1.03 Design Considerations - General Design

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A sound, functiona1 plan is the single most important factor in obtaining an acceptable
solution to the Building Program. This can best be achieved through a careful study of
the space relationships and a thorough understanding of the needs of the users as
expressed in the Building Program and in subsequent meetings and discussions held
between the Architect and the Building Committee.

It must also be recognized that changing curricula and modifications of space are
frequent occurrences in College operation. Flexibility should be a consideration in any
plan to accommodate anticipated as well as unanticipated changes and future growth.

Exterior design of the building is expected to be compatible with neighboring buildings

and with the campus as a whole. Exterior materials as well as the building form will be
examined very carefully at every step of the process to ensure compliance with the
requirements of the project and College standards. This will be reviewed and approved
by the campus Design Review Board for compliance to the Long Range Development
Plan, Campus Master Plan, Landscape Guidelines and Design Guidelines.

It is neither the policy nor the intent of the College to limit the creative individuality of
the Architect in design or selection of materials. The guidelines and requirements
presented in the Design Guidelines are based upon College experience with materials and
construction methods and details that have resulted in the fewest problems in operation
and maintenance, and in the best service and life of materials and equipment. Uniformity
in the use of materials and equipment throughout the campus limits the range of cleaning
and maintenance products and reduces the variety of parts and materials which must be
stocked for repairs and replacements as well as providing a continuity of aesthetic and
functional user-experiences.

New materials and products and new methods of construction, when proven sound, may
justify changes from these standards. Special consideration shall be given to technology
and careful analysis to accommodate future advancement. Design with building
sustainability concepts shall be discussed, considered and integrated into the Project.
Planning for technological flexibility within budgetary constraints is a primary task.
Proposals to use such new applications shall be reviewed and approved by the Owner's
Representative prior to presenting them to the entire Building Committee and
incorporating them into the Documents. General durability of construction, selection of
appropriate materials and long term maintenance shall be a primary concern during the
design and shall be specifically identified in the Construction Documents.

The College’s East Campus properties on North Weber between Uintah and Cache la
Poudre Streets are in the North Weber/Wahsatch Historic District. Design Guidelines are
being developed by Winter Kramer and Jessup, for this area: the Architect shall conform
to the guidelines and review the design with the Owner’s Representative and, if
warranted, the Colorado State Historic Society.

Energy conservation must be given special consideration in the design of new or

remodeled College buildings. The Colorado College requires a life cycle cost analysis,
where appropriate, on major components of new facilities and renovation projects. A
building operating cost analysis shall be reviewed with the Owner’s Representative at the
Design Development and Construction Documents Phases.

The College and their Utility Consultants have an understanding of the functioning and
future expansion of the Central Plant design, distribution and operations. In the
beginning of all Projects, the Architect and their Engineers shall review the scope of the
Project to understand the need and constraints of the Central Distribution System.

Colorado College supports and promotes sustainable and environmentally conscious

building design, a systematic consideration of a project’s true cost to the environment and
energy resources. Sustainable design concepts should be applied within the budgetary
and programmatic constraints of the specific projects. A primary motivating premise for
sustainability is to make wise resource decisions that will minimize our impact on future
generation. Our college campus becomes a prominent forum for educating the public,
promoting a higher community consciousness and leading by example. The building and
associated landscape can have a substantial influences on teaching and learning. The
benefits of improved indoor air quality, energy conservation and enhanced visual
surroundings promote a healthy and productive environment for inhabitants.

During the design process, a reasonable and feasible analysis of possible strategies shall
be developed and discussed to understand the financial and programmatic impact of the
strategies on the entire Project. The level of analysis shall be proportional to the project
and determined at the beginning of the project. The Consultants shall facilitate an
integrated multi-disciplinary design process that evolves through the entire design and
construction process. Discussion and review of potential strategies shall be conducted
with the Building Committee at each design phase. A commissioning plan shall be
produced and an implementation process developed for projects with substantial
mechanical or electrical work: refer to Division 15 and 16 of these Guidelines.
Consideration of mechanical and lighting system efficiency, daylighting schemes,
reduction/elimination of environmentally harmful substances, regional material
availability and indigenous or xeric plant usage are general strategies that should be
evaluated. LEED may be used as the benchmark to evaluate a “Green Building” project,
and, if so, will be identified in the start of design. If LEED certification is to be included
in the Project Program, this design expertise and assistance will be required of the
Architect and their Consultants.


