Absorptive Silencer Design Criteria: Scope
Absorptive Silencer Design Criteria: Scope
Absorptive Silencer Design Criteria: Scope
1) [I] This Global Practice (GP) covers minimum acoustic, mechanical, material, fabrication, and
inspection requirements for absorptive (dissipative) silencers (mufflers).
2) [*] [I] This GP applies to absorptive silencers connected to intake and exhaust of gas turbines, air
compressor inlets and discharges, other air moving machinery intakes and discharges, FCC
regeneration vent stacks, air intakes on furnace acoustical plenums, and atmospheric vents or
blowoffs. The Owner's Engineer (OE) shall determine if the scope of this GP applies to additional
services not listed.
3) [*] [I] Absorptive silencers that do not incorporate reactive silencing technology are typically capable
of attenuating frequencies above the 63 hertz (Hz) octave band. The Owner's Engineer shall
determine if the scope of this GP can be applied to silencer specifications for frequencies in or below
the 63 Hz octave band.
4) [I] This GP shall apply to absorptive sections of combination silencers (e.g., absorptive silencers with
a reactive component).
5) [I] This GP supplements ISO 14163 and EEMUA PUB NO 161 and their applicable references.
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GP 02-02-01 Absorptive Silencer Design Criteria February 2010
Table of Contents
1. Required References..............................................................................................3
1.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices ....................................3
1.2. ExxonMobil Data Sheets................................................................................3
1.3. EEMUA–The Engineering Equipment and Materials User Association .........4
1.4. ISO–International Organization for Standardization ......................................4
2. Additional Requirements .......................................................................................4
2.1. ASME–American Society of Mechanical Engineers ......................................4
2.2. IEC–International Electrotechnical Commission ............................................5
3. Definitions ...............................................................................................................5
4. General ....................................................................................................................7
5. Acoustics.................................................................................................................8
6. Mechanical ............................................................................................................11
7. Materials ................................................................................................................12
8. Welding..................................................................................................................13
9. Fabrication ............................................................................................................13
1. Required References
1) This Section lists the Practices, codes, standards, specifications, and publications that shall be used
with this document. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest edition.
2) [I] This Global Practice requires that the acoustic, mechanical, material, fabrication, and inspection
specifications of absorptive (dissipative) silencers (mufflers) conform to the requirements and
provisions of ISO 14163 and EEMUA PUB NO 161 and their applicable references. The latest
edition shall be used unless otherwise specified by OE. Any conflicts shall be addressed in writing to
the OE.
2. Additional Requirements
[*] This Section lists the additional Practices, codes, standards, specifications, and publications that shall
be used within this document only where specified. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest
ASME SEC VIII D1 BPVC Section VIII - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels -
Division 1
ASME SEC VIII D1 BPVC Section VIII - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels -
MA APP 2 Division 1 - Mandatory Appendix 2 Rules for Bolted Flange
Connections with Ring Type Gaskets
3. Definitions
Term [I] Description
Absorption The ratio of sound energy absorbed by a surface to the sound energy
Coefficient, α incident on the surface. A completely sound-reflective surface has an
absorption coefficient of 0.0. A completely sound-absorptive material
has an absorption coefficient of 1.0. Note, regardless of given test data,
a material's absorption coefficient should not exceed a maximum of 1.0
in calculations. The area (A) of a surface multiplied by the absorption
coefficient yields the amount of sound absorption in units of Sabin or
metric Sabin.
Absorptive Noise attenuator that consists of absorptive chamber(s) or baffle(s). The
(Dissipative) Silencer sound absorptive materials partially transform the incident sound energy
to heat by motion of the sound absorbing fibers. Most absorptive
silencers provide wide-band noise attenuation with best performance
occurring at higher frequencies (e.g., < 1000 Hz).
Attenuation General term for the decrease of sound in an acoustical system (e.g., can
include, but not limited to, geometric spreading or divergence,
atmospheric attenuation (including temperature and wind gradients),
absorption from objects, and impedance mismatches, etc.).
