Hall Magnetic Field Sensor
Hall Magnetic Field Sensor
Hall Magnetic Field Sensor
1. Overview
2. Pin-Assignment
6. Support
Dear customer,
Thank you for choosing our product.
In the following, we will show you what to observe during commissioning and use. Should you encounter
any unexpected problems during use, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Chipset A3141
Sensor Type Hall Effect Transistor/Switch
The transistor switches through if the module is held in a magnetic field. This can then be read out at the
signal output as an analog voltage value.
This is an example program that lights up an LED when a signal is detected on the sensor. The KY-011, KY-
016 or KY-029 modules can also be used as LEDs, for example.
You can download the code example here, or copy the following example:
void setup ()
pinMode (Led, OUTPUT) ; // Initialization of output pin
pinMode (Sensor, INPUT) ; // Sensor pin initialization
digitalWrite(Sensor, HIGH); // Activation of internal pull-up resistor
void loop ()
val = digitalRead (Sensor) ; // The current signal at the sensor is read out
You can download the code example for Raspberry Pis here or copy and paste the following section.
# The input pin to which the sensor is connected is declared here. In additi-
on, the PullUP resistor at the input is also activated
GPIO.setup(GPIO_PIN, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)
# main loop
while True:
This crossed-out dustbin means that electrical and electronic equipment does not belong in household
waste. You must return the old devices to a collection point. Before disposal, you must separate old
batteries and accumulators which are not enclosed in the old device from it.
Return options
As an end user, you can dispose of your old device (which essentially fulfils the same function as the new
one purchased from us) free of charge when purchasing a new device. Small appliances where no external
dimensions are larger than 25 cm can be delivered in normal household quantities, irrespective of the
purchase of a new appliance.
We also support you after your purchase. If there are any questions left or if you encounter any problems,
please feel free to contact us by mail, phone or by our ticket-system on our website.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Ticket-System: http://support.joy-it.net
Phone: +49 (0)2845 98469 – 66 (11- 18 o‘clock)