background of the research, the statement of the problem, the objective of research,
People use their mind to create something, like literature which is born from
the people thoughts. According to Wolfrey J. R., ( 2006, p. 62) said “literature has
been used to designate any ‘imaginative’, ‘creative’ of ‘fictional’ writing”. One of the
results from creative, imaginative and fictional writing which is created by the people
The prose is the expression to describe the consideration and feel which does
not have rhyme and rhythm. According to Abrams M. H. (1999, p. 246), the meaning
of prose often signified as a daily language which to describe a fact or idea because it
term of Novel is now applied to a great variety of writings that have in common only
the attribute of being extended works of fiction written in prose. In the intrinsic
element of the novel, we recognize, there are theme, character, setting, etc. The
From that citation, the writer recognizes that characters have each personality
which impacts to the story. Characters also represent something, like this research, the
researcher will take feminism in character in this story. In the literary works, the
writer can change the life of the character which the writer wants. If he/she changes
the character, the identity of the character will change too. Sometimes the change of
character can result to bad and good; If bad then the feminism from the character will
One of the novels which have icon feminism is Eat Pray Love, and then the
researcher takes this novel. Eat Pray Love’s novel for the first time was published on
February 2006, becomes a New York times’ best seller for over 200 weeks, American
Booksellers Association Acclaimed Best Seller, the first on the Book Sense Paperback
Nonfiction List for over a year. This novel is included into popular fiction that makes
readers want to see a well-defined and interesting plot, with plenty of complications
and conflicts to keep them entertained. The conflicts might be physical between
characters or might involve problems that characters must solve. Characters in these
types of works might be embroiled in verbal fights with one another or might have a
murder mystery that they must solve. The same point I have found in this novel.
In the novel Eat Pray Love, there is a character named Elizabeth Gilbert who
has the character of feminist. Elizabeth Gilbert is very curious about her life, she was
always happy and the type of person that is perfect, because it has all the desirable
modern woman, intelligent, ambitious, that is a husband, house, and a brilliant career.
But instead of feeling happy and satisfied, that she felt panic, sad and disappointed.
She felt the divorce, depression, failure in love and lost the handle will be the
direction of her life. To restore it all Liz took a radical step that is searching for his
true identity again by means of travel around the world by herself in three countries
that are Italy, India, and Indonesia. Liz including women who are strong, independent
“To my eye, there was nothing this woman could not do on her own.”
It means that the woman can do anything without needing help to
Feminism is all about embracing the natural qualities of a woman. The quality
of the natural mean female must have a good way, humble, adult, mother, and lover.
Feminism is to focus on proving that there are similarities between men and women,
and then comes from the literature that is based on the principles of feminism and
refers to literary works centered on the struggle for women's equality and accepted as
a human being.
Women will be able to change the world and will reconstruct the back view of
society about women. Women should place herself into the text and write for herself
as well as for other women to provide insights to other women about their bodies and
about their advantages that they did not realize. According to Cixous (Nurrachman,
2015, p. 270), a woman must write herself, a woman must put herself into the text as
into the world and into history by her own movement. Then that citation talks the
The researcher has found that the main character of this novel has a problem
with her character. It becomes a new topic which is interesting for the researcher to
assessed include but are not limited to personality, skills and abilities, occupation and
hobbies, etc. The concept is not restricted to the present. It includes past selves and
future selves. Future or possible selves represent individual ideas of what they might
become what they would like to become, or what they are afraid of becoming. They
correspond to hopes, fears, standards, goals, and threats. It may function as incentives
for future behavior and they also provide an evaluative and interpretive context for the
current view of self. The researcher is interested in this story because normally
women are passive who always entrust to the condition. They are waiting for their
future will come to their life. They do not try to find it by themselves but in this story
the character of Liz Gilbert is different. She is an active woman and struggles to find
There are some previous studies about the same object of this thesis, those are,
Cause and Impact Analysis on The Main Character’s suffering in Elizabeth Gilbert:
Eat Pray Love by Fredy Yunanto (2011) this thesis about dominant by the cause and
impact sourced from the main character’s suffering life. It displays through some
confession from the main character and the paragraph that supports the main character
felt unhappy from her problems. The second previous studies found by the researcher
is the thesis by Ardi Wirdiansyah (2011) which Thesis’s entitled The Life of
Elizabeth Gilbert as Reflected in Her Novel Eat, Pray, Love, the thesis talks about
how is the harmony concept from sociological approach applied. The third previous
studies found by researcher is the thesis by Bert Olivier (2012) this entitled The
Pleasure of Food, and the Spiritual: Eat, Pray, Love and Babette's Feast, the thesis
talk about the implications of the enjoyment of mundane pleasures and the allegory
that enables the viewer to grasp the possibility of significant culinary enjoyment on
the part of an otherwise excessively spiritually oriented group of people. The last
previous studies found by the researcher is the journal by Colton Lovelace (2014)
entitled Love the Lace; Field work journal: Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat Pray Love, it is
about the personal thought of the writer. This journal talks about how Elizabeth
Gilbert makes the reader understand through the paragraph by using hyperbole.
Related to the previous study above then the researcher uses the feminist approach in
this thesis, relates how feminism stated by one of the well-known experts of feminist
From the background above in this research, the researcher will analyze
feminism of the main character Liz in the Novel Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.
2.1 How does the feminism of the main character constructed to be Independent
2.2 How does the feminism pursuit Liz’s happiness in Eat Pray Love?
From the questions above, the researcher takes a purpose of objectives of the
2. To know how does the feminism pursuit Liz’s happiness in Eat Pray Love.
4.1 Academically this research gives the knowledge about feminism character on
4.2 Practically,
4.2.1 To give some references to other researchers that want to write a thesis,
4.2.2 To give knowledge about the characteristic of the main character to the
4.3 For the reader, this research is expected to be a helpful source in comprehending
This paper is divided into five chapters to analyze the Feminism of the main
Chapter III, methodology of the research, consist of the method of research, source of
data, the technique of collecting data, the data and ends with the technique of
analyzing data.
Chapter IV, finding and discussion consist of an analysis of what is characteristic Liz