jones Flying Saucers are Real.
that this might tie in with the “Westerham But it was not just the media who were
Incident”. clamouring for answers and pressing the
The Westerham Incident started, Government for action. Some very senior
apparently, with an irate call to the Technical Establishment figures felt that something
Intelligence Staff from a farmer called should be done and lobbied on the subject,
Gunyon who wanted the Air Ministry to sometimes openly and sometimes behind
come and remove one of these “darned the scenes. Some of these figures were quite
Ghost Rockets contraptions” which had fallen onto his prepared to express openly the view that
farm. The intelligence officers asked for some UFO sightings might well be
directions and were told to drive from extraterrestrial in origin.
Sir Peter Horsley
Sir Peter Horsley, who
The report was duly considered by the DSI/ We should point out that in this context the and it is interesting to note that the fourth
JTIC and Mr Turney recommended that in terms “publicity” and “outside circulation” item of the Flying Saucer Working Party’s
view of the its sceptical conclusions, it refer to publicity and distribution of the terms of reference (requiring them to liaise
should be regarded as a final report. He report within the MOD. There was certainly with US authorities) was a late - though
further suggested that the working party be no question of informing the public. undoubtedly sensible - addition to the
dissolved with immediate effect. This was original remit.
agreed by the meeting, thus bringing to an The American Influence
end the MOD’s first UFO research project. In looking at the activities of the Flying Once the terms of reference included a
The DSI/JTIC minutes of the meeting that Saucer Working Party one cannot overstate requirement to get alongside the Americans
agreed to dissolve the working party contain the influence of the Americans. The phrase on the UFO question, active liaison began.
the following telling quote, recording Mr “following the lead given by the Americans A member of the Flying Saucer Working
Turney’s views: on this subject” which we quote in the Party duly travelled to America to meet with
previous paragraph is extremely revealing US authorities. It is also known that H.
“He went on to say, that following the lead and it is clear from the report itself that much Marshall Chadwell was consulted and sat
given by the Americans on this subject, the of the material comes from liaison with those in on at least one of the Flying Saucer
Report should he thought, have as little involved with Projects Sign and Grudge. Working Party’s meetings.
publicity as possible and outside There are other clues. As we have said, R. V.
circulation should be confined to one copy Jones forged extremely close links with the Chadwell was Assistant Director of the
to Sir Henry Tizard”. Americans on a range of intelligence issues CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence and in
1952 and 1953 was one of the key figures in
the Scientific Panel on UFOs, better known
NICK POPE The man who left the MOD, the ufo phenomena as the Robertson Panel, after its chairman
unveiled. Nick Pope worked for the British Ministry of Defence H. P. Robertson, an eminent physicist from
the California Institute of Technology.
for twenty one years. He became known as the Fox Mulder of
Great Britain due to his ‘special position’ as the chief UFO Robertson had been President Eisenhower’s
Scientific Adviser during the war, holding
investigator. the rank of a four-star General. He had
worked closely with R. V. Jones on various
He has written four highly scientific intelligence matters and moved
seamlessly between government service and
successful books on UFO’s and academia. His post-war appointments
has appeared on television and included a post as theoretical physicist in
Pasadena, associated with the Mount
radio all over the world. In fact, Nick Wilson and Mount Palomar Observatories,
Pope is probably one of the best and a spell as head of the Weapons Systems
known UFO investigators on the Evaluation Group at the Pentagon.
planet. And yet, he is the only The Robertson Panel’s sceptical report
official UFO investigator employed concluded that further study of the UFO
phenomenon was not warranted, though as
by the British government to ever CIA Chief Historian Gerald Haines has
go on record. confirmed, the CIA did not abandon their
In this documentary Nick Pope for interest in the phenomenon.
It is also interesting to note what Edward
the first time since leaving the MOD Ruppelt (former head of the USAF’s Project
goes on the record and spells out Blue Book) says about the British UFO
research effort. Writing in his 1956 book The
his beliefs, opinions and reveals the scope of his incredible Report on Unidentified Flying Objects he
insider knowledge. makes a number of specific references to
the UK.
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John Milor is an author of several books, and radio talk show
guest for numerous programs, including the Art Bell show. His
Extraterrestrial Life
following the turn of the century. This story, as well as numerous
otherworldly encounters of his own, fueled his quest of the unknown.
His life literally became an episode of the X-Files on a number of
Shatter Religion?
occasions, until he reached the age of twenty one, and was visited by none other than
Jesus Christ, in a vision. Since that time, Milor has become a born again Christian,
yet continues to investigate paranormal phenomenon, now with a Bible in one hand,r
by John Milor and research documentation in the other hand. John has earned two Associates
degrees and a Bachelor degree in Business, and works as a Master Sergeant in the
n the words of physicist and author Paul Davies, “The existence
Air National Guard. He lives with his family in Fresno, California. All are invited to
of extraterrestrial intelligences would have a profound impact
visit his website to read all his books; they are posted online in their entirety for free
on religion, shattering completely the traditional perspective of reading: Milor operates a MySpace website
God’s special relationship with man. The difficulties are particularly @, and welcomes emails as well:
acute for Christianity, which postulates that Jesus Christ was God [email protected].
incarnate whose mission was to provide salvation for man on Earth.
The prospect of a host of ‘alien Christs’ systematically visiting sin and death with absolute definitions that pertain to all life.
every inhabited planet in the physical form of the local creatures Therefore the cross is sufficient for all of it, even if it extends into
has a rather absurd aspect.”1 the cosmos.
Most Christians don’t give much thought to the existence
Hebrews 10:10 (bold emphasis added)
of extraterrestrial life, and if pressed for an answer, they usually
either deny their existence, or suggest that there is an underlying By thee which will we are sanctified through the offering
deception that links them with fallen angels. According to Tariq of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Malik, staff writer for, a telephone poll, which questioned
one thousand Americans, revealed that regular churchgoers were Concerning the second part of Jesus’ mission, Hebrews
less likely to believe in extraterrestrial life (about 46 percent) than 2:16–18 indicates that salvation is not for angels, but for the
non-churchgoers (about 70 percent) …”2 descendants of Abraham.
Additionally, in May of 2005, a survey conducted by the
National Institute for Discovery Science was given to pastors, Hebrews 2:16–18 (bold emphasis added)
priests, and rabbis across the United States, asking basic questions
For verily He took not on him the nature of angels; but He
relating to extraterrestrial life.3 Out of all of the comments posted in
took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things
the survey, not a single one formed the basic conclusion that angels,
it behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren, that
by definition, are intelligent beings whose origins are not from
He might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things
Earth. All of these people have been reading and studying the Bible
pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of
most of their lives, and couldn’t see the basic fact that one of the
the people. For in that He Himself hath suffered being
primary themes of the Bible is God’s intervention in the affairs of
tempted, He is able to succor them that are tempted.
humanity through extraterrestrial beings.
Furthermore, of the 42 percent that gave positive Does this confine salvation to the inhabitants of Earth?
responses, most of them had theological questions they thought The true descendants of Abraham are not defined as biological
might be a struggle to deal with, reminiscent of Paul Davies statement descendants. This definition, based on one’s DNA rather than the
above. My question is, WHY? grace of God, would disqualify a large, faithful portion of even the
human race; rather, the descendants of Abraham are those who
According to the Bible, God picked Earth to initiate his
belong to Christ (Galatians 3:26–29).
great plan of attack against Satan and to save all the casualties of
sin who want to be saved. To do this, God undertook a two-part Galatians 3:26–29 (bold emphasis added)
mission, which is still in progress: come to Earth in the form of a
human being (Jesus) and die for everyone’s sins—then after For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
conquering death, ensure the spreading of the Gospel of repentance For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ
and salvation. have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is
Concerning the first part of his mission, scripture states neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for
that Jesus suffered death on the cross once and for all (Hebrews ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then
10:10).4 I personally see no reason he should have to suffer a similar are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the
fate anywhere else. Why would Jesus’ dealing with sin and death promise.
be any different as another species on another planet? God defines
Jesus defined angels as beings who neither marry nor are Putting all this together, it stands to reason that salvation
given in marriage. He also said that humans who are saved would may not be for the angels because they are closer to God than any
one day be translated into this new nature (Matthew 22:30; Mark other being, and they have the highest level of accountability. There
12:25; Luke 20:35; Revelation 21:16–17; 22:8–9). are probably countless numbers who aren’t angels, however, who
Matthew 22:30 (bold emphasis added) aren’t from Earth or our current dimension. If they are in the same
boat as the humans of Earth, then why aren’t they candidates for
For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given salvation as well? What would Paul Davies say to this?
in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
I personally believe that the second part of Jesus’ mission
Mark 12:25 (bold emphasis added) spans even beyond Earth (Acts 2:39; Colossians 1:20; Ephesians
3:10), and Jesus may have been referring to this mission field when
For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, he spoke of reaching sheep from another fold (John 10:16).
nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which
Acts 2:39 (bold emphasis added)
are in heaven.
For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to
Luke 20:35–36 (bold emphasis added)
all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God
But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that shall call.
world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry,
Colossians 1:20 (bold emphasis added)
nor are given in marriage: Neither can they die any more:
for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of And, having made peace through the blood of his cross,
God, being the children of the resurrection. by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say,
whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.
Revelation 22:8–9 is a primary example of this glorified
state, where scripture refers to a glorified saint (a man, one of the Ephesians 3:10–11 (bold emphasis added)
brethren) as being an angel (this is most clearly seen in the King
James Version of the Bible). To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers
Considering these details, one may easily deduce from in heavenly places might be known by the church the
the Bible that the angels weren’t always angels. They were most manifold wisdom of God, According to the eternal purpose
likely like us: created to reproduce after their own kind, just as which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord …
Adam and Eve were until they reached a certain point in their
John 10:16 (bold emphasis added)
existence where God predetermined to translate them into a new,
higher level of existence. This theory explains a great deal about
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them
some of the behavior of angels, such as the fact that they are
also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there
apparently physically attracted to humans (Genesis 6). Such
shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
attraction would be a very odd thing if reproduction were completely
foreign to them. The eternal purpose of God accomplished through Jesus
Christ takes on new meaning when we read Acts 2:39, Colossians
According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were never angels, 1:20, and Ephesians 3:10 with this perspective. Without
because they sexually reproduced. If Adam and Eve had never understanding how salvation extends beyond Earth, it’s difficult to
sinned, Earth would’ve eventually become fully populated. What interpret Colossians 1:20, which states that there is life in the heavens
then? One might postulate that the next level of existence for that requires reconciliation with God.
humanity would have then commenced. At the proper time, God
would have translated different people at different times into a new, The few Christians who write about extraterrestrials usually
nonreproductive nature, as the Bible states that he still plans to do, link them with the Antichrist, myself included (my latest book is
despite the fall. One might also surmise that that this is how God Aliens and the Antichrist), however, there is another side to this
designed most, if not all, higher life-forms created in his image. coin. While I believe fallen angels are indeed extraterrestrials, I also
Initially there is a reproductive stage, but then a translation takes believe that faithful angels are extraterrestrials as well. All angels
place that mutates beings into an eternally glorified existence that are extraterrestrials, but not all extraterrestrials are angels (because
no longer entails reproduction. In a sense, we are like butterflies— the definition of angels is more stringent than the definition for
designed to go through a metamorphosis. This is where humanity extraterrestrials). There are other beings in the heavens that the
Bible speaks of that might be just like us; 1 Peter 1:12 (bold emphasis added) 2. Tariq Malik, “Most Americans Believe Alien
Life is Possible, Study Shows,”, http:/
beings cursed with mortality, and in dire
/ w w w . s p a c e . c o m / n e w s /
need of salvation, as suggested by Unto whom it was revealed, that
050531_alienlife_survey.html (accessed January
Colossians 1:20. not unto themselves, but unto us 3, 2006).
they did minister the things, which
In relation to the topic of cosmic are now reported unto you by them 3. John B. Alexander, “The Alexander UFO
that have preached the gospel Religious Crisis Survey: The Impact of UFOs and
salvation, I have discovered that Israel in their Occupants on Religion,” National Institute
particular stands alone for both the quantity unto you with the Holy Ghost sent for Discovery Science,
and variety of UFO and alien-related down from heaven; which things articles/alexander/response_analysis.html
phenomena.5 Sightings of UFOs in Israel the angels desire to look into. (accessed January 2, 2006).
include every size and shape, and aliens 4. Rick Meyers, “Equipping Ministries Foundation,
range from humans to grays to giants and 1 Corinthians 4:9 (bold emphasis
e-Sword Bible software,” April 7, 2000, http://
everything else imaginable. These sightings added); Enhanced Strong’s
are sometimes reported not by a few people, Lexicon (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research
For I think that God hath set forth Systems Inc., 1995).
but by hundreds of people in mass
us the apostles last, as it were
sightings. Barry Chamish, Israel’s leading 5. Brenda Flynn, “UFOS AND THE BIBLE, Aliens:
appointed to death: for we are
UFOlogist, (who emailed me just the other The Angelic Conspiracy,” Watcher’s Website, http:/
made a spectacle unto the world, / (accessed April
day), has documented a large number of
and to angels, and to men. We are 14, 2007); Gil Bar and Barry Chamish, Israeli UFO
UFO incidents that have occurred in a UFO Research,
fools for Christ’s sake, but ye are
wave engulfing Israel beginning in 1993.6 In index.html (accessed April 15, 2007); UFOs: The
wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye
Barry’s book, Return of the Giants, Barry Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape Part Two, TV,
are strong; ye are honorable, but directed by Robert Kiviat and Tom Seligson (USA:
describes one such incident that occurred
we are despised. Kiviat Productions Inc., 28 July 1997).
in 1996 that had the government up in arms,
thinking they were being invaded by high- Indeed, there is more I have to say 6. Barry Chamish, “UFO Wave in Israel,” Great
tech terrorists. The reported incident on this subject, but I will sum up this article Dreams Website,
included a large gathering of police officers with one simple statement; there is no reason chamish.htm (accessed December 16, 2005).
and military personnel that actually fired for any Christian to conclude that the
7. Barry Chamish, “Chapter 5, Israel Awakens to
everything they had, including shoulder- existence of extraterrestrial life pose any the Invasion,” Return of the Giants (Sun Lakes,
harnessed anti-aircraft missiles, at a UFO threat to one’s faith. The mere existence of Arizona: Book World Inc./Blue Star, July 1, 2000).
hovering about one hundred fifty feet above extraterrestrial life is not in conflict with the
the ground. The UFO just sat there for over Bible, but rather complimented by it. For
two hours, unaffected, then disappeared.7 those wanting to know more, I recommend
my website, http:// SAUCERS &ALIENS
I suspect the reasoning behind the, where
quantity and uniqueness of UFO and alien- all my books are posted for free reading.
related phenomenon in Israel comes from
the fact that UFO and alien-related 1. Paul Davies, God & the New Physics, (New
phenomenon always has proliferated the York, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983), 71.
region, dating back to biblical times. Israel
is a focal point not only for the inhabitants
of the Earth, but even for the entire universe.
Concerning beings who are faithful to God,
or they are seeking him out, they are here to
John Milor is the author of several
either help us (Hebrews 1:14) or learn from books, including Apparition, Aliens in
us (1 Peter 1:12; Ephesians 3:10; 1 the Bible and The Eaglestar Prophecy.
