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ARTICLE 217.: Permitting Any Other Person To Take Such Public Funds or Prop

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CHAP 4. MALVERSATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR PROPERTY Malversation is otherwise called embezzlement.

It consists in the
misappropriation or conversion of public funds or property to one’s personal
use or knowingly, or through abandonment or negligence allowing other to
use or appropriate the same.
1. Malversation of public funds or property – Presumption of
malversation (Art. 217) Acts punishable in malversation:
2. Failure of accountable officer to render accounts (Art. 218);
3. Failure of a responsible public officer to render accounts before 1. By appropriating public funds or prop
leaving the country (Art. 219); a. It includes every attempt to dispose of the public funds/prop
4. Illegal use of public funds or property (Art. 220) without right.
5. Failure to make delivery of public funds or property (Art. 221); b. X was a municipal treasurer and also deputy provincial
treasurer, receiving as salary P25 per month and for the
latter P10 per month. It was found by the auditor that there
ARTICLE 217. Malversation of Public Funds or Property — Presumption of
was a difference of P49 between the amount for which X
Malversation. — Any public officer who, by reason of the duties of his office,
was responsible and the amount counted by the auditor. X,
is accountable for public funds or property, shall appropriate the same, or
by paying himself his salary of P10 a month committed
shall take or misappropriate or shall consent, or through abandonment or
negligence, shall permit any other person to take such public funds or
2. By taking or misappropriating the same
property, wholly or partially, or shall otherwise be guilty of the
a. A teller was leaving the office with public funds which had
misappropriation or malversation of such funds or property, shall suffer:
been collected from the taxpayers then the NBI arrested and
searched him and found the money in the teller’s pocket.
1. The penalty of prisión correccional in its minimum and medium periods, if The public funds or prop taken need not be misappropriated,
the amount involved in the misappropriation or malversation does not exceed as “taken” is separated by “or” from “misappropriation”
200 pesos. 3. By consenting, or through abandonment or negligence,
permitting any other person to take such public funds or prop
2. The penalty of prisión correccional in its maximum period to prisión mayor a. A mun. treas. who cashed with public funds private checks
in its minimum period, if the amount involved is more than 200 pesos but drawn in favor of his wife , the drawer not having enough
does not exceed 6,000 pesos. cash in the drawee bank and thereby violating standard
3. The penalty of prisión mayor in its medium and maximum periods, if the b. Must be positively and clearly shown to be inexcusable,
amount involved is more than 6,000 pesos but is less than 12,000 pesos. approximating malice or fraud.
c. The postmaster used a petromax light which went out due to
4. The penalty of reclusión temporal in its minimum and medium periods, if lack of kerosene. Total darkness prevented him from
the amount involved is more than 12,000 pesos but is less than 22,000 returning the money to the combination safe. The next
pesos. If the amount exceeds the latter, the penalty shall be reclusión morning, the checks were gone and the lock was forcibly
temporal in its medium and maximum periods. opened. (People v. Pili)
4. By being otherwise guilty of the misappropriation or
malversation of such funds or prop.
In all cases, persons guilty of malversation shall also suffer the penalty of
perpetual special disqualification and a fine ranging from one-half to the total
value of the funds or property embezzled.
The penalty for Malversation is the same whether committed with
malice or through negligence or imprudence.
The failure of a public officer to have duly forthcoming any public funds or
property with which he is chargeable, upon demand by any duly authorized
officer, shall be prima facie evidence that he has put such missing funds or ELEMENTS COMMON TO ALL ACTS MALVERSATION OF PUBLIC
property to personal uses. FUNDS OR PROPERTY :
a. That the offender be a public officer (or private person if entrusted with Funds or Prop must be received in Official Capacity
public funds or connived with public officers)
A municipal councilor who received P5 for a permit to slaughter animals but
b. That he had the custody or control of funds or property (if not misappropriated the same is guilty of ESTAFA and NOT malversation
accountable for the funds, theft or qualified theft) because he did not receive it in his official capacity. He had no duty to collect
or receive slaughter fee.
c. That those funds or property were public funds or property (even if
private funds if attached, seized, deposited or commingled with public funds) A public officer having only a qualified charge of Gov’t prop without
authority to part with physical possession of it unless upon order from
d. That he: his immediate superior, CANNOT be held for Malversation. He is rather
guilty of THEFT. (US v. Webster)
1. Appropriated the funds or property
The abstraction of funds from a safe by a clerk without the consent of the
person charged with their custody, with the intent to convert them to his own
2. Took or misappropriated them
use, is liable of THEFT. Although he is entrusted with the combination and
the key of the safe, he had no control over its contents and was not
3. Consented or, through abandonment or negligence, permitted any authorized to open the safe. (US v. Wichersham)
other person to take such public funds or property. (it is not necessary
that the offender profited thereby. His being remiss in the duty of
Webster and Wickersham cases NOT applicable when the accused had
safekeeping public funds violates the trust reposed)
authority to receive money pertaining to the Gov’t..
The offender in Malversation under ART 217 must be a PUBLIC
In a case, the appellant does not dispute his accountability for the public
OFFICER as defined in ART 203.
funds. He only argues that because he could not disburse such funds without
any order from superior authority (qualified charge of the prop), he is only
Nature of the duties of the public officer, NOT name of office, is liable for theft. This argument is erroneous. It is the nature of the duties, and
controlling. NOT his performance of those duties, that determines the character of his
That the person accused is a mere clerk and not a bonded officer is of no offense. (US v. Velasquez)
legal consequence. The vital fact is that he is an employee of, or in some
way connected with, the govt and that, in the course of his employment, he
receives money or prop belonging to the govt for which he is bound to ESTAFA thru Misappropriation MALVERSATION
account. An emergency employee entrusted with the collection or custody of ART 315 (1) (B)
public funds may also be held liable. Both involve the misappropriation of funds or prop
It is usually committed by a private It is committed by public officers with
individual duty to have custody or control of
Certain officials held guilty of malversation:
The funds or prop misappropriated The funds or prop is public fund or
1. Municipal president who spent for himself P60 which he had are privately owned prop
received of the superintendent of schools, as rent (US v. Togonon) The offender appropriates Personal appropriate is NOT
personally the funds or prop indispensable because it may also be
2. Justice of the peace who was found short after examination of his committed by permitting others to
accounts for fees, fines and costs collected by him. (US v. Sagun) misappropriate

3. Municipal Secretary who conducted a public auction for the sale of Private Individuals in Conspiracy with public officers guilty of
fishing privileges, misappropriated the deposited amount of bid for Malversation under ART 217 are liable of Malversation.
himself. (US v. Lafuente)
A janitor and 5 policemen who aided the municipal treasurer by taking the Those funds or property though belonging to a private individual, are placed
safe containing money from the municipal treasury and carrying it to another in the custody of public officers. Art 217 apply to Administrator or Depository
place and then and there taking the contents thereof were also guilty of of funds or prop attached, seized, or deposited by public authority (ART 222)
malversation. (US v. Ponte)
This also contemplates those private funds for public purpose such as
Under ART 222, Private Individuals are liable for Malversation. donations from private citizens.

