Medical Terminology Chapter 1 Practice Questions

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Medical terminology

Chapter 1
 Adenoma: adeno means gland, oma means mass or tumour adenoma means tumor of
the gland
 Adenitis: inflammation of the gland
 Arthritis: inflammation of the joint
 Biology: the study of life
 Carcin/oma: cancerous
 Cardi/o/logy: study of the heart
 Cephal/ic: pertaining to the head
 Cerebr/al: pertain to the cerebrum
1. Arthr/itis: inflammation of the joint
2. Bi/opsy: process of viewing living tissues under microscope
3. Cardi/o/logy: study of the heart
4. Derm/al: pertaining to the skin
5. Cyto/logy : study of cells
6. Cysto/scope: instrument used to view urinary gland
7. Cerebr/al: pertain to the cerebrum
8. Cephal/ic : pertaining to the head
9. Aden/it is: inflammation of the gland
Part B
 A mass of blood or ‘’ black -and-blue’ mark is hematoma
 A red blood cell is erythrocyte
 Inflammation of the small intestine is enteritis
 The predication about the outcome of an illness is a prognosis
 The record of electricity in the brain is an electroencephalogram
 The study of women and women’s disease is gynecology
 The record of electricity in the heart is an electrocardiogram
 Complete knowledge of a patient’s illness on the basis of testes and other information is
called diagnosis
 A protein found in red blood cells is hemoglobin
 Inflammation of the liver is hepatitis
Part C
 Laparotomy : lapar means abdomen , making a large incision on the abdominal wall to
inspect the organs for disease
 Nephr/ectomy : nephr means kidney , removal of the kidney
 Neuritis: inflammation of the n
 Ophthalmoscopy: instrument used to view the ear
 Ostetomy : osteo means bone , process of making an incision of cutting of the bone
 Renal: rena means kidney , pertaining to the kidney
 Rhinitis : inflammation of rhin means nose , inflammation of the mucus membrane of
the nose
Medical terminology

 Sarcoma :sarc means fleshy cancerous or mass that arises on fleshy connective
tissues such as fat, muscles , bones and cartilage

Part D

 Oncologist : specialist of cancer

 Pathologist : specialist of diseases
 Psychosis : psych means mine osis means abnormal state , abnormal state of mind
 Leukocyte: leuko means white cyte means cells leuckocyte means white cells
 Thrombocyte: thromb means clotting platelate cells

Part D

 Cyte means cells

 Ism : condition/ process
 Ectomy means removal
 Al means pertaining to
 Emia means blood condition
 Gram means recording
 Algia means condition of pain
 Itis means inflammation
 Globin means protein
 Ic mean pertaining to
 Oma means tumour

Part F

 Nerve pain is neuralgia

 Presence of large numbers of immature, cancerous white blood cells is a blood condition called
 An x-ray record of a joint is arthrogram
 Study of the kidney is nephrology
 Tumor of the liver is hepatoma
 Visual examination of the abdomen is laparoscopy
 An incision of the joint is called arthrotomy
 Abnormal condition of the skin is dermatosis
 Inflammation of the skin is dermatitis
 A specialist in the study of blood is a hematologist

Part G

 Hyper means excess

 Sub means under , below
 Dys abnormal , bad , painfull
 Trans means across
Medical terminology

 Retro means behind

 Dia means complete/ through
 Exo means outside
 Auto means self
 Hypo means below , less
 Endo means within
 Peri means surrounding
Part H
 Autopsy means examining / viewing a dead body with ones/ self own eyes
 Hyperthyroidism/ graves disease means thyroid gland makes excessive hormones which causes
rapid pulse, nervousness, excessive sweating and swelling of tissues being the eyeball
( exophthalmos or bulging of eyes) , enlarged thyroid gland
 Anemia decrease number of red blood cells
 Dysentery : painful intestines inflammation, abdominal pain and frequent bloody stool
 Endocrine glands that secret hormones into within the body or blood stream
 Hypoglycemia : blood condition with decreased blood glucose / sugar
 Exocrine organs that secret substances outside the body such as sweat, tear and mammary
 Resection means removal / trimming of all or a part of an organ
 Transdermal pertaining to through the skin
 Hyperglycemia mean blood condition marked by excessive blood sugar
Part I
Sub gastric means pertaining to under the stomach
Gastralgia means pain in the stomach
Gastritis means inflammation of the stomach
Trans gastric means pertaining to across or through the stomach
Gastroscopy means process of visually examining the stomach
Retro gastric means pertaining to behind the stomach
Gastroenterology is the study of the stomach and intestines
Gastrotomy means incision of the stomach
Gastrectomy means excision of the stomach
Gastroscope means instrument to visually examine the stomach
Part J
 Oncologist is specialist of tumor
 Prognosis prediction of the outcome of an illness or treatment
 Osteoarthritis means inflammation of bone and joints
 Pathologist specialise on the study of diseases
 Thrombosis means abnormal condition of clotting
 Hyperglycemia means blood condition with increased blood sugar
 Psychosis abnormal condition of mind
 Laparoscopy means process of visual examination of the abdomen
 Hyperthyroidism means excessive production of the thyroid gland
 Dysentery means painful abdomen marked by inflammation and frequent bloody stool
 Cerebrovascular accident : trauma of the blood vessels of the cerebrum / stroke
Medical terminology