Transmission loss (TL), insertion loss (IL), and noise reduction (NR) are
ratings of attenuation in specific circumstances.
A-Weighting Weighting of the sound level based upon the frequency response
characteristics of the human ear as a receiver. One of three Standard
Sound Level Meter (SLM) weighting networks defined within IEC
61672-1. Unit designations shown as dBA have been A-Weighted.
Blow-down Time Time required for the release of pressure inside equipment such as
piping systems and pressure vessels.
Break-out Noise Noise that passes through an acoustically nontransparent surface of a
piece of equipment (typically a pipe wall, vessel wall, machine casing,
or silencer external wall).
4. General
1) [*] [C] [M] [O] [R] The Owner's Engineer shall clearly specify the desired acoustic goals in
conjunction with allowable process debits and key performance design criteria in the silencer design
specification (Data Sheet T020201C01 or T020201M01 shall be used to facilitate this process).
2) [*] [R] The Owner's Engineer shall specify if the silencer is to be placed in a service containing high-
particulate content. In such cases, appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent the particulates
from contaminating or clogging the acoustic material or any other aspect of the silencer that is critical
to its performance or operation (inlet, diffusers, exhaust, openings, etc).
3) [O] If a maximum allowable pressure drop is not specified by the Owner's Engineer, the Vendor shall
design for as small a pressure drop as can be reasonably achieved and supply the pressure drop in
Data Sheet T020201C02 or T020201M02.
4) [E] Absorptive type silencers shall not be used in process flows that contain naturally occurring
radioactive material (NORM).
5) [I] Silencers shall be placed downstream of, and as close to the primary source, as possible.
6) [S] [*] Owner's Engineer shall identify any potential safety hazards, such as fire, on Data Sheet
T020201C01 or T020201M01. For any identified safety hazards, the silencer design shall incorporate
proper mitigation.
7) [*] [A] [R] The Owner's Engineer shall specify if the silencer is to be placed in a high-amplitude,
alternating, or pulsating pressure service. The effects of such service must be considered on both the
acoustic and mechanical performance of the silencer; and non-fibrous, resilient materials that will not
break down under these conditions shall be used. OE approval is required to use typical acoustic
materials in such service (e.g., fiberglass cloth, fiberglass, and mineral wool). Alternatively, a
different type of silencer could be considered.
8) [I] The Silencer Vendor shall complete technical Data Sheet T020201C02 or T020201M02 in its
5. Acoustics
1) [*] [I] The Owner's Engineer shall specify the primary sound source and provide to the silencer
Vendor any available equipment sound level Data Sheet defining the sound source spectrum
(T020101C03 or T020101C02 may be used to facilitate this process).
2) [I] If the silencer is expected to have ring frequency or break-out noise, the external surfaces of the
silencer shall be lagged with acoustic materials.
a) [I] The extent of external acoustic insulation to apply against the silencer shall be specified by the
Vendor (e.g., thickness, upstream length, and downstream length) to achieve the desired acoustic
result (reference ISO 15665, GP 14-01-01, and Data Sheet T020201C02 or T020201M02).
b) [A] [R] If the operating temperature is less than 350F (175C) or below the process dew point,
and external insulation is being applied, corrosion under-insulation (CUI) must be evaluated and
properly mitigated (reference GP 14-01-01 and GP 19-01-01). CUI should be evaluated for the
internal acoustic fill against the inside diameter of the silencer shell as well. Coating systems for
CUI protection on the atmospheric side of silencers may be selected per GP 19-01-01. Coating
systems for resisting CUI on the process side shall be approved by the Owner's Engineer.
3) [I] Based upon the general data supplied by the OE in Data Sheet T020201C01 or T020201M01, the
Vendor shall determine the appropriate octave or third octave bands to target, and verify that this GP
is within the scope of the proposed silencer design.
4) [A] Special approval by OE is required before absorptive/dissipative silencer designs with stated
attenuations in excess of 45 dBA overall can be used.