ART 217 shall apply to: Test to determine Negligencein Malversation through abandonment or
1. Private Individuals who, in any capacity whatsoever, have charge of negligence
national, provincial or municipal funds, revenues or prop and to
2. Any Administrator or Depository of funds or prop attached, seized or Did the defendant in doing the alleged negligent act use that reasonable care
deposited by Public authority (ART 222) and caution which an ordinary prudent person would have used in the same
situation? If not, he is negligent.
Gov’t funds include Revenue funds and Trust funds
The measure of negligence is the standard of care commensurate with
Considered public funds the occassion

1. Red Cross, Anti-TB Society, Boy Scouts funds To entrust to a mere driver the delicate task of supervising the proper
delivery of big sums of money is a proof of negligence and abandonment of
2. Postal money orders his duties as a finance officer. (People v. Torres)

3. Money received by sheriff as redemption price In Malversation not committed thru negligence, LACK OF CRIMINAL
4. Money for indemnification of damages
- When an accountable public officer makes a wrong payment through
honest mistake as to the law or to the facts concerning his duties, he is not
5. NARIC funds received by a mun. treas. as ex oficio in charge of the
liable for malversation but civilly liable.
funds of the NARIC in the municipality.

- A municipal officer, who in good faith paid out public funds, persons in
6. Proceeds of sale of sweepstake tickets
accordance with the resolution of the municipal council, but the payments
were made in violation of the law, because of insufficient vouchers or
Public property. improper evidence, is only civilly liable, there being no criminal intent

1. Firearms or explosives seized from persons not authorized to Failure to have duly forthcoming public funds or property upon
possess the same, which are in the custody of peace officers demandis a prima facie evidence that he has put such missing funds or
prop to personal uses
2. Materials of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry which are in the
custody of a bonded warehouseman 1. The failure or inability of the accused to refund the shortage upon demand
by the duly authorized offices, notwithstanding that the demand was made
Note: When the Mun. Treas. drew gov’t funds corresponding to the face verbally.
value of the check w/c was previously endorsed by the complainant, the
funds became PRIVATE PROPERTY. The Mun Treas is liable of ESTAFA. 2. The disappearance of public funds in the hands of an accountable public
Private fund and prop may be involved in Malversation
3. The shortage in his accounts which he has not been able to explain held is material in Malversation

The presumption may be rebutted by satisfactory evidence of loss or

robbery committed by a person other than the accused. (US v. Kalingo) Is there a presumption that the prosecution of malversation?
YES. When public officer or employee fails to give after the demand has
The burden of defense rests upon the accused. been made. Deemed to have misappropriated. Even if he
returns, he can still be charged. IN one case she decides the accused was a
The Return of the funds malversed is only MITIGATING Circumstance, foreign service officer who was then posted in Kuwait. During the war, he
NOT exempting. (PAR 7-ART13) was given petty cash to shoulder expenses to attend the needs of OFW.
11,000. He was not able to liquidate within the period allowed. He was
Where the partial resititution of the shortage was made 7 years after the already in Philippines when he submitted the demand letter. He was charged
swindling took place and after one of the accused was already convicted, for malversation. Eventually he was charged and filed in MTC (below grade
there is no prompt refund of the shortage, and the accused CANNOT be 27). SC said if it can be shown that there was good faith in the failure to
credited with a mitigating circumstance. return the account, the presumption will not apply.

When the shortage is paid by the public officer from his pocket, he is
ARTICLE 218. Failure of Accountable Officer to Render Accounts. —
NOT liable for Malversation
Any public officer, whether in the service or separated therefrom by
resignation or any other cause, who is required by law or regulation to render
Borrowing money to replace missing funds-when NOT malversation account to the Insular Auditor, or to a provincial auditor and who fails to do so
for a period of two months after such accounts should be rendered, shall be
The fact that the amount in cash which a mun treas should have in his cafe punished by prisión correccional in its minimum period, or by a fine ranging
was fully covered by an amount borrowed from one of his clerks does not from 200 to 6,000 pesos, or both.
relieve the treasurer from criminal responsibility as he did not explain why the
amount is in his clerk’s possession.
1. That the offender is a public officer, whether in the service or separated
But when the accountable officer is obliged to go out of his office and borrow therefrom.
the sum alleged to be the shortage and later the missing amount is found in 2. That he must be an accountable officer for public funds property.
some unaccustomed place in his office, he is not liable for malversation. 3. That he is required by law or regulation to render accounts to the
commission on audit, or to a provincial auditor.
Demand not necessary in malversation.The last par of ART 217 only 4. That he fails to do so for a period of two months after such accounts
proved for a rule of procedural law, a rule of evidence. It merely raises a should be rendered.
prima facie evid that missing funds have been put to personal use.
Demand for accounting is NOT necessary. It is sufficient that
A person whose negligence made possible the commission of there is a law or regulation requiring him to render account.
malversation by another is held liable as principal by indispensable
cooperation in the complex crime of malversation thru falsification of a Reason why Mere failure to render account is punished
public document by reckless negligence. The law does not so much contemplate the possibility of
malversation as the need of enforcing by a penal provision the
Damage to the Government, not necessary.The penalty provided under performance of the duty incumbent upon every public employee who
ART 217 is the amount involved, not the amount of the damage cause to the handles govt funds to render an account of all he receives or has in
government. his charge by reason of his employment.

Misappropriation is NOT necessary. If there is misappropation, he

The source of the fund, the nature of the fund, the status of the fund
would also be liable for MALVERSATION under ART 217. public fund for another public purpose will not make the accused
guilty of violation of ART 220.

