Simulation of Spot Welding Robot For Automotive Manufacturing Application
Simulation of Spot Welding Robot For Automotive Manufacturing Application
Simulation of Spot Welding Robot For Automotive Manufacturing Application
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
availability of the end effectors of the robot can work piece geometry . The 3D scanner creates a
be checked in various positions and as well as point cloud and it is changed over to the surface
can be expected be alloted. This same model of the work piece. At the point when just
employment with the genuine robot would be 2D CAD is accessible the 3D model of the work
huge tedious undertaking. At that point the piece can be gotten in three ways a) mul-tiple
reproduction is run and checked 20 for achieve perspective of 2D drawing b) extra sensors or c)
capacity, impact location or whatever other basically programming the robot in 2D . There
mistakes which can be then settled. Movement are diverse sorts of CAD documents and current
way advancement and process duration is OLP programming can import all outstanding
investigated from the reenactment. At long last CAD records to their own particular good[42-46].
utilizing an interpreter the robot program is
created and downloaded straightforwardly to the Tag Creation
robot controller . The accompanying segments OLP programming has worked in capacities to
some reference to the examination works done on produce labels with a particular device focus
cutting edge movement arranging of mechanical point (TCP) from elements, for example, corners
robots and edges, casings or little geometry highlights.
In this proposition work the created Add On
Steps of OLP [Spot Welding] label focuses have been made
The initial step to OLP is to demonstrate the from a *.csv record and geometry highlights in
entire robot work cell in 3D. This is fundamental the CAD show. There are likewise right hand
to test the a) robot development b) achieve label focuses 24 e.g. home focuses, approach
capacity c) impact identification and d) handle focuses and withdraw focuses. The position and
related data for producing a mistake free introduction data of the TCP to achieve every
disconnected program in the robot. With OLP the label point is naturally made by the OLP
robot projects can be created before in the programming. Research is going ahead to
plan/generation cycle without hampering the naturally extricate robot movement data from the
present creation prepare. Also era of OLP is a CAD information[47-52].
considerable measure less demanding and Trajectory planning
proficient contrasted with run and instruct Opposite kinematics of mechanical enunciated
technique. As reproduction is joined with all OLP robots for the most part has numerous
strategies so a) robot development b) robot crash arrangements in the Cartesian space. Direction
c) profitability and d) wellbeing are pre-checked arranging incorporates a) movement sort
minimizing the possibility of blunder. (straight/joint) b) joint con-figuration c) joint
speed d) joint increasing speed/deceleration e)
achieve capacity and f) impact location. In this
proposal work the created Add On [Spot
Welding] the disconnected developer can dole
out withdraw separation to every spot welding
label point, likewise allocate approach and
Key steps of OLP withdraw by means of focuses for the begin and
end of a spot weld grouping. Likewise the
Generation of 3D CAD model introduction of a gathering of spot welding labels
Generally 3D models are produced by utilizing can be turned along X pivot, Y hub or Z hub to
diverse CAD programming. In the event of any required degree for the best design.
changing measurements there are a few
techniques to create the required 3D show. One Process planning
of them is utilizing a 3D scanner to catch the The necessities of a particular procedure should
be concentrated painstakingly first. It is
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
extremely basic as in the accomplishment of Spot welding is one kind of resistance welding
robotization of the procedure depends broadly on where two metal sheets are combined without
watchful investigation of the necessities of the applying in order to use any filler material weight
procedure advancement. Prepare arranging and warmth to the district to be welded. The
incorporates a) streamlining of asset b) robot technique uses copper amalgam terminals for
determination for the procedure c) figure the applying weight and power, the material between
quantity of robots required d) efficiency e) robot the cathodes yields, squeezed together, it shapes
workcell outline f) material taking care of process "piece" of mol-ten materials which when bonds
de-sign g) computation of process duration and outlines the welded joint.
so on. For procedures which includes substantial
number of spot welds in constrained process
duration can be dealt with as the "voyaging
salesperson problem"(TSP) an answer which
depends on a hereditary calculation.
In this progression the reproduction of the
procedure is keep running in the reenactment
programming. The robot runs and does its acts as
customized by the disconnected developer. This
Figure1 Principal of resistance spot welding.
gives a reasonable representation of the
procedure, what will be actualized in this present
Spot Weld Gun
reality. From the running reenactment the
disconnected software engineer can see and
The algorithm for selecting a spot welding gun is
compute the defects all the while, and remedy
presented in figure .
them as vital. He can figure the procedure halts,
process duration, profitability, asset usage and
get every one of these information in a graphical
(diagram/outline) arrange or numerical
configuration (exceed expectations or *.csv). The
best advantage of reproduction is that all the
procedure can be checked heretofore without the
need of any physical robot or other machine's and
expels the danger of any wrong/wasteful usage of
robot's or machines in the last stage. Algorithm for selecting the spot welding gun
3.Spot Welding Process
Resistance spot welding is a proficient procedure In spot welding industry the occupation begins
to join vehicle body parts, by the method for with planning the correct weapon and right dance
solid communication between electrical, warm, for the parts which will be spot welded. The
metallurgical and mechanical marvels . Spot dance creator outlines the dances and the
welds are ordinarily used to join vehicle parts instrument architect plans the mechanical spot
upto 3 mm in thickness. There is a thickness welding devices.
proportion which ought to be additionally kept
up, normally which ought not be under 3:1. Spot Spot welding firearms are planned in view of
weld width ranges from 3mm upto 12.5 mm . utilization. The weapons can be sorted as taking
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
b) Moving jaw
Figure4How spot weld gun is defined in the
simulation software
There is a settled jaw in most of the spot weld
Most of the spot weld guns have at least 3 home
guns. While separated programming at the tip of
the settled jaw, a packaging is portrayed and this
a. fully closed
is the contraption TCP for that spot weld gun.
b. semi opened
c. fully opened
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
In this test seat an auto BIW spot welding line needs to enter the name of the station for which
was planned where there are three diverse spot the chose robot will create the RSL articulations
welding stations in arrangement. Every station for the spot welding operation. While the geo
was doled out with four spot welding robots. spots were made in the auto BIW CAD display it
Likewise a general control was accepted to was remembered that there are four robots in
recognize every robot in every individual station. every station and the spot welds were gathered in
In each station towards the bearing of a way so that the reachability of spot weld
development spot welding model (auto BIW for focuses in every robot in every station are
this situation) the robot on upper left side is advantageously dispersed.
viewed as the principal robot in the station. At
that point alternate robots are considered clock-
wise second, third and fourth robot of that station
continuously. In the test seat if the Station ID of a
gathering of spot weld is Station_3_1 that implies
this gathering of spot welds has a place with the
first robot in the third station. The screenshot of
figure 4-17 demonstrates the mechanical spot
welding line test seat all the more intricately:
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue