Fitri Fuzi Astuti
Fitri Fuzi Astuti
Fitri Fuzi Astuti
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This is to certify the Sarjana thesis entitled “A Study on Code Mixing Found in
Perahu Kertas Novel by Dewi Lestari” by Fitri Fuzi Astuti has been approved by the
Board of Thesis Examiners as the requirement for the degree of Sarjana in English
Education Department.
1. My beloved parents
2. My beloved brother
3. My beloved friends
4. My Beloved almamater
IAIN Surakarta.
I hereby sincerely state that the thesis titled ”A study on Code Mixing Found in
Perahu Kertas Novel by Dewi Lesatri” is my real masterpiece. The things out of my
masterpiece in this thesis are signed by citation and referred in the bibliography.
If later proven that my thesis has discrepancies, I am willing to take the academic
Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the
universe, master of the day of judgment, God all mighty, for all blessing and mercies
so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled “A Study on Code Mixing
Found in Perahu Kertas Novel”. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great
The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the
helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like
to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and
suggested her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:
1. Dr. Mudhofir, M.Ag as the rector of the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta
2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum as the dean of Islamic Education and Teacher Training
Faculty and as the proof reader of this thesis for his guidance, correction, time and
4. Kurniawan, S.S., M.Hum as the advisor for his guidance, precious advices,
correction, time, motivation and helping revise the mistake during the entire
5. For all lecturers in English Education Department of The State Islamic Institute of
Surakarta who had delivered useful and meaningful knowledge and education
6. For researcher’s parents Ibu Sri Hartati, Alm. Iis Susilawati. Ayah Syariful Alam.
Her grandmother (Sri Munarti). Additionally, thanks to her brother (Much. Eko
Fauzi) who always motivates the researcher to finish this thesis as soon as
7. For her beloved family, her Uncles (E.Surya Purnama, Budianto Aspari) and her
aunts (Sri Haryati and Cucu Laila Sari). Additionally, her cousins (Harum Sri
10. Putri Ayu Lestari and Alfian Hadyan Noor, Thanks for supporting the researcher.
11. Sulastriyani, Eisha Jamila, Tyar Rifani, Fina Zakiya and Vina as the roommates
12. All her beloved friends from English Education Department, thanks for
The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The
researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the
reader in general.
The researcher,
COVER ..................................................................................................... i
DEDICATION .......................................................................................... iv
MOTTO .................................................................................................... v
PRONOUNCEMENT .............................................................................. vi
A. Sociolinguistics ........................................................ 11
2. Scope of Sociolinguistics.................................. 14
B. Bilingualism ............................................................. 17
C. Code ......................................................................... 21
A. Research Findings .................................................... 49
Fitri Fuzi Astuti. 2017. A Study on Code Mixing Found in Perahu Kertas Novel by
Dewi Lestari. Thesis. English Education Department, Islamic Education and Teacher
Training Faculty.
This research finds six levels of code mixing in Perahu Kertas novel. Those
are word level, phrase level, clause level, baster level, reduplication level, idiom
level.The dominant level of code mixing is word level. The research also finds factors
of code mixing. Those are code usage limitation, popular term, speaker and speaker
character, conversation partner, domicile and time of conversation, conversation
modus, topic, function and aim, types and language speech level, third speaker, main
topic, humor, and prestigious. The dominant factor is function and aim. The
researcher also finds the relation between novel, character, characterization and code
mixing usage. Code mixing happens because of the characters have some
characterization influences code mixing. Those are humorist, prestigious, and acquire
more than on language. The character who has prestigious, high level life style,
modern characterization produce code mixing in a level of clause and phrase.
Character who has simple and humorist characterization produce code mixing in
word level.
The data validity of Code Mixing Levels and Factors ................................ 138
Walfarm in Giyoto (2013: 9) says that there is direct causal relation between
variation shows a certain social status and social status determines language
variation (Giyoto, 2013: 9). A speaker also will inevitably give off signals
concerning his or her social and personal background (Mesthrie et. al., 2004: 6).
group (Susan Gal in Mesthrie et. al., 2004: 6). It can be meant that language and
examining the way people use language in different social contexts provides a
wealth of information about the way language works, as well as about the social
condition of the society (learned by sociology), Pride and Holmes says that the
and analyzed to the study of sociology and language or refers to the data of the
society and analyzed to linguistics. It means that language for society and
society for language. When people are doing a conversation, they use more than
languages or codes.