 Erythrocytes are red blood cells

 Leukemia means increase in cancerous white blood cells
 Platelets are blood cells responsible for clotting
 Anemia lack of red blood
 Transdermal through the skin
 Prostate gland is a male gland located Infront of the urinary tract ( exocrine organ)
 Transurethral resection (Turp ) removal of section of the prostate gland through the urethra
 Diameter means measurement of the width across a circle
Part K
 Psychosis – psychoses
 Ovum – ova
 Vertebra- vertebrae
 Bronchus- bronchi
 Spermatozoon – spermatozoa
 Apex- apices
Part L
 Gastroenteritis
 Endocrinologist, hypothyroid
 Sarcoma, biopsy
 Leukocytes, oncologist, leukemia
 Autopsy, pathologist, cerebrovascular accident/stroke
Practical Application
cerebrovascular accident - neurologist
skin cancer- dermatologist
dysentery ( inflmmation of the colon)- gastroeneterologist
anemia- hematologist
lung cancer- oncologist
prostate gland enlargement- urologist
hyperglycemia- endocrinologist
cataract -ophthalmologist
heart attach - cardiologist
abnormal bleeding of the utrus from the vagina – gynecologist
Pronouncing of terms
Adenitis means inflammation of glands
Adenoma means tumor of gland
Anemia means low level of red blood cell
Arthralgia means pain on the joint
Arthritis means inflammation on the joint
Arthrogram means an x ray/ image of the joint
Arthroscope is instrument used to view/examine the joint
Autopsy means examining dead body/ organs
Biology means the study of life
Biopsy is a sample
Medical terminology

Carcinoma means cancerous

Cardiac means pertaining to the heart
Cardiology means the study of the heart
Cephalic means pertaining to the head
Cerebral means pertaining to the cerebrum
Cerebrovascular accident aka stroke
Cystoscope instrument that allows to view the urinary bladder
Cystoscopy process of viewing/examining the urinary bladder
Cytology means the study of cells
Dermal means pertaining to the skin
Dermatitis means inflammation of the skin
Dermatosis means abnormal condition of the skin
Diagnosis means complete knowledge of patient’s state
Dysentery means painful condition of the intestine
Electrocardiogram means record of the electricity in the heart
Electroencephalogram means record of the electricity in the brain
Endocardium means inner lining of the heart
Endocrine glands are glands that release hormones i.e.: thyroid, pituitary, adrenal
Endocrinology means specialist that study endocrine glands and their disorders
Enteritis means inflammation of the intestine
Erythrocytes are red blood cells
Exocrine glands release hormones into outside the body. i.e: sweat, tear, mammary
Gastrectomy is removal of the stomach
Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach
Gastroenteritis is inflammation of the stomach and intestine
Gastroenterology is the study of the stomach and intestine
Gastroscope is instrument used to view the stomach
Gastroscopy is the process of visually examining the stomach
Gastrotomy is cutting or making an incision in the stomach
Gynecologists specialize in the disorder of female reproductive system
Gynecology is the study of female disorder
Hematoma is mass or collection of blood ( i.e : bruise)
Hemoglobin is a protein in RBC
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver
Hyperglycemia is excessive glucose/ sugar in blood
Hyperthyroid is excessive activity of the thyroid gland
Laparoscope (belly) is instrument used to visualize the abdomen
Laparoscopy is processes of visualizing the belly
Laparotomy an incision of the abdomen
Leukemia is cancerous white blood cells
Leukocytes are white blood cells
Leukocytosis abnormal condition of white blood cells
Nephrectomy is the removal of the kidney
Nephrology is the study of the kidney
Medical terminology

Nephrosis abnormal condition of the kidney

Neural means pertaining to the nerve
Neuralgia is nerve pain
Neuritis means inflammation of nerve
Neurology means the study of nerves
Neurotomy is incision of the nerve
Oncologists specialise in cancer
Ophthalmoscope is the instrument used to view the eye
Osteitis inflammation of the bone
Osteoarthritis inflammation of bone and joints
Pathologists are specialist of diseases
Pericardium membrane surrounding the heart
Platelets are blood cells for blood clotting
Prognosis is a prediction of the outcome of a disease and a treatment it is determined after the
Prostate gland is a male reproductive gland the is around the base or bottom part of the urinary
bladder: it makes semen which leaves the body with sperm
Psychosis is abnormal condition of the mind
Renal means pertaining to the kidney
Resection means removing or excising an organ ( its like ectomy)
Retro gastric means behind the stomach
Rhinitis is inflammation of the nose
Rhinotomy is incision of the nose
Sarcoma (sacr means fleshy) so malignant cancer of connective tissues (bone, muscle, fat and
Sub gastric means below / under the stomach
Subhepatic pertaining to under/ below the live
Thrombocytes clotting cells
Thrombosis is abnormal condition of clotting cells
Transdermal means pertaining to through the skin
Trans gastric means across/ through the gastric
Transurethral means across/ through the urethra

Case study
 Fever, sore throat, runny nose, persistent fatigue
 Exam findings: multiple bruises of lower extremities and arms
diagnosis: Leukemia
picture show questions
 Cells necessary for Blood clotting are platelets
 A protein that helps cell carry oxygen are erythrocytes
 The protein contained in the cells is hemoglobin
 Minimally invasive procedure used to visually examine the knee is called arthroscopy
 Picture shows increased number of large immature cells (that normally fight infection) =
leukocytes and abnormal condition where this immature cell is leukemia
Medical terminology

 Abnormal condition involved in blood clot in blood vessels mass is deep vein thrombosis
 The lesion pictured in A is sarcoma of muscle
 Lesion showed in B is basal cell carcinoma
 The picture shown of degeneration of the hip joint with arthralgia, stiffness and joint
tenderness is called osteoarthritis
Combining form
 Aden/o means gland
 Arthr/o joint
 Bi/o life
 Carcin/o cancer
 Cadi/o heart
 Cephal/o head
 Cerebr/o cerebrum
 Crin/o glands/hormone
 Cyst/o urinary bladder
 Cyt/o cells
 Derm/o, dermat/o skin
 Electr/o electricity
 Encephala/o brain
 Enter/o intestine
 Erythr/o red blood cells
 Gastr/o stomach
 Glyc/o sugar glucose
 Gnosis/o knowledge
 Gynec/o women
 Hemo/o, hemat/o blood
 Hept/o liver
 Lapar/o abdomen
 Leuk/o WBc
 Nephr/o kidney
 Neur/o nerve
 Onc/o cancer/ cancer
 Ophthalm/o eye
 Ose/o bone
 Path/o diseases
 Psych/o mind
 Ren/o kidney
 Rhin/o nose
 Sacr/o fleshy
 Thromb/o blood clotting
Al means pertaining to
Algia means painfull
Medical terminology

