Numerical Study of The Interaction Between A Reinforced Concrete Pile and Soil

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Open Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, 10, 259-269
ISSN Online: 2164-3172
ISSN Print: 2164-3164

Numerical Study of the Interaction between a

Reinforced Concrete Pile and Soil

N. M. Nde1, D. Fokwa1, M. Mbessa2, T. T. Tamo2, C. Pettang2,3

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Yaoundé, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bamenda, Douala, Cameroon

How to cite this paper: Nde, N.M., Fokwa, Abstract

D., Mbessa, M., Tamo, T.T. and Pettang, C.
(2020) Numerical Study of the Interaction This paper proposes a numerical simulation of the mechanical behavior of a
between a Reinforced Concrete Pile and reinforced concrete pile foundation under an axial load. In fact, the founda-
Soil. Open Journal of Civil Engineering, 10,
tion of a structure represents the essential structural part of it, because it en-
259-269. sures its bearing capacity. Among the types of foundation, deep foundation is
the one for which from a mechanical point of view, the justification takes into
Received: May 15, 2020 account the isolated or combined effects of base resistance offered by the soil
Accepted: September 8, 2020
Published: September 11, 2020
bed and lateral friction at the soil-pile interface; the latter being the conse-
quence of a large contact surface with the surrounding soil; hence the need to
Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and study the interaction between the soil and the pile in service, in order to high-
Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
light the characteristics of soil which influence the mechanical behavior of
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International pile and therefore the stability of the structure. In this study, the reinforced
License (CC BY 4.0). concrete pile is supposed to be elastic, and characterized by a young’s mod- ulus (E) and a Poisson’s ratio (ν). The soil obeys to a Camclay model charac-
Open Access
terized by a cohesion (c), an initial voids ratio (e0), shearing resistance angle
(φ) and a pre-consolidation pressure (P0). A joint model with a Mohr
Coulomb behavior characterizes the soil-pile interface. The loading is carry-
ing out by imposing a vertical monotonic displacement at the head of pile.
The results in terms of stress and displacement show that the bearing capacity
of the pile is influenced by various soils characteristics, it appears that the
vertical stress and the force mobilized at rupture increase when the initial
pre_consolidation pressure, the cohesion and the internal friction angle of
soil increase; and when the initial soil voids index decreases.

Pile, Soil, Interaction, Numerical Simulation, Pre_Consolidation Pressure,
Voids Ratio, Cohesion, Internal Friction Angle

DOI: 10.4236/ojce.2020.103022 Sep. 11, 2020 259 Open Journal of Civil Engineering
N. M. Nde et al.

1. Introduction
The foundation is the interface between the structure and the soil. It aims to dis-
tribute the weight of the structure over a large area in order to avoid of the soil
plasticization, to anchor the structure against horizontal forces, to prevent lateral
and vertical movements of the structure. There are two types of reinforced con-
crete foundation: the shadow and deep foundation. The first class of foundation
is embedded at a deep less than two meters and is used when the soil at this level
has good properties to avoid mechanical overstress and inadmissible settlement.
The second one is used when the conditions of the shadow foundation are not
satisfied. In this case, the level of the appropriate soil is deeper. It consists of a
pile embedded in the soil with a length, which can vary from three to more than
fifty meters depending on the project. The bearing capacity of the pile depends
on its diameter, its length together with lateral friction between the soil and the
pile, and the base resistance offered by the soil bed. The aim of the present paper
is to analyze the interaction between a reinforced concrete pile and the soil in
which it is embedded. Several studies have been carried out in this area, espe-
cially to highlight the influence of soil characteristics on pile behavior. Kavitha
and others [1] show that in the soil-structure interaction analysis, the characte-
ristics of soil has a very important role, the behavior of soil is predicted based on
the engineering properties of soil (such as unit weight (γ), shear modulus (Es),
poisson’s ratio (ν), shearing resistance angle (φ), effective cohesion (c) and angle
of dilatancy (ψ)); vertical soil profile and the alignment of ground surface. Simi-
larly, Abbas and others [2] found high effects of soil strength parameters (such
as cohesion intercept c’, modulus elasticity) on the pile behavior, they show that
Pile with a low value of modulus elasticity of the soil settles higher and more
critical than the pile with a high value of modulus elasticity of the soil; also, soil
with low cohesion leads to significant pile settlements. In the same perspective,
Khodair and Abde-Mohti [3] varied the modulus of elasticity of the clay, to
study the effect of the stiffness of the soil (soft to hard clay) under a lateral de-
formation of 2 cm and show that at smaller or greater magnitudes of the mod-
ulus of elasticity, the discrepancy between the magnitude of the bending mo-
ments and lateral displacements increases due to adopting different clay stiffness
in Abaqus/Cae and LPILE which is always based on a stiff clay definition for the
soil. Mehrab and others [4] show that for piles with identical lengths, increasing
soil density increases the critical buckling load of pile in both fully and partially
embedded cases. They explain it by the existence of more confinement of the pile
and consequently more resisting forces against displacement in denser soil.
Al-Jazaairry and Toma-Sabbagh [5] show that Cavity presence near piles
generates a reduction in the ultimate capacity depending on the location and size
of the cavity. This work will study the influence of soils characteristics not taken
into account by the previous ones, in particular the initial pre-consolidation
pressure, the initial void index, the cohesion and the internal friction angle;
knowing that these characteristics are decisive for structure construction on un-