(for example, a letter, word or phrase) into another form (Ajibola, 2011: 17).
language to another while the pieces are inserted do not have their function,
achieve their purposes. Sometimes, the speaker uses two or more languages to
the listeners can receive what the speakers said. It is caused by the situation that
demands language mixing and by the habitual of the speakers become one of
the backgrounds of code mixing usage. People sometimes switch or mix code
addressee, even speakers who are not very proficient in a second language may
use brief phrases and words for the purpose (Holmes, 1992: 41). It means that
Code mixing and switching are not only a matter of mixing two particular
Wardaugh (1986: 103) states that code mixing is the use of two
languages together by the conversant to the extent that they change from one
language to the other in the course of a single utterance. Code mixing has
place overtime. All living languages have changed and continue to change. In
the other sides, code mixing caused by every people in a society has certain
character in every situation where every character has certain norms (Bell in
Giyoto, 2013: 65). Code Mixing usually happens because of special purposes
such as for an identity and solidarity (Olivera in Giyoto, 2013: 65). The
changing to another within the same utterances or the same oral written texts, it
(Woon Yen Hoo, 2007). Code mixing is the most important features and well-
While Code Switching is one switch from one code to other while
speaking, the situation dictates the use of language (Tarjana, 2009: 7). And it is
107) from formal situation to informal situation (Nababan, 1991: 31). Different
from Hymes (in Chaer, 2010: 107) who says that code switching not only
happen between languages, but also happened by the variations and styles in
language. For example the use of code mixing in the statement “nanti kita ada
meeting tentang proyek baru. And the use of code switching in the statement
“kamu mau kemana hari ini?” then the hearer answer “I don’t know exactly. I
don’t have any idea. So, code mixing is the inserting of other language, while
People who can master more than one language named bilingual or
when the speaker who masters more than one language can produce words
determine their selves to choose the suitable code when they are speaking.
Trudgill (1992: 16) states that code mixing is the process where speaker
even within sentence and phrases that are not possible to say of any given time
which language they are speaking. Code mixing must reconcile what they hear
In the other hand, Ohoiwutun (1997: 71) differentiates the reasons why
people using code mixing in two motives. The first is need filling motive, it is
kind of a motive when speakers cannot find the words that have similar
motive which is chosen by the speakers to appear the prestige. When the
speaker speaks to other, they want to show that something, person, or events is
29). The mixtures which also are used in written media have a purpose for
attracting the readers (Suwito: 1985). English becomes the most popular
language in people daily conversation especially teenagers and the result of the
previous research says that by mixing code English into Indonesian Language
into other languages, it is expected that the listeners can understand the message
clearly. It is more complete when the future research will discuss about code
also can be seen many people prefer to speak English in their own languages
and in some cases it makes them feel proud to acquire it. Besides, the
radio, and other media. This research takes novel as tool to know and to explain
code mixings in it because novel by teenlit genre usually becomes best seller,
sometimes people or teenagers who read it don’t not realize that they are
learning about code mixing when they are reading the content of it. Besides,
actually Perahu Kertas is not only published in a kind of novel, but also it in a
movie. But the researcher more interested to analyze the novel because of the
ability of the author in using more than one language which showed as
multilingual society and the original of the story from the author is still keeping
well. The examples of using code mixing are written bellow. It takes from
Perahu Kertas novel, the example is: “No problem, seru kok ngobrol sama
The sentence above is in chapter 26 with the tittle Lembaran Baru. The
code mixing that is used by the writer in this sentence is the words no problem
in people daily life it is familiar to use, even there many Indonesian use this
apologizing. It is meant to show the feeling condition where the speakers give
as tidak apa-apa or tidak masalah, but the society refers to use no problem than
this novel know the meaning of this phrase. In this research, the analysis
Lestari. Perahu Kertas novel is one of novels that are written in Indonesian
language. It is written by Dewi Lestari. The characters in the novel often mix
teenagers. This matter can be seen through the writing of the stories used teenlit
genre, where the English is often particularly mixing the sentences or utterances
used in the novel. The writer expresses her or his written work by using one of
the language phenomenon as has been shown above, is code mixing. The
examples of code mixing that are found in Perahu Keras novel are:
2009: 249)
Indonesian sentences. It is found that there are some types of code mixings used
as in those examples. The first is the use of word jogging included into the
types of word expression level. The second is the use of it’s so simple included
into the types of code mixings of clause level. The third is the use of matching
included the types of code mixings of word level. The fourth is the use of code
mixing of fashion-mu included into the types of code mixings of baster level.
