UNIT 1 MCQ With Answers

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CLASS: IV-Year/CSE & IT Prepared by_Mrs_Rupa_kesavan/CSE

Academic Year-2020-21/ODD-Semester -07 Questions with Answers-50_questions
1)The purpose of supply chain management is
a. provide customer satisfaction
b. improve quality of a product
c. integrating supply and demand management
d. increase production


2) Logistics is the part of a supply chain involved with the forward and reverse flow of
a. goods
b. services
c. cash
d. all of the above


3)Due to small change in customer demands, inventory oscillations become progressively larger looking
through the supply chain. This is known as
a. Bullwhip effect
b. Netchain analysis
c. Reverse logistics
d. Reverse supply chain


4) The major decision areas in supply chain management are

a. location, production, distribution, inventory

b. planning, production, distribution, inventory
c. location, production, scheduling, inventory
d. location, production, distribution, marketing


5) Which of the following is true for supply chain management?

a. The physical material moves in the direction of the end of chain
b. Flow of cash backwards through the chain
c. Exchange of information moves in both the direction
d. All of the above

CLASS: IV-Year/CSE & IT Prepared by_Mrs_Rupa_kesavan/CSE

Academic Year-2020-21/ODD-Semester -07 Questions with Answers-50_questions

6)The sequence of a typical manufacturing supply chain is

a. Storage–Supplier–manufacturing–storage–distributor–retailer–customer
b. Supplier–Storage-manufacturing–storage–distributor–retailer–customer
c. Supplier–Storage-manufacturing– distributor–storage–retailer–customer
d. Supplier–Storage-manufacturing–storage– retailer–distributor–customer


7) Logistics is the part of a supply chain involved with the forward and reverse flow of

e. goods
f. services
g. cash
h. all of the above


8) The aim of supply chain management is to:

a. Manage the storage and movement of materials in the supply chain
b. Reduce total logistics costs
c. Manage suppliers so as to minimise the cost of procurement
d. Enhance value in the final marketplace and maximise profit for the whole supply chain


9)What is one major fear of managers when they decide to outsource their logistics function?
a. The achievement of cost savings
b. Transfer of fixed costs and capital investments into variable costs and expenditure
c. Increasing the scale and scope of operations
d.Loss of operational control and reduced contact with customers


10)What are the relationship risks that occur when outsourcing logistics activities to external suppliers?
a. Poor ability to train and educate employees
b. Reduction of customer satisfaction
c. Increasing costs for maintaining assets and equipment
d.Information asymmetry and goal incongruences


CLASS: IV-Year/CSE & IT Prepared by_Mrs_Rupa_kesavan/CSE

Academic Year-2020-21/ODD-Semester -07 Questions with Answers-50_questions
11) The supply chain concept originated in what discipline?
b) operations
c) logistics
d) production


12) A ____________ encompasses all activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods
from the raw material stage, through to the end user, as well as the associated information flows.

a)production line
b)supply chain
c)marketing channel


13) Which of the following are not key attributes of supply chain management?

a)inventory control
c)customer power

14) The bullwhip effect:
a) is an ineffective way to motivate warehouse employees
b)applies to rodeos and has nothing to do with supply chain management
c)refers to the “swaying” motion associated with triple trailers
d) Refers to variability in demand orders among supply chain participants.


15) An important feature of supply chain management is its application of electronic commerce
technology that allows companies to share and operate systems for:
a)Order processing, transportation scheduling, and inventory management
b)cost-effective flowing of raw materials
c)future purchasing of computer systems
d)future merger opportunities

CLASS: IV-Year/CSE & IT Prepared by_Mrs_Rupa_kesavan/CSE

Academic Year-2020-21/ODD-Semester -07 Questions with Answers-50_questions

16) A Supply Chain includes the chain of entities involved in the planning,procurement,production and --------
----- of products and services



17) A supply chain is a sequence of firms that perform activities required:

a. to find products that are similar
b. to facilitate wholesalers inventory selections
c. to create synergy in their training programs
d. to create and deliver goods to consumers


18)A supply chain is essentially a sequence of linked:

a. customer and prospects
b. supplier and manufacturer
c. suppliers and customers
d. warehousing and wholesaling units


19) …………is the time that elapses between issuing replenishment order and receiving the material
in stores.
a. Replenishment time
b. Lead time
c. Idle time
d. None of the above

20) A restaurant is an example of a

a. major service with accompanying goods and services
b. hybrid
c. pure service
d. pure tangible good (Ans:b)

CLASS: IV-Year/CSE & IT Prepared by_Mrs_Rupa_kesavan/CSE

Academic Year-2020-21/ODD-Semester -07 Questions with Answers-50_questions
21) The supply chain management philosophy emerged in which decade?
a) 1960s
b) 1970s
c) 1980s
d) 1990s


22) Which of the following is not a typical supply chain member?

a)Retailer`s Creditor


23) Quality is both quantitative and ?