Corinthians 4:9). They’re searching in Israel He is also a radio talk show guest for
for more information about salvation (this numerous programs, including the Art Bell
is especially the case with those who are
mortal like us, searching for a hope of
show. Milor works as a master sergeant
salvation). It could even be that angels are and lives with his family in Fresno,
giving tours of Israel to visitors from California.
elsewhere, both learning and teaching the
Gospel and fulfilling their task of ministering
to the heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:14;
Ephesians 3:10), whoever and wherever
those heirs may be.
s a nuclear physicist who has lectured Not all local neighborhood stars are as years ago and no signal was heard; ergo
( “Flying Saucers Are Real”) in 18 isolated as is the sun. Just 39.2 LY away there nobody home. He assumes, for no good
countries, I have often found that is a very special pair of sun-like stars Zeta 1 reason at all, that they are stuck with the same
there is considerable confusion about the and Zeta 2 Reticuli in the Southern Sky technology we newbies have, that they would
terms solar system, galaxy, universe. A solar constellation of Reticulum They are the be directing a signal towards us and that there
system is a central star with 1 or more planets closest to each other pair of sun-like stars in is no colonization, no migration and no travel
in orbit around it. Ours is about 6 billion miles the neighborhood, being only 1/8th of a light here.He refuses to study the UFO data. This
in diameter .. less null result is not
than 10 light hours surprising. AM
across. The next star radios don’t pick up
over is 4.37 light FM signals. If my
years (LY) away. wife wants a loaf of
Many nearby stars bread for dinner, she
have at least one won’t put up with
planet. Our Galaxy, my saying. “I will be
The Milky Way, is back next week from
about 100,000 LY that fine bakery in
across and has a few Sidney, Australia”.
hundred billion stars. She would say “The
The next big similar Superstore is a mile
galaxy,a big flattened away”. Shostak
spiral pancake, is thinks there may be
Andromeda about another civilization
2.5 million LY away. sending us signals
The universe within 1000 light
includes all the years. He assumes
galaxies and spaces we are the crown of
between them. and is creation. I think we
roughly 13 billion LY know as little about
across and has the outside
billions of galaxies. neighborhood as
The age of the solar gorillas in a nature
system is roughly 5 preserve in Africa.
billion years or very
much greater than the Betty Hill Star Map The work that
age of our delineated ZR 1 and
civilization.The universe is at least 13 billion year apart from each other. or 35 times closer Zr-2 was done by Ms. Marjorie Fish working
years old to each other than the sun is from the nearest with the star map drawn by social worker-
other star. From a planet around one, the other abductee Betty Hill in the 1960s. It is
One of the silliest comments made about the star is visible all day long. One could directly described in detail in the new book
recent O’Hare Airport sightings was a joke observe planets around the other star. No “Captured: The Betty and Barney Hill UFO
that aliens came 7 million light years to find guessing. Experience” by Betty’s niece Kathleen
their landing gate blocked and had to go Marden and myself. Publisher this summer
home.. Talking about millions of light years There would be a much greater incentive for is Career Press. It will be listed on my website
is absurd when considering alien visitors. interstellar travel with such close neighbors. .
Much more useful is the concept of our local Considering that these two stars are a billion SAUCERS&ALIENS
galactic neighborhood. Within only 55 LY are years older than the sun, one would expect
about 2000 stars, about 46 of which are very any intelligent life on planets around either
similar to the sun Based on what we know so one to be much more advanced
far, these might be expected to have planets technologically than are we. It is true that
and possibly life. SETI Specialist Dr. Seth Shostak claims they
were listened to with radio telescopes 10
The Ancient America Foundation (AAF) is pleased to present AAF Notes: a series of research articles by scholars of Book of Mormon culture
and history and reviewed by AAF editors. Visit our Web site:
claimed to have come to this planet to set moral standards normal, to conclude that our forefathers would revere them as
for a primitive society and to tell us about the one true God of the God, gods or angels of God just as some revere the occupants of
spiritual realm. But mankind, in his ignorance, continued to revere today’s UFOs as demons?
the messengers of God as God himself.
Yet, if this is the case, where does that leave the orthodox
These non-terrestrial visitors claimed to have created our religions of the world? There are more than three thousand
race on this planet. The book of Genesis suggests that this claim is different orthodox religions. About twelve hundred of them are
valid: based on Christianity. All of them feel that theirs is the correct
one. All of them know that not all can be correct at the same time.
And God said, “Let ‘us’ make man in ‘our’ image, after ‘our’ Would the acceptance of the Biblical/UFO hypothesis threaten
likeness.” (Genesis 1: 26.) Orthodox religions teach that God made them all? I would venture to say that such a hypothesis would
man in “his” image, but the scriptures clearly use the plurals, “us” verify, clarify, strengthen and unite them all. For once and for all,
and “our.” To whom was God speaking? the world may come together in the understanding that all beings
in God’s vast cosmos are under the same umbrella. It has
When people had spread all over the world and daughters been widely reported by alien experiencers that, when asking of
were being born, some of the heavenly beings saw that these young their captors, “is there a God?” The reply has been, “We are all of
women were beautiful, so they took the ones they liked. Then the the same God.”
Lord said, “I will not allow people to live forever; They are mortal.
From now on they will live no longer that 120 years.” In those days It has become clear to me how our ancestors of
and even later, there were giants on the Earth who were descendants thousands of years ago would invariably regard such a
of human women and the heavenly beings. They were the great miraculous display as nothing short of divine intervention. The
heroes and famous men of long ago. (Genesis 6: 1 4) same parallel was unwittingly drawn by my mother, an
unshakably devote Christian, in 1962. “It’s the Second Coming!”
Numbers 13: 22, refers to a place called Hebron where the She declared, as our family stood on our front lawn, one silent
descendants of a race of giants called Anakim, lived. Actually, the summer’s night, and gazed in awe upon technology . . . millennia
Hebrew word that was translated to “giants,” is “nephilum,” which beyond our time. By David E. Twichell © 2003
literally means, “those who came down.” Even a text, discovered in
the Dead Sea Scrolls, refers to “angels” interbreeding with human
women. Whether this was accomplished through normal intercourse
or via genetic engineering, the end result would be the same.
In the past fifty years, our view of the universe has greatly
expanded. We are now aware of the limitless regions of space where
life might manifest and evolve. We also realize that our planet itself is
nothing more than an island in outer space. Being forearmed with this
knowledge, is it so outlandish to conclude that a more advanced
civilization from another celestial island has come to this one in the
past as we plan to do in the future? Wouldn’t it be logical, indeed
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UCAP • Price • $15.95 Soon after Mora turns the camera on is family, he is shocked to discover that his children claim to have
seen aliens and U.F.O.s descending from the night sky. In the months and years that follow, Mora dives
Detail of Hat Art headlong into the world of extraterrestrial phenomenon, speaking with believers, charlatans, and
experts in a mind-bending effort to discover the truth. 96 mins, DVD, Region One $14.95
EARTH BOUND EAR Love it or hate it... here one of the most contoversial documentaries ever made. Are we alone? Did a flying
This CD Rocks! Feel the experience of a saucer really crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947? Was there an autopsy? Has our government lied to
musical dream-machine, designed for us for nearly 50 years? As part of a comprehensive and objective investigation, ALIEN AUTOPSY: (FACT
extraterrestrial communication, as inspired OR FICTION?) delves into the famous purported 1947 crash of a UFO in Roswell, New Mexico, and the
by the movie “Close Encounters.” Let your alleged government cover-up. This special speaks with experts, including cynics and believers, in the
heart and imagination swim in rivers of fields of film, pathology and special effects. Viewers are asked to decide for themselves whether the
exotic possibility with this psychedelic-world-beat-jazz-rock-fusion footage is authentic or not. Hosted by Jonathan Frakes (“Star Trek: The Next Generation”), with
musical odyssey. M500 • MUSIC CD • 70 min • $14.95 eyewitnesses and experts including New Mexico Congressman STEVEN SCHIFF, Nuclear Physicist
STANTON FRIEDMAN, Award-Winning Creature Designer fSTAN WINSTON, PHILIP MANTLE, Eastman
Kodak’s LAURENCE CATE, Pathologist Dr. CYRIL WECHT and Former Roswell Public Relations Officer
WALTER HAUT. 60 mins Region One $14.95
Many people believe the government is not telling the truth about it’s involvement in the retrieval of a UFOs & MJ-12
crashed UFO in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965. If a UFO did crash from the sky, was it man-made,
UFO and Alien Disclosure! The
an alien spacecraft from another world, or was the story only a hoax? People who live in Kecksburg still
wonder what it was that caused the military, police, and local firefighters to respond so quickly to this government cover-up finally
rural community. Follow the events of December 9th, 1965, with UFO Investigator Stan Gordon as exposed! MJ-12 refers to an elite
twenty-one witnesses describe what they saw, the news media’s involvement and the military’s TOP SECRET military group
mysterious removal of a UFO to an unknown Air Force base where all traces of this event disappeared called into action by United States
in secrecy. 92 min • U431 • $24.95 presidential order to investigate
and conceal real alien and UFO
encounters. This story and the trail of
scientific discovery that follows proves
MYSTERY OF THE CROP CIRCLES: THE COSMIC CODE that the official U.S. Government position on UFOs has been a carefully
Winner of 2 EBE Awards! Peoples Choice Award & Best Film / UFO-Related Theme - International orchestrated deception designed to hide the most extraordinary secret
UFO Congress Film Festival. Presented for the first time in this investigative film is the discovery of a in recorded history. Includes the shocking facts behind this amazing
hidden symbolic language or meaning, a “cosmic code” in the crop circle formations which began to story and features video, photos, and secret government documents,
appear in a whirlwind of mystery in the early 1980s and continues to this day with stunning geometric
along with a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with
complexity, grandeur and beauty. This film also demonstrates how the Crop Circle phenomenon can
no longer be explained away simply as the creation of anonymous artisans because of the size and investigators, witnesses, researchers, scientists, astronauts and the
complex design of these formations and the frequency with which they appear. In the end what we may best known, most credible UFO authorities in the world today. Packed
discover can only be called a miracle. 90 min • U292 • $24.95 with bonus features, expert analyses, in-depth commentary and
unforgettable conclusions about this amazing mystery.
3-DVD • 284 min • U661 • $39.95
EBE Award Winner “Best UFO-Related Documentary” Investigate alien abduction implant victims.
Witness the surgical removal of alien implants. Discover results from laboratory tests and the pathol- CROSSOVERS
ogy of alien implants. Presented here in shocking detail is hard evidence the medical community has FROM ANOTHER
long denied. Scientific proof that physical alien implants are real. Medical doctors have no scientific
explanation. For the first time in history, see an actual alien "claw" found at the scene of a location DIMENSION 3-DVD SET
known for repeated alien abductions. Dr. Roger Leir – a true pioneer in this extraordinary field of Discover the hidden secrets of a
scientific research investigates this disturbing mystery and the surgical removal of alien implants from timeless mystery in this award-winning
abduction victims. 2-DVD • 120 min • U559 • $29.95 film about the greatest Crop Circle
formations ever created. The creators
ALIENS AND THE SCALPEL: THE RESEARCH OF DR. ROGER LEIR of these paranormal formations still
- Audiobook • 510 minutes • U659 • $39.95 remain a mystery. After years of
painstaking research, scientific
evidence still points to alien influences that are responsible for this
phenomena. One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this
SHIPS OF LIGHT: THE CARLOS DIAZ UFO EXPERIENCE 2-DVD SET amazing film can only be described as miraculous evidence of a secret
On a dark and lonely road in the mountains of Mexico, Carlos Diaz had an encounter with UFOs that art form that continues to defy explanation. Includes spectacular
changed his life forever. Over 12,000 eyewitnesses including journalists, scientists and even the Mayor cinematography of the latest, greatest and most up to date Crop Circles
of Mexico City also share this same story of an alien encounter with UFOs. Now 20 years later, alien and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers,
encounters with UFOs over Mexico continue at an alarming rate. Get all of the facts in this amazing experiencers, and the best known, most credible Crop Circle authorities
program which is considered the most comprehensive investigation of UFO alien contacts ever produced in the world today. Packed with bonus features, expert analyses and
for home viewing. Learn about messages received by Carlos Diaz from his UFO alien encounters and an exclusive cinematic archive of the latest and greatest Crop Circle
what meaning they may hold for us here on Earth. Features stunning film footage, video and photos of formations ever captured on film. 3-DVD • 240 min • U653 • $39.95
alien UFOs along with an unprecedented collection of interviews with researchers, eyewitnesses,
experiencers and the best known most credible UFO authorities in the world today.
2-DVD • 164 min • U440 • $39.95
Now presenting the most extraordinary film evidence to date of an active and on-going Alien presence Now presenting the most
in our skies. Prepare to embark on a mind-bending journey with UFO Magazine, UK and the award- anticipated and requested series of
winning UFO research team of Graham W. Birdsall and Russel Callaghan. For the past few years, programs ever made on UFOs, from
Anthony Woods has somehow attracted UFOs on a scale unprecedented in the history of ufology. award-winning investigative
Over one year in the making, this program tells the remarkable story of his efforts to record some of the journalist GEORGE KNAPP!
most extraordinary UFO footage ever seen. Includes photos, video, expert analysis, and interviews Features the most comprehensive
with researchers, eyewitnesses, experiencers and the best known, most credible UFO authorities in examination of the UFO phenomenon
the world today. Ultimately your perception of reality will be turned inside out by the facts presented in ever produced for home viewing!
this award-winning film. 90 min • U511 • $24.95 Includes three spellbinding full-length
programs, photos, video and documents, along with an unprecedented
collection of interviews with researchers, eyewitnesses, experiencers,
CEREAL WORM HOLES and the best-known, most credible UFO authorities in the world today.
