Spatial Configuration of Macromolecular Chains

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The following is an extended excerpt from Paul Flory's 1974 Nobel Lecture, delivered in Stockholm.

It is a characteristically incisive account of the effects of excluded volume on the physical dimensions
of a long macromolecular chain. Perhaps more than anyone else, Flory laid the foundation for the
mathematical treatment of these effects within the framework of classical statistical mechanics.

Binny J Cherayil

Spatial Configuration of Macromolecular

Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1974

PaulJ Flory

The science of macromolecules has developed from primitive beginnings to a flourish-

ing field of investigative activities within the comparatively brief span of some forty
years. A wealth of knowledge has been acquired and new points of view have illumined
various branches of the subject. These advances are the fruits of efforts of many
dedicated investigators working in laboratories spread atound the world. In a very real
sense, I am before you on this occasion as their representative.

In these circumstances, the presentation of a lecture of a scope commensurate with the

supreme honor the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has bestowed in granting me
the Nobel Prize for Chemistry is an insuperable task. Rather than attempt to cover the
field comprehensively in keeping with the generous citation by the Royal Academy of
Sciences, I have chosen to dwell on a single theme. This theme is central to the growth
of ideas and concepts concerning macromolecules and their properties. Implemented
by methods that have emerged in recent years, researches along lines I shall attempt to
highlight in this lecture give promise of far-reaching advances in our understanding of
macromolecular substances - materials that are invaluable to mankind.

© The Nobel Foundation 1974.

Polymeric substances are aistinguished at the molecular level from other materials by
the concatenation of atoms or groups to form chains, often of great length. The
importance of macromolecular substances, or polymers, is matched by their ubiquity.
Examples too numerous to mention abound in biological systems. They comprise the
structural materials of both plants and animals. Macromolecules elaborated through
processes of evolution perform intricate regulatory and reproductive functions in living
cells. Synthetic polymers in great variety are familiar in articles of commerce.

The chemical bonds in macromolecules differ in no discernible respect from those in

"monomeric" compounds of low molecular weight. The same rules of valency apply;
the lengths of the bonds, e.g., C-C, C-H, C-O, etc., are the same as the corresponding
bonds in monomeric molecules within limits of experimental measurement. This
seemingly trivial observation has two important implications: first, the chemistry of
macromolecules is c.oextensive with that of low molecular substances; second, the
chemical basis for the special properties of polymers that equip them for so many
applications and functions, both in nature and in the artifacts of man, is not therefore
to be sought in peculiarities of chemical bonding but rather in their macromolecular
constitution, specifically, in the attributes of long molecular chains.

A portion of such a molecule is shown schematically in Figure 1. Consecutive bonds

comprising the chain skeleton are joined at angles () fixed within narrow limits.
Rotations rp may occur about these skeletal bonds. Each such rotation is subject,
however, to a potential determined by the character of the bond itself and by hindrances
imposed by steric interactions between pendant atoms and groups. The number and
variety of configurations (or conformations in the language of organic chemistry) that

Figure 1. Representation of the skeletal bonds of a section of a chain molecule showing

supplements of bond angles, and torsional rotations for bonds i, i + 1, etc.

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may be generated by execution of rotations about each of the skeletal bonds of a long
chain, comprising thousands of bonds in a typical polymer, is prodigious beyond

Most of the properties that distinguish polymers from other substances are intimately
related to the spatial configurations of their molecules, these configurations being
available in profusion as noted. The phenomenon of rubber-like elasticity, the hydro-
dynamic and thermodynamic properties of polymer solutions, and various optical
properties are but a few that reflect the spatial character of the random macromolecule.
W Kuhn and E Guth and H Mark made the first attempts at mathematical description
of the spatial configurations of random chains. The complexities of bond geometry and
of bond rotations, poorly understood at the time, were circumvented by taking refuge
in the analogy to unrestricted random flights, the theory of which had been fully
developed by Lord Rayleigh. The skeletal bonds of the molecular chain were thus
likened to the steps in a random walk in three dimensions, the steps being uncorrelated
one to another. Restrictions imposed by bond angles and hindrances to rotation were
dismissed on the grounds that they should not affect the form of the results.

