2011 February Soul Truth

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The Soul Truth Volume 6, Issue 1

February, 2011


Special Interest Articles Reverend Kamal Hassan: African Symbols

Message from the Pulpit
Two African religious symbols have become more
Preparation for Our New and more visible in the life of Sojourner Truth
church. Let’s talk about what they mean and
Church Picture Directory why we use them:

Poll: Americans Say They

Will Honor King Holiday
Gye Nyame (Gee Yahmay) – Is an
Adinkra symbol from the Asante people of
Ghana in West Africa. In English it means, “Except
God,” and symbolizes the omnipotence and
immortality of God. It is found on cloth, buildings,
and numerous household, community, and
“Listen to me,
you that pursue righteousness, personal items. The understanding it
you that seek the Lord. communicates is that there is nothing more
Look to the rock powerful or more permanent than God, who is
from which you were hewn, sovereign above all things.
and to the quarry from which
you were dug.”
Continued on Page 7
Isaiah 51:1

The Parable of the Communion Table the soul food pot luck dinner the day before. They
By took it and filled the plates. Needless to say, when
Elvie N. Houston the bread was passed during communion, many
The Omnipotent Power of eyes were turned to others in awe.
That evening after church service, the phone of
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke
In This Issue: the elder in charge of WORSHIP began to ring.
it and gave it to them saying “This is my
Many members were upset. They felt it was a
body given for you; do this in
disgrace to serve corn bread for communion. A
Message from the Pulpit 1 remembrance of me.” In the same manner,
committee of five was hastily formed to go to the
after the supper he took the cup saying,
pastor and put a stop to this nonsense.
STPC News 2 “This cup is the new covenant in my blood,
which is poured out for you.”
The committee met with the pastor. The
Barbara Jordan’s spokesperson said, “Pastor, we have always
Legacy 3 Luke 22:19—20
served wafers at communion and we are not
going to change. If this happens again, we will go
Towards A Perspective One Sunday morning in the city of
to the session and demand a congregational
On Eliminating Racism 3 Richmond, two deacons who belonged to
a certain church were busy preparing the
Free Food for Families 5 elements for communion. They were
The pastor replied, “when it is dinner time in the
running a little late that Sunday. The
home and the mother is preparing food for the
A Season for deacon in charge of filling the plate with
family and she goes to the cabinet to get the
Nonviolence 5 bread looked for the boxes of wafers and
ingredients for their favorite dish served on Fridays.
could not find any. Then it hit him, he had
To her surprise, the main ingredient is all used up.
Math & Science Comes forgotten to replenish the supply for the
What does she do? Does she eliminate the meal
to STPC 6 month! It was almost time for morning
and let her family go hungry or does she cook
service. “Oh my God!,” he told his partner
what is available to nourish her family’s bodies?
Ellen Bailey Religious deacon, who happened to be a retired
Giving the bread symbolizes God’s body that was
and Spiritual Poems 6 kindergarten teacher who was used to
broken to save us so we may be nourished
surprises that had to be resolved, “what
spiritually by believing in Him. The kind of bread
Great Grandfather of can we do?” She replied, STAY CALM. Let’s
used to show this does not matter. Take it and eat
look in the refrigerator and see if there is
Robert Hill 7 together with glad and sincere hearts, praising
some bread we can use.” The only bread
God and enjoying the favor of all people (Acts
there was some corn bread left over from
Who Is Jesus? 8 2:47).” They went away with a smile. ■
Preparation for Our
STPC News – “We’ve Come This Far by Faith”
New Church Picture
February - Black History Month

