Kaplan Nclex Review
Kaplan Nclex Review
Kaplan Nclex Review
30. clients who present with diabetic dehydrated 40. dissociative disorders sudden or gradual disruption in the
ketoacidosis, are severely ____ characterized by integrative functions of identity,
(related to fluid status) Hurst memory, or conciousness,
phenobarbital and
phenytoin decrease this is barium enema!
levels of
111. manifestations of depressed respirations
myxedema coma (hypoxia, hypercapnia)
decreased CO
lethargy, stupor, coma
Ciproflaxin, and
bradycardia, hypotension
increase theopylline
112. Medication Parlodel should with meals to avoid GI upset
97. in third trimester of pregnancy, if pt impending
be taken with, ___ and twice a day for 2-3 weeks
complains of epigastric pain, it is a convulsion
when how often for how
sign of
98. in type 1 diabetes, what do we polyphagia
113. moro reflex should 3-4 months
expect to see? polydipsia
disappear by what age
weight loss 114. most common dysrhythmia with ventricular
complication following an types being most serious
99. in what sex, age and cultures does men over 50 years
MI is
Dupuytren contracture occur in? old, of scandinavian
or Celtic descent 115. multiple myeloma is best plain radiograph rather than
detected with a ___ rather nuclear scan such as bone
100. it is important that if patient is to Metformin
than __ imaging study. false negatives
undergo procedure with iodine (glucophage) -->can
could occur otherwise.
containing contrast, which cause renal failure
medication is held and why? 116. multiple sexual partners ovarian cancer
increases risk for
101. it is important that patient does not twist
___ after lumbar laminectomy 117. Narcotic analgesic is head injury bc it masks the
contraindicated in what signs of increased intrancranial
102. it is important to remember that hypoglycemia
kind of injury, because it pressure.
metformin does not cause
masks the signs of ____
103. KAYEXELATE is contraindic with ___ orange
118. neurogenic bladder results urinary retention
104. ketoconazole is the drug of choice candidiasis
119. normal ALT 8-20 units/L
120. Normal AST 8-20 units/L
105. left hemisphere of brain controls speech, math skills,
analytical thinking 121. normal BUN 7-18 mg/dL
106. lispro is what kind of insulin? and rapid acting 122. normal creatnine .7-1.4 mg/dL
what is its onset of action 123. normal fasting blood 60-110
5-15 min glucose is
107. LOOK FROM PREVIOUS ... 124. normal hematocrit for 37%-47%
125. normal hematocrit for 42-52%
109. LOOK UP RIGHT VS LEFT CVA ... 126. normal hemoglobin for 12-16
SIGNS females
127. normal hemoglobin for 14-18
128. normal INR .7-1.8 150. peripheral neuropathy is a INH: administer pyridoxine
common side effect of
129. normal magnesium levels mg. 1.5-2.5
151. placenta previa is painless vaginal bleeding
normal phosphorous levels phsphrs. 2.5-4.5 characterized by
130. normal PT 11-12.5 sec 152. preoperatively for low in calcium high in
parathyroidectomy, what phosphorous
131. normal RBC for female 3.5-5.5
kind of diet is
132. normal RBC for male 4.3-5.9 recommended the KEY here is "PRE-
133. normal serum albumin levels 3.5-5 operatively."
134. Normal specific gravity 1.010-1.030 153. primary concern with postural hypotension
antipsychotic meds= in
135. NPH is what kind of insulin, and has intermediate-acting
regards to BP
a peak action of ___ and has peak action
of 6-12 hours 154. progressive systemic dysphagia and esophageal
sclerosis causes reflux
136. onset of Acute hemolytic reaction immediately
137. onset of anaphylactic reaction to immediate what foods should be avoid spicy foods, caffeine,
blood transfusion avoid and alcohol bc they stimulate
138. onset of febrile reaction to blood 30 min- 6 hr after gastric secretions -->thus
transfusion transfusion cause more esophageal reflux
139. onset of mild allergic rxn to blood during or up to 24 155. recurrent UTI's are an type 2 diabetes
transfusion hours after transfusion early sign of _____ in
140. oral hypoglycemic agents are type 2 diabetics. bc
administered to type___ diabetes. they are able to 156. Regular insulin is what short acting
why? produce minimal amts kind of insulin and has an
of insulin onset of action of_ ___ onset of action 30-60 min
141. over how long of a period should 1-2 min 157. remember a very tactile stimulation --
Lasix be administered important factor for >imperative for infant's
infants is emotional development
142. over the counter medications hypertensive crisis
could cause ____ if taken with 158. remember that Compazine incompatible
MAOI's. Hurst should be considered
_______in a syringe with all
143. parallel play in which kids play toddler other medications
side by side is seen at what age?
