Student Manual of Spiral Spring Apparatus
Student Manual of Spiral Spring Apparatus
Student Manual of Spiral Spring Apparatus
Spiral springs are mostly manufactured from cold rolled steel strips and wound like an Archimedes spiral. These have an
even separation between the winding. All springs are clamped inside and out. However, due to their form, the windings do
not all pull together evenly when placed under tension. The individual windings should also not touch each other in use,
so that it is possible to ignore the effects of frictions. Spring action and loading are similar to that for torsion springs.
Spiral springs are predominantly used as return springs in measurement instruments, as stores for clock mechanisms, and
in larger sizes for elastic rotary couplings.
To calculate the natural time period of system & compare it with theoretical values and observe the effect of change in
inertia of system
1. Balancing Pin 2. Rod 3. Pendulum Bob 4. Pin for thread
5. Rectangular Cross 6. Graduated Disk 7. Lever arm 8. Weight 0.5 kg,
Section division continuously adjustable
Moment Calculation:
Period calculation: √
Frequency Calculation:
Angular Frequency:
The unit has been fixed to the wall, the experiment can be started. The two weights are clamped in place on the lever
arms at the same distance from the shaft. The separation from the Centre of the shaft to the center of gravity of the
weights is measured and noted for the calculation (Figure 4.1).
The lever arms should be horizontal for this experiment. The lever arms can be rotated on the shaft (Figure 4.3) by
undoing the two grub screws (Figure 4.2).Following alignment, re-tighten the grub screws.
The shaft is then deflected by hand to any angle (max. 360) and released. The angle is read off on the graduated scale.
The time T20 is measured (measure 20 vibrations) and from it the period of the vibration calculated.
The experiment should be repeated several times with the weights in different positions. The natural frequency of the
system can then be determined as follows:
In this experiment the weights are removed from the lever arms (Figure 4.4). The lever arms are then rotated so that they
are vertical (Figure4.5) (undo grub screws). When the lever arms are vertical their weight does not have any effect. The
period of the vibration is determined as described above.
Experimental Observations:-
= ____________