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N. M. Nde et al.

dergoing training sols. To achieve this, a physical model and mesh of soil-pile
complex are presented, the mechanical behavior of soil, pile and soil-pile inter-
face is given together with boundaries conditions of the problem, and the load
by imposed displacement is applied at the head of the pile.

2. Materials and Methods

The study of mechanical behavior of pile subjected to monotonous axial loading
will be done with CASTEM, 2017 version, developed by CEA Saclay in
DEN/DM2S/SEMT. This code has as particularity the fact that it makes use of an
object-oriented meta-language called “GIBIANE”. The method is based on
finites elements. It is considered as the most powerful tool in numerical model-
ing of soil-structure interaction, because of several advantage as: the possibility
of using different boundaries conditions and combine loading, the versatility of
the method which allows for modeling different pile and soil geometries, the
possibility of finding solutions at each element and node in the mesh thanks to
discretization of model into small entities, possibility to model different types of
soil models and various material behavior for pile, and the continuity of the soil
behavior can be taken into account. The method consists in defining an optimal
geometry and mesh, a model of mechanical behavior for each component of the
geometry, initial and boundary conditions, and finally mechanical loading.

2.1. Geometrical Model

Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b) show the various view of soil-pile system, and Fig-
ure 1(c) shows the symmetrical representation of the system due to the symme-
try of the problem. Since only two-dimensional analysis will be considered here,
the mesh will be done only in the (x, z) plan. The soil is considered as a homo-
geneous, isotropic and infinite mass in the z direction perpendicular to the (x, z)
plane. The dimensions of the involved soil are 5 m in the x and y directions and
12 m in the z direction. The pile has a radius 0.3 m and 6 m length.

2.2. Mesh
The finite elements chosen are tri6 according to CASTEM software that means:

Figure 1. Geometrical model of the problem: (a) System in the x-z plan; (b) System in the
x-y plan; (c) Partial representation due to the symmetry of the problem.

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triangle with 6 nodes and 2 degrees of freedom per node (UX; UY), for the
meshes of the soil and the pile. The resolution being performed at the nodes of
the mesh, it thus makes it possible to densify the node in the geometric model
and to approach as well as possible the real solution. The mesh is narrowed in
the soil-pile contact zone as shown in Figure 2, since this area is subject to sig-
nificant stress transfer between the pile and the ground. The soil-pile interface is
taken as joint element without thickness, the mesh of this one is ensured by fi-
nite element connected to (2 × 3) nodes (rac3) and with 2 degrees of freedom
per node (UX; UY).