ARTICLE 219. Failure of a Responsible Public Officer to Render The public funds or prop must be appropriated by law or
Accounts Before Leaving the Country. — Any public officer who unlawfully ordinance for a particular purpose.
leaves or attempts to leave the Philippine Islands without securing a
certificate from the Insular Auditor showing that his accounts have been Note that the accused can be held liable under ART 217 if the funds
finally settled, shall be punished by arresto mayor, or a fine ranging from 200 applied to a public use are NOT appropriated by law or ordinance
to 1,000 pesos, or both. because he disposed of the same without right.

Example of Illegal Use of Public Funds.

ELEMENTS: When the school teachers and other municipal officers were unable
1. That the offender is a public officer. to recieve their salaries because the treasurer applied the funds,
2. That he must be an accountable officer for public funds or property. appropriated from the payment of said salaries, to another public
3. That he must have unlawfully left (or be on the point of leaving) the use, there is detriment and hindrance to the public service.
Philippines without securing from the Commission on Audit a certificate
showing that his accounts have been finally settled. Illegal use of public funds Malversation
or Prop/ Technical under ART 217
The act of leaving the country must be unauthorized or not permitted by law. Malversation
under ART 220
Offenders are Accountable Public officers
ARTICLE 220. Illegal Use of Public Funds or Property. — Any public The offender does not derive The offender, in certain
officer who shall apply any public fund or property under his administration to any personal gain or profit cases, profits from the
any public use other than that for which such fund or property were proceeds of the crime.
appropriated by law or ordinance shall suffer the penalty of prisión The public fund or prop is The public fund or prop is
correccional in its minimum period or a fine ranging from one-half to the total applied to another public use applied to the personal use
of the sum misapplied, if by reason of such misapplication, any damage or and benefit of the offender or
embarrassment shall have resulted to the public service. In either case, the of another person
offender shall also suffer the penalty of temporary special disqualification.
Technical malversation is NOT included in nor does it
If no damage or embarrassment to the public service has resulted, the necessarily include the crime of malversation of public funds.
penalty shall be a fine from 5 to 50 per cent of the sum misapplied.
Technical malversation does NOT include personal conversion
ELEMENTS: that falls under Malversation
1. That the offender is a public officer.
2. That there is public fund or property under his administration. ARTICLE 221. Failure to Make Delivery of Public Funds or Property. —
3. That such public fund or property has been appropriated by law or Any public officer under obligation to make payment from Government funds
ordinance (without this, it is simple malversation even if applied to in his possession, who shall fail to make such payment, shall be punished by
other public purpose). arresto mayor and a fine of from 5 to 25 per cent of the sum which he failed
4. That he applies the same to a public use other than for which such to pay.
fund or property has been appropriated by law or ordinance.
This provision shall apply to any public officer who, being ordered by
There is no Technical malversation if there is no law or competent authority to deliver any property in his custody or under his
ordinance appropriating public funds or property for a particular administration, shall refuse to make such delivery.
In Parungao v. Sandiganbayan, the Court ruled that the use of a
The fine shall be graduated in such case by the value of the thing, provided failed to deliver the proceeds of the sale.
that it shall not be less than 50 pesos.
The act is not estafa because the prop alleged to have been misapplied was
not the subject of a mere private bailment but of a judicial deposit. This gives
Acts punishable:
the depository a character equal to that of a public official.
1. By failing to make payment by a public officer who is under obligation to
make such payment from Gov’t funds in his possession.
Sheriffs and receivers fall under the term “Administrator”
2. By refusing to make delivery by a public officer who has been ordered by
Judicial Administrator NOT covered by this article. Conversion of effects
competent authority to deliver any property in his custody or under his
in his trust makes him liable for ESTAFA.
Private prop is included, provided it is:
1. Attached
1. Offender has gov’t funds or property in his possession
2. Seized, or
2. He is under obligation to either:
3. Deposited by Public Authority
a. make payment from such funds
b. to deliver property in his custody or administration when
“even if such prop belongs to a private individual” is a sweeping
ordered by competent authority
statement so as to include a case where private funds or prop are
3. He maliciously fails or refuses to do so
involved, as long as they are in custody of accountable public
Note: Penalty is based on value of funds/property to be delivered
Refusal to make delivery of prop must be MALICIOUS Infidelity of Public Officers
Thus, a stenographer who retains the stenographic notes for the purpose of
transcribing the same does not commit a violation. The prosecution did not
1. Infidelity in the Custody of Prisoners (Art 223-224)
prove damage to public interest. (People v. Jubila)

2. Infidelity in the Custody of Documents ( Aty 226-228)

ARTICLE 222. Officers Included in the Preceding Provisions. — The
provisions of this chapter shall apply to private individuals who, in any
capacity whatever, have charge of any Insular, provincial or municipal funds, 3. Revelation of secrets (Art 229-230)
revenues or property and to any administrator or depository of funds or
property attached, seized or deposited by public authority, even if such SECTION ONE
property belongs to a private individual. Infidelity in the Custody of Prisoners

PERSONS WHO MAY BE HELD LIABLE UNDER ARTS 217 TO 221 ARTICLE 223. Conniving With or Consenting to Evasion. — Any public
1. Private individual who, in any capacity, have charge of any national, officer who shall consent to the escape of a prisoner in his custody or charge,
provincial or municipal funds, revenue, or property shall be punished:
2. Administrator or depositary of funds or property that has been
attached, seized or deposited by public authority, even if owned by a 1. By prisión correccional in its medium and maximum periods and temporary
private individual special disqualification in its maximum period to perpetual special
disqualification, if the fugitive shall have been sentenced by final judgment to
Purpose is to extend the provisions of the Code to Private Individuals any penalty.

Private Individual liable for Malversation. 2. By prision correccional in its minimum period and temporary special
disqualification, in case the fugitive shall not have been finally convicted but
In civil proceedings to obtain a preventive attachment to secure a debt by X, only held as a detention prisoner for any crime or violation of law or municipal
the hose was attached. The attached prop was sold to the Manila Fire Dept X
ordinance. Ex. Allowing a prisoner to eat in a resto near the municipal building.

ELEMENTS: Relaxation of imprisonment is considered infidelity.

