Course Syllabus: Art 3: Portfolio Development Honors/AP River Hill High School Art Department 2008-2009
Course Syllabus: Art 3: Portfolio Development Honors/AP River Hill High School Art Department 2008-2009
Course Syllabus: Art 3: Portfolio Development Honors/AP River Hill High School Art Department 2008-2009
Course Syllabus
(Retain this packet in your visual journal throughout the semester!)
Course Descriptions
The portfolio is a vehicle through which students synthesize knowledge they have gained of art
appreciation and media exploration. To that end, Art 3 students will create work of the highest possible
quality: work that documents a range of technical, formal, and expressive experiences, and work that
begins to focus on a particular interest or problem. Art 3 students are expected to work beyond
scheduled periods and to take the responsibility to leave the art room if the assignment requires.
Students will maintain a sketchbook/journal. Art 3 students who are registered for Advanced Placement
credit are expected to take the A.P. exam in May. Bear in mind that these students will be required to
meet the National Advanced Placement Board requirements, which may require additional work beyond
the requirements of this course. It is exceedingly difficult for an Art 3 student enrolled for one-credit to
pass the Advanced Placement Studio Exam. Students and parents are asked to carefully consider the
level that best suits the student’s academic and artistic goals. Students taking the AP Studio Exam will
be required to make 2 sets of slide reproductions of their art work, to write an additional artist
statement, and will—at all times throughout the year—demonstrate exceptional commitment to creating
art for this course.
Course Objectives
In this course you will build a portfolio of work that can be used for college admission and for advanced
placement credit.
If you are in Art 3 you will develop your abilities to:
1. Develop creative responses to given art problems through research, discussion and
2. Maintain a sketchbook journal that demonstrates personal expression through the use of visual
images, collected materials and written commentary.
3. Engage in collaboration and continuing critical dialogue with artists, instructor and peer mentors.
4. Compose an artist’s statement that reflects aesthetic choices and a personal direction developed
over a period of time.
5. Identify and evaluate how artistic behaviors and problems solving skills are essential components
for success in a variety of career fields.
6. Recognize and apply technical approaches through the use of a variety of media to develop a
repertoire of visual experiences with a sense of quality.
7. Analyze and apply ways contemporary and master artists and cultures use concepts and ideas in a
theme or series for the development of personal artwork.
8. Analyze and apply ways contemporary and master artists approach subject matter from direct
9. Maintain a sketchbook/journal that incorporates personal expression through visual, collected and
written commentary to employ as a reference and to generate future ideas.
10. Demonstrate independent pursuit of art making based on guided instruction in the development of
a portfolio.
11. Maintain and refine digital portfolio of personal artworks for the purpose of participating in a
web-based community.
In the building of the best possible portfolio, this course will focus on interpreting your own
experiences, primarily through observation and experimentation. At the end of the term, the work in
your portfolio should demonstrate your ability to do the following:
—Think creatively.
—Think critically.
—Take risks.
—Interpret the world around you.
—Experiment with techniques and concepts in a visual journal.
—Create a composition.
—Work in diverse media.
—Depict light.
—Depict space.
—Handle color.
—Draw what you see.
—Respond to or reinterpret works of master artists and artists from other cultures.
—Develop a series of thematically related works.
**You will be required to maintain a Personal Portfolio Plan, which will be attached to the inside of
your portfolio folder. Your will be required, as well, to update the “table of contents” before
submitting your work for a grade at the end of a marking period.
As this is a Honors/Advanced Placement course, a minimum of three hours of outside work is expected
each week. Most often, for each marking period there will be three assignments, each taking nine or
more hours to complete. As the long-term homework assignment allows for the greatest individual
interpretation and creative problem solving, the expectation is substantial. Significantly, these are also
the works that colleges tend to be MOST interested in because the homework problems have the
greatest latitude for personal interpretation. Therefore these works are primarily responsible for getting
you into the college-level art program of your choice. The homework is given more weight than
individual classwork assignments. Therefore, any student not submitting homework—or submitting
hastily-prepared homework—will be unlikely to pass that marking period.
Field Trips
You are expected to attend two field trips this year—one in the fall, the second in the spring. You will
be given 6-8 weeks advance notice to insure that you can arrange to miss your classes that day and/or
take the day off from your after-school job or after-school obligations. We usually return to school by
4:30 p.m. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of seeing art beyond River Hill High School. As a
member of the Art 3/Art 4 class, you are declaring your passion for art, and with that, you have a
responsibility to educate yourself about art in the world. Therefore, you should view these field trips as
not merely a diversion, but rather a profound educational experience. Exhibits we see will directly relate
to work we are undertaking in class. In the past these field trips have directly (or indirectly) influenced
student’s choices for their artworks, Independent Studies, and college majors. Also, we always have a
good bit of fun! Finally, for at least one of the field trips, I recommend particular
museums/exhibits/artworks for you to see—everyone in the class may have a different set of
recommendations. The fee for each trip will be between $5 and $10, plus the cost of lunch. Any student
unable to attend the field trip will be required to write a research paper analyzing a work of art. Students
enrolled in this class for double credit, should expect to do two research papers.