Cyte means cells

Ectomy means excision
Emia means blood condition
Globin means protein
ia is a part of emia means abnormal condition
ism means condition/ process
it is means inflammation
logist means specialist
oma means mass or tumour
opsy means to view
osis means abnormal condition/ process
scope instrument to view
scopy process of viewing
sis means state of ( think of the united ‘’states’’)
tomy means incision
 A- an means none
 Auto means self
 Dia means complete, through
 Dys means abnormal
 Endo means within
 Exo means outside
 Hyper means excess
 Hypo means below normal
 Pro means before,forward
 Peri means surrounding
 Re means back
 Retro means behind
 Sub means under/ below
 Trans means across /through
Terminology check up
 Endocrine glands are glands such as pituitary, adrenal and thyroid that
secret hormones within the cell/body
Exocrines are glands such as tear, sweat and mammary, salivary that
secret hormones outside of the body
 2, diagnosis literally means complete knowledge of the condition or
disease associated with a specific patient it is based on tests run and
symptoms, prognosis is a prediction of the disease outcome or
treatment outcome and it is based on the diagnosis
 3, carcinoma is a cancerous tumour that arises in lining cells i.e
adenocarcinoma vs sarcoma is a cancerous tumour that arises in
connective tissues such as bones, fat, muscles and cartilages ( sarc
means fleshy, i.e osteosarcoma
Medical terminology

 4, anemia is abnormal decrease in RBC/ HG, leukemia is cancerous WBC,

leukocytosis are slight increase in normal WBC in response to infection.
 Laparotomy is incision of the abdomen vs laparoscopy is visual
examination of the abdomen

Chapter 2
Membrane surrounding the lungs is called pleura membrane.
Space between the lungs, containing the heart is mediastinum
Bones of the hip pelvis
Space containing liver, gallbladder, and stomach is called the abdominal cavity.
Membrane surrounding the organs of the abdomen is called peritoneum
Space within the skull, containing the brain is called cranial cavity
Space below the abdominal cavity, containing the urinary bladder is pelvic cavity
Muscle between the thoracic and abdominal cavities diaphragm
Entire chest cavity, containing the lungs, heart, trachea, esophagus and bronchial tubes
thoracic cavity
Space within the backbones, containing the spinal cord is spinal cavity

o Produces urine and sends it out of the body urinary system
o Secrets hormones that are carried by blood to other organs endocrine system
o Supports the body and helps it move musculoskeletal system
o Takes food into the body and breaks it down to be absorbed into the
bloodstream digestive system
o Transports blood containing nutrient, gasses, and substances into through the
body circulatory system
o Moves air into and out of the body respiratory system
o Produces the cells that unite to form new baby reproductive system
o Receives messages from the environment and sends them to the brain skin and
sense organs
o Carries electrical messages to and from the brain and spinal cord nervous system

Part B
o Brain – nervous
o Cartilage – musculoskeletal
o Kidney- urinary
o Intestines- digestive
o Heart- cardiovascular
o Bronchial tubes- respiratory
Medical terminology

o Uterus- female reproductive

o Retina- skin and sense organs
o Adrenal glands- endocrine
o Testes- male reproductive

Part C

 Space located within the bones of the hip is the pelvic cavity and its home for urinary
bladder and uterus
 Space located within the skull is the cranial cavity and its home for the brain
 Space located within the chest is thoracic cavity and its home for the lungs, heart
 Space between within the abdomen is abdominal cavity and its home for stomach
 Space located within the backbones is spinal cavity and its home for the spinal cord
Part D
- The bones of the hip are the pelvis
- The muscle separating the chest and the abdomen is the diaphragm
- The membrane surrounding the organs in the abdomen is the peritoneum
- The membrane surrounding the lungs is the pleural membrane
- The space between the lungs in the chest is the mediastinum
- The space that contains organs such as the stomach, liver, gallbladder and intestines
is the abdominal cavity
- The backbones are the spinal column
- The nervous running down the back is the spinal cord
- A single backbone is vertebra
- A piece of cartilage in between two backbones is a disk / disc

Part E
- Name the five divisions of the spinal column from the neck to the tail bone
Cervic region : C1-7
Thoracic region T1-12
Lumbar region ( waist region)- L1-5
Sacral / lower back region S1-5 fused
Coccyx region (4 fused)

Part F
 Pertaining to the back – posterior
 Pertaining to the front – anterior
 Plane that divides the body into upper and lower part – transversal
 An imaging study that uses magnetic waves, all three planes of the body are viewed)
Medical terminology

