An Experimental Study of Kutajarishta An Ayurvedic

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Article  in  International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy · October 2015

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.065115

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2 authors:

Sathyanarayana Bhat Basavaiah Ravishankar

Dr. U. Krishna Muniyal Memorial Trust Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Centre for Research in Ayurveda and Allied Sc…


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Sathyanarayana B et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 6(5), Sep - Oct 2015

Research Article


Sathyanarayana B 1*, Ravishankar B 2
1Principal, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, India
2Director, SDM Research Institute, Kuthpady, Udupi, India

Received on: 02/06/15 Revised on: 21/07/15 Accepted on: 03/08/15

*Corresponding author
Dr. Sathyanarayana B, Principal, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, India-576104
E-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.065115


Kutajarishta is a self-generated alcoholic preparation of Ayurveda, the Indian System of Medicine. It is a polyherbal formulation containing Holarrhena
antidysenterica Wall. ex DC (Family: Apocynaceae) as a chief ingredient. It is used in the conditions like diarrhea, amebic dysentery and irritable bowel
syndrome. Formulations of Kutaja are found to be very useful clinically in these conditions and are being used since centuries by Ayurvedic practitioners.
In the conditions like Grahani, Atisara and Pravahika, intestinal motility is affected. Hence, it is expected that the drugs that can reduce intestinal motility
are helpful in treating these disorders, especially different types of diarrhoea. Experimental study was conducted to scientifically validate the action of
Kutajarishta on intestinal motility. The study was carried out in Institute of Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, India. Time
taken for excretion of Kaolin and charcoal meal test were considered as parameters. Treated Swiss albino mice showed statistically highly significant
delay in the excretion of Kaolin and charcoal in comparison with the control group.
The study indicates that Kutajarishta reduces intestinal motility thereby contributing to its usefulness in treating diarrheas.

Keywords: Kutajarishta, Holarrhena antidysenterica, intestinal motility, diarrhea.


Kutajarishta1 is a self-generated alcoholic preparation of Preparation of drug

Ayurveda and is popularly being used in clinical practice Flowers of Madhuka, Madhuca longifolia (J.Konig)
in the conditions like, diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, mal J.F.Macbr (Sapotaceae) were collected from the forests of
absorption syndrome etc. Fresh stem bark of Kutaja Madhya Pradesh. Fresh trunk bark of Kutaja, Holarrhena
(Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall. ex DC, Family: antidysenterica (L.) R.Br. (Apocyanaceae) and bark of
Apocynaceae) is the primary ingredient of this formulation Kashmarya, Gmelina arborea Roxb. (Verbenaceae) were
which is a known drug for Ayurvedic physicians and being collected locally from Jamnagar. Flowers of Dhataki,
used popularly in diarrhea, dysentery and other Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz, were collected from
gastrointestinal manifestations2. Modern pharmacological Udupi. Raisins of Draksha Vitis vinifera L. (Vitaceae) was
researches carried out on Holarrhena antidysenterica bark collected from Saputara Gujarat. Adjuvants like honey and
confirm its activity against both acute and chronic amoebic jaggery were collected from local market. Kutajarishta was
dysenteries3. It is also found that this drug has potent prepared in laboratory at IPGT and RA, Jamnagar
immune-stimulatory4 effect. Antidiarrheal activity 5, following standard operative procedure as per the reference
antimotility and antisecretory6 effect of Kutajarishta have of Sharngadhara Samhita 10. Prepared sample was
been established in castor oil and magnesium sulphate evaluated for its quality by using organoleptic, physico-
induced diarrhoea models. chemical parameters and advanced analytical techniques
In the present study, considering all the above factors an like TLC, UV-visible spectrophotometry etc. and
experimental study of Kutajarishta was planned. In the authenticated.
conditions like diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, mal
absorption syndrome and Irritable bowel syndrome Evaluation of effect of Kutajarishta on intestinal
intestinal motility and absorption are disturbed. On the motility
basis of previous studies, a well-established charcoal meal Experimental study was carried out after obtaining the
test7,8 and newly developed Kaolin excretion test9 were concurrence from Institutional Ethical Committee of IPGT
followed. Accordingly animal models were planned to and RA Jamnagar. In Grahani, Atisara and Pravahika
evaluate the effect of test drug. wherever intestinal motility is affected Apana Vayu is
vitiated. Ayurvedic classics have mentioned that in the
situations of vitiated Apana Vayu, medicine has to be
administered in Pragbhakta time (just before food)11. To
validate this concept, the study was done, by comparing
time taken by individual animal for excretion of Kaolin,