We are excited to announce You are invited to join Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church for our annual celebration of Black
that we are going to create History Month. Each of the Sunday worship services below will focus on a theme that is important
a new pictorial directory of to our faith and our struggle for freedom. Come and be blessed, informed, and inspired.
our church family. The
directory will help us Sunday, February 6, 2011 – “Blessed are the Merciful”
connect names with faces.
It will be an ideal outreach Sunday, February 13, 2011 – “Blessed are the Meek”
tool and will capture the
history of our church Sunday, February 20, 2011 – “Blessed are the Peacemakers”
congregation. For the next
several weeks, you will Sunday, February 27, 2011 – “Blessed are the Reviled and Persecuted”
have the opportunity to
sign up for appointments
before and after services
and meetings on the signup Session & Deacon Members Newly Ordained & Installed
sheets located in the
You can sign up on line at Sue Conner Meteka Fortson Sonya Felix
the Church website Darlene Jones Lynette Green
(http://www.stpcweb.net/) Vera Labat Ann Marie McClure
and click the link Johnnie Murray Tyshell Travis
Please sign up as soon as
possible to get the best Visitors and Presenters at Session Meetings
appointment to fit your Several of you have expressed a desire to attend Session meetings as visitor and/or presenters.
schedule. Please know that you are welcome in both capacities. [Cite Book of Order re: role of the Session.]
Every participating family /
household / friend that If you wish to present an issue to discuss with the Session, you should give the Clerk of the Session
selects a pose for the (Art Hatchett) ______________ a one-page description of your subject matter two weeks in advance of
directory will receive a free the meeting you wish to attend so that he can schedule the presentation.
directory and a
complimentary 8 x 10 If you wish simply to attend the Session meeting as a visitor, then you should notify the Clerk of the
Custom Natural Portrait. Session at least 1 week prior to the meeting, so that we can accommodate you. (Session typically
You will come to the church meets in the Session Room which has limited seating. The meeting may have to be moved to the
only once for photography Fellowship Hall, depending on the number of visitors.)
and for portrait viewing.
You will have the According to the Book of Order [Citation], visitors may attend but have no voice nor vote [or you
opportunity to order may not speak nor vote] during the course of the meeting. Presenters may present their material,
additional portraits during but have no vote. In both cases, you may be asked to leave the room should an item requiring
your scheduled executive session arise.
appointment time. If you
wish to purchase extra, the The Session’s regular meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
portraits come with a 100%
Satisfaction Guarantee.
Whether you decide to dress Upcoming Events
formally or casually, you Healing Service will be held Saturday, February 19th from 4 pm to 5 pm at Sojourner Truth
will want to make the most Presbyterian Church. Healing Dance performed by Karma Smart. Flyers are available in the
of this opportunity. Narthex.
The scheduled dates for
Photography and Portrait “The Annual Crab Feed Sponsored by the STPC Senior Citizens” club will be held on
viewing are: March 16th, Saturday, February 26th. Social hour will begin at 6 pm with dinner starting at 7 pm. Tickets are
17th, 18th and 19th, 2011. $35. For tickets please contact the Senior Group.
We look forward to seeing
everyone in the directory.
Our new pictorial directory Past Gala Event
just won’t be complete On October 22, 2010, The Senior Choir gave a special dinner Tribute called “A Touch of Class” in honor of our
without you! musical Choir Director George Spencer. It was an evening filled with accolades, pledges, and entertainment;
Please contact either Elder including an impromptu jazz session. The Senior Choir would like to thank everyone for their participation and
Art Hatchett, Elder Kathy support in the gala event.
Sanders or Jonathan
The Senior Choir rehearsed for the Xmas Musical and encouraged all singers to join. As always, anyone interested
Mobley for additional
in joining the singing ministry is welcome to join on Thursday night at 7 pm.
questions. ■
The Senior Choir Ministry, Sylvia Barron, President and George Spencer, Director
Reverend Kamal Hassan: Great Grandfather of Robert Hill
African Symbols Born a slave in Avoyelles Parish
Continued from page 1

Ankh (Awnk) – Is an ancient Egyptian religious symbol

that represents “life.” The curved part at the top (kike)
represents female being; the straight line at the bottom
(kiume) represents male being. The stroke in the middle
that joins them is called the “line of unity.” This shows that
life is produced by the coming together of male and
female being. It is also a statement of the African
philosophical concept of the unity of opposites such as
day/night, rough/smooth, and good/evil. This symbol was
widely used on temples, on statues, as jewelry, and on
numerous household, community, and personal items.

Many African Americans (and others) have embraced

these symbols as ways of identifying with their African
cultural and religious heritage. These symbols are
examples of the longest continuing religious traditions of
any peoples yet discovered. It is a fact that our African
forebears were the first people to acknowledge, honor,
and worship God. Although these are not Christian
symbols, Christianity too had its origin in Africa, and
accepting one tradition does not mean we must jettison
another. For us, our search for wholeness must mean
accepting both who and whose we are.