In this study is limited to the code mixing on the novel written by Dewi Lestary
under the tittle Perahu Kertas. The researcher conducts the study on code
mixing used by the characters of Perahu Kertas novel. It is interesting for the
mixings the codes of English into Indonesian language used by the characters
English, this novel is written with code mixing inside it. Those code mixings
can be found in Perahu Kertas novel are Indonesian-English code mixing and
local code mixing. From those code mixings, the researcher takes Indonesian-
English is the first international language the researcher supposes that the most
readers who read this novel certainly understand what the codes mean. The data
mixing in Perahu Kertas novel. The problems of the study can be formulated as
The researcher expects that this research would give some benefits for
the readers. The user of this research is not only for linguist’s community, but
also other people, especially Indonesian teenagers who use code mixing in their
daily communication. The result of this study is expected to give two kinds of
1. Theoretical benefits.
The result of this study can be used as additional knowledge to improve the
sociolinguistics, and especially about code mixing. Besides, this code can
be additional knowledge that code mixing also can be found in the novel
2. Practical benefit.
The result of this study can be as a reference for students, and other
reconcile what they hear with what they understand (Shorgen, 2002: 21).
A. Sociolinguistics
Language implies attention to the way language is played out in societies in its
full range of functions (Mesthrie, et. al., 2004: 6). Because of that, people
action varieties are related to language becomes the study about sociology of
language and the attitude of using language (Fishman in Padeta, 1987: 2). From
sociolinguistics, the word socio is the main aspect and the general characteristic
has social characteristics also, those are language and its structure only can
develop in a certain society. In this case the social aspect has special
Bram and Dickey (in Ohoiwutun 2002: 9) say that this sociolinguistics
study focuses on how language functioned in a society, they also say that
situation which has many variations. In the same definition, Nababan (1991: 2)
society which studies and discusses about the aspects of language in a society,
to the society effect to language and the language effect to the function and the
development of the society as the result of on both sides from the social
elements in different aspects (Suhardi and et. al., 1995: 2) and (Coulmas, 1998)
languages are learned dealing with language variety and their user within a
the relation of language convention with other aspects from culture. This
users and the function in the society (Kridalaksana in Pateda, 1987: 2). In
the correlation between such social factors and linguistics variations. From
2. Scope of Sociolinguistics
a. Micro Sociolinguistics
(2013: 43) says that micro sociolinguistics related to the effort to relate
(Giyoto, 2013: 43). And how social structure influences the way
people talk and how language varieties and patterns of use correlate
2009; 2). If the discussion is about little thing, even narrow it’s called
From the explanation above it can be meant that language and society
cannot be separated.
found under dialect in broad sense (Tarjana (2009: 2). And it also said
attitude and social structure. And also what societies do with their
it deals with the use of language in certain society, it means that the
B. Bilingualism
Bilingualism like something usual for every people, people use more
than one language when they are doing conversation with their addressee
et. al., 2004: 39), and one of the widespread and the most of all linguistic
life. And bilingual is one who has a perfect control over more than one
language (Francis in Tarjana, 2009: 6). Those who speak two languages called
Many people in the world who use more than two languages
two languages or two language codes (Chaer and Agustina, 2010: 84). It is
also said by Ohoiwutun (2002: 66) the use of two languages or more called
(Penalosa, 1981: 109). Bilingualism will be used as general term for the
use of two or more languages in a society (Mesthrie et. al., 2004: 39). In
the same definition, other also says that bilingualism is related to the use of
only related to the use of two languages, but also included to the ability of
appeared from two groups of language user which has different languages
and the interaction produces more than one language. While other says that
Saputra, 2014: 52) says that bilingualism is the ability to produce utterance,
Saputra, 2014: 52) states that bilingualism is the situation when people
masters two languages with the same value and also as people habitual
when they are doing conversation with using more than one language
(Nababan, 1991: 27). Padmadewi, Merlyna, and Saputra (2014: 57) define
phenomenon in social where the society use and master more than one
2. Types of Bilingualism
2014: 53).