Sathyanarayana B et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 6(5), Sep - Oct 2015

when drug is administered before food and after food. and then the feed was given. Feeding time was restricted to
Similarly charcoal meal test was also carried between 9 A.M. and 10 AM. Then the animals were
comparatively administering the medicine before and after administered with 40% Kaolin and isolated. Time taken by
food. each mouse for excretion of Kaolin in the fecal pellets was
All experiments were in compliance with the ANMAT No. noted. Experiment was carried out for 7 days.
6344/96 for animal care guidelines.
Experiment 2: When the drug was administered after
Kaolin Excretion Test feed
Animals: "Swiss Albino mice" were used for the present Here for the same animals drug was administered after 2
study. hours of feed followed by Kaolin administration. Same
procedure as in Experiment 1 was followed. Experiment
Drugs and chemicals was carried out for 7 days.
· Kutajarishta
· 40% Kaolin (as a marker) (CDH) Collection of data: Time required for the excretion of
· Distilled water Kaolin in the fecal matter was recorded when the drugs
were administered before feed and after feed.
Kutajarishta was prepared in Rasasastra and Bhaisajya
Kalpana department of IPGT and RA, Jamnagar, India. Charcoal Meal test
As an attempt, to assess the effect of test drug on intestinal
Dose Selection motility in a precise and objective manner, charcoal meal
The dose of Kutajarishta was calculated by extrapolating test was carried out. In this parameter, the observations
the human dose to animals, based on the body surface area recorded gave more accurate data.
ratio by referring the "Paget and Barnet's" standard table
(conversion factor: 0.0026). The dose of Kutajarishta was Procedure
fixed as 7.8 ml kg-1 All the materials were same as described in Kaolin
excretion test, but instead of Kaolin, 3% activated charcoal
Preparation of Kaolin Suspension was used as a marker. Grouping, dose fixation, drug
4 g of Kaolin powder was mixed with 10 ml distilled water administration were same as before. Here also, the
to form a 40% solution and was administered orally into experiments were carried out in two phases, when drug was
the individual mouse by using a syringe with an attached administered before feed and after feed.
gastric tube. Drug was administered for seven days. On 8th day,
activated charcoal meal (3%) was administered after one
Administration of Drug hour of drug administration. Mice were sacrificed (by
Kutajarishta was administered as it is with the help of a stunning and severing of neck vessels) exactly after 10
gastric tube. The animals of control group received plain minutes of charcoal administration. Total intestinal length
tap water. Drug was administered for 7 days. and the distance traveled by charcoal in each mouse were
measured. Percentage of distance traveled by charcoal was
Preliminary study calculated.
Preliminary study was carried out to observe the
characteristics of fecal matter. Initial weights of the mice Statistical analysis
were recorded and they were placed in separate containers Data obtained during experimentation was subjected to
with blotting paper placed at the bottom. Feeding time was statistical analysis by employing "paired and unpaired
restricted to between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. Animals were students’t’ test" and percentage change in comparison with
isolated after 10 a.m. After this, Preliminary study in preliminary study was also carried out.
relation to the latency of onset of Kaolin excretion was
carried out in the same 18 individual mice. For this, feed RESULTS
was given at 9 A.M., 40% kaolin was given after 1 hour (at
10 A.M.) and immediately the mice were isolated. The time A slight increase of 6.59% in the latency of onset of kaolin
at which the coloration of fecal matter begins to assume the expulsion was observed when compared to control group.
color of Kaolin was noted. When compared with preliminary study, a delay of 5.08%
was observed in the onset of kaolin expulsion in
Experimental Protocol comparison to pre-drug assessment in Kutajarishta group.
The comparative effect of test drug on fecal matter was In control group a marginal decrease (1.4%) in latency was
evaluated when the drug was administered before feeding observed (Table1 and Table 2, Graph 1).
and after feeding. When the drug was administered after feeding, 29.15%
reduction in fecal output was observed in Kutajarishta
Experiment 1: When the drug was administered before group. When the drug was administered before feeding,
feeding expulsion of Kaolin was delayed by 6.59% in Kutajarishta
12 Swiss albino mice were grouped into two, each group. When the drugs were administered after feeding,
containing 6 animals, control group received tap water and 6.35% delay was observed in Kutajarishta group in the
the test group received Kutajarishta at a dose of 7.8 ml kg- onset of Kaolin expulsion. When compared with data of
1as mentioned earlier. Drug was administered at 9 A.M. pre-drug preliminary study, 13.54% delay in the onset of

Sathyanarayana B et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 6(5), Sep - Oct 2015

kaolin excretion in fecal matter was observed in control. This was statistically highly significant (t = 9.96;
Kutajarishta group. In control group 7.57% delay was P < 0.001). (Table 4, Graph 3)
observed. The differences were not statistically significant When the drug was administered after feed, a reduction of
(Table 3, Graph 2). 2.09% was observed in the percentage distance traveled by
When the drug was administered before feed, a remarkable activated charcoal when compared with control. (Table 5,
reduction of 48.3% was observed in the distance traveled Graph 4)
by activated charcoal in intestine, when compared with

