Proposal Literature THE INVINCIBLE MAN
Proposal Literature THE INVINCIBLE MAN
Proposal Literature THE INVINCIBLE MAN
This chapter deals with the background of the study, identification of the
One of the genres studied in literature is prose. There are several types of
prose, and prose fiction is one of it. The term fiction, mostly in narrative forms
but the story does commonly make sense and contains the truth which
supposed to entertain the reader. In the other words, to read a fictional work
means enjoying the story, and to gain entertainment from it. However the
elements are generally divided into two major categories, which are the
intrinsic element is the elements that directly build the literary work itself.
novel. The intrinsic elements, among the others, consist of plot, character,
building a fictional story. At this point, character will be able to answer the
more interesting for people than one about the plot. In case of fiction,
is represented in a form of text. The character directly supports and creates the
neutral character, etc. These categories can be classified based on the role and
the importance of each character. The differences between each character also
characters they like to put sympathy and empathy onto. These characters
usually represent same interests, hopes, and ideas with the reader. In other
words, these characters represent the readers. These characters are called
In other way, there may be some characters that the role is to have conflict
opposition characters for the protagonists. The antagonists will be the ones
that create a conflict of the story. However, there are some cases that the
factors such as accident, natural disaster, moral value, etc. These conflict
causes that are not caused individually by a character are called antagonistic
Herbert George Wells was a great science fiction writer during the
Victorian era. He was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction, and
produced works in many different genres, including contemporary novels,
history, and social commentary. He was also an outspoken socialist. His later
works become increasingly political and didactic, and only his early science
fiction novels are widely read today. He was referred to as the Father of
Science Fiction. Many of his works “are still practically household names
today” (Keller). He was also a well-known socialist and humanitarian as is
stated by Charles Keller in his article “H. G. Wells Sees It Through”: “The
man H. G. Wells was as remarkable as his literature. He believed the keys to
mankind’s long-term survival were education and a disciplined application of
science to matters that benefited everyone. He was a life-long Socialist who
despised Marxism, a devoted humanitarian and a tireless champion of
women's rights.” One of his great works, The Invisible Man, is one of his
longest living works, which has been made into many serials and even modern
day movies.
The main conflict of the novel can be considered as right from the beginning
of The Invisible Man, written by H. G. Wells, The story contains both external
and internal conflict. In either case, both the protagonist and the antagonist is
Griffin himself as he has made himself his own worst enemy. The external
conflicts that Griffin causes are between Griffin and various members of the
town as his invisibility is gradually discovered. People react with fear and then
with terror as Griffin aggravates the situation by lashing out against people as
soon as they figure him out. The people accept his existence with surprising
lack of suspicion about the possibility of such an occurrence, which may be a
lack on the author's part. Once they believe that he exists, the primary goal is
to apprehend and imprison him. Although motives are not elaborated upon, it
would seem that different people in the town have different notions of what
they might do when and if they could capture the man. Griffin also ultimately
sees Kemp as an enemy although he had at first believed that Kemp would be
both sympathetic and cooperative.
Based on the background of the study, the writer chooses a research title
Invincible Man.
In this study, the research questions are made mainly based on the
background of the study above, and also on the writer’s own interest. The
C. Limitation of the Problems
The Invincible Man has many characters; many of those are even can be
categorized as main characters. As for the reason above, the writer limits the
According to the research questions, the writer has purposes that expected
to be gained through this study. The objectives of the study are as follows:
The Invincible Man novel, and also for the reader to be able to understand
addition, the significances of this study can be divided into two major
a. Academic significance
b. Practical Significance
hopes that the results of this study can be used for advancement of
This chapter deals with novel, kind of novel, element of fiction, character,
A. Novel
greater length than the short story. In the seventeenth and eighteenthcentury,
novel was often considered with romance as being something shorter and
The word novel comes from Latin; which means a new tale or story. The
word originally comes from Latin adjective novellas or novus that means
said that in literary, novella means “a small brand new thing” and then the
scale. The word “broad” refers to a story with a complex plot (plot), various
However, the range of the "broad" is not absolute, however, perhaps it is only
one fictional element, for example the theme, while the characters, settings
supposed to entertain the reader. In the other words, to read a novel means
enjoying the story, and to gain entertainment from it. However the experiences
B. Kinds of Novel
1. Serious novel
Serious novel mostly contains experiences and problems based on the real
life. It invites the reader to be absorbed deeply into the story, in order to
comprehend the problem of the story line. With those contents, this kind of
novel is not only offers entertainment to the readers, but also the worthy
experience and knowledge that can be learned through the problem of the
Mostly, serious novels take the problems of real life as the basic
sample for the idea of the story. The idea then wrapped and presented as in
“new world”. A serious novel tries to reveal something new, and also
2. Popular novel
and has many readers, usually among teenagers. This kind of novel mostly
and not offers more problems in life with many possibilities. Its purpose is
to retell the records of life events, hoping that the readers will recall those
events in their lives and will be entertained with it. A good popular novel
C. Elements of Fiction
A fictional work must consists some elements, which are divided into two
major categories. They are the extrinsic elements and the intrinsic elements.
