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Din 17174

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The subclauses marked with a single dot give specifications which are to be agreed upon at the time of ordering.
The subclauses marked with a two dots give specifications which optional and may be agreed upon at the time of ordering.

1. Field of application
1.1 This standard applies to welded circular tubes made carbon and alloy steels with low temperature toughness, as listed in table1, for low temperature applications. These tubes
are predominantly used in the construction of chemical plant, vessels, pipework and for general mechanical engineering purposes.
Note. Weded fine grain steel tubes (see DIN 1178) and welded stainless austenitic steel tubes (see DIN17457) are also used for low temperature applications.
1.2 If tubes complying with the requirements of this standard are intended for use in installations subject to regular inspection, the specifications in the relevant codes of practice
shall be taken into consideration, e.g. the Technische Regeln Druckbehalter (Technical rules for pressure vessels). Merkblatter) (Instruction sheets of the pressure vessels Study
Grop) (AD Instruction sheets).
Techniscne Regeln fur brennbare Flussigkeiten (Technical rules on combustible liquids), Technische Regeln Druckgase Technical rules on pressure gases).
The same applies for other fields of application for which additional specifications exist.
symbol or material number identifying the steel grade (see table 1).
A welded tube conforming to this standard, with an outside diameter of 168.3 mm and a wall thickness of 4.0 mm as specified in DIN 2458, made from TTSt 36 stell (material
number 1.0356), in the quenched and tempered condition (V) shall be designated as follows:
Tube DIN 2458 - 168.3 X 4.0
DIN 17174 - TTSt 35 V
Tube DIN 2458 - 168.3 X 4.0
DIN 17174 - 1.0356 V
4.2 ● In addition to the standard designation as specified in subclause 4.1, the order shall always give the quantity required (e.g. total length to be supplied), the type of length
(see table 5), the length of the individual tube in the case of specified lengths and exact lengths, the test class, the type of document on materials testing as specified in DIN 50
049 and the technical rule which may also be taken into consideration.
Example of an order:
1000m of tube DIN 2458 - 168.3 X 4.0
DIN 17174 - TTSt 35 V
in exact lengths of 8 m, test class 1,
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document DIN 50049 - 3.1 8

4.3 ●● In addition, further details such as are specified in the subclauses marked with two dots may be agreed at the time of ordering.

Table 1. Chemical composition (cast analysis) of steels with low temperature toughness for welded tubes
Steel grade % by mass

Symbol Material number C max Si max Mn P max S max Al min Mo max Nb max Ni V max

1.0356 0.17 0.35 min 0.40 0.030 0.025 0.020 - - - -

11MnNi53 1.6212 0.14 0.50 0.70 to 1.50 0.030 0.025 0.020 - 0.05 0.30 1) to 0.80 0.05

13MnNi63 1.6217 0.18 0.50 0.85 to 1.65 0.030 0.025 0.020 - 0.05 0.30 1) to 0.85 0.05

10Nl14 1.5637 0.15 0.35 0.30 to 0.80 0.025 0.020 - - - 3.25 to 3.75 0.05

12Nl19 1.5680 0.15 0.35 0.30 to 0.80 0.025 0.020 - - - 4.50 to 5.30 0.05

X8Ni9 1.5662 0.10 0.35 0.30 to 0.80 0.025 0.020 - 0.10 - 8.00 to 10.00 0.05

1) The lower limit value for the nickel content may be reduced to not less than 0.15% by mass for tubes with wall thicknesses not exceeding 10 mm.

Table 2. Permissible deviations between the results of the chemical composition determined by the product analysis and the limiting values for the cast analysis
Permissible deviations between the results of product analysis and the limiting
Limiting values for the cast analysis as specified in table 1
Element values for the cast analysis 1)
% by mass
% by mass

C ≤ 0.18 0.02

Si ≤ 0.35 0.03

> 0.35 ≤ 0.50 0.05

Mn ≤ 0.80 0.06

> 0.80 ≤ 1.65 0.10

P ≤ 0.030 0.005

S ≤ 0.025 0.005

Al ≥ 0.020 0.005

Ni > 0.85 ≤ 0.85 0.05

> 3.75 ≤ 3.75 0.07

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≥ 8.00 ≤ 5.30 0.10

≤ 10.00 0.15

Mo ≤ 0.10 0.01

Nb ≤ 0.05 0.01

V ≤ 0.05 0.01

1) If several product analyses are carried out for a single cast and if these analyses show contents for a single element outside the range specified for the cast analysis, this

content shall only either exceed the permissible maximum content or fall short of the permissible minimum content, but not both at the same time for one cast.

