Grammar Friends 3 SB Full

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Studio/Beehive I11usff ation.
._:: .-i.i,1:.:1.: :..
a .. : :.t::::.:: .:::..:::1 ::
Stqrter Mg fomitg Com po rotive odjectives
1 MU friends The present simple (1): be 8
,a :: :l r.rr:i . :.,i.. -: i:,i,,ti a::\ | :::,, ..:: .,

:...,: . .. .,... r,.:.,':t,.':..1,.; r, iilri:rilir.: . 1.

3 Our things Con for obiLitg, permission ond requests

Possessive odjectives 1,6

r*a!il*,tBii;!+1:;i:;':1.l 1.;!1iff il;ifit,'i;ri j,1:i .,.ltriiilitriitl -

4 At the seoside The present continuous (1) 22

5 A visit to the zoo -'..':";, r..ilit ,1;;fi ,',,1,,l;,ffi 1I

6 Mg dog Review of the present simpLe

The present simple (3): hove

Adverbs ofJrequenca
Time expressions

I Comporisons Comporotive ond supertotive odjectives 44


1O PLog time Must ond mustn't

The imperotive 50

The post simple (2): be

Con nectors
,xjv,!,' i,r,.,.r.
13 Portg time The post simple (3)
Ago 64
ttr, --
"'..I ....ij*h*,q}ffi i'

15 Holidoy time Be going to

Future time expressions 72
Grqmmor reference 78

Com parative adjectives
ry!-v f*r"ty ,
The past simple: be

!i lt I vvv

Dod is ts[!.er thsn Mum.

,.,[email protected].

Grondmo ond Grondpo ore oLder thon Chorlie, MoLLg ond Horrg.
#*k:x l r r

We form the comporotive of on odjective bg odding -er to the

end of the odjective.
smoLL smoLLer Big is different bigger zj-
q Loud

We use comporotive odjectives to describe the

fost foster difference between two things or peopLe.
slow sLower
oLd oLder We use thsn ofier o comporotive odjective when we
uoun9 uounger compore one thing directLg with onother.
to L[ to LLer The horse is bigger than the donkey.
short shorter

I Complete the sentences. Use the correct word in brockets.

MoL[g is Jos.tea t$cn Horrg. (fostlgoung)

Mrs Iones is Chortie. (goungltoLL)

Chorlie is MoLLg. (Loud/fost)

Grondpo is - - Horrg. (sLow/short)

MoLLg is - Horrg. (Loud/smoll)

Here ore some focts obout the lones fomil,g. Complete the sentences, using
informotion from the tobte. Use the words in brockets.

Nome Age Height 1 Chorlie is - - slder- t-han - Moll,g. (oLd)

ChorLie Jones 8 L.20 m 2 MoLLg is - Horrg. (tol.L)
MoLLg Iones 7 1.L0 m 3 Horrgis Grondmo. (goung)
4 Grondmo is Dod. (short)
Harrg Iones 5 Lm
5 Dodis . Mum. (big)
Dod 37 1.80 m 6 Mumis - Grandpo. (smoLL)
Mum 35 L.50 m 7 Grandpo is Chorlie. (oLd)
Grondpo 55 1.60 m
Grondmo 54 1.50 m

Write sentences.
1 Beth / toLL / LiLg Beth Ls tetler th n Li,Lg. _

2 Ollg /smoLL / Beth

3 An na / old / OLl,g
4 /goung / Anna

s Beth / big / oLLg

6 OLlg /short / Beth
Yesterdog, Mo[Lg wCIs of school. Chorlie wosn't of schooL gesterdog.
IiM ry €Z
\44 il*d

Affirnnotive Negotive Short forms

I wos I wos not I wosn't
Uou were gou were not gou weren't
he wos he wos not he wosn't
she wos she wos not she wosn't
it wos it wos not it wosn't
we were we were not we weren't
Uou were gou were not gou weren't
they were theg were not theg weren't

We use the post simple of be with odjectives to describe feelings in the post.
I was tired. He was busg. They weren't angry.
We oLso use the post simple of be to identifg someone or something in the post.
Terry and Steven were policemen. Anna was a doctor.

We use the post simple of be with o ploce to describe where something hoppened.
Olty was at school. Grandma and Grandpa were in the shop.

Circle the correct post simple form of he.

1 Mum ond ood @il\ /was tired. 2 ALex were /wos of school.
3 Iim were f wos o doctor in the pLoU. 4 Ted ond OLL9 were / wos busg.
5 It were f wos windg gesterdog. 6 Louise ond HeLen were /wos hoppU.

5 Look at the picture on page 6. Complete the sentences.
1 Chorlie wo.s- _ iLL.
2 Mum, Chorlie, Harrg ond Grondmo - - in the Living room.
3 Horrg o doctor.
4 Grondmo,- tired.
5 Dod .., -." of work.
6 Grondpo in the gorden.
7 MoLLg -,. of school.
6 Moke the sentences negotive.
"l lamie wos ongr1. JqmLe w-gs-n].t onqru.
2 Ienng wos in the plog.
3 Iock ond Iess were hoppu.
4 Keith ond Kote were busg.
5 Anno wos in the kitchen.
6 George wos o policemon.
7 Heidi wos toLL.
7 Write the sentences using wos or were ond o comporotive odjective.
1 Jess / Jast / Iock
Jess wos Joster thon Jack.
2 Ienny ond George / goung /Keith

3 George /toLl, / Anna

4 George ond Anno / old /Ienng ond Iess

5 Mum ond Dod / slow / the children

6 Mum / short /Dad

7 Grond pa / big / Chorlie

8 Ieonie ond HoLLg / goung / Cgnthio

Starter 7
where ffire you from? Where frte you from?

l'm from Spain. l'rn from the urc.

Aff$rrrTmtive 5$'lort forms NeE*tive Strort forrms

Iom I,M I om not I'm not
uou ore gou're gou ore not gou oren't
he is he's he is not he isn't
she is she's she is not she isn't
it is it's it is not it isn't
we ore we're we ore not we oren't
uou ore gou're gou ore not gou oren't
theg ore theg're theg ore not theg oren't

I Complete the sentences. Use short forms.

{.) l


He 's from AustroLio. It - from the UK. Theg from EgUpt.

8 Unit 1
She from the USA. seven. from Eggpt.

We from Brozil. You eig ht. He , _- one.

Write negotive sentences.

1 SoLLg / from / the USA
Sotl.g isn'1 Jro,m the U--SA

2 gou /ten

3 I/from/AustroLio

4 Mum ond Dod / from / the UK

5 we /from / Brozil,

6 lack / five

Unit 1
qu*rtions Sitort ffi$iswers
R, Il Yes, I om. No, I'm not.
" Are gou? Yes, gou ore. No, gou oren't.
Is he? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
Are we? Yes, we ore. No, we oren't.
Are gou? Yes, gou ore. No, gou oren't.
Are theg? Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't.

We ofien use question words such os where, when, *hg, whot, who ond which with
be tofind out informotion. We oLso use how o[d. The question word goes of the
beginning of the sentence.
Where ai gou from? How otd is she?
In que-stions, we.con use shortformsforthe he, she or itform. We don't use
short forms for the I, gou, we or theg forms.
Where's he from? He'sfrom EgApt.
Where ore they from? They're from Brazil.

3 Where ore these children from? Write.

is he from Russio? Yes, he, |5,

from Eggpt?

from the USA?

f rom ThoiLond?

Unit 1
[* Look of the tob[e. Comptete the sentences.

Nome Tong Ienng ond Mig ueL Kongo Rofo ond Youssef
George Pedro

Countrg AustroLio USA Spoin ThoiLond BroziL Egupt

1 TonU's from Austrolio He's from Aust-rqlio

Look of the toble in exercise 4. Complete the questions ond onswers.

t Afe- Ienng ond Georgefrom AustroLio? No, theg q.r-e:nlt.

2 Kongo from ThoiLond?

3 Tong from the USA?
4 RoJo ond PedroJrom Brozil?
5 Miguel from Spoin?

5 Reod ond complete the emoil using the correct form of be.
, :. ::::i::trf_:.r, j.'-.-"---jrE;:*;;.iitjiiiii.:;i-i!_:_::.,i.

Hi James
Hour 1 --*.f-g.-..I 2 .--"-.-.-."...Uourneur penfriend. Mg name 3 . .
gou? Garg.
Iliue in Canada but I -... from Canada. I 5 -.-.---.--"..--,- from Scottand.
lUhere "-"" gou from? I'ue onlg got gour email address. lUhen

Uour birthdag? tUhat "- - Uour hobbies?


PIease urrite soon!


Unit 1 11
Chorlie likes ploging computer gomes. Horrg doesn't like ptaging computer gomes.
n:ffi ''.':',:::i1!;r{iii:;r.i-;:a.!rtlt:i'...:; ii:.r...

Affirnrotive lUegotive Short forrns

I Like ptoging I do not like ploging I don't Like pLoging
gou like pLoging gou do not like ploging you don't Like ploging
he likes pLoging he does not like pLoging he doesn't like ptoging
she tikes pLoging she does not Like ptoging she doesn't like pl.oging
it Likes pLoging it does not like pLoging it doesn't Like pl.oging
we like pLoging we do not like pLoging we don't Like pl.oging
gou like ploging gou do not like pl.oging gou don't Like pl.oging
theg Like pLoging theg do not Like pl.oging theg don't Like pLoging

We use the present simple of tike + -ing to toLk obout things thot we enjog doing or
don't enjog doing. I like reading. she doesn't like ptaying the piano

Write sentences using like + -ing.