For larger Project, the College will provide the Architect with a written Building
Program. In some cases, the Architect for the project will be contracted to develop the
Building Program. The typical Building Program includes the following:


A statement of the nature and function of the end user of the facility, background
information regarding development of the project to date, and identification of the site.

Design Considerations

A statement of general design considerations pertinent to the project.

Project Cost Considerations

An estimated Project Cost is included in the Building Program. The Architect should be
especially concerned with the amount identified as Construction Cost. The heading
"Construction Cost" normally includes all built-in or fixed equipment for the Project. It
is the responsibility of the Architect to design within that estimated figure or immediately
advise the Owner's Representative that this cannot be accomplished. The Owner may
budget and provide certain aspects of the Project (furnishings, special equipment, etc.)
The Architect shall thoroughly review these costs with the Building Committee and
Owner’s Representative assisting in developing the overall Project Budget.

Project Time Considerations

The Building Program usually incorporates a tentative time schedule indicating when
various phases of the work are expected to be completed. This schedule is based on a
critical occupancy date(s) which in turn relate to other planned programs and the College
academic calendar. A revised time schedule may be developed after discussions between
the Architect and the Owner's Representative.

Space Requirements Summary

A tabulation of net areas required for assignable spaces. Net areas given in the Program
shall be maintained in the Architect's design as closely as possible. Any significant
deviation from the areas given or functional relationships shown in the program could
result in rejection of the schematic design unless previously approved by the Owner's



Attention should be given to adequate corridor widths for the loads generated by the
particular occupancy of each part of the Project. Obviously corridors serving classrooms
must be wider than those to offices. When possible, doors opening in the direction of the
exitway should be recessed in an alcove to prevent intrusion into the pedestrian flow.
Provide drinking fountains and other public facilities such as benches to serve the
building occupants. The area under drinking fountains and recycling bins shall have an
impervious floor material.

Similar analysis shall be made for determination of number and size of elevators and
number and size of public toilets.

Corridor walls shall be constructed of durable materials. Generally, Corridors will be of

framed gypboard construction: use vandal resistant or plywood backing on the passage
face of the partition.

Public Toilets

Provide adequate and Code compliant facilities to accommodate building occupants

including physically handicapped. Particularly in remodel projects, toilet count shall be
reviewed with the Code Official to provide a reasonable accommodation in an existing

In large public toilets, provide pipe space behind water closets that shall be 3'-0” clear
and shall be readily accessible. Include lighting and a separate 120-volt duplex
receptacle in each pipe space.

The Code Officials will determine the required fixture count. It is particularly important
in building renovation and/or addition projects to discuss and resolve this issue early in
the design process.


Discuss with the Owner's Representative the nature of mail facilities for each individual

Custodian Closet

A Custodian Closet is preferred on each floor of the building for storage of cleaning
equipment and supplies. The minimum size space required is 80 square feet. If it is
possible to provide a larger custodian room on the main floor near the service entrance
and near an elevator, (minimum size 120 square feet), the space requirements on other
floors may be reduced to 50 square feet.

Each Custodian Closet shall be equipped curb-type utility floor sink, hose bibbs, hot and
cold water, and shelves. Provide adequate ventilation where battery chargers and/or other
similar devices are used. Each custodian space must have adequate electrical outlets.

Custodian Closets shall not be shared with other functions (Example: telecommunications
boards, pipe chases, etc.).

Waste Disposal

Waste disposal is an almost continuous operation. Waste pick-up is on a daily or more

frequent basis to each building, using packer type trucks into which containers are
emptied. Building custodians take waste from individual spaces to the trash containers.
Verify and accommodate for the container sizes as identified by the Owner’s
Representative. Accommodation for recycling containers considered during the design

Biological wastes, chemical wastes and radioactive materials require special

consideration and their requirements will be analyzed and programmed in specific
buildings where it occurs.