In the passage above, the prophet Isaiah urges those who

sought righteousness in Israel to first go gain knowledge of
their ancestors and God’s historic relationship with their
people. Then they would be ready to be, as we might say,
“chips off the old block.” To fully understand who we are, Paulie Celestine lived to be 115 years old, and died
we have to go both “down home” and “back home.” The peacefully after his long life, serving as a slave on a
inclusion of African religiosity in the life of African American Plaucheville plantation and enduring the Civil War.
congregations helps us to complete the puzzle of who
God made us in ever healthier, complete and complex Born in 1817, he lived most of his life in Avoyelles Parish,
ways. We proudly acknowledge that it is from the quarries and after gaining his freedom remained here where
of the first people and the first civilizations that we were many of his grandchildren still live today.
cut. This is not exclusive, but is a naming and owning of
two more of the many gifts we have to share with others, This old photograph was provided to the Journal by two
and with the world. We are cut from strong stones upon of his grandchildren, Percy Celestine and Mary Woods,
which much that is good and true can be built. ■ both of Huron Street in Cottonport.

Celebrate Black History Month! Percy said his grandfather was a slave on the Valiste
Rabalais plantation in Plaucheville. After the Civil War,
Paulie remained here and was a sharecropper on the
old Oscar Bordelon property, now the homeplace of
Lee Joseph Thevenot, said Percy.