Intrinsic elements are the ones that build up the story inside directly, some of
them are theme, plot, character, setting, point of views, language, or figure of
speech, etc.
bahasa atau gaya bahasa, dan lain-lain.(=Intrinsic elements are
the elements that build the literature itself. these elements caused
why literature presents as a literary work. The elements are the
theme, plot, character, setting, storytelling point of views,
language, or figure of speech, and others).
Extrinsic elements are the elements found outside of the story itself, but it
political), view of life of a nation, the various works of art, religion, and so
D. Character
qualities of the person (Opdhal, 1968:3). Stanton (1965:17) stated that a story
has a major character. Its character, which is related to every event in the
story, usually will show the change both in the character itself orin the act
narrative work who are interpreted by reader as being endowed with moral
and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say and what they
do in action. Therefore, it can be said that the relation between character and
its personal quality depends on the readers’ acceptation. The readers can get
the personality of a character through its utterances (verbal) and actions (non
person who inhabits a story – although that simple definition may admit to a
few exceptions. (In George Stewart’s novel Storm, the protagonist is the wind;
in Richard Adams’s Watership down, the central characters are rabbits). But
persona, identity, or entity that exists and plays role in the story. In the other
real life; it also can be human, supernatural creature, animal, etc. However, in
the way of describing it, Brooks and Warren (1959:168) stated that every
Based on its importance and role level, character can be divided into two
1. Main character refers to the character that has important role in the
story. The main character can be identified by finding out the character
2. Supporting character, in contrary, refers to the character that has less
1. Flat characters are characters only have one personality. In their purest
form, they are constructed round a single idea or quality: when there is
more than one factor in them, we get the beginning of the curve
understood or stereotyped.
personality and behavior along the story. As the contrary to the flat
“pelaku yang memiliki watak baik sehingga disenangi oleh pembaca”.
by the reader).
represents norms and values that are considered as the ideal ones by
character shows some things that suits our views; these characters have
similarity with us, share similar problems that we have, and have
pembaca karena memiliki watak yang tidak sesuai dengan apa yang
the reader because of its characterization that does not meet the
However, in some cases, categorizing characters into protagonist or
antagonist can be complex or, at least, arguable. It is due to the fact that any
a fiction. For this complexity, Luxemburg et al (1992:145) said that once there
are two contrary characters, the one that has more chances to show its visions
E. Characterization
age, gender, social status, sexual orientation, beliefs, motivation, etc. Through
the characterization, the reader can understand each character and therefore be
expressed in what they say (the dialogue) and what they do (the action). The
authorsimply presents the characters talking and acting and leaves the reader
to infer the motives and dispositions that lie behind what they say and do. It
means that the author does not describe or convey the character explicitly; the
reader is free to appreciate the characterization of the character based on their
describe, and often to evaluate, the motives and dispositional qualities of the
characters. With the telling method, the reader is straightly given the
F. Biography of H. G. Wells
England. His first novel, The Time Machine was an instant success and Wells
produced a series of science fiction novels which pioneered our ideas of the
future. His later work focused on satire and social criticism. Wells laid out his
a. Early Life
hardware store for a time. Wells's parents were often worried about his
poor health. They were afraid that he might die young, as his older sister
had. At the age of 7, Wells had an accident that left him bedridden for
several months. During this time, the avid young reader went through
After Wells's father's shop failed, his family, which included two
read the works of Jonathan Swift and some of the important figures of the
He hated the job and eventually quit, much to his mother's dismay.
Turning to teaching, Wells soon found a way to continue his own studies.
Wells also devoted much of his time to becoming a writer. During college,
b. Literary Success
publication of the novel The Time Machine. The book was about an
the work also explored social and scientific topics, from class conflict to
evolution. These themes recurred in some of his other popular works from
this time.
Wells continued to write what some have called scientific
Invisible Man (1897) and The War of the Worlds (1898). The Island of
creatures. In The Invisible Man, Wells explores the life of another scientist
invisible. The War of the Worlds, a novel about an alien invasion, later
radio. On Halloween night of 1938, Orson Welles went on the air with his
version of The War of the Worlds, claiming that aliens had landed in New
Review for several years, during which time he promoted the careers of
remarkably accurate. Wells forecasted the rise of major cities and suburbs,
rights, Wells did not predict the rise of women in the workplace.