and meaning. There are some types of bilingualism related its types.
Hoffman (in Padmadewi, Merlyna, and Saputra, 2014: 54) state those
This is seen by the use and the function in society. The use included to
C. Code
coding pass through the process which happened to the speaker and hearer, and
code is, then he or she will take a decision and act appropriate to what he or she
should do. The actions can be making a decision to continue the conversation or
repeat the statement (Pateda, 1987: 83). Code refers to a variety of language. It
can be referred to any kind of system that two or more people employ for
language, usually stressing the linguistic rules that underpin the variety
99) code is the particular dialect or language one chooses to use in any
they choose to speak, and they may decide to switch from one code to
another or to mix codes. According to Rahardi (2010: 17) states that code
speech. Code also can be said as any kind of communication system. When
(Mesthrie, et. al., 2004: 165). Code Switching is one switches from one
code to other while speaking, the situation dictates the use of language
situation (Nababan, 1991: 31). Different from Hymes (in Chaer, 2010: 107)
who says that code switching not only happen between languages, but also
Padmadewi, Merlyna, and Saputra, 2014: 64) states that code switching as
a changing from one code to other or mix a code in one brief utterance and
from new utterance. And also used by who occupied high social status in
the community (Ranamal and Bokmal in Mesthrie et. al., 2004: 165). Other
2002:71(. Then it can be meant that code switching refers to the use of
more than one language situation or more variation from one language in
contact and dependence each other. Besides, code switching also is the
and will not be discussed further in the next chapter since this research
language in other sentence. Means that code mixing is the use of more
114). Code mixing is a code which is used, has a function and its
autonomy. Code mixing is like code switching that only the frequency is
high and often involves words only (Tarjana, 2009: 7). While other codes
phrase from one language, it means he or she is doing code mixing Fasold
conversant uses both languages at the same time to show that they change
from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance”. And
informal and speaker habitual. Suandi (2014: 139) also states that code
density, even within sentences and phrases, that it is not really possible to
say at any given time which language they are speaking (Trudgill, 1992:
difficult to detect. The use of two languages or more does not deal with the
mixing in the forms of word, phrase, baster, repetition word, idiom and
stand themselves as
within sentence as
grammatically complete
kuning itu
Reduplication reduplication.
Word Level
Code mixing will happen if there are some factors in it, according
to (Suandi, 2014: 143) explains the factors that can cause code mixing:
which used.
popular parable.
informal situation.
of conversation
scientific book).
local code mixing as the effect of author’s ability in bilingualism. The main
reason why the researcher uses Perahu Kertas to find forms and level of
suara (Lestari, 2009: 256). The setting is in the office, in the afternoon.
b. Keenan is cool, artistic, full of surprise, and also the main character
Ngga apa-apa, Thanks Bim. (Lestari, 2009: 192). The setting of the
Oke …weekend depan udah pasti, ya? Perlu dijemput? (Lestari, 2009:
78). The setting of the story is in the afternoon, Noni’s boarding house.
Kita berempat bisa jadi double date. (Lestari, 2009: 77). The setting of
Noni, Eko, aku, dan Keenan akan jadi Host-nya. (Lestari, 2009: 168).
Gue tunggu lo di airport hari Jum’at siang. (Lestari, 2009: 148). The
Kamu mau pulang? Saya antar sekalian yuk? Taksinya di-cancel aja.
(Lestari, 2009: 264). The setting of the story is in the evening, in the
EO-nya in-House aja ya. (Lestari, 2009: 423). The setting of the story
i. Karin is fussy.