Disc One: THE VISITORS: Traces UFOs throughout history, including
Prepare to embark on a mind-bending journey through the worlds of science, secret art and alien
sightings by the world’s most famous people, and an astounding
states of consciousness. For thousands of years an alien presence here on Earth has made us aware
collection of UFO photos and videos which seem to defy explanation
of their existence through miraculous signs and wonders, such as the ancient Nazca Lines of Peru,
and science. Disc Two: THE GOVERNMENT COVERUP: Examines
the Sphinx and Pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge in England, and now, the global phenomena of Crop
how governments, especially our own, have been hiding the truth
Circles. Presented here for the first time in this explosive program are the details of an investigation
about secret UFO studies, astronaut encounters and military
into the extra-dimensional aspects of the Crop Circle phenomena. Now drawing on shocking new
battles with alien space craft. Also take an unprecedented trip to
discoveries from the world's greatest scientific minds, this epic set of programs presents factual proof
Russia to investigate UFO secrets from behind the once-Iron
of alien influences today that have shaped history and human evolution for thousands of years. Includes
Curtain. Disc Three: STRANGE ENCOUNTERS: Explores terrifying
spectacular cinematography of alien Crop Circles and an amazing series of spellbinding interviews
tales of alien abductions, disturbing animal mutilation cases and
with researchers, experiencers, and the best known most credible Crop Circle authorities in the world
mysterious crop formations. 3-DVD • 190 min • U561 • $49.95
today. 2-DVD • 132 min U645 • $34.95
To Order Call 1-541-523-2630
This new DVD collection takes a definative, scientific look at the current state of the search for
UFOs, documenting many many sightings which have been debunked ... and more importantly,
bringing viewers up to date on the most famous UFO investigations which still remain unsolved UFOS AND COSMIC
and unexplained to this very day! DVD 1 - UFO Hunter, Imposters or Cosmic Visionaries, DVD
2 - UFOs, Lies & Videotapes, Secret Files DVD 3 - The Science of the Unexplained, Unsolved
Mysteries DVD 4 - Tales of strang Abductions, Cosmic Conspiracy DVD 5 - Mysterious 3-DVD SPECIAL
Phenomena, Future Perfect .Total running time 10 hours, Region 1, DVD $29.95 EDITION
Prepare to embark on a mind-
ALIEN TECHNOLOGY bending journey through the worlds
Hosted by Stacy Keach, this intriguing documentary suggests that the United States military of science, spirituality, ancient alien
recovered a crashed alien spaceship and reverse engineered its technology to advance mankind’s cultures and the future of our
progress. Through interviews with such experts as U.S. Major General David Doyle, Pulitzer modern technological age. Along
Prize-recipient Dr. John Mack, historian Kirkpatrick Sale and others, you’ll learn about the this journey you will visit the most
otherworldly origins of today’s biggest tech breakthroughs. 47 min. DVD $14.95 dramatic sacred sites, explore the
worlds greatest alien mysteries, and see the future of life on
Earth. In 1947, a pilot in Yakima, Washington spotted
UFOs THE FIRST ENCOUNTERS - A&E nine “saucer-like” craft moving at over 1200 mph across
A&E’s Ancient Mysteries narrated by Leonard Nimoy, modern archaeologists investigate the strange the mid-day sky. His story and many others like it caught the
phenomenon of UFOs by delving into the past as far back as the stone age. Many ancient imagination of the world, kicking off the modern flying saucer
civilizations erected monuments to the heavens with precision bordering on technological genius era and the UFO phenomenon that exists today. Now drawing
and often refer in their writings to bizarre flying objects seen in the sky. How were these civilizations on shocking new discoveries from the world's greatest scientific
so advanced that their technology is still unmatched in our contemporary society, and how are we minds, this epic investigative series presents factual proof of
to interpret these ancient references that share a startling similarity to UFOs being spotted today? UFO and Alien influences today that have shaped history and
Raising questions about the existence of UFOs, the identity of their occupants, and their possible human evolution for thousands of years. Includes shocking
influence on the history of mankind, this documentary examines clues from ancient civilizations eyewitness accounts, stunning films of UFOs in flight, explosive
classified information, incredible statements from major
that believed their societies originated with beings from above. $24.95
scientists and international experts and is the most complete
profile of UFOs ever released to the public. Ultimately your
CHARIOTS OF THE GODS perception of reality will be turned inside out by the facts
“Fifty million stars in our galaxy have the potential of supporting life forms capable of traveling to presented in this award-winning series of programs.
other planets,” says world-renowned authority Erich von Daniken, whose film version of his best- 3-DVD • 255 min • U427 • $59.95
selling book, CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, gives stunning visual proof that some form of life from
outer space landed on Earth centuries ago. It took five years for von Daniken to document, on UFOS: THE FOOTAGE
film, the physical evidence of visits by galactic travelers who came to Earth. Just what they did ARCHIVES 5-DVD
here and the influences they left behind is the core of the film. In search of basic truths, the film,
CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, takes the viewer into the far reaches of underground caves and SPECIAL EDITION
tombs, and to the tops of desolate mountains on every major continent to show the evidence von EBE Award Winner! Best UFO
Daniken has been collecting. Although this controversial film may provide the answers to age old Footage - International UFO
mysteries, it may be the beginning of an entirely new set of questions. Congress Film Festival. UFOs: The
100 minutes, Color, Rated G, 1974 $19.95 Footage Archives is the largest
collection of UFO films ever
released on Video. Featuring the
400 best original UFO film and
FLYING SAUCERS ARE REAL 2-DVD SPECIAL EDITION video clips ever from 31 countries
Featuring the UFO research of Nuclear Physicist Stanton T. Friedman in what is considered one of on four continents, 1950-2000, in a unique video edition. All
the most important investigations on the UFO phenomenon ever assembled on film for home viewing clips are professionally assembled in chronological order with
and presents stunning evidence of an alien presence here on Earth. This investigation documents the individual statistics including time and location for easy
solid physical evidence of UFO landings, photos and videotaped evidence of UFOs from around the reference and viewing enjoyment.
world and reveals the shocking story of the government's 'Cosmic Watergate', a massive effort to 5-DVD • 426 min • U439 • $89.95
keep UFO information from the Public. Discover the details of a massive investigation led by Friedman
and others, utilizing the U.S. Government Court System and the "Freedom of Information Act," to CROP CIRCLES:
gain access to government and military documents which by law should now be available to the
public. Includes the amazing story of Betty & Barney Hill, the first abduction case to receive THE BEST EVIDENCE
international attention. 2-DVD • 168 min • U435 • $34.95 6-DVD SET
For thousands of years an Alien
THE TRUTH ABOUT UFOS IN RUSSIA presence here on Earth has made
From the first written records of civilization to the beginning of the modern flying-saucer era, humanity us aware of their existence through
has been recording celestial phenomena. Now with modern technology we have the ability to record miraculous signs and wonders,
events in the sky on film for all the world to see. In this program UFO investigator Georgio Bongiovanni such as the Ancient Nasca Lines
and his camera crew go to the Russian Anti-Aircraft Academy of Defense and meet with high ranking of Peru, the Sphinx and Pyramids
Russian military officials and former KGB agents as they reveal that both Russia and the United of Egypt, Stonehenge, and now, the
States are withholding information regarding the existence of UFOs and alien spacecraft. global phenomena of Crop Circles.
U562 • 77 min • $19.95 Presented for the first time in this explosive series is the
discovery of a secret symbolic language or meaning, a “cosmic
code” in the crop circle formations. However there are dark
SECRETS OF DREAMLAND 2-DVD SPECIAL EDITION forces at work that would use the mystery of Crop Circles to
Area 51 is the most secret U.S. military test facility in the world. Government documents reveal a confuse the public regarding the greatest of all truths: that we
connection between US military black budget programs & alien technology at Area 51. In this two are not alone in the universe. This six part series of programs
DVD Special Edition, Norio Hayakawa, a leading expert on US government black budget programs represents the largest collection of films, photographs and
and technology, reveals alleged super aeronautics and avionics, worldwide data control systems research ever assembled on the Crop Circle phenomenon.
and a variety of startling mind-control weaponry. Using such diverse sources as CNN, US News & Witness for yourself the stunning complexity, beauty and
World Report and Jane’s Defense Weekly, Hayakawa links the placement of extensive underground grandeur of Crop Circles in this amazing series of programs. In
installations, secret biotechnology, highly publicized cattle mutilations and non-lethal defense systems the end what you will discover can only be called a miracle.
to corroborate his position that a secret international cabal is preparing to stage a phony extraterrestrial 6-DVD • 432 min • U445 • $99.95
event in the very near future. See photographs and video evidence of all these alarming developments
by one of the foremost researcher of UFOs and Area 51. 2-DVD • 4.5 hours • U436 • $39.95
OF THE ‘90s
Now presenting the most
spectacular UFO film footage ever
caught on camera during the 10
year period that is the 1990s, which
is hailed as the greatest decade
ever for videotaped evidence and
proof of an Alien presence in our
skies. See the details of each filmed
HARD EVIDENCE SERIES VOL. 1 - 6 event as it occurred, bringing you
Produced by UFO Magazine, UK and the award-winning UFO research team of Graham W. Birdsall and Russel face to face with those who
Callaghan. This series of programs features exclusive interviews with the best known experts in international witnessed and captured these UFO
events on film and video tape for all the world to see. Includes
UFO research; stunning UFO footage from around the world; detailed case studies; and a fantastic assortment of
an unprecedented collection of film and video footage of UFOs
shocking UFO discoveries. UFOs: Hard Evidence cuts to the chase and serves up an incredible arsenal of in flight, interviews with researchers, eyewitnesses,
mystery and discovery that broadcasters and the news media consider too hot to handle. experiencers, and the best-known, most credible UFO
6-DVD • 360 min • U414 • $99.95 authorities in the world today. Ultimately your perception of reality
will be turned inside out by the facts presented in this award-
winning program. 60 min • U426 • $19.95
Presented in this edition: Flying Triangles, UFOs & NASA, Animal Presented in this edition: Vatican Insider - Monsignor Corrado AZTEC 1948:
Mutilations, Alien Abduction, UFOs & Radar, Pilot Encounters, Balducci on ET and UFOs, NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell on
UFOs over Mexico, Area 51 and UFO Crash Footage. UFOs, Future Technologies, Roswell Remembered, Nick Redfern UFO CRASH
U415 • DVD • 60 min • $19.95 & UFO Crashes, and Mexico’s Jaime Maussan on UFOs. U418 On March 25, 1948 a UFO
• DVD • 60 min • $19.95 spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin
HARD EVIDENCE VOL. TWO crashed in a place called Aztec,
Presented in this edition: UFOs over Northern England, Area 51, HARD EVIDENCE VOL. FIVE New Mexico. 16 alien bodies were
Arizona Meteor Crater, The International UFO Congress Presented in this edition: Exclusive UFO Footage, Majestic 12 discovered dead inside. The alien
bodies and all evidence of their
Experience, and an objective analysis of UFO contactee George Examined, UFOs & Pilot Encounters, Whitley Strieber & The
spacecraft were soon transported
Adamski. U416 • DVD • 60 min • $19.95 Coming Global Superstorm, The International UFO Congress, by government officials to Wright
UFO & Satellite Technologies, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, Patterson Air force Base where all
HARD EVIDENCE VOL. THREE the Rendlesham Forest UFO Cover-up, Amazing Daylight UFO traces of this event disappeared in
Presented in this edition: UFOs over Britain, The Sterling Sightings Footage, and The Surgical Removal of Alien Implants. secrecy. This program documents
& UFOs over Scotland, Underground Bases, The UFO Alien U419 • DVD • 60 min • $19.95 the shocking facts around this disturbing mystery and includes
Exhibition, Camcorders & UFOs, and UFO Crash Retrievals. interviews with leading UFO researchers, a walking tour of the
U417 • DVD • 60 min • $19.95 HARD EVIDENCE VOL. SIX crash site, a tour of the secret US radar station that tracked the
Presented in this edition: Incredible Spheres & Mysterious Orbs, UFO crash and the story of an intensive government
Close Encounter Reports, the International UFO Congress, investigation into alien biology and space technology.
Advanced Propulsion, Crop Circles, Skywatching Tips & UFO 60 min • U553 • $24.95
Video Analysis. U420 • 60 min • $19.95
UFOs: Hard Evidence cuts to the chase and serves up an incredible arsenal of mystery and CHUPACABRA
discovery that broadcasters and the news media consider to hot to handle. Due to the untimely
death of researcher, filmmaker and publisher Graham W. Birdsall, this program is the final SPECIAL EDITION
film in the UFOs: Hard Evidence series. U421 • 90 min • $24.95 Join the Adventures Beyond film
crew as they journey to a remote
region of Latin America and to a
mysterious and dangerous hidden
cave deep within the countryside
that is said to be the home of El
UFO ABDUCTIONS: A GLOBAL PHENOMENON Chupacabra. Adventures Beyond is the first in-depth
documentary-investigation on this creature. Includes exclusive
SPECIAL EDITION footage and high-tech computer imaging of El Chupacabra
EBE Award Winner! Best Film “Abductee / Contactee Category ”International UFO Congress based on eye witness accounts. Next, the Adventures Beyond
Film Festival. Over four million Americans believe they are victims of the most film crew investigate the most Evil and foreboding Castles in
frightening aspect of the UFO phenomenon: alien abduction. New research shows that Europe; Hermitage Castle in the South of Scotland. The
alien abductions are occurring all over the world. In the production of this film, investigators Adventures Beyond film crew are the only brave souls in
traveled to ten countries in a daring attempt to uncover the truth. In this breathtaking program hundreds of years to spend the night in a castle reported to be
both witnesses and internationally respected researchers present the facts about this the most Haunted and Evil Castle in all of Europe. Then, it's off
shocking and alarming phenomenon. For example, strange implants of an unknown to a very remote secluded region of the Central Midwestern
technology are removed from an abductee’s body in the U.S.; a British policeman is abducted United States where strange unexplainable apparitions have
by two aliens, one of which he photographed; two couples in Australia meet for the first time been captured on film coming out of graves. Through the use
during an abduction, later recall their experience under hypnosis; strange landing marks of advanced Night Vision technology, you'll actually sit in on
and magnetic anomalies are found on the ground after abduction experiences; and a man the most dramatic live Seance ever recorded and see the most
from Nazareth suffers from severe inflammations after being covered with a yellow dust startling ghost footage ever captured on film.
during an abduction. Includes detailed accounts of UFO and Alien abductions from the 70 min • U556 • $24.95
United States, Great Britain, France, Finland, Hungary, Israel, Australia and Brazil. Parental
discretion is advised. 78 min • U443 • $24.95
“Some of the most striking UFO footage taken to date.” — James Neff One of the most famous
Investigate the mysterious world of UFO’s with legendary actor/writer/producer Dan Aykroyd, real-life UFO abduction
whose riveting personal experiences led him to a deeper study of this controversial cases on record becomes
phenomenon. Presented by renowned author/UFOlogist David Sereda, this astounding film this character-driven drama
reveals extensive research of conspiracy theories and startling new evidence of the existence from sci-fi screenwriter Tracy
of extraterrestrial life forms. Compelling UFO footage along with rare testimonials by Astronaut Torme. D.B. Sweeney stars
Gordon Cooper, NASA engineer John F. Schuessler, former Canadian Defense Minister Paul as Travis Walton, a forestry
worker who disappears one
Hellyer, and the late president Ronald Reagan, among others, give further credence to one of
night during an encounter
the greatest mysteries of our time. Aykroyd and Sereda discuss recent findings, international with a flying saucer. Authori-
UFO technology, government cover-ups and potential military intervention in a possible attack. ties treat with skepticism the
Witness shocking, never-before-seen footage of UFOs in classified military and NASA Space outrageous story related by
Shuttle videotapes. View video clips of the latest unexplained flying objects recorded by the only witnesses to the
witnesses throughout the U.S. and Europe. And finally, explore Aykroyd’s personal views on event, Travis’ five co-work-
UFO’s, extraterrestrials, quantum physics and the age old question...Are we alone? 81 mins, ers, who include his best
Region One. Widescreen 1.66:1 $14.95 friend and future brother-in-law, Mike Rogers (Robert Patrick). A
state lawman (James Garner) finds a tabloid newspaper in the
EVIDENCE: THE CASE FOR NASA UFOS crew’s pickup truck and quickly ascertains that tensions had arisen
between Walton and a surly fellow logger (Craig Sheffer), lead-
This is the deepest investigation ever made about some breakthrough footage that was ing him to conclude that a murder cover-up is underway. How-
filmed by NASA. This footage records high numbers of disc shaped objects, ambiguously ever, all of the men pass lie detector tests and the case becomes
classified, and until now, unidentifiable as any known phenomenon. UFOlogist David stalled until the shocking last-minute reappearance of Travis, who
Sereda spent the past six years conducting scientific investigations with NASA and tells a literally fantastic story involving his whereabouts for the
through other sources about alleged UFO sightings. Sereda presents NASA footage past week. Starring: D.B. Sweeney, James Garner $19.95
and his discoveries in this two part series. He shows proof of intelligent craft through the
process of elimination of other possible phenomenon; fundamental principles of faster LEFT AT
than light technology and corroborating evidence found on the disc shaped objects;
links to the supposed spacecraft and an identifiable star system. Starring David Serada EASTGATE
and featuring television and film celebrity Dan Akroyd. 2 Hrs. $24.95 UPDATE 2003 DVD
In December 1980, three
Royal Air Force Bentwaters
CRASH RETRIEVALS IN THE SOUTHWEST base culminated in what is con-
Winner 2007 EBE Award for Best Historic UFO Documentary. sidered the most significant
In July of 1947, an extraterrestrial craft crashed to earth near Roswell, NM. In March of UFO incident in Great Britain.
