PSYCH 101 Notes
PSYCH 101 Notes
PSYCH 101 Notes
Psychology=study of brain, mind, mental processes and behaviours and their relationships.
Missed a slide:
Lect 2: History & Philosophical Foundations
Wilhelm Wundt, 1879 scientific psychology,
Bump Ga
Trepanation, skulls 6500 BC (heart vs head, location issue)
Ancient Heart: soul feelings etc.
Edwin Smith Papyrus Left-side brain controls right, functions in areas of brain
3-cell theory/doctrine, ventricles in brain (specialised)
Cortex not ventricles (very specialised)
Franz Josef Gall Spurzheim
Jean …
Phineas Cage evidence localised functions lobotomy
High specialisation:
Paul Broca tan, no speech, motor function
Karl Wernicke speech, no sense
Lect 3
Nature Vs Nurture
William Molyneux’s Question blind man able to distinguish objects by touch is able to
distinguish objects by sight once allowed to see.
Nativism vs Empiricism
Body vs Mind
Monism: Materialism: everything tissue (reductionism)
Subjective idealism: world exists only in my mind
Dualism: body and mind (interactionism)
John Locke born without innate ideas, knowledge delivered by senses, experience
derived from perception
Dualism - Descartes
- Interactionism: B + M interact
Lect. 4
Gustav Fechner = father of psychophysics
Question whether language innate Wild Boy of Averyron, failed to learn to speak
1970s 13 years, Genie trapped in confined space , no growth, unable to
communicate or walk.
Weber’s law: the change in a stimulus is only noticeable at a constant ratio of the original
Demarcation: problem of distinguishing between science and non-science.
e.g. Science: subliminal messages can affect mood and memory but not behaviour
Non-Science: fraudulent results stating that subliminal messages “Drink Coke” etc. increase
Lect. 5
Wundt first lab 1879 start of academic psychology, controlled experiments how
mind/brain works?
Structuralism: What are the building blocks of our conscious experience
Introspection: Technique to look into brain, examine one's own conscious thoughts and
Edward Titchener introspection: examine conscious experience for the basic elements
of this experience.
o Introspective analysis: presented objects, subject not to report object name,
but describe raw data of experience.
Functionalism and Gestalt movement opposed Structuralism
Functionalism: William James ‘stream of consciousness’ cannot divide thought
but importantly ‘What is the function?’
Gestalt movement: Koffka: “the whole is other than the sum of its parts” perceiving is
not just sensations but process of organising by brain
Perceptual Organisation: A stimulus organises itself, e.g. Panda
“You can’t understand architecture by studying a brick”
Gestalt Laws: Similarity, Proximity
Learning: An experience which can alter an individual’s future behaviour
Behaviourism: B.F Skinner operant conditioning
Thorndike Puzzle Box
11 Sep 19
Cognitive neuroscience:
Neuroscience + cognitive science
Lect. 3
Lect. 4
Experimental Hypothesis
Null Hypothesis Disprove/Don’t Reject/Retain
Rule out Confirmation Bias
Null Hypothesis Vs. Experimental e.g. 100-coin toss 50 heads and 50 tails Vs
Lect. 5
Hypothesis Test Null Hypothesis
Population entire collection of interest
Sample selection from entire collection of interest
Sampling distribution variability across experiments, hypothetical, likelihood of obtaining
a result if null true
Raw score distribution real, variability across individuals, likelihood of obtaining a
particular score.
P < 0.05 reject null
Small p-value highly improbable result obtained by chance
Lect. 6
Type 1 error a
Type 2 error B
Null is false Null is true
Retain the null
Reject the null
3. Admissibility Criteria:
- Turner Ruling , common-knowledge ruling
- Evidence Act abolished common knowledge rule
4. Expert evidence: Fingerprints
- used in court for 100 years
- objectively studied for accuracy very accurate, not perfect
5. Expert evidence: Facial Mapping
- Techniques not standardised and not very consistent
6. Expert evidence: Hair Analysis :
- Not accurate false convictions
Lect. 2 - Forensics
Recall Memory reporting details of previously witnessed event/person
Recognition Memory recognising if details of an event are the same as witnessed
Estimator Variables variables present at time of crime cannot be changed
e.g. exposure time, lighting, alcohol/drugs, stress
System Variables variables manipulated after fact impact accuracy of witnesses
System Variables:
Delay between witnessing an event and interview can affect memory Ebbinghaus
Forgetting Curve
Misinformation effect
Loftus False Memory can be created via leading questions. Others believe memories
are repressed.
