Integration of Business Functions: Bulldog Skin Care LTD
Integration of Business Functions: Bulldog Skin Care LTD
Integration of Business Functions: Bulldog Skin Care LTD
STEEP model...................................................................................................................5
Social factors:..............................................................................................................6
Technological factors:................................................................................................6
Environmental factors:................................................................................................7
Economic factors:.......................................................................................................8
Political factors:...........................................................................................................8
SWOT analysis.................................................................................................................9
Marketing management:...........................................................................................12
Operations management:.........................................................................................12
This particular report is determined to evaluate and excavate the change strategy of a
prominent male grooming product manufacturer in United Kingdom i.e. Bulldog Men’s
Skin Care Ltd. This company was established by Simon Duffy, in the year 2005. The
brand is producing natural skin care products especially for men. The proposal of men’s
skin care products was a creative idea. Before 2005, there were no such brands were
making products only for men. Same time, Simon had realized that, there were no such
products which could claim totally organic or natural (Life goggles, 2008). On that note,
Simon worked hard to accomplish his organizational goal and made products
exclusively for men that are purely natural and organic. But his organizational vision of
making skin care products exclusively for men forecasted in the year 2016, when
Bulldog skin care Ltd by Edgewell Personal Care had invested on it.
This entire report has been segmented into four sections. In the first part, we will
discuss about the leadership, time frame and changes in Bulldog. Then, the next
session will be the organizational assessment with the assistance of some strategic
tools such as SWOT, Porters five Forces tool and STEEP. Apart from that, there will be
a thorough analysis of organisational culture in this session. In the next session, we will
scrutinize the significance of business functions. Finally, there will be a concluding part
Leadership, time frame and changes
The leadership style of Bulldog Skin Care Company before the acquisition and after the
acquisition have huge differences. It will be interesting to conduct a research over this
particular topic. Simon Duffy is still holding his office and the position of CEO of the firm
Bulldog, but after the acquisition the new management is trying to implement the style of
autocratic leadership inside the firm. The whole procedure of the M&A has commenced
in the year 2014 and the mission was accomplished in the year 2016.
So many strategic changes occurred during this period especially in areas like
occurred in the firm Bulldog Skin Care is with respect to its organizational structure. This
change was the after-effect of acquisition of the institution by the corporate Edgewell
Personal Care Group in the year 2016. It is significant to analyse the change prior to the
acquisition and after the acquisition. As per the observation of Scouller, (2011) the
emotional connection enhances the performance of the team and it improves the total
environment of the firm as well. The involvement of the entire team in decision making
process and collective working style will empower the firm to achieve its organizational
Before the acquisition of the firm by the corporate group Edgewell Ltd in 2016, the
Bulldog male grooming product manufacturing was an institution guided by the Simon
Duffy (CEO). He was an eminent leader with his magnetic leadership style. He had
helps to develop an emotional bond between the leader and the team members. Simon
was brilliant enough to explore the possibilities of charismatic leadership style as well as
the transformational approaches. This has paved the way towards success and he
became successful in making his firm as a leading brand for men’s skin care products in
The transformational leadership will have all the positive sides of a charismatic leader.
Due to this similarity, many scholars have categorized both styles under the same
heads (Holzmann and Golan, 2016). Simon, with his exclusive style of charismatic cum
transformational leadership brought several changes inside the firm which include a
clear vision and aim for improving the firm. Simon was successful in developing a sense
of ownership among the employees and managers of the firm and he was smart enough
to motivate them and bringing out the best out of them. They all dream together to
achieve the common goal. According to the observation of Grint, (2015) this particular
style of leadership had enabled him to execute many short term changes in Bulldog.
