UNIT 13 - Marine Environment

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Marine Environment

 Grammar: Zero and first conditional clauses

 Vocabulary: conjunctions if, unless, provided that, as long as in conditional

sentences; partial synonyms connected with pollution control

 Listening and speaking: talking about marine pollution and protection

 Reading and writing: reading and reporting on marine pollution issues


What is Ocean Pollution?

Oceans are the largest water bodies on the planet Earth. Over the last few decades, surplus
human activities have severely affected marine life on the Earth's oceans. Ocean pollution,
also known as marine pollution, is spreading harmful substances such as oil, plastic,
industrial and agricultural waste, and chemical particles into the ocean. Since oceans
provide a home to a wide variety of marine animals and plants, every citizen's
responsibility is to play their part in making these oceans clean so that marine species can
thrive for a long time. Mining for materials such as copper and gold is a major source of
contamination in the ocean. For example, copper is a major source of pollutant in the ocean
and can interfere with the life cycles of numerous marine organisms and life.

Causes of Ocean Pollution

There are various ways of how pollution enters the ocean:
1. Sewage: Pollution can enter the ocean directly. Sewage or polluting substances flow
through sewage, rivers, or drainages directly into the ocean. This is often how minerals and
substances from mining camps find their way into the ocean. The release of other chemical
nutrients into the ocean's ecosystem leads to reductions in oxygen levels, the decay of plant
life, a severe decline in the quality of the seawater itself. As a result, all levels of oceanic
life, plants, and animals are highly affected.

2. Toxic Chemicals From Industries: Industrial and agricultural waste is another most
common form of the waste directly discharged into the oceans, resulting in ocean pollution.
The dumping of toxic liquids in the ocean directly affects marine life as they are considered
hazardous. Secondly, they raise the ocean's temperature, known as thermal pollution, as
these liquids' temperature is relatively high. Animals and plants that cannot survive at
higher temperatures eventually perish.

3. Land Runoff: Land runoff is another source of pollution in the ocean. This occurs when
water infiltrates the soil to its maximum extent, and the excess water from rain, flooding, or
melting flows over the land and into the ocean. This water often picks up man-made,
harmful contaminants that pollute the ocean, including fertilizers, petroleum, pesticides,
and other forms of soil contaminants. Fertilizers and waste from land animals and humans
can be a massive detriment to the ocean by creating dead zones.

4. Large Scale Oil Spills: Ship pollution is a huge source of ocean pollution, the most
devastating oil spills. Crude oil lasts for years in the sea and is extremely toxic to marine
life, often suffocating marine animals to death once it entraps them. Crude oil is also
extremely difficult to clean up, unfortunately meaning that it is usually there to stay when it
is split.

Besides, many ships lose thousands of crates each year due to storms, emergencies, and
accidents. This causes noise pollution (excessive, unexpected noise that interrupts the
balance of life, most often caused by modes of transportation), excessive algae, and ballast
water. Other species can often invade an ecosystem and harm it by interrupting the life
cycles of other organisms, causing a clash of nature that has already been damaged by the
overflow of pollution.

5. Ocean Mining: Ocean mining in the deep sea is yet another source of ocean pollution.
Ocean mining sites drilling for silver, gold, copper, cobalt, and zinc create sulfide deposits
up to three and a half thousand meters down into the ocean. While we have yet the
gathering scientific evidence to fully explain the harsh environmental impacts of deep-sea
mining, we do have a general idea that deep-sea mining causes damage to the lowest levels
of the ocean and increases the toxicity of the region. This permanent damage dealt also
causes leaking, corrosion, and oil spills that only drastically further hinder the ecosystem of
the region.

6. Littering: Pollution from the atmosphere is, believe it or not, a huge ocean pollution
source. This occurs when far inland objects are blown by the wind over long distances and
end up in the ocean. These objects can be anything from natural things like dust and sand
to human-made objects such as debris and trash. Most debris, especially plastic debris,
cannot decompose and remains suspended in the oceans current for years. Animals can
become snagged on the plastic or mistake it for food, slowly killing them over a long period
of time. Animals who are most often the victims of plastic debris include turtles, dolphins,
fish, sharks, crabs, sea birds, and crocodiles.