 A plane that divides the body into right and left parts – sagittal
 Flexible connective tissue found between bones at joints- cartilage
 A plane that divides the body into front and back parts- frontal (coronal)
 Series of cross-sectional x-ray images – CT scan
Part G
 Craniotomy- incision in the skull
 Abdominal- pertaining to the abdomen
 Pelvic- pertaining to the pelvis
 Thoracic – pertaining to the chest
 Mediastinal pertaining to the mediastinum
 Epithelial – pertaining to the epithelial tissue, skin
 Tracheotomy – incision of the trachea
 Peritoneal- pertaining to the peritoneum
 Hepatitis – inflammation of the liver
 Cervical- pertaining to the neck or neck of the uterus
 Lymphocytes – lymph cells
 Lateral- pertaining to the side
 Bronchoscopy - process of viewing the bronchia (using endoscope)
 Diaphragm- muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity
 Pleura is a double membrane that lines the lung
 Chondrosarcoma – cancerous tumor arising from connective tissue (cartilages)
 Radiology – study of x-ray
Part H
 Pertaining to the waist, below the thoracic vertebrae – lumbar
 Pertaining to the skin – epithelial
 Incision of the abdomen – laparotomy
 Pertaining to the tube from the throat to stomach – esophageal
 Pertaining to the throat – pharyngeal
 Inflammation of the membrane surrounding the lungs- pleuritis
 Pertaining to the throat- laryngeal
 Pertaining to the sacrum- sacral
 Incision of the chest- thoracotomy
 Pertaining to the tailbone- coccygeal
 Visual examination of the abdomen- laparoscopy
 Pertaining to backbones- vertebral
Part I
 Disc between C6-C7- cervical collar
 Respiratory- lung- bronchoscopy
 Pelvic- abdominal- ovarian
Medical terminology

 Pleura- thoracic
 Nervous- craniotomy
 Neurologist- radiology- CT scan- cerebrovascular accident
Practical application
 Craniotomy is incision in the skull
 Thoracotomy: Removing all or portion of the lung
 Laparoscopy
 Bronchoscopy
Case study
 Lung cancer- lower lobe
Picture show
 Lumber (right and left)
 Epigastric region
 Hypochondriac (right and left)
 Inguinal (right and left)
 Liver
 The spleen is located in the LUQ
Part C
 Bronchoscopy is the procedure used to remove sputum from bronchial tube, to get
biopsy or remove foreign bodies
 The instrument used is bronchoscope
-ac means pertaining to
- al means pertaining to
- ar pertaining to
- Eal- pertiaing to
- ic pertaining to
- etomy- removal
-tomy- incision
- oma mass/tumur
- scopy instrument
Terminology checkup
o Pleura is located around the lung, peritoneum is located around abdominal
organs, pericardium is around the heart
o Pharynx is the throat, larynx (located at the upper part of the trachea) is the
voice box, trachea is the windpipe, esophagus (food tube) allow food passage
Medical terminology

o Frontal (coronal ) divides the body in to front and back, sagittal right and left,
transverse top and bottom.
o The mediastinum is located in the space between the lungs, and heart, bronchia
and trachea are hugged by it , also the aerota, venacava, lymph nodes
o Spinal column is the backbone and each column is a vertebrae. The spinal cord is
a bundle of nerve of the backbone goes from the brain down the back.
o C1-7, T1-12,L1-5,S1-5 (fused),Coccxy 1-4 ( fused)

Appendix A
Body system
 The heart
Part A
- Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart from body tissues are veins
- Largest artery in the body is aorta
- Tiny blood vessels that lie near cells and through whose walls gasses, food and waste
can pass are tissue capillaries
- Small veins are venules
- Small arteries are arterioles
- Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart arteries
- Hollow muscular organ that pumps blood all over the body is the heart
- Tiny blood vessels surrounding the lung tissues through which gasses pass into and
out of the blood lung capillaries
- Passage of blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart – pulmonary
- Passage of blood from the heart to the body tissues and back is systemic circulation
Part B
Phleb/o vein
Arteriol/o small arteries
Angi/o vessels
Venul/o small veins
Arteri/o artheries
Coron/o heart
Part C

- Intravenous means within the vein(D)

- Arteriosclerosis hardening of arteries(F)
- Phlebotomy : incision of a vein (G)
Medical terminology

- Cardiomyopathy : disease of heart muscle ( C)

- Angioplasty : surgical repair of blood vessels ( H)
- Arteriolitis : inflammation of small arteries ( E)
- Venulitis : inflammation of small vein (A)
- Aortic stenosis : narrowing of large artery (B)
- Pericardium: membrane surrounding the heart ( J)
- Coronary : pertaining to the heart ( I)
Part D
- Hypertension is high blood pressure ( E)
- Atherosclerosis hardening of arteries with cholesterol-like plaque(H)
- Angina chest pain (D)
- Shock is group of signs ans symptoms: pale skin, weak rapid pulse, and shallow
respiration ( G)
- Myocardial infarction means heart attack ( C)
- Arrythmia is abnormal heart beat (A)
- Congestive heart failure inability of the heart to pump its required amount of blood
( F)
- Aneurysm is local widening of an artery (B)
Part E
- Lipid test – measures TG and cholesterol ( I)
- MUGA scan radioactive chemicals and a scanner produces images of the motion of
the heart wall ( shows the movement of the heart) (J)
- Lipoprotein tests measure HDL and LDL (C)
- Holter monitoring is abnormal heart rhythms are detected with a compact ECG over
24 hour period (G)
- Angiography is x-ray image of blood vessels after contrast is injected into the blood
stream (B)
- Cardiac enzyme test is measure substances in blood stream that indicates a heart
attack ( E)
- Electrocardiography : recording electricity through the heart ( D)
- Echocardiography : soundwave produces images of the heart (A)
- Setamibi scan radioactive test to detect blood perfusion((circulation/movement) in
heart muscle (H)
- Doppler ultrasound is sound waves measure blood flow in vessels ( F)
Part F
- Cardioversion: discharge of electricity to treat arrythmia
- Thrombolytic therapy drugs such as tPA dissolve clots that may cause a heart attack
- Heart transplantation is donor heart is transferred to a recipient ( G)
Medical terminology

- Endarterectomy is removal of innermost lining of an artery to eliminate fatty

deposits ( F)
- CABG ( surgery to detour around bloackages in coronary arteries (A)
- PCI(percutaneous coronary intervention) flexible ballon tipped catheter with stent
opens coronary arteries ( C)
- Cardiac catheter ablation is flexible tube is threaded into the heart abnormal tissue
is destroyed ( D)