25) LSCM – means to:

a) Layered services for customer management
b) Logistics management
c)Logistics services and centered management
d) Logistics supply for customer management


26) List Areas that manager of the Companies in any supply chain must make decisions individually and
collectively for improving performances?

a) Production-Inventory-Location-Information

b) Process-Supply-Customer-Business

c) Retail-services-network-profit


CLASS: IV-Year/CSE & IT Prepared by_Mrs_Rupa_kesavan/CSE

Academic Year-2020-21/ODD-Semester -07 Questions with Answers-50_questions

27) Typical supply chain may involve a variety of stages, including

a) Customers- Retailers- Wholesalers- Manufacturers- Component/raw material suppliers
b) pricing- product variety-product –availability
c) Supplier–Storage-manufacturing– distributor–storage–retailer–customer


28) Drivers of Supply-Chain-Management are:

a) Facilities, inventory, and transportation-information, sourcing, and pricing

b) pricing- product variety-product –availability
c) Process-Supply-Customer-Business
d) Logistics services and centered management


29) Factors to be used to measure supply chain management

a)Supportive &Qualitative
b)Responsiveness &Efficiency
c)Measurable , accountable
d)Conclusive & efficiency


30)Lsit the process views of Supply-Chain?

a)Product and process

b)Cross-functional view & Vertical view
c)Logical and hierarchical -view
d)Push/Pull & Cycle-view


CLASS: IV-Year/CSE & IT Prepared by_Mrs_Rupa_kesavan/CSE

Academic Year-2020-21/ODD-Semester -07 Questions with Answers-50_questions

31) The main objective of supply chain management?

a) To have the right products -at the right place- at the right moment at minimal cost.
b) To have the costlier products – at any place -at minimal cost.
c)To deliver the high end products – at any place -at minimal cost
d) To sell branded products – at right place –at efficient cost


32) List the four process cycles?

c)Logical and hierarchical -view
d) Process-Supply-Customer-Business

33)Which is not a the supply chain macro processes in a firm ?

a) Customer Relationship Management

b)Quality management
c) Supplier Relationship Management
d) Internal Supply Chain Management.


34) -------Means to "location, acquisition and management of all the vital inputs required for an organization
to operate?

d) Internal Supply Chain Management


CLASS: IV-Year/CSE & IT Prepared by_Mrs_Rupa_kesavan/CSE

Academic Year-2020-21/ODD-Semester -07 Questions with Answers-50_questions

35)List two approaches to manufacturing that facilitates Production drivers are ?

a)Supportive &Qualitative
b) Product focus & Functional focus
c)Measurable , accountable
d)Conclusive & efficiency


36)What are three main approaches to use in warehousing?

a) Stock keeping unit (SKU) storage-Job lot storage- Cross docking
b) Product focus & Functional focus
c)Measurable , accountable
d)Conclusive & efficiency


37)What are three basic decisions to make regarding the creation and holding of inventory?

a)Supportive Inventory &Qualitative Inventory

b Cycle Inventory - Safety Inventory- Seasonal Inventory
c) Inventory for Business management
d) marketing Inventory control


38)List six basic modes of transports for Supply-Chain?

a)Ship-Rail-Airplane-Truck- Electronic Transport-Pipelines

b) Motor-Cycle –Car-Auto
c) Cart-Bus-Van-Volvo
d) Cycle-Ship-Jet

39) Information is used for two purposes in any supply chain?

a) Finding similar products.

b. Facilitating wholesalers inventory selections
c. Creating synergy in their training programs
d) Coordinating daily activities & Forecasting-planning (Ans:d)

CLASS: IV-Year/CSE & IT Prepared by_Mrs_Rupa_kesavan/CSE

Academic Year-2020-21/ODD-Semester -07 Questions with Answers-50_questions
40) Strategy to serve a mass market and compete on the basis of price, will have a supply chain to target
on ?
a) productivity
d) Maintenance


41) The goal or mission of supply chain management can be defined?

a) Increase throughput & reducing inventory and operating expense

b) Process-Supply-Customer-Business
c) Facilitating wholesalers inventory selections
d) Finding similar products

42) List -various enabling Techniques in SCM?

a) EDI - Internet –ERP-SCM



43) Which is not a component of sourcing decisions?

a) In house or outsource
b) Supplier selection
c) Procurement
d)Product design

( Ans: d)

CLASS: IV-Year/CSE & IT Prepared by_Mrs_Rupa_kesavan/CSE

Academic Year-2020-21/ODD-Semester -07 Questions with Answers-50_questions
44) A push/pull view of the supply chain categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in
response to a customer order ?

c) Replishment
d)Inventory control
( Ans: a)

45) Supply chain decision phases may be categorized as design-----, or operational, depending on the
time frame during which the decisions made apply.?

b) constructing
c) executing
d) pre-planning

( Ans: a)

46) Valule chain involves?

a) Process-Supply-Customer-Business
b) Finance, Accounting, Information Technology, Human Resources
c) pricing- product variety-product –availability
d) Logistics services and centered management
( Ans: b)

47) Product design goal of measuring metrics of Responsiveness are ?

a) Reduce cost
b)Minimal inventory
c) Quick response
d) Maintenance

48)What is a strategic fit??

a) Consistency between competitive strategy & supply chain strategy

b) value a supply chain generates
c) To be able to have the right products in the right quantities
d) Action plans to response to a customer order

CLASS: IV-Year/CSE & IT Prepared by_Mrs_Rupa_kesavan/CSE

Academic Year-2020-21/ODD-Semester -07 Questions with Answers-50_questions

49) What are the benefits of supply chain?

a) Higher profit margins & Improved quality

b)Logistics control
c) Higher producitivity
d) Increases services


50) ----- is Consistency between customer priorities of competitive strategy & supply chain capabilities
specified by the supply chain strategy?

a) customer relationship management

b) Supplier relationship management?
c) Strategic fit
d) Maintenance


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