1 Mr Jones / Like / read / newspopers
Mr Jones likes re-adlng newspope_rs.
2 mg ount / Like / go /to the cinemo
3 our cousins / Like / pLag / chess

4 I/Like /fish

5 mg brother ond I / tike / climb / trees

Unit 2
2 Look of the pictures ond sentences. Write the correct sentences.

I don't Like ploging tennis.

i Llke ploging lennis,

She Likes ploging tennis.

5he dqesnlt lrke- ptoging tennis.

We Like horse riding.

Theg don't Like skoteboording.

I Like pLoging the piono.

Theg Like drowing.

Theg don't Like ploging vollegboLL.

She Likes reoding.

Unit 2 13
3 Look of the toble ond complete the sentences.
ploging the piono horse riding drowing swimming reoding
Io ne x
Iim X

Simon X
Anno x

Oscor X

1 Io ne [t[<es ploging the piono. 2 Ione doesn't [ikE drowing.

3 Ione ond Anno reoding. 4 Iim ploging the piono.
5 Iim drowing. 6 Simon ond Oscor horse riding.
7 Simon reoding. 8 Anno ond Oscor - swimming.
9 Anno reoding. 10 Oscor horse riding.

Do you lilee

l*ii Questions Short CInswers

Yes, I do. No, I don't.
H rilti,i:?Jff,',,,, Yes, gou do. No, gou don't.
Does he like ptoging? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does she like ptoging? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
Does it l.ike pLoging? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.
Do we l"ike pLoging? Yes, we do. No, we don't.
Do gou tike ploging? Yes, gou do. No, gou don't.
Do theg Like pLoging? Yes, theg do. No, theg don't.

Note thot we don't repeot the -ing verb in short snswers.

famie, do you like reading? No,I don't. Does Potly like cooking? Yes, she does.

Unit 2
4 Complete the questions with Do or Does.
t - -D*_egS- pouL Like horseriding?
2 gou Like ploging computer gomes?
3 - " _*" _ _ Iock Like ploying the piono?
4 PouL Like pLoging voil.egboll?
5 - * _""* _- AmU ond Sol.Lg Like reoding?
6 we Like swimming?

5 Motch 1-5 with o-e.

1 Does Iulio Like reoding? - _e*-._ o No, we don't.
2 Do we like skoteboarding? _, __- b Yes, he does.
3 Does Iohn tike ploging computer gomes? c Yes, theg do.
4 Do PouI ond ]im like ploging vollegbol[? d Yes, I do.
5 Do gou Like reoding? "_,_ _"_ M
6 Look of the chort. write questions ond short onswers.
Hobbg Like?
l gourfriends reoding ,/
2 Morg ploging the guitor x
3 Uou drowing ,/
4 ]ohn fishing ,/
5 Mum ond Dod skoteboo rding x
6 Uou ond Chorlie surfing x
r !-o-g-o*u1 J1i-ends-Jrke !',eadrng3*Ye5, Ihey dp.

Unit 2 15
Can for ability, permission and requests
Sqxr ftr?frmgs
,,,,,,.***'P::,:..:.,:'Y..?- 'dj":l-!,,-u..::-
ii,i:.,,,{iri:!,:,:{,..,:,,:;r, , ,..."

f;nn t use the computer?

Yes, you can.

Questioms Short cns\n ers

Con I...? Yes, I con. No, I con't.
Con gou ...? Yes, gou con. No, gou con't.
Con he...? Yes, he con. No, he con't.
Con she ...? Yes, she con. No, she con't.
Con it ...? Yes, it con. No, it con't.
Con we...? Yes, gou con. No, gou con't.
Con gou ...? Yes, we con. No, we con't.
Con theg ...? Yes, theg con. No, theg con't.

We ofien use con to tolk obout obititg.

I can ptay the guitar.
We use Con I ...? or Con we ...? when we osk permission to do something.
Can I ride your bike? Can we turn on the television?
We use Con gou ...? when we osk someone to do somethin gfor us (o request).
We con odd a commo + pleose of the end of o request to moke it sound more polite.
Can gou buy some bread? Can you turn off the radio, please?

When someone osks permission, we replg using the short onswerform with gou.
Can I use the computer? Yes, gou can.

16 Unit 3
I Reod these sentences. Do theg tol.k obout permission or o reguest?
Write P or R.

1 Con I turn on the TV? -- P -

2 Con you poss the sugar, pleose?
3 Con we plog in the gorden?
4 Con gou turn off the rodio?
5 Con gou go to the shops for me?
6 Con we go outfor dinner, Mum?
2 Write sentences to osk permission.
1 I/hove/anappLe/7 2 I / use / gour mobile phone / ?

_C-on I hsv__e _sn app,tel

3 I / turn up / the radio / 7 4 I /turn down / the music / ?

s I /toke / this pen / ? 6 we / borrow / these books / ?

7 we / turn on /the DVD ploger /? 8 we /Listento/the CDpl,ager /?

3 Put the words in the correct order to write requests.

1 poss / sugor / Can / pleose / gou /the /?
qn yo u p-qs s *t lue-s-ugor*+1es_s e?

2 gou / Can / pleose / the / turn up / rodio / 7

3 Can /curtoins / the / open / gou / ?

4 gou /turn off / the / Can / music / ?

5 turn down / gou / teLevision / pteose / Can / the / ?

6 wosh / gou lthe / car / Con / please /7

Unit 3 1?
l+ Motch questions ond onswers from the box. Write them next to the pictures.
Con we sit here? No, gou con't.
Con I hove some coke? Yes, gou con.
Con I borrow
No, gou con't.
Uour newspoper, pleose?
Con I hove o new hondbog? Yes, gou con.

een -l hnve on opple?

Yes.'J uou ca.n.

Unit 3
5 Look of the toble. Write guestions to oskfor permission ond moke reguests.

Permission Request

1 turn up the music 2 turn off the DVD ploger

3 go to the cinemo 4 give me the newspoper
5 plog with mg friends 6 go to the shop for me
7 hove o new coot 8 help me in the kitchen

1 Can i turn up
the music?
2 C-ort Uau tutn plj the DVD pl.ayer, pieese?



mg Uour his her its Uour our their

This is mg DVD. That's gour CD plager.

6 Complete the sentences" Write our, Uour, or their.

r Qur book is red.
YPur book is blue.

Is this comero?
No, it's comero.

Is this dogT
Yes, it's dog.

4 coke is big.
coke is smoLL.

5 Is this project?
Yes, it's project.

Unit 3 19
Review I
I Reod the informotion. Comptete the sentences.
Mr Toglor - 37
1 CorL is --U*oun9-er*-thsn- Mr Toglor.
2 Mr Toglor is - - qld-e-r- thon, CorL.
Bob ond Tim -9
Doisg -8
3 Bob ond Tim ore - Doisg.
4 Doisg is -- * ,* - Bob ond Tim.

Red cor - L00 m in 9 seconds

YeLLow cor - 100 m in L0 seconds
5 The red cor is *" the gellow cor.

2 Circte the correct post simple negotive form of be.

1 Helen ond Steffi wosn't /@hoppu.
2 We wosn't / weren't in the kitchen.
3 It wosn't / weren't coLd gesterdog.
4 ALex wosn't / weren't of the cinemo.
5 Fred wosn't / weren't o poLicemon in the pLog.
6 Theg wosn't / weren't angrg.

Complete the diologue with the correct form of be. Use short forms where possible.
Tom: HeLLo. Whot "'l--- (r) gour nome?
Rob: Hi. I *".---- (z) Rob. Where **_ _ _ _ (E) gou from? I don't think
Uou (+) English.
Tom: No, I (5). I __ (6) Americon.
Rob: (z) gou here with Uourfomil"g?
Tom: Yes. Mg cousins (a) English.
Rob: (O)theg from London?
Tom: No, theg (to).Theg (t t)from Monchester. We __ _ _ __ (rz)
here in London on holidog.
;il. r' :.-l I
;.,.8O",, Review 1
' ': ,.;:
l':.4.: r,;
{+ Complete the sentences with like + -ing. Use the offirmotive, negotive or question
form of o verb from the box.
pe+f flg climb plog reod skoteboord

1 Mg Dod doesnlt [[ke sliqfrng. the Internet. (not)

2 Jone ond Ienng comics.
3 Gorg trees.
5 You chess. (not)
6 Uou ond Beth

Permission or request? Write P or R.

1 Con gou help me, pleose?
2 Con we go out to plog?
3 Con I borrow Uour new CD?
4 Con gou put the butter in thefridge?
5 Con we use the computer?
6 Con gou toke this Letter to the post office?
7 Conltokeobiscuit?
8 Con gou stog for onotherfive minutes?

6 Complete the sentences using your, our, or their.

1 Con I use Uouf computer? 2 Con we ride bikes?

3 Con we go to house, pLeose? 4 Con I hove homework, pLeose?
5 Con he hove dinner ot - house? 6 Con we be friends?

Review 1 '2I
Ar the seffiside ,., . ..,. 1 1 :.ll ::
* :: .l": :..::i],1_,,..,

Chorlie is his dod.