Part A
o -algia means painful condition
o -emia means blood condition
o -itis means an inflammation
o -megaly means enlargement
o -oma means tumor or mass
o -pathy means disease
o -rrhea means discharge, fluid flow
o Rrhagia means abnormal amount of discharge
o -scelerosis means hardening
o -uria means condition of urine

Part B
o Myalgia painful muscle
o Septicemia blood infection
o Uremia: urea in blood
o Phlebitis inflammation of vein
o Cardiomegaly: enlargement of the heart
Medical terminology

o Myosarcoma : cancerous muscle

o Nephrosis : kidney condition
o Encephalopathy: disease of the brain
o Rhinorrhagia normal discharge from nose
o Menorrhagia : abnormal/excessive or long menstrual period

Part C
o Enlargement of the liver is called hepatomegaly
o Pain in the ear otalgia
o Holding back blood from an organ ischemia
o Abnormal condition of WBC (slight increase) leukocytosis
o Tumor of bone marrow myeloma
o Inflammation of the tube leading from the throat to the stomach esophagitis
o Disease of the heart muscle cardiomyopathy
o Collection or mass of blood hematoma
o Tumor of glandular tissue adenocarcinoma

Part D
o Eal
o Al
o eal
o Al
o Ic
o Ar
o Eal
o Ary
o eAl
Part E
o -ectomy means removal
o -gram-record
o -centesis ( surgically pooping a pimple) means puncture to remove fluid
o – graphy means process of taking image
o -plasty means repair
o -lysis means breaking apart
o – stomy : creating a permanent or semi permanent opening
o – scopy is visualizing to examine
o – tomy means creating a temporary incision
o -therapy means treatment
Part F
Medical terminology

o Surgical repair of blood vessels using a catheter, balloon and stent is angioplasty
o Treatment using chemicals to destroy malignant cells is chemotherapy
o X-ray record of the breast is a/an mammogram
o Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest is thoracentesis
o A new opening of the large intestine to the outside of the body colostomy
o A new internal connection (anastomosis) between two parts of the large bowel
(intestine) is colocolostomy
o Removal of the uterus hysterectomy
o Process of recording x-ray images of blood vessels after injection of contrast
o Visual examination of the voice box is laryngoscopy
o Incision of a vein to withdraw blood phlebotomy
Part G
o Excessive bleeding of blood is hemorrhage
o Hardening of fatty plaque (in the lining of the arteries) atherosclerosis
o Pertaining to time (occurring over a long period of time) chronic
o X-ray record of the spinal cord myelogram
o Sharp, sudden, brief acute
o Treatment using cold temperature cry
o Record of electricity in the brain electroencephalogram
o Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the membrane surrounding the fetus
o Muscle pain myalgia
o Malignant tumor of bone marrow myeloma
o Enlargement of the heart cardiomegaly
o Abnormal condition of the death of cells necrosis
o Disease condition of the kidney. Nephropathy
o Incision of the skull craniotomy
Part H : inflammation of
o Neuritis - nerve
o Arthritis- joint
o Salpingitis fallopian tube
o Otitis - ear
o Hepatitis- liver
o Nephritis- kidney
o Esophagitis – esophagus
o Laryngitis- larynx
o Encephalitis- brain
o Osteitis – bone
Medical terminology

o Meningitis- membrane of brain and spinal cord

o Bronchitis- bronchae
o Rhinitis- nose
o Peritonitis- peritoneum
o Vasculitis – vessels
o Mastitis – breast
o Tonsilitis- tonsil
o Colitis – colon
o Pharyngitis – food tube
o Phlebitis – vein
Part I
o Excision of the gallbladder- cholecystectomy
o Excision of the appendix- appendectomy
o Excision of a breast mastectomy- mammectomy
o Excision of the uterus – hysterectomy
o Excision of the ovary – oophorectomy
o Excision of the voice box- laryngectomy
o Excision of the kidney – nephrectomy
o Excision of a gland- adenectomy
o Excision of the large intestine – colectomy
o Excision of the fallopian tube salpingectomy
o Excision of the tonsils- tonsillectomy
o Incision of the skull – craniotomy
o Incision of the abdomen – laparotomy
o Incision of the chest- thoracotomy
o Opening of the windpipe to the outside of the body- tracheostomy
o Opening of the colon to the outside of the body- colostomy
o Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest- thoracentesis
o Surgical puncture to remove fluid from joint – arthrocentesis
o Incision of a vein (needle or catheter is inserted) - phlebotomy
o Visual examination of the voice box – laryngoscopy
Part J
o A stroke is a cerebrovascular accident
o Heart attack is myocardial infarction
o Use of a machine that filters waste from the blood is hemodialysis
o Injection of fluid into the abdominal cavity and then withdrawal of that fluid (containing
waste material) is peritoneal dialysis
o A benign tumor of muscle is a myoma
o A malignant tumor of muscle is a myosarcoma
Medical terminology

o High levels of waste (urea) in the blood is uremia

o Blood in the urine is hematuria
o Slightly elevated numbers of WBC is leukosis
o Normal discharge of blood during menstruation is menorrhea
o Excessive bleeding during menstruation is menorrhagia
o Hardening of arteries is called arteriosclerosis
o Use of high- energy rays to treat cancerous tumors is radiotherapy
Part K
o Mammogram, biopsy, mastectomy, radiotherapy
o Axillary,
o Rhinoplasty
o Myoma, hysterectomy
o Colitis, septicemia
o Angiogram, atherosclerosis, angioplasty. Ischemia, myocardial infarction.
Practical application
Part A
o Angioplasty – H (CAS)
o Mammoplasty – F (absence of a breast (postmastectomy)
o Cholecystectomy – I gallbladder calculi (stones)
o Tonsillectomy – pharyngeal lymph node enlargement (J)
o Dialysis – renal failure (E)
o Hysterectomy- uterine adenocarcinoma (A)
o Thoracentesis – pleural effusion (collection of fluid)- G
o Oophorectomy- ovarian cyst (C)
o Tracheostomy – blockage of the windpipe(D)
o Arthroscopy- ligament tear of the patella (kneecap) (B)
Part B
o Colitis – large bowel (E)
o Phlebitis- vein (G)
o Menorrhagia – uterus (A)
o Myocardial ischemia – coronary arteries (D)
o Otalgia (B) ear
o Uremia – kidney (H)
o Meningitis – membrane surrounding spinal cord ( F)
o Leukemia – bone marrow ( C)
Case study
Fibroid uterus
Medical terminology

