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Volume 1 Issue 4

www.ufomatrix.com Volume 1 Issue 4



Towards a Scientific IS THERE A
and Societal Agenda
on Extraterrestrial
Life by Nick Pope. SPACE




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The 1945 UFO crash at San Anotonio - Part Towards a Scientific and Societal Agenda
One by Paola Harris. A UFO MATRIX on Extraterrestrial Life. 44 UNX-X DIRECTORS CUT
exclusive. The Reme Baca and Jose Padilla Raam Barros gives us information we
witness case. 32 INTERVIEW WITH GIORGIO TSOUKALOS should be aware of, having put aside the
Sean Casteel interviews Giorgio Tsoukalos. negatives which come with making a
14 BERWYN DEBUNKERS disclosure and decides to explain the
Scott Felton answers the critics of the 36 ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS occurrences, which were literally out of
Berwyn Mountains UFO crash. Smoking Gun of Egyptolgy found or not ? this world
Wayne Herschel examines the evidence.
Philip Gardiner's regular sceptical column. 40 BACKLIGHT Is there a secret space program? Richard
This time the Retilian agenda comes Mike Hallowell looks at another 'cold case' Thomas looks behind the Gary
under scrutiny. file and sheds new light on an old mystery. McKinnon affair.

contents 16/1/11 13:04 Page 2


Volume 1 Issue 4



RENDLESHAM LECTURES A fantastic DVD collection up for grabs in
John Hanson gives us an account of the our competition!
recent Rendlesham anniversary lectures
in Suffolk. 95 COMING NEXT ISSUE
Find out what UFO MATRIX has in store for
74 OZ COLUMN our fact packed issue 5.
Our regular look at UFO sightings from
down-under by Sheryl Gottschall 96 NAZI RAIDERS
& Lee Paqui. Paul Stonehill looks at the Nazi's hunt for
the crystal skull in Brazil.
Is there proof of ancient astronauts in the
ancient Indian text? Jijth Nadumuri Ravi
examines the evidence.
UFO MATRIX has 3 copies of the
54 JAMES GILLILAND Sixteen years later, the Berwyn For your chance
Lorin Cutts takes this opportunity to Mountains would again be the focus for a to win a copy of
interview James Gilliland at his ranch near story involving a downed UFO. But this
this DVD
Mount Adams. time, some said, the story was for real.
collection, turn
UFO sightings and videos from Peru by Subscribe with UFO MATRIX and never and answer
the Proyecto UFO team. miss an issue or reported sighting! the simple
The most famous UFO photo-case in UFO A round-up of sightings by the readers of GOOD LUCK
history is looked at by Kal Korff. UFO MATRIX.

AD Moore & Ladan Ratcliffe 16/1/11 09:42 Page 1
Interview with girgio tsoukalos 16/1/11 10:29 Page 1

Not Made By
An Interview with
Giorgio Tsoukalos
by Sean Casteel

So what’s new in the ancient world?