Look of these ruLes for spelling the -ing form:

Verb ExompLe Add Present continuous

most verbs ploU + -ing pLoging

verbs ending consonont + -e write {+ -ing writing

verbs ending one voweL doubLe
+ one consonont, except snorkeL consonont snorkeL[ing
-u or -w + -ing

X Motch 1-9 with the correct ending to moke -ing words.

1 swim rn9
2 carrg ting
3 reod tn9
4 plo uing
5 drow ing
6go uing
7 put m ing swtmmrnfi J

8 stud ing
22 L,lnit 4
i> r'at* ki nrcn so ndwiches.

We don't use shortforms ofier two

5S eyt;raractive $$'amrt $mrms nome5.
@ I om ploging I'm ploging Eric and Charlie are playing voilegball.
, Uou ore pLoging gou're ploging
he is ploging he's pLoging
she is ploging she's pLoging Th y' re pla ying volle y ba tl

it is pLoging it's pLoging Ioh n's playing votley ba tl.

we CIre ploging we're ploging
Uou ore ploging gou're ploging
theg ore ploging theg're ploging

We use the present continuous to toLk obout:

. Something thot is hoppening of the moment we ore speoking.
She's talking to someone on the phone at the moment.
. Something thot is hoppening oround now Jor a short time.
I'm stoging at my aunt's house for two months.
We do not use the present continuous to toLk obout things thot hoppen regu[orlg.

k Write sentences using the present continuous. Use short forms if possibl.e.
1 Dod /windsurf 2 I/comb /mghair
{J rir.! ls rzu i ryds L,ir j'ipr,X,

3 Scott ond LucA / read comics 4 Aou / pLog chess

5 we / skoteboord 6 Kote / Listen to o CD

Unit 4 23
3 Describe whot the peopte ore doing. Use phroses from the box.
sit on the beoch eot o sondwich swim Jgd+ffrffi moke o fire

Mq[tg]s reoding q. comil
Mum, MoLLg ond Tobg



Chorlie onA Horrg

Negotive Short forms

& I om not ploging
Uou ore not ptoging
I'm not ptoging
Uou oren't ploging
he is not pl.oging he isn't p[oging
she is not ploging she isn't pl,oging
it is not pl.oging it isn't pLoging
we ore not ploging we oren't ptoging
Uou ore not ploging Uou oren't ploging
theg ore not pl.oging theg oren't pl.oging

Unit 4
* Look of the sentences in exercise 3. Moke them negotive.

5 Look of the tob[e. Correct the notes. Write complete sentences.

reod sLeep stud g work run moke Lunch drive

Bob ,/
Mrs Green ,/
I ,/

Tim ond BiLLg /

Uour sister "/
1 Bob /read
Bob isd1- p-sqdtng. H els-
2 Uour sister / sleep

3 we /work
4 Tim ond Bi[Lg / make lunch

s I / studg

6 gou f run

7 Mrs Green / drive

Unit 4 75
A wfrsfrr ffm the x&&
r ,i.i : ::r::.i nii:tr:t : tr,::ir! r:_r
The present continuous (2)

ls it eatlmg?

cr*stions Short cInswers
B\' Am I pLoging? Yes, I om. No, I'm not.
Are gou ploging? Yes, gou ore. No, gou oren't.
Is he pLoging? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Is she ptoging? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Is it pl.oging? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
Are we ploging? Yes, we ore. No, we oren't.
Are gou pLoging? Yes, gou ore. No, gou oren't.
Are theg pl"oging? Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't.

Note thot we don't repeot the -ing verb in short onswers to questions in the
present continuous.
Are yau watching TV? No, we aren't.
When we give o short onswer, we olwoUs use o pronoun.
Is lohn playing in the garden? Yes, he is.
Are Mum a"ndbad ptoiing chess? No, theg oren't.

26 Unit 5
Write questions, using the present continuous.
t he /light/aJire?
Is he ligl_itlng o Ju.e?
2 Jone / do /her homework?

we/hove /dinner/now?

You ond Tom / pLag f a computer gome?

5 gou / getdressed?

Write questions for these onswers.


Is th,e lion s[eeplng?_

Yes, the Lion's sleeping.

No, the monkeg isn't flging. It's climbing.

Yes, the porrots ore flging.

No, the kongoroos oren't sLeeping. Theg're eoting.

No, the zebro isn't eoting. It's running.

Unit 5
2 Look of the pictures. Write short onswers.

Is Tereso holding o comb?

Yes, she is.

Are theg studging?


Is Fronk corrgin g a big bog?

Are theg ploging gomes?

Is Mr Rogers reoding o newspoper?

Is Grondpo doncing?

write questions ond short onswers in the present continuous.

1 I /Leorn / English /? / /

2 AmU/taLk/?/x
mg Mum ond Dod / sit /on the beoch I ? / X
we/hove/dinnerf?/l :

28 Unit 5
& Whot ore the onimots doinq? Write questions ond short onswers.


chimponzee / eat /? 2 snokes / sLeep / ?

is the ch[ntpc.4zge- enti"ng?

Yes, it [s.

peng uins / swim / ? 4 mouse / eat / ?

5 crocodiLe / sLeep / ? 6 zebro / drink / ?

7 spider / climb /7 8 Lizord / dive /?

Unit 5 29
Review of the present simple


I get up of 7 o'clock. I get dressed at7.25.

-.-J /\

Negotive Short forms

\ gou plog
I do not ptog
gou do not plog
I don't ptou
gou don't ptog
he ptogs he does not plog he doesn't plog
she ptogs she does not ptog she doesn't plog
it pLogs it does not plog it doesn't ptog
we ptog we do not plog we don't ptog
gou plog gou do not ptog gou don't ptog
theg ptog theg do not ptog theg don't ptqg

We use the present simpte to tolk obout:

. hobits ond things thot we do regulorlg
We walkto school.
. focts ond things thot ore olwogs true
London is the capital of Engtand.
. opinion s I don't like cricket. I bruslr mg teeth at7.45. rutes
Look ot the spel.Ling ruLes for the he, she ond itforms of the present simple offirmotive.
Verb Exomple Add Form

most verbs pLoU +-s pLogs

verbs ending consonont + -g studg )(+ -ies studies

verbs ending -s, -ch, -sh, -x, -o or -z wotch + -es wotches
Remember thot some verbs ore irreguLor, e.g. hove, con ond be.

Unit 6
1 Tick(r'1the verbs if theg ore spelt correcttg. Correct them if theg ore not.
1 sees @ 2 singgs D
3 woshs tr -.\ 4 poues D
s folls D 6 goes D
7 cotches D 8 choosies D
s busss D 10 sLeepes D
2 Look of the toble. Are the sentences true or fotse? Write T or F, then write sentences.
CoLum Heidi Tobg Tereso

get up eorlg / x x /
go to school bg car x x ,/ /
plog tennis ,/ / x x
get dressed of 8 o'clock x ,/ x x

1 CoLum gets up eorlg. -T- - H e- g e*t-s

-uf--e-or LU

2 Heidi goes to school bg cor.

3 Tobg doesn't plog tennis.
4 Tereso gets dressed of 8 o'clock.
5 Colum goes to school bg cor.
6 Heidi plogs tennis.
7 Tobg gets up eorlg.
8 Tereso goes to school bg car.
Now complete the offirmotive ond negotive sentences obout Cotum, Heidi, Tobg
ond Tereso. Use the informotion in exercise 2.
1 colum , doe-s-nit go,ta_s_chpol bg car.

5 Heidi tennis.

Unit 6 31
Da you plsy outside evety day?

Questions Short mmswetrs

Do I l"ike miLk? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Do gou Like milk? Yes, gou do. No, gou don't.
Does he like milk? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does she like milk? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
Does it tike miLk? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.
Do we Like milk? Yes, we do. No, we don't.
Do gou tike milk? Yes, gou do. No, gou don't.
Do theg Like milk? Yes, theg do. No, theg don't.

Be coreJuLwith the he ond she form:

Does Richard brush his teeth before school?

Affinnnctive [Segctive Questions

I hove I don't hove Do I hove?
gou hove gou don't hove Do gou hove?
he hos he doesn't hove Does he hove?
she hos she doesn't hove Does she hove?
it hos it doesn't hove Does it hove? ln my family, we have
we hove we don't hove Do we hove? dinner at 7 .30 every
gou hove gou don't hove Do gou hove? evening.
theg hove theg don't hove Dotheg hove?

Note thot short onswers ore the some os for regutor verbs.
Do you have dinner at 7.30? Yes, we do.

72 Unit 6
4 Put the words in the correct order to moke sentences.
1 Heidi / does / goto school / bg car / ?

2 plog footboLl. / do / ofter school / gou /?

3 SoLLg ond PoLLg / do / ot 7 o'clock / eot dinner / ?

4 go swimming / do /on Tuesdo gs / we / l

s do / afierb';;;/;;;';...n / o,u rn 1 sou 1t

6 Like sinsin s / ;;:;;;il;r;;,", /t

7 eou ond ,"r,.;,;;;;) i;t"7or.r,o. /Like prorru;s1 ;

5 Write short qnswers to the guestions in exercise 4.

6 Complete the questions using the correct form of hove.
t _ ,D_oeS- gou r dod hgv,e _ a car?
2 _ he __ * breokfost everu dog?
3 Uou o shower in the evening?
4 Uourfomilg , dinner together? "

5 - - -- theg _ _ lots of friends?

6 we _- - * o Lot oJ homework?
7 _ __ _, I
"_- _ Long hoir?
8 .SoLLg __- . _, Lots of togs?

