G.U.T.S. (Grand Unified Theory of Statistics)

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JB’s Grand Unified Theory of Statistics [G.U.T.S.

Need to know three things:
1. types of variables: binary, categorical (>2 categories), quantitative
2. role of variables: predictor vs. outcome
3. number of samples/populations: one, two, many (perhaps pairing?)

Model or Method
Outcome Var. Predictor Var. or Procedure or Tool
Binary No Predictor: One-sample z-test
Prelim. – just an external
Quantitative standard One-sample t-test
(incl. paired t-test)
Categorical χ2 goodness of fit-test

1) Quantitative Binary Two-sample t-test

(e.g. Salary, $) (e.g. Gender M/F) of means

2) Binary Binary Two-sample z-test

(e.g. Text in class, (e.g. Gender M/F) of proportions Yes/No)
(or chi-square test)

3) Categorical Categorical Chi-square test of

(e.g. Smoking Status (e.g. SES independence
Current/Former/Never) High/Middle/Low)

4) Quantitative Quantitative Simple Linear

(e.g. C291 grade (e.g. Study Hours, Regression
0-100%) 0- ?? hrs) Chapter 14

5) Quantitative Many: Quant. & Multiple

(e.g. C291 grade Categ. & Binary Regression
0-100%) (e.g. Study Hrs, Quant. IQ Chapter 15
Class Attendance, Sleep,
Health, Location in Class)

6) Quantitative Categorical One-way

(e.g. Job Satisfaction, (e.g. Employment Analysis of
0-100 scale) Status: FT, PT, Casual) Variance
NOT IN C291 (See Ch. 16)

7) Binary Quantitative; or Simple/Multiple

(e.g. Purchase, Combination of Quant. & Logistic
Yes/No) Categorical & Binary Regression
NOT IN C291 (See Ch. 16)

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