Perahu Kertas novel, the novel tells about the story of Keenan and
Kugy. Kugy is cute, cheerful, tomboy and believes that she is a Neptune
Agency. Kugy has unique ritual to write about her feeling on paper and
make it to be boat then washed away. Although that girl has strange
character and messy, but sometimes she has philosophy of life. From her
mind comes beautiful fairytale and fresh inspiration. Keenan never met
strange human like that. Keenan is a smart boy, artistic, and full of
surprises can paint magic paintings. But his father demands him to
continue his study in counting. With Noni and his boyfriend (Eko) who is
Keenan’s cousin becomes compact group. The time goes by, Keenan and
Kugy fall in love with many obstacles. Until their friendship with Noni be
gets big problem until he comes out from the university. He leaves his
family and Kugy, and then meets Luhde, as cousin of Wayan. By the time,
Painting. She Motivates Keenan to be brave to face the fact and continue
painting. Kugy who is leaved by Keenan feel so lonely, although she has a
boyfriend (Ojos) and decides to break the relationship. Then she focuses on
her study to pass it faster, she attempt to make a thesis harder and finally
she gets bachelor sooner. After graduated from his study, he offered to
Kugy because of smart and her unique character. Then they become a
couple. But Kugy cannot hide her feeling that she still waiting for Keenan.
His relationship is not for long, Remi decides to leave Kugy. Keenan back
company until his father gets better. After his father got better he comes
back to Bali, but Luhde knows that Keenan still thinking about Kugy.
Luhde lets Keenan to come back to Jakarta to find out his real life with
Kugy. Until finally they meet each other in their destiny to life together
ever after by exploring their interest in writing a fairy tale and painting
Dewi Lestari, she is the author of Perahu Kertas novel a singer and
songwriter. Her pen name is Dee, she was born in Bandung, West Java on
a degree in international relation. In 2001, Dee released her first novel by the
tittles Kesatria, Putri dan Bintang Jatuh, part of Supernova series. Akar as the
second Supernova series, Petir as the third Supernova series. Then, in 2006 she
releases Filosopi Kopi novel, two years later she also releases Rectoverso. Her
loving to write continued format and serial drama comic has inspired her to
write Perahu Kertas novel in 2009. Her existence in writing brings her to
awards are: Top 88 Most Influential Women in Indonesia (Globe Asia), The
Kantor Berita Antara). The name of Dee rose as the first rank in national
2009: 443).
Abram in Asiyah (2013: 17) states that the term of novel is now applied
to a great variety of writings that have in common only the attribute of being
distinguished from the short story and from the work of middle length called
1. Plot
and actions, as these are rendered and ordered toward achieving particular
artistic and emotional effects (Asiyah, 2013: 23). Emphasizing this idea,
Robert in Asiyah (2013: 23) states that plot is an actions or incidents that
(2013: 23) states that plot is a concept about which there has been much
critical disagreement. Plot is the ordering event of story that has cause and
progressive that shows the time progress flash back or regression and
2. Character
descriptions, reactions, inner thoughts and reflections, and also through the
the definition, Abram in Asiyah (2013: 29) also states that characters are
say and their distinctive ways of saying it- the dialogue-and from what they
the story, character presented to the readers through their actions, dialogue,
character. Flat characters do not grow, they end where they begin and thus
grows. It means that, characters as people who are written by the author in
3. Setting
or the place where the story takes place. Setting mentions the historical
time when and where the events occurs. “The element of fiction that
reveals the where and when the events are called setting. The term setting
refers to the point and space at which of the events of plot occur” (Kenney,
4. Point of View
character, who the speaker telling the story is. (Roberts in Asiyah, 2103:
43) divides kinds of point of view becomes four, those are First Person
Point of View means the narrator tells about events he or she has
personally through, if the voice of the story sound “I” it means the narrator
used First Person Point of View. Second Person Point of View means that
the narrator is speaking to other people and it’s called “You”, “You” refers
to not specific listener but rather to anyone at all. And Third Person Point
of View means that speaker or narrator emphasizes the action and speeches
of others. Those are used “He, She, It, and They”. The last is Mingling
Point of View it means that in the story, the narrator or speaker mingles
points of view in order to imitate reality. For examples, ”many first person
narrators use various types of third person point of view to sustain interest,
create suspense or put the burden of response entirely upon readers, such as
data about code mixing. Those are “An Analysis of Indonesian-English Code
Indonesian-English ode mixing and the factors causing code mixing. She found