The old faded photograph of his grandfather is one of

the prized possessions of Percy and Mary. They take
turns keeping it at each other’s house to remember their
roots in a different area of local history. The picture was
taken in Mrs. Wood’s flower garden sometime before
the old man’s death in 1932. ■
Sojourner Truth Who is Jesus? – by Deborah Isabelle
Presbyterian Church A good friend of mine died a few weeks ago. Afterwards, a few of us were sitting around talking.
2621 Shane Drive Somehow, the question of salvation came up. A friend mentioned that she was surprised to know that
Richmond, CA 94806 people who said they were “Christian” did not know who Jesus was. They called him a teacher, a great
man but not Lord. She did not want anyone to die without knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior. She
Church Phone asked us who we knew Jesus to be.
(510) 222-2020 One friend answered that he was saved. Another confidently and without blinking answered, “Lord
and Savior.” I hesitated in my answer. Our collective responses led to a discussion on Jesus as Lord
Church Fax and Savior.
(510) 222-6551 Who is Jesus? I can give the expected answer of “Lord and Savior.” I did not. I could not. Will not.
“Lord and Savior.” What does that mean? To someone versed in the Church and its doctrine, that
answer makes perfect sense. There is a shared understanding of what that phrase means. For someone
Church Web Page
who is unchurched, that answer likely has little to no meaning.
As my father’s [Adrian Isabelle] daughter, I find myself unable and even unwilling to give that
simplistic answer. I feel obligated to expand upon my answer. To attempt to explain “Lord and Savior.”
Church E-mail
To make sure that whoever hears my answer will understand.
[email protected]
Jesus. I have a confession to make. I rarely think of just Jesus. My mind automatically focuses on the
Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God.
Rev. Hassan
God. I am that I am. Source of my salvation. Author and finisher of my faith. My redemption. Lover of
(510) 691-5204 my soul. The one that loved me before I could even love myself. That loved me so much that I could
learn to love myself. That loved me until I could believe that I was meant for more than I had planned
Pastor’s E-mail for myself. That gave me the courage to strive to be the person I am called to be. That called on me to
[email protected] love as I am loved. That showered me with grace and mercy. That taught me to believe in that which I
cannot see. That defined faith and trust. That gave me a tangible demonstration of His love. That was
Health Ministry able to look beyond the taint of sin that covered me and know that the only way I could comprehend
[email protected] His love was to sacrifice Himself for me. That walked on my earth. That had to watch as ones who had
lived with Him, eaten with Him, been taught by Him completely missed a clear message. That saw the
San Francisco Presbytery best and worst of humanity. That saw the excitement and hope and joy so overflowing that it could
www.presbyteryofsf.org barely be contained. That saw despair so deep that people could not recognize their hope standing in
front of them introducing Himself. That as fully human laughed and cried, was brave and scared, was
loved and hated, healed and was hurt. That has held me as I cried deep gut wrenching sobs. That
Weekly Calendar of Events laughed with me as I screamed and cried out in spontaneous praise and joy. That has performed
unquestionable, undeniable miracles in my presence. That sat beside me, allowed me to ask questions
Sunday: and assuaged my doubts. Who is unknowable, unchangeable but multifaceted and of whom my
10am understanding changes as I grow in experiences and maturity. That forgives me my sins even those I
Sunday School repeat over and over seemingly unrepentantly.
I can say “Lord and Savior.” I know what it means. But will my listener? Will that answer be all
11am encompassing enough? Will it be wide enough, deep enough, high enough? Will they hear and
Morning Worship Service understand everything that God has been and will be to me? Will they hear my awe and my love? My
assurance of pardon and my disappointment that I cannot live up to the gifts I have been given? Will
Tuesday: they know that I know that I am only human and my God loves me so much that He redeemed me
2pm – 5pm above and beyond my humanity? That the all-knowing, all powerful, ever present One made me in His
Pastor’s Office Hours image with a piece of His Holy Spirit inside me? That He looks at me and sees only my soul redeemed
and cleansed through the blood of His Son Jesus? If I only say “Lord and Savior” will my listener hear
12pm my struggles with surrendering all and following only His will? With keeping the one big promise that
Bible Study I made to Him – even though He has allowed me to see why I made that promise and the cost of
breaking it and still I struggle? Will my listener know of all the whispers of love that have lifted me
5:30pm from the path of self-destruction when logic and the intervention of friends and family could not do so?
Prayer Ministry Will the listener hear my obedience to the One I know holds my life, my future, my soul in His hands?
Whom I have trusted completely that His Word is true and that all things work together for His glory
7pm and my good? Will my listener hear all of that? Will my listener hear and know all that I say and
Senior Choir Rehearsal cannot say? Hear the articulated and unarticulated all wrapped up in the statement “Lord and
Savior?” Will that phrase do justice to the complex relationship that I share with God? Is it enough?
7pm Does it testify? Does it tell my story?
Youth Choir Rehearsal Will they know that when I think of Jesus I think of Love? That Love is my first thought, not Lord and
Savior but the epitome, the definition, the Incarnation of Love itself? Will they know that while I have
Wednesday: been disciplined and convicted for my failings that it has never been delivered in anything but Love?
10am – 2pm That God has been gentle with me even though I frequently do not deserve it? Will they know all of the
Pastor’s Office Hours amazing people that God has placed in my life? The wondrous experiences I could not even imagine to
ask for? All of the dangers seen and unseen from which I have been protected? The times that God has
7pm intervened to protect and/or redirect me?
Will they know that Jesus is God of community? That God wants salvation for each and every one of us
Bible Study
individually and collectively? That He witnesses to me, testifies to me through His miracles, His
relationships, His Grace and Mercy, His transformations of others? That He has put words in my
mouth so that I could speak blessings to others? That I have been called to live a life that makes this
10am – 2pm
world a better place than before I got here? That He allows and encourages me to help build His
Pastor’s Office Hours
Kingdom? That I have helped to redeem others as they have helped to deliver me? Will they hear all of
that and more in the answer “Lord and Savior?” So I struggled with the answer to what should have
been a simple question – who is Jesus to you? Because for me, that simple question does not have a
simple answer. ■
Barbara Jordan’s Legacy – Towards A Perspective on
by Michael Jinkins, Eliminating Racism:
President of Louisville Seminary 12 Working Assumptions – By
Ricky Sherover-Marcuse
Ricky’s Writings
Because racism is both institutional and attitudinal,
effective strategies against it must recognize this dual
character. The elimination of institutionalized racism
The United States Postal Service this month has issued a requires a conscious project of attitudinal transformation.
stamp in honor of Barbara Jordan, the first African-
The deliberate attempt to transform racist patterns of
American woman to be elected to the United States
House of Representatives from the South. This has led me thought and action must be accompanied by political
to reflect on her legacy. and social change. The following assumptions offer a
perspective for beginning the work.
Sometimes, you can date the precise moment when a
person is noticed by the American public. This was 1. The systematic mistreatment of any group of people
certainly the case for Barbara Jordan. She burst on the
isolates and divides human beings from each other. The
national scene on the evening of July 25, 1974, when the
cameras turned to her in the hearings of the House division and isolation produced by racism is a hurt to
Judiciary Committee. Her subject was the constitutional people from all ethnic groups.
basis for the impeachment of a president.
2. Racism is not a genetic disease. No human being is
I still remember one sterling passage, delivered with the born with racist attitudes and beliefs. Physical and cultural
rhetorical style one of her contemporaries called
differences between people are not the cause of racism;
“Churchillian” and recently described by her friend, Max
Sherman, as “eloquent thunder.” You will probably these differences are used as the excuse to justify racism.
remember her words too:
3. No young person acquires misinformation by their
My faith in the Constitution is whole; it is own free choice. Racist attitudes and beliefs are a mixture
complete; it is total. And I am not going to sit of misinformation and ignorance which is imposed upon
here and be an idle spectator to the diminution,
young people through a painful process of social
the subversion, the destruction of the
Constitution. conditioning.