Table 1: Baseline data on fecal output and latency of kaolin expulsion in animals selected for experimentation

Group Dose Latency of Kaolin expulsion seen (in minutes)

Control - 370.69 + 10.73
Kutajarishta - 373.22 + 16.73

Table 2: Effect of Kutajarishta on latency of onset of kaolin expulsion (in minutes) when administered before feed

Group Dose Latency of onset of Kaolin expulsion (in minutes) % Change

Mean ±S.E.M
Control 7.8 ml kg 365.43 ± 12.48 -
Kutajarishta 7.8 ml kg-1 391.24 ± 18.00 6.59% ­

Table 3: Effect of Kutajarishta on latency of onset of kaolin expulsion when drugs are given after feed

Group Dose Mean ± SEM % Change

Latency of onset of Kaolin expulsion(in minutes)
Control 7.8 ml Kg 398.45 ± 11.05 -
Kutajarishta 7.8 ml Kg-1 423.76 ± 4.99 6.35 ­

Table 4: Effect of Kutajarishta, administered before feed on the distance covered by activated charcoal (in percentage)

Group Dose Distance covered % Change

Mean ± SEM
Control 7.8 ml Kg-1 94.74 ± 2.67 -
Kutajarishta 7.8 ml Kg-1 48.91 ± 3.75 48.37 ¯

Table 5: Effect of the Kutajarishta, administered after food on the distance covered by activated charcoal

Group Dose Distance covered by charcoal in % % Change

Mean ± S.E.M.
Control 7.8 ml kg-1 56.34 ± 9.61 -
Kutajarishta 7.8 ml kg-1 55.16 ± 11.79 2.09 ¯

Figure 1: Photograph showing coloration of fecal pellets of mice by Kaolin

1. Normal colored feces, 2.White colored fecal pellet indicating the excretion of Kaolin

DISCUSSION part of this study, the study of pharmacological actions of

prepared drugs on experimental animals helps to test the
Many formulations have been in use in Ayurveda which genuineness of the sample.
are not seen in other systems of medicine. Formulation is Kutaja, Holarrhena antidysenterica is known for its
important in relation to palatability, to increase or decrease antidiarrheal and anti-dysenteric activities11. From the
the dose, to minimize the duration of treatment, to reduce detailed study of the modern review on gastrointestinal
and minimize toxicity and adverse effects, as a method of tract it was clear that any derangement in gastrointestinal
preservation etc. In the present study, Arishta of drug motility may produce various disorders like nausea,
Kutajawas taken for the study. As the standardization is vomiting, diarrhea etc. Digestion and absorption of food

Sathyanarayana B et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 6(5), Sep - Oct 2015

depends upon the regular and constant motility of the Antimotility activity may be activities similar to that of
gastrointestinal tract. In many of the diseases diarrhea may opoid agonists. They act at m and s receptors in the
occur due to disturbed gastric emptying and hyper motility gastrointestinal tract to alter both motility and secretion.
of the gut. Kutajarishta is mentioned for the treatment of Activation of receptors can lead to increased tone of rectal
Pravahika, Atisara etc. in all the Ayurvedic texts. sphincters, to a disruption of normal peristaltic motion and
Considering all these factors it was planned to evaluate the to reduce secretion, Activation of d receptors can lead to
effect of Kutajarishta on intestinal motility of experimental reduced scouting activity17. Here intestinal transit will be
animals. slowed down (permitting more time for absorption).
Here the study was carried out in Swiss albino mice. The Another possibility is the PG inhibiting activity.
preliminary study was carried out to observe normal Prostaglandins are known to stimulate intestinal fluid
pattern of fecal output and also to make animals habituated secretion and intestinal motility. Anticholinergic action is
to a restricted time of feeding and to that of residing in also one of the modes of activity in reducing the intestinal
separate containers. motility.

Selection of Marker12 CONCLUSION

As it was difficult to assess in vivo movement of the drug
it was thought useful to administer a marker, which causes In the selected animal models, delay in the latency of onset
color change of fecal matter and will not cause alteration of Kaolin expulsion in fecal matter was observed in treated
of drug effect. On the basis of previous work carried out, group. Lesser distance was traveled by the charcoal in
40% Kaolin solution was used as it was ideal to alter the intestine in the case of Kutajarishta. By these findings, it
color of fecal pellets (Fig.1). became evident that the product Kutajarishta is very
The drugs were administered immediately before the effective in reducing intestinal motility and hence can be
feeding and also after feeding in another group to confirm considered as very useful in the conditions like, diarrhea
the appropriate time for drug administration13 to assess the and dysentery.
influence of presence of food on intestinal motility.
Selection of Parameter
This work was partly financed by Institute of Post Graduate Training and
Time required for the onset of Kaolin expulsion Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, India.
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Source of support: Institute of Post Graduate Training and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, India, Conflict of interest: None Declared

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