1. That the offender is a public officer (on duty).
2. That he is charged with the conveyance or custody of a prisoner, Ex. A guard allowed the prisoner, serving a 6-day sentence in the municipal
either detention prisoner or prisoner by final judgment. jail, to sleep in his house and eat there because the municipality had not
3. That such prisoner escaped from his custody outlay for the food of prisoners.

4. That he was in connivance with the prisoner in the latter’s escape The mayor is guilty under ART 223, if he utilized the prisoner’s services for
domestic chores in his house, including that of working as a cook.
Acts constituting the crime.
Under RA 9372, any public officer who has direct custody of a detained
Any public officer who shall consent to the escape of a prisoner in his person or who by deliberate act, misconduct or inexcusable negligence
custody or charge. Connivance with the prisoner in his escape is an causes or allows the escape of such detained person shall be guilty of:
indispensable element of the offense.
1. 12y 1d to 20 y, if the detained person has already been convicted and
A policeman who allowed a prisoner to buy some cigar at a nearby store is sentences in a final judgment of a competent court
NOT in connivance with the latter, the policeman not knowing that he would 2. 6y1d to 12 y, if the detained person has not been convicted and sentenced
escape. in a final judgment of a competent court.

Classes of prisoners involved. ARTICLE 224. Evasion Through Negligence. — If the evasion of the
prisoner shall have taken place through the negligence of the officer charged
a. If the fugitive has been sentence by final judgment to a penalty with the conveyance or custody of the escaping prisoner, said officer shall
b. If the fugitive is held only as detention prisoner for any crime or violation of suffer the penalties of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prisión
law or municipal ordinance. correccional in its minimum period and temporary special disqualification.

A detention prisoner is a person in legal custody, arrested for, and ELEMENTS:

charged with, some crime or public offense. 1. That the offender is a public officer.
2. That he is charged with the conveyance or custody of a prisoner,
either detention prisoner or prisoner by final judgment.
Where a driver, driving without license met an accident and was taken tro the
3. That such prisoner escapes through his negligence.
hospital, while being guarded by a policeman, he escaped, the policeman is
NOT liable under ART 223 because the driver was not actually arrested and
was not a detention prisoner. 4. Penalty based on nature of imprisonment

Release of Detention prisoner who could not be delivered to the judicial Illustration of Absence of 2nd element
authority within the time fixed by law, is not infidelity in the custody of
prisoner. C was detailed as prison guard from 9-11PM. S was to succeed C from 11-
1AM. When S was to take over, he was sleeping so C woke him up to deliver
Ex. When the chie fof police released the detainee because he could not file the post to him. S did not pay attention. A prisoner escaped while C was the
a complaint against them within the time under ART 125, due to the absence one in the guard post. Is S liable?
of the justice of the peace.
-No. The custody of the prisoner was NOT yet transferred to him by C when
Leniency or laxity is NOT infidelity. the evasion took place.
Illustration of Absence of 3rd element: Liability of Escaping Prisoner:

A policeman was on guard duty. He unlocked the door of the jail to let a 1. If the fugitive is serving sentence by reason of final judgment, he is liable
detention prisoner go out to clean the premise. The prisoner went to a nearby for evasion of the service of the sentence under ART 157.
faucet to wash the rags. Upon his third trip, he climbed ober the walls and 2. If the fugitive is only a detention prisoner, he does not incur criminal
escaped. Is the policeman liable? liability.

-No. The policeman was not negligent. ARTICLE 225. Escape of Prisoner Under the Custody of a Person Not a
Public Officer. — Any private person to whom the conveyance or custody of
“If the evasion of the prsioner shall have taken place” a prisoner or person under arrest shall have been confided, who shall commit
Under ART 157, evasion of service of sentence the prisoner must be a any of the offenses mentioned in the two preceding articles, shall suffer the
convict by final judgment. penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed for the public officer.

Detention prisoners are also included in ART 224 as provided in the case of ELEMENTS:
People v. Solis 1. That the offender is a private person (note: must be on duty)
2. That the conveyance or custody of a prisoner or person under arrest
What is punished in Evasion thru negligence is such a definite Laxity as is confined to him.
all but amounts to deliberate non-performance of a duty on the part of 3. That the prisoner or person under arrest escapes.
the guard. 4. That the offender consents to the escape of the prisoner or person
under arrest, or that the escape takes place through his negligence
A policeman who permitted a prisoner under his guard to answer a call of
nature in a hidden shed outside of the building. The policeman remained Note: This article is not applicable if a private person made the arrest and he
near the prisoner by the door. The prisoner escaped thru the back of the consented to the escape of the person he arrested
bath. The policeman is not negligent. However, he may be dealth with
administratively. Escape of person under arrest while in the custody of Private Individual
ART 225 is NOT applicable if a private person was the one who made the
arrest and he consented to the escape of the person he arrested.
But if the guard left the toiler, the giard is liable for infidelity in the custody of
prisoner thru negligence. The penalty for a private person liable under ART 225 is only
imprisonemnt one degree lower than that prescribed for the public
Examples of infidelity thru negligence officer in ART 223 or 224.

1. A policeman, assigned to guard a prisoner, who falls asleep SECTION TWO

2. The guard permitting the prisoner to go to the nursery to gather gabi Infidelity in the Custody of Documents
considering the place was grassy and tall talahib was growing therein.
3. The accused answered the telephone call and did not lock up the prisoner
ARTICLE 226. Removal, Concealment or Destruction of Documents. —
Any public officer who shall remove, destroy or conceal documents or papers
There is only one penalty in Art224. officially entrusted to him, shall suffer:

If the prsioner escapes thru the negligence of the public officer, the latter 1. The penalty of prisión mayor and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos,
suffers the same penalty regardless of whether the prisoner is a convict or whenever serious damage shall have been caused thereby to a third party or
merely a detention prisoner. to the public interest.