2.3. Behaviors’ Models of the Components Soil, Pile and Interface

2.3.1. Modified Cam_Clay Model for Soil
The soil has and elastoplastic behavior with modified Camclay’s plasticity crite-
rion. This behavior model is based on two concepts, limit sate and critical state.
It postulates the existence of a limit state curve and a critical state to describe the
elastoplastic behavior with isotropic hardening of soils normally consolidated,
under homogeneous solicitations [6]. Roscoe and Burland [7] write the load
function F in the (p, q) plane of this criterion by Equation (1).
F (σ ) = (
q 2 + M 2 P ′2 − P ′Pc′ ) (1)

P ′ and q represent the spherical and deviatoric parts of the stress tensor; and
Pc′ the pre-consolidation pressure given according to Khemissa [8], by Equa-
tion (2), Equation (3) and Equation (4).

q= ( (σ 1 − σ 2 ) + (σ 1 − σ 3 ) + (σ 2 − σ 3 )
2 2 2
) 2 (2)

P ′ = trace [σ ] (3)

Pc′ Pc′0 exp ( (1 + ei ) ( λ − k ) ) ε vp 

= (4)

Figure 2. Discretization and mesh detail at the pile-soil interface.

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ei represents the initial voids ratio of soil (which is replaced by the ratio of
preexisting voids e0 for structural computations). Pc′0 is the initial
pre-consolidation pressure, λ the slope of the loading curve for a normally con-
solidated state and k the slope of the unloading-reloading curve for an
over-consolidated state. ε vp the plastic components of strain. The slope of the
critical state line M in the (p', q) plane or the coefficient of friction defined by
Equation (5), where M is the ratio of the stress deviator q to the mean effective
stress p' at the critical state. It is determined by a triaxial compression test and
defined by Equation (6), according to Roscoe and Burland [7].
q = MP ′ (6)
M is also the line representing the critical shear behavior of the soil, where the
deformations continue to develop without changing the state of stress.
=M 6sin ϕ (1 − sin ϕ ) (7)
φ is the internal friction angle of the soil.
The elastic law associated with this criterion is charactarized by the Young
modulus E, and the poisson’s ratio υ (assumed constant). They are taken into
account by non-linear volumic compressibility K and shear modulus G, given
according to Roscoe and Burland [7] by Equation (8) and Equation (9).
K ( (1 + e ) k ) P′
i (8)

3 (1 − 2υ ) 2 (1 + υ )  K
G= (9)

The numerical values associated to CamClay model parameters are taken into
account as in Khemissa’s study [6].

2.3.2. Elastic Model for the Pile

The pile is considered very rigid with respect to the ground; it follows an iso-
tropic linear elastic constitutive law, of constant parameters, defined by Equation
σ= E ⋅ ε (10)
With E the Young’s modulus, ε the strain andσthe stress.

2.3.3. Mohr Coulomb Plastic Model for the Soil-Pile Interface

The zero-thickness element approach was used to model the joint at the
soil-pile interface. This element follows the elastoplastic constitutive law, with
Mohr-Coulomb’s plasticity criterion and associated flow (Coulomb model im-
plemented in CASTEM). The scalar function associated with this model is given
by the load function f such that:
f (σ n , τ ) =
τ − σ n tgφ + c (11)
With c, φ, respectively the cohesion and the internal friction angle at the
soil-pile interface. σ n and τ the normal and shear stress.

2.4. Boundaries Conditions of Soil-Pile System

Mechanical blockages are applied to the soil and pile geometries as shown in

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Figure 3. Thus, the boundary conditions concern the horizontal displacements

(Ux) which are canceled on the lateral edges of soil (lines D1 and D3), as well as
the vertical (Uz) and horizontal (Ux) displacements at the base of soil (lines D2).
In order to prevent radial expansion of pile, zero displacement is applied in the
(ox) direction (Ux = 0 for pile). In addition, a mechanical blocking required for
loading by imposed displacement of the structure was applied at the pile head,
along the (oz) axis.

2.5. Loading by Imposed Displacement at the Head of Pile

Assuming that the embodiment of the concrete pile is not taken into account,
the loading of the structure takes place at the pile head as shown in Figure 4(a),
by imposed displacements Uz, thus making it possible to simulate the behavior
of the latter in a state of service. This imposed displacement will have the effect
of creating shear forces at the soil-pile interface, as well as the settlement of the
soil at the base of the pile; it will be shown that the amplitude of these two phe-
nomena and their effects on the mechanical behavior of the pile depends on soil

Figure 3. Boundaries conditions on soil-pile system.

Figure 4. Loading; (a) displacement imposed at head of pile; (b) monotonic curve of dis-
placement increment as function of time index.