Repressed Memory Research Williams interviewed women with well-documented
childhood cases of sexual assault 1/3 could not recall memories repressed/too young
for awareness/ or child not recognising abuse as traumatic hence only recall later in life.
Lect. 3
To identify accuracy of witnesses
Two-line ups:
ID evidence is very convincing
False ID guilty free, innocent guilty
Erroneous convictions small proportion, injustice still exists.
DNA Exoneration Cases DNA analysis advancements accurately link person to crime
Common Factors leading to wrongful conviction
Empirical Studies Field Studies high in ecological validity, lack experimental control
Lab Studies more control, lack ecological validity.
Accuracy of Eyewitness ID Estimator Variables + System Variables
Identification Procedures:
1. Show Ups one-person line up containing one suspect high rates of false-
identification criticised as bias
2. Line Ups test ability of witness to identify witness among multiple foils. Foils
should consist of foils with similar appearance to eye witness description
minimise bias
A good foil matches verbal description but differs in ways not mentioned in verbal
Line Up Procedures:
- Unbiased Instructions
- Double Blind
- Foils Similar
- Confidence Measures
- Target-absent line ups
- Faster decisions accuracy
Lect. 4
Identification and Evaluation of Criminal Suspects: Profiling & Lie Detection
Criminal Profiling: A technique for identifying the major personality and behavioural
characteristics of an individual based on analysis of crimes committed.
1970s criminal profiling program at FBI
Different Profiling Methods:
1. Deductive Criminal Profiling: Profiling the background characteristics of an unknown
offender based on evidence at crime scene, relies on logical reasoning logic can
be flawed
2. Inductive Criminal Profiling: Profiling background characteristics of an unknown
offender based on knowledge about other solved cases, i.e. similar characteristics
among individuals who commit similar crimes
Inductive Profiling:
1. FBI categorisation of murders (Associate different characteristics with each crime scene):
a. Organised e.g. controlled intelligent, skilled, lives with partner etc.
b. Disorganised e.g. uncontrolled average IQ, immature, sexually incompetent
This is a simplistic model, with little research and is unable to account for a combination of
organised and disorganised features.
2. Statistical Approach:
Collection of data from solved crimes actions occur together and allow an analysis of
typology profiling
Analysis is limited to value of data available, analysis may be unstable if sample size is not
large enough
Lie Detection:
Deception: Successful or unsuccessful deliberate attempt to create in another a belief which
the communicator considers untrue.
Polygraph measures physiological change i.e. blood pressure, heart rate, respiration,
It is assumed that telling a lie is more stressful than telling the truth
Uses of Polygraph:
Helps in investigations
Verify crime occurred
Pre-employment screening
Not admissible in court
Issue with Polygraph Tests? CQT False positives large number of innocent identified as
GKT Very accurate at identifying innocent individuals, less accurate at identifying guilty
Lect. 5
Interviewing Suspects and False Confessions
Interrogation gain info, confession
Model of Interrogation
1. Gather evident
2. Non-accusatorial interview assess guilt
3. Accusatorial interview confession
1. Positive Confrontation:
Presentation of real/fictional evidence, observe suspect’s behaviour
2. Theme development: Psychological themes to justify crime
Emotional: Minimisation Minimise severity of crime
Non-emotional: Maximisation Maximise severity of crime
3. Handling Denials: Innocent will be persistence in their denial
4. Overcoming objections: render suspect’s objections useless
5. Retaining suspect’s attention:
6. Handling suspect’s passive mood possible reasons for crime
7. Create opportunity for confession
8. Oral Confession: brief, clear, non-emotionally-charged
9. Oral Written Confession
3 types of confessions:
Coerced-compliant response to a desire to escape further interrogation, did not
commit crime.
Coerced-internalised highly suggestive interrogations, confessors comes to believe
they committed the crime.
Similarity-latency hypothesis: Jurors tend to be more lenient with defendants that share
characteristics with them.
Black-sheep effect: Similarity in characteristics condemnation of defendant
Against Juries
Civic responsibility sense of responsibility
Decision of group of peers rather than one judge
Personality 7-9
1. 2. Explain the distinction between a nomotheticand an idiographicfocus on
2. 3. List the four fundamental approaches to understanding personality.