Besides, the ocean's temperature is highly affected by carbon dioxide and climate changes,
which primarily impacts the ecosystems and fish communities that live in the ocean. In
particular, the rising levels of Co2 acidify the ocean in the form of acid rain. Even though
the ocean can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, carbon dioxide levels are
steadily increasing. Due to the rising of the ocean's temperatures, the ocean's absorbing
mechanisms are unable to keep up with the pace.
Effects of Ocean Pollution

1. Effect of Toxic Wastes on Marine Animals: Oil spill is dangerous to marine life in
several ways. The oil spilled in the ocean could get on to the gills and feathers of marine
animals, making it difficult for them to move or fly properly or feed their children. The long
term effect on marine life can include cancer, failure in the reproductive system, behavioral
changes, and even death.

2. Disruption to the Cycle of Coral Reefs: Oil spill floats on the surface of the water and
prevents sunlight from reaching to marine plants, and affects photosynthesis. Skin
irritation, eye irritation, lung and liver problems can impact marine life over a long period
of time.

3: Depletes Oxygen Content in Water: Most of the ocean's debris does not decompose
and remain in the ocean for years. It uses oxygen as it degrades. As a result of this, oxygen
levels go down. When oxygen levels go down, the chances of survival of marine animals like
whales, turtles, sharks, dolphins, penguins for a long time also goes down.

4: Failure in the Reproductive System of Sea Animals: Industrial and agricultural

wastes include various poisonous chemicals that are considered hazardous for marine life.
Chemicals from pesticides can accumulate in animals' fatty tissue, leading to failure in their
reproductive system.

5: Effect on Food Chain: Chemicals used in industries and agriculture get washed into the
rivers and from there are carried into the oceans. These chemicals do not get dissolved and
sink at the bottom of the ocean. Small animals ingest these chemicals and are later eaten by
large animals, affecting the whole food chain.
6. Affects Human Health: Animals from the impacted food chain are then eaten by
humans, which affects their health as toxins from these contaminated animals get
deposited in the tissues of people and can lead to cancer, congenital disabilities, or long
term health problems.


Exercise 1

Answer the questions based on the article above.

1. What are some environmental effects of marine pollution?

2. Why is marine pollution a threat to humans as well as to the environment?
3. What are the problems associated with ocean mining?
4. What should you do with rubbish if your vessel does not have an incinerator?
5. In which area is permitted to dump plastic into the sea?

Complete these sentences using the words below.

If .......... ............ ............ water, ............ ..................... ......................spreads.

(it, floats, in, and, spills, light oil )


If clause result clause

If oil spills, up to 40%evaporates in 48 hours

When talking about science or facts or things that are guaranteed to happen, the verbs
in both clauses are in the present tense because the facts are always true.
If + subject + verb subject+verb

If oil spill in the water, it floats

It is sometimes possible to use when instead of if to talk about facts.

When there is a flash of lightning, there is also thunder.
Fog occurs when warm air blows over cool seawater.

Exercise 2
Read these questions about scientific facts. Write your answer in a complete
sentence with two clauses.
1. What happened if ice heated?
2. What happens to water if the temperature drops below 0'C?
3. What happens when water is heated to 100 degrees Celcius?
4. What happens when cool air rises in the sky?
5. When is it difficult to see the stars at night?
6. Why do ships pitch and roll at sea?

Exercise 3
Complete the warnings and predictions by matching the clauses in A and B.
1. A vessel will need an Oil Record Bok part 2 if
2. If clean ballast is discharged into the sea,
3. You will be fined by the Coastguard if
4. If a tanker does not have certification,
5. Unless an alternative energy source is utilized,
6. The population of dolphins will be endangered if
7. If the correct topping-off method is used,
8. Marine pollution will be reduced further if
9. If a master wants to transfer oil at night,
10. If the consumption of fossil fuels is not reduced,
a. It is a tanker of more than 150 GRT
b. Tank overflows will be avoided
c. Reserves will run out very soon
d. Greenhouse gas emissions will keep rising
e. More seafarers undergo MARPOL training
f. He will need to make special arrangements with the harbormaster
g. It is a tanker of more than 150 MRT
h. You are found polluting US waters
i. It will not contain visible traces of oil
j. It will not be allowed to sail
k. They continue to get caught in fishing nets

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