The College has an extensive recycling program. The Architect shall review both
internal and exterior trash collection requirements with the College and provide adequate
space in their design to accomplish this efficiently.

Maintenance Personnel

When identified by the Owner’s Representative, provide a secure work area for building
maintenance personnel with a service sink, workbench and/or space for tools. For HVAC
Mechanics, this may be in a Mechanical Room if sound levels permit.

Maintenance Storage

Provide a storage space of 100 square feet for storage of maintenance items for the
building such as spare floor tiles, etc. For public spaces, additional storage may be
required for events furniture.

Utility Closets

Locate telecommunications equipment and electrical branch circuit panel boards in the
same utility closet dedicated to this purpose when possible. Provide proper clearance
around equipment. Refer to Part 1, Media and Telecommunications requirements for
further information.


To provide access in buildings over two stories, an ADA qualified elevator(s) shall be
provided. In remodel projects, particularly in historic buildings, it may be difficult to
find a reasonable shaft location. In such cases, a custom size elevator in accordance with
ADAAG 4.1.9 or larger may be provided.


Due to the nature of the Block Plan, classroom design will require flexibility and
adaptability. Each professor and/or program will have unique teaching methods and
classroom configurations, which may be modified for the new instructor of the next
Block. The structured class will generally last the entire morning with one break at mid
morning. The Architect shall discuss these unique needs with the Building Committee.

Classrooms need to be a friendly, desirable facility that promotes good relationships. A

classroom design promoting interaction includes principle features as comfort,
appearance and use of visual displays.

A general circulation plan of entryways and corridors shall accommodate for the
students’ interaction and relaxation during break periods.

Materials should be primarily chosen with durability, cleanability, and acoustical

properties in mind. Acoustical treatment is important to control sound within the room as
well as reduce noise between rooms.

The specific technology needs, both current and future, shall be thoroughly reviewed with
the Users. Generally, the College will hire Contractors directly for installation of
Data/Com Systems and equipment. The Architect and their Consultants are responsible
for assisting and coordinating these needs and accurate indicating what is needed to
support the completed system.

General Guidelines

A. Normally, install chalkboard/markerboards/tackboards on the front and rear walls

and a portion of one sidewall: review the specific placement with the Users.
White markerboards are used in classrooms with computer installations. Above
all chalkboards and markerboards, provide a cork tackstrip with spring clips and
hooks. Usually a projector screen will be located centered in the front of the

B. Generally, classrooms should have effective, easily operated and durable closures
over the windows allowing the room to be completely darkened for projection.
Blackout blinds are preferred.

C. Audience entrances/exits should be at the back of the room.

D. Provide adequate wheelchair locations in fixed seating rooms.

E. Normally the instructor's table/lectern and students desks/tables will be moveable

furniture unless utilities are required.

F. Provide College telecommunications voice-data jack near outlet on center front

wall below chalkboard/whiteboard with exact location in consultation with Owner
Representative Owner Representative and Audio Visual & Communications

G. Provide quiet and adequate mechanical systems.

H. Left-handed fixed seating writing tablets should be provided for about 10% of the
seats. Exact location in consultation with Owner’s Representative.

I. Generally, classrooms with a seating capacity in excess of 50 and scheduled for

fixed seating should be designed for the use of sloped floor and/or risers toward
rear of room.

J. “Media Classrooms” shall be designated and include a minimum of the following:

a console at the front of the room with a network computer cabling and adequate
space for a variety of Audio/Visual sources (VCR, DVD, CD, etc.). These needs
should be specifically discussed.

K. Lecture hall seats shall not be less than 20" in width with preference to 22".
Folding tablet arms to have rattle-free mechanism.

L. Lighting general requirements to be reviewed with the specific user (see 3.16
subsection 16500 LIGHTING for Technical Requirements)

1. Student seating 50 foot-candles recommended.

2. Instructor-presenter area 100 foot-candles recommended.

3. Chalkboard 70-90 foot-candles recommended.

4. Aisle lights in Lecture Halls and as required by Code.

5. Note taking light level should be at 5 foot-candles-maximum without light

spillage to projection screen.