For a random flight chain consisting of n bonds each of length 1, the mean-square of the
distance r between the ends of the chain is given by the familiar relation


The angle brackets denote the average taken over all configurations. Kuhn argued that
the consequences of fixed bond angles and hindrances to rotation could be accommo-
dated by letting several bonds of the chain molecule be represented by one longer
"equivalent" bond, or step, of the random flight. This would require n to be diminished
and I to be increased in Eq. 1. Equivalently, one may preserve the identification of nand
1 with the actual molecular quantities and replace Eq. (1) with

(r2) = GnP (2)

where G is a constant for polymers of a given homologous series, i.e., for polymers
differing in length but composed of identical monomeric units. The proportionality
between ( r 2) and chain length expressed in Eq. (2) may be shown to hold for any
random chain of finite flexibility, regardless of the structure, provided that the chain is
of sufficient length, and that it is unperturbed by external forces or by effects due to
excluded volume.

84 RESONANCE I June 2003

Figure 2. The effect of excluded volume. The configuration on the left represents the random
coil in absence of volume exclusion, the chain being equivalent to a line in space. In the
sketch on the right, the units of the chain occupy finite domains from which other units are
excluded, with the result that the average size of the configuration is ,increased.

Excluded volume refers to the fact t~at a molecule is forbidden to adopt a configuration
in which two of its parts, or segments, occupy the same space. Volume exclusion vitiates
the analogy between the trajectory of a particle executing a random flight and the
molecular chain, a material body. The particle may cross its own path at will, but self-
intersections of the polymer chain are forbidden.

In this analogy of the trajectory traced by a particle undergoing a sequence of finite

displacements, we consider only those trajectories that are free of intersections as being
acceptable for the chain molecule. Directions of successive steps mayor may not be
correlated, i.e., restrictions on bond angles and rotational hindrances mayor may not be
operative; this is immaterial with respect to the matter immediately at hand. Obviously,
the set of eligible configurations will occupy a larger domain, on the average, than those
having one or more self-intersections. Hence, volume exclusion must cause (r 2) to in-
crease. The associated expansion of the spatial configuration is illustrated in Figure 2.

This much is readily evident. Assessment of the magnitude of the perturbation of the
configuration and its dependence on chain length require a more penetrating examina-
tion. The problem has two interrelated parts: (i) the mutual exclusion of the space
occupied by segments comprising the chain tends to disperse them over a larger
volume, and (ii) the concomitant alteration of the chain configuration opposes expan-
sion of the chain. Volume exclusion (i) is commonplace. It is prevalent in conventional
dilute solutions and in real gases, molecules of which mutually exclude one another. In
the polymer chain the same rules of exclusion apply, but treatment of the problem is
complicated by its association with (ii).

Pursuing the analogies to dilute solutions and gases, we adopt a 'smoothed density' or
'mean field' model. The segments of the chain, x in number, are considered to pervade
a volume V, the connections between them being ignored insofar as part (i) is con-
cerned. The segment need not be defined explicitly; it may be identified with a
repeating unit or some other approximately isometric portion of the chain. In any case,
x will be proportional to the number n of bonds; in general x"* n, however. For
simplicity, we may consider the segment density p to be uniform throughout the
volume V; that is, p= x/V within V and p= 0 outside of V. This volume should be
proportional to <,2 <,2)
)3/2, where is the mean -square separation of the ends of the chain
averaged over those configurations not disallowed by excluded volume interactions.
Accordingly, we let


where A is a numerical factor expected to be of the order of magnitude of unity.