The fact that the public officer recaptures the prisoner who had 2. The penalty of prisión correccional in its minimum and medium periods
escaped from his custody does NOT afford complete exculpation.
and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos, whenever the damage caused to a money orders for collected and appropriated the
third party or to the public interest shall not have been serious. transmission, and the respective amounts
money orders are not sent
In either case, the additional penalty of temporary special disqualification in to the addresses, the
its maximum period to perpetual special disqualification shall be imposed. postmaster cashing the
same for his own benefit
ELEMENTS: Reason why taking contents of mail by postmaster is Infidelity..
1. That the offender be a public officer. In addition to the actual injury done to the owner, the uncertainty as
2. That he abstracts, destroys or conceals a document or papers. to the safety of such letters arising from thefts of their contents
3. That the said document or paper should have been entrusted to such amounts to a real and positive injury to the postal service. (US v.
public officer by reason of his office. Marino)
4. That damage, whether serious or not, to a third party or to the public
interest should have been caused. SEC 2756 of the Revised Admin Code punishes the unlawful
The public officer must be officially entrusted with the opening or detention of mail matter by any person OTHER THAN
documents or papers. an officer or employee of the Bureau of Posts-P1,000 or 1 y
Thus, the stenographer is NOT guilty of ART 226 because he is not imprisonment or both
officially entrusted. It is rather the CLERK OF COURT who is
officially entruisted with the record. Money Bills received as exhibits in court are papers.
The document must be complete and one by which a right could Acts punishable in infidelity in the custody of documents.
be established or an obligation could be extinguished. 1. By removing, or
Thus, a municpal president who mutilated the payroll of the town is 2. By destroying, or
not guilty, it appearing that the said payroll had not yet been 3. By concealing documents or papers offricially entrustred to the offending
approved and signed by him, as required by law. public officer
They are distinct modes of committing the offense.
Books, periodicals, pamphlets etc. are not documents.
A package containing a book, sent thru mail by COD system, is not a The removal must be for illicit purpose.
document. A document must be a written instrument by which 1. To tamper with it, or
something is proven or made of record. 2. To profit by it, or
3. To commit an act constituting a breach of trust in the official care thereof.
“Or papers officially entrusted to him” Thus, where the act of remocal is removed to secure them from
-checks, promissory notes, and paper money, abstraction of money immonent danger of loss or destruction, there is no crime.
orders, money bills
When deemed consummated.
Post office official who retained the mail without forwarding the -upon its removal or secreting away from its usual place in the office
letters to their destination, even without opening them or taking and after the offender had gone out and locked the door, it being
the moneys contained therein, is guilty of infidelity in the immaterial whether he has or has not actually accomplished the illicit
custody of papers. purpose for which he removed said document.

Infidelity in the custody of document by DESTROYING or

CONCEALING it, does NOT require proof of illicit purpose. In the
Infidelity in the custody Malversation and REMOVAL, the accused may have a lawful motive.
of document Falsification
When the postmaster When the postmaster received Delivering document to the wrong party is Infidelity in the
receives letters or money orders, signed the custody thereof.
envelopes contaioning signatures of the payees,
An emergency helper on a daily wage basis in the Bureau of It is sufficient that the seal is broken, even if the contents are not
Treasury, who, being entrusted with the delivery of official papers to tampered with. The purpose is to insure the “preservation”
the different sections of the bureau, delivered a backpay certificate to
a wrong party, witth a result that the owner could not make a ARTICLE 228. Opening of Closed Documents. — Any public officer not
withdrawal. included in the provisions of the next preceding article who, without
proper authority, shall open or shall permit to be opened any closed papers,
There must be damage, great or small. documents or objects entrusted to his custody, shall suffer the penalties of
1. Whenever serious damage is caused thereby to a third party or to the arresto mayor, temporary special disqualification and a fine not exceeding
public interest. 2,000 pesos.
2. Whenever the damage caused to a third party or to the public interest is
not serious.
Damage may consist in mere alarm to the public or in the alienation ELEMENTS:
of its confidence in any branch of the government service. (Kataniag 1. That the offender is a public officer.
v. People) 2. That any closed papers, documents, or objects are entrusted to his
Damage caused to a third party or to the public interest. 3. That he opens or permits to be opened said closed papers,
In a case where the accused returned the money bills which he had documents or objects.
stolen after opening the letters, to avoid prosecution, it was held that
though there was no damage to the public to 3rd parties, there was 4. That he does not have proper authority.
damage to the public interest.
Custody- guarding or keeping safe;care.
Illustration of damage to the public interest.
A sorter and filer of money orders cashed in the office, who tore a Closed documents must be entrusted to the custody of the accused by
money order which had been falsified is guilty of infidelity in the reason of his office.
custody of a document, for by the destruction of the money order, the 3 envelopes containing election returns addressed to the provincial treasurer
prosecution of the party who falsified it was rendered difficult. were handed by the PC sergeant to the municipal treasurer who put thereon
sealing wax. The municipal treasurer was accused of opening the envelopes.

ARTICLE 227. Officer Breaking Seal. — Any public officer charged with the Held: The accused did not actually become the custodian of 3 envelopes.
custody of papers or property sealed by proper authority, who shall break the The envelopes were not addressed to the accused rather it was to the
seals or permit them to be broken, shall suffer the penalties of prisión Provincial Treasurer and were on the desk of the accused just for the time
correccional in its minimum and medium periods, temporary special necessary to put the sealing wax.
disqualification and a fine not exceeding 2,000 pesos.
The Act should NOT fall under ART 227- Breaking of Seal. In Art 228,
ELEMENTS : the offender must be a public officer not included in the provisions of
1. That the offender is a public officer. the next preceding article
2. That he is charged with the custody of papers or property.
3. That these papers or property are sealed by proper authority. Damage or intent to cause damage is not an element of the offense.
4. That he breaks the seals or permits them to be broken.
Crime is committed by breaking or permitting seals to be
Revelation of Secrets
The opening of public papers should be done only by the proper
authority 1. Revelation of Secrets by an Officer.

Damage or intent to cause damage is NOT necessary 2. Public Officer Revealing Secrets of Private Individual.
ARTICLE 229. Revelation of Secrets by an Officer. — Any public officer Revelation of Infidelity in the custody of
who shall reveal any secret known to him by reason of his official capacity, or secrets Documents
shall wrongfully deliver papers or copies of papers of which he may have If the papers if the papers do not contain secrets,
charge and which should not be published, shall suffer the penalties of contain secrets their removal for an illicit purpose
prisión correccional in its medium and maximum periods, perpetual special which should not be
disqualification and a fine not exceeding 2,000 pesos if the revelation of such published, and the
secrets or the delivery of such papers shall have caused serious damage to public officer having
the public interest; otherwise, the penalties of prisión correccional in its charge thereof
minimum period, temporary special disqualification and a fine not exceeding removes and
500 pesos shall be imposed. delivers them
wrongfully to a third
1. That the offender is a public officer.
2. That he knows of a secret by reason of his official capacity. Damage is essential to the act committed.
3. That he reveals such secret without authority or justifiable reasons. Higher penalty is imposed if the act shall have caused serious
4. That damage, great or small, be caused to the public interest. damage to the public interest; otherwise, lesser penalty.
(damage is essential) Material damage to third person is NOT necessary.

