Zombicide Skill Balancing Sheet
Zombicide Skill Balancing Sheet
Zombicide Skill Balancing Sheet
Red Level
Blue Level points Orange Level points
Skill value points value value
There is no particular order to these,
Is that all you've got 5 4 3
Tough 5 3 2
just change the point values around.
Born leader
3 The survivor scores will change
Medic 5 4 3 automatically.
Hold your nose 4 3 1 Survivor Blue skill Orange skill Red skill Total points
+1 action 4 4 4 Amy 3 5 6 14
+1 free combat action 3 3 2 Josh 5 6 4 15
Gunslinger 4 3 1 Phil 1 5 8 14
Swordmaster 4 3 1 Wanda 4 6 5 15
Slippery 5 4 3 Ned 4 6 5 15
Ninja 4 3 2 Doug 4 6 6 16
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/zombicide-skill-balancing-sheet 1/2
7/21/2019 Zombicide Skill Balancing Sheet
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/zombicide-skill-balancing-sheet 2/2