It is necessary to draw a distinction between <r2 ) for the chain perturbed by the effects
of excluded volume and <r2 )0 for the unperturbed chain in the absence of such effects.
If a denotes the factor by which a linear dimension of the configuration is altered, then


Equation (2), having been derived without regard for excluded volume interactions,
should be replaced by (2')


where C reaches a constant value with increase in n for any series of finitely flexible

The smoothed density within the domain of a linear macromolecule having a molecular
weight of 100,000 or greater (i.e., n > 1000) is low, only on the order of one percent or
less of the space being occupied by chain segments. For a random dispersion of the
segments over the volume V, encounters in which segments overlap are rare in the sense
that few of them are thus involved. However, the expectation that such a dispersion is
entirely free of overlaps between any pair of segments is very small for a long chain. The
attrition of configurations due to excluded volume is therefore severe.

In light of the low segment density, it suffices to consider only binary encounters.

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Hence, if P is the volume excluded by a segment, the probability that an arbitrary
distribution of their centers within the volume V is free of conflicts between any pair of
segments is
l(i) ~ f1 (1- iP / V) ~ exp(_px 2
/2V). (5)

Introduction of Eq. (3) and (4) gives

P.~) =exp(-fJ x 2/2A( ri0/2 a3) (6)

or, in terms of the conventional parameter z defined by

z = (3/2rt)3/2« r2)Jx)-3/2x 1l2p, (7)

P Ci) = exp(-2112 (7r/3)3/2 A-I z a -3) (8)

Since <r2)0 is proportional to x for long chains (see Eq. (2')), z depends on the square root
of the chain length for a given series of polymer homologs.

We require also the possibility P(ii) of a set of configurations having the average density
corresponding to the dilation a3 relative to the probability of a set of configurations for
which the density of segments corresponds to a3= 1. For the former, the mean-square
separation of the ends of the chain is <r2); for the latter it is (r2)0. The distribution of
chain vectors r for the unperturbed chain is approximately Gaussian. That is to say, the
probability that r falls in the range rand r+dr is

W(r)dr = Const exp (-3r2/2( r2)0) dr, (9)

where dr denotes the element of volume. The required factor is the ratio of the
probabilities for the dilated and the un dilated set of configurations. These probabili-
ties, obtained by taking the products of W(r)dr over the respective set of configurations,
are expresseq by W(r) according to Eq. (9) with r2 therein replaced by the respective
mean values, ( r2) and <r2)0' for the perturbed and unperturbed sets. Bearing in mind that
the volume element dr is dilated as well, we thus obtain

P Cii ) = [(dr)/(dr)o] exp [-3« r2) -( r2)0)/2( r2)0] (10)

= a3exp [-(3/2) (a 2-I)].


The combined probability of the state defined by the dilation a3 is


Recalling that z is proportional to x 1/2( according to Eq.(7», one may express this result
alternatively as follows

rr-A3 = BX Il2p, (12')

where B=( r2)Jx)-3/2(2A)-1 is a constant for a given series of polymer homologs.

'Treatments carried out with various refinements affirm the essential validity of the
result expressed by Eq. (12) or 12'). They show conclusively that the form of the result
should hold in the limit of large values of (flxIl2, i.e., for large excluded volume and/or
high chain length, and hence for a > > 1. In this limit, (rr-a3)/z = 1.67 according to
Fujita and Norisuye. For a <-04, however, this ratio decreases, reaching a value of
1.276 at a = 1.

The general utility of the foregoing result derived from the most elementary consider-
ations is thus substantiated by the elaboration and refinement of the analysis, the
quantitative inaccuracy of Eqs. (12) and (12') in the range 1.0 < a :s; 1.4 notwithstand-
ing. The relationship between a and the parameter z prescribed in these equations,
especially as refined by Fujita and Nirosuye, appears to be well supported by experi-

The principal conclusions to be drawn from the foregoing results are the following: the
expansion of the configuration due to volume exclusion increases with the chain length
without limit for p >0; for very large values of p xllZ relative to rZ)Jx)3/Z it should
increase as the 1/10 power of the chain length. The sustained increase of the perturba-
tion with chain length reflects the fact that interactions between segments that are
remote in sequence along the chain are dominant in affecting the dimensions of the
chain. It is on this account that the excluded volume effect is often referred to as a long-
range interaction.