1948 it happened again near Aztec, NM and in 1953, Kingman, AZ. What did all these The book “Left at East Gate”
cases have in common? Listen to the experts talk about the cover-ups and conspiracies. was the personal account of
Discover a new theory about how the military may have been responsible and visit the Larry Warren, an honorably
remains of several Top Secret Radar Facilities that are at the center of this controversy. discharged military eyewit-
Narrated by Producer Roy Forbes, you will learn how Above Top Secret Recovery Teams ness, and was the first to go public about the Bentwaters UFO
and MJ-12 were formed to deal with the UFO problem as well as recovered advanced cover-up. On this Left at East Gate 2003 UPDATE Lecture on
technology. Featuring Stanton Friedman, Linda Moulton Howe, Richard Dolan, Nick Redfern, DVD, you’ll see & hear Peter Robbins, co-author of the best
John Greenwald, Scott Ramsey, Dennis Balthaser, and Jim Marrs. Over two years in the seller Left at East Gate, as he gives a 2003 Update at the
making. 67 mins, DVD-R, Plays Worldwide. $24.95 McMinnville UFO Fest in May 2003. About 1 hour, All region
Mankind’s most carefully guarded secret revealed! For the first The American UFO
time.... information that you were never meant to know. Amaz-
ing UFO photos and video footage you were never meant to Experience
see. At last astounding revelations by the world’s foremost This two-hour documentary
authorities including: Dr. Steven M. Greer, Steve Bassett, Jim concludes the investigation
Marrs, Robert O. Dean, Dr. Michael Salla, Stanton T. Fried- into the UFO enigma, and has
man, Alfred L. Webre, John Greenwald Jr., Dr. Len Horowitz, serious connect-the-dots at the
Dr. Richard Boylan, Jaime Maussan, Paola Harris, Jerry Pip- end. It ties together a vast
pin, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, A. J. Gevaerd, Sean David Morton, amount of evidence and
Graham E. Bethune, Col. Wendelle C. Stevens, Monsignor proves that the people of
Corrado Balducci, James W. Deardorff, Phd., Robert M. Wood planet earth are being set up
PhD, Charles Hall, Richard Dolan, Steven Jones, Rob Simone, for a masterful deception ? and
Don Ware, Richard Giordano, James Courant, Dolores Can- that alien intelligence are be-
non, Maurice Osborn, David Coote, Stoyan Cheresharov, Daniel hind it, and theyare using the leaders of the world as dupes to
Munioz, Lisa Davis, Bruce Jessop, Robert Miles, Alan lead them into a horrible fate. Explores ancient texts including
G.Toleman, Jutta Savill. Hosted by Erika Jessop. Never before the Bible. 2 Hours $27.95
has there been such a disclosure of the web of lies and
disinformation that the Governments of the world do not want UFO’s: Above &
you to know! Hear contactee’s, experiencer’s and abductee’s
share their amazing testimonies! Discover the truth about ex- Beyond
traterrestrial contact. Running time: approx. 98 minutes. $19.95 In the duration of thirty years,
between 1948 and 1978, there
were 63,144 reported UFO
sightings. As UFOs: Above and
Beyond points out, that
Pillar of Enoch - The Lost Legend of the Great Pyramid equates to four sightings an
The most astonishing mystery that has long been hidden under the shroud of ancient my- hour, every hour of the day,
thology, legend, and outright historical distortions finally comes into the light of day in this every day of the year, for thirty
astonishing and monumental 1hr and 4 minute ( made for T.V. 54 minutes) extravaganza. years! An astonishing photo-
The film presents the real story, in dramatic conflict, into the real forces behind the building of graphic account narrated by
the Great Pyramid of Giza. While the general historical consensus and traditional view holds the late James Doohan (best
to the belief that the pyramid was built by the pharaoh Khufu, this films unequivocally proves known for his role as Star
that the Great Pyramid was far to sophisticated and complex for people of that day to have Trek’s ‘Scotty’), this documentary utilizes photos, film clips, gov-
designed, and was far beyond the knowledge of mortals. With graphic CG displays, histori- ernment documents, and expert testimony to explore the pos-
cal over laments, and on site exposition, the film proves that the confluence of architectural, sibility of alien existence. Though photos and home videos of
astronomical, mathematical and cosmological knowledge had to have come down via a unidentified flying objects are often dismissed as hoaxes, the
supernatural intelligence and source. “The Pillar of Enoch-Lost Legend of the Great Pyra- images used in this film have been studied by independent labs
mid,” while provocative and compelling is not over the top with wide eyed beyond belief and deemed unaltered and thus, authentic. Other evidence
speculation, but is highly entertaining and entreatable. In a carefully crafted and documented examined in UFOs: Above and Beyond includes the existence
style it rips off the veil that has covered over the truth for thousands of years. It’s not only the of cave paintings depicting aliens and alien craft dating back to
long hidden emerging truth the film presents, but also the explosive spiritual life changing ancient times as, well as early church frescoes of similar im-
power that makes this more than just a documentary. 75 mins. Region One. $24.95 ages. Discussion of the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, is
another film highlight along with clips of an intriguing interview
with Bob Lazar, a nuclear physicist who worked near Area-51
at a top-secret site where he studied the propulsion mecha-
PHOENIX LIGHTS DOCUMENTARY nisms of an alien aircraft. Captivating, probing, and informa-
On March 13th, 1997 mysterious lights hovered over Phoenix, Arizona and were captured by tional, this eye-opening film poses the question, “Are we really
many news stations. Dr. Lynne Kitei studied the lights for many years, sharing her discover- alone?” Watch and decide for yourself. Region One. 55 mins
ies in the popular book The Phoenix Lights. From her years of research she obtained amaz- DVD Region One $9.95
ing videos and photographs and went on a personal journey of discovery that changed her
life. Now in a brand new documentary years in the making, Dr. Lynne finally shares her
amazing story and the compelling evidence of this amazing incident. With interviews from Monsters of the
over 30 eyewitnesses, scientists, and experts, The Phoenix Lights Documentary will change
the way you view this famous incident forever. This Documentary is packing theaters on both UFO - The Incident
coasts to rave reviews, and is now available on DVD for the first time. Not to be missed. at Kelly
This DVD is the original, collector’s DVD that won numerous awards, including the NY Inter- The one and only documen-
national Independent Film Festival. This original, collector’s DVD is now available for a lim- tary highlighting the bizarre
ited time. $24.95 UFO/alien encounter at Kelly,
Kentucky in 1955! A rural
From the initial news of a “disk” being recovered in the desert to SCI FI’s latest “smoking gun” gunbattle with creatures from
shocker to a landmark scientific excavation of the 1947 crash site in Roswell, N.M., this 75 another world. See actual in-
min. documentary offers the definitive account of what may be the most important event of terviews, photos and dra-
the 20th century. SCI FI Channel reopens the case with a groundbreaking investigation, matic reenactments of the
chronicled in a two-hour special that includes all-new eyewitness interviews, up-to-the minute strangest UFO story of them
revelations and never-before-seen footage. Working under top-secret conditions, archaeolo- all. A story which made world
gists from the University of New Mexico, in partnership with SCI FI Channel, set out to un- headlines in the press and spawned the phrase, “Little Green
cover conclusive physical evidence to help prove whether the claim of an extraterrestrial Men”. Why would 11 members of a respectable Kentucky com-
craft crash is science fiction or science fact. Hosted by Bryant Gumbel. $19.95 munity flee their home in terror? Who and what were the inde-
structible goblins that came out of the unknown after a UFO
landed behind their farm? If you’re into UFO’s, you may have
read about it in the literature. Now, see it unfold before your
very eyes in this chilling true story. About 1 hour, DVD-R, Plays
worldwide. $23.95
To Order Call 1-541-523-2630
Not Just Another Television Special…It’s A News Making Event! UFO SECRET:
This DVD brings you the first physical proof of alien encounters, all new footage and THE ROSWELL CRASH
exclusive interviews! For the first time ever, see pieces of the alien craft that crashed 2-DVD SPECIAL EDITION
at Roswell. Concealed for 50 years, this material is extraterrestrial! Former NASA Based on the research of Kevin Randle
astronaut Gordon Cooper breaks his silence and discusses his close encounters and Don Schmitt, two of the foremost
with alien craft! Witness UFO photographs taken in space by former NASA astronaut, UFO investigators on the Roswell UFO
James McDivitt! Top Secret Footage The Government Doesn’t Want You To See! crash, this in-depth series required over
Proof of alien abductions! Watch renowned surgeon, Dr. Roger Leir, remove an actual 400 interviews and more than a
alien implant! Travel inside AREA 51 with Bob Lazar! Featuring appearances by Steven decade to produce, and is considered
Spielberg, Will Smith, Sigourney Weaver, Robert Wise and David Duchovny. Witness the definitive investigation on the
Roswell UFO crash and government
over 250 UFOs caught on video. See shocking and never-before-seen UFO footage!
cover-up of contact with aliens from another world. Includes two
70 mins. $19.95 spellbinding feature-length programs, updates, photos, video and
documents, along with an unprecedented collection of interviews with
COMMUNION researchers, eyewitnesses, experiencers, and the best known most
Based on the best-selling novel by Whitley Strieber, “Communion” features what is considered by credible UFO authorities in the world today.
many to be Christopher Walken’s finest performance to date. “Communion” depicts the personal and 2-DVD • 146 min • U650 • $29.95
professional crises a writer experiences after a series of encounters with non-human beings. This
film is arguably the most intelligent film about the alien abduction/visitor phenomenon. Unlike countless UFOS: THE
made-for-TV films, where the emphasis is on the sensationalistic, “shocking” aspects of the subject,
“Communion” focuses on the psychological and emotional harm the experience does. We see Strieber SECRET EVIDENCE
(Walken) describe his experiences to his medical doctor, and then to a psychiatrist. Once his own SPECIAL EDITION
mental health has been established, then (and only then) does he begin to consider the possibility Finally revealed: What the World
that the creatures he has seen are actually real. Features theme music performed by Eric Clapton! Governments really know about UFOs.
Starring: Christopher Walken, Lindsay Crouse. DVD $18.95 Features factual proof of UFO and Alien
influences today that have shaped
history and human evolution for
UFOS AND AREA 51: thousands of years. Includes
spellbinding statistics, stunning UFO
SECRETS OF THE BLACK WORLD photos, shocking UFO video, secret
2-DVD SET government documents and an
Area 51, AKA: Dreamland or Groom Lake, is the most mysterious top-secret military test facility unprecedented collection of interviews with researchers, eyewitnesses,
in the world. New technologies vital to United States national security are developed here. experiencers, and the best known, most credible UFO authorities in
Insiders claim that even recovered spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin are studied and test the world today. 120 min • U433 • $29.95
flown at Area 51. Includes the shocking facts behind this amazing story and a fascinating series
of spellbinding interviews with the best known, most credible UFO authorities in the world today. THE PLEIADIAN
2-DVD • 135 min • U432 • $29.95 CONNECTION 2-DVD
UFOS AND AREA 51 In 1975, Eduard “Billy” Meier, a humble
Swiss farmer, began a series of
VOL. 2: THE BOB LAZAR VIDEO personal contacts with extraterrestrial
Bob Lazar shatters the cloak of secrecy surrounding the US government’s most highly sensitive beings from a cluster of stars known
operations located in an area known as Area 51. As a chief physicist at Area 51, Lazar gives a full as the Pleiades. The information
account of Alien spacecraft the Government has hidden at Area 51 as well as details on their contained in this fascinating two part
propulsion systems and how they operate. 55 min. U536 $19.95 series is based on Billy Meier’s many
incredible contacts. Features two
spellbinding full-length programs and
UFOS AND AREA 51 an unprecedented collection of over 100 spectacular photographs
VOL. 3: DAVID ADAIR AT AREA 51 and film footage of real Pleiadian “beamship” spacecraft in flight.
Space technology transfer consultant and former rocket whiz kid David Adair speaks out for the Includes two feature length programs: The Pleiadian Connection and
The Meier Contacts. 2-DVD • 128 min • U442 • $29.95
first time on camera in this interview about his remarkable encounters with an alien engine,
DOD agents, and Air Force General Curtis Lemay at Area 51. Includes the details of an alien
propulsion system designed for interstellar space travel that is light years beyond anything on UFO SECRET:
Earth - so sophisticated it responds to the thoughts and emotions of the pilot. This story and the
trail of scientific discovery that followed provide proof that we are not alone in the universe.
40 min • U537 • $19.95 This amazing feature length program
presents the evidence of alien
visitations that shaped the ancient world
UFO INSIDERS: and still continue to affect our lives today.
Includes the true story of world famous
COSMIC TOP SECRET UFO Contactee and author George
4-DVD SPECIAL EDITION Adamski and many others who made
Finally revealed: What the World Governments really know about UFOs. Features factual proof UFO history in the 1950s and 60s as
the first people to speak in public and
of UFO and Alien influences today that have shaped history and human evolution for thousands
show physical proof of their experiences with UFOs and aliens from
of years. Topics include: Human history and the alien connection; the role of the Catholic Church;
another world. Includes an unprecedented collection of film clips of
ET politics; a journalist’s real encounter with aliens and the shocking truth of government and alien UFO spacecraft in flight and interviews with researchers,
media manipulation of the American public regarding the history of extraterrestrial contact. eyewitnesses, experiencers, and the best known, most credible UFO
Features spellbinding statistics, stunning UFO photos, shocking UFO video, secret government authorities in the world today. 120 min • U441 • $29.95
documents and an unprecedented collection of interviews with researchers, eyewitnesses,
experiencers, and the best known, most credible UFO authorities in the world today.