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Since the computation is stepwise, the displacement increment is defined by a

monotonic curve as a function of the increment of time shown in Figure 4(b).
Thus, the loading is defined by the Equation (12).
U i +=
1 U i + ∆U (12)
where ∆U is the displacement increment, following a monotonic curve; U i +1
displacement imposed at i + 1 time index and U i +1 displacement imposed at i
time index.

3. Results and Discussions

The finite element calculation will be done step by step using the dgibi pro-
gramming language of CASTEM. The results will be extracted at the nodes and
elements of the mesh as located in Figure 5.
In order to highlight the influence of soil characteristics on mechanical pile
behavior, graphs of Figures 6-11 respectively show the stress-displacement
curves at the head of the pile and the overall force-displacement of the pile; these
curves are qualitatively consistent with the results of Roméo Francis [8], who
conducted experiments on micro-pile models in a calibration room, in order to
study their mechanical behavior; Shakhirev and other [9], then Balachowski and
Dembicki’s results on the study of pile models in a calibration room [10]; Jenck’s
results on the reinforcement of compressible soils by rigid vertical inclusion [11]
and Foray’s results on bearing capacity of model pile driven into over-consolidated
sand [12].

Figure 5. Locating nodes and elements for extracting results and plotting curves.

Figure 6. Stress-displacement at the head of the pile according to the pre-consolidation


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Figure 7. Overall force-displacement of the pile according to the pre-consolidation pres-


Figure 8. Stress-displacement at the head of the pile according to the voids ratio of soil.

Figure 9. Overall force-displacement of the pile according to the voids ratio of soil.

Figure 10. Stress-displacement at the head of the pile according to the angle of internal

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Figure 11. Overall force-displacement of the pile according to the angle of internal fric-

3.1. Influence of Pre-Consolidation Pressure

The evolutions of graphs of Figure 6 are qualitatively identical in the elastic
zone (zone of small displacements), and all converge towards the same bearing
characterizing the plastic flow at break. However, stress peaks increase with
the initial pre-consolidation stress, thus characterizing soils in a more dense
state. The mobilized stress and breaking force therefore increases when the ini-
tial pre-consolidation pressure is higher. Indeed, the dilatancy phenomenon that
leads to the stress peak causes strain hardening of the soil, which is taken into
account in the cam_clay model by Equation (4), in which the initial
pre-consolidation pressure occurs. Taking this parameter into account during
the design of the piles thus makes it possible to optimize the mobilized force at
break, as shown in Figure 7.

3.2. Influence of Initial Void Ratio

Graphs of Figure 8 and Figure 9 present qualitatively similar evolutions; how-
ever, there are slight localized differences mainly in the area preceding the break.
Indeed, these evolutions show that the initial voids ratio of soil has a weak in-
fluence on the mechanical behavior of the pile before the rupture of the ground.
Thus, as the void ratio decreases, the stress at break is greater as shown in Figure
8. This can be explained by the fact that a lower void ratio implies a denser soil
(high density index), thus able to mobilize a greater force at break as shown in
Figure 9.

3.3. Influence of Cohesion and Internal Friction Angle of Soil

The evolutions of the graphs as shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11, are qualita-
tively and quantitatively identical in the elastic zone and all converge towards
bearings limit characterizing the plastic flows at break. However, these bearings
have higher tensile strengths as the angle of internal friction φ and the soil cohe-
sion increase c. The stress as well as the bearing capacity force increase with the
cohesion and the angle of friction of the ground. Indeed, this last parameter is

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taken into account by the friction coefficient in Equation (6); the value of this
coefficient increases with the internal friction angle, and in the same order of
magnitude, increases the strain deflector leading to the shear of the soil.

4. Conclusion
The numerical study of the mechanical behavior of a pile subjected to a mono-
tonous axial loading was proposed in this paper, using the finite element method
via CASTEM software. The influence of soil characteristics on the mechanical
behavior of the pile in service has been highlighted, and it appears that the ver-
tical stress and the force mobilized at rupture increase when the initial
pre_consolidation pressure, cohesion and the angle of friction of soil increase;
and when the initial soil voids ratio decreases. These results are important in the
design and realization of piles, to ensure a good bearing capacity of the pile, and
therefore a better resistance and stability of the structures.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this

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