Lithium Er (Icat) 48v 80ah Icat

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INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY [ADivision of WATRIP Implerientation Society (NATIS), Govt. of India} Non-Trensferble TEST REPORT ‘UE No TeRuD 000000007 Data IOHTDD Test Report No CTOBO5012 (Bato: 30.03.2079 ] 4.0 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE: Ms. Okaya Powor Pvt. Limited, cusTomeR Dr Udyog Naga, Rohtak Rood, New Dei 0081 1.4. NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE: Same as sonal No. 1.0 MANUFACTURER 2.0 CUSTOMERLETTERREF —: CCTNOKYANLEEGEI737 Dated 28.01.2018 (M0 DESCRIPTION OF DEVICE UNDER TEST (DUT: DUTName Batery Modu, 48 V Batery Type Lamon Batery Batery Capeciy(At) : oA (Ah n Ss). Rated Volage | 48,Vol'DC ‘todo! Ne ‘rasoe0e2 Quanity 4 Nos, Pack and 2 Nos, Cas (CATIAEEL 163737101-06) Trade Name Oxaya ( Drawing No, wv-680.00 S40 DATE OF RECEIPT OF SAMPLE : 04.01.2019 0 CONDITION OF SAMPLE : No Physical Damage observed 0, TEST OBJECTIVE: “To validate the Salety Requirements of Traction Batteries as per AIS: 048 amended up to date 7.0 TEST METHOD: Test method refered from AIS: 048 as amended upto data, 8.0 FUNCTIONAL VERIFICATION: Functional verification done and battery was found satiefactry 9.0 CONCLUSION: “The battery specified in Sr. No, 8.0 of tis test report met all the test requirements when tested as per AIS: 048 amondod up to date as mentioned in Annexure No.1 of this report. 10.0. TEST DISCRIPTION: Please refer the Annexure No.1 ofthis report. 440 DATE OF PERFORMANCE OF TEST: Pioase refer the Annexure No, 1 of hs report 3420 TEST RESULTS: Please refer the Test requiroments and Results in Annexure of this report . Pearl Chee Ae Fe | ~ a —] yg) Seeman —| SP Office Address Contre: Plt No.26 Sector 3, HSIDG IMT-Manesa,Gurgrar 122050 Haryana (in) Cente: Plt Wo, Sector M1, HSHC, IMT Manet, Gurugram 122030 aryara (nd) Phone -0:24-45061%1, Fax 191-124-2280005, Email teom@leatin, Website yonnetin (inlsb 303501401 and CHAS 8D cert eape wae AL need td reso et ute) LR Na TESURDrDOTOOOOOONP | BatetTO.GTZOTE] Gear Test Fopa 40, rtNo: CTOBOSO12 Sine eo DISCLAIMER OAT feues Test reporte/ Extosion reports) Developmental Reports for vehicles! parts! components! aesemalas etc. based on the documents produced andor prototype ! vehicle) of sample(s) submited bythe appeant and tesing thereat. ICAT stuos Test reports! Extorsion reparts) Davelopmenal Reports in compliance to Motor Venice ‘Acd Cental Mot’ Vehicle Rules and thor prove as aende fom te to me or any oer ‘taory orders under which ICAT is authorzed. Ofer Rule Acts are ouside the purvew/scope of {ho Test. ropotsestesion reper) Developmental fost rapors ‘Tes on prototype vehicle(s) sampe() kare cared out on tha bass of standard procedures roiied under epee rule! requesig bythe apatcant Results of sch teste are property of Dearer Test Reports Extension Reports / Developmental lest reports. These resus canet be ascosed Unies special a0 ordered by Government. Cour, ek Unless otherise supported by 2 sapere Cariicata, this Test report Extension Reports 1 Devalopmental test reports shall aot be considered in elaten a va Typa eoproval fr shy vonioe IGAT le not rosponibie or tostog cach vehicles! parslessembles ete for wtich Test Reports! Exenson reports) Developmeral test reports lesued. Furor, [GAT Ie not rerponsile fr ensuring manufacturing qualy ofthe vehicle! componont pars assembles efor which the Test Repors/ Extension reports! Developmental test reports is fae issued. IAT is no way responsible for any miause ot copying any designtypaeystem in connection wh ‘entre vehiie! componentsipars and assembles coveted under the Test Repost! Extonion ‘por! Deveoprenial test reports is tare issued Breach of any siatiory provions, of nian laws or laws of other counties, wil be S08 responsbity of the customer, {OAT shal not be tabi for any clams or damages made by the casomerwhanorer The custer salle be ahi re sane and denon ican the ‘egard Farther, ICAT ha he ont, but at under oblgston to nate cancsaton withdrawal ofthe feat ‘eporexenslon/ Developmental test report are Iesuod, i caso any fraud, mropresenaton, when" surfaces and. comes in the krowlodge of IGAT [No aera, erigrent or abstract fom is est report maybe pubisned or used to advert the roduc without te writen consent of be Director, ICAT. who reserves the absolute "ight Io agree oe Foject al or any of the detals of any ltams of publety Tor which consent may be. cought ‘The appropiate local cout a Gurgaon eal have tho Juedeon in eepest of ary dap, cary laity arising oto ts report oor SATS. Drsen 2 279] Star Date: 3007 Roport Ne: CTOBO5012 fener ‘14 _resrnequnenens avo nest _ - a = a Bator Condon Fly charged (100% S00), contained at mint | Ambient temparstire temperate 2c ‘Apply hard short in less than one Second tote batlary mode witha | Conductor of ma Sonduct: specified tre stares. | was ied ond short ShortGircuittest | Text Duration 10 minute, or wn _| was apple or 10 nother condition cesursich | minute. 