4-DVD • 360 min • U555 • $69.95
One of the most astounding and incredible videos you will ever see - for it is history in the making. WHAT IS NASA
This video offers INCONTROVERTIBLE EVIDENCE of an extraterrestrial base on Mars. This is
volume one in a series of three, that probes the depths of the greatest mystery ever to confront the HIDING?
human race. Who built these structures? Why are they so much like those found on Earth in both This two-part Special Edition pre-
scale and shape? Why do we have such a mixture of structures, like those found in the Middle sents shocking facts about UFO
East, India, Mexico, South America and Egypt? What are the high technology structures that are sightings in direct view of NASA
clearly seen there as well? More questions are raised than can be answered in a two hour video, Astronauts, obtained through a
which is why VOLUME ONE concentrates on the structures, and offers a deep probe into each of private independent study cen-
the obvious buildings at this incredible archeological site. Complete with the actual photographs, tered on monitoring and video-
ink lifts, artist renditions, computer renditions and animations, you will take an astounding tour by taping STRANGE activity seen
air over Tithonia City. This video release is the PROOF POSITIVE that we are NOT ALONE, and from Space Shuttle cameras dur-
that there is an EARTH-MARS CONNECTION. $29.95
ing orbital flights high above the
Earth, and features the research of Jeff Challender and Project
RETURN OF THE NEPHILIM P.R.O.V.E. Contains two spellbinding programs featuring ex-
What’s behind the UFO’s? Are they real? Where are they from? Are they the Nephilim of ages traordinary NASA digital video footage of authentic space-
past? What does the Bible say about them? What’s their agenda for Planet Earth? This subject has based UFOs and strange anomalies filmed during US Space
not gone away. On the contrary, much new evidence has surfaced with global implications. Chuck Shuttle missions from 1999 - 2006. This story and the trail of
explores the Biblical relevance and disturbing agenda of the apparent extraterrestrial life forms that scientific discovery that followed provide proof that there is
have been forcing themselves into our global consciousness and reveals their most disturbing
an UNKNOWN Alien presence in our skies.
agenda. “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and
wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matthew 24:24) 2-DVD • 128 mins • U657 • $29.95
How do you protect yourself? $15.95
GOD, MAN & ET As seen on ABC, CBS and Fox
discovery of startling artificial
MYTHOLOGY - COMPLETE 6-DVD SERIES structures found among recently
Boldly going where no scientists have gone before, scholars, theologians and scientists debate released NASA / JPL photos taken
and explore the questions of God, Man and E.T. Their conclusions will shock and amaze you! by the Mars Global Surveyor and that
Captured in spectacular cinematic style, packed with stunning imagery, computer animation and these artificial structures are stunning
a classical music soundtrack, this series of programs presents the facts behind a wide-ranging proof that Mars once was inhabited
exploration into the question of other worlds in science, theology, and mythology and features an by an intelligent civilization. Includes
all-star group of researchers including: Richard C. Hoagland, Dave Flynn, Dr. Michael S. Heiser, a spectacular collection of new
Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Paul Nelson. 6-DVD • 8 ½ hours • K552 • $119.95 photographs presented by Dr. Tom Van Flanders, former Chief
Astronomer for the United States Naval Observatory and former NASA
Astronaut, Dr. Brian O’Leary. See remarkable monuments, “T” shaped
HOAGLAND’S MARS - ENTERPRISE MISSION craters, gigantic glass tube systems, ancient forest remains and grand
edifices that will leave you speechless. 74 min • U648 • $24.95
The research of Richard C. Hoagland and the Enterprise Mission is illuminated in this series of fascinating ARE WE ALONE?
programs, now available in a special DVD edition. Includes: “The Moon/Mars Connection”, “The NASA/Cydonia
Briefings” and “The Terrestrial Connection / United Nations Briefing”. Hoagland presents a powerful scientific
In a set of 6000-year-old stone
case, with NASA data, that the Earth and the Solar System have been visited by intelligences from other
tablets the Sumerians of
worlds. In non-technical language using official NASA photos and stunning computer graphics, Hoagland, as Mesopotamia vividly describe
head of an independent Mars investigation team, makes a case for crucial connections between ancient cataclysmic planetary events
structures on the landscape of our moon, the planet Mars, and the ruins of ancient civilizations on Earth. which billions of years ago gave
4-DVD • 390 min • U410 • $79.95 our solar system it¹s current
configuration, fashioning our own
planet in the process. Sumerian
human cloning technology and the
This Special Edition DVD series presents the shocking history of UFO sightings by NASA Astronauts existence of an additional planet
and the facts around a secret independent study to monitor and videotape alien UFO activity from the in our solar system referred to as
Space Shuttle during flights in Earth’s orbit and features the research of Martyn Stubbs. Includes Nibiru, which is currently unknown to modern science, and is
extraordinary NASA digital video footage of authentic space-based UFOs in orbit above the Earth and the recorded home of our human ancestors, according to these
facts about the investigation that led to these discoveries. 4-DVD • 368 min • U422 • $79.95 ancient records. 60 min • U290 • $19.95
The TRENT Photos: The McMinnville Scientists are now discovering at
UFO Sighting of 1950 the bottom of the earth’s oceans
This is the riveting account of one of the most important cases evidence of ancient advanced
in UFO History, McMinnville Oregon in 1950. Current interviews cultures that pre-date the last ice
with the Mr. and Mrs. Trent before their deaths. Learn how the age. Submerged megalithic sites
media in the 50’s twisted this sighting and exploited the Trent’s. have now been discovered in
Also feature detailed testimony of the scientic analysis of the many places around the world
photos by Bruce Maccabe. EXCLUSIVE from theUFOstore. including the remains of what is
Supplied in a jewel case. 25 min. $14.95 believed to be the lost ancient advanced civilization of Atlantis.
One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this amazing
film can only be described as miraculous. Evidence of ancient
seafaring cultures with advanced knowledge of astronomy, global
mapping and complex mathematics. Includes spectacular
underwater cinematography of ancient advanced city structures
and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with
researchers, scientists and the best known, most credible Ice
Age authorities in the world today. Packed with bonus features,
expert analyses and an underwater archeology film archive of
submerged megalithic sites as they exist today.
3-DVD • 243 min • K646 • $39.95
Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, authors of the best selling book “The Sphinx Mystery,” present OF THE AMAZON
startling evidence from our ancient past that could revolutionize how we see ourselves and our future. 4-DVD SET
If their discoveries are correct, the implications for our planet are hard to comprehend, let alone predict. One of the greatest mysteries of
First, Graham Hancock presents connections between the Great Sphinx and pyramids of Egypt, the the Amazon is the shamanic use
Mexican pyramids of the sun and moon, a lost continent that lies beneath Antarctica, astral navigation, of sacred plants for inducing
the ancient sites at Giza, and new interpretations of Egyptian pyramid texts. Then Robert Bauval offers mystical and spiritual, visionary
thorough, compelling arguments which have split the academic world including new discoveries about
experiences. One of the most
why the Egyptians really built the pyramids, what lies inside the Great Pyramid’s hidden chambers and
mysterious and miraculous plants
what awesome secret, unseen for 4,500 years, could be concealed there.
2-DVD • 180 min • K457 • $39.95 of all is Ayahuasca. Now for the
first time in this amazing series of
programs you can learn the facts about this legendary plant, its
PROPHECY: THE NEXT 1000 YEARS mystery, its use for healing and its unique ability to trigger deeply
Prophecies from the Egyptians, the Bible, the Mayans, Hopi Indians, Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce moving mystical experiences. Includes four spellbinding full-length
all agree that the world will face a series of cataclysmic disasters over the next one thousand years. programs and presents the facts about Ayahuasca and its use,
Drawing from an encyclopedic range of ancient and modern sources, and interviews with scholars as along with a fascinating series of live presentations with the best
well as political and financial experts, this program moves from the pyramids of Giza to the banking known, most credible Ayahuasca researchers in the world today.
centers of Wall Street, from Mayan temples in Mexico to the shrieks of jets bound for the bombing fields
Features acclaimed Professor of Psychology and author, Stanley
of Kosovo and Iraq. This program weaves a fascinating web of seemingly unrelated events that, when
Krippner, PhD; Anthropologist and author Luis Eduardo Luna,
taken together, reveal an astonishing similarity to prophecies from thousands of years ago. Produced
by award-winning Historian & Filmaker Dr. Jean-Pierre Isbouts. PhD, and Peter Gorman, noted Drug War journalist and a former
90 min • K460 • $24.95 Editor-in-Chief of High Times magazine.
4-DVD • 334 min • K647 • $89.95
America’s Hidden Spaceport? THE MAYA - 2 DVD SET
It’s a mysterious complex of buildings and runways that has been photographed by One of the most mysterious,
U.S. and Russian satellites and documented on the cover of Popular Science maga- scientifically advanced
zine. Yet the U.S. Government says the Area 51 base does not even exist. From a achievements ever discovered
secret gate at the Las Vegas airport, workers are flown daily to and from the base in among ancient cultures is the
aircraft with blacked-out windows. Airplanes are warned theyâ•™ll be shot down if creation of the Mayan calendar.
they fly over Area 51. Signs authorizing the use of deadly force surround the base to After years of painstaking
keep intruders away. Unmarked helicopters and hummers are on constant patrol. research, archeologists and
What are they guarding? A scientist who once worked there says Area 51 houses researchers are still mystified by
confiscated UFOs. Now, a visitor to the base says he actually examined an alien the unusual prophetic nature and
UFO engine there. Is Area 51 truly a spaceport for alien craft? RUN TIME:Approx. mathematically advanced, time
50 Minutes. $9.95 reckoning structure of the Mayan
calendar system. Scientific evidence shows us that the ancient
Maya were fiercely intelligent and their knowledge of space,
SECRETS OF UFOS: FIELDS OF MYSTERY: Are Crop time and astronomy far exceeds all our expectations. Now in
this amazing program Mayan researcher Ian Xel Lungold
Circles the Language of Aliens? presents amazing new discoveries about how the Maya
For decades, mankind has witnessed the mystery of crop circles “the often beautiful centered their civilization around a reality and concept of time
but always baffling markings that appear in fields the world over.” Previously dismissed they believed was the unfoldment principle for consciousness,
by skeptics as the work of clever hoaxers, crop circles are now the focus of increasing galaxies, life, history and even creation itself. Includes two
scientific investigation. How can complicated crop circle designs appear in just min- spellbinding DVDs, expert analyses and amazing facts about
utes, often in complete darkness? Why does the crop undergo changes at the cellular this secret, ancient and advanced culture. Exhilarating ideas
level? What about the strange lights which appear over the fields where crop circles and fascinating facts for both the scientific and spiritually
are found? Are crop circles the product of new military technology? Or are they mes- minded. 2-DVD • 180 min • K654 • $39.95
sages from an intelligent force, perhaps an alien civilization? Experience a powerful
eyewitness account of a crop circle being formed. What are crop circles trying to tell
us? RUN TIME: Approx. 50 Minutes $9.95 TECHNOLOGIES OF
Really Happened at Kecksburg? TECHNOLOGY
On December 9, 1965, hundreds of witnesses saw an object crash in the woods near Technologies of the Gods presents
the small Pennsylvania town of Kecksburg. The official government report said the stunning evidence that ancient
object was simply a meteorite. But eyewitnesses to the event disagree. Some say civilizations utilized high-tech
they saw the object change direction and emit a vapor trail before crashing. Others engineering methods equal to, if
claim to have seen the object up close. They describe it as a copper-colored, acorn- not superior to our own and that
shaped object with strange writing on it. Whatever crashed in Kecksburg, it quickly these technologies were being
drew the attention of the U.S. military. They reportedly recovered the object, loaded it applied on a world-wide level. It has long been suspected that
onto a flatbed truck and took it to Wright Patterson Air Force Base. What was it that the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and the Mayan temples could
caused the military to respond so quickly? What do they know that we donâ•™t? not have been built using the primitive technologies attributed to
RUN TIME: Approx. 50 Minutes. $9.95 those peoples by the orthodox academic view which states that
primitive civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt and India emerged
from the stone age just over five thousand years ago. In
SECRETS OF UFOS: ROSWELL UFO CRASH: What Technologies of the Gods breakthrough researchers, writers and
engineers take a look at real evidence—largely ignored by the
Really Happened at Roswell? academic establishment—which shatters the orthodox scenario
What really did happen at Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947? Did a UFO crash for the dawn of civilization on Earth. 60 min • K527 • $24.95
there? Were alien bodies recovered and autopsied? At last, we now know the an-
swers. Colonel Philip Corso, who worked at the Pentagon in military intelligence for 30 THE ATLANTIS
years, provides explicit information about how the U.S. government came into pos-
session of a crashed UFO and how every eyewitness was intimidated into denying it CONNECTION:
ever happened. Corso claims that he personally seeded alien technology into the ENGLISH
American industrial complex. And, for the first time, youâ•™ll actually see debris from
the crashed UFO and see text from a military cablegram initiating a crash cover-up SACRED SITES
with a phony weather balloon story. Witness the government cover-up story of the Discover powerful evidence that
20th century. RUN TIME: Approx. 50 Minutes. $9.95 links Stonehenge, Avebury,
Glastonbury and many other
mystical locations throughout
England to an advanced ancient
order that had a direct connection
with Atlantis. Travel along a set of
prehistoric “tracks” that run
hundreds of miles through the English countryside - evidence of
a highly developed science that was capable of engineering the
construction of incredibly inspiring structures, using massive
stones weighing thousands of pounds, that continue to radiate
their sacred energies to this day. Based on the discoveries of
Cambridge-trained scholar and author John Michell, this program
reveals a startling new version of the roots of civilization. Join
host Doug Kenyon, editor, Atlantis Rising Magazine, as he takes
us on location in England to explore some of the greatest, most
endouring mysteries of mankind. 50 min • K528 • $24.95
MAJ. ED DAMES & F.M. BONSALL sensationalized program
aired on CBS in 1993 that
In the field of parapsychology, remote viewing is a military term for extrasensory perception.
depicted Noah’s Ark
Remote Viewing is similar to clairvoyance or ESP, and is a scientifically proven natural
protruding from the ice on Mt.
ability everyone possesses. The Operation Mindazzle Remote Viewing DVD course by
Ararat. That program was
Major Ed Dames and F.M. Bonsall, was developed utilizing the latest protocols and methods
later shown to be based on
to provide the most effective and comprehensive psychic training program in the world.
falsified stories, myth and
Includes two hours of spellbinding instruction from the best-known most credible Remote
bogus documents. This is the real Ark site. Noah’s Ark has
Viewing authorities in the world today. Discover how to develop and use your own psychic
been found. Here is the evidence, including photographs and
Remote Viewing skills using scientifically proven methods. 120 min • U658 • $29.95
film footage to prove it. With the aid of aerial reconnaissance,
technologically advanced sensing devices, controlled chemical
analysis and strict archeological field work, this program
presents the evidence that proves scientists have indeed found
the final resting place of Noah’s Ark as described in the Bible
and the Book of Genesis. 2-DVD • 120 min • K458 • $34.95
Christopher Dunn is a master craftsman and engineer in the aerospace industry. His astounding TECHNOLOGY &
discoveries demonstrate that the technologies necessary for building the great pyramids of Egypt THE GLOBAL
were far more progressive than anything ancient peoples were previously thought to have known.
Dunn presents convincing evidence that advanced machinery was used to cut and measure ancient EARTH MATRIX -
monuments with amazing precision. For a grand finale he introduces his astonishing theory that the CARL MUNCK’S
great pyramids were actually used as ancient power plants, not as tombs, and goes into great depth
explaining their inner workings. 2-DVD • 240 min • K491 • $39.95 COMPLETE 4-PART
what is now considered the
STEPHEN MEHLER 2-DVD SET oldest code system on Earth.