5) [I] Acoustic fill shall have a flow resistivity appropriate to the targeted wavelengths. Unless the
Vendor has proven experience and sufficient data, Figure 1 shows typical attenuations per octave
band for different flow resistivities. The typical range of flow resistivities for various acoustic fill
materials is 4000–25000 mks rayls/m.
6) [R] Acoustic fill protective lining design (e.g., retention system layers, open area, etc.) and velocity
limitations within the silencer design shall be in accordance with Table 1.
7) [*] [O] Unless approved by the Owner's Engineer, the maximum allowable gas velocity at the
silencer exit is 60 m/s (200 ft/sec).
8) [A] [R] OE Approval is required to fit silencers with an inlet diffuser to improve efficiency and
performance. Alternatively, the OE can evaluate the practicality of designing a multiholed orifice
(MHO) to be installed near the inlet of the silencer.
9) For pressure relief systems, the following criteria shall be evaluated in the design:
a) [O] The back pressure produced by the silencer does not exceed flow design requirements or
prevent attached equipment from functioning properly.
b) [S] The blow-down time requirements of the system are still met with the introduction of the
c) [S] The minimum silencer open flow area must be equal to or greater than the pressure relief
valve discharge open flow area, and not be obstructed by any of the silencer internals such that
the possibility of flow blockage is mitigated.
d) [S] Diffusers are not permitted for pressure safety valve (PSV) service.
6. Mechanical
1) [O] The line size from the noise source discharge nozzle to the vent pipe exit to the atmosphere shall
not be reduced.
2) [A] Silencer designs that require the flow to change direction shall not be used without OE approval.
3) [*] [O] [R] Silencers in wet steam or two-phase flow service shall be equipped with a condensate
knockout device at the inlet of the silencer. This inlet condensate knockout feature shall not be
replaced by, or duplicated with, an outlet condensate knockout of the silencer.
4) [R] [O] Drains shall be provided to remove any rain water or condensed liquid in the silencer. The
drain design shall be situated in such a way that the acoustic fill cannot clog or exit the drain and
standing water is minimized or eliminated.
5) [A] Rain hood designs shall be approved by the OE.
6) [C] For vents that use manual control on flow rate (i.e., steam line warm-up), a restriction orifice that
limits the flow to the capacity of the silencer shall be installed upstream of the silencer. If approved
by the OE, a flow limitation feature may be incorporated into the silencer.
7) [A] [M] [C] Silencer Vendor shall supply the estimated weight of the silencer. The OE shall evaluate
the required support system for the silencer design.
8) [I] Lifting Lugs shall be designed according to the requirements in GP 04-14-01. Any support lug
design shall be designed in accordance with the appropriate construction code.
9) [*] [R] Regardless of silencer disposition (e.g., pressure containing or atmospheric), the mechanical
design shall either be completely per ASME Section VIII Division 1 (ASME SEC VIII D1) or ASME
B31.3 or other nationally recognized industry standard (even if the design conditions are outside of
the code's stated scope). If the design code is per ASME SEC VIII D1, the appropriate paragraphs of
GP 05-01-01 shall be applied. If the design code is per ASME B31.3, the applicable code
requirements of ASME B16.5, ASME B16.20, ASME B16.47, and the appropriate paragraphs of GP
03-16-01 shall be applied. If the silencer is in intermittent or temporary service, the OE shall specify
the desired construction code (if any).
10) [R] For silencers being designed for internal process pressure, the Maximum Allowable Working
Pressure (MAWP) at the inlet flange shall be calculated (using the applicable pressure vessel or
piping code) and reported on Data Sheet T020201C02 or T020201M02.
11) [R] For silencers with diffusers, the MAWP across the diffuser shall be calculated (using the
applicable pressure vessel or piping code) and reported on Data Sheet T020201C02 or T020201M02.
For atmospheric silencers fitted with a diffuser, the silencer design pressure shall be equal to or
greater than the MAWP of the diffuser.
12) [O] The anticipated pressure drop produced by the insertion of the silencer under both operating and
design conditions shall be specified on Data Sheet T020201C02 or T020201M02. As noted on the
referenced Data Sheets, the pressure drop shall be specifically stated in terms of one of the following:
a) ΔP across the silencer
b) ΔP including inlet and exhaust losses
c) Total ΔP for the system, including all piping, elbows, fittings, etc.