Picture show
1, C, gastric bypass
2, D, gastrojejunostomy
3, lap band procedure
2, kidneys (a)
C,1, electroencephalography (B)
2, A , seizure
D,1, D , ischemia
2, angiography ( B)
3, angioplasty ( C)
E, B, necrosis
2, c, ischemia
Terminology check up
o Ischemia and how it leads to necrosis
- When blood is held back due to blockage or coronary arteries this leads to necrosis
since blood does not get to that site aka O2 does not get to the area so the tissues
o Myocardial infarction vs cerebrovascular accident
- Heart attack due to ischemia where blood is held back from specific heart muscle
area. Cerebrovascular accident / stroke occurs when blood/ i.e oxygen does not
reach the brain due to blockage.

o -tomy vs -etomy vs – stomy
-Tomy is a temporary incision/ opening
-Ectomy is partial or complete removal
-Stomy is a permanent or semi permanent opening created surgically
o What does a surgeon does in an anastomosis.
Creatinga connection between two tube like structure within the body
o Uremia vs types of treatments of uremia
Urea in blood.
-hemodialysis blood passes through a kidney machine where the waste is filtered out.
Peritoneal dialysis: tube inserted through the peritoneal cavity with a solution over time
the waste leaks /seeps to the solution which is then removed
Medical terminology

o My/o- muscle vs myel/o bone marrow/spinal cord, myoma (benign tumor of muscle),
myosarcoma (malignant muscle), myeloma (benign bone marrow tumor) , myelogram
( x-ray image of bone marrow)
o Cholecystectomy: a surgical resection where the liver is lifted to expose the gallbladder
and the gallbladder is removed
o Splenectomy – removal full or partial is the spleen, oophorectomy where the ovary is

Chapter 4
Part A
o Anti – against
o Ana- up, apart (like analysis)
o Ad- toward, near (adrenal (near the kidney (rena)
o Bi- means two, both
o Brady- means slow
o Ab- away from : abnormal means away from normal
o A-, an- means no, not with out
o Ante- before, forward (antepartum: before birth)
o Con- means with , together
o Dia means complete ,through
Part B
o A patient with hearing loss in both ear has an/a bilateral condition
o When airways collapse or are blocked during sleep, a condition called sleep apnea
o A protein produced by white blood cells in response to a foreign substance, such as a
bacterium antibody
o A foreign substance, such as a bacterium or virus, is antigen
o Decrease in hemoglobin in the blood to below the normal range produced a condition
known as anemia
o A condition of frequent loose, watery stools that seem to ‘flow through’’ the body is
called diarrhea
o The separation of substances into their component parts is known as analysis
o A medication produced from molds or synthesized in a lab to destroy micro-organism is
an/a antibiotics
o A condition in which the heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute is bradycardia
o Having an arm in a cast and not using it can cause atrophy

Part C
Medical terminology

o Without speech - aphasia

o Lack of menstrual flow – amenorrhea
o Before birth – antepartum or prenatak
o Glands located near the kidneys – adrenal glands
o An irregularity appearing with birth - congenital
o Separation of waste materials from the blood when the kidneys fail - dialysis
Part D
Ec- outside from its normal location: ectopic , out outside
Epi- above, up on
Hemi- means half
Hyper- means excessive
Hypo- below
Dys- abnormal
Endo- in, within
Exo- out
Extra- outside
In- means in, into
Part E
Pain associated with menstrual flow is dysmenorrhea
Cutting into a part of the body is an incision
Any abnormal development in tissues or organs is dysplasia
Painful burning sensation upon urination is dysuria
Painful breathing that may be caused by anxiety, strenuous exercise, or certain heart
condition is dyspnea
The outer layer of skin is the epidermis
Pertaining to outside the liver is extrahepatic
Difficulty in swallowing is called dysphagia
Visual examination (via endoscope) of what is within an organ is endoscopy
Part F
o High blood pressure hypertension
o A mass of blood above the membrane surrounding the brain is a/an epidural
o A pregnancy that is out of its normal place is a/an ectopic pregnancy
o A condition of excessive (too much) blood sugar hyperglycemia
o A condition of deficient (too little) blood sugar hypoglycemia
o Glands that secret hormones within the body are endocrine glands
o Increase in development (individual cells in crease in size) often caused by overuse
of muscle or organ is hypertrophy
o Paralysis of half of the body related to a stroke is hemiplegia
o Excessive secretion from a gland in front of the trachea hyperthyroid
Medical terminology

o Increase formation (number of cells) hyperplasia

Part G
o Intra- within
o Mal – bad
o Para- besides, near, along
o Peri- surrounding
o Poly – many
o Inter – between
o Meta – means change, beyond
o Neo- new
o Post- after, behind
o Pre- before
Part H
Intervertebral – between the vertebrae
Metastasis: meta means beyond, change, stasis means to stop control: beyond
Metacarpals: beyond the carpals
Intravenous means within the vein
Postmortem means after death
Periosteum : surrounding the bone
Precancerous means before cancerous, benign
Neonatal : new born
Paraplegia : paralysis of the lower half of the body
Malignant : cancerious