Stephen Mehler is the only Westerner to be given intimate knowledge of the oldest Egyptian secrets This code is seemingly simple in its method and application as
passed down for centuries in the small village of Nazlet el Samman, where the Great Pyramid and a global way to mathematically record ancient knowledge within
Sphinx reside. In this amazing two-part program recorded in Egypt, Mehler shares for the first time the the architectural design and positioning of what are now our
ancient knowledge passed down to him, a Westerner, by the village wise man, Abd’El Hakim Awyan. most ancient and sacred monuments. Metrology, time reckoning,
Was there an advanced prehistoric civilization in ancient Egypt? Were they responsible for the pyramids advanced communications, precise mathematical law, and
and Sphinx? What are the true meanings of these monuments and how were they built? Come with us precise and enviable levels of global mapping, discovered both
to explore Al Khemit, the oldest civilization of Egypt, and its timeless wisdom. on Earth and Mars, are just a few examples of the knowledge
2-DVD • 180 min • K492 • $39.95 that was held by those that inhabited this planet in our ancient
past. These ancient masters speak of space travel, but that’s
WELCOME TO THE EVOLUTION: SOLVING THE MAYAN only the beginning. 3-DVD • 5 hrs • K532 • $69.95
Historic UFO Radio Archives
Ivan Sanderson’s 1953 radio report covers one of the world’s most unusual Includes THE ROSWELL ANNOUNCEMENT ON ABC RADIO: This is
happenings, the UFO (sometimes referred to the Braxton County Monster) the original announcement of the famed Roswell, NM crashed disc made
was seen by at least 14 people. The date was September 12, 1952. by ABC Network Radio news anchor Taylor Grant on July 8, 1947. THE
35 min • U624 • Audio CD • $9.95 1947 INTERVIEW THAT NAMED THE SAUCERS: June 24, 1947 when
private pilot Kenneth Arnold spotted a group of strange craft while on a
UFO’S AND THE UNEXPLAINED 1959 August of 1952 that became known as “The Summer of The Saucers”
World famous news commentator Frank Edwards is interviewed by a when numerous UFOs were seen and tracked on radar for several weeks
panel of people including Long John Nebel. It’s not the clearest recording over the United States capitol. Hear U.S. Marine Major Donald Keyhoe
sometimes, but Frank Edwards’ voice cuts through like a sharp knife. (Ret.), an Annapolis graduate, interviewed by Mike Wallace (60 Minutes)
Discussion includes UFOs and Flying Saucers, Tunguska, Antigravity, in a 1959 TV report about USAF and the US military. THE SEARCH FOR
U.S. Marine Major Donald Keyhoe and NICAP - This segment ends THE SAUCERS: An early report on the UFO phenomenon produced by
abruptly. 72 mins • U625 • Audio CD • $9.95 the news department of the ABC Radio Network in late 1947. Plus more
INVASION recordings. 60 min. • U632 • Audio CD • $9.95
One of the most credible pioneers of the modern UFO age, hear U.S. SPOTS BEFORE OUR EYES AUDIO CD
Marine Major Donald Keyhoe (Ret.), an Annapolis graduate, interviewed While more-or-less factual, this dramatic program provides an overview
by Mike Wallace (60 Minuets) in a 1959 report about censorship when he of the state of UFO research circa 1966 and contains some excellent
told the American public the truth about UFOs and an Air Force cover-up. sound bites from early-era kooks as well as serious researchers. Includes:
Keyhoe served as chairman of the research organization National THE UFO ATTACK ON WASHINGTON, DC and the 1966 radio interview
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). with Bill Donovan of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial
75 min. • U626 • Audio CD • $9.95 Phenomena (NICAP) during it’s heyday. He discusses valid sightings,
pilot reports, Air Force restriction of publication of sightings by military
FLYING SAUCER STORY BY LONG JOHN NEBEL personnel, discussion of foreign sightings (Russia, Chile and Argentina)
Released on LP record in 1960, “Long John Nebel Finally Presents the and how they’re handled by their respective governments. Includes an
FLYING SAUCER STORY.” Hear actual interviews with George Adamski, astronaut UFO report by James McDivitt during his Gemini IV space flight.
Daniel Fry, George Van Tassle, Orfeo Angelucci, Dan Martin, Frank There’s also a brief discussion of changing geographic patterns on the
Edwards and U.S. Marine Major Donald Keyhoe. moon and the possible use of the moon as a defense base either by the
40 min. • U627 • Audio CD • $9.95 US or Russia and the 1955 statement by Gen. Douglas MacArthur that
the next war will be interplanetary. 45 min. • U634 • Audio CD • $9.95
On the evening of October 11, 1973, while fishing in the Pascagoula River POLICE AND PILOT RECORDINGS AUDIO CD
(Mississippi), Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claimed they not only Air Traffic Control recordings of conversations between pilots and control
saw a strange egg and saucer-shaped object, but were abducted by three towers recorded LIVE as the pilots and crews experience close encounters
creatures. The beings floated from the object, captured both men, and with incredible unknown aircraft! Plus another recording of police
took them up into the craft where they were subjected to a medical-type transmissions and 911 conversations during a UFO chase that took place
examination. 60 min. • U628 • Audio CD • $9.95 on a cold winter’s night in Ohio. Hear officers, dispatchers and 911 callers
near panic as police chase UFO’s at night over a small Midwestern town.
FLYING SAUCERS SERIOUS BUSINESS AUDIO CD You’ll hear fear, amazement, and disbelief in their voices as they report
Frank Edwards’ Audio version of FLYING SAUCERS SERIOUS LIVE with UFO’s in sight. 45 min. • U635 • Audio CD • $9.95
BUSINESS was original released in 1966 on LP record. Hear stories of
Flying Saucers and Ships at sea, Astronomer reports, Power Sources, TRUMBULL COUNTY 911 UFO ENCOUNTER AUDIO CD
Censorship, Moon Signals, Contactees & Kooks, and much more. Presenting one of the most startling accounts of a REAL UFO encounter
51 min • U629 • Audio CD • $9.95 by police officers of several different precincts in Trumbull County, Ohio.
These are the full 911 dispatch recordings of the entire event. The incident
THE FLYING SAUCER FLAP - 1966 AUDIO CD took place on December 14th, 1994. Hear frantic residents calling in about
Featuring comments by DONALD KEYHOE, J. ALLEN HYNEK, AL CHOP a saucer shaped object flying close to their rooftops and hovering less
(USAF), JAMES MOSELEY, and WILLIAM COLEMAN (USAF). Recorded than 50 feet above the ground. 50 min. • U636 • Audio CD • $9.95
eye witness and news accounts include the 1952 Washington DC Radar
Case, McMinville OR, Exeter NH, and U.S. Marine Major Donald Keyhoe IMPACT! 1966 NICAP INTERVIEW AUDIO CD
describes an Aircraft case investigated by a SECRET Government agency. 1966 radio interview with Bill Donovan of the National Investigations
Scientists discuss explanations of UFOs and unexplained cases. Keyhoe Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) during it’s heyday. He discusses
and others discuss the Air Force cover-up of UFOs including official valid sightings, pilot reports, Air Force restriction of publication of sightings
recorded statements. Travel back in time to 1966 with this historical UFO by military personnel and a discussion of foreign sightings from Russia,
recording! 71 mins • U630 • Audio CD • $9.95 Chile and Argentina and how they’re handled by their respective
governments. Donovan then goes into detail about yet another astronaut
WAR OF THE WORLDS AUDIO CD UFO sighting by James McDivitt during his Gemini IV space flight. There’s
This is the original broadcast that struck fear in the hearts of millions of also a brief discussion of changing geographic patterns on the moon and
Americans on Halloween back in 1938 when Orson Welles and The the possible use of the moon as a defense base either by the US or
Mercury Theatre radio adaptation of H.G. Wells’s famous novel War of Russia and the 1955 statement by Gen. Douglas MacArthur that the next
the Worlds was broadcast. It’s easy to understand why this broadcast war will be interplanetary. 50 min. • U637 • Audio CD • $9.95
created genuine panic back in 1938 among listeners who tuned in too
late to realize the broadcast was merely a prank, and today this program 1950S LONG JOHN NEBEL UFO RADIO SHOW
still stands as one of the most exhilarating radio shows in history. Imagine ON 2 COMPUTER CDS
if you thought it was real? 60 min. • U631 • Audio CD • $9.95 Over 50 Hours of MP3 files! The Long John Nebel radio broadcast was
the Grandaddy of UFO and conspiracy talk shows. He was on the air in
SPECIAL REPORT ON UFO’S: HOSTED BY EDWARD R. MURROW the 1950s - 1970s. These shows are from his early days on WOR 710 in
Hosted by the great Edward R. Murrow, this 1949 report features interviews New York and feature Andy Sinatra, Arthur C. Clarke, Otis T. Carr, Ivan T
with military and civilian witnesses to many of the early landmark UFO Sanderson, Jim Moseley, George Van Tassel, Donald E. Keyhoe, Jackie
encounters. This recording is believed to be the first assessment of the Gleason and many more! 300 min • U638 • MP3 • $19.95
UFO phenomenon ever broadcast on radio.
60 min. • U633 • Audio CD • $9.95
From its introduction into our nation’s
Colonial cornucopia to its
criminalization in more recent times,
Hemplands tells the story of the most
amazing and maligned member of
the plant kingdom, cannabis sativa. This program draws on a rich
archive of rare historic images and insightful observations by Ken
UFOS OVER PHOENIX VOL 1 UFOS OVER PHOENIX VOL 2 Kesey, Dr. Thomas Clark, Gatewood Galbraith and many others who
AMAZING Authentic UFO video shot right here in the Phoe- Jeff demonstrates clearly that the skies of Phoenix are liter- follow the warp and weave of this fascinating, true story of how a
nix area!!! Get ready. This video will revolutionize your ally cluttered with UFOs of every shape, form and simple green plant went from important cash crop to sinister outlaw, to
mind!!!Ya gotta see it to believe it! Jeff has put together, and this second volume of material is just subsidized war hero, to counterculture dropout and may yet return as
90min of his best footage for your viewing pleasure. You as thrilling as the first. All that ‘wasted’ time has paid off in an environmentally friendly economic and eco-friendly force once
will be thrust into an AWEsome perplexity as you contem- footage unlike any other, and it’s not uncommon for Jeff to again. 160 min • U590 • $29.95
plate what this realization means to you and all humanity. appear on local news broadcasts, something which doesn’t
Empowering the public, Jeff teaches us how to see UFOs happen too often in mainstream news regarding the issue of EMPEROR OF HEMP:
for ourselves! $21.95 UFOs. $19.95
OF THE U.S. FOUNDING FATHERS tion is in this film, and you won’t be-
lieve it. This is the film that contains
There are many amazing mystical and mythological mysteries connected with the symbols the US
the facts about one movement… one
Founding Fathers chose to represent their beliefs, their dreams and their intentions during the
man... and one miraculous plant that
formation of the United States government. Drawing from the traditions of all ages, including the
could revolutionize the world. The
mystical knowledge of Alchemy and Kabbalah, William Henry unravels vital knowledge lost within
best-selling book The Emperor
the icons of America to reveal the mysterious secret treasures of America’s hidden heritage. The All
Wears No Clothes blew the lid off the
Seeing Eye, the Eagle, the Liberty Bell and the goddess symbols of Lady Freedom and the statue
anti-hemp conspiracy and explained
of Liberty. Do these symbols and icons of history contain keys to the secret mystical teachings of
all there is to know about an easy-to-
ancient advanced cultures? Join investigative mythologist William Henry in an exploration of the
grow plant with infinite, non-intoxicating uses. This program is about a
coded art and mystery symbols of the US Founding Fathers and their connection to the Freemasons,
man’s fight for truth, justice and a plant. What began as a singular
the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and a host of other mystical traditions dating back thousands
battle has turned into a massive movement to educate America about
of years. FEATURES: Over 150 rare images dating back thousands of years. • Connection between
this environmentally beneficial plant. 60 min • K548 • $19.95
the Freemasons, Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians. • Surprising connections between America
and Atlantis. 55 min • K643 • $19.95
This series of programs presents disturbing facts about historical events that adversely affect our Secret Societies, New World Order, MK Ultra, AIDS, Media
daily lives and are commonly overlooked by the news media and our learning institutions. Includes Manipulation, Occult Symbolism: these topics and more are discussed
unreported details about the events of 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, the war on terrorism, the in this amazing audio presentation featuring top experts. David Icke
Kennedy assassination, secret societies, government conspiracy, and the future of democracy in a discusses The Children of The Matrix; Dr. Leonard Horowitz discusses
New World Order. Staggering in its implications and shocking in detail, this series of programs Toxic Warfare; Jordan Maxwell discusses Secret Societies; William
presents stunning facts about real conspiracies that affect our lives today. Thomas discusses The Chemtrails Threat; William Lyne discusses
5-DVD • 368 min • K510 • $89.95 Tesla’s Secret Technology; and Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips discuss
MK Ultra. Audio • 24 hours • KA281 • $119.95
This documentary exposes a vast conspiracy to contaminate and control the world’s food supply TOXIC RELIGION - AUDIO
through genetic engineering of food crops. Leading scientists, researchers and activists present the Jordan Maxwell is considered a preeminent researcher and authority
facts that you need to know about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The methods used to in the field of occult/religious philosophy. Maxwell discusses the three
genetically engineer plants are imprecise and extremely dangerous. 80% of food sold in North foundation stones on which the modern-day “world of chaos” is based
America today already has ingredients made of GMOs that have not been adequately tested for - Government, Religion and Commerce: The three-legged stool on
safety. This program presents all of the facts about this alarming controversy which the powers-that-be sit.
112 min • U652 • $24.95 Audio • 6 hours • $39.95 • KA276
Story with David 3-DVD SPECIAL EDITION
World famous conspiracy researcher, lecturer and author David Icke
Icke reveals the truth about the illusion that is life in this “physical” reality
This movie chronicles the and how this “world” is a provable illusion, just a lucid dream. David
journey of Brandon Corey
Icke also reveals the details about interbreeding Reptilian bloodlines
a California businessman
who, while looking into going back thousands of years to ancient Sumer and Egypt that control
the disappearance of his positions of power to this day as royalty, US presidents and leaders
anti-war filmmaker friend, of industry. He exposes methods of mass mind control designed to
suddenly finds himself un- lead the human race like sheep to accept a world government, a world
covering the true identity central bank, a world army, and a microchipped population. Also
of the unpopular (and al- included is information on humanity’s ancient extraterrestrial origins
ways scary looking) U.S. and the origins of the bloodlines that continue to control the planet
Veep Dick Cheney. Says Earth in secret today. 3-DVD • 360 min • K530 • $59.95
David Icke about the film:“The story that this movie tells so su-
perbly, portrays what is happening in your world today.” DVD - DAVID ICKE: CHILDREN OF THE MATRIX
73 mins - Playsworldwide. $24.95
AUDIO 4.5 hours • KA275 • $39.95
David Icke tells the astonishing story of how
the world is controlled today by “royal” bloodlines
seeded in the ancient world that have passed
through history, manipulating the human race
for thousands of years. Using hundreds of
illustrations and a fast-paced, often ironic
narrative, David Icke explains how and why we
are now racing towards a global fascist state
unless we wake up fast. What is happening? What can happen? What has CONSPIRACY: THE SECRET HISTORY 5-DVD SET
happened in the past? All of these questions are explored in this thrilling, shocking, Join an undercover team of investigative journalists as they take on today’s managed news in an explosive series on the
mind-blowing program. 3-DVD • 288 min • K470 • $59.95 biggest cover-ups and conspiracies of our time. Staggering in its implications and shocking detail, see for yourself the
stunning facts about real conspiracies that affect our lives today. Available individually, or as a complete set.