3. 4. Describe the two functions/roles of any theory.
4. 5. Distinguish between testing/evaluating a theory (a) empirically, and (b)
5. 6. List the criteria used to test a theory conceptually.
6. 1. List the main areas into which the explanatory power of classical psychoanalysis
has reached.
7. 2. Discuss the key features of Freud’s concept of motivation.
8. 3. Identify the effects of those features in the context of a relatively long period of
9. dependence.
10. 4. Understand the difference between Freud’s notions of a descriptive and a dynamic
11. 5. Name some of the defense mechanisms and compromise formations, and state
their general function.
12. 6. Explain why classical psychoanalysis sometimes meets the conceptual criteria for
coherence and sometimes doesn’t.
13. Contrast Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious with Freud’s concept of the
dynamic unconscious.
2. Explain what Jung thought an archetype is.
3. Describe the alleged phenomenon of ‘synchronicity’.
4. Identify the two approaches to personality theory which Jung’s work was to influence.
5. Account for Jungian psychoanalysis’ failure to meet the criteria for theory evaluation and
pass the conceptual tests.
1. Identify the key difference between radical behaviourism and cognitive behaviourism.
2. Describe the processes involved in imitation and modelling.
3. Explain how Bandura’s theory upholds determinism.
4. Identify an important mediator of personality in Bandura’s theory.
5. Explain why Bandura’s theory remains popular.
6. Understand why cognition alone cannot function as a motivational concept.
Lect. 1
eReserve: Hibberd. F. J (2018) Evaluating theories conceptually
Concept of Personality
Nomothetic How similar are you from other people if true nomothetic truth
Idiographic: How different are you from other people
Gordon Allport introduced distinction between
Personality: dynamic organisation within individual of psychophysical systems that
determine his unique adjustments to his environment (Allport)
Four Approaches to Personality Theory:
1. Psychoanalytic
2. Cognitive-Behavioural
3. Humanistic/phenomenological
4. Dispositional/trait
Theory explain phenomenon and make predictions
Philosophical Statements
Theoretical Statements
Jung’s word association studies support Freud’s notion of the dynamic unconscious:
Personal Unconscious:
Repressed ideas
Collective Unconscious:
Non-individual part of the psyche
According to Jung:
Archetypes: psychological images or models inherited from ancestral past/ evolutionary
Jung’s Main Archetypes of Collective Unconscious child-god, mother, trickster/magician,
Synchronicity: Two events occur close in time, without one having caused the other, but it
appears to the individual that there is a significant connection between the two.
Two events related via meaning rather than cause and effect
Jung’s anticipation of later approaches to personality:
Triadic reciprocal determinism:
Person’s ongoing behaviour
A person will do X if they believe that X will lead to a desired outcome and they can do X.
Criteria for Theory Evaluation: Bandura’s Cognitive Behaviourism corrected radical
behaviourism exclusion of cognition
1) Disembodied cognition: idea of cognition not linked to body of psychoanalytic drives
2) Treats motivation as a cognitive process; form of cognition, cognitions are action neutral
Lect. 6 – Eysenck’s biological typology and McCrae & Costa’s five factor model:
Typology – trait distinction
Dispositional/Trait Approach to Understanding Personality:
Four temperaments originating ancient Egypt:
- Sanguine
- Choleric
- Melancholic
- Phlegmatic
Eysenck’s Thee Factor Model: Extraversion, Neuroticism, Psychoticism
McCrae & Costa’s Five Factor Model: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to experience,
agreeableness, and conscientiousness
Social Psychology:
Lect. 1 – What is it? + Replication Crisis: unable to reproduce same results found in literature
Effect of social variables on individual behaviour, attitudes, motives etc.
Social Cognition: Process by which people select, interpret, remember social info.
Social Perception: Process by which people understand categorise other’s behaviours
Social Interaction: Process of inter-person interaction
1898 Birth of Social Psych Norman Triplett
Social behaviours is shaped by the interaction between person and situation
Replication Crisis:
False Positives Incorrect rejection of null hypothesis
Replication may fail due to: original study results being p-hacked, or were a false positive,
replication incompetence, cohort changes, contextual changes since original study
Actor-Observer Bias:
Tendency to attribute our own behaviour to external causes but behaviour of others to
internal (dispositional) causes.