Perhaps that question can best be answered It looks very interesting, from a modern entered the realm of “make-believe”.
by Giorgio Tsoukalos, the official spokesman perspective, and seems to clearly reference a “Because the modern scientists of that planet
in the English-speaking world for legendary type of astronaut.” will then say, ‘There is no way that all those
ancient astronauts scholar, Erich von Däniken. But Tsoukalos warns that the ancient ancient texts about these gods descending
Tsoukalos is also the editor of Legendary astronauts depicted in ancient carvings, like the from the sky have ever been true. They were all
Times, the official publication of the six-winged figure above, are not to be confused just a fantasy.’ So what Erich is saying is that the
Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI Research with the literal presence of God. In fact, while ancient astronauts theory transcends the whole
organisation, which is a revamped version of von Däniken is the primary mover and shaker in idea of ‘GOD’ because God is much bigger than
the earlier Ancient Astronauts Society. The the ancient astronauts community, he himself could be put inside a book or God would not
Ancient Astronauts Society was founded in prays to what he believes is a higher God than need a vehicle to travel from point A to point B.”
1973 by a von Däniken enthusiast named Gene that depicted in our religious texts. Therefore, according to Tsoukalos, God in the
Phillips and when Phillips decided to retire in “One of the main arguments for the ancient Old Testament was anything but God.
1997, Tsoukalos was tapped by von Däniken to astronauts theory,” Tsoukalos cautioned, “is that “He was a misunderstood flesh-and-blood
replace him. whoever or whatever was described, for extraterrestrial,” Tsoukalos said. “And, if you
“So basically,” Tsoukalos said, “I was asked to example, in the Old Testament, wasn’t subscribe to ancient aliens, it does not have to
run the English-speaking department because I necessarily ‘GOD’, as in the Force of the Universe diminish your belief in God. Quite the contrary,
was living in the States at that time. I’ve always or the Force of Creation or the Spirit of because it means that creation was way more
been interested in this and I’ve been a friend of Everything or whatever you want to call it, but a magnificent than we’re seeing right now.”
Erich’s since my early teens.” misunderstood flesh-and-blood extraterrestrial.” Tsoukalos also does not believe that early
Tsoukalos’ duties also include a certain “It would be the same thing if a thousand mankind was any less intelligent than we are
amount of travelling and research. When this years from now, we Earthlings arrive on a
interview was conducted, he had recently distant planet and we encounter seemingly
returned from visiting a series of Native- intelligent life. Let’s say that that life is,
American reservations, where he viewed some technologically speaking, still primitive. What
petroglyphs and carvings that may have a would we do? Would we just stand back and
bearing on the ancient astronauts theory. then depart again? Or would we actually
“Plus there are many, many museums that meddle, would we interfere with their
are available in the United States, such as the development? And the answer is clear. Of
Natural History Museum in New York City, course we will meddle with their development
which is a treasure trove for ancient astronaut- and we will interfere with their culture, because
related stuff,” Tsoukalos said. “So whenever I’m in we know that we would have instant god-like
New York, I make sure to visit there. They’ve got status with them because we’re descending
some really amazing things there that can be from the sky. We’re coming down in flying
found nowhere else.” vehicles which they would then describe as
“For example,” he continued, “in the Maya ‘flying chariots’ and things like that.”
section, they have a little statue of this guy with Tsoukalos said that we should imagine fast-
six wings and a pack on his chest and tubes forwarding five thousand years into the future Giorgio Tsoukalos
coming out. He’s wearing a skullcap and a suit. of the primitive species, when our visit will have

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Puma Punku Overview

today, but that they simply lacked a frame of we’d all have to agree that the Maya didn’t exist producer, and a new series on NBC called The
reference for understanding alien technology. back then, as far as we’re told by mainstream Event. When this interview was conducted, a
He quoted science-fiction writer Arthur C. science. According to a Mayan text from the new movie called Skyline was soon to be
Clarke’s famous saying, “Any sufficiently ‘Chilam Balam’, from the Book of the Jaguar released that featured people being sucked up
advanced technology is indistinguishable from Priests, written after the Spanish conquests, the into UFOs.
magic.” opening date of the calendar is when the “It looks quite spectacular,” he said. “So all this
“And that pretty much sums up the whole highway to the stars descended from the sky, entertainment stuff serves as some type of
ancient astronauts theory,” Tsoukalos added. bringing with it a host of gods who taught reconditioning, of telling the public, ‘Hey, not
Von Däniken’s newest book is called Twilight mankind various disciplines. only are we not alone, but we’ve never been
of the Gods (New Page Books, 2010) and among “If and when they return, they will rectify alone and we’ll never be alone and they’ve
the many subjects the new book tackles is the everything that was once wrong,” Tsoukalos always been here. Get used to it.’ And the whole
mystery of what’s to come in 2012, when the said. “So will extraterrestrials come back on the idea that, if the extraterrestrials show up, that
Mayan calendar comes to an end. Tsoukalos, for 21st of December, 2012? I speak for Erich on this, they will eat us or annihilate us, is complete
one, is not buying into the doomsday scenarios and I’m quoting him right now: ‘Absolutely not.’ nonsense, in my opinion. Because, why wait so
being put forth by many. Nothing will happen in 2012, actually. It might long? Why not do it while we were still hunting
“To the great majority of people who have to be an astronomical alignment, but the only with bows and arrows? There’s this whole
sell books, to them, the world is coming to an thing we have to worry about is one huge doom and gloom scenario, in my opinion, and
end. The Judgement Day will be here, the End hangover on December 22nd. That’s about it.”
of Days, the Apocalypse. All this crazy, crazy Another topic that is frequently kicked
stuff.” around is UFO Disclosure, about which
Tsoukalos is quick to point out that nowhere Tsoukalos, again, has definite opinions. He said
do the Mayans themselves say that the world that at a speaking engagement at the 2010
will come to an end, but that there will, instead, Bay Area UFO Expo, in San Jose, California, he
come the beginning of another cycle of time. was repeatedly asked when he felt Disclosure
He explained, “Just like at the end of the year, would happen.
every December 31st, your office calendar runs “I can tell you right now,” he said, “that
out. What do you do? You go out to the store Disclosure, as such, will never happen in one
and you buy yourself another calendar.” press conference. Disclosure is happening right
Tsoukalos said that von Däniken also poses now. We’re in the middle of it. Disclosure is
this question: Everyone only talks about the end happening all around us.”
of the Mayan calendar. Why does nobody talk To bolster his argument, Tsoukalos made
about the beginning of the calendar? reference to the many alien and UFO-related
“Interestingly enough,” Tsoukalos explained, television programs in the United States,
“scholars have determined when the beginning including the History Channel programme, Erich von Daniken
was and that is the 11th of August, 3114 BC. So Ancient Aliens, for which he is a consulting