about level of code mixing in Dealova Novel, they are code mixing in level of
word, phrase, clause, baster, and reduplication in Dealova novel. The factors of
situation, vocabulary and prestige. While this research focused on levels in the
form of word, clause, Phrase, baster, reduplication, and idiom. Types in the
form of inner code mixing, outer code mixing and hybrid code mixing and
The second previous research, the researcher takes from Rizki Hertanti,
Kode dan Campur Kode dalam Komunikasi Guru Kelas XI dan Kelas XII di
She described about code mixing used by teacher and students in the classes by
and preposition). In researcher’s research, there are word level and phrase level
mixing, and factors influencing using code mixing in facebook used by tentacle
word, idioms and clauses. He explains the purposes and the factors of using
code mixing in group facebook tentacle. While this research only focused on
the levels, types and factors of code mixing found Perahu Kertas novel without
Snodin who writes about “English Naming and Code Mixing in Thai Mass
Media”. The paper examines the increasing role of English in the modern day
mass media of Thailand, and the rapid increase in the use of English names and
code mixing since the turn of century. It provides a description of the present
day phenomena of English naming and code mixing in both broadcast and print
audiences of the mass media in this paper are Thais. It is about the widespread
of use of English among users in expanding circle, and about world Englishes
and mixed codes that are used among people who share a common language.
the researcher studies is about the mixing in media, and the differences are the
use of code mixing by Thais, it is not specified into code mixing in the level of
word, phrase, caluse, baster, reduplication, idiom, inner code mixing, outer
Juan-Garaw from the University of The Balearics Island and Carmen Perez-
strategies have a direct bearing of mixing present in the child’s utterance in his
which specified into code mixing, without any adding of pragmatics or socio-
A. Research Design
researcher collects the data, makes an analysis, and make a conclusion in the
method, the researcher as the main point of the research, the technique of
inductive, and the result of the research are emphasized to the meaning and
because the datum are produced in the form of word. It is associated with
collects the data by selecting words and phrases representing code mixing in
Perahu Kertas novel. The data are collected and analyzed based on their
The researcher analyzes clauses that include in code mixing as the data.
characters of Perahu Kertas novel written by Dewi Lestari. The data are in
forms of word, phrase, clause, repetition of word, idiom, and baster. The source
of the data refers to the subject from which the data are obtained (Arikunto,
2010: 172). The researcher employs a descriptive text as the data. There are
two reasons for taking novels as the source of the data, the first is because the
novel is written by Dewi Lestari who usually writes in bilingual. The second,
the story is not only published by the form of novel, but also it is published in
the form of film. There reason why the researcher does not take film as the
source the data, because in novel the story written by the author is original and
enrich the imagination of the readers. The data are collected from the novel in
C. Research Instrument
support it. It is used for collecting the data. The instruments will make the
instrument and supporting instrument. The first is the researcher herself who as
the main point of the instrument, because the researcher uses qualitative
research characteristics “it uses the researcher or by helping the data analysis to
research which the researcher as a planner, collector, and analyst of the data.
Finally, the researcher has report the result of the analysis. Besides, there are
some supporting instruments to collect the data which make the researcher
easier to analyze and finish the data. The supporting instruments are, pen,
The first technique of collecting data is reading a whole novel until the
end. Then, the researcher collects the data from Perahu Kertas Novel. The data
are purposive data which in the forms of word, phrase, clause, reduplication,
idiom, and baster. Based on the forms of the data, the data are classified into six
levels of code mixings. After classified the data, the researcher reduce the data
based on the levels in the theory, it involves the process of selecting and
1. The numeral 001, 002, 003… are used to show the order of the data
2. The alphabetic capital letters are used to classify the level of code mixing.
The numeral 9, 11, 28, 38… are used to show the pages of code mixings
in the novel. To differentiate from the number of the data, the researcher gives
capital letter P. it means that P is the number of the page, for examples: P.9,
Those are can be put together into sentences in the example bellow:
001.CMWL/P.9 means the first data is code mixing in the form of word level
which is located in page 9. By giving a code to each data, the data becomes
easier to be classified.
