How To Plan & Organize Work Activities
How To Plan & Organize Work Activities
How To Plan & Organize Work Activities
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Planning and organization makes efficient use of your time at the office by keeping you focused
from beginning to completion of a project. A comprehensive plan for work activities and projects
ensures you tackle all necessary steps for success. Organizational tools allow you to track the
planning progress for the activity. An organizational plan also facilitates collaboration and
information sharing with other team members who play a role in the completion of the activities.
Tweaking your organizational method allows you to create the most effective planning system
for your office.
Step 1
Identify the scope and goals of the planning process related to each work activity. Determine
what you need to accomplish for the success of the activity or project. Identify the employees
who will play a role in the task if it is a team project.
Step 2
Break down the major tasks for the activity into smaller steps that you need to take for
completion, essentially creating a to-do list for the project. If other employees are working on the
tasks with you, assign each person a role and specific responsibilities to divide the workload.
Step 3
Establish the timeline for completing the work activity. Assign each individual task that goes
into the activity a completion date to make sure everything is completed in a timely manner.
Give yourself enough time to complete all associated tasks before the deadline passes.
Step 4
Write each due date for the project tasks on your calendar, or set up reminders that pop up on
your computer screen as the deadlines approach.
Step 5
Identify potential problems or barriers you may face for the work activities. Create an action plan
to avoid those issues to keep the project on track.
Step 6
Utilize an online project management program for major work activities that are critical to the
company's success. These programs are particularly effective for complicated projects or
activities that involve many team members. The progress is tracked and all employees can stay
updated through the program.
Step 7
Schedule planning meetings when active participation and feedback is needed from others
working on the project. Keep the meetings focused and productive to use the time efficiently.
Step 8
Send out regular updates and communication to all other employees who are working on the
project. This allows all team members to stay informed and update their to-do lists and timelines
as necessary.
References (2)
Shelley Frost has been a freelance writer since 2007, specializing in parenting and education. Her
work can be found on websites such as and Frost holds a
Bachelor of Arts in elementary education with a minor in reading from the University of
Northern Iowa.
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