6. All light switches should have clearly labeled functions.

7. Generally, Classrooms should have two lighting levels, one for general use
and a lower level for projector use: dual level switched fluorescent lights
are preferred. The row adjacent to the screen should be shut off with the
lower level lighting.

8. Dimmable fluorescent lighting systems are generally NOT acceptable,

without prior approval by the Owner’s Representative. Enhanced
dimmable fluorescent lighting circuit systems that address “flickering”
will be considered.

9. To avoid interference with a ceiling mounted projector, ceiling light

fixture should not extend below 9 feet above the floor.

10. NOTE: Consideration for maintainability and efficiency incorporated into

the lighting design. An excessive number of fixtures and/or types of
fixtures/bulbs is not acceptable.

M. Electrical requirements to be reviewed with the specific User: refer to Appendix

A, Drawing A-2

1. Provide three duplex boxes and one duplex outlet on the left or right side of
the front wall for the media equipment rack approximately 24 inches x 24
inches x 42 inches high. Provide one box with one 1-inch conduit terminating
above the ceiling for the data service. Provide one duplex outlet and one box
with one 1½ inch empty conduit from a duplex box terminating in the ceiling
approximately 14 feet from the front of the room for the data projector.
Provide one box with two 1/2-inch empty conduits terminating outlet boxes
approximately 8 feet above the floor and 9 to 12 feet apart on the front wall
for speakers. Coordinate the layout of the Audio Visual system with the
Building Committee and the College’s A/V Department.

2. When required by the program, provide empty 1½” conduit between front
and rear walls with blank faceplates for slide projectors.

3. For portable media devices and utility, provide one duplex outlet in the
front center and on the side and rear walls.

4. All electrical circuits should be fed from "clean" legs from the contact

5. Provide electrical operating projection screen in all classrooms with

capacity of 30 or larger. Size, location and quantity will be determined
during the planning process.

6. When requested by the User, provide one duplex outlet with adequate
empty conduits terminating an outlet boxes at 6 foot high on a sidewall
near the front of the room for a wall-mounted TV/VCR/DVD.

N. Audio-Visual recommended requirements to be reviewed with the specific user.

1. Specific requirements for conduit sizes, cable trays, etc. will be developed
for individual projects with the Owner’s Representative and the College’s
Audio/Visual and Communications Departments.

2. In auditorium and classrooms, controls for operation of equipment and for

lights should be provided at and interconnected between the speaker's
station at the front and the projector location at the rear of room. Separate
projection rooms may be required.

3. Projection screens over eight feet wide used in large rooms are normally
electrically operated. Screens seven feet or smaller may be manually

O. Media Utilization Design Guidelines and Criteria

1. All group instructional facilities need to be designed to accommodate the

following visual and audio educational practices:

a. Proper viewing angles (sight lines for all students) and size of
projection surfaces.

b. Effective lighting control and levels.

c. Quality audio listening levels and acoustics. The design of the

room should be conducive to intelligible un-assisted listening.

d. Proper storage and installation of media equipment and general
storage for special event. Security control of the media equipment
for special events shall be considered in the design.

e. Control of installed media equipment from the front and rear of


f. Provision of standard, high quality and serviceable models of

media equipment.

P. Sustainability in design, energy usage and materials selection is a concern for the
College. Some Projects may be designated for LEED certification: this will be
identified by the Building Committee. Sustainability, within the budgetary
constraints, shall be a consideration through the entire design and construction

Specific Recommendations

A. Classroom (16-49 seats)

1. When a permanent installation is not requested by the Building

Committee, provide space for a media rack as described in 1.03.M.1. In
addition, provide one outlet duplex box with an empty ½ inch empty
conduit from the rack location to the center of the front wall for a

2. Minimum workspace at front of room should allow 8 feet of distance

between screen surface and transparency projector position.

3. Largest dimension should be from front to rear of the classroom. Depth of

room is critical to proper viewing angle for projection. Seating outside of
a 30 degree angle on each side of the room's center line is poor viewing
for front screen viewing of overhead or other projection equipment.