Part I
o An injury to the outside of the skull is the Extra cranial
o Four small glands in the neck region near (posterior) another endocrine glands are
parathyroid glands
o Common symptoms of diabetes are much urination polyuria or polydipsia
o People who experience asthma often have difficult breathing, which is called
o Bleeding can occur from cracks or sores surrounding the opening to the rectum.
these are perianal fissures
o Two glands each located near /above the kidney adrenal gland
o A new growth, which can be malignant or benign , is a/an neoplasm
o Disease of many nerves is known as a/an polyneuropathy
o Any problem that affects the fetus within the womb is a/an intrauterine
Medical terminology

o Women may experience moodiness and sad feelings after birth, a condition known
as post partum
Part J

 Pro- before
 Quadri – four
 Sub- under
 Tachy- fast
 Trans- across
 Uni- means one
 Re- back, beyond
 Pros- before, forward
 Retro- back, behind
 Syn – together
 Ultra- beyond
 Tri- three

Part K
o Removal or cutting out an organ is excision
o Test that shows structures of organs using sound waves beyond the normal are
o An Artificial part of the body is a/an prosthesis
o Recurrence of symptoms of an illness is a/an relapse
o Recovery and disappearance of symptoms is a/an remission
o Rapid breathing is tachypnea
o If the spinal cord is severed in the cervical region, paralysis of all four limbs ,
known as quadriplegia
o The tricuspid valve has three parts and is on the right side of the heart between
upper and lower chambers
o If a patient has subtotal gastrectomy, less than the complete stomach is
o Pain, tingling, burning and numbness of the hand are symptoms of carpal tunnel

Terminology check up
 Primary malignant tumor in the lung originates and grows in the lung ( and is
made up of lung cancer cells) vs breat cancer metastasis of the lung
originates from breast cancer cells and now it trveled to the lung ( biopsy
will differenciate between the two)
Medical terminology

 Remission is the lessening or absesnce of disease symptoms during an ilness

vs relpase is the return of disease symptoms after a period of time
 Paralysis is the loss of muscle function ( plegia means parlysis ) is due to
stroke or nerve damage. Vs paraplegia is paralysis in lower part of the body
due to damage to lower spinal crod
 Syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms that occur together indicating a
particular condtion i.e AIDS ( sever infections, malgnancy, Gi disturbance, malsia
( discomfort), fever etc.. due to a virus that affects WBC. mitral valve prolapse
syndrome( heart murmur heard via stetescope due to mitral valve nor closing
properly : chest pain, difficulty breath ( dyspnea,fatigeu), carpal tunnel syndrome
( pain tingling, burning, numbness of the hand and wrist ( a nerve going to the wrist
is compressed/ squeshed by connective tissue fibers)
Down sydrome due to an extra chromosome
Toxic shock syndrome: high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, hypotension, shock
caused by bacteria in the vagina of someone on their period using superabsorbant

Chapter 5
Part A
o Esophagoscopy and colonoscopy: gastroenterologist
o Blood cell counts: bone marrow biopsy: hematologist
o Ultrasound examination of the heart: angioplasty: cardiologist
o Skin testing to determine sensitivity to antigens: allergist
o Serum (blood) level of hormones: endocrinologist
o Vision tests: retinoscopy: ophthalmoscopy
o Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG): cardiovascular surgeon
o Catheter and IV-line insertion for sedation during surgery: anesthesiologist
o Pap smear (microscopic examination of cells from the cervix and organs):
hysterectomy: gynecologist

Part B
o Nephrectomy, cystectomy, prostatectomy - nephrologist
o Personality and mental function tests - psychiatrist
o Use of high-energy beams (photon and proton) to kill tumor cells – radiation
o Fixation of bone fracture, arthroscopic surgery – orthopedist
o Breathing function (spirometry) tests - pulmonologist
o Microscopic examination of biopsy samples; autopsies – pathologist
o CT scan; MRI; ultrasound examination- radiologist
Medical terminology

o Kidney function tests; dialysis – nephrologist

o Spinal cord and cranial nerve reflex tests- neurologist
Case Report
o Case 1 : cardiology : terms
- Angina: a sharp chest pain caused by a decreased blood supply to the heart muscle
- Coronary angiogram: an x-ray record of the coronary blood vessel around the heart
- Spasm: sudden involuntary muscle contraction
- Acute myocardial ischemia: lack of blood/ oxygen to the heart muscle due to blood
return (hold back) due to blockage of an artery
- Ventricular arrhythmias :- abnormal heart rhythm originating at the bottom part of
the heart
- Nitroglycerin : drug that relaxes muscles and opens blood vessels
- Myocardial infarction : heart attack , due to ischemia
- Antiarrhythmic : to treat abnormal heart rhythm
- Diuretic : to get rid of fluid by frequent urination to relief blood pressure
( hypertension)
- Anticoagulant : prevent blood clots ( coagulation) in blood vessels

Case 2 :
o Dysmenorrhea: painful menstrual cycle
o Menorrhagia: excessive menstrual blood flow
o Anemic: decrease/ defiance of RBC or hemoglobin
o Large fibroid: benign growths of muscle tissues around the uterus
o Ultrasound image: sound waves with greater frequency than can be heard
human ear. This energy is used to detect abnormalities by beaming the
waves into the body and recording echoes that reflect off tissues.
o sonogram: record of sound waves after they bounce off organs in the body
( i.e : an ultrasound or echogram)
o Hysterectomy: removal of the uterus
o Leiomyomas: benign tumor of smooth (involuntary(muscle
Case study 4
o Chemotherapy: using chemicals
o Diagnosis : complete knowledge of patient condition
o Fatigue : exhaustion being tired
o Hepatic : pertaining to the liver
o Hodgkin lymphoma : malignant tumor of the lymph node
o Lymphadenopathy: disease of lymph node/ glands
o Mediastinal : pertaining to the mediastinum
o MRI : image of the body/ internal using magnetic wave , in all three plains
o Needle biopsy : taking a sample/ biopsy with needle
Medical terminology

o Prognosis : prediction of the outcome of a treatment / disease after the

o Radiotherapy : treatment using radiation

Case study 4
o Dysuria : painful urination
o Hematuria : urea in blood
o Lithotripsy process of crushing stone in urinary bladder using ultrasonic vibration also
called extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy
o Renal calculus : kidney stone
o Symptoms:
o Ureter : one of the tubes that leads from the kidney to the urinary bladder