Even so, the post-acquisition era had unravelled the new administration strategy inside
the firm Bulldog. The new administrative strategy was lenient towards autocratic
leadership and transactional leadership styles. The most luminant feature of autocratic
leadership is its clarity in vision and dominance in firm management. According to the
opinion of Clark, (2011) lack of democratic approach in leadership will result in non-
STEEP model
The framework of Steep Model has been used to organize scientific researches about
the external environment factors that make an impact over the firm. According to the
opinion of Grant et al. (2015) it is significant for the firm to identify the so called external
Social factors:
organization. According to the angle of David, (2015) some factors of social nature like
life style and trends among people are directly influencing the decision making policies
of the organization. Apart from that, many social factors are also playing crucial roles.
The positive consequences for Bulldog have been enhanced as a result of public
awareness regarding the organic products of the company. Since the products are
exclusively meant for men, their attitude and consciousness had undergone changes
regarding the fair skin tone. It a matter of fact, that no peculiar products were available
for grooming of men in the country prior to the launching of this particular brand in 2005.
As Cole, (2008) has observed the enhancement in the number of skin and fair
conscious male professionals had ameliorated the idea of skin care and grooming
Technological factors:
role in enhancing the quality and performance of manufacturers around the globe. The
introduction of fast and hi-tech internet connectivity as well as the gadgets made it
possible to reach the products of Bulldog all over the country. The promotional
campaigns with the help of technology had promoted the products and extended its
reach. The accessibility to high speed internet connectivity and the smart devices had
enhanced the marketing of the company products and it had also helped to create
brand awareness among the people regarding the products (Research and market,
2016). The social apps like Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram
have been doing a significant role in promoting the products in open market. According
to the view point of Scott, (2012) the so called production techniques like Lean
manufacturing and Just In Time methods have has enabled the firms like Bulldog to
Environmental factors:
According to the reports of Lennard, (2019) the skin care and male grooming products
in UK have developed in the recent years and experienced many changes as well. The
Cosmetic Products Safety Amendment Regulation (2012), have regulated the business
Act, it is mandatory to provide the details of basic ingredients on the label of the
products (Lionetti and Rigano, 2018). The transparency of the products has generated a
confidence in the minds of the customer. Besides that the customer can also approach
the European Commission or the Court of Law for any issues related with malfunctions
(2011) even thought, the Steep analysis has certain limitations it is considered to be the
best available option for providing information about the external factors that are
adversely influencing the market and the decision making power of the organization (Hill
Economic factors:
The Brexit had a significant impact upon the rate of employment and it also influences
the customer behaviour and confidence in the country. The reports of Partington,
(2017), make it clear that there is rapid decrease in customer spending after the Brexit
vote. The number of unemployment had escalated in the country during the season and
the normal cost of living also had enhanced comparing with last year. According to the
opinion of Maurice, (2013) the low pricing of petroleum products creates an ideal
There has been a worsening of pound against major currencies as a result of Brexit but
the current positioning of GBP is promising for the business operations in UK. As per
the analysis of Bloomberg (2017), the export as well as import operations inside the
exchange rate of British pound against Euro is weakening and it is reduce the import
revenue of the country. Apart from that the inflation rates had also fallen to 0.2% in last
April and have now improved to 1.19% now. As per the assumptions of Statista (2020)
the rate of inflation in UK would hit 3.8% within the upcoming year. As per the
observation of Trading Economics (2020) rates of interests are still persisting at the
base line which is 0.10% and this might be beneficial for the organizations while
Political factors:
The political scenario of the nation as well as the stability of the government highly
influences the organization while embracing its strategic options. The current political
environment of the country is not suitable for any business organization to develop
since, there is much confusion with respect to the execution of Brexit and discussions
are on-going with the European Union still there are uncertainties regarding the end
result of it. According to the observation of Partington, (2017) the population of the
country has been divided into two sections. Brexit who favoured assemblage of people
and Brexit who doesn’t favoured gathering. This peculiar situation has created
difficulties for the organizations functioning in the country. The corporate law will
rules and regulations with respect to employment law have become more and more
serious and the impact over it had become challenging to hire workers at a
