Learning Task Week 9

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What does the de-development movement propose and impose to societies, especially
the rich ones? How can societies de-develop?

De-development proposed and impose to societies the idea of global consumption and
productions that are overshooting the planets biocapacity specially the rich countries have over-
consumption and overshoot the average consumption level of the world. And the one who
proposed de-development says that rich countries should catch up to poor countries to improve
the state of living by developing countries. Societies can de-develop by sticking to quality over
quantity and this means by reducing their consumption especially the rich ones.

2. What is the difference between de-development and traditional development? What are
the bases of de-development and moving away from traditional development?

When it comes to de-development it refers about stopping the growth of developing countries
which means they minimized the economic growth as they utilized the use of resources.
Traditional development is the idea of making the life of the individual better or simply the
growth of them to be improved. What would be the basis, it is in traditional development to allow
the society to enhance and have a balance between the poor and rich and instead of this
development Peter Edwards propose the concept of de-development that leads to the concept
of rich countries should need to minimized their consumptions so that poor countries can catch

3. How do the terms de-growth and de-development bring negative interpretations to the
movement? How can you convince other people to follow the tenets of de-development?

De-growth and De-development at some point there is similarities which they involved in
achieving lower levels of consumption on luxury goods to achieved happiness, well-being and
promoting the co-operation. They bring negative interpretation to the movement because people
specially on the margins of society know these terms as “can slow the economic growth of one
country resulting to increased in poverty, un-employment and decreased income per capita” but
these terms can lead to human flourishing. We can convince people on following the tenets of
de-development by making them realized that our global consumption and productions are
overshooting the planets biocapacity in that way we are realizing that we need to shrink our
resources consumption and increased things that matter which is happiness, education,
longevity and well-being.

4. How is ‘De-development’ similar to Heidegger’s views on the essence of Technology and Modern

De-development is similar to Heidegger’s views on the essence of Technology and Modern

Technology because he views technologies as one of the approaches in perceiving the truth,
which means similar to de-development the essence of technology would only bring us danger
because we are only able to see things in one way and that is a technology as resources and
applying now the de-development, we need to achieved lower levels of consumption on our
resources including now the technologies.
PERSONAL CONSUMPTION AUDIT. (20 points) People believe that the more they are
able to purchase things and avail services, the more ‘developed’ and ‘progressive’ are lives they
lead. Yet, Hickel made it clear in his article that huge consumption does not necessarily equate
to long and happy lives. Reflecting on philosophical views such as Materialism and Hedonism,
in a world dominated by modern technology and superficial happiness, what affects our true self
and happiness? In this sense, is it possible for people to also de-develop their consumption, but
still remain happy and contented?
Accomplish the personal consumption audit table below and on the next page and see
what things you can reduce or minimize without sacrificing, or even improving, the quality of
your daily live. For your guidance, the first row has been provided as an example.

My Personal Consumption Audit

Product/ Average No. of Impact of this ‘de-developing’ on my everyday living
Service/Facility quantity/tim hours/day I’ll
e used, reduce/do
consumed away with
Ex. Milk tea 5 large 1 large Aside from the reduction of plastic cups used which
cups/week cup/week will have an impact to the environment, less
consumption of sugar will lessen my risk of having
Diabetes Miletus and cardiac diseases. This can also
help me save money.

By reducing the number of hours on using social

media, I can pursue personal interactions with my
SOCIAL MEDIA Ten hours/ Seven hours/ family and to be engaged on more bonding together.
USAGE Day Day Aside from these, I can also spend my time doing my
assessments and reviewing my lessons.


By minimizing the times, I would order this saved me

FAST-FOOD Four Times/ 2 times / on spending a lot and save more money that I could
CONSUMPTION Week Week use in my future.

SLEEPING 8 Hours/ 6-7 hours/ By reducing the hours of sleeping I can do more
Day Day homework and have to be productive and reduce the
chance on procrastinating over assessment. I can also
do interactions with my loved one that would bring
happiness between us.


By minimizing the hours on playing online games, I

PLAYING ONLINE 4 hours/ 2 hours/ can do a lot of house chores and do advanced reading
GAMES Day Day to some topics. I can also cope up with subjects that I
can’t cope up with.

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