2a. |toscaTiAeEves7azi6t) prevents competion of teste. Date of Test: 17.01 2078 | events comoeton o Lab temperature: Not exceeding 30°C | No physical damage, Sxpleston er meting Acceptance Cito: observed. ‘ter? hours of observation ‘Auto ondotthe test thee shallbe | Satisfactory. 8) Physical damage tothe casing or mechanical part, 1b) Malin of components. ©) Fire oF explosion. itis acceptable forthe battery to. become ary atthe end ofthe test. Peper See um ar —— ‘boon ar i eel a re ULR No: Tes3607907 0000008 Test Report No: CTOBO5012 Date: 30.01.2019 ] Battery Battery Condon: Ful charged (100% SOC), | Module was contained a ambient temperature at2745°C,” | charged with ‘Ovor Charge test | Duration: 10 hours 888A for 10 (Test ID:CAT/ | The battery isto be overcharged ata constant | hours. 24.2| AEELIGS737102) | charging curent of 0.1 (Cx) Dateof Test: | Acceptance Crtarla: No physical 1801.2019 | At the ond ofthe test, there shal be no: damage, 8} Physical damage to the casing er other meting or ‘mechanical pats, plosion 1} Mating of components observed, €) Fre or explosion. Satisfactory. Fee aaa ea = a ‘ULR No. TOSSE0TSOTOO0000EP —] Date: 30.07.2019. 2B ‘ost Report No: CT0BO5012 acAaAT 2.2 Mechanics! Tests No slecte oss ] Observed cing Battry Conon: Fy charged (100% | #8 $00), contained at ambient temperate, | ineaoy afer bration est | iy hel on the wbration table vehi | mediate afer maria pete AESRBSICAT) | ResMenkt and Honora ae win | scargoda 6A 221 | AEELSETI709) || tery postoneationguahat rection. | Ad detoaton 18.01.2019 ire 9 9 ele ” ‘more than 10%, Freqenoy 20400" Sap: om per ito ‘" . Dtraton:2 hous each ae No physi aman Immediate he fost sarge tne _ | rR toner atreom impute rt eee 20° ane rne os 02 Bary ste capacity.) een ‘Acceptance Criteria: ‘The deterioration of battery rated capacty during discharging shall not be more than ‘0%. [At tho end of the test, there shall be no: 2) Physical camage tothe easing or other ‘mechanical parts. ) Fire or explosion J (har) se oS fear (Tast iD: 2.2.2 | IGATIAEELISS7S7I08) WAEELI6S7 97/04) | not exceeding 30°C, frmly held on the 18.01.2019, Shock test Battery Condition: Fully charged (100% 'SOC),coniained st ambient temperature vibration table in vaicle mounting Position. ‘Axi: Vertical and Horizontal axis, with battery postioned in longitudinal direction ‘Acceleration: 30 q (hal sine wave) No. of shocks: 10 n each axis, Duration: 18 ms of each shock Immediately after the test, discharge the Balter at room temperature, a the rate of 10.2 x Battery capacty(C:) Acceptance Criteria: “The deterioration of pater rated capacity sting discharging shal net be more than [At the end of the test, there shall bone: '2) Physical damage to the casing or other ‘mechanical pats ) Fire or epiosion. Immediately ater the test, baltory was ‘discharged at 16. ‘and deterioration ‘observed was not ‘mere than 10%. [No physical damage ‘or explosion observed, Satisfactory. Toren — ean ra | WLR We: Tesseni oorao0000aP ‘Test Report Nos CTOBO5012 Rotate the battery module one complete revolution in one direction, for one minute in a continuous, stow-rl fashion, and observe leakage. if any ‘Then rotate the battery module in 80° 223 | novoverrest |nomatie maine dicen ronal | Not Appice (ion ale ry cae Seaepeaon Sees ‘he leo ocr wad each pretend nab oe Ean pr tor perc, Cran esoheot vi pea tan deat ‘tty Col sal epost win mi Pomeraten et | scl conducive) ponted ea, wrich tbo | sareter ana |tcanteutrarms| Seta ead fom Piette. | Sy Grovore | lame Roe Sm totes ts Shenton el prcon: parpndcutarto | est ee, Sioceetde pats neespoaen, Isnum Soph peraaton Through tee | "ee Sir 0. ‘The battery Gell should be observed, with the | SBserved. elven hr eas ts unas oon ‘hour after the test. ers ‘copance Sona Ate en of too hare sha be wig of conpoete Sn Prepared By 7 Checked aor} aE se mh Re He THyos:aus w Gpede5) ‘TAOROREAT “pon ‘WAVO ‘9mm opeay| "ON, Dee TOE FPL TOSOOLI = SH prey PAL.

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