I was a senior in college, watching the proceedings of the 4. Misinformation is harmful to all human beings. Having
House committee on television. I don’t know about you, racist attitudes and beliefs is like having a clamp on one’s
but when I heard her say these words I swallowed hard. mind. It distorts one’s perceptions of reality.
Barbara Jordan was clearly one of the grown-ups at the
table. I was pretty sure that if I diminished, if I subverted, if I
threatened the Constitution of the United States, Barbara 5. No one holds onto misinformation voluntarily. People
Jordan was fully prepared to deal with me in no uncertain hold onto racist beliefs and attitudes because this
terms. “Don’t make me stop this car, young man!” was misinformation represents the best thinking they have been
pretty much what I heard her say. I suspect it is, in part, able to do at this time, and because no one has been
because of my respect for her that I have a leather-bound
able to assist them to change their perspective.
copy of the Constitution on my desk.

Max Sherman, her old friend, a fellow Texas State Senator, 6. People will change their minds and let go of ingrained
and former dean of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of attitudes under the following conditions:
Public Affairs where Barbara taught until her death in 1996,
once told me the story of a day in the Texas Senate when 1. The new position is presented in a way that
Barbara was quietly speaking into the microphone at her makes sense to them;
senate desk, responding to business before that body. Max
couldn’t hear a word Barbara was saying. So he spoke into
2. They trust the person who is presenting the new
his own microphone, asking her to speak up. Barbara was
not only a person of deep convictions, she was also a position;
shrewd politician. At that moment, she didn’t really want
the whole senate to take any notice of what she was 3. They are not blamed for having had
saying. So she turned to her friend, Max, and told him misinformation.
something to the effect of, “Max, when I want you to hear
me, you’ll hear me!”

And we all did.

Continued on Page 4
Continued on Page 4
Barbara Jordan’s Legacy – continued Towards A Perspective on
These days, we observe a general suspicion of power in
our society – often for good reason. Barbara Jordan could Eliminating Racism:
be suspicious of power with the best of them. Her
commencement speech at Howard University in 1974 is a
classic statement in favor or limited government:
12 Working Assumptions – By
It is the “stuff” of America that its citizens want to
Ricky Sherover-Marcuse
be free of government intrusions into their private
lives and into their personal affairs. This concept Ricky’s Writings – continued
of freedom in America is etched into the 7. People hurt others because they themselves have
Constitution of the United States, into the Bill of
been hurt. Part of the process of undoing racism involves
Rights. There are no gaps; there are no
inexplicable “hums” in the Constitution of the becoming aware of and interrupting this cycle of
United States. The language of that document mistreatment in day to day encounters and interactions.
flows well. The men who sought to get it passed
… fought for it because they felt that they were 8. As young people, we have often witnessed despair
constructing a nation, the touchstone of which
and cynicism in adults around us, and we have often been
would be liberty and freedom and justice … they
were building – creating – a new nation with a made feel powerless in the face of injustice.
system of government with checks and balances
and separation of powers which would forever 9. Eliminating racism also involves understanding the
protect the citizens of the United States from difficulties we have had and learning to overcome them,
gross abuses of power by public officials and by
without blaming ourselves for having had those difficulties.
gross excesses of power by the government of
the United States.
10. The situation is not hopeless; people can grow and
As powerfully as she warned against abuses of power, change; we are not condemned to repeat the past. Racist
however, she reminded us of something else, something conditioning need not be a permanent state of affairs. It
we sometimes forget. There are proper uses of power.
can be examined, analyzed and dismantled. Because this
Might does not make right, but right can transform might.
misinformation is glued together and held in place with
This means that Barbara Jordan had a real appreciation painful emotion, the process of dismantling it must take
for the things we can accomplish together through the place on the experiential as well as on the theoretical
powers at work in our democratic institutions, though we level.
must respect the countervailing forces and balanced
powers at work in these institutions. She understood that
lasting change, lasting ideals, lasting social transformation 11. We live in a multicultural, multi-ethnic world; everyone
ultimately has to find its place in institutional forms if it is to is “ethnic.” Thus a crucial part of eliminating racism is the
endure. Critics have their place, but the best criticism exists acquiring of accurate information about one’s own
for edifying purposes. ethnicity and cultural heritage.