Unit 6 33
Review 2 ltng:jfsidrxr,r/iisri*4{i4]8frr!1ti4i{rea+ii$1{:i4!aq4t.:gratu$tFssg;!iffi
Units 4-6

1 Write sentences using the present continuous.

t 5he/write/o Letter 2 theg / watch /TV

3 he / woit / ot the bus stop 4 he / skoteboard

5 we / do /on exom 6 I / swimming

Moke the sentences in exercise 1 negotive.

LS_he_'qs11]Lyvrltln_g gJe_ttgl, 2

3 Look qt the tobLe. Write guestions. Then write short onswers.
write o moke PLOU meet
do o test drive
Letter dinner footboLL friends
2 Gino ,/
3 Mox
4 our porents
5 gou ond Pot ,/
6I ,/

1 we / pLag footboll? 2 Gino / write o Letter?

Are w.e- p-tsUlng Joo-t-hqll?
Y,es,-.gou -or-e-
3 Mox / drive? 4 our porents / moke dinner?

5 you ond Pot / do a test? 6 I/meetfriends?

Review 2
4 Motch 1-8 with o-h to moke he/she/itforms of the present simpte verbs.
1 wot oes
2 wos b sses
3go c ies
4tr d ches -_w__atehes
5 choo e ses
6 moke f hes
7ad gs
8po hds
5 Complete the text with the present simpl.e offirmotive or negotive of the verbs in
I (1) -get- up- (get up) ot 7 o'clock during the week. First I (2) _ - __ (wosh)

I onlg (s) - (hove)fruit juice ond toost, becouse I (6) -

- (not Like)
cereol. Mg sister sondro (l) - - - -- (stog) in bed Jor ages, so she olwogs

5 Write questions ond short onswers. Use the present simple.

1 Like / pLag the guitor / do / gou / /
- D*o go_u Lrke p_lsging lh_e_gulter? _Y*esJ_{_o-
2 gou / do / after breokfost / brush Uour teeth / /
3 Ien ng / does / get up / at7.3o / /

4 o bike / do / gouhave / X

s Like / eoting ice creo m / gou / do / /

6 Like ploging chess / does /he / X

7 Grondmo ond Gro ndpo / do / Live / in o big house / X

8 do / have / gou / for breokfost /toast / X

Review 2
Adverbs of frequency
Free timre Time expressions

We use odverbs of frequencg to toLk obout how ofien we do something.

Look of the toble.

BenLLLLL Ben's alwags Late.

ft,A we con't use never
in negotive sentences.
Amy's usually late.
MikeLLL Mike's often late.
TodLL Tod's sometimes late.

Sue Sue's never late.

We often use odverbs of frequencu with the present simp[e.

Look of their position in the sentence.
Iane sometimes goes to school by bus.
I don't often buy souvenirs.
We are usually asleep at 9 o'clock.

We con use ever to osk how ofien someone does something.

Do you ever go to the sports centre?

Unit 7
1 Complete the tobte with X, {, ,/,/, ,/,/,/ ond / / / {.
1 never x
2 oLwogs {./,/,/
3 sometimes
4 usuoLLg

5 ofien

2 Comptete the sentences with odverbs of frequencg.

1 Fro n k -" . e"lwe$s - - - goes to the cof6 before work. ./ ,/ ,/ ,/
2 Morie bugs presents for her sister. X
3 MoLLg is -, .-. Lote school.
for ,/,/
4 Peter doesn't go to the Librorg. /,/./
5 We - - - eot ice creom ofter dinner. ,/
3 Write sentences. Put the odverb in the correct position.
1 We go to the cinemo. (sometimes)
_We s_qm-e-tim e s_ g_o_ Lo_ _t he_ -
2 Theg're eorlg. (often)
3 She doesn't go to the swimming pool. (usuoLLg)

4 CoLum ond Ione go to the theotre. (never)

s I bug o ticket. (oLwogs)

6 You don't visit. (often)

7 Our house isn't worm. (oLwogs)

8 I go to the cof6. (never)

9 I don't go to the Librorg on FridoUs. (oLwogs)

Unit 7 ',,,t7
tn October
in Iune, in 2025
on Wednesdogs, on Soturdogs
= €v€t'U WednesdoU, everg Soturdog Liir t vn'

BUT 15

on Wednesdog, on Scturdog Sl,rr,t'nq


= heXt WednesdoU, next Soturdog 22


st 6 ottock, at midnight ,

My birthday's in March. i:

It's her birthday on Wednesday.

She always goes to the library on Tuesdags. l'm yneeting Mary today at 3 o'clock"
Schaol starts at 8 o'clock. I go swimming onwednesdays, and
snThursday t'm going to the cinema.

4 Reploce the boLd words with on expression from the box.

slrJ+do{. on Soturdogs on Mondog in IuLg on Tuesdog of 7.30 of middog

1 Todog is Mondog.It's mg birthdog tomorrow.
It's mg birthdou 0n Tuesdoy
2 My Mum goes to the shops everu Soturdog.
Mg Mum goes to the shops
3 Todog is Sundog. We're going to o concert tomorrow.
We're going to o concert
4 I'm eight. It's Iune. I'm nine on 10th Iutg.

5 It's seven o'clock. Mg brother is in his bedroom.

Mg brother goes to bed
6 It's L1.50. We oLwogs hove Lunch in L0 minutes.
We olwogs hove Lunch
7 It's Wednesdog. I went shopping gesterdog.
I went shopping

Unit 7
Put the words in the correct order.
1 Sophie's f on /Thursdog / is / birthdog
Ssphlels birthdoE Ls_ pn Thursdoy: .

2 go to / in /o concert / Let's / Iune

3 olwo gs / on / stagin /Mondogs / we

4 we I in / the cafe /Soturdogs / meet f usuallg / on

5 sometimes / get home /Iohn / midnight / at

6 Februo rg / in f are / theg /fifteen

Use the pictures ond words to write sentences.

'm r"E"tru
+re+onFridos He -go"es I-o- Ihe cinemo -

ffi on

, usuoLLg / -She -usu-qtl.g-go-es to -the

' on Soturdog -tlb-rorg o: n S-o-tur-dogs-

ffif + ffi +not+often

F{ r+€
+ sometimes

* alwags/

@w+ ffiffi* onrhiridoss

+ never

Unit 7 39
Countable and uncountable nouns
ffiryfr*S s&xmpp&*W Would like

We need m melon and some apples.

{oe,rntnb[e n&uns
SinguLmr FLursL
o,r'ot qn s ronge
consonont voweL (o, e, i, o, u)
some cots, some oronges
two cots, two oronges.

Uncountobte nouns
These ore nouns thot don't hove o pluroLform.

Theg ore omounts oJthings such osfood ond drink.

@ fruit asparogus woter
we use some before uncountoble nouns. we don't use o or on.
I'd like some asparagus.
We'd like some water, please.

Note thot we con oLso soU: o gloss of, o cup of, o bottte of, o con of for drinks.
I'd like a bottle of water, please.
Some foods con be countoble ond uncountoble.

d\ruS# trA M-
some melon w@j o melon ft \1 some ice creo, \,
rcM/ on ice.r.o, ffi
lI red

Unit 8
Put the words in the correct column.
nr+tg hrcffd bonono fruit Lemon asparagus opple oubergine
gLoss of woter broccoli rice gra?e woter coffee roisin spinoch

Countobte nouns ' UncountcbLe nouns i

_dste, , 0reo"cl

Complete eoch phrose using o word from the box. Use eoch word once.
a joffig two some four some three some

[emons bo no nos __ _ oronges

fruit gloss of woter spinoch dotes

Write o, on or some.
1 -_qru_ opple 2 _s9m9 I ro pes
3 broccoli 4 gLoss oJ woter
5 _ Lemon 6 ro isin s
7 oubergine 8 - rice
9 osporogus 10 oronge
11 _ dotes 12 fruit
13 bonono 14 coffee

Unit 8 4L
Affirmotive Short forms
We'd like sonne grapes, please.
I would like I'd like
gou would tike gou'd like
he would tike he'd like
she would tike she'd like
it woutd tike it'd [ike
we woutd like we'd tike
gou would Like gou'd like
theg woutd like theg'd [ike

When we ore in o cof6 or shop we ofien

use would like to sog whot we wont.
We ofien use the shortform 'd [ike.
I'd like some tea. He'd like an appte.

Would you [ike an apple?
Woutd i l.ike?
Woutd gou l.ike?
Would he l"ike?
Would she l.ike?
Would it Like?
Would gou [ike?
WouLd we [ike?
Woul.d gou [ike?
Would theg Like?

We usuollg replg to o Would gou Like...?

question with Yes, pleose or No, thonks.
Would you like some grapes?
Yes, please. f No, thanks.

9,, Oon't confuse would Like with [ike, which we use to toLk obout things
'/\ we Like in qenerol.
n I'd like or"irc cream.(= I wont on ice creom now.)
I tike ice cream. (= I olwogs Like ice creom.)

Unit 8
write offirmotive sentences. use woutd Like ond o, on or sorne.
1 Dod / grapes

Chorlie f banana

MoLLg ond Horr, ,;;;;

we /ospor0gus

I / appLe
6 she / o gLoss oJ orange juice

t+ Look of the pictures. Write questions with Woul.d gou tike. Then write the replies.

w l:

lul R

Unit 8 43
LCInxpGrrsons co m p a rat v;
u o*'t **lo] " :1..5: i
,,:ir:riiii,r r.. : lrii;.'!.i:r. : i::r: :,r

this cake is smaller than that cake.