SWOT analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
Organic nature of their products The bargaining power of suppliers in
Brand name this sector is relatively high
Market share Lack of organisational flexibility
Financial backing from Edgewell The pricing strategy of the firm lacks
Personal Care flexibility too
Transformational leadership Slow to react to changing business
Innovative culture inside the firm condition
Opportunities Threats
The reports of economic recovery The Covid 19 pandemic is a major
The reports of trade agreement with threat for the Bulldog Ltd
many European and other world Potentially high investment needs for
economic power houses like USA and promotional campaigns
Japan Increasing competitiveness in the male
Growing online sales of cosmetics grooming sector
Stakeholders of Bulldog
Stakeholders are those categories of individuals who have some definite interest over
the firm. They have direct influence in decision making of the firm (Friedman and Miles,
approach fabricate the interests of the stakeholders of that organization. However the
stakeholder interests have been changed with respect to the modern context. The
strategic decisions and the organizational policies are also changing in accordance with
the interests of the stakeholders. As in the case of Bulldog, the major stakeholders are
always dedicated to uphold the society and its stakeholders. Their strategic plans are
formulated in accordance with the benefits of the stakeholders rather than shareholder
benefits. The strategic plans regarding the CSR audit and publication of the financial
reports is the evidence of their dedication towards stakeholders of the firm. Another
point that stipulates the stakeholder’s approach of the firm is their strategic move
The organizational culture is evolving upon the long term practices, customs, norms and
values. There has been a great change in cultural characteristics of Bulldog after its
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acquisition by Edgewell Personal Care Group. According to the opinion of Gibson
(2011), organisational culture is the values, beliefs and customs that control the
workplace behaviour of the workers. The employees of Bulldog are properly trained and
manner. This dedication has enabled them to reach out their products in every
The employees of the firm Bulldog have been trained in a way to learn the goodness of
collective working and mutual respect. They are individually trained and developed. The
company has been hard working to generate unity among the employees so as to
accomplish their organizational goals. Each employee was motivated to actively take
part in decision making process of the organization. Simon has developed a culture
inside the firm that every individual is equally important in the organization. This
professional approach had paved the way for zero conflicts inside Bulldog. Simon
makes sure that each individual is properly taken care of by the management and
ensures the right of freedom and expression to each of them. He truly believed in the
culture of democracy inside his organization and guaranteed every chance to make the
employees contribute towards the wellbeing of the institution with the help of their valid
decisions. The firm also empowered with mutual trust and provided their customers with
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Role of business function in Bulldog
Marketing management:
According to the view point of Doole and Lowe, (2012) the targeted customers have
already segmented and their requirements are fulfilled accordingly. The well-disciplined
marketing management of Bulldog makes it sure that each customers are satisfies with
their services. Prior to the acquisition in the year 2016, Bulldog was not familiar with the
Communications for advertising and promoting their products and services. Even
though, they had made all possible efforts to generate awareness about their products
products range attracted many customers and enhanced their brand value. It is
recommended to the firm that they need to adopt the Integrated Marketing
Operations management:
options of Bulldog, they are procuring quality materials directly from the farmers and
suppliers which guarantee the supply of eco-friendly and healthy skin care products to
the end customers. The operation department is liable for reducing the production cost
without compromising the quality of the products. The methods used by the
management of Bulldog for achieving this goal are the JIT or just-in-time, Six Sigma and
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organization, the company has adopted the strategy of Corporate Social Responsibility
Policy (CSR). According to the opinion of Brent (2015), the policy has been developed
decided to publish the annual financial reports along with the CSR and audit reports.
Besides these, the report also includes the steps taken by the firm management to
decrease the carbon emission, carbon footprint and other practices that create waste
and pollutants. The CSR policy and related activities also highlighted the purpose of
After the acquisition process in the year 2016, in Bulldog Skin Care Ltd there have been
some structural changes in the areas of corporate strategies, organizational culture and
leadership. Certain external factors are influencing the management of Bulldog after the
towards the policy that gives more importance to the stakeholder’s interest rather than
the shareholder’s interest. The organization is trying to achieve the organizational goal
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