159. remember that in NCLEX independent
144. patients on lithium should increase fluid intake to 2500- lnd, we want to keep
their daily 3000 ml /day patient's, especially the
145. patients who are to under go sleep deprived elderly as _____ possible
electroencephalogram must be 160. renal diet should contain check on this.
161. required daily fluid for 100ml/kg
146. patients with lymphedema are at infection pediatric clients between
high risk for 0-10 kg
147. a patient who has an oral airway in patient responsivness 162. required daily fluid for 1000 ml + 50 ml per each kg
place can cough due to irritation of pediatric clients between
the airway and does not reflect 10-20 kg
148. patient with meningitis should be droplet 163. required daily fluid for 1500 ml + 20 ml per each kg
on what kind of precautions? pediatric clients between
149. patient with pertussis should be droplet precautions 20-70 kg
placed on ___ precautions with how with a spatial 164. rh compatibility problems Rh negative and conceives
much separation? separation of 3 feet occurs in woman who is with Rh + man
165. The risk factors venous stasis, injury to vessel wall, 175. symptoms of depression, disturbed sleep,
known as Virchow's hypercoagulability amphetamine restless, disoriented
triad include withdrawal
176. symptoms of wheezing, dyspnea, chest
166. side effects of orthostatic hypotension, decreased anaphylactic reaction to tightness, cyanosis, hypotension
demerol include BP, bradycardia blood transfusion
167. side effects of extrapyramidal side effects 177. symptoms of N/V, tachycardia, course tremors,
Haldol include galactorrhea (excessive and barbiturate withdrawal seizures
spontaneous flow of milk)
178. symptoms of cocaine severe cravings, depression,
withdrawal fatigue, hypersomnia
179. symptoms of early Hyper-alert, startles easily, and
168. signs of infection in fever, bloody, cloudy or frothy
withdrawal from alcohol anorexia, increased pulse, anxiety,
peritoneal dialysis dialysate return, drainage at access
tremors, insomnia, hallucinations
180. symptoms of febrile chills, fever, flushing, headache,
169. signs of meningeal nuchal rigidity
reaction to blood anxiety
irritation kernigs sign-when hip flexed to 90
degrees, complete extension of the
knee is restricted and painful
Brudzinski's sign-attempts to flex the
chills, fever and flushing usually
neck will produce flexion at the knee
come together.
and thigh
anxiety will cause him a
opisthotonic position-extensor
rigidity with legs hyperextended and
forming an arc with the trunk 181. symptoms of heroin runny nose, yawning, fever,
withdrawal muscle and joint pain, diarrhea
170. signs of overdose on client becomes excitable and
Doxepin (Sinequan) develops tremors 182. symptoms of nausea, increased ICP, headache,
are hyponatremia convulsions, lethargy,
apprehension, muscle twitching,
171. soft, high pitched crackles heard in pneumonia and
diarrhea, fingerprinting of the skin
interrupted sounds CHF
heard on inspiration 183. symptoms of Meniere's low sodium, no caffeine, nicotine,
are ___ and common disease is usually or alcohol
in controlled by adhering
to what kind of diet?
172. solitary play is seen infants
at what age? 184. symptoms of mild itching, urticaria, flushing
allergic reaction to
173. surgery within 3 thrombolytic
blood transfusion
weeks is a potential
contraindication for 185. To determine the heart small boxes between two R
___ therapy rate for a regular waves; 1,500 divided by the
rhythm, count the number of boxes between two R
174. symptoms of Acute -could be life threatening
number of waves equals the heart rate.
Hemolytic reaction anxiety, chills, fever, low back pain,
with blood tachycardia, hypotension, chest 186. Toxic signs of GI distress(nausea, vomiting,
transfusion: tightness or pain, flushing, Theophylline diarrhea), restless, dysrythmia,
tachypnea, nausea, hemoglobinuria, seizures, confusion, headache,
vomiting flushing, tachycardia,
187. treatment of SIADH fluid restriction, administration of
A Fat Cholo Faked (Low back pain) includes demeclocycline, and treatment of
Thinking He Could Trick His Nurse's hyponatremia.
