Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Soil and Soft Rock by Thermal Needle Probe Procedure
Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Soil and Soft Rock by Thermal Needle Probe Procedure
Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Soil and Soft Rock by Thermal Needle Probe Procedure
1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This test method presents a laboratory procedure for 3.1 Symbols:Symbols:
determining the thermal conductivity of soil and soft rock 3.1.1 E—measured voltage (volts).
using a transient heat method. This test method is applicable 3.1.2 I—current flowing through heater wire (amps).
for both undisturbed and remolded soil samples as well as in 3.1.3 L—length of heater wire (m).
situ and laboratory soft rock samples. This test method is 3.1.4 l—thermal conductivity (watts/m-°K).
suitable only for isotropic materials. 3.1.5 Q—power consumption of heater wire in watts per
1.2 This test method is applicable over the temperature unit length that is assumed to be the equivalent of heat output
range from 20 to 100°C (68 to 212°F). per unit length of wire.
1.3 For satisfactory results in conformance with this test 3.1.6 R—total resistance of heater wire (ohms).
method, the principles governing the size, construction, and 3.1.7 r—thermal resistivity (°K-m/watt).
use of the apparatus described in this test method should be 3.1.8 T1—initial temperature (°K).
followed. If the results are to be reported as having been 3.1.9 t1—initial time (seconds).
obtained by this test method, then all pertinent requirements 3.1.10 T2—final temperature (°K).
prescribed in this test method shall be met. 3.1.11 t2—final time (seconds).
1.4 It is not practicable in a method of this type to aim to
establish details of construction and procedure to cover all 4. Summary of Test Method
contingencies that might offer difficulties to a person without 4.1 The rate at which heat flows through a material is a
technical knowledge concerning the theory of heat flow, measure of its thermal conductivity. In this test method the
temperature measurement, and general testing practices. Stan- thermal conductivity is determined by inserting a relatively
dardization of this test method does not reduce the need for long needle of small diameter into the material. The needle
such technical knowledge. It is recognized also that it would be consists of both heating and temperature measuring elements.
unwise, because of the standardization of this test method, to To perform the test a known amount of current is passed
resist in any way the further development of improved or new through the heater element and the resulting variation of
methods or procedures by research workers. temperature is monitored as a function of time.
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
standard. The inch-pound units given in parentheses are for 5. Significance and Use
information only. 5.1 The test method presented here is used to determine the
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the thermal conductivity (l) of both undisturbed and remolded soil
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the samples as well as in situ and laboratory soft rock samples.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- This parameter is used in the thermal analysis of underground
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- electrical transmission lines, oil pipelines, radioactive waste
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. disposal, and solar thermal storage facilities.
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readout of temperature in degrees Celsius to the nearest 0.1°K. before its use. Perform calibration by comparing the experi-
6.1.4 Voltage-Ohm-Meter (VOM)—A device to read voltage mental determination of the thermal conductivity of a standard
and current to the nearest 0.01 V and ampere. material to its known value.
6.1.5 Timer, stopwatch or similar time measuring instru- 8.2 Conduct the test specified in Section 7 using a calibra-
ment capable of measuring to the nearest 0.1 s for a minimum tion standard as specified in 6.1.9.
of 15 min. 8.3 The measured thermal conductivity of the calibration
6.1.6 Equipment, capable of drilling a 2.3 mm (0.09 in.) specimen must agree within one standard deviation of the
diameter hole to a depth equal to the length of the needle. published value of thermal conductivity, or with the value of
6.1.7 Thermal Grease—Any thermally conductive grease thermal conductivity determined by an independent method.
with l > 50 W/m-°K.
9. Procedure
6.1.8 Thermal Epoxy—Any thermally conductive epoxy
with l > 50 W/m-°K. 9.1 Allow sample to come to equilibrium with room tem-
6.1.9 Calibration Standard—A material with known ther- perature.
mal conductivity (typically fused silica, e l 5 1.34 W/m-°K at 9.2 Connect the heater wire of the thermal probe to the
20°C is used). The calibration standard shall be in the shape of constant current source. (See Fig. 1.)
a cylinder. The diameter of the cylinder shall be at least 40 mm 9.3 Connect the temperature measuring element leads to the
and the length shall be at least 10 cm longer than the needle readout unit.
probe. A hole shall be drilled along the axis of the cylinder to 9.4 Apply a known constant current (for example, equal to
a depth equal to the length of the probe. The diameter of the 1.0 A) to the heater wire such that the temperature change is
hole shall be equal to the diameter of the probe so that the less than 10°K in 1000 s.
probe fits tightly into the hole. 9.5 Record the readings at 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, and 60 s, then
take readings at 30 s time intervals for a minimum of 1000 s.
7. Sample Preparation A typical data sheet and a typical record of data are shown in
7.1 Undisturbed Samples: Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 respectively.
7.1.1 Thin Wall Tube or Drive Samples—Cut a 200 6 30 9.6 Turn off constant current source.
mm (8.0 6 1 in.) long section of a sampling tube containing an 9.7 Select linear portion of curve (pseudo steady state
undisturbed soil sample. The tube section should have a portion) and draw a straight line through the points.
minimum diameter of 51 mm (2.0 in.). 9.8 Select times t1 and t2 at appropriate points on the line
7.1.2 Weigh the sample in a sampling tube or brass rings. and read the corresponding temperatures T1 and T2.
7.1.3 Insert the thermal needle probe into the sample by 9.9 Remove soil from the thin wall tube or sampling rings.
either pushing the probe into a predrilled hole (dense sample) 9.10 Perform a moisture content test (see Test Method
to a depth equal to the length of the probe or pushing the probe D 2216) on a representative specimen of the sample.