GeneroLLU, we odd -er to the end of short odjectives to form the comporotive.

Adjective eornporotive Adjective Corrrporotive

Long Longer short shorter
smoLL smo[Ler deep deeper
high higher sLow sLower

Look of these other ruLes:

Adjective ending ExompLe Add Comporotive odjective

-e wide +-r wider

consonont + vowel double the finot

+ consonont
big bigger
consonont + -er

When we wont to directlu compore two things, ploces or peopte, we use thon.
Cairo is bigger than London. Charlie is taller thon Harry.

Unit 9
& Add n, #c8", or mr to the words to moke comporstive odjectives.
1 Long r '", ir r.i i i' 2 short
3 goung 4 wide
5 deep 6 high
7 big 8 Loud

Write the comporotive odjectives.

1 smoLL 2 toLL
3 Loud 4 Long
5 quiet 6 big
7 slow 8 high
e fost 10 short
11 old 12 Uoung

ffi Write sentences, using the comporotive odjective of the word in brockets.

t (hish) z (old)

I (bie) 4 (wide)

s (quiet) 6 (toLL)

Unit 9 45
That cake is the biggest.

To form the superlotive of short odjectives, we odd -est or -st.

Adjective Supenl.otive
Long Longest
smoLL smoLlest
high highest
short shortest
deep deepest
slow sLowest

Adjective ending ExompLe Add SuperLotive odjective

-e wide + -st widest

consonont + vowel double the finoL

big biggest
+ consonont consonont + -est

The otwoUs goes before o superlotive.

Dad is the tallest. The yettow car is the fastest.

Note thot we con sog in the world with superlotive odjectives.

Which is the highest mountain in the world?
The river Amazon is the Longest river in the world.

Unit 9
* Write the supertotive odjectives.
1 smoll thg sma[es-t- 2 toLL
3 Loud 4 Long
s quiet 6 big
7 slow 8 high
e fost
11 old 12 Uoung

5 Look of the toble. True or folse? Write T or F.

High Long ToLL

Mountoin A 2000 m River D 400 km BuiLding G L50 m

Mountoin B 1000 m River E 175 km BuiLding H 300 m

Mountoin C 3000 m River F 500 km Building I 75 m

1 River the Longest. F
E is 2 Mountoin A is the highest.
3 Building I is the smollest. 4 Mountoin C is the smollest.
5 River F is the [ongest. 6 BuiLding H is the toLlest.
6 Complete the sentences. Use o comporotive or superlotive form, ond odd thon
if necessorg.
1 Mountoin A is, . high-e-r-ULuan- - Mountoin B, but Mountoin C is
-the--h-ighes,t - - ---.

3 -, *
Building G is BuiLding H, but Building I is
4 Mountoin A is - Mountoin B, but Mountoin C is

5 River D is

7 Complete the sentences using o word from the box.

younger bigger oldest smaller Jonsesf
I The NiLe is the - -t-o-ngest - , river in Eggpt.
2 The USA is ,,", thon the UK.
3 Mount Fuji is - - - , thon Mount Everest.
4 Mg bobg sister is .,- thon mg Grondmo.
5 The , mon in the world is LL3.
Unit 9 47
Review 3
I Write sentences. Put the odverbs in brockets into the correct ploce.
1 I pLog tennis. (never)
I never plou
rJ tennls.
2 We do our homework in the Librorg. (sometimes)

3 KorL wokes up before 7 o'clock. (usuoLLg)

4 Mum ond Dod don't go to the theotre. (often)

5 MU friends ore osteep before midnight. (never)

6 I'm tired. (olwogs)

7 You're Lote. (sometimes)

Complete the sentences using in, on or ot.

1 MU birthdog is *--fn.- *- Morch.
2 We go to the cof6 --, __ Soturdogs.
3 There's a portg 8 o'clock tonight. Would gou like to come?
4 CoLum is going to Poris . Sotu rdog.
5 The closs storts * 9 o'clock.
6 Mum ond Dod go on holidoU -_ *_ __ August.
Write o, on or some.
1 * S,O-m-e_ rice 2 dotes
3 - - oronge 4 9rape
5 spinoch 6 sondwich
7 woter 8 coffee .

9 Lemon 10 Lemonode
11 gloss of orange juice 12 osporagus
13 _-teo 14 oubergine

Review 3
{+ Complete the conversotion using the expressions in the box.
would gou Like 'd Like No, thonks I'd Like Do gou Like rAr€u+*gou.fi6

Woitress: HeLLo. Whot (r) w-ould go-u- [ike" to eot?

MiLLg: I don't know.
Woitress: (z) ice creom?
MiLLg: of course I do! Chocolote is mg fovourite.
Woitress: OK, some chocolote ice creom for gou.
Mum: And I (3) somefruit.
Woitress: (+) . some creom with Uourfruit?

Look of the pictures. Write two sentences for eoch picture, using o comporotive
odjective ond o superlotive odjective.
)a4d€ big Jost tong old

A wlder thon
Ais the widest.


Review 3 4q,
ffi Flsyrtme Must and mustn't
The imperative

fl- nglrmctive
'fl I must
' Uou must
he must
it must
she must
we must
theg must

You nnust stay near the playground.

We use must + bose form to te[[ other people whot theg hove to do.
You must play nicely.
Sometimes gou meons'evergone'.
ALthough must is most commonLg used in the gou form, we con use it in otherforms.
Note thotfor he ond she we do not odd -s to must.
Iane must try to improve her spelling.
We con give o more direct order simplg bg using the imperotive Jorm. This is the
infinitive without to.
Stag near the playground. Plag nicely.
The imperotive form is common on signs ond notices.

Unit 10
I Look of the pictures. Write sentences, using You rnust ond on expression
from the box.
tidg gour room Listen to gour teocher do gour homework
help other peopLe write thonk-gou Letters wosh the cor eot Uour dinner

Y-o u-must do- the, d[shes,,


Unit 10
Negctive Short forms You vnusfn\ play in the fountain.
I must not I mustn't
gou must not gou mustn't
he must not he mustn't
she must not she mustn't
it must not it mustn't
we must not we mustn't
theg must not theg mustn't

In the negotive, we often use the

shortJorm mustn't + boseform.
We mustn't talk in class.

We con olso use don't + infinitive

without to. This is the negotive
Don't talk in class.

V Complete the toble.

Must Mustn't Imperotive

1 come You must come. You mustn't come. Come. Don't come.

2 stog

3 Listen

4 woit


Unit 10
7 Look of the notice. Write sentences, using You must ond You mustn't.

1 You mustn't - the onlmots.

'--'J--- feed
1 Ssn't feed th* smimmlr"
2 Son't drop litter.
I $tog on the potltr. 3

4 Bon't plaU in the fountainr. 4

5 D*nnt run. 5
6 Put litter in the litter bin*. 6
7 Don't ctimb the trees.

Look of the picture. Write sentences, using You must ond You mustn't ond o verb
ond on expression from eoch box.

M sit pLoU drop wotk

on the poth on the bench J}ett6 Litter in thefountoin
1 You mustn't clim_b the trees


Unit 10
There was, there were
Fssf flmes Past time expressions

Tkeye rutss a small There weren't any

tree in the park. noisy cars or buses.

Affirnnctive Negotiwe Short forms

there wos + singuLor noun there wos not there wosn't
there were + pluroL noun there were not there weren't

There wos ond there were ore the post simpleforms of there is ond there sre.
There were is followed bg o number or some. There wosn't + uncountsble noun is
followed bg ong. There wosn't + countoble noun is foltowe d bg o,on or o number.
Afier there weren't, we use ong or o numbe r.
There wos a big park near here. There were some old cars in the museum,
There wasn't a bus stop outside. There weren't any computers.

Were there any computers?

After Wos there ...? we use o or on before
countoble nouns ond ong before uncbuntoble
nouns. After Were there .,.? we use onu or o
Were there ong trams?

Short tlnswers
Yes, there wos. No, there wosn't.
Yes, there were. No, there weren't. No, there vtetren't.

was there a train station near here? Yes, there was. / No, there wasn't.
We don't repeot the noun in short onswers.

Unit 11
I Look of the toble obout o town in Engtond. True or folse? Write T or F.

In 1-958

troin stotions troms crnemoS porks bus stotions

2 ,/ x 3 1

In 2008

troin stotions troms crnemos porks bus stotions

L x 1_ 2 1_

1 In 1958, there were three porks. - -T- -

2 In 2008, there were two troin stotions.
3 In 2008, there wos one bus stotion. - - - -
4 In 1958, there were some troms.
5 In 1958, there wos one pork.
Look of the toble in exercise 1. Write sentences obout the town in the post using
there wos o, there were, there wosn't o ond there weren't ong.
1 in 1958 / parks
_ln_l _q 5_8, *t [ere_ ws r e_ fiy se_p slks= _

2 in 2008 /bus stotion

3 in 2008 /porks

4 in 1958 / cinemos

5 in 2008 / cinemo

6 in L958 / train stotions

7 in 2008 /trams

8 in L958 f troms

9 in 1958 /bus stotions

Unit 11 '.55
write questions ond short onswers using the toble on poge 55.
1 2008 /ocinemo/?
Jn2008,-rruqs-there* q crue me?--- - --
-Yes,_theJqlugs. *.__ . *:__
2 1958/ three troin stotions / ?
JLL15&- we-r e ther-elhre e lrau*.r s [*qlions ?
3 L958 / two cinemos / ?