188. the triad of meningitis nuchal rigidity, headache,
189. The typical hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis 200. what are examples of Busulfan (Myleran)
electrolyte Hurst antineoplastic meds? Chlorambucil (Leukran)
abnormaly Cisplatin platinol -AQ
associated with cyclophosphamide (cytotoxan)
bulimia is,
201. what are fetal side tachycardia
effects to terbutaline hypoglycemia
and which type of
acid/base 202. what are late signs of increased temperature
imbalance? Increased ICP changes in vital signs
217. what does a Swanz-Ganz the pulmonary artery 225. what is a classic sign of loss of peripheral vision
catheter measure? wedge pressure, which is glaucoma?
an indirect measure of the
left ventricle
226. what is a hypothyroidism 239. what is too rapid of a decrease in BUN and
complication of disequilibrium circulating fluid volume-->may result in
radioactive Iodine syndrome? cerebral edema and increased ICP
therapy for
240. what is slow progressive contracture of the
Dupuytren palmar fascia causing flexion of the
227. what is a favorable 2 or more FHR accels of 15 bmp contracture fourth and fifth fingers;
non stress test lasting at least 15 seconds in a 20 min
241. what is severe depression and catatonic
outcome? interval
electroconvulsive conditions with failed attempts at other
228. what is a major optic neuritis with reduced visual therapy used for? treatment
adverse effect of activity
242. what is imodium antidiarrheal
ethambutol? lessened ability to see green could be
an initial sign 243. what is caused by Legionella pneumophila
and what would be Legionnaires' which is found in warm, stagnant water,
its initial sign? disease. such as hot water tanks, and spread by
aerosolized routes from the
229. what is a a papule like lesion in the vaginal area
environmental source to the client
manifestation of
primary syphillis turns into a painless ulcer 244. what is swelling (usually in the legs) caused by
lymphedema lymph accumulating in the tissues in the
230. what is an adverse lactic acidosis: manifested by drowsy,
affected areas.
rxns of metformin hyperventilation, muscle pain
and what are its 245. what is muscular weakness produced by
manifestations? myasthenia gravis repeated movements, which is relieved
by rest
231. what is an bleeding varices
esophagogastric 246. What is life threatening condition that occurs if
tube used for myxedema hypothyroidism is not treated
232. what is an Ewald large, orogastric tube designed for
tube? rapid lavage. insertion can cause 247. what is unexplained chronic fatigue with
gagging and vomiting, and suction neurasthenia? nervousness, anxiety, and irritability
must be available for reduction of 248. what is consists of muscle rigidity, fever,
aspiration risk neuroleptic autonomic instability, and cognitive
233. what is a non looks for acceleration in FHR in malignant changes such as delirium
stress test relationship to fetal activity. syndrome
234. what is a normal 8-10
biophysical profile 249. what is normal 6-8 g/dL
score? serum protein
235. what is a treatment of esophageal varices 250. what is normal 4.5-6.5 mg/dL
Sengstaken- serum uric acid in
Blakemore tube men
used for? 251. what is normal 2.5-5.5 mg/dL
236. what is Asterixis? hand flapping, associated with liver serum uric acid in
and what organ disease women
disease is it a 252. what is nuchal neck stiffness
complication of? Hurst rigidity?
237. what is a very high providing adequate hydration 253. what is one of high pitched cry
priority in clients the first signs of
with sickle cell increased ICP in
crisis? infants? other signs include irritability, poor
238. what is chronic inflammation of the bronchi and feeding, increased occipital
bronchitis? bronchioles due to chronic exposure to other signs? circumference
254. what is abnormal stimulation to the hypothalmic 263. what is the earliest sign of ventricular gallop
SIADH? area of the brain, causing excessive heart failure
secretion of antidiuretic hormone
264. what is the leading cause prevention of alcoholism
of preventable mental
255. WHAT IS surgery for parkinsons?? retardation in pediatric
stereotactic clients
265. what is the leading cause immobility
256. what is visual axes are not parallel so the brain of problem with Buck's
strabismus receives two images traction?
257. what is the interferes with rapidly producing cell DNA 266. what is the med class of SSRI for OCD, and depression
action of Prozac? and what is it used
antineoplastic for
267. what is the most common chronic alcohol use
258. what is the decreases preload and afterload pressures, cause of hypomagnesemia
action of and cardiac workload.--> vasodilation and
268. what is the most common history of rheumatic fever with
morphine pooling of fluid in extremities-->also
cause of mitral valve a subsequent complication of
sulfate? provides anxiety relief
problems? carditis
259. what is the vasoconstriction-thus increases heart rate
269. what is the most frequent sepsis
action of and myocardial oxygen consumption
cause of DIC
270. what is Theophylline used relax the bronchial smooth
260. what is the .75-1.25 mg
for? and what is its class? muscle-->resulting in
oral loading admin over 24 hours in divided doses
dose for
class of methylxanthines
digoxin? and
how should it 271. what is the primary excessive mucous production
be symptom of chronic
administered? bronchitis?