Politically, Wells supported socialist ideals. For a time, he was a
member of the Fabian Society, a group that sought social reform and
believed that the best political system was socialism. Wells explored
including Kipps (1905). Kipps was one of Wells's favorites of his own
1916's Mr. Britling Sees It Through. This wildly popular novel looks at a
writer living in a small English village before, during and after World War
I. Also around this time, Wells again demonstrated his affinity for
c. Later Works
best selling work during his lifetime. This three-volume tome began with
prehistory and followed the world's events up through World War I. Wells
believed there would be another major war to follow, and included his
ideas for the future. Lobbying for a type of global socialism, he suggested
the creation of a single government for the entire world. Around this time,
Wells also tried to advance his political ideas in the real world. He ran for
Parliament as a Labour Party candidate in 1922 and 1923, but both efforts
ended in failure.
Wells branched out into film in the 1930s. Traveling to Hollywood,
he adapted his 1933 novel The Shape of Things to Come for the big screen.
His 1936 film, called Things to Come, took audiences on a journey from
the next world war into the distant future. Around this same time, Wells
worked on the film version of one of his short stories, "The Man Who
widely. He visited Russia in 1920 where he met with Vladimir Lenin and
Leon Trotsky. More than a decade later, Wells had the opportunity to talk
lectured and went on speaking tours, gaining notoriety for his radical
social and political views. Taking a break from war-torn London in 1940,
Hemispheres—One World."
that is owned and run by the husband and wife George and Janny Hall. They
ask him to not be worried about the storm, so he goes to his room with his
luggage. This man’s name is Griffin, a scientist, who usually spends his time
introverted guy, which becomes a huge problem as he lives in a town where
bandaged up and wears a fake nose. The villagers think that he is very
peculiar, especially because there are suddenly weird break-ins and a lot of
robberies start happening in the village. But things become worse when the
owner Janny Hall asks him to pay up his overture rent or leave. So, he gets
depressed and frustrated, taking off all his bandages and clothes and manages
profession, to become his assistant. But Marvel betrays him and takes him to
the police, so Griffin runs away again. The Invisible Man beats them up and
While he is on the run again, Griffin happens to meet Dr Kemp, his old
acquaintance from medical school. Griffin then tells his friend Kemp about his
experiments with invisibility. He also tells him how he has made plans to
terrorize England by using his discovery of invisibility. Here’s the gist of what
he tells him: he was poor and was desperate to study invisibility, so he steals
money from his father, who later commits suicide (it’s not revealed why he
does that). Finally, Griffin gets a grip of the idea of invisibility and proceeds
to do these things: (1) set his landlord’s building on fire; (2) wander around
London; (3) rob a department store; and (4) wear a ridiculous outfit hired from
But soon Kemp realizes that Griffin has gone berserk, and hands him over
to the police.
But Griffin still breaks through the police line and starts chasing Kemp
into the town. But unfortunately, the locals get hold of Griffin and kill him. At
the end of the story, it is revealed that Marvel has saved all the notes written
by Griffin in his room at the inn, but luckily, he can’t make heads or tails out
of them.
1. Griffin
changes his area of study from medicine to physics and then becomes
successfully tries the formula on himself and thinks about all the things
means of survival.
2. Mr. Marvel
This is the first character that Griffin makes his assistant and uses
as a partner in crime. Mr. Marvel is a short, fat loner who is the area
tramp. Griffin thinks that he stupid and so trusts him by believing that
3. Dr. Kemp
Griffin was aware that even Kemp was keen about strange and
normal life. Kemp; however, does not have a sense of loyalty to his
This chapter deals with type of the research, . Data collecting method, data
analyzing method.
For this research, the writer uses qualitative and descriptive approach as
with conditions, practices, structures, differences or relationships that exist,
opinions held, processes that are going on or trends that are evident.
Based on the statement of Maxwell above, it can be said that the method
used for this research is qualitative descriptive method. The method describes
the problem or case proposed based on the available fact, the specific ones,
then be investigated to solve the problems and draw the general conclusions.
presentational techniques.
6. Making a conclusion
As an addition and in order to support this research, the writer also used
library research. The writer could find material to support his research topic by
through books from several writers. Beside that, the writer also used the
In collecting the data, the writer read the story, looked for the main
characters, and then underlined the sentences and dialogs pointing to the
the underlined sentences and dialogs in order to get the characterization and
meaning of each chosen main characters, and then classified it into protagonist
data, the writer explains the data that were analyzed to get conclusions.
The writer used six steps in collecting the data for this research. The steps
The writer read the whole story from the beginning to the end to find out
After finding all of the characters, the writer then selected five main
3. Collecting the description of characterizations of the selected characters
After selected five main characters, the writer underlined and quoted the
After collecting the data, the writer tried to understand and interpreted the
After understanding and interpreting the data, the writer then selected the
After selecting the data that have been interpreted before, the writer then
analyzed the data to find out the characterization of the characters based on the
In analyzing the data, the writer firstly determined five main characters in
the story, which would be analyzed. Secondly, the writer generally determined
description in the narrations or dialogues from the novel. After that, the writer
to the previous general description. The analysis would had been explained in
descriptive form.