Case study 5
o Abdominal : pertaining to the abdomen
o Anemic: pertaining to anemia
o Barium: substance used as rediopaque (x-ray can not pass thru it) contrast
medium for x-ray examination of the digestive tract
o Dyspepsia: painful digestion ( dys- painful) – pepsia is digestion
o Gastroscopy: visual examination of the GI tract
o Gasteroscope: instrument used to visulize the Gi TRACT
o Hematemesis: vomiting (emesis )- of blood ( hemato-)
o Ulcer: sore or defect in the surface of an organ. Ulcers ( hallow out spaces) are
Created by destruction of tissues
o Upper GI seies: barium is swallowed and x-ray images are taken of the
esophagus, stomach, small intestine
Case 6
o Aorta : is the largest artery that leads blood from the lower left chamber of the
heart to arteries all over the body
o Carcinoma: cancerious tumour from epithelial cells
o CT scan : serious of x-ray images showing organs in crosssectional ( transverse )
aspect, computed tomography study
o Hilum : it’s a depression/ fissure where blood vessles and nerves enter an organ
o Lateral : pertaining to the side
o Mediastinal : pertaining to the mediastium
o Posteroanterior : back to front
o pulmanary artery : arteries that carry blood from the right ventricle to the lungs.

Case study 7
Medical terminology

o insulin pump: portable, battery powered device that deliveres measured amount
of insulin thru the abdominal wall.
o polydipsia: excessive thrist
o polyuria: excessive urination
o type 1 diabetes mellitus: pacrease makes very little or no insulin

case 8
o callus: bony deposites that forms between and around the ends of a broken bone
o femur: thigh bone
o fibula: smaller lower leg bone ( my chicken legs)
o fixation: act of holding , sewinf or fastening a part in a fixed postion
o intra-abdominal : pertaining to within the abdomin
o pelvis: hip bone
case study 9
o antihypertensive: works against high blood pressure ( drugs used to lower
blood pressure
o arteriovenous fistula : abnormal communication between arteries and veins.
It can also be created surgically to provide acess for hemodialysis
o chronic : long time
o hemodialysis : separating urea from blood. Kidney machine used to filter
waste from blood, blood is carried to the machine and filtered blood is
carried back using a catherter.
o Hypertesnion : high blood pressure
o Hypotensive: low blood pressure
o Renal failure: condition in which the kidney no longer function.
CASE study 10
o Acute : short lived
o Aura: a strange sensation that comes before a more defined symptoms.
Often is before a migrane or epileptic seizure ( warming the patient that an
attack is about to begin
o Cephalgia: pain in head/ head ach
o Dilation: widening/ dilation
o Frontal : front
o Migraine : sever head ach ( attack of head usually on one side of head : is
due to change in blood vessel size and is accompanied with nausea,
sensetivity to light and vomiting
o Nausea: unpleasant senation in the upper abdomin usually leading to
o Scotoma: defect in vision in defined area ( blind spot)
Medical terminology

o Ulinlateral : in one direction

o Vasoconstrictor : constricts blood vessels

o Treatment by operation or manual hand methods is surgery
o Diagnosis and treatment of often complex disorders in adult patients- internal medicine
o Diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the mind is - psychiatry
o Primary care of all family membrers on a continuing basis – family practice
o Diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders – dermatology
o Diagnosis and treatment of eye disorder – ophthalmology
o Diagnosis of disease using x-ray – radiology
o Diagnosis and treatment of childeren’s disorder – pediatrics
o Care of patients with ilness that require immediate action- emergency medicine
o Adminstration of agents that produce loss of senasation/awareness – anesthesiology
o Diagnosis of disease by examining cellls and tissues- pathology
Part B
o Kidney disease - nephrologist
o Tumors- oncologist
o Broke bonbe- orthopedist

Terminology check up
 Orthopedist is a surgeon that diagnosis and treats bone, muslce and joint condtions vs
rheumatologist is an internal medicine specialist that primarly diagnsis and treats
disorders of joints.
 A nephrologist – is an internal medicine specialist that diagnosis and treats conditions of
the kidneys vs urologist is a surgeon that operates on the kidneys, urinary tract and
male reproductive organ
 A cardiologist is an internal medicine specialist that diagnosis and treats heart disorders
vs cardiovascular surgeon operates on the heart and blood vessels
 Pulmonologist is an internal medicine specialist that diagnoses and treats disease of the
lung vs otolaryngologist is a surgeon that opertaives on the ear, nose, throat , head and
neck vs thoracis surgeon operates on organs in the chest such as the heart, lungs and
 Neurologist is an internal medicine speciialist that diagnoses and treats the brain, spinal
cord and nerves vs neusurgeon operates on the brain, nerves and spinal cord.
 A pathologist is an internal medicine specialist that examines dead bodies and specimen
of living vells to determine correct diagnoses
 oncologist an internal medicine specialist that diagnoses and treats malignanr tumors
Medical terminology

 hematologist: is an internal medicine specialist that diagnoses and treats disorders of

the blood
 radiologist primarily diagnostic doctor who examines images from x-ray, ct scan ,
ultrasound and MRI studies vs radiation oncologist trats malignancies with high-energy
 gynecologist is a surgical specialist that treats disease of the female reproductive system
vs Obstetrician specializes in treatment of pregnant women and dilvery of infans
 physiatrist restores function after injury or illness ( physican medicine or rehabilitation
 psychatrist treats mental disroder

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