Attributions about others focus on dispositional factors
Attributions about own behaviour focus on situational factors
In Quiz Show Paradigm Observers demonstrated actor-observer affect, contestants were
actors and did not demonstrate actor underestimate power of situation role.
Alter actor-observer bias: observers’ dispositional attributions situational attributions
Actors’ situational attributions dispositional attributions
Perpetual salience: Focus on the person more than the situation when observing others,
focus on situation more when observing our own behaviour
Situations lack salience
Insufficient cognitive resources easy to make internal attributions
Cultural differences: Western dispositional, Eastern situational
What is an attitude:
Positive or negative evaluation of people objects, situations ideas
Tripartite (Three component) model, three elements comprise the attitude object:
Measurement of attitudes:
Explicit attitudes conscious, deliberate attitudes e.g. political attitudes
Implicit Association Test (IAT): supposed to investigate implicit attitudes, based on idea that
two particular concepts are strongly connected.
Response test Congruent trials
Incongruent trials reverse of congruent key
If there is an association between the two concepts, longer response for incongruent trials.
IAT effect provides index of strength of association
Attitude Change
1. Cognitive Dissonance: State of tension one experiences after making a decision, taking
an action which is contrary to one’s prior beliefs and feelings incongruent cognitions
Motivation to reduce tension:
- Change behaviour
- Change opinion
- Add new consonant cognitions
Festinger experiment on cognitive dissonance.
Cognitive dissonance studies show that attitudes shift to be consistent with expressed
opinions: Two explanations:
1) Motivational: Reduce tension of two opposing beliefs (dissonance reduction)
2) Purely cognitive: Observe own behaviour (self-perception theory)
Origins of Stereotypes:
Social Categorisation
o Social Identity Theory
o Easy Identification method
Sociocultural learning
o Knowledge of stereotypes transmitted effectively through culture and society
Cause of prejudice:
- Social categorisation
- Sociocultural Learning
- Competition e.g. over scarce resources
- In-group bias own group superior
- Out-group homogeneity differential members of in-group, out-group all
seen the same.
Lect.4 – Social Influence I: Conformity
- Social Norms
- Social Roles
Conversion Effect: When minority brings about internal, private change in attitudes of
Consistent Minority Influence to bring about a conversion effect must:
Demonstrate certainty and commitment to a position
Be distinct from the majority norm
Not motivated by self-interest
Be perceived as individuals with the power to freely choose and express their
Draw attention to an alternative position
Central experiment Stanley Milgram’s 1963 Study a learner, and instructor were both
actors in the experiment, and the teacher was a real participant with their responses
recorded. The teacher was instructed to deliver sequentially higher electric shocks when the
learner answered a question incorrectly. The learner was not harmed. The results were
literally SHOCKING! 65% of participants went to highest shock, and hence remained
obedient to the instructor.
Individual differences:
- There is no prosocial personality type
- Depends on situation, women nurturing environments, men in crisis
- Positive mood engage in prosocial behaviour
- Negative mood depends on mood, can restrict helping others, guilt or sadness
can promote prosocial behaviour to increase feelings of self-worth
Situational differences:
Number of Bystanders: Bystander Effect
Passionate Love:
- Ecstatic
- Physically arousing
- Desire for Physical contact
- Immense sadness when things are not going well
Companionate Love:
- Intimate, caring etc
- Soul mates
- Commitment
Maintaining relationships:
- Positive behaviours: validating, expressing appreciation etc.
- Negative behaviours: criticism, contempt (disrespectful), defensiveness, stonewalling
- Amount of contempt is most damaging to relationships
- Ratio of 5:1 for a happy relationship
- Attributions for partner’s behaviour:
o Internal attributions for positive and external attributions for negative
behaviours in satisfying relationships.
o External attributions for positive and internal attributions behaviours in less
satisfying relationships
Developmental Psychology:
- Postnatal Depression:
o PND 20-40% of mothers PND irritable/hostile behaviour, less engaged,
emotion, play and warmth with infants at 3 months.
o PND disturbed early interactions linked to cognitive delays and health
problems. At adolescence: children from PND mothers had increased cortisol,
stress hormone anxiety. At adulthood: more reactive to stressful situations
greater risk of anxiety/depression
- Class differences:
o SES & Disadvantaged Children lower SES are behind entering school
- Abecederian Program
Methodological Considerations:
Design a study that answers a specific question:
Conduct a lab or naturalistic observation (internal/external validity)
What are you measuring and how e.g. measuring an emotion?