5-DVD • 370 min • K499 • $89.95
3-DVD SPECIAL EDITION Was there a takeover of the United States by international bankers? In this program you will visit the scene of a crime so
World famous conspiracy researcher, lecturer perfect that for thirty years no one knew it had even taken place. Join us as we investigate the birth of a criminal conspiracy
and author David Icke presents an incredible to rob each and every bank vault in America, all at the same time. This is the true, behind the scenes, story of the birth of the
United States Federal Reserve. 50 min • K517 • $19.95
new story of human history and who really
controls the world today. Includes shocking
details about Subversive Illuminati Bloodlines, THE SECRET HEARTBEAT OF AMERICA - THE CIA AND DRUGS
Conspiracy Theories, the Extraterrestrial In 1987, two high school seniors were brutally murdered, their bodies stretched across train tracks to be dismembered by
Reptilian Agenda, and the New World Order. a speeding train. The murders have come to be known as the “train deaths.” Upon further investigation, the evidence of this
David Icke also shares empowering crime leads to the heart of a massive C.I.A. drug and weapons smuggling operation based in Mena, Arkansas, and raises
information that has been hidden for thousands alarming questions about the C.I.A. and U. S. government involvement in drug and weapons trafficking worldwide.
of years which can help us restore freedom to our daily lives. 3-DVD • 372 min 150 min • K518 • $29.95
K471 • $59.95
See the results of a three-year investigation into the life and times of one of the most famous CIA agents and successful
REPTILIAN AGENDA drug smugglers in America’s history – Barry Seal. 50 min • K519 • $19.95
Amazing confirmation that a reptilian
extraterrestrial race has controlled the world
Was the final outcome of the 2000 US Presidential election determined only by hanging flakes of paper on voter punch
for thousands of years. David Icke talks with cards in a contest that had nothing to do with counting hanging chads? Reports claim top executives of the election
Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa and reveals the companies responsible for the “Florida Vote Snafu” have been convicted of multiple election-rigging felonies. The Big Fix
story of the reptilian takeover of Planet Earth 2000 takes you beyond the election night media frenzy, uncovering at every turn the hidden connections to nationwide
and how a shape-shifting Reptilian race (the electoral fraud. 60 min • K497 • $19.95
“Chitauri” to Africans) has controlled humanity
for thousands of years and how their bloodlines WELCOME TO TERRORLAND
are in the positions of royal, political and economic power today. This program
will rewrite the UFO/ET story in a way that will blow your mind. David Icke writes 911, MOHAMED ATTA & THE VENICE FLYING CIRCUS
- “Credo Mutwa is the most amazing man it has ever been my honor to meet, Three of the four terrorist pilots connected with the 9/11 tragedy learned to fly airplanes in the tiny town of Venice, Florida,
a genius, and the importance of this series of programs is simply beyond words”. a sleepy retirement community with the second-oldest population of any city in the entire United States. They attended flight
schools owned by two Dutch nationals, one of whom has Mob ties. So the question is... Did 19 Arab terrorists responsible
3-DVD • 384 min • K473 • $59.95
for the 9/11 disaster of 2001 roam around in Florida as if they’d been listening to Tom Petty albums all their lives? Or were
they being trained here in a still-secret covert intelligence operation that somehow went horribly wrong? The answer to
these questions will shock you. 60 min • K498 • $19.95
Spacious Sky Productions Presents The SCIENCE:
World’s Greatest UFO/Flying Saucer ANIMAL
“EBE Award” Best UFO/Flying Saucer Documentary. Twenty 2-DVD SET
five years of UFO/Flying saucer information, illustrations, black Recent advances in
and white photos, “Daylight” color photographs of Flying Sau- biotechnology have
cers with full explanations of the events. Information is the given scientists God-like
KEY to KNOWLEDGE. “For the Truth about our planets’ ex- powers over nature.
traterrestrial visitors, watch this DVD and finally see and hear Animals can now be
“Truthful” information that most world governments “DO NOT”
given entirely new
want you to know. “This Documentary is the BEST the World
characteristics by
has ever seen. If you want to know the TRUTH, watch this
dvd.” says Host David Campione. 56 mins, DVD-R, Region transferring the genes of
Zero (plays worldwide). Supplied in a CD-Stlye clamshell case. one species into another.
$24.95 See how environmental,
health and safety issues have been completely ignored by the
food and drug industry in a fierce and competitive corporate pursuit
to create new animal species. Includes the facts about this
disturbing field of science along with a series of spellbinding
interviews with researchers and the best known, most credible
biotechnology authorities in the world today. Packed with bonus
features, expert analyses, in-depth commentary, and
unforgettable conclusions about this new and emerging field of
science. 2-DVD • 207 min • K598 • $29.95
Tragic events through out our history have been guided behind closed doors by unseen forces with a “Hidden Agenda” to manipu- Are we capable of
late governments and institutions, control the resources of our planet and shape the way we think. This series retraces the history cloning humans and, if
of real conspiracies that affect our lives today. Includes the entire Hidden Agenda series from the research of G. Edward Griffin,
so, should we? This
available individually or as a complete set. 6-DVD • 490 min • K477 • $99.95
shocking film examines
the full ramifications of
Instead of merely telling the story of the 1960’s riots, this program explores exactly what
BANKING cloning is. See which
explores the circumstances preceding those riots and exposes a
Discover the history of an elite group that maintains absolute animals have already
covert agenda which profits from the conflict of one group against
power over the global economy. This unique program exposes been cloned and
another. This program further reveals how agitation in America in
how this group is shielded by governments, exerts enormous
the name of civil rights compares to similar movements that led whether this technology can be refined to clone humans. The
influence over education and mass media and succeeds in
to the overthrow of many governments around the world. tangled ethical and technical issues surrounding cloning are fully
creating money from nothing. 50 min • K520 • $19.95
80 min • K523 • $24.95 explored by leading practitioners and thinkers in the field.
95 min • K597 • $24.95
MODERN AMERICA Discover the shocking story of how the United Nations from 1960- THE DVD
This program is presented in two parts. Part 1: Moles In High 1962 under the guise of a peacekeeping force waged unprovoked There is an unusual phe-
Places and Part 2: The Open Gates of Troy. Together this two war against the anti-Communist state of Katanga, forcing it under nomenon occurring in
part program exposes the systematic and disturbing history of the control of the Communist puppet-state of the Central Congo the skies above America,
subversion by enemy agents of the US government from 1920s (now called Zaire.) This story of gross political misadventure must and around the world,
to the present day. Evidence is culled from public records and be heard, for, unless Congress intervenes, an increasing number that is being ignored by
supported by remarkable newsreel footage. Learn the real truth of UN military actions masquerading as a Protection from the mainstream media.
about Alger Hiss and the theft of atomic bomb secrets. Discover Communism will no doubt be used to implement a duplicitous People across the coun-
how Communist spies penetrated the OSS before it became the New World Order agenda. 60 min • K524 • $19.95 try are noticing planes
CIA. 120 min • K521 • $29.95 crossing back and forth
VOL. 6: NO PLACE TO HIDE, THE in the sky, leaving in their
This program is presented in two parts. Part 1: The Truth About This program reveals the clandestine motive behind the seemingly does not evaporate. This
Communism presents the violent rise of the Soviet Empire from irrational acts of international terrorism; exposing a long-term film takes you into the
the chaos of revolution to the terror of the Cold War and is charted strategy aimed at destroying selected governments. When target possible reasons and ad-
using remarkable footage of actual events. This is the best governments are finally toppled, it isn’t the terrorists who will come verse reactions to what
collection of historical film footage on the topic of Communist to power, but the international apparatus which trained and is seemingly a massive,
Imperialism ever assembled. Part 2: Only The Brave Are Free is supplied them. 60 min • K525 - $19.95 top-secret, worldwide program of chemical spraying. After you
a classic film exposé presenting the truth behind the Spanish have seen the evidence and heard the testimony of the experts,
Civil War and demonstrates how a small group of infiltrators were you will have to ask yourself, and your elected representatives,
able to capture the country while the majority of the population what is really going on in the not-so-friendly skies.
were fooled by slogans of reform. 120 min • K522 • $29.95 120 min • K549 • $29.95
In this program, best selling author and public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz exposes the FOR THE
historically infamous, operationally covert, and repeatedly untrustworthy pirates of DNA research.
These operatives now control genetic patents and spin-off technologies that threaten civilization's BIOLOGICAL
natural evolution, even our divine destiny. Stunning new discoveries in genetics, quantum physics, APOCALYPSE
and electrochemistry now demonstrate that your physical body is a crystallization, or precipitation,
of love vibrations. Electrical and magnetic frequencies and sub-sensory sound move physical 2-DVD SET
matter into sacred geometric forms that we all perceive as the physical world. How you can use Join Dr. Len Horowitz as he
this knowledge for personal and global healing is the focus of this monumental program. What explores more than 2000
will the future hold for you, your family, and humanity? Knowledge about your natural genetic years of religious and
inheritance should be considered a sacred trust. Learn the facts about these disturbing political persecution by a
developments from one of our leading public health experts, Dr. Leonard Horowitz. secret cabal that has waged
2-DVD • 210 min • K560 • $49.95 ceaseless wars, famines,
plagues and propaganda
campaigns against Earth’s
LEN HOROWITZ: people. Dr. Horowitz details
DEATH IN THE AIR 2-DVD SET ancient musical and mathematical codes linked to creation,
destruction, and miracles, including the repair frequency
Silently killing us, our family and friends, the global plagues are here, yet where are we?
of DNA – the genetic blueprint of life. Learn why fungi and
Distracted by pastimes, passions, pleasures and psycho-sensory overload? The “Technotronic
prion crystals, associated with Creutzfieldt-Jakob disease, are
Era” is here! With it comes a New World of “non-lethal” biological and chemical weapons and
most likely being spread through infected grains. Like silicon
warfare applications that are being waged against defenseless civilians. Regardless of what
“biochips,” they theoretically provide an electromagnetic frequency
you now think, you are being manipulated and lethally affected, and the information in this
receiver and internal energy transmitter to enslave, sicken and
program may be crucial to you and your family’s survival.
control world populations. 2-DVD • 232 min • K476 • $49.95
2-DVD • 215 min • K591 • $39.95
If power is the game, and population control the aim, the world’s most advanced weapons
and energy technologies would be directed from space. Star Wars Weapons would be able to CELEBRATIONS
change everything from the weather to people’s moods, thoughts, behavior and health.
Welcome to the new world of electromagnetically managed chaos. In this video presentation, 4-DVD SPECIAL
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, an award-winning, internationally known public health authority, EDITION
discusses these latest technologies for warmaking and population control. He explains how Healing Celebrations
toxic metals and human genetics can now be manipulated from space providing an insidious reveals the hidden truths
arsenal with which to conduct genocide in the name of national security and the new world regarding your health, well-
war on terrorism. 3-DVD • 262 min • K474 • $49.95
being and miraculous
healing ability. Drawing on
ancient scriptures, natural
AND THE MARK OF THE BEAST science, these truths,
applied in life, can help you
2-DVD SET turn illnesses into blessings and life-threatening diseases into
If you are one of the millions of people concerned about recent bioterrorist threats in the wake supernatural recoveries. The information contained in this program
of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on America, prepare yourself for a reality check. Join Dr. Leonard will change your life. 4-DVD • 359 min • K621 • $99.95
Horowitz as he presents little known facts regarding threatened outbreaks; and the science,
economics, and global politics underlying bioterrorism and forced vaccinations. Among the
world's foremost authorities on the subject of bioterrorism, vaccination risks and public health, HOROWITZ ON
Dr. Horowitz's expert diagnosis here dovetails perfectly with Bible prophecies. Pay special
attention to his disclosures regarding the infamous "Mark of the Beast". Dr. Horowitz reveals
sacred Bible codes that give expanded meaning to the infamous "666" prophecy (Rev: 13:18) If you have questions about the safety
while implicating widely trusted vaccinations, medical biochips, politicians and institutions and efficacy of vaccines, then this tape
that have advanced some of the most horrific population-controlling ploys ever conceived. is for you. Are they truly “mandated”
Anthrax, smallpox and vaccinations are all part of the same deadly swindle. Watching this by law or can you and your children
video may do more than raise awareness. It may save lives! be exempt from vaccine programs if
2-DVD • 184 min • K475 • $39.95 so desired? How effective are
vaccines? What risks do they pose?
Why have so many vaccines suddenly
become required? Join Dr. Horowitz
LEN HOROWITZ: as he answers these questions and
EMERGING VIRUSES & VACCINATIONS more. Dr. Horowitz tells the whole story
Based on this bestselling book, Dr. Len Horowitz presents the definitive exploration into the regarding vaccine side effects. He explains how vaccines are
origins of the AIDS and Ebola viruses. These bizarre germs were undoubtedly man-made delivering AIDS, chronic fatigue, many types of cancer, Gulf War
creations, accidentally or intentionally transmitted via tainted vaccines in the U.S. and Africa. Syndrome and a host of auto-immune diseases including
This television program exposes the potential motives of administrations responsible for this fibromyalgia, MS, Lupus, Guillain-Barré, asthma, allergies, autism
atrocity, and the methods they continue to use to deceive and kill unsuspecting populations. and even hyperactivity and attention deficit disorders.
This program also includes a 45-minute presentation on Vaccines. Are they safe? Effective? Audio • 90 min • KA279 • $24.95
Which ones are risky, and might they be causing the current and coming plagues? This is
important information for every concerned parent and citizen.
124 min • K592 • $29.95
For thousands of years dolphins
have been revered as sacred
healers, heroes and emissaries
Stan Deyo - How Spaceships Fly - Anti- from the sea. Many ancient and
diverse cultures from around the
Gravity Propulsion world tell stories of the unique
Stan Deyo, a Spacecraft propulsion engineer who worked un- spiritual nature of dolphins and
der Dr. Edward Teller, explains his expertise on flying discs. Are their healing effects on human
these discs ours... or theirs? Find out the reality of what’s hap- health and spiritual well-being. It
pened. Recorded at the 2006 Denver UFO Interactive Confer- has even been speculated that
ence, July 25, 2006. 2 hrs 10 min. DVD-R Region Zero, plays dolphins possess powers of
worldwide. $24.95 telepathy and extrasensory perception, and are equally as
intelligent as humans. In this fascinating program Mariette Hartley
and Brion James present stunning new facts about these amazing
healers from the sea. Neuroscientist and dolphin researcher Dr.
David Warner presents an in-depth look at the extra-dimensional
interaction between dolphins and humans, including the
miraculous details about dolphin-assisted therapy with autistic
children and cancer patients. Includes spectacular underwater
cinematography of dolphins and sea mammals and an amazing
series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, experiencers,
and the best-known, most credible dolphin authorities in the world
today. 73 min • U644 • $24.95
Wilhelm Reich was a physician and scientist whose investigation of energy TESLA: THE
functions in human emotions led to the discovery of an unknown energy which
exists in all living matter and in the cosmos. He called this energy "orgone." GENIUS
Born in 1897 in the Austrian province of Galicia, Wilhelm Reich, a student of WHO LIT
Sigmund Freud, became one of the great psychoanalytic pioneers before his
clinical studies led him into the laboratory and to investigations of the energy THE WORLD
processes in nature. In 1954, the Federal Food and Drug Administration obtained Nikola Tesla is
an injunction which ordered Reich's literature to be banned and destroyed, considered the
constituting one of the most heinous acts of censorship in U.S. history. In an father of our modern
attempt to salvage some of the forbidden items, Reich was convicted of contempt technological age
of court and imprisoned in Lewisburg Penitentiary where he died on November and one of the most
3, 1957. This program includes interviews with many of Dr. Wilhelm Reich’s mysterious and
former associates, friends, family members and scholars who have personally controversial
investigated the facts surrounding his life and work. Filmed and Directed by scientists in history.
