2011 February Soul Truth
2011 February Soul Truth
2011 February Soul Truth
February, 2011
The Parable of the Communion Table the soul food pot luck dinner the day before. They
By took it and filled the plates. Needless to say, when
Elvie N. Houston the bread was passed during communion, many
The Omnipotent Power of eyes were turned to others in awe.
That evening after church service, the phone of
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke
In This Issue: the elder in charge of WORSHIP began to ring.
it and gave it to them saying “This is my
Many members were upset. They felt it was a
body given for you; do this in
disgrace to serve corn bread for communion. A
Message from the Pulpit 1 remembrance of me.” In the same manner,
committee of five was hastily formed to go to the
after the supper he took the cup saying,
pastor and put a stop to this nonsense.
STPC News 2 “This cup is the new covenant in my blood,
which is poured out for you.”
The committee met with the pastor. The
Barbara Jordan’s spokesperson said, “Pastor, we have always
Legacy 3 Luke 22:19—20
served wafers at communion and we are not
going to change. If this happens again, we will go
Towards A Perspective One Sunday morning in the city of
to the session and demand a congregational
On Eliminating Racism 3 Richmond, two deacons who belonged to
a certain church were busy preparing the
Free Food for Families 5 elements for communion. They were
The pastor replied, “when it is dinner time in the
running a little late that Sunday. The
home and the mother is preparing food for the
A Season for deacon in charge of filling the plate with
family and she goes to the cabinet to get the
Nonviolence 5 bread looked for the boxes of wafers and
ingredients for their favorite dish served on Fridays.
could not find any. Then it hit him, he had
To her surprise, the main ingredient is all used up.
Math & Science Comes forgotten to replenish the supply for the
What does she do? Does she eliminate the meal
to STPC 6 month! It was almost time for morning
and let her family go hungry or does she cook
service. “Oh my God!,” he told his partner
what is available to nourish her family’s bodies?
Ellen Bailey Religious deacon, who happened to be a retired
Giving the bread symbolizes God’s body that was
and Spiritual Poems 6 kindergarten teacher who was used to
broken to save us so we may be nourished
surprises that had to be resolved, “what
spiritually by believing in Him. The kind of bread
Great Grandfather of can we do?” She replied, STAY CALM. Let’s
used to show this does not matter. Take it and eat
look in the refrigerator and see if there is
Robert Hill 7 together with glad and sincere hearts, praising
some bread we can use.” The only bread
God and enjoying the favor of all people (Acts
there was some corn bread left over from
Who Is Jesus? 8 2:47).” They went away with a smile. ■
Preparation for Our
STPC News – “We’ve Come This Far by Faith”
New Church Picture
February - Black History Month
We are excited to announce You are invited to join Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church for our annual celebration of Black
that we are going to create History Month. Each of the Sunday worship services below will focus on a theme that is important
a new pictorial directory of to our faith and our struggle for freedom. Come and be blessed, informed, and inspired.
our church family. The
directory will help us Sunday, February 6, 2011 – “Blessed are the Merciful”
connect names with faces.
It will be an ideal outreach Sunday, February 13, 2011 – “Blessed are the Meek”
tool and will capture the
history of our church Sunday, February 20, 2011 – “Blessed are the Peacemakers”
congregation. For the next
several weeks, you will Sunday, February 27, 2011 – “Blessed are the Reviled and Persecuted”
have the opportunity to
sign up for appointments
before and after services
and meetings on the signup Session & Deacon Members Newly Ordained & Installed
sheets located in the
You can sign up on line at Sue Conner Meteka Fortson Sonya Felix
the Church website Darlene Jones Lynette Green
(http://www.stpcweb.net/) Vera Labat Ann Marie McClure
and click the link Johnnie Murray Tyshell Travis
Please sign up as soon as
possible to get the best Visitors and Presenters at Session Meetings
appointment to fit your Several of you have expressed a desire to attend Session meetings as visitor and/or presenters.
schedule. Please know that you are welcome in both capacities. [Cite Book of Order re: role of the Session.]
