G7 Roadmap For A Gender-Responsive Economic Environment
G7 Roadmap For A Gender-Responsive Economic Environment
G7 Roadmap For A Gender-Responsive Economic Environment
We, the Leaders of the G7, met in Taormina and agreed to adopt this Roadmap. In line
with the principles endorsed in the Taormina Declaration, this Roadmap focuses on the
structural policies falling within our central governments’ jurisdiction that are likely to
have the greatest impact in delivering gender equality through enabling women’s labor
force participation, entrepreneurship, economic empowerment and thus their full and
equal participation in society.
We note the outcomes of the previous G7 Presidencies, in particular the Elmau and Ise-
Shima Leaders’ Declarations, and the relevant international frameworks, notably the
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome documents of its review
conferences, the global call to action of the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel for
Women’s Economic Empowerment, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
We also appreciate the voices heard from the third sector and civil society at the W7
Forum – Starting from Girls.
1a. Promote policies that enhance women’s participation and leadership in all aspects
of social, economic, and political life. Concerned that, in all countries, including the G7,
women’s participation in political, economic and public life remains uneven, we decide
2a. Remain committed to reducing the gap in labor force participation rates between
women and men by 25% by 2025 through boosting female participation, improving the
quality of employment and enhancing gender equity. Recognize the negative impact of
women’s lower labor market participation on earnings, pension gaps and retirement
savings as well as on their economic independence. While recognizing that women are
often employed in lower paying jobs, as well as in jobs pertaining to the social sphere,
and in the informal economy, we commit to:
2b. Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work and its estimated contribution
to the economy. Aware that formal sector economy often relies upon the unpaid care
economy/domestic work, which is disproportionately shouldered by women and girls, we
decide to:
- Request that the OECD update and disseminate its existing national accounts
estimates of unpaid household activities in G7 countries by the end of 2017, taking
into account ongoing work at national and international levels on Valuing Unpaid
Household Service Work and Time Use Surveys, and in line with the 19th International
Conference on Labor Statisticians (ICLS) Resolution on Work Statistics.
- Request that the ILO pursue its labor force survey (LFS) pilot work program with the
aim of producing guidelines to support the G7 and all countries with the
implementation of the 19th ICLS Resolution on Work Statistics by 2018.
- Assess the opportunity to request that those international organizations responsible
for national accounts standards make this approach more prominent inside this
framework and promote the ongoing production of these figures, also in the context
of measuring progress towards Sustainable Development Goals.
2c. Invest in social infrastructure to support households’ care for children and other
dependents. Recognizing that social infrastructure, namely the interdependent mix of
facilities, places, spaces, programs, projects, services and networks that maintain and
improve the standard of living and quality of life in a community and include healthcare
facilities and services, education facilities, recreation grounds, as well as programs,
resources, services, and community and cultural development, play an essential role in
easing the burden of unpaid work and in enabling women to be part of the formal labor
market, we will:
Consider, where appropriate, mainstreaming gender equality in the process of
conceiving, planning, approving, executing, monitoring, analyzing and auditing
budgets, with a view to re-prioritizing social policies and infrastructures.
Implement gender mainstreaming and take concrete actions to implement and
improve gender-responsive policies, programs and regulations.
Optimize the impact and/or increase the amount of available resources devoted to
social infrastructures and services, promote public-private partnerships, and make
such services more affordable for everyone, all while taking into account each
country’s cyclical position and available policy space.
2d. Invest in health, well-being and nutrition to promote women’s and girls’ full
economic empowerment and crucial role as agents for change. We recognize that the
right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health is
critical to women’s and girls’ social, political and economic empowerment. As such, we
Raise awareness and support the adoption of good health and nutrition practices to
enhance women’s economic participation, improve health literacy and education for
women and adolescents, promote women’s and adolescents’ rights related to health
and health care, and enhance women’s participation in decision-making at all levels as
well as in policy formulation processes affecting their health and well-being.
Support increased access to the full range of services, accurate information related to
women’s and adolescents’ health and healthcare, and decision-making on their health
and well-being as a means to promote gender equality and the realization of the
human rights of all women and girls.
Bring together relevant national, regional and international experts to discuss the
possible conceptual framework of a new gender-sensitive multidimensional analysis
of poverty including the effects of the global economic crisis on female employment.
The discussions will take place during 2017 and the first results will be presented to
G7 countries in 2018.
Encourage and support international partnerships with a view to strengthening
statistical capacity, data production and analysis through innovative methodologies
2f. Develop comprehensive work-life balance and equal pay policies and measures.
Recognizing that women are often employed in precarious employment and that the
abovementioned policies and measures – such as paid leave, working arrangements that
are flexible over lifetimes, childcare and long-term care, and pay transparency measures –
can play a critical role in enhancing the participation of parents, especially women, in the
labor market, we are determined to:
Raising awareness among young women and men, parents, teachers, educational
institutions and employers about gender-stereotypical attitudes towards
performances in academia and apprenticeship programs with a view to encouraging
more women and girls to study STEMM and start vocational education and training as
well as careers in these sectors by 2020.
Consider developing, funding and implementing specific programs that target
universities and research institutes aimed at removing barriers that generate
discrimination against women in scientific or academic careers and decision-making.
Supporting universities and research institutes, as appropriate, in the integration of
the gender dimension in university courses and curricula, as well as in research and
innovation contents. Strengthen the collaboration between universities, research
institutes and the private sector.
Promote and enforce appropriate measures to end violence against women and girls in
public and private spheres. Stating that violence against women and girls is a violation
and abuse of human rights and a clear barrier to their empowerment and sustainable
development, with significant direct and indirect costs for all society, including on
countries’ GDP; recognizing that a multi-sector response is crucial to stop harassment and
all forms of violence – including harmful practices such as child, early and forced marriage
and female genital mutilation, as well as domestic and intimate partner violence and
human trafficking for both sexual and labor exploitation – against women and girls,
including migrants and refugees; and recognizing the importance of respecting,
protecting and promoting women’s and adolescents’ health and healthcare, we, the G7
Leaders, pledge, in accordance with the national competent levels of Government, to:
Develop and implement a domestic strategy on violence against women and girls,
supported with human and financial resources.