Digne Meller-Marcovitz. 90 min • K483 • $29.95 Nikola Tesla’s
contributions to
science and
technology include the invention of radio, television, radio-
BUCKMINSTER FULLER: astronomy, remote-robotics, radar, medical x-ray and the
THE LOST INTERVIEWS 2-DVD SET wireless transmission of electricity. Many of Nikola Tesla’s
Buckminster Fuller described himself as a “living verb.” Holder of 48 honorary inventions were, and in some cases still are, considered a
doctorate degrees, born in the 1890s, he was a philosopher and engineer whose little too revolutionary by government agencies and the power
experience and global view of humanity and science enabled him to transcend brokers of today and are revealed in dramatic detail in this
nationalism and temporary current conditions and foresee the direction of major amazing program. 60 min • K375 • $24.95
events in the future. He created the geodesic dome to show how much can be
accomplished utilizing very little. In this program and series of interviews, he points
out how mankind is moving from the tangible world which can be evidenced by THE SECRET
sight, sound, smell and touch, into the invisible world of energy, ions, electrical OF NIKOLA
forces, etc., so much so that “99.9999% of what affects our reality will be undetectable
by our senses.” 2-DVD • 180 min • K482 • $49.95
EBE Award Winner!
FROM ATOM TO COSMOS Best Feature Film -
Itzhak Bentov was a scientist, inventor, and an early pioneer in the research of consciousness. Welles as J.P.
By blending analytical knowledge and intuitive insight, Itzhak Bentov was the first to develop what Morgan, Strother
is now widely accepted today as a holographic model of reality. He once said, “I am Martin as George
attempting to build a model of the universe that will satisfy the need for a comprehensive Westinghouse,
picture of ‘what our existence is all about.’” - Itzhak Bentov. This program is based on Itzhak Dennis Patrick as
Bentov’s two books, “Stalking The Wild Pendulum,” on the mechanics of consciousness, and Thomas Edison and
“A Cosmic Book” on the mechanics of creation. Ultimately your perception of reality will be Peter Bozovic as
turned inside out by the facts presented in this critically acclaimed program. “A ground breaking
Nikola Tesla. Tesla
work. Bentov offers a revolutionary image on the human mind and the universe.” - Dr. Stanislav
is considered the
Grof . “An astonishing work, an absolute must for any pioneer on the spiritual journey.” -
Judith Hollister. 112 min • K466 • $24.95 father of our modern technological age and one of the most
mysterious and controversial scientists in history. Nikola
Tesla’s contributions to science and technology include the
HOW TO READ FACES invention of radio, television, radio-astronomy, remote-
THE ULTIMATE ADVANTAGE robotics, radar, medical x-ray and the wireless transmission
of electricity. Many of Nikola Tesla’s inventions were, and in
Imagine the advantages of knowing how another person will think, behave and respond just by
looking at their face and the way it’s structured. Face reading gives you that advantage! Face some cases still are considered a little too revolutionary by
reading has been around for thousands of years. This ancient art has now been refined into a government agencies and the power brokers of today and
miraculously simple science that can be learned by anyone. The face reading skills you will learn are revealed in dramatic detail in this amazing program.
have been proven to be 98% accurate! Face reading will improve your communication with every 105 min • K289 • $29.95
person in your life, enabling you to understand their behavior without taking that behavior personally.
In your professional life, your personal life, in every relationship you have, face reading gives you
the ultimate communication advantage. 60 min • K241 • $19.95 JOURNEY
Award-winning photographer
SASQUATCH SCIENCE and film maker Gene Falk
SEARCHING FOR BIGFOOT takes you on a visual voyage
2-DVD SET into the heart of the crystal
world. Utilizing advances in
This program presents the world’s leading researchers presenting 40 years of in-
optical technology, a special
depth scientific exploration of the Sasquatch “Bigfoot” Phenomenon: historical
set of lenses once used for
background, anthropological controversy, footprint investigation, film and photo
viewing outer space have
analysis, and features researchers D. Jeffrey Meldrum, Ph.D, John A. Bindernagel,
been configured to explore
Ph.D, Gordon Strasenburgh, Ph.D and John Green, Ph.D.
the Inner space of crystals
2-DVD • 150 min • K533 • $39.95
with radiant beams, gleaming
facades, fractured fissures and expansive auroras of a
primitive world encapsulated for eons.
40 min • K547 • $19.95
2006 UFO Congress -
Jaime Maussan and Santiago Yturria Garza
2006 IUFOC Budd Hopkins and Jaime Maussan and Santiago Yturria Garza (Mexico) Presents ‘Amazing new UFO footage and
Dr. David Jacobs Presents updates from South of the Border’ Jaime Maussan is internationally known for his investigations in
the UFO field, as well as a prestigious journalist in Mexico and Iberoamerica. He holds a Bachelors
‘Transgenic Beings’ Degree in journalism and communications. He started his work in the biggest Spanish Language
TRANSGENIC BEINGS: Hopkins and Jacobs will discuss the emerg- international television network, reaching the highest ranks of excellence and ratings with his pro-
ing evidence for hybrids having an increased presence in normal grams “60 Minutesâ”, “From Sunday To Sunday” and “ECO”. He has done programs on the ecology
society and even living among us. Through the years UFO and ab- and environmental problems, and received many awards. Since 1992, Jaime has had an interest in
duction researchers have collected and investigated odd stories of the UFO phenomenon, and lectures frequently on the subject. Jaime promises that this year’s
“aliens” living among us. These stories were ignored as not having presentation will be more astounding than last year! It will be a highly visual presentation with
enough credibility and evidence and as being suggestive of the spu- amazing photos and video of the ongoing UFO activity from Central America! 120 mins, DVD-R,
rious claims spun by 1950s contactees. In recent years, evidence Region Zero (plays worldwide), NTSC $24.95
from the abduction phenomenon has been building for the reality of
an alien, i.e. hybrid, presence in normal society. They will reveal the
evidence they have found for the presence of hybrids on earth and 2006 UFO Congress - Nancy Talbot Presents ‘The Boy From
begin the serious debate about what this might mean. Region Zero, Holland: Consciousness & Crop Circles
120 mins, DVD-R $24.95 The Boy From Holland: Consciousness & the Crop Circles will begin with an introduction to the
published scientific findings of the BLT Research Team Inc. regarding crop circle plants and soils
2006 IUFOC - A.J. Gevaerd world-wide, followed by some of Ms. Talbott’s personal observations of, and encounters with, uni-
dentified energetic phenomena while visiting Robbert van den Broeke in Holland. The BLT Re-
Confirmation that Alien Activity is More search Team’s work with Robbert involves 10 years of increasingly unusual events occurring in
Significate that Thought conjunction with new crop circles. During regular personal visits to Holland dramatic encounters
During the last decades the Brazilian government has secretly in- have occurred which suggest the involvement of a facet of consciousness unknown – or ignored –
vestigated the most amazing cases imagined, all happened in a few by modern science 90 mins, DVD-R, Region Zero (plays worldwide), NTSC $24.95
areas of the Amazon rain forest. They include over a 1,000 direct
contact with aliens have been established with local populations, 2006 UFO Congress - Ryan Wood Majic Eyes Only
most of them resulting in traumatic experiences. Now, after the first Majic Eyes Only represents the last ten years of research by Ryan Wood and the Majestic Docu-
Brazilian steps into the disclosure of its UFO files, some new infor- ments Investigation Team into the military and intelligence communities’ paper trail of UFO classi-
mation have surfaced and lead the researcher A. J. Gevaerd to re- fied documents, which tell the clear stories of numerous UFO crashes and subsequent retrievals by
open the classified Operation Saucer, secretly conducted by the elite special operations teams. At the heart of this talk are the 75 cases of UFO crash retrievals and
military in 1977. New astounding cases and interviews allowed to a subsequent military cover-up of tangible physical and cultural evidence in the form of documents,
new assessment of the situation, confirming that the alien activity in craft wreckage, alien bodies, and damaging witnesses. The cases vary in quality, depth, and so-
the area is far more significant than ever thought before”. 90 mins, phistication but the audience will come away with new insight, novel information, and a clear per-
DVD-R, Region Zero (plays worldwide), NTSC $24.95 spective that there are many other UFO crashes before and after Roswell that are in many ways
stronger cases then the famous Roswell events. 90 mins, DVD-R, Region Zero (plays worldwide),
NTSC $24.95
2006 IUFOC Don Ledger and the Shag
Harbor Incident JAIME MAUSSAN 2005 Presentation IUFO Congress
The incident involves the witnessing of the entry or crash of an ob- From the 14TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL UFO CONGRESS CONVENTION & FILM FESTIVAL
ject into the waters adjacent to Shag Harbor on the southern tip of March 2005 - Laughlin, Nevada. New messages of coming change will presente. New videos,
Nova Scotia on October 4, 1967. There followed rescue attempts of including infrared videos from Mexico and the huge new Yucatan flap. This is Jaimeâ•™s best
a lighted object seen floating on the water, and subsequent attempts presentation ever! Below are sceens from the DVD. 90 mins, DVD-R, Region Zero (plays world-
by the authorities and the Canadian navy to find the object, or traces wide), NTSC $19.95
of it on the bottom. This was in full view of the public and written
about in the newspapers. The second part unfolds over a period of
7 days after the incident at Shag Harbor when years later it is dis-
covered that the object apparently made its way northeast 23 miles
to Shelburne Harbor under the water and settled offshore about 1.5
miles from a top-secret base at Government Point, it’s true purpose
not known for 21 years. Canadian Forces Base, Shelburne was ac-
tually a U.S. Navy SOUSOS base established many years earlier
during the Cold War. 90 mins, DVD-R, Region Zero (plays world-
wide), NTSC $24.95
Hosted by Samantha Eager. Are psychics, prophets, and spiritual healers pathfinders POWERS
to a new world? Beatrice Kline claims that she can communicate with animals
Hosted by Jack Palance,
telepathically. Kebrina Kincade used her psychic powers to help solve missing children
Samantha Eggar, Will
and murder cases for the Los Angeles Police Department. Bernadine Villanueva tells
Geer and Roscoe Lee
what it is like to witness all of the horrors of a plane crash before it happens. One of
Browne. “Unknown
the best-kept secrets of World War II is that the Allied nations used astrology as a
Powers” is the most
counter-weapon against Adolf Hitler. What you are about to see in this film may be
comprehensive exploration
quite different from anything you have ever witnessed before. There are no actors
of paranormal phenomena
involved, and the events have been filmed as they actually occurred. You’ll meet some
ever attempted on film. This
of the people who claim extraordinary powers and experience their world yourself in
movie examines in
the “Age of the Pyschics.” 50 min • K575 • $19.95
authentic, graphic detail
ESP, astrology, telepathy,
ALIENS FROM SPACESHIP EARTH psychokinesis, pyramid
Hosted by Former Vietnam War Activist Rennie Davis and Folk Singer Donovan. While power, faith healing,
the “aliens” in this film seem to be quite human, one must realize that the film is dealing materializations,
with close encounters of the fourth kind: an inner space journey triggered by the drug ectoplasms and even life after death. Explore the fascinating
culture and rebellion of the sixties, and the non-violent search for self, evident in the men and women of today whose extraordinary abilities and
seventies. Could this be due to some influence from a “higher spiritual consciousness”? strange “gifts” are challenging the dogmas of science. This full-
The world’s “alien” leaders are well represented in this film: Baba Muktananda, Swami length feature film is a dazzling probe of extrasensory evidence
Satchidananda, A. C. Bhaktivedanta, Guru Maharaj Ji, Yoga Bhahan, Sri Sathya Sai that can no longer be denied. “UNKNOWN POWERS” offers
Baba, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Father Yod, Baba Ram Das, and well-known personalities epic proof of spectacular human potential.
who present their views on seeking their own individuality. Whether inspired by a more 97 min • K582 • $29.95
highly evolved race than earthlings, or from a visit millions of years ago by space
aliens, “Aliens from Spaceship Earth” are causing great changes on our planet. MAN OF
90 min • K577 • $29.95
Hosted by Roscoe Lee Brown. Western science and medicine have attempted to find BABA
the mysterious force behind spontaneous healing. Modern technology is now enabling Hosted by Rod Serling. You
a few pioneering scientists to measure and verify extremely subtle energies which are about to witness the
may be responsible for this phenomenon. Many people who have lost hope through apparently spontaneous
traditional medicine have turned to healers for unexplainable, deeply moving, and manifestation of objects
apparently genuine cures. We need to examine our use of words like hopeless, from thin air or, perhaps,
incurable, and terminal. Perhaps as we explore these new or rediscovered directions another dimension. This
in healing, we will experience the extraordinarily mysterious ways of healing beyond particular phenomenon is
orthodox medicine. Nothing strikes so strong a chord as a voice crying, “I’m healed.” only one among many
52 min • K579 • $19.95 attributed by his
followers to a man of
UNDERGROUND DOCTORS extraordinary mystical
Hosted by Henry Fonda. Why is there any illness at all? Why can’t we get well and powers, an Indian mystic and guru known throughout the
stay healthy? The answer to these very questions may well be the key to our own world as Satya Sai Baba. Some of the psychic powers
healing. Once disease was blamed on evil spirits and the cure was to frighten the reported by his followers are the ability to read minds and
demons away. We have been told that what we call healing miracles are really natural see into the future, to cure disease by miraculous means,
events, misinterpreted by superstitious, primitive people. Today with all the knowledge to project his astral body anywhere in the world and to adopt
of modern medicine, many still look to unorthodox means for achieving and maintaining other forms, both human and animal. In this film you will
physical and spiritual health. Some of these methods, often shocking, bizarre, and just witness events which may be unbelievable. However, try
downright amazing, are explored here as we meet the “Underground Doctors.” to keep an open mind, for some of this man’s feats have
52 min • K580 • $19.95 been captured on film, and you will see them now as they
actually happened. 52 min • K578 • $24.95
Hosted by Robert Conrad. Has there been a conspiracy to hide the truth regarding the Bermuda UNKNOWN FORCE
Triangle, UFOs, Mind Control Energy and faith healing? Now for the first time, the truth is Hosted by Jack Palance. From
revealed in a mind-boggling film, which boldly explores these crucial questions. An ancient city the dawn of time, mystics,
has been discovered beneath the waters of the Bermuda Triangle. Could it be the remnants of shamans and saints have
the legendary civilization of Atlantis? David Shepherd and Chris Kennedy are two extraordinary proclaimed that we as human
youngsters, who are able to move and bend metal objects with the power of their minds. Are beings have unlimited power at
they unique or do we all have the potential to perform these same incredible feats? Today our fingertips but fail to
individuals ever-increasing numbers claim to have received messages directly from God or perceive its existence because
from spacemen, angels, spirits or other super-human entities. Perhaps an outside intelligence it is beyond our five senses.
has been beaming a universal message to individuals throughout history. These amazing stories “The Unknown Force” is the
and more are examined in detail as we explore the “World of the Unknown”. fascinating story of the
52 min • K583 • $19.95 scientists who are developing
the technology to measure
WORLD BEYOND DEATH these imperceptible energies and the exploration of an
Hosted by Will Geer. It has been said that of all the world’s creatures, only man has been untapped energy force available to all of human kind which
cursed with the knowledge that he must one day die. In this fascinating exploration of the last would revolutionize and improve the quality of life
wholly unknown region of our existence, Will Geer seeks to answer the riddle of immortality throughout the world. 52 min • K581 • $19.95
with the help of psychics, psychiatrists, and scientists. Breaking the barriers of time and aware-
ness, famed researcher Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross reveals her extensive study of the near-
death experiences of hundreds of patients. Explore these facts and more as we enter into a
“World Beyond Death.” 52 min • K535 • $19.95