into the sample (loose sample). Care should be taken to ensure 9.11 Clean the thin wall tube or sampling rings and weigh.
that the thermal probe shaft is fully enbedded in the sample and
not left partially exposed. (See Note 1.) 10. Calculation
10.1 Compute the thermal conductivity (l) of the specimen
NOTE 1—To provide better thermal contact between the sample and the
probe, the probe may be coated with a thin layer of thermal grease. If a
from the linear portion of the experimental curve shown in Fig.
hole is predrilled for the needle probe, the diameter of the hole should be 4 using the following relationship:
slightly less than the diameter of the needle probe to ensure a tight fit. A 2.30 Q
device, such as a drill press, shall be used to insert the probe to ensure that l5 Log10~t2/t1! 5 Ln ~t2/t1! (1)
4p~T2 2 T1! 4p~T2 2 T1!
the probe is inserted vertically and that no void spaces are formed between
the specimen and the probe. where:
7.2 Remolded Samples: Q 5 1 2R EI
7.2.1 Compact sample to desired density and water content heat input 5 L 5 L
(in a thin-walled metal or plastic tube) using an appropriate 10.2 Derivation of (Eq 1) is presented by Carslaw and
compaction technique. For further guidance on the effect of the Jaeger (2); and adapted to soils by VanRooyen and Winterkorn
various compaction techniques on thermal conductivity the (3); VanHerzen and Maxwell (4); and Winterkorn (5).
reader is referred to Mitchell et al. (1).3 The tube should have 11. Report
a minimum diameter of 51 mm (2.0 in.) and a length of 200 6 11.1 For each thermal conductivity test record, report the
30 mm (8.0 6 1 in.).
7.2.2 Perform 7.1.2 and 7.1.3.
7.3 Soft Rock Samples—Insert the thermal needle probe into
the sample by predrilling a hole to a depth equal to the length
of the probe. (See Note 1.)
8. Calibration
8.1 The thermal needle probe apparatus should be calibrated
The boldface numbers given in parentheses refer to a list of references at the
end of the text. FIG. 1 Thermal Probe Experimental Setup (Idealized Setup)
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13. Keywords
13.1 heat flow; temperature; thermal conductivity; thermal
probe; thermal properties
following observations:
11.1.1 Date of the test,
11.1.2 Boring number, sample or tube number, sample
11.1.3 Initial moisture content and dry density,
11.1.4 Time versus temperature plot,
11.1.5 Thermal conductivity, and
11.1.6 Physical description of sample including soil or rock
type. If rock, describe location and orientation of apparent
weakness planes, bedding planes, and any large inclusions or
inhomogeneities. FIG. 4 Typical Experimental Test Results
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(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 The thermal needle consists of a stainless steel time, a manganin heater element is inserted with approximately
hypodermic tubing containing a heater element and a thermo- 75 mm (3 in.) pigtails extending from the top of the needle as
couple as shown in Fig. A1.1. Its components and assembly are shown in Fig. A1.2. The uncut end of the needle is then inserted
similar to the one described by Mitchell et al. (1) and Footnote into an evacuating flask through a rubber stopper and the other
4.4 To construct a thermal needle, hypodermic tubing is cut to end is placed in a reservoir of thermal epoxy primer as shown
115 mm (41⁄2 in.) in length. The end to be inserted into the in Fig. A1.2. A vacuum pump connected to the evacuating flask
bakelite head of a thermocouple jack is roughened for a length is used to draw the thermal epoxy up through the needle. The
of 15 mm (0.5 in.). A copper-constantan thermocouple wire needle is removed from the reservoir and flask, and a blob of
junction previously coated with an insulating varnish is putty is placed at the end of the needle to hold the thermal
threaded into the hypodermic needle with the junction 50 mm epoxy in place for hardening. After the thermal epoxy hardens,
(2 in.) from the end of the needle (see Note A1.1). At the same the thermocouple wires are soldered to the pins of a polarized
thermocouple jack and the roughened end of the needle is
placed in the bakelite head of the jack. The heater leads are
Mitchell, J. K., (Personal Communication), 1978 b. brought out through two holes in the back of the bakelite head
(see Fig. A1.2).
NOTE A1.1—For soft rock samples it may not be possible to drill a hole
to accommodate a 115 mm (4.50 in.) long thermal needle. In this case a
shorter needle may be used. The length of the needle should not be less
than 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) to avoid boundary effects.
FIG. A1.1 Typical Probe Components FIG. A1.2 Drawing Thermal Epoxy Into Hypodermic Tubing
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(1) Mitchell, J. K., Kao, T. C., and Abdel-Hadi, O. N.,“ Backfill Materials (4) Von Herzen, R., and Maxwell, A. E., “The Measurement of Thermal
for Underground Power Cables,” Department of Civil Engineering, Conductivity of Deep-Sea Sediments by a Needle-Probe Method,”
University of California at Berkeley, EPRI EL-506, June 1977. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 64, No. 10, October, 1959, pp.
(2) Carslaw, H. S., and Jaeger, J. C., Conduction of Heat in Solids, 1557–1563.
Oxford Press, 2nd ed., 1946. (5) Winterkown, H. K., “Suggested Method of Test for Thermal Resis-
(3) Van Rooyen, M., and Winterkown, H. F.,“ Theoretical and Practical
tivity of Soil by the Thermal Probe,” Special Procedures for Testing
Concepts of the Thermal Conductivity of Soils and Similar Granular
Soil and Rock for Engineering Purposes, ASTM STP 479, ASTM,
Systems,” Highway Research Board, Bulletin 168—Fundamental and
1970, pp. 264–270.
Practical Concepts of Soil Freezing, 1957, pp. 143–205.
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