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Puma Punku Overview

also in Erich’s opinion – you can keep a society ninety-nine percent of all abductions are “This is book number twenty-nine that Erich’s
captive by instilling fear and I personally want manmade, well, that one percent is still written,” Tsoukalos said. “So, obviously, there is
to go as far away as possible from that. And also extraterrestrial and that’s all we need. So, yes, some rehashing of old material. But, in this
Erich. Erich looks forward to giving lectures in Erich definitely thinks that the modern-day UFO book, for example, he goes into great detail
2016 and 2020. 2012 is just a date.” abduction phenomenon does take place.” about a site in South America called Puma
Von Däniken also looks forward to a future In fact, in the mid-1990s, von Däniken was Punku. Puma Punku is a place on the border of
free of the Apocalypse described in the Bible among the first to invite the late abduction Peru and Bolivia, right next to Lake Titicaca, in
and believes that prophecy, by definition, does researcher, Dr. John Mack, of Harvard University, the highlands of the Andes. It’s also right next
not exist. to speak at one of his conferences, so that Mack to a site called Tiwanaku (also spelled as
“The reason why prophets were prophets at would have a public forum to discuss his Tiahuanaco – Editor). Every day, dozens of
the time is because they had knowledge that findings regarding abduction. tourists go to Tiwanaku and photograph the
was given to them by extraterrestrials,” “Dr. Mack, at the time, was one of the first site and walk around. They huff and puff when
Tsoukalos said. “But that does not make them university professors who, in public, maintained they walk around because we’re at thirteen
prophets in the sense of what we know today, that the abduction phenomenon is, in fact, real,” thousand feet up in the air, so the air is very
of what we think a prophet is. There is no way Tsoukalos said. “For any professor to do that, rarified up there.”
of predicting the future. The future is unwritten. especially one from Harvard, is a big deal. I really But what many of those tourists don’t know,
Even according to the Bible, we have free will. don’t think that Mack fell on his head. I really and the guides won’t talk about, is that only a
One argument renders the other useless.” think he had some tangible evidence.” hundred and fifty yards away is the little known
Meanwhile, von Däniken does lend some Tsoukalos recalled spending time with Mack site called Puma Punku, a place that “completely
credence to modern-day beliefs about UFOs at a 1996 ancient astronauts conference in defies logic,” according to Tsoukalos.
and alien abduction. Berne, Switzerland. “You have this entire field of ruins of gigantic
“Erich definitely says those things are “He was great and he was completely, stones,” Tsoukalos said, “all of which are cut out
happening right now,” Tsoukalos affirmed. quote, unquote, ‘on our side’. That’s become of granite and diorite. We have formations there
“There’s no question about that. But he also more the norm now, but, back in the Nineties, that we still today would have difficulties
thinks that some of the abductions are done by that was completely out of the norm; it was not recreating. And that’s not me talking. That’s
human beings. It’s our people who are normal for bona fide university professors to actually a stonecutter by the name of Roger
abducting people and putting them in a lab or side with us.” Hopkins, who has his stone quarry in Palm
something like that. But that does not negate The conversation turned again to von Springs, California.”
the fact that UFOs, extraterrestrial UFOs, are Däniken’s new book, Twilight of the Gods, which After viewing photos of Puma Punku, shown
visiting Earth and abducting people. Even if covers some interesting new ground. to him by Tsoukalos, Hopkins said that you