Table 3. Mechanical properties of the tubes in the as delivered condition 1)

Steel grade Walt thickness Upper yield stress Elongation after fracture (Lv = 5 do)
Heat treatment Tensile strength
s N/㎟ Longitudinal Transverse
Symbol Material number condition 2) N/㎟
mm min % min

TTSt35N 1.0356 N or NG s ≤ 10 225 340 to 460 25 23

s ≤ 25 225
TTSt35V 1.0356 V 360 to 490 23 21
25 < s ≤ 40 235

s ≤ 13 285

11MnNi53 1.6212 N 3) or NG 13 < s ≤ 25 275 410 to 530 24 22

25 < s ≤ 40 265

s ≤ 13 355

13MnNi63 1.6217 N 3) or NG 13 < s ≤ 25 345 490 to 610 22 20

25 < s ≤ 40 335

s ≤ 25 345
10Nl14 1.5637 V 4) 470 to 640 20 18
25< s ≤ 40 335

s ≤ 25 390
12Nl19 1.5680 V 4) 510 to 710 19 17
25 < s ≤ 40 380

s ≤ 25 490
X8Ni9 1.5662 V 640 to 840 18 16
25 < s ≤ 40 480

1) ●● The values for the mechanical properties of tubes with wall thicknesses greater than 40 mm, with the exception of steels TTSt 35 N and TTSt 35 B, shall be agreed

at the time of ordering.

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2) N = normalized; V = quenched and tempered; NG = normalized starting product, weld only normalized (see subclause b)).

3) Tempering can occasionally be necessary after normalizing. In this case, the manufacturer shall inform the purchaser, and shall indicate to him the tempering


4) If this is permitted by the dimensions, normalizing (N), with additional tempering as necessary, may be carried out at the manufacturer's discretion instead of quenching

and tempering (V). The purchaser shall be informed if this is the case.

The chemical composition of the steels determined in the cast analysis 1) shall be as specified in table 1, Slight deviations from these values are permitted after consultation of,
and agreement by the purchaser provided that the mechanical and technological properties of the tubes conform to this standard and weldability is not impaired.

Table4. Requirements relating to the impact energy in the impact test on ISO V-notch test pieces 1), 2)
Steel grade Wall thickness Minimum values of impact energy, in J 3), 4) at test temperature, in ℃
Location of test pieces
Material s
Symbol relative to tube axis -196 -120 -110 -100 -90 -60 -50 -40 -20 +20
number mm

TTSt 35 N 1.0356 s ≤ 10 Longitudinal 40 45 55

TTSt 35 V Longitudinal 40 45 50 60
s ≤ 25
Transverse 5) 27 30 35 40
Longitudinal 40 45 55
25 < s ≤ 40
Transverse 5) 27 30 35

11 MnNi 5 3
1.6212 Longitudinal 40 45 50 55 70
13 MnNi 6 3 s ≤ 40
1.6217 Transverse 5) 27 30 35 40 45

10 NI 14 Longitudinal 40 45 50 55 55 60 65
s ≤ 25
Transverse 5) 27 30 35 40 40 45 45
Longitudinal 40 45 50 50 55 65
25 < s ≤ 40
Transverse 5) 27 30 30 35 40 45

12 Ni 19 Longitudinal 40 45 50 55 65 65 65 70 70
s ≤ 25
Transverse 5) 27 30 30 35 45 45 45 50 50
Longitudinal 40 45 50 60 65 65 65 70
25 < s ≤ 40
Transverse 5) 27 30 30 40 45 45 45 50
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X 8 NI 9 Longitudinal 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 70 70 70
1.5662 s ≤ 40
Transverse 5) 27 35 35 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

1) ●●The values for tubes with wall thicknesses exceeding 40 mm, with the exception of steels TTSt 35 N and TTSt 35 V, shall be agreed at the time

of ordering.

2) The impact energy values shall each be determined for the lowest test temperature stated for the steel grade concerned; the values of impact

energy at higher test temperatures shall be considered to have been demonstrated by the same determination.

3) Average value from three test pieces, only one individual value may fall short of the specified minimum value by a maximum of 30% (see also

subclause 6.4.2).

4) The values given in subclause 6.5.2 shall apply for wall thicknesses less than 10 mm.

5) These values shall also apply when testing the impact energy in the center of the weld of fusion welded tubes with a wall thickness exceeding 10


●● To be determined on the parent metal only by agreement.