Notes: Secret must affect public interest, otherwise, it will there is no crime at Ex.1. Peace officers who published instructions received by them for
all. the arrest of the culprit, thereby enabling him to escape and resulting
in the failure of the law and authority.
Espionage is not contemplated in this article. 3. Provincial fiscal who revealed the records of all investigation conducted by
This does not include State secrets revealed to a belligerent nation-ART 117 him to the defendant who thereby learned of the evidence of the prosecution.
or CA 616.
This article punished minor official betrayals, infidelities of little consequence,
affecting usually the administration of justice, executive or official duties, or ARTICLE 230. Public Officer Revealing Secrets of Private Individual. —
the general interest of the public order, Any public officer to whom the secrets of any private individual shall become
known by reason of his office who shall reveal such secrets, shall suffer the
Secrets of private persons NOT included. penalties of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos.

ELEMENTS OF PAR 2 – DELIVERING WRONGFULLY PAPERS OR 1. That the offender is a public officer
2. That he knows of the secret of a private individual by reason of his office.
1. That the offender is a public officer. 3. That he reveals such secrets without authority or justification reason.
2. That he has charge of papers. “Shall reveal such secrets”
3. That those papers should not be published. Revelation to one person is sufficient, for public revelation is not required.
4. That he delivers those papers or copies thereof to a third person.
5. That the delivery is wrongful. When the offender is an Attorney-at-law or a Solicitor, ART 230 is NOT
6. That damage be caused to public interest. applicable. He is liable under ART 209- Betrayal of trust by an attorney
or solicitor
“Charge”: means custody or control. If he is merely entrusted with Damage to private individuals NOT necessary.
the papers and not with the custody thereof, he is not liable under
this article. The reason for this is to uphold faith and trust in public service.
Other Offenses or Irregularities by Public Officers 1. That the offender is a public officer.
2. That an order is issued by his superior for execution.
SECTION ONE 3. That he has for any reason suspended the execution of such order.
Disobedience, Refusal of Assistance and Maltreatment of Prisoners 4. That his superior disapproves the suspension of the execution of the
5. That the offender disobeys his superior despite the disapproval of the
ARTICLE 231. Open Disobedience. — Any judicial or executive officer who suspension.
shall openly refuse to execute the judgment, decision or order of any superior
authority made within the scope of the jurisdiction of the latter and issued
with all the legal formalities, shall suffer the penalties of arresto mayor in its Note: A public officer is not liable if the order of the superior is illegal
medium period to prisión correccional in its minimum period, temporary
special disqualification in its maximum period and a fine not exceeding 1,000 The subordinate is entitled to suspend the order issued by the superior. But if
pesos. the superior disapproves of the suspension, the subordinate must obey and
refusal amounts to contempt, for by this he undertakes to dictate to his
1. That the offender is a judicial or executive officer. That there is a
judgment, decision or order of superior authority. This Art does NOT apply if the order of the superior is ILLEGAL.
Obedience to an order which is illegal by a subordinate may have criminal
2. That such judgment, decision or order was made within the scope of liability under ART 11 PAR 6-Any person who acts in obedience to an order
the jurisdiction of the superior authority and issued with all the legal issued by a superior for some lawful purpose is a justifying circumstance.
3. That the offender without any legal justification openly refuses to ARTICLE 233. Refusal of Assistance. — The penalties of arresto mayor in
execute the said judgment, decision or order which he is duty bound its medium period to prisión correccional in its minimum period, perpetual
to obey. special disqualification and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos, shall be
The gravamen of the offense is the open refusal of the offender to execute imposed upon a public officer who, upon demand from competent authority,
the order without justifiable reason. shall fail to lend his cooperation towards the administration of justice or other
public service, if such failure shall result in serious damage to the public
Act constituting the crime. interest, or to a third party; otherwise, arresto mayor in its medium and
A judicial or executive officer who shall openly refuse to execute the maximum periods and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos shall be imposed.
judgment, decision, or oder of any superior authority.
Ex. 1. A municipal secretary who openly refuses to deliver to the mayor, after 1. That the offender is a public officer.
having been repeatedly requested to do som the keys of the doors of the 2. That a competent authority demands from the offender that he lend
municipal building and the seal under his custody. his cooperation towards the administration of justice or other public
There is in this case an open refusal to obey an order. service
2. Mandamus by the SC ordering lower court to receive certain evidence. If
the lower court openly refuses to obey, there is a violation of Art 231.
3. That the offender fails to do so maliciously.
ARTICLE 232. Disobedience to Order of Superior Officer, When Said
“Upon demand from competent authority”
Order Was Suspended by Inferior Officer. — Any public officer who,
having for any reason suspended the execution of the orders of his superiors,
shall disobey such superiors after the latter have disapproved the Hence, if the chief of police received from a private party a subpoena, issued
suspension, shall suffer the penalties of prisión correccional in its minimum by a fiscalm with a request to serve it upon a person to be awitness, and the
and medium periods and perpetual special disqualification. chief of police maliciously refused to do so, the latter is not liable.
Ex. A chief of police who flatly and insolently refuses to serve summons of a ELEMENTS:
provincial fiscalm after having been duly requested to do so by the latter 1. That the offender is a public officer or employee.
official, is guilty under Art 233. 2. That he has under charge a prisoner or detention prisoner (otherwise
the crime is physical injuries)
Damage to public interest or to a third party is essential. 3. That he maltreats such prisoner in either of the following manners:
1. By overdoing himself in the correction or handling of a
prisoner or detention prisoner under his charge either –
Higher penlaty, if the failure to lend cooperation results in serious damage to
i. By the imposition of punishments not authorized by
the public interest or to a third party; otherwise, lower penalty.
the regulations, or
ii. By inflicting such punishments (those authorized) in
ARTICLE 234. Refusal to Discharge Elective Office. — The penalty of a cruel and humiliating manner, or
arresto mayor or a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos, or both, shall be imposed 2. By maltreating such prisoner to extort a confession or to
upon any person who, having been elected by popular election to a public obtain some information from the prisoner.
office, shall refuse without legal motive to be sworn in or to discharge the
duties of said office. The public officer must have actual charge of the prisoner to
hold him liable for Maltreatment of prisoner
ELEMENTS: The mayor is not liable for maltreatment of prisoner if the latter is in
1. That the offender is elected by popular election to a public office. the custody of the police.
2. That he refuses to be sworn in or discharge the duties of said office.
3. That there is no legal motive for such refusal to be sworn in or to Offended party must be
discharge the duties of said office. 1. a convict by final judgment or
2. detention prisoner
“Shall refuse without legal motive”
If the elected person is underage, or otherwise disqualified, his To be detention prisoner, the person arrested must be placed in
refusal to be sworn in or to discharge the duties of the office is jail even for a short while.
justified. A person suspected of having crommitted a crime and taken to a
cemetery and maltreated by the policemen. Since he is not yet
Once an individual is elected by the will of the people, the discharge booked in the office of the police and placed in jail even for a
of duties becomes a matter of duty, not only a right. moment, he is NOT a detention prisoner, therefore, the policemen
may be guilty of PHYSICAL INJURIES. (People v. Baring)
Art 234 not applicable to appointive officer.
The Maltreatment
1. must relate to the correction or handling of the prisoner, or
ARTICLE 235. Maltreatment of Prisoners. — The penalty of arresto mayor
2. must be for the purpose of extorting a confession or of obtaining some
in its medium period to prision correccional in its minimum period, in addition
information from the prisoner.
to his liability for the physical injuries or damage caused, shall be imposed
Thus, if the jailer inflicted PI on the prisoner because of personal
upon any public officer or employee who shall overdo himself in the
grudge, the jailer is liable of PHYSICAL INJURIES only.
correction or handling of a prisoner or detention prisoner under his charge, by
the imposition of punishment not authorized by the regulations, or by inflicting
Offender may also be liable for PI or Damage caused.
such punishment in a cruel and humiliating manner.
ART 235 states that the penalty to be imposed upon the offender for
maltreatment of prisoners is “in addition to his liability for the PI
If the purpose of the maltreatment is to extort a confession, or to obtain some or damage caused”.
information from the prisoner, the offender shall be punished by prision
correccional in its minimum period, temporary special disqualification and a There is NO COMPLEX CRIME of Maltreatment of Prisoners with
fine not exceeding 500 pesos, in addition to his liability for the physical serious or less serious PI- ART 48.
injuries or damage caused.
SECTION TWO If such office shall have been abandoned in order to evade the discharge of
Anticipation, Prolongation and Abandonment of the Duties and Powers the duties of preventing, prosecuting or punishing any of the crimes falling
of Public Office within Title One, and Chapter One of Title Three of Book Two of this Code,
the offender shall be punished by prisión correccional in its minimum and
ARTICLE 236. Anticipation of Duties of a Public Office. — Any person medium periods, and by arresto mayor if the purpose of such abandonment
who shall assume the performance of the duties and powers of any public is to evade the duty of preventing, prosecuting or punishing any other crime.
office or employment without first being sworn in or having given the bond
required by law, shall be suspended from such office or employment until he ELEMENTS:
shall have complied with the respective formalities and shall be fined from 1. That the offender is a public officer.
200 to 500 pesos. 2. That he formally resigns from his position.
3. That his resignation has not yet been accepted.
1. That the offender is entitled to hold a public office or employment, 4. That he abandons his office to the detriment of the public service.
either by election or appointment.
2. That the law requires that he should first be sworn in and/or should There must be a written or formal resignation.
first give a bond.
3. That he assumes the performance of the duties and powers of such A verbal statrement made by the accused to the CIR that he was resigning is
office. NOT the form contemplated by the set-up of our civil Service System.