4. To allow for unobstructed viewing, when feasible, classroom screens

should be 72 inches high vertically with the bottom at 42 inches above the

5. All interior and exterior windows shall have black-out shades.

6. Markerboard or tackboard shall be used adjacent to the media rack


B. Lecture/Presentation Room (50 seats and larger)

1. When a permanent installation is not requested by the Building

Committee, provide space for a media rack as described in 1.03.M.1. In
addition, provide one outlet duplex box with an empty ½ inch empty
conduit from the rack location to the center of the front wall for a
microphone and one from the rack location to a ceiling box for speakers,
then to a public address system location.

2. Front projection screens larger than 8 feet wide should utilize electrical
models and controls

3. Minimum workspace at front of room should allow 8 feet of distance

between screen surface and transparency projector position.

4. Largest dimension should be from front to rear of the classroom. Depth of

room is critical to proper viewing angle for projection. Seating outside of
a 30 degree angle on each side of the room's center line is poor viewing
for front screen viewing of overhead or other projection equipment.

5. Halls may need to utilize a riser at room front or sloped seating to allow
proper viewing for halls larger than 80 seating capacity.

6. To allow for unobstructed viewing, the screens should be a minimum of

72 inches high vertically with the bottom at 42 inches above the floor.
When feasible, size the screen using the formula H (height) = MDV
(distance to the most distant viewer) / 6.

7. Provide one duplex ceiling outlet for a video/data projector located 14 to

20 feet from the front of the room. Coordinate required monitor bracket
support. If the projector is placed in a Control Booth, provide a duplex
outlet within 3 feet.

C. Auditoriums

1. Space (5' x 10' minimum) for an enclosed, secure projection booth should
be provided at rear of auditorium. Provide space (10” x 20” min) to
accommodate audio lighting and video controls. In primary performance
spaces, the design criteria will vary and shall be reviewed in detail to
determine the size and equipment needs.

Booth should contain:

a. fixed glass projection window.

b. all controls similar to those in front of auditorium

c. power outlets above counter surface.

d. two 1 1/2” conduits to front control panel.

e. two entrances (one to auditorium, one to foyer).

f. network data jack

g. intercom system connecting the booth with two locations

backstage, two locations in front of house and additional location
as required.

2. Minimum work space at front of auditorium should allow 10 feet of

distance between screen surface and overhead projection position. Should
utilize a second corner mounted 84" minimum screen for overhead

3. Centered front projection screen should utilize electrical recessed ceiling


4. Largest dimension should be from front to rear of the classroom. Depth of

room is critical to proper viewing angle for projection. Seating outside of
a 30 degree angle on each side of the room's center line is poor viewing
for front screen viewing of overhead or other projection equipment.

5. Auditoriums may need to utilize a riser at room front or loped seating to

allow proper viewing.

6. Auditorium ceiling height should allow viewing of a vertical 96" image

without obstruction from all seating positions.

7. Provide for a ceiling mounted video projector mount to be:

a. approximate 15 feet from front, centered screen.

b. minimum of a 2" conduit from projector position to front control

panel location.

c. 110V AC power outlet at ceiling mount location.

8. Provide a control panel/storage cabinet at front/side of room. Panel should

a. all lighting, electrical, projection, voice/data, and audio controls

and jacks.

b. lockable storage compartment for video player, PA/sound system

amplifier, and remote control unit for video projector.

c. storage space for microphones.

d. equipment controls should be duplicated in the control booth to

enhance flexibility of the space.

9. Potential use of auditorium for remote video conference reception and

origination should be reviewed with potential users, and Information
Services Department. If usage is probable, the planning should include:

a. conduit for remote camera locations.

b. extra space and a switching console in projection booth.

c. interconnects (conduit and cable runs) to building broad band and

fiber band and fiber optics panel.

d. extra conduit (2-3/4”) from projection booth to front control panel.