Consider a change: cross-sectional or longitudinal design
Cross-sectional design
Advantages Disadvantages
Studies are time-efficient No information about past determinants of
age-related changes
Data collected over a wide age range in a Issue of “cohort variation” – each age group
short time born into different years and
environmental influences
No information on individual development
Longitudinal design
Advantages Disadvantages
Provides extensive information on Extremely resource dependent
individual development Time and cost
Subject lost (selective attrition)
Cross-generational change (is early data
Inflexibility (stuck with the initial sample
Longitudinal sequential design: Sequence of samples of different ages, each of which is
followed longitudinally for a period of time
- More efficient than longitudinal design
- Reveals cultural/historical effect using a time-lagged comparison (compare samples
born in different years at same age)
Design Issues:
- Sampling Bias (require a representative sample)
- Observer Effect (mother/teacher/researcher)
- Selective attrition (problem in longitudinal studies)
- Practice effects (repeated measures – influence performance)
- Validity/reliability of tests
Piaget’s theory suggested that children are active in their own development (self-driven
learners) rather than passive such as within a solely nurture-based theories and purely
nature-based theories.
Piaget’s stage theory: For children to advance to the next stage of development, Piaget
proposed that they must reach a level of learning and maturation Discontinuity in
development, continuous development within a stage, significant change in nature of
thinking in new stage.
Main Features:
- Individuals pass through a series of qualitatively different levels/stages of structural
- Development involves changing underlying structures
- Sequence of stage progression is invariant
- Stages are universal
- Nature and nurture contribute
- Schemes/Schemata are mental structures that capture common properties of
behaviours, objects, experiences
- Knowledge, thoughts and ideas develop through adaption: the modification of
Piaget’s Stages:
1) Sensorimotor stage (approx. 0-2 years) reflexes to symbolic thought, understanding
world through direct experience, understanding nature of objects: object
permanence (understanding that objects have a separate, permanent existence)
2) Preoperational stage (approx. 2-7 years) development of symbolic thought – mental
action, thought is unsystematic, illogical and characterised by egocentric thought
used 3 mountain task. Involves centration (focusing on only central features, or
single dimensions), perceptually bound (judge the world by its appearance),
animism. Tested using conservation tasks failure of this task a result of centration.
3) Concrete operations stage (approx. 7-11 years): mastering of mental manipulation: -
decentring and reversible thinking enabling classification, conservation
4) Formal operations stage (approx. 11 years +): logical operations on
abstract/hypothetical concepts, thoughts, ability to reflect on own thinking
(reflective thinking)
Contemporary Criticism:
- Underestimation of young children’s abilities and overestimation of adult’s abilities
- Does cognitive development progress in DISTINCT stages?
- Are developmental sequences truly universal?
Infamous for “bobo doll” experiment – learned aggression tested influence of modelled
behaviour on children’s behaviour
Parents consciously teach morals through preaching but also through their practice of
moral actions self-regulation of own moral behaviour
Skinner Language acquisition through positive reinforcement
Bandura Social learning perspective through imitation and reinforcement
Chomsky inborn capacity for learning language: Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
Recursion: sentences can be embedded within sentences enabled infinite computations
(infinitely generative) which Chomsky argued Skinner and Piaget’s learning mechanisms
could not explain.
Language acquisition is a product of interaction between maturation and environmental
factors connected to cognitive development
Language emerges from domain-general cognition and social learning mechanisms
Person vs Process / Entity vs Growth tested by making two groups of children solve puzzles,
one praised as being innately good at solving the puzzle (person, entity) and the other
praised for their process and effort process-praised opted for harder/more challenging
puzzle, whilst person-praised opted for easier puzzles, and displayed stress, and sadness
upon failure, and performed worse than process-praised on a final set of do-able puzzles.
Boys more likely to receive process praise and hence more likely to have growth mindsets.
Parents & Teacher’s attitudes and how that affects children: e.g. gender stereotypes in
Studies have revealed that females view maths more negatively, have high maths anxiety,
less likely to pursue degrees involving maths.
Parental endorsement of gender stereotype: “Maths is for boys” and apply this stereotype
on their children leads to children endorsing gender stereotypes, and assimilate (Piaget’s)
evidence based on their beliefs, rather than changing/accommodating their beliefs because
of the evidence (which counters stereotype)