Actuarial Contingencies 2
Actuarial Contingencies 2
Actuarial Contingencies 2
Instructor: Dr. Mohammad H. Omar Office: Bldg – 5, room – 508. Phone: 2471
E-mail: [email protected] (Not by WebCT/Blackboard email)
Office Hours: UTR (10.05-10.50am), UT (1.30pm-2.00pm), and R (12.30pm -2.00pm) or by appointment.
Assessment for this course will be based on attendance, homework, term report, 3 major exams and a
comprehensive final exam, as in the following:
Activity Weight
Attendance, homework and Term Paper Report (2%+5%+10%)
Exam 1 (Chapters 3, 5.5, 12, & 13)
Monday (Oct 6– week 6) , 6.00 pm (venue TBA)
Exam 2 (Chapters 6.5, 14 & 15)
Wednesday (Nov 4 - week 10), 6:00 pm (venue TBA)
Exam 3 (Chapters 16 & 17)
Wednesday (Nov 25 - week 13), 6:00 pm (venue TBA)
Final Exam (Comprehensive)
Monday Dec 28 8am (as posted on registrar website)
IMPORTANT NOTE on GRADES: There is no quota on the number of students who can get an A+ or other grades.
Attendance on time is very important. Mostly, attendance will be checked within the first five minutes of the class. Entering the class
after that, is considered as late (2 lates= 1 Absence) and
More than 10 minutes late = Absence (regardless of any excuse).
Letter grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D+ D F DN
Cut-off 90% 85% 80% 75% 67% 60% 55% 50% <50% > 9 absences
General Notes:
Students are required to carry pens, note-taking equipment and a calculator to EVERY lecture and exams. It is strongly
recommended to keep a binder for class-notes.
Students are also expected to bring the book, take notes and organize their solved questions in a binder for easy retrieval to help them
in study and review for class, exams, etc
o It is to the student’s advantage to keep a binder for storing class notes, homework, and other graded assignments. Students who are
organized will find it easier to find important materials when studying for exams.
To successfully prepare for the SOA exams, students MUST solve problems regularly and with discipline. The selected assigned
problems are specifically designed to prepare you for major and final exams. So, it is expected that you complete these problems step-
by-step and with comprehension.
If you happen to stumble upon a solution manual somewhere, remember 2 important points. (1) Due to publishing costs and
deadlines, these solutions are brief and may have mistakes and (2) in your career as an actuary and your exams and quizzes in this
class, you are expected to know every step to a problem and to know if a solution is incorrect. Thus, the best way to solve problem
is without these brief solutions.
Homework is due on the first Sunday after completing a chapter.
No late homework will be accepted, and
Actuaries don’t act like the guy in the cartoon below.