Instructions: People Believe That The More They Are Able To Purchase Things and Avail of Services, The

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Module 2 Section 2: Exercise 2. Personal Consumption Audit (p.


Instructions: People believe that the more they are able to purchase things and avail of services, the
more ‘developed’ and ‘progressive’ are the lives they lead. Yet, Hickel made it clear in his article that
huge consumption does not necessarily equate to long and happy lives. In this sense, is it possible for
people to also de-develop their consumption, but still remain happy and contended? Accomplish the
personal consumption audit table below and see what things you can reduce or minimize without
sacrificing, or even improving, the quality of your daily life.

My Personal Consumption Audit

Product/Food Average daily, weekly, No. of hours / day I Impact of this ‘de-
or monthly amount reduce / do away with developing’ on my
consumed everyday living
By minimizing the
amount of time I spent
on using social media, I
can spend more time
studying to improve my
Use of Social Media Six (6) hours per day Five (5) hours per day grades. Aside from
(e.g. Facebook, Twitter) that, I can also spend
some time doing
physical activities like
playing basketball,
volleyball and other
sports which can help
improve my body.
By minimizing the
amount of time I spent
on playing internet-
Playing internet-based based games, I can go
games (e.g. Mobile Three (3) hours per day One (1) hour per day outside and play
Legends) physical activities to
other people that can
improve my social life.
Also, I can spend the
reduced time in
studying or doing home
works and
By minimizing the
Eating junk foods (Mr. amount of junk food I
Chips, Pic-A, Chippy, Two (2) packs per day One (1) pack every eat, I can save the
etc) other day money and spend it in
buying more necessary
materials like school
materials. Also,
minimizing the amount
of junk food I eat helps
me stay away from
obesity and diseases
like stroke, digestive
disorder, etc.
By minimizing the
amount of soft drinks I
Drinking Soft drinks drink, I can save the
(sugar-sweetened Two (2) Liters per week One (1) Liter per week money and use it for
beverages) better purposes. I can
also make sure that my
body is healthy since
too much sweetened
beverages can lead to
diseases like diabetes.

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