261. what is the side lying 272. what is therapeutic level of 1-1.5 mEq/L
assumed lithium?
position for 273. what is the suggested wall 80-120 mmHg
epidural suction pressure for
patch? suctioning a
262. what is the (1) while standing in front of mirror with tracheastomy?
correct order arms at sides, inspect breast and nipples for 274. what is the therapeutic 5-15 mcg/mL
of completing asymmetry, changes, drainage (2) with range of Theophylline?
a self breast hands firmly into hips and bow slightly,
275. what is the tonicity of fluid hypertonic dialysate solution
examination examine breast and nipples (3) with pads of
instilled in peritoneal
fingers on left hand palpate the right breast
using light pressure that feels the tissue just
below the skin, medium pressure that feels 276. what is toxoplasmosis parasitic disease that is
the deeper tissue, firm that feels the tissue transmitted through feces of
closest to the chest wall and ribs; this cats who have eaten mice and
method feels all the breast tissue; then use animals.
the fingers of the eight hand to palpate the 277. what kind of diet is low fat
left breast; using a vertical pattern, the appropriate for pt high protein
preferred method, palpate the entire breast diagnosed with crohns low residue
from sternum outward including the Tail of disease non irritating
Spence under the arm high in calories
278. what kinds of diseases puts metabolic diseases 293. when should metformin be immediate release
client at risk for degenerative (diabetes, Paget's disease) taken? tablets 2x/day, w. bfast,
joint disease? and blood disorders and dinner.
and sustained release
279. what must be done before aspirate to ensure in
tablet 1x/day w dinner
injecting med with z track muscle and not blood
method vessel 294. when using pursed lipped never be held
breathing, breath should
what should not be done DO NOT massage
295. when you think of adrenal shock!! think of what
280. what reflects patient pt. responding to normal insufficiency + weakness, think happens in addisons
responsiveness in client who spoken voice. ___ disease
has an oral airway in place
281. what should you monitor for in acute glomerulonephritis
Impetigo? 296. which foods can cause false rare meats, liver, poultry,
positive readings in a Hemocult turnips, broccoli,
282. what should you monitor for in dilute blood, concentrated
test? cauliflower, melons,
SIADH urine,
salmon, sardines,
headache, vomiting.
283. what to do to correct dawn adjust bedtime snack, Hurst
phenomona evening diet, insulin dose,
297. which medication is the drug of lidocaine
and exercise to prevent
choice for Premature ventricular
early AM hyperglycemia
contractions occuring in excess
284. when administering Haldol, extrapyramidal side of 6-10 a min
monitor for ___ and effects
298. why are Congentin and Congentin is given to
immediately intervene
Thorazine given together? treat some of the side
285. when checking NG tube listen as air is introduced effects of Thorazine
placement, it is not into NG tube (such as parkinsonism)
appropriate to
286. when conducting an admission biopsychosocial approach Hurst
history for a psychiatric client, including a family system 299. with Addison's disease, what high protein
the admission should include assessment kind of diet should patient high carb
what information consume? high sodium
287. when injecting insulin, failure poor absorption of insulin, low potassium
to rotate sites results in which increases blood 300. with ambulatory record the event in the
sugar electrocardiography, if pt feels daily log
288. when is the communicability of immediately before and lightheaded, he should
mumps the greatest? after swelling begins 301. with a tracheostomy in place, no more than 20 mmHg
289. when is the hepatitis B vaccine 2 and 4 months the inflated cuff pressure should
repeated? be
290. when listening to heart second, right next to 302. With electroconvulsive therapy, NPO after midnight
sounds, aortic area is located sternal border. (i knew general anesthesia is given, so
in which intercostal space? this) pt should be
291. when placing a trochanter roll, from lateral aspect of of 303. with kidney stones, avoid foods oxalates such as
position hip to mid thigh that are high in spinach, asparagus, and
292. when planning to do a liver supine with arms elevated
biopsy, what position is best over head so that the ribs 304. with meningitis, what can be a SIADH--> causing
for patient to be in? are elevated to allow possible complication by excess secretion of ADH
access to the liver abnormal stimulation of the
hypothalamic area of the brain?
305. with meningitis, which organisms are potentially responsible Haemophilus influenzae type b and Neisseria
306. with pyrazinamide what could occur? hyperuricemia resulting in acute gout symptoms such
as severe pain in big toe
**impt to d/c drug
normal uric acid=3.5-7.5
307. with Z track medication administration, what should be the site used? dorsal gluteal
308. a woman who has lupus, it is recommended that she be in remission for 5 months
how long before she conceives?