Example: 90/CMWL/P.235
level and it is located on page 253 of Perahu Kertas novel. The setting of the
utterance is in Kugy’s house in the morning when the members of the family
are making joke about Kugy’s wedding plan. Karel as Kugy’s brother is an
Indonesian utterance. The word T-shirt comes from English. It is included into
noun. T-shirt means “kaos” for Indonesian language. The word T-shirt usually
used by people, they are more often use T-shirt as the substitution of “kaos”.
The use of code mixings in the form of word “T-shirt” makes listeners get no
difficulty in catching the meaning. The factor of using code mixing above is
meeting, and used by comedian to entertain the audiences. From the sentence
above, it can be seen that there is a humor indication which is uttered by Kugy
to her brother.
The researcher does not only collecting the data, but also she analyses
the data to obtain the research’s results. In this research, the researcher uses
content analysis. Gao (1989: 6) states that Content analysis is a set of procedure
and other recorded material. Elo and Kungas (2007: 107) state that content
analysis is a method that may be used with either qualitative or quantitative data
newspaper, and films as well as other from the content in the human
Content analysis has two forms to analysis, they are deductive and inductive.
In this research, researcher uses deductive because she will analysis qualitative
content analysis. There are some stages to analysis the data, as follow:
2. Collecting the data from Perahu Kertas novel, the data are in the levels of
3. Classifying the data into six levels of code mixing, there are word, phrase,
4. Giving each data a code. The code is made with a purpose to make data
5. Analyzing the data based on types of code mixing, they are word, phrase,
clause, reduplication, idiom, and baster.In this step the researcher begins to
analyze each data based on the theory of code mixing. The theory is taken
6. Drawing conclusion and suggestion based on the data analysis. After the
researcher analyzed the data, the researcher draw a conclusion based on she
has found from the analysis. Suggestions are also needed to make this
research, the researcher asks proof reader such as her lecturer in order to
support the trustworthiness of data. In this research, the researcher involves the
collects the data from Perahu Kertas novel, the data is delivered to the prove
reader to gain the trust of the data. The researcher asks Dr. Giyoto, M.Hum,
A. Research Finding
The researcher classifies the data in this research based on the level of
code mixing. The data that are found is qualitative data. This qualitative data
that are in the form of code mixing can be analyzed in content analysis. As
emphasizes the using of language in the social context and the situation of the
speaker. In this research, the data are analyzed based on the data classification.
The data of code mixings which are analyzed by the researcher are collected
from Perahu Kertas novel. Those code mixings among Indonesia are written in
italic font. In Perahu Kertas novel, the researcher found code mixings in its
various levels. They are code mixing in the form of word, phrase, clause,
code mixings that are found by the researcher in Perahu Kertas novel are 102.
The classifications of code mixing word level are 59 data, code mixing of
phrase lever are 24 data, code mixing clause level are 9, code mixing of baster
Kertas novel is code mixing in form of word which attain 59 data, the fewest
Total 102
than a morpheme. One of code mixing comes into being by inserting English
utterances contain different words from the other language especially English.
Then, the insertion of word can be classified into eight groups; they are; the
Bandung, the code mixing used by the writer is the word pose. It is uttered by
Kugy. She is very cheerful. The word pose is usual word in daily life when
people will take a picture, and someone who takes a picture will give the
direction. This world is also familiar for teenager. In the photographer side, the
word “pose” means the style or action when showed when the object is taken
In the novel, the sentence is uttered by Kugy as the main character and
Noni as Kugy’s best friend from she was a child who will be picked up by Eko,
Eko is Noni’s boyfriend. At that time Kugy wears old T-shirt, because Kugy
doesn’t like a fashion. When they want to take a picture together, Kugy doesn’t
care with her style. The factors of the use of code in this statement mixing are
popular term using, because the word “pose” is familiar to use by Indonesian