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could not pay him enough to tackle the near place was, in fact, built by extraterrestrials using it remain
impossible task of building anything remotely some type of machinery.” unanswered.
similar to the ancient site. He went on, “Of course, nobody knows the When this
Tsoukalos asked, “And if a stonemason says purpose, but I theorise that Puma Punku might interview was
that to me, who am I going to listen to? A have been one of the base camps of the conducted,
professor who says all of this was done with extraterrestrials. It was basically their place. All Tsoukalos was in
chicken bones and string? Or am I going to the mythologies and legends surrounding the midst of
listen to a real-time, real-life stonemason, Puma Punku and Lake Titicaca say the location shooting the
stonecutter, who tells me this would be has been one of the ‘navels’ of the world. ‘Navels second season
extremely difficult for us to replicate today?” of the world’ was a term used in ancient times of Ancient Aliens
“God bless the professors,” he continued. “But when they wanted to signify where life for the History
in some ways, they just have to concede, originated. For example, in ancient Greece, Channel. The
because neither Erich nor I are saying, for Delphi is considered the navel of the world. season will
example, that our ancestors did not know how Why? Because the Greeks think that life eventually number ten one-hour episodes and
to cut stone. Of course they knew how to cut originated at Delphi.” Tsoukalos is enthusiastic about the project.
stone. In fact, they were very good at it – when “And how did life originate? From outer “We’re very busy running around and trying
they cut limestone or soft, porous stone. I don’t space. All those different origin stories are to get everything done,” he said. “It’s very
care about those stonecutting things. But what always the same, that some type of silver egg exciting. How many times have we been part of
I care about is how on Earth did they cut diorite, appeared or a cosmic egg arrived from the a television programme and then it was
andesite and dolerite? That is the question.” deep, dark nothingness. From then on, completely botched up and we were made to
In order to cut granite (and the other rocks humankind thrived, out of nowhere. The idea is look like idiots? And this time, with Ancient
mentioned) in this day and age, a diamond- that our ancestors’ genetic make-up was Aliens, they’re actually taking this stuff seriously.
tipped saw is required. It can’t be done with tampered with by extraterrestrials and thus we Being a consulting producer to the show, if I
obsidian or the aforementioned chicken bones were made, quote, unquote, ‘humans.’ And they have a suggestion or if I have something to
or any kind of bronze tools. Given that we used Puma Punku as a base camp to explore say, guess what? They’re actually listening. It’s
moderns couldn’t easily recreate it, what was the the rest of the world, as we know they did. totally awesome.”
ultimate purpose of the Puma Punku stones? Puma Punku is pretty central for all of South [To learn more about Erich von Däniken,
“Puma Punku is certainly not an altar,” America, so it’s a perfect point from which to Giorgio Tsoukalos and the Archaeology,
Tsoukalos replied. “Yes, our ancestors did build travel all over.” Astronautics and SETI Research Association,
things that were intended for worship, for For von Däniken and Tsoukalos, Puma Punku visit www.legendarytimes.com
rituals. But those places usually contained or is a kind of diamond hidden in plain sight. Sean Casteel is a freelance journalist and a
featured some type of hieroglyphics or glyphs Many volumes have been written about nearby Contributing Editor to the American UFO
or some wonderful ornamentation that’s been Tiwanaku and Lake Titicaca, but there are only a Magazine. He is also the author of the books
carved into the rock, of faces or flowers or handful of scholarly references to Puma Punku, UFOs, Prophecy and the End of Time, Signs and
anything. Just beautiful carvings.” usually a paragraph or two presented in Symbols of the Second Coming and The
“Puma Punku, on the other hand, is one passing. Twilight of the Gods devotes a large Excluded Books of the Bible. To read more of his
hundred percent anonymous. Not a single chunk of its more than two hundred pages to work, visit his website at
glyph has been found, not a single carved examining the site, but most questions about www.seancasteel.com]
flower or carved ornamentation. The blocks that
we find there, some of them up to eighty-five
tons, are all very technical in nature. You’ve got
a whole lot of little inside boxes that have been
cut out. Every block at Puma Punku looks as if it
was the counterpart to another block. Like a
female piece and a male piece fitting together
and vice versa. Another interesting thing is also
the fact that it’s as if only master stonemasons
were allowed to work there, because nowhere
do you find any mistakes. Nowhere is there a
place where a guy slipped while he was cutting
a stone. It’s all perfect.”
All of this leads Tsoukalos to conclude that
Puma Punku is, by far, the most “inexplicable”
site in the world.
“I would even venture to say,” he declared,
“that Puma Punku is the only place in the world
Puma Punku Slab
that was not built by human hands, that that

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Coming Next

South African UFOS – A Brief History

Spirituality & UFOs
A Turkish Mothman
The Pascagoula Abduction Case
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