To that point, Jordan once remembered Speaker of the

House of Representatives Sam Rayburn’s statement. “Any 12. All people come from traditions which have a history
jackass can kick a barn down,” he said. “But it takes a of resistance to injustice, and every person has their own
good carpenter to build one.” individual history of resistance to oppressive social
conditioning. This history deserves to be recalled and
What some people didn’t know about Barbara Jordan is
celebrated. ■
the source of her moral compass. She was a child of the
manse, a woman of deep and abiding faith. This fact
came through in remarks she shared at the National Prayer Source:
Breakfast in Washington, D.C., in 1984. She framed her http://www.unlearningracism.org/writings/
comments that day in terms of the stewardship of

Would we behave as we do … if we truly

believed that we are God’s stewards on this
Delphia Matthews Circle
earth? Would our policy decisions be the same … Motto: “We Serve Through Beautification So That Others
if we were always consciously aware of our Will Appreciate Our Work in Christ.”
trusteeship role on this earth? Would our oversight
responsibilities be sharper, more incisive, if we
“The Delphia Matthews Circle was blessed with the
believed that we are God’s caretakers?
addition of six new members to our group. We greatly
Whether arguing the finer points of the Constitution, or appreciate the commitment of these ladies as we
speaking of the duties of public service, or trying to craft a continue to serve our church. However, we were deeply
more just immigration bill, Barbara Jordan reminds us of sadden with the number of bereavements experienced by
Edmund Burke’s famous observation that the only thing
the members and the passing of Eddie Brown, who was
necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do
nothing. Continued on Page 5 one of our original members.” Darlene Jones, President
Free Food for Families Barbara Jordan’s Legacy – continued
Health Ministry Food Distribution to Community: Obviously, if we would like to remember Barbara Jordan,
12 pm to 2 pm every 3rd Saturday of each month at we could buy the new postage stamp with her image on
Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church H. Eugene Farlough Jr. it. Might I also suggest reading one of two excellent books
Fellowship Hall. about her and her legacy:
Food Pantry Dates are: Barbara Jordan: Speaking the Truth with Eloquent Thunder
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 2007) by Max Sherman,
February 19, 2011 editor. This is the source of all my quotes today. It is a
March 19, 2011 wonderful collection of Barbara Jordan’s speeches with a
April 16, 2011 nice biographical note by her close friend. It also has a
May 21, 2011 superb DVD in the book which allows us to see and hear
June 18, 2011 her speak.
July 16, 2011
August 20, 2011 Barbara Jordan: American Hero (New York: Bantam Books,
September 17, 2011 1998) by Mary Beth Rogers. This is a good biography by a
October 15, 2011 former professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and
November 19, 2011 former chief of staff to the late Texas governor, Ann
December 17, 2011 Richards.
January 21, 2012
Posted by Michael Jinkins
Information is also available on our website at
www.stpcweb.net Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary / 800.264.1839
/ www.lpts.edu

Carnival Victory Spiritual Cruise

7 day Southern Caribbean cruises from
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Caribbean vacation begins in San Juan. Your first

destination is St. Thomas/St. John, where shopping is a
popular pastime. Next, you are in Dominica, an exotic
garden of rain forests, lush valleys, and many rare plants.
In Barbados, you will see cricket and afternoon tea. The
magnificent twin peaks in St. Lucia, the Pitons, will amaze
you. In St. Kitts, you will enjoy the charms of its tiny towns
The Ghandi King Chavez
and colonial-architecture. Your final stop is the half-French
half-Dutch and totally entrancing island of St. Maarten. Season for Nonviolence
On this cruise, you will enjoy one fun adventure after January 30 – April 4, 2011
another. “A Season for Nonviolence” is a national 64-day
educational, media, and grassroots campaign dedicated
to demonstrating that nonviolence is a powerful way to
3rd Installment due Friday, March 25, 2011. heal, transform, and empower our lives and our
communities. Inspired by the 50th and 30th memorial
For information call Cruise Coordinators: Kathy Sanders at anniversaries of Mahatma Ghandi and Dr. Martin Luther
707.645.7197; Josie Abrams at 510.724.7879; Ken Jett at
King, Jr., this international event honors their vision for an
empowered, nonviolent world.
http://www.morning-glow/holidays/father/father.html Purpose Statement:
 Our purpose is to create an awareness of
nonviolent principles and practices as a powerful
way to heal, transform and empower our lives
and communities.