Table 5. Types of length and permissible deviations in length

Permissible deviations in length, in mm, for outside diameters
Type of length
up to 500 over 500

Manufacturing length 1) 1) 1)

Specified length ± 500 ± 500

+ 10 + 25
up to 6 m
0 0

Exact lengths + 15 + 50
over 6 m up to 12 m
0 0

over 12 m By agreement. By agreement.

1) The products are supplied in the manufacturing lengths occurring in production.

● The lengths differ according to the diameter, wall thickness and manufacturer's works and shall be agreed at the time of ordering.

Chemical composition (%)

Grade Mfg. Process
C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Mo Others

TST35N S 0.17Max 0.35Max 0.040Max 0.030Max 0.025Max - - - Al 0.020Max

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TST35V S 0.17Max 0.35Max 0.50~0.80 0.030Max 0.025Max - - - Al 0.020Max

26CrMo4 S 0.22~0.29 0.35Max 0.70~1.50 0.030Max 0.025Max - 0.90~1.20 - -

11MnNi53 S 0.14Max 0.50Max 0.85~1.65 0.030Max 0.025Max 0.30~0.80 - - Al 0.020Max

13MnNi63 S 0.18Max 0.50Max 0.85~1.65 0.30Max 0.025Max 0.30~0.80 - - -

10Ni14 S 0.15Max 0.35Max 0.30~0.80 0.25Max 0.020Max 3.25~3.75 - - -

12Ni19 S 0.15Max 0.35Max 0.30~0.80 0.25Max 0.020Max 4.50~5.30 - - -

X8Ni19 S 0.10Max 0.35Max 0.30~0.80 0.25Max 0.025Max 8.00~10.00 - - -

Tensile Test MPa or N/mm2

Grade Material number Remarks (Similar to JIS)
Min Yield point Tensile Strength

TST35N 1.0358 225 340~460 -

t 25mmMax 255
TST35V 1.6212 340~460 -
25mm< t 40mmMax 235

t 25mmMax 440
26CrMo4 - 560~740 -
25mm< t 40mmMax 420

t 13mmMax 285

11MnNi53 1.6212 13mm<t 25mmMax 275 410~530 -

25mm<t 40mmMax 265

t 13mmMax 355

13MnNi63 1.6217 13mm<t 25mmMax 345 490~610 -

25mm<t 40mmMax 335

t 25mmMax 345
10Ni14 1.5637 470~640 (STBL46)
25mm< t 40mmMax 335

t 25mmMax 390
12Ni19 1.5680 510~710 -
25mm< t 40mmMax 380

t 25mmMax 490
X8Ni 9 1.5682 640~840 (STBL46)
25mm< t 40mmMax 480
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JIS Number and Corresponding Foreign Standards


Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

Grade Type Grade Type Grade Type Grade Type Grade Type Grade Type
Number Number Number Number Number Number

G3464 STBL380 C A334 Gr1 C 3603 HFS410LT50 C 17173 FONi14 Ni 2604/2 TS6 C

(STBL39) " CFS410LT50 C 17174 X8Ni9 Ni

" ERW410LT50 C

" CEW410LT50 C

STBL450 Ni A334 Gr3 Ni 3603 HF503LT100 Ni A49-230 TU10N14 Ni 2604/2 TS43 Ni

(STBL46) " CF503LT100 Ni A49-213 TU10N14 Ni

STBL690 Ni A334 Gr8 Ni 3603 HFS509LT196 Ni A49-230 TUZ6N9 Ni 2604/2 TS45 Ni

(STBL70) " CFS509LT196 Ni A49-215 TUZ6N9 Ni

JIS Number and Corresponding Foreign Standards

Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Grade Type Grade Type Grade Type Grade Type Grade Type Grade Type Number
Number Number Number Number Number Number

G3464 STBL380 C A334 Gr1 C 3603 HFS410LT50 C 17173 FONi14 Ni 2604/2 TS6 C C014

(STBL39) " CFS410LT50 C 17174 X8Ni9 Ni

" ERW410LT50 C

" CEW410LT50 C

STBL450 Ni A334 Gr3 Ni 3603 HF503LT100 Ni A49-230 TU10N14 Ni 2604/2 TS43 Ni

(STBL46) " CF503LT100 Ni A49-213 TU10N14 Ni

STBL690 Ni A334 Gr8 Ni 3603 HFS509LT196 Ni A49-230 TUZ6N9 Ni 2604/2 TS45 Ni

(STBL70) " CFS509LT196 Ni A49-215 TUZ6N9 Ni

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