Every participating family /
household / friend that If you wish to present an issue to discuss with the Session, you should give the Clerk of the Session
selects a pose for the (Art Hatchett) ______________ a one-page description of your subject matter two weeks in advance of
directory will receive a free the meeting you wish to attend so that he can schedule the presentation.
directory and a
complimentary 8 x 10 If you wish simply to attend the Session meeting as a visitor, then you should notify the Clerk of the
Custom Natural Portrait. Session at least 1 week prior to the meeting, so that we can accommodate you. (Session typically
You will come to the church meets in the Session Room which has limited seating. The meeting may have to be moved to the
only once for photography Fellowship Hall, depending on the number of visitors.)
and for portrait viewing.
You will have the According to the Book of Order [Citation], visitors may attend but have no voice nor vote [or you
opportunity to order may not speak nor vote] during the course of the meeting. Presenters may present their material,
additional portraits during but have no vote. In both cases, you may be asked to leave the room should an item requiring
your scheduled executive session arise.
appointment time. If you
wish to purchase extra, the The Session’s regular meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
portraits come with a 100%
Satisfaction Guarantee.
Whether you decide to dress Upcoming Events
formally or casually, you Healing Service will be held Saturday, February 19th from 4 pm to 5 pm at Sojourner Truth
will want to make the most Presbyterian Church. Healing Dance performed by Karma Smart. Flyers are available in the
of this opportunity. Narthex.
The scheduled dates for
Photography and Portrait “The Annual Crab Feed Sponsored by the STPC Senior Citizens” club will be held on
viewing are: March 16th, Saturday, February 26th. Social hour will begin at 6 pm with dinner starting at 7 pm. Tickets are
17th, 18th and 19th, 2011. $35. For tickets please contact the Senior Group.
We look forward to seeing
everyone in the directory.
Our new pictorial directory Past Gala Event
just won’t be complete On October 22, 2010, The Senior Choir gave a special dinner Tribute called “A Touch of Class” in honor of our
without you! musical Choir Director George Spencer. It was an evening filled with accolades, pledges, and entertainment;
Please contact either Elder including an impromptu jazz session. The Senior Choir would like to thank everyone for their participation and
Art Hatchett, Elder Kathy support in the gala event.
Sanders or Jonathan
The Senior Choir rehearsed for the Xmas Musical and encouraged all singers to join. As always, anyone interested
Mobley for additional
in joining the singing ministry is welcome to join on Thursday night at 7 pm.
questions. ■
The Senior Choir Ministry, Sylvia Barron, President and George Spencer, Director
Reverend Kamal Hassan: Great Grandfather of Robert Hill
African Symbols Born a slave in Avoyelles Parish
Continued from page 1
Celebrate Black History Month! Percy said his grandfather was a slave on the Valiste
Rabalais plantation in Plaucheville. After the Civil War,
Paulie remained here and was a sharecropper on the
old Oscar Bordelon property, now the homeplace of
Lee Joseph Thevenot, said Percy.
I was a senior in college, watching the proceedings of the 4. Misinformation is harmful to all human beings. Having
House committee on television. I don’t know about you, racist attitudes and beliefs is like having a clamp on one’s
but when I heard her say these words I swallowed hard. mind. It distorts one’s perceptions of reality.
Barbara Jordan was clearly one of the grown-ups at the
table. I was pretty sure that if I diminished, if I subverted, if I
threatened the Constitution of the United States, Barbara 5. No one holds onto misinformation voluntarily. People
Jordan was fully prepared to deal with me in no uncertain hold onto racist beliefs and attitudes because this
terms. “Don’t make me stop this car, young man!” was misinformation represents the best thinking they have been
pretty much what I heard her say. I suspect it is, in part, able to do at this time, and because no one has been
because of my respect for her that I have a leather-bound
able to assist them to change their perspective.
copy of the Constitution on my desk.