4 1958 / trams /?

s 2008 / a bus stotion / ?

6 2008 / three parks /7

7 2008 / two parks / 7

8 1958 /two bus stotions / ?

.We'u5€'t0st; g,eSt dgond,lko$OUti5,,,pectfictimeri#the'post, 11'

Use [ost with nouns.

Use gesterdog on its own or with other nouns.

,'56:, Unit 11
4 Last week was 'Help your neighbour'week. Look at Charlie's busy diary.
Today is Friday. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

Mondog Fridog
Tuesdog Wednesdog Thursdog

repoir Look ofter help Mr HiLl
Alex's bike bobg Som in the garden

Afiernoon Mrs Smith's

wosh cLeon point

Evening Mr Brown's Mrs CLorke's Mrs Robertson's
car house footboLL door

1 Lost Mondog ofternoon, Chorlie woshed Mr Brown's .or. --F- * -

2 Yesterdog morning, Chorlie cleoned Mrs CLorke's bothroom.
3 Lost Tuesdog morning, Chorlie Looked ofier bobg Som.
4 On Thursdog evening, Chorlie pointed Mrs Robertson's door.
5 Yesterdog evening, Chorlie ploged footboLL.
6 Yesterdog morning, Chorlie helped Mr HiLL in the gorden.
7 On Mondog morning, Chorlie repoired Alex's bike.
8 Lost Wednesdog, Chorlie cleoned Mrs CLork's house
Look of Chorlie's diorg in exercise 4. Complete the sentences using post time
1 Lost - Mond-gu-.*, Chorlie repoired Alex's bike.
2 Mondog evening, Chorlie woshed Mr Brown's cor.
3 - Tuesdog evening, Chorlie cleoned Mrs CLorke's house.
4 morning, Chorlie helped Mr HiLL in the gorden.
5 Lost * * - - morning, Chorlie Looked ofier bobg Som.
6 evening, Chorlie pointed Mrs Robertson's door.
7 Lost *, Chorlie ploged footboll.
8 Wednesdog ofternoon, Chorlie corried Mrs Smith's, shopping.

Unit 11 57
The past simple (1): have
The past simple (2): be
Fonrily memories ,i r. 1 .i. :,, ! .,1, ij,,,,.,",.,,,,_": ::- .-".,.:l : :t,.,,,".,

Look of the storter
Affirmotive Negotive Short forms unitfor the post
I hod I did not hove I didn't hove tense of be.
gou hod you did not hove gou didn't hove
he hod he did not hqve gou didn't hove
she hod she did not hove she didn't hove
it hod it did not hove it didn't hove
we hod we did not hove we didn't hove
gou hod gou did not hove gou didn't hove
theg hod theg did not hove theg didn't hove

We use hod to toLk obout oppeoronce ond possessions in the post. The offirmotive
form of hod doesn't chonge. The negotive form oLwogs uses did.
I had very long hair when I was fifteen. We had a cat.

& Write sentences using the post simple of be.

1 Rob /
handsome / X 2 Chloe ond Eric / cLever / /
Rob w_a5n'1 hcndsorne,
3 Eric ond Mio /friendLg / X 4 lulio ond Kote / prettg / /

s Chl"oe / prettg / ,/ 6 Rob / cl.ever / /

7 Kote / cLever / X 8 Eric/hondsome/X

58 Unit 12
2 logk ot the pictures of the Hil.l. fomilg when theg were gounger. True or fo[se?
Write T or F.

Bob hod red hoir.

Sue hod foir hoir.

PhiLip hod dork hoir.

Cothg hod block hoir.

IiLLond IuLie hod Long hoir. -.

3 Write sentences obout the HiLLfomiLg. Use the post simple negotive of hove.
Bob /
brown hoir
B-ob_ dl-dnlt haye b1o-wn hotr. He hod red hoir.

Sue /short hoir

PhiLip / fair hair

Cothg / short hoir

s ]iLL ond IuLie / shorthair

Unit 12 59
4 Look of the picture. Complete the sentences below with the post simpLe
of be or hove.

/ o babg
Harrg Mrs Jones /l,onghair
Hnlry wos o bCIby: , _
Mrs Jone5 hqd to1tg hgrr:.
Chorlie ond Mr Iones /hoppV Mr Jones / cheerfuL

MoLLg / goung Grondmo fones / pnettg

7 Grondpo Iones /hungrg 8 the weother / sunnu

9 Mrs Jones ond Harrg / brown hoir 10 Chorlie /abike

50 Unit 12
We use ond to Linktwo positive ideos
or two negotive ideos.
Grandma is kind and generous.
Tanga is mean and miserabte.

We use but to Link o positive ideo

with o negotive ideo. We use o commo
before but.
Iack is miserable, but kind.

5 Circle the correct onswer.

1 Helen is hoppg @U but cheerful. 2 OLLg is hondsome, ond f but meon.
3 lenng is miseroble ond / but shg. 4 PoLLg is prettg, ond / but meon.
5 SoLLg is kind ond / but generous. 6 Eric is reloxed ond / but cheerfu L.

6 Write complete sentences using ond or but in the correct ploce.

Cothg/friendlg / shg
Cothy is Jrtendlg, b,ut shy,
Jeonie f mean / miseroble

3 Mo rg f mean / happg

Ted /hondsome /shg

the weother / hot /sunnu

mg broth er / Jriend / shV

Brodleg I goung / cheerful

ALex / shg /friendLg

Unit 12 51
Revlew 4 Units 10-12

1 Look of the List. write sentences with You must ond You mustn't.
1 ,/ studg for gour exoms 2 X get up Lote
- Yo-u-musl st ud#qr U-ouL s[q$I. You mus_tnl_t_q,e_t up [ote.
3/ do Uour homeworktonight 4/ wosh Uour honds before dinner

5 ,Y swim ofter dinner 6 X pLag in thefountoin

7/ finish Uour breokfost 8 X totk in on exom

2 Write sentences. Use the imperotive.

1 You must woit here. 2 You mustn't stog too Long.
Wolt here.
3 You mustn't toLk in the exom. 4 You must write to me everg dog.

5 You must get dressed now. 6 You must get up eorlg.

Look qt the toble obout Life in 1900 ond in the geor 2000. Write sentences with
there wos, there were ond there wosn't, there weren't. Use ong where necessorg.

post office recAcling bins po rks Internet cof6 supermorkets

1900 / x / x x
2000 x ,/ x ,/ ,/
1 In L900, - * -there-uLqsdt*-- on Internet cof6.
2 In 2000, "* porks.
3 In 1900, -- supermorkets.

4 In 2000, recgcling bins.

5 In 1900, - o post office.
6 In 2000, .- _ o post office.
7 In 2000, -- on Internet cof6.
8 In 1900, *" porks.
Review 4
4 Look of the tob[e. Todog is Fridog. Comptete the sentences using post time

Tuesdog Wednesdog Thursdog

morning wosh the cor plog tennis hetp Mum with the shopping
ofiernoon point o picture Listen to music wotch TV

r -Los-LW-e-dne*sdsu-morruing -,, MoLLg ploged tennis.

2 *---.-, MoLLg wotched TV.
3 * *.* * .-- .* -.-, MoLlg woshed the cor.
4 --.,- , MoLLg pointed o picture.
5 * *, MoLLg helped Mum with the shopping.
6 .* --.-*-, MoLLg Listened to music.

5 Look of the tobLe obout the Corl.ton fomil.g when theg were gounger. Comptete the
sentences with the post simple offirmotive or negotive of be or hove.

Grondmo Grondpo Uncle Bob Aunt Anno

friendLg / / x x
cLever x ,/ ,/ ,/
o teocher x x ,/ ,/
blue eges / x x x
1 Grondmo - hail- blue eues.
2 Uncle Bob ond Aunt Anno * *friendlg.
3 Grondpo---- oteocher.
4 Grond po and Uncle Bob --- _ friendlg.
5 Aunt Anno clever.

Circte the correct word.

1 Gemmo is prettg, ond /@miseroble.
2 Po[Lg is meon ond / but miseroble.
3 Ted is kind ond / but hondsome.
4 Helen is old, ond / but generous.
5 BiLL is generous ond / but friendLg.
6 Morg is shg, ond / but kind.
Review 4
The past simple (3)

111 It
Chorlie, MoLLg ond Horrg pLoged gomes ot the portg. Theg dldn't wctch TV.

Generollg, we odd -ed to the end of the bose form to form the post simple of
reguLor verbs.

t Affirmotive
I woited
gou woited
he woited
I did not woit
gou did not woit
he did not woit
Short forms
I didn't woit
gou didn't woit
he didn't woit
she woited she did not woit she didn't woit
it woited it did not woit it didn't woit
we woited we did not woit we didn't woit
gou woited gou did not woit gou didn't woit
theg woited theg did not woit theg didn't woit

Look of this other ruLe:

Verb ExompLe Add Post simpte

ends in -e Live +-d Lived

Unit 13
I Write the post simple offirmotive of these verbs.
1 wotch wotched 2 Live
3 Love 4 cook
5 stort 5 Lough
7 finish 6 Listen
t hote - 10 work

Look of the picture. Comptete these sentences obout the portg with o word from
the box in the post simpte.
*W listen cook Lough wotch wont
1 Chorlie p[oye-d the guitor.
2 MoLLg ond herfriends to music.
3 Mrs Jones portg food.
4 Grondpo , o Lot.
5 Mr Iones TV.
6 Horrg o drink.