13) [R] For temperatures above 550F, consideration must be given for differential thermal expansion
between the hot internals and cooler outer shell.
7. Materials
1) [R] Silencer shells and internals shall be designed for process service (including steam-out) and
atmospheric conditions. If there is a possibility for the process fluid to contaminate the acoustic fill,
the acoustic fill shall be protected and lined with a thin impermeable membrane (e.g., Mylar).
2) [A] [R] The silencer design shall incorporate only acoustic materials and filler that are inert, durable,
moisture-resistant, and non-combustible. The OE shall review and approve alternative acoustic
materials that do not fully comply.
3) [*] [R] Unless process conditions require an alternate internal materials, silencers that are open to the
atmosphere on one side shall have internals constructed of either a grade of stainless steel in the 300
series (e.g., 304 or 316) or have internals that are G-90 hot dipped galvanized.
4) [R] If stainless steel materials of construction are used in conjunction with mineral wool acoustic fill,
the maximum allowed leachable chloride content of the acoustic fill is 5 ppm.
5) [R] For aluminum materials of construction, the alkalinity of all contacting materials must be limited
to a range of 4 to 8.5 pH.
6) [I] The corrosion allowance for the silencer, including all internals, shall be clearly specified on the
design specification sheet. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum permissible corrosion allowance
for the silencer shall be in accordance with the following:
a) For silencer designs compliant with ASME SEC VIII D1, refer to Table 3, " Minimum Corrosion
Allowance," in GP 05-01-01
b) For silencer designs compliant with ASME B31.3, refer to Table 3, "Corrosion and Thread Depth
Allowances," in GP 03-10-01
7) [*] [R] The OE shall determine the minimum thickness required for the perforated plate based on
service conditions. The OE shall consider the erosive properties of the process and minimum
corrosion allowance when determining the minimum thickness of the perforated plate (or specified
acoustic fill retention system). Typical perforated plate thickness can range between 1.5 mm to 6
8) [R] Acoustic fill materials shall be limited to the temperatures outlined in Table 2.
Temperature Limit
Acoustic Fill Material
Stainless Steel Wool, Alumina-Silica 1260 2300
8. Welding
1) [R] All welding of the external shell and any components welded to the external shell shall be full
penetration welds.
2) [R] Welds shall be in accordance with ASME SEC IX and applicable paragraphs of GP 18-07-01.
9. Fabrication
1) [I] The perforated plate shall be fabricated with hole punches facing the acoustic fill material. The
perforated plate shall not contain any sharp edges or burrs on either side.
2) [I] Prior to silencer fabrication, an acceptable method shall be provided to limit the volumetric
compaction of the acoustic fill material to 10 percent 5 percent.
3) [R] Silencer perforated plate opening should be specified at 30 percent 3 percent open. The OE
may approve open areas as low as 23 percent.
4) [R] The silencer outer shell shall be fabricated using a welded-only construction. Internals may be
either welded or bolted. Rivet designs are not permitted.
5) [I] The minimum allowable thickness for the outer shell of the silencer shall be:
a) 3 mm (1/8 in.) for design temperatures less than 300F
b) 5 mm (3/16 in.) for design temperatures above 300F.
6) [A] [I] The shell external prime coat, paint, and surface preparation shall be in accordance with GP
19-01-01. OE shall approve any surfaces for coating and painting other than the silencer external
7) [R] [O] If a diffuser is utilized in the silencer design, its open area shall be equal to or greater than the
open area of the noise source discharge pipe; and the diffuser hole diameter shall not be less than 12
mm (1/2 in.).
8) [*] [I] The OE shall specify any inspection port requirements.
described in ISO 11691. The test should be completed following an ISO standard and the data must
be corrected for temperature if different from the expected service as defined by the OE.
2) [R] Absorptive silencers shall not undergo or be subjected to any kind of hydrostatic testing.
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