a. That he has not taken his oath of office and /or given the bond When is the offense QUALIFIED?
required by law.
If the abandonment of the office has for its purpose to evade the dischrage of
ARTICLE 237. Prolonging Performance of Duties and Powers. — Any the duties of preventing, prosecuting, or punishing any of the crimes
public officer who shall continue to exercise the duties and powers of his falling within Title 1- National Security and the Law of Nations and Chap
office, employment or commission, beyond the period provided by law, 1 of Title 3- Rebellion, Coup d’ etat, Sedition and Disloyalty
regulations or special provisions applicable to the case, shall suffer the
penalties of prisión correccional in its minimum period, special temporary
Abandonment of office (ART 238) Negligence and tolerance in
disqualification in its minimum period and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos.
prosecution of offenses (ART 208)
Committed by any public officer Committed only by public officers
ELEMENTS: who have the duty to institute
1. That the offender is holding a public office. prosecution for the punishment of
2. That the period provided by law, regulations or special violations of the law.
provisions for holding such office has already expired. The public officer abandons his office The public officer does not abandon
to evade the discharge of his duty his office but he fails to prosecute an
3. That he continues to exercise the duties and powers of such offense by dereliction of duty or by
office. malicious tolerance of the
commission of offenses.
A public officer who has been suspended, separated, declared overaged, or
dismissed cannot continue to perform the duties of his office.