Max Sherman, her old friend, a fellow Texas State Senator, 6. People will change their minds and let go of ingrained
and former dean of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of attitudes under the following conditions:
Public Affairs where Barbara taught until her death in 1996,
once told me the story of a day in the Texas Senate when 1. The new position is presented in a way that
Barbara was quietly speaking into the microphone at her makes sense to them;
senate desk, responding to business before that body. Max
couldn’t hear a word Barbara was saying. So he spoke into
2. They trust the person who is presenting the new
his own microphone, asking her to speak up. Barbara was
not only a person of deep convictions, she was also a position;
shrewd politician. At that moment, she didn’t really want
the whole senate to take any notice of what she was 3. They are not blamed for having had
saying. So she turned to her friend, Max, and told him misinformation.
something to the effect of, “Max, when I want you to hear
me, you’ll hear me!”
Please use the link provided to find out more and join:
Math & Science Comes to STPC Ellen Bailey Religious and Spiritual
Poem Title
A Brand New Start
A Brighter Tomorrow
A Cheerful Heart
A City Beyond The Skies
More than 25 youth gathered at Sojourner Truth Church on A Cross in My Pocket
December 29, for a free hands-on workshop, “Math & Science A King’s Inheritance
Anyone?,” led by Mrs. Me’lani Joseph, Director of Academic A Little Prayer
Program Development for Youth Programs at Case Western
Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. A Mother’s Prayer
A Thanksgiving Day Prayer
The youth, ranging from elementary through high school Always There
ages, explored the scientific method by conducting simple An Easter Prayer
experiments. As soon as they entered, they were asked to
An Empty Church
observe 3 or 4 things in the room, and to write down their
observations. They discussed what they had seen as Mrs. As The Day Ends
Joseph emphasized that scientists begin with observing and Bedtime Prayers
asking questions about what they see. For their first Brighten Your Corner
experiment, the youth were given pennies and a glass of Bypassing the Bible
vinegar. They learned about oxidation by immersing the
pennies into the vinegar, and observing that the vinegar Chose the High Road
brought out the coin’s original rich copper color. Finally, the Drinking From the Saucer
youth were given toothpicks and small marshmallows, and Easter
were challenged to build a structure as high as possible. The Easter Time
creator of the tallest structure that could stand for 15 seconds
Elbows On My Bed
won a prize. When asked what they had learned from this
experiment, one student said: “I learned that I need a strong Enduring Faith
and wide foundation to build on.” Another student cleverly
extended the height of her building by adding a single Source: http://www.ellenbailey.com/themes/spiritual.htm
toothpick at the top as a steeple.
Health Ministry
The Health Ministry will meet following worship on February
27th, in the Fellowship Hall at STPC. We are planning many
exciting and interesting programs this year, including the
Food Pantry and a Health Fair, and seek participants at all
levels. If you would like to join us in these activities, please
attend the meeting on the 27th and on the 4th Sunday of every
month. For further information, please contact Fran Nixon or
Marva Reed (Co-Chairs). ■ Sharron Blakely
When: June 24 to June 26, 2011
Poll: Americans Say They Will Honor King Holiday Where: Asilomar (Pacific Grove, CA – near Monterey)
Americans are no more convinced than before Barack Obama Cost: $250 ($20 more than last year)
was elected as the first black president that the country is Cost covers lodging for 2 nights and six meals.
closer to achieving Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of racial Transportation not included.
equality, a poll shows.
Please check your mail/email for the registration form and
Seventy-seven percent of people interviewed in an AP-GfK additional information.
poll say there has been significant progress toward King’s
dream, about the same as the 75 percent who felt that way in If you have questions, contact one of the committee members
2006, before Obama was elected. Just over one in five, 22 listed below.
percent, say they feel there has been “no significant progress”
toward that dream. Phyllis Givens: 415.933.4412
Betty Delaney: 415.656.0705
Source: www.Newsmax.com Mildred Kilgore: 510.653 3475