Media Requirements Table


Classrooms Lecture/ Auditorium

(16-50 Seats) Presentation (120-400 Seats)
(50-120 Seats)
Lectern - mobile When requested X X

Projection Cabinet/Storage- When requested X

Cabinet/Storage –
rear of Room
Projection Booth – When requested X X
fully enclosed/secure
Projection Screen for X X X
slides/film/video (front
surface, mat white)
Projection Screen for When requested X X
Overhead use
Video projection X X X
Control Switches at When requested X X
at Projection Booth
In wall panel the front of the X X X
Control switches near exit When requested X X


PA System When requested X X

Voice/data X X X
Audio inputs to sound system X X X
(various levels)


Slide projection When requested X X

Overhead projection X X X

Video recording with video When requested X X

Camera system
Video Projection X X X
Live demo with video When requested When requested X


Classrooms Lecture/ Auditorium

Overhead Projector/Cart & S S S/B
Screen When requested When requested
Film Strip Projector When requested When requested When requested
16mm Film Projector When requested When requested When requested
Video Projector S/B S/B B
Slide Projector(s) and When requested When requested When requested
audio playback
DVD/Videotape system S/B S/B B
Video conferencing system When requested When requested When requested
Interactive video S/B S/B B
(video & computer) When requested When requested
Front surface projection B B B
Screen (60” – 70”W) (70” – 84”W) (10’ – 14’ W) *
Sound system S/B B B

S - Space and power provided for in facility only.

B - Item stored and/or built into facility.
* - Electrically operated
* - Size depends on distance from most distant viewer, ceiling height, etc.


Two classifications of equipment are identified on all projects, Fixed and Movable.

Fixed Equipment

This includes all built-in items such as laboratory casework, fume hoods, benches, wall
cabinets and shelves, counters, chalkboards, tack boards, permanently installed projection
screens, coat racks, etc. All such items shall be included in the specifications and shown
on the working drawings. Their costs are included in the total construction cost for the
project. "Owner supplied" fixed equipment/furnishings such as carpet, drapes, window
blinds, etc. will be noted in the Project Budget during the Building Program or Schematic
Design Phase.

The Architect shall prepare the drawings and specifications to ensure that all required
utilities for fixed equipment items are called for and properly located. Specifications
shall be so written that leave no question as to which of the several trades and suppliers
has responsibility for making all necessary connections and installation of equipment and
responsibility for unloading, uncrating and disposal of rubbish.

Movable Equipment

This includes such items as office furniture, file and storage cabinets, free-standing
bookcases, scientific equipment, copying machines, etc. and are generally "Owner
supplied”. Any movable equipment included in the contract will be specified and shown
on the drawings for the project.

The Architect shall show all movable equipment items on the Design Development
drawings to demonstrate there is adequate space and appropriate utility services for their
proper placement in each room. The Architect is not responsible for design or selection
of such items.



Attention is directed to the necessity of providing entrances and other architectural

features of College buildings for the functional use by physically handicapped persons.
See 1.03 for applicable codes and regulations. The following are College requirements in
addition to those required by Code.

Entrance Doors

Electric door openers shall be considered for use by the physically handicapped at
primary entrances to all major buildings. Entrances shall be located to provide direct
access from an accessible route and/or handicapped parking. This shall be reviewed with
the Owner’s Representative.

All major buildings shall have an accessible elevator. In existing buildings, it may be
difficult to reasonably locate a new shaft using the dimensions of a new full-sized
elevator. In such cases, a cab size as identified in ADAAG 4.1.9, inside dimension of
Elevators, is acceptable.

All major buildings shall have accessible restroom facilities. In existing buildings, it may
be difficult to reasonably rearrange spaces as required in new construction. In such cases,
creative reasonable solutions must be explored, including the use of Unisex facilities.


The following Standards are being used:

• EIA/TIA 569 Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways

and Spaces
• EIA/TIA 568A Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard

Contact Colorado College for additional telecommunication requirements.



The site for a proposed new building is determined, by the College and Campus Design
Review Board, to conform to the campus Master Plan, Long Range Development Plan
and Landscape Guidelines. The Architect shall design the building with attention not
only to its relationship to nearby buildings, but to the open spaces and landscaping
around it. Careful attention shall be given to entrances and their effect on pedestrian
travel patterns, and to service drives and loading dock locations.