 Through an educational and community action

campaign, we are honoring those who are using
nonviolence to build a community that honors
the dignity and worth of every human being.

Please use the link provided to find out more and join:
Math & Science Comes to STPC Ellen Bailey Religious and Spiritual
Poem Title
A Brand New Start
A Brighter Tomorrow
A Cheerful Heart
A City Beyond The Skies
More than 25 youth gathered at Sojourner Truth Church on A Cross in My Pocket
December 29, for a free hands-on workshop, “Math & Science A King’s Inheritance
Anyone?,” led by Mrs. Me’lani Joseph, Director of Academic A Little Prayer
Program Development for Youth Programs at Case Western
Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. A Mother’s Prayer
A Thanksgiving Day Prayer
The youth, ranging from elementary through high school Always There
ages, explored the scientific method by conducting simple An Easter Prayer
experiments. As soon as they entered, they were asked to
An Empty Church
observe 3 or 4 things in the room, and to write down their
observations. They discussed what they had seen as Mrs. As The Day Ends
Joseph emphasized that scientists begin with observing and Bedtime Prayers
asking questions about what they see. For their first Brighten Your Corner
experiment, the youth were given pennies and a glass of Bypassing the Bible
vinegar. They learned about oxidation by immersing the
pennies into the vinegar, and observing that the vinegar Chose the High Road
brought out the coin’s original rich copper color. Finally, the Drinking From the Saucer
youth were given toothpicks and small marshmallows, and Easter
were challenged to build a structure as high as possible. The Easter Time
creator of the tallest structure that could stand for 15 seconds
Elbows On My Bed
won a prize. When asked what they had learned from this
experiment, one student said: “I learned that I need a strong Enduring Faith
and wide foundation to build on.” Another student cleverly
extended the height of her building by adding a single Source: http://www.ellenbailey.com/themes/spiritual.htm
toothpick at the top as a steeple.

Throughout the 2 hour workshop, the room was buzzing with

the sound of creation and discovery – proving that our youth
are more than capable of excelling when challenged by good Black Presbyterian Women’s
teachers. Mrs. Joseph earned her B.A. in Engineering at
M.I.T. and her M.A. in Public Policy at the University of Retreat – Save the Date
Chicago. With her assistance, Sojourner Truth plans to offer
more workshops in the future. ■ Margaret Wilkerson

Health Ministry
The Health Ministry will meet following worship on February
27th, in the Fellowship Hall at STPC. We are planning many
exciting and interesting programs this year, including the
Food Pantry and a Health Fair, and seek participants at all
levels. If you would like to join us in these activities, please
attend the meeting on the 27th and on the 4th Sunday of every
month. For further information, please contact Fran Nixon or
Marva Reed (Co-Chairs). ■ Sharron Blakely
When: June 24 to June 26, 2011
Poll: Americans Say They Will Honor King Holiday Where: Asilomar (Pacific Grove, CA – near Monterey)
Americans are no more convinced than before Barack Obama Cost: $250 ($20 more than last year)
was elected as the first black president that the country is Cost covers lodging for 2 nights and six meals.
closer to achieving Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of racial Transportation not included.
equality, a poll shows.
Please check your mail/email for the registration form and
Seventy-seven percent of people interviewed in an AP-GfK additional information.
poll say there has been significant progress toward King’s
dream, about the same as the 75 percent who felt that way in If you have questions, contact one of the committee members
2006, before Obama was elected. Just over one in five, 22 listed below.
percent, say they feel there has been “no significant progress”
toward that dream. Phyllis Givens: 415.933.4412
Betty Delaney: 415.656.0705
Source: www.Newsmax.com Mildred Kilgore: 510.653 3475

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