Personal Profile

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Viktoria Isallari 2/1/2021 block 2

Personal Profile

Your responses to the items that follow are a form of self-assessment that will help
you know yourself better. You will not be graded on your responses, so be honest
with yourself when responding.

Complete the statements.


My favorite subjects in school are: art classes

The kinds of books I like to read are: mystery
The kinds of television shows I like to watch are: comedy
The kinds of music I like to listen to are: English, Greek, and Albanian pop music
I like to collect: posters
The clubs/organizations/teams I belong to are: none
Two places I would really like to visit are: Madagascar, a train in Alps Europe, Korea
Two things I really enjoy doing are: painting, listen to music, petting my cats
Three things I know a lot about are: photography, Greek and Albanian culture

Talents and Abilities

Three things I would like to do better are: playing ukulele, sketching

Three things people have told me I do well are: painting, photography, remember
unnecessary information
The one thing I would like to learn or do but haven’t because I may not be successful
is: graphic design
Some talents and abilities I admire in others are: singing, being confident about
what they like to do


Three things I care most about are: family, how others feel, my future
The values that help guide my life are: listener, respectful
Two values important in my family that I want to have in my own life are:

The Future

When I was a child, I wanted to be a _(I don’t remember)_ when I grew up.
Now the occupations I am interested in for my future are: photography
To activities or things I would like to get involved in are:
Three things I would like to accomplish in the next year are: learn more about
Two things I want to accomplish by the time I am 25 years old are: be able to travel,
have my own photography studio

Place a check mark next to the statements that best describe you.

Personal Management and Responsibility

o Most of the time I deal with problems o I usually make positive changes in my
instead of avoiding them. life when something needs to be
o I usually handle money wisely. changed.
o I generally make good decisions o I do not smoke
about my life and my future. o I do not use alcohol or other drugs.
o I work well with most other people. o I use healthy ways to relax and
o I almost always get things done on handle stress.
time. o I set goals.
o I work to develop my talents and o I accomplish most of the goals I set.
abilities. o I almost always think for the long
o I know how to be assertive. term.
o Most of the time I am assertive. o I accept responsibility for the
o I usually handle anger and consequences of my actions.
disappointment in positive ways. o In most cases I demonstrate self-
o I generally accept new challenges control.
even when I’m not sure if I’ll be o I attend school/work daily and on
successful. time.
o I am involved in activities that help o I am a responsible person.
me learn and to improve my life. o I do well with what is expected of me
o I know how to make positive changes most of the time.
in my life. o I always do what I promise to do.
o I can develop a plan.
o I can carry out a plan.

Interpersonal Communication and Relationships

o I get along with most people my age o I get along with most of the people in
o I get along with most adults my family.
o I make and keep friends
o I really like to talk to people o I respect other people and their
o I am a good listener opinions
o I prefer to listen to other people talk o I usually consider other peoples

than talk myself. feelings.

o I resist pressure from friends to do o I am a valuable resource in the

things I don’t want to do. community.

o I resist pressure from friends to do o I help other people and feel

things I shouldn’t do. appreciated and valued.

o I have the ability to make a positive o I have friends that bring out my best.

difference in the lives of people I o Most of the time I can clearly express
don’t know. my ideas to others.
o I have the desire to make a positive o I can organize groups of people
difference in the lives of people I
don’t know.

Academic Skills and Abilities

o I allow adequate time for studying. o I follow oral instructions and
o I study away from t.v., cell phone or directions.
other distractions. o I can do my work without
o I ask questions and get help when I supervision.
don't understand an assignment. o I tinker with technical and/or
o I take notes in class that help me mechanical things.
remember class lectures and o I read and understand written
discussions. materials.
o I work or study best by myself o I understand most charts and graphs.
o I work or study best when I do it as a o I understand basic mathematics.
part of a small group. o I often use mathematics to solve
o I keep up with my homework. problems.
o I participate and actively contribute o I understand basic science.
in class. o I often use the scientific method to
o My grades reflect my best effort. solve problems.
o I meet school work deadlines o I speak and understand more than
o I pay attention to details. one language.
o I follow written instructions and o I like to read.

directions. o I write well.

o I am creative and invent new things o I use research skills.
and or ideas. o I like to do well in school.
o I really don’t care much for school. o If a task becomes difficult, I lose
interest in it.

Complete the sentences:

The personal management and responsibility skills and abilities I already possess are:
I don’t smoke, I set goals

The personal management and responsibility skills and abilities I would like to learn or
perfect are: handle anger and disappointment in positive ways

The interpersonal communication and relationship skills and abilities I already have are:
I’m a good listener
The interpersonal communication and relationship skills and abilities I would like to learn
or perfect are: to get along with my family

The academic skills and abilities I already possess are:

Working hard and smart, usually turn in work on time

The academic skills and abilities I would like to learn or perfect are:
Patience, study without distractions

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