In the Schematic Design, the Architect shall be aware of the location of utility lines that
will serve the building and locate the mechanical equipment room and transformer room
in relation to those lines.

Site Design Criteria

A. The portion of walkway adjoining building entries shall have an appropriate

“doormat” of specially designed materials consistent with the Landscape Master
Plan as administered by the DRB.

B. Design sidewalks, terraces and patios to support snow removal equipment or Fire
department access shall be design in accordance with the Soils Engineer’s
recommendations and of a material consistent with the Landscape Master Plan as
administered by the DRB.

C. Locate walks away from walls, which may cause snow drifting. Where walls
must adjoin walks or paved areas the walls should be designed with openings
to allow for snow removal.

D. Avoid surface drainage of storm water across walks.

E. Primary entrances to buildings shall be wheelchair accessible. This shall be

discussed with the Owner Representative and identified on the drawings,
including the path to the building from the parking access and the primary
accessible route(s) connecting to the Campus.

F. Fixed objects to be part of the landscaping of the building should be designed for
ease of maintenance and snow removal.

G. Use of window wells and below grade open structures should be avoided possible.
The proposed design of such features requires approval of the Owner's
Representative prior to incorporation into the design.

H. Maximum slope for banks is 3:1 (Horizontal: Vertical). Use 4:1 or less where

I. Provide for protection of existing plant material during construction.

J. Service drives shall have a minimum inside radius of 35 feet. Verify all
requirements for Fire Department access including paving materials and Fire Lane
location and configuration.

K. The College waste removal is provided by commercial companies. Container

sizes and frequency of disposal shall be investigated by the Architect with the
assistance from the College. Space for containers should be in service areas,
and/or adjoining grade flush with front of dock in an appropriate trash enclosure
construction. Provision shall be made for recycling containers. Trash Enclosure
design and location is a requirement of the Development Plan.

L. Bicycles are major method of transportation on the campus. Bicycle parking area
should be considered in the development of the site plan for the building.
Appropriate standard bicycle rack and site accessories as identified in Appendix
A are require and shall be located during the design process.

M. Submit Schematic Design/Design Development/Construction Documents site plan

showing layout of new site utilities to the Owner's Representative for use by
Facilities Services. The Owner will advise the Architect concerning the central
utilities extension proximity to the project site and any required extensions that
will be included in the project budget.

N. With LEED Certified Projects, there are several Credits associated with site
utilization and proper consideration must be an integral part of the design process.

O. The entire Campus is considered a parking district by city Zoning. Additional

parking requirements are usually minimal, but must be determined during the
Schematic Design.

Land Survey

For most projects, the Owner's Representative will provide the Architect/Engineer a site
survey created by a registered land surveyor as described in the Agreement Between
Owner and Architect. These drawings will be created by referencing College maps and
by actual utility locates. Invert elevations will be determined on existing utilities so that
both plan and profile drawings can be created for new utility installations.

Exact location of the proposed building shall be discussed with the Building Committee
and Owner's Representative who will review it with the Facilities Services and other
College personnel for final approval.

Subsurface Investigation

As soon as the Architect has developed the design to the point where approximate
foundation design loads can be determined, the Architect shall request, through the
Owner's Representative, that test borings be made to determine subsurface conditions.
This generally will occur during the Schematic Design phase. The Owner's
Representative will arrange to have the necessary borings made and will provide the
Architect with the Soil Engineer's report and recommendations.

General Landscape & Irrigation Information

The landscaping is a major contributing element to the overall campus presence, with
some of the planting dating to the earliest planning. The historic elements and trees
should be respected and modification should be specifically discussed with the College
during the design process. The 1995 Thompson & Rose Architect’s “Recapturing the
Commons” Master Plan speaks to the broader design issues and should be referenced for
all future development. The Long Term Development Plan (LRPD) process has started
and will continue for some time. The LRPD Document, once completed, will modify the
Master Plan and, early in the Project planning, should be review with the Owner’s
Representative. More specific Landscape Design Guidelines, including materials use,
exterior site furnishing items, site lighting, elements signage/graphics, etc., are currently
in development: consult with the Owner’s Representative for areas of concern to the
College: see Appendix A. The Landscape Guideline may include design concepts
pertaining to ground level public spaces and entries development of construction projects:
the Architect shall incorporate these concepts into the building design. Paving materials
vary throughout the Campus depending on the hierarchy of walkways. Major Projects
shall have an entry “doormat” extending from the building to transition to the walkway
paving material. The map of the Campus walkway system is available through the
Design Review Board. The use of hardscape paving at building entrances for design
expression and durability is generally acceptable, but should be limited. The Architect,
Owner’s Representative, Building Committee and campus Design Review Board will
review and approve these issues during the design process.