ARTICLE 238. Abandonment of Office or Position. — Any public officer SECTION THREE
who, before the acceptance of his resignation, shall abandon his office to the Usurpation of Powers and Unlawful Appointments
detriment of the public service shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor.
ARTICLE 239. Usurpation of Legislative Powers. — The penalties of
prisión correccional in its minimum period, temporary special disqualification b. obstruct the execution of any order decision rendered by any
and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos, shall be imposed upon any public judge within his jurisdiction.
officer who shall encroach upon the powers of the legislative branch of the
Government, either by making general rules or regulations beyond the scope Mayor is guilty under this article if he investigates a case while
of his authority, or by attempting to repeal a law or suspending the execution justice of the peace is in the municipality.
ART 239-241 punish interference by officers of one of the 3 dept
of gov’t with functions of officers of another dept.
The purpose is to maintain the separation and independence of the 3
1. That the offender is an executive or judicial officer.
depts of the govt.
2. That he
a. makes general rules or regulations beyond the scope of his
authority or ARTICLE 242. Disobeying Request for Disqualification. — Any public
b. attempts to repeal a law or officer who, before the question of jurisdiction is decided, shall continue any
c. suspends the execution thereof. proceeding after having been lawfully required to refrain from so doing, shall
be punished by arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos.
ARTICLE 240. Usurpation of Executive Functions. — Any judge who shall
so assume any power pertaining to the executive authorities, or shall obstruct ELEMENTS:
the latter in the lawful exercise of their powers, shall suffer the penalty of 1. That the offender is a public officer.
arresto mayor in its medium period to prisión correccional in its minimum 2. That a proceeding is pending before such public officer.
period. 3. That there is a question brought before the proper authority
regarding his jurisdiction, which is not yet decided.
4. That he has been lawfully required to refrain from continuing the
1. That the offender is a judge.
2. That he
a. assumes a power pertaining to the executive authorities, or 5. That he continues the proceeding
b. obstructs executive authorities in the lawful exercise of their
powers. Ex. The Mayor of Manila suspended a market administrator for alleged
irregularity. Then he caused an administrative investigation of the market
Legislative officers are NOT liable for usurpation of executive functions administrator. The latter filed a petition for prohibition in the CFi which issued
a preliminary writ of injunction pending the resolution of the question of
jurisdiction raised by the petitioner. But the Mayor continued the
Thus, a councilor who assumes the power of a mayor is not liable under ART
investigation. In this case, the Mayor may be held liable under this Article.
240 but for ART 177-Usurpation of authority or official functions

The disobedient public officer is liable, even if the jurisdictional question is

ARTICLE 241. Usurpation of Judicial Functions. — The penalty of arresto resolced by the proper authority in his favor.
mayor in its medium period to prisión correccional in its minimum period shall
be imposed upon any officer of the executive branch of the Government who
shall assume judicial powers or shall obstruct the execution of any order or ARTICLE 243. Orders or Requests by Executive Officers to Any Judicial
decision rendered by any judge within his jurisdiction. Authority. — Any executive officer who shall address any order or
suggestion to any judicial authority with respect to any case or business
coming within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of justice shall suffer the
ELEMENTS: penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos.
1. That the offender is an officer of the executive branch of the
2. That he ELEMENTS:
a. assumes judicial powers, or 1. That the offender is an executive officer.
2. That he addresses any order or suggestion to any judicial authority. decision, or with respect to which he is required to submit a report to or
3. That the order or suggestion relates to any case or business coming consult with a superior officer;
within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of justice.
2. Any warden or other public officer directly charged with the care and
Purpose is to maintain the independence of the judiciary. custody of prisoners or persons under arrest who shall solicit or make
immoral or indecent advances to a woman under his custody.
Legislative or judicial officers are NOTliable under this article
If the person solicited be the wife, daughter, sister or relative within the same
Thus, a congressman who wrote a letter to a judge, requesting the latter to degree by affinity of any person in the custody of such warden or officer, the
decide the case pending before him one way or the other, or a judge who penalties shall be prisión correccional in its minimum and medium periods
made a suggestion to another judge, is NOT liable. and temporary special disqualification.

ARTICLE 244. Unlawful Appointments. — Any public officer who shall ELEMENTS:
knowingly nominate or appoint to any public office any person lacking the 1. That the offender is a public officer.
legal qualifications therefor, shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor and a 2. That he solicits or makes immoral or indecent advances to a woman.
fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos. 3. That such woman must be –
a. interested in matters pending before the offender for
decision, or with respect to which he is required to submit a
report to or consult with a superior officer, or
1. That the offender is a public officer.
b. under the custody of the offender who is a warden or other
2. That he nominates or appoints a person to a public office.
public officer directly charged with care and custody of
3. That such person lacks the legal qualification therefor.
prisoners or person under arrest, or
4. That the offender knows that his nominee or appointee lacks the
c. the wife, daughter, sister or relative within the same degree
qualification at the time he made the nomination or appointment.
by affinity of the person in the custody of the offender
The offense is committed by “nominating” or by “appointing”
Nominate is different from Recommend. Recommending, knowing
that the recommendee has no qualification is NOT a crime. Ways of committing abuses against chastity:
“Person lacking the legal qualifications therefor.” 1. By soliciting or making immoral or indecent advances to a woman
There must be a law providing for the qualifications. interested in matters pending before the offender for decision, or with
Appointments of non-eligibles continue only for such period not respect to which he is required to submit a report to or consult with a superior
exceeding 3 months as may be necessary to make appointment thru officer.
certification of eligibles, and in no case shall extend beyond 30 days
from receipt by the chief of the bureau or office of the 2. By soliciting or making immoral or indecent advances to a woman under
Commissioner’s certification of eligibles. the offender’s custody

SECTION FOUR 3. By soliciting or making immoral or indecent advances to the wife,

Abuses Against Chastity daughter, sister or relative within the same degree by affinity of the person in
the custody of the offending warden or officer.
ARTICLE 245. Abuses Against Chastity — Penalties. — The penalties of
prisión correccional in its medium and maximum periods and temporary Solicit means to propose earnestly and persistently something unchaste and
special disqualification shall be imposed:
immoral to a woman.
1. Upon any public officer who shall solicit or make immoral or indecent The advances must be immoral or indecent.
advances to a woman interested in matters pending before such officer for
The crime of abuses against chastity is consummated by mere

Proof of solicitation is NOT necessary when there is sexual intercourse.

The appellant was in charge of the prisoners and he entered the cell of the
woman and had illicit relations with her. (US v. Morelos)

Republic Act No. 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment Act)

Committed by any person having authority, influence or moral ascendancy
over another in a work, training or education environment when he or she
demands, requests, or otherwise requires any sexual favor from the other
regardless of whether the demand, request or requirement for submission is
accepted by the object of the said act (for a passing grade, or granting of
scholarship or honors, or payment of a stipend, allowances, benefits,
considerations; favorable compensation terms, conditions, promotions or
when the refusal to do so results in a detrimental consequence for the
Also holds liable any person who directs or induces another to commit any
act of sexual harassment, or who cooperates in the commission, the head of
the office, educational or training institution solidarily.
Complaints to be handled by a committee on decorum, which shall be
determined by rules and regulations on such.
Administrative sanctions shall not be a bar to prosecution in the proper courts
for unlawful acts of sexual harassment.
What are the acts that constitute abuses on chastity?
If it is soliciting women, RA 9208 (Anti-trafficking)

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