Advanced Placement
Juniors and seniors who are interested in advanced placement credit will send a portfolio of their work
to the College Board early in May. Students may apply in three areas: 2-D Design, Drawing/Painting,
3-D Design. You are required to submit 24 digital images and five original pieces (no larger than 18 x
24-inches); you must submit a duplicate set of 24 digital images to the RHHS art department for our
permanent files. (3-D requirements vary slightly.) If you plan to attend college and to study art,
advanced placement credit enables you to place out of introductory courses, and to go directly into
upper level studio courses. Only students planning to submit their portfolio to the AP Board (the
“exam”) may register for AP credit for this class. While I recommend that everyone take the AP
exam, you must be aware that if you do not give 100% in this course for the entire year, you are
unlikely to earn a “4” on the exam—the minimum score necessary to place out of college-level studio
art courses. If you earn an A average for the Art 3 and Art 4 courses, statistics show that you will likely
earn a “4” or better on your AP.
Digital Images
Students applying to the College Board, to college art programs, and to organizations offering art
scholarships will need to present reproductions of their artwork—usually 20 works in digital form. The
instructors in the art department will be happy to set you up for shooting your work, but you will need
to provide digital storage or CDs. This year, you must make arrangements with me in advance to
photograph your work during class time. Only on rare occasions will you be able to photography work
after school. Therefore, plan ahead: Allow ample time for shooting, processing, labeling and mailing
your photo documentation. As this is a technological transitional period, you may find that some
organizations require slides, while others require digital images. This means you may have to
photograph work more than once, or incur the additional expense of having digital images made into
slides. Again, planning ahead is crucial. While I want everyone to succeed, I cannot be responsible for
assisting you with your photo documentation if you have waited until the “last minute.”
Letters of Recommendation
If you have an A-average in my classes, I am most happy to write letters of recommendation, provided
you have followed the protocol outlined by the guidance office. (If you have consistently turned in work
late, or of less than your best efforts, please do not ask me to write your letter if you do not want me to
mention all the facts.) Make sure you ask me for a recommendation well in advance of your application
Scholarship Opportunities
Many opportunities for scholarships come up during the school year. Make it your habit to check the
“Art Announcements Board” by the entrance, where I will post these competitions. You are encouraged
to take advantage of any opportunity that is presented. I will make all of the pertinent application
information available to you, but it is up to you to take the initiative to follow up on it. Any additional
slides, recommendations, or input you might need from me is, of course, available upon request, in the
timely manner mentioned above. I am always happy to help excellent students pursue their goals!
All materials are required, unless otherwise noted.
—A hardbound sketchbook. (This is required immediately!!) Choose the size that feels right to you.
You might purchase a blank sketchbook—as sold in art supply stores and bookstores, or you might
wish to find or purchase a second hand book that you could re-create as your own.
—During the first week you will be given and individual supply of pencils, eraser, charcoal, etc., that
you will be required to keep in your materials box. Should you lose your supply, you are responsible
for the replenishing it. Materials that are simply used up in the process of making art will, of course,
be replenished by our art department supply.
—You are required to make (or buy) and maintain a sturdy portfolio—minimum size is 30 x 40-inches.
Your portfolio must have a handle and must be clearly labeled with your name. (You will have the
opportunity to obtain a cardboard portfolio during class the first week.) Always know exactly where
your portfolio is stored! This is your prize possession! Guard it as such!
—Watercolors, pastels, Prismacolors or other materials that you will need in large quantities, must also
be purchased by you. For instance, if your Independent Project will be almost exclusively oil pastel,
you should purchase your own set—which you will, no doubt, need to replenish frequently.
—I provide paint for our first oil painting. At that time Art 3 students must purchase Winsor & Newton
Artisan Water-soluble Paints (OR other similar brand as recommended by the instructor). A
minimal, high-quality set is available for about $34. The colors you are required to have are:
Cadmium Yellow
Cadmium Red
Permanent Alizarin Crimson
French Ultramarine
Viridian (Green)
Yellow Ochre
Titanium White (largest tube available)
The art department will provide you with one new 1-inch long-handled brush for your personal use,
but you are welcome to purchase you own, higher quality brushes. (There is also a plentiful class-
supply of used brushes of various sizes—and various states of decay. These must be returned to the
sink storage, whereas your new 1-inch brush is your personal brush, and must be stored with your
—Art 4 students who decide to do their Independent Study in painting are highly encouraged to use
traditional oil paints, rather than water-based. If you wish to use traditional oil paint you must have
a metal cookie or coffee can with a tightly sealed lid.
—The art department will provide paper, cardboard, and/or other painting supports. If you wish to
paint on more than one stretched canvas, see me! I’ll point you in the right direction for purchasing
On occasion you may be asked to collect found materials or to bring in objects. This should not incur
any additional funds. The art department will supply the rest of your materials for the year. It may,
however, be the case that you wish to purchase your own materials for use at home. If so, take your
student I.D. (for 10%-20% discounts) and check out any of the following retailers for art supplies:
Pla-za Baltimore
Cathedral Street (near MICA)
Baltimore, MD