Moke the sentences in exercise 2 negotive.

r C-hsr-lie didn't plau the gultor.


Unit 13
4 Complete Chorlie's diorg, using the post simple offirmotive ond negotive
of the verbs in brockets.

Sundav llth l,/\av l{tonday l?fh May

Harry arrd I (r) *-w-ashqd- At rchool today, we
(wosh) Dadi car. Well, (o) *wsr-ch*ad- (wotch) a filu
| (z) -- - - (stort) about arrcient E1yet. Whe,r
lo waEh it, bnt Harry .t (z) * - -* (finish),
(3)-- - - (notwont) we (s) -- -- - (Listen)
-to finirh il, 5o we to our teachan lt was really
(4) (wotch) ixteresli,rll The arrcie^t
a filu, burt we Elyptianr (g) * - - (l.ive)
(s) (not Like) a loxl tiue Everybody
.t r.^UCh. ir the claEs ^1o,
(work) very hard, and I

(tt)-*- (l.ove) tha

le5lox. A{ter ichool, I

with uy friendr.
At horae,
Muu (tg) (cook)

f uy dirrner. I (t+)

[ to 5tay up late but

f Muu raid I had to qo to
early. I (ts) (hote)

5 Write complete sentences using the post simp[e.

1 finish mg dinner lr I Lost night 2 wont / r /to get up / eorl"g
3 not / listen to m usic / BiLLg 4 the cor / wash / wo
5 PoLLg ond Mum / cook Lunch 6 Hosso n / histeocher / helped
We use ogo to tolk obout ill 'r'."'\",11

o specific time in the post. Chorlie storted school three Ueors ogo.
This con be o recent time
orfurther bock in historg.
two minutes ago
a month ago
a few Aears ogo
many years ogo
a long time ago

, Horrg storted schooL o week oqo.

I rex
6 Look of the informotion below. Write expressions using ogo.
Now Then
1 the geor 2008 the geor 2005 th;ee ge-01:s qgo
2 the geor 2000 the geo r L990
3 10.30 in the morning 9.30 in the morning
4 Iu ne Februorg
5 midnight 11.59 ot night

7 Complete the sentences using the post simple ond ago.

Cho rlie / stort school / th ree Ueo rs
Chorlie s-torted schoqL thr-ee geq!.s ogo-,
Henrg / pLag tennis /two dogs

Steffi / finish her homework /two hours

Dad / Listen to o CD / a Jew minutes

Kote / laughr* *.ri', I ; ;,;;i;

Mum ond Dod / watch o DVD / o week

Unit 13 67
The past simple (4)
School tirme What, when, where

Did you have a good day at school?

Yes,l did.

Questions Short onswers

Did I teorn? Yes, I did. No, I didn't.
Did gou leorn? Yes, gou did. No, gou didn't.
Did he teorn? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.
Did she leorn? Yes, she did. No, she didn't.
Did it leorn? Yes, it did. No, it didn't.
Did we leorn? Yes, we did. No, we didn't.
Did gou leorn? Yes, gou did. No, gou didn't.
Did theg leorn? Yes, theg did. No, theg didn't.

The formotion of questions ond short onswers in the post simpLe is the some
for most reguLoiond irr.guLor verbs.

2 Write the words in the correct order to moke questions.

1 I/ did /eot/breakfast/?
D_Ld I e_qt b-.reqkfast?
2 Like the JiLm /SoLLg / did / ?

3 did / visit Uour cousins / gou / Last week / ?

4 PoLLg ond Heidi / did / goto schooL / ?

s did / havefun /ot the portg / gou / 7

Unit 14
2 Write questions in the post simpte. Then write short onswers.
1 gou / goto school / gesterd og / ? / /
-Dud gpu ga l-o- scl'rpo_l_gss:erdsUl_Je*s. L_d:d,

2 Uourfother / work/ LostSoturdog / ?I X

3 it / roin / Lostweek /7 / X

4 Uourfriends / woLkto schooL lthis morning / ?/ /

5 gou / hove o moths Lesson / gesterd og / ? / /

6 we / plog o newgome/todo1 / 7/ /

7 Tess /wotch o film / I,ast night / ?/ X

8 gou / finish this exercise / quicklg / 7 / /

3 Write guestions ond short onswers for eoch sentence.

1 I didn't point o picture.
Did you point o giclule? No, I dtdnl-
2 We Looked of mops.

3 The teocher toLked obout Africo.

4 We didn't wotch o fiLm.

5 The closs Listened to o CD.

6 I Liked the Lessons of school todog.

Unit 14 ,' 9
4 Look of Mo[[g's diorg. Write questions obout her week.

Mondog Tuesdog Wednesdog Thursdog

Morning stort homework woit for the bus point o picture visit Grondmo
Afternoon wotch o film Listen to o CD visit the museum finish homework
Evening plog tennis cook with Mum woLk to the shops stog with SoLLg

1 stort her homework on Mondog ofternoon

Did Mottu start her homework on Mondou ofternoon?

2 finish her homework on Thursdog ofiernoon

3 visit the museum on Wednesdog morning

4 plog tennis on Tuesdog evening

5 cook with Mum on Tuesdog evening

6 woLk to the shops on Wednesdog morning

7 visit Grondmo on Thu rsdog morning

8 point o picture on Wednesdor; evening

5 Write onswers to the questions in exercise 3. If gou write No, she didn't,
write o correct sentence.


?O Unit 14
We use the question words whot, where
ond when toJind out more informotion
obout things. The question word goes
of the beginning of the sentence.
Usewhot to toLk obout things.
What did you watch last night? Afilm.
Use where to totk obout ptoces.
Where did you go yesterday? To the park.

Use when to totk obout times.

When did the party start? At six a'clock.

Circle the correct question word.

1 When / Qtrg9aid gou eotfor dinner Lost night? Pizzo.
2 Where / Whot did gou wotch the film? At the cinemo.
3 When / Where did Kote hove Lunch gesterdog? At middog.
4 Where / Whot did Kevin Leorn of school gesterdog? Moths.
s When / Where did gou go on hoLidog? EngLond.
6 When / Where did gou go on holidog? Lost month.
7 Where / Whot did gou do ot the weekend? We ploged footboll.
I Where / When did gou go on holidogTThe beoch.
9 When / Where did gou do gour homework? After school.

7 Complete these sentences using When, Whot or Where.

1 Whot did Kote do Lost Mon dag?
2 did Andg cleon the kitchen?
3 did Pete go on Fridoy night?
4 did IuLio go to the dentist?
5 did Greg do on Thursdog evening?
6 did gou hovefor breokfost?
7 did gou go Lost night?
8 did gou eot Lunch?

Unit 14
Be going to
Holidsy flme Fulure t1':-
"I:'::l:::*,,.. ,,

Theg're going to cotch o troin.

Affirmotive Short forms We use be going to to tolk obout
plons ond intentions.
I om going to I'm going to
He's going to be a doctor.
Uou ore going to gou're going to
he is going to he's going to We con never Leove out the be form.
she is going to she's going to
We don't normo[Lg use the short form
it is going to it's going to
we ore going to
're ofter hofftes:
we're going to
theg ore going to theg're going to Paul and Steve are going to visit Bob.
Mum and I are going to watch TV.

I Motch sentences 1-8 with sentences o-h.

1 It's dork. d a We're going to bug her o present.
2 I'm tired. b Theg're goingto Live in the countrgside.
3 She con'tJind her purse. c We're going to stort it now.
4 We've got o Lot of homework.
5 It's Mum's birthdo g. e I'm going to sLeep.
6 We're oLL hung rV. I Mum's going to cook abig meoLfor us.
7 I hoven't got nice clothes to weo r. g I'm going to heLp her Lookfor it.
8 MU porents don't Like noisg cities. h I'm going to buU some new clothes.
72 Unit 15
2 Look of Potlg ond lock's diorg for next week. Complete the sentences, using
be going to.'
Mondog Tuesdog Wednesdog Thursdog Fridog

PoLLg windsurf cook dinner visit friends bug o coke reod o book

Iock skoteboo rd swtm wosh the cor ptog JootboLL moke o coke

Write sentences obout the plons on o comping hol.idog. Use be going to.
1 we / moke o fire
W-elre gotng -t-o- noke aftr-e
2 Dad / lookfor wood

3 Dod ond Chorlie / put up the tent

4 Mum ond MoLLg / moke the beds

5 Mum / cookdinner

6 Horrg / pLog with his togs

7 itlbehot

8 we /hovefun

I I/sleepinotent

10 Chorlie / read Lots of books

Unit 15 7g
Questions Short qnswers
Am I going to? Yes, I om. No, I'm not.
Are gou going to? Yes, gou ore. No, you oren't.
Is he going to? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Is she going to? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Is it going to? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
Are we going to? Yes, we ore. No, we oren't.
Are gou going to? Yes, gou ore. No, gou oren't.
Are theg going to? Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't.

In short onswers we don't repeot going to.

Are you going to come? Yes,I om.

We sometimes use time expressions to toLk obout when we expect to do something.

These include the words next, this ond tomorrow.

Next con be combined with seversL nouns.

next week, next month, next year, next March, next Friday, next weekend
Tomorrow con be used on its own or with other nouns.
tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow evening, tomorrow night
Loter ond soon con be used without other words.