Colorado College, both in education and in practice, maintains an emphasis on

environmental issues. The Architect and Consultants should consider xeriscape, native
planting materials, energy/water conservation planting/grading techniques and other
environmentally conscious concepts in developing the design.

The main campus has a central irrigation system. The College currently is adapting the
existing system and designing future development with the intent of converting to this
nonpotable supply network: consult with the College and our Campus Irrigation
Consultant for system development and design criteria: see Appendix D. The City of
Colorado Springs is expanding the existing nonpotable irrigation water system: refer to
the Colorado Springs Utilities Water Resources Department “Standard Specification for
Installation and Operation of the Nonpotable Water Distribution System” for the primary
system technical requirements. Some of the smaller buildings, primarily residential
“dorm” buildings located in the eastern and northern portion of the campus, have
residential grade systems operated from individual house taps: this should be reviewed
with the Owner’s Representative.

The City of Colorado Springs owns the trees, planting, curbs/gutters and sidewalks in the
street right-of-ways and medians. Any removal or redesign must be approved by the
Parks and Recreation/Forester and Public Works Departments. All city owned trees
located in the construction limits must be adequately protected during construction to
avoid damage assessments by the City. The College is responsible for the removal and
replacement of damaged curbs/gutters and sidewalks: this shall be reviewed with the City
and all associated costs shall be included in the project budget. Along the major streets,
there is an abandoned subterranean concrete irrigation channel: sections have been
eliminated and should be removed when directly related to a new construction project:
this shall be reviewed with the Owner’s Representative.

The College’s East Campus properties on North Weber between Uintah and Cache la
Poudre Streets are in the North Weber/Wahsatch Historic District. Design guidelines are
being developed by Winter Kramer & Jessup for landscaping, including fences, grading,
planting and signage, for this area: the Architect shall conform to the guidelines and
review the design with the Owner’s Representative and, if warranted, the Colorado State
Historic Society. In the entire East Campus area, the site lighting is installed and
maintained under an agreement with the City of Colorado Springs.


Temperature and humidity, rainfall, solar intensity and elevation should all be considered
in building design. The following data shall be used for design purposes.

Colorado Springs, CO is located at latitude 38 degrees 49’ N and 104 degrees 43’ west
longitude at an elevation of 6145 feet.

• Highest recorded temperature was 100 degrees on June/July 1954.

• Lowest recorded temperature was -27 degrees on February 1951.

• Sunshine frequency: 48% of possible in December to 75% in July.

Outdoor design conditions as specified by Pikes Peak Regional Planning Code are:

Winter Design Dry-bulb 2 degrees F

Summer Design Dry-bulb 88 degrees F
Summer Design Wet-bulb 57 degrees F
Degree-days Heating 6415

Appropriate safety factors should be used for critical spaces to ensure that required
indoor air conditions are properly maintained.

Research completed by the Rocky Mountain Chapter of ASHRAE indicates that

ASHRAE’s Solar Heat Gain Factors (SHGF) need to be adjusted by a multiplier of 1.173
to account for the higher elevation and lower moisture content and thus greater
transmissivity of the air.

All psychometric, heat transfer and air movement calculations are to be adjusted for
elevation above sea level.

Indoor Conditions

Indoor conditions shall be maintained as follows unless otherwise required by specific

design requirements:

Winter 72 degrees F
Summer 78 degrees F

If humidification is provided in the winter it shall be to no more than 30% RH. De-
humidification in the summer shall be no lower than 60% RH unless equipment operation
is less energy consuming at a lower level.


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