The analysis of the spatial configurations of macromolecular chains presented above is

addressed primarily to an isolated molecule, as it exists, for example, in a dilute

solution. On theoretical grounds, the results obtained should be equally applicable to
the molecules as they occur in an amorphous polymer, even in total absence of a diluent.
This assertion follows unambiguously from the statistical thermodynamics of mixing
of polymer chains, including their mixtures with low molecular diluents. It has evoked
much skepticism, however, and opinions to the contrary have been widespread. These
opposing views stem primarily from qualitative arguments to the effect that difficulties
inherent in the packing of long chains of consecutively connected segments to space-
filling density can only be resolved either by alignment of the chains in bundle arrays,
or by segregation of individual molecules in the form of compact globules. In either
circumstance, the chain configuration would be altered drastically.

Whereas dense packing of polymer chains may appear to be a distressing task, a

thorough examination of the problem leads to the firm conclusion that macromolecular
chains whose structures offer sufficient flexibility are capable of meeting the challenge
without departure or deviation from their intrinsic proclivities. In brief, the number of
configurations the chains may assume is sufficiently great to guarantee numerous
combinations of arrangements in which the condition of mutual exclusion of space is
met throughout the system as a whole. Moreover, the task of packing chain molecules
is not made easier by partial ordering of the chains or by segregating them. Any state of
organization short of complete abandonment of disorder in favor of creation of a
crystalline phase offers no advantage, in a statistical-thermodynamic sense.

Theoretical arguments aside, experimental evidence is compelling in showing the

chains to occur in random configurations in amorphous polymers, and further that
these configurations correspond quantitatively with those of the unperturbed state
discussed above. The evidence comes from a variety of sources: from investigations on
rubber elasticity, chemical cyclization equilibria, thermodynamics of solutions, and,
most recently, from neutron scattering studies on protonated polymers in deuterated
hosts (or vice versa). The investigations last mentioned go further. They confirm the
prediction made twenty-five years ago that the excluded volume perturbation should be
annulled in the bulk amorphous state. The excluded volume effect is therefore an
aberration of the dilute solution, which, unfortunately, is the medium preferred for
physicochemical characterization of macromolecules.

Knowledge gained through investigations, theoretical and experimental, on the spatial

configuration and associated properties of random macromolecular chains acquires

added significance and importance from its direct, quantitative applicability to the
amorphous state. In a somewhat less quantitative sense, this knowledge applies to the
inter-crystalline regions of semi-crystalline polymers as well. It is the special properties
of polymeric materials in amorphous phases that render them uniquely suited to many
of the functions they perform both in biological systems and in technological applica-
tions. These properties are intimately related to the nature of the spatial configurations
of the constituent molecules.

Investigation of the conformations and spatial configurations of macromolecular

chains is motivated therefore by considerations that go much beyond its appeal as a
stimulating intellectual exercise. Acquisition of a thorough understanding of the
subject must be regarded as indispensable to the comprehension of rational connec-
tions between chemical constitution and those properties that render polymers essen-
tial to living organisms and to the needs of man.

Excerpts froin Flory's Nobel Banquet Speech

Perhaps I may be permitted to reflect briefly on Alfred Nobel the man vis-a-vis the
prizes that bear his name. Lest it seems presumptuous of me to comment on that great
but little appreciated man, may I remind you that I too am a chemist. In fact, my
researches have touched upon one of the principal ingredients of his epochal discover-
ies and inventions. I refer to nitrocellulose. To be sure, our interests in this substance
differed: his of a scope leading to developments warranting world-wide fame, mine
obscure by comparison. Be this as it may, nitrocellulose is a duly respected member of
the family of macromolecules, and I take pride in laying claim to scientific kinship to
Alfred Nobel through an interest in this substance, however tenuous the connection
may be.

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