{* Write questions using be going to. Then write true short onswers.
1 Joson / goto the cinema / /
2 Julio ond Mum / pLagtennis / /
3 KorL ond Beth / go shopp ing / X

4 we /go swi mming / /

s OLLg / go shopping /X

Unit 15
5 Look of the toble below obout the Clorkfomilg's plons for the weekend.
Write sentences, using be going to in the offirmotive ond negotive forms.
KeLLg HeLen Mum Dod Robert Garg
wotch o DVD ,/ ,/
bug new shoes /
visit the museum ./
plog computer gomes ,/
stog with o friend / /

1 KeLLg / plag computer gomes

Is Ke[[q qoinq to
p[or-l computer qomes? No, she [sn't.
2 Helen / stag with o friend

3 Mum ond Dod / wotch o DVD

4 Garg / visit the muserrm

5 Robert /bug new shoes

6 Helen ond Dod / plou computer gomes

6 Look of the List of times ond dqtes under 'Now'. Use phroses from the box to
describe the times ond dotes under 'In the future'.
next year later next weekend next month tomorrow afternoon
Now In the future
1 L4th lonuorg L5th lonuoru tomorrow
2 Morch 2008 ApriL 2008
3 LLth November, morning LLth November, ofternoon
4 MoU 2008 MoU 2OO9
5 19th Februory, morning 20th Februorg, ofternoon

Unit 15 7,
Review 5
Complete the sentences using the post simple ond ogo.
1 we / danced of o po rt1 /three weeks
We, dm-ced st-e psrtg -three- wee-ks -sgp
2 ALex / plagfootboLL / two dogs
3 Beth ond lomie / visit o museum / o month

4 HoLLg ond Mum / wolk to the shops f an hour

5 lock/finish his homework /ofew minutes

6 I/ hote eoting chocolote / o geor

2 Write questions ond short onswers using the post simpLe.

1 BiL[ / dance to m usic / /
Did,,B![ dop_q_e-,t9 *musie?_ *Y_e*s, he* d!_d,-
2 Mum ond Dod / stog with Grondmo ond Gro ndpo / X

3 HolLg / pLag tennis with Gem ma / /

1 Iock / wotch o fil,m / X
s Heidi ond Iulie / visit Grondpo / /

3 Complete the sentences using Whot, When or Where.

r - W-ha-t- did uour brother dofor his birthdog? He hod o portg.
2 did Uou go to Fronce? Lost week.
3 -- * - - - did AmU do on Thursdog? She went swimming.
4 - , did Uour porents go on holidog? Theg went to Iopon.
5 -- - did Uou go to the cinemo? In mg town.
6 - did Uou move house? On Fridog.
ffi Review 5
Look of the pictures. Write questions ond short onswers.

wosh the cor 4osrl+i,Eftffiilrg- wotch o plog finish o school project plogfootboL[

t -l-s h-e going t0 9o- swlmming?- Nq,-he



Look of 5o[[g's diorg for next week. Todog is Fridog. Write sentences using
be going to ond o phrose from the btue box.

Frido g Soturdog Sundog Mondog Tuesdo g

1 plog tennis a Jinish her

with Helen homework

Afiernoon 3 stort her 5 wotch o 6 cook Lunch

2 visit ChorLie
homework fiLm with Mum

@ On Mondog morning Next Mondog ofiernoon

Next Tuesdog Tomorrow ofternoon On Sundog ofiernoon

Tp-mor-rqw mo-rrrlng, -Sollg Lg-oin-g ta pl_qg Jennis w_ith_ H elen.

Review 5 n
Crernmor refurence
The present simple: be

Alfirmotive Short forms Negotive Short Jorms Questions Short onswers

Iom I,M I om not I'm not Am I? Yes, I om. No,I'm not.

uou ore gou're gou ore not gou oren't Are gou? Yes, gou ore. No, gou oren't.
he is he's he is not he isn't Is he? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
she is she's she is not she isn't Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
it is it's it is not it isn't Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
we ore we're we ore not we qren't Are we? Yes, gou ore. No, gou oren't.
gOU Ore gou're gou ore not gou oren't Are gou? Yes, we ore. No, we oren't.
theg ore theg're theg ore not theg oren't Are theg? Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't.

The present simple: like

{ Rffirmotive Negotive Questions Short onswers

i r tite I don't like Do I Like? Yes, I do. No,I don't.
gou like gou don't like Do gou [ike? Yes, gou do. No, gou don't.
he likes he doesn't like Does he Like? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
she likes she doesn't Like Does she [ike? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
it Likes it doesn't like Does it [ike? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.
we like we don't like Do we tike? Yes, we do. No, we don't. I
gou like gou don't like Do gou [ike? Yes, gou do. No, gou don't. fi

{ thes Like theg don't like Do theg [ike? Yes, theg do. No, theg don't. I
...".,,. -,,'".-"'""J

The present simple: hove

.)trn$r*El#5flaffi re,q

Affirmotive ShortJorms Negotive Shortforms
I hove I've I do not hove I don't hove
gou hove gou've gou do not hove gou hove
he hos he's he does not hove he hos
she hos she's she does not hove she hos
it hos it's it does not hove it hos
we hove we've we do not hove we hove
gou hove gou've gou do not hove gou hove
gou hove theg've theg do not hove gou hove

Questions Short onswers

Do I hove? Yes, I do. No,I don't.
Do gou hove? Yes, gou do. No, gou don't.
Does he hove? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does she hove? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
Does it hove? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.
Do we hove? Yes, we do. No, we donft.
Do gou hove? Yes, gou do. No, gou don't.
Do gou hove? Yes, theg do. No, theg don't.

i-, ; Grommor reference

The present continuous

Ajfirmotive Short Jorms Negotive Short Jorms

I om ploging I'm pLoging I om not ploging I'm not ploging
Uou qre pLoging gou're pLoging Uou ore not ploging gou oren't ptoging
he is pLoging he's pLoging he is not pl.oging he isn't pl.oging
she is ptoging she's ptoging she is not ploging she isn't ptoging
it is pLoging it's ptoging it is not ptoging it isn't pLoging
we ore pLoging we're pLoging we ore not ploging we oren't pLoging
gou ore ploging gou're ploging Uou ore not ploging gou oren't ptoging
theg ore pl.oging theg're ploging theg ore not ploging theg oren't ptoging

Questions Short onswers

Am I pLoging? Yes,I om. No,I'm not.
Are gou ploging? Yes, gou ore. No, gou oren't.
Is he ploging? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Is she pLoging? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Is it ploging? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
Are we ploging? Yes, we ore. No, we oren't.
Are gou pLoging? Yes, gou ore. No, gou oren't.
Are theg ploging? Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't.

The post simp[e: be

AfJirmotive Negotive Short Jorms Questions Short onswers

I wos I wos not I wosn't Wos I? Yes, I wos. No, I wosn't.
Uou were gou were not gou weren't Were gou? Yes, gou were. No, gou weren't.
he wqs he wos not he wosn't Wos he? Yes, he wos. No, he wosn't.
she wos she wos not she wosn't Wos she? Yes, she wos. No, she wosn't.
it wos it wos not it wosn't Wos it? Yes, it wos. No, it wosn't.
we were we were not we weren't Were we? Yes, we were. No, we weren't.
Uou were gou were not gou weren't Were gou? Yes, gou were. No, gou weren't.
theg were theg were not theg weren't Were theg? Yes, theg were. No, theg weren't.

Grommor reference 79
The post simp[e: hod
t Affirmotive
h${ir^n*i.,o San*.
Shortforms Nla-^{i.,^
Negotive cL^-+
Short 'E^-*-

I hod I'd I did not hove I didn't hove

gouhod Uou'd gou did not hove gou didn't hove
he hod he'd he did not hove gou didn't hove
she hod she'd she did not hove she didn't hove
it hod it'd it did not hove it didn't hove
we hod we'd we did not hove we didn't hove
gou hod gou'd gou did not hove gou didn't hove
theg hod theg'd theg did not hove theg didn't hove

Questions Short onswers

Did I hove? Yes, I did. No, I didn't.
Did gou hove? Yes, gou did. No, gou didn't.
Did he hove? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.
Did she hove? Yes, shedid. No, she didn't.
Did it hove? did.
Yes, it No, it didn't.
Did we hove? Yes, we did. No, we didn't.
Did gou hove? Yes, gou did. No, gou didn't,
Did theg hove? Yes, theg did. No, theg didn't.

The post simpte: regul,or verbs

Ajfirmotive Negotive Short forms

I woited I did not woit I didn't woit
gou woited gou did not woit gou didn't woit
he woited he did not woit he didn't woit
she woited she did not woit she didn't woit
it woited it did not woit it didn't woit
we woited we did not woit we didn't woit
gou woited gou did not woit gou didn't woit
theg woited theg did not woit theg didn't woit

The post simple: reguLor verbs


Questions Short onswers

Did I teorn? Yes, tr did. No, I didn't.
Did gou teorn? Yes, gou did. No, gou didn't.
Did he [eqrn? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.
Did she leorn? Yes, she did. No, she didn't.
Did it leqrn? Yes, it did. No, it didn't.
Did we leorn? Yes, we did. No, we didn't.
Did gou leorn? Yes, gou did. No, gou didn't.
Did theg leorn? Yes, theg did. No, theg didn't.

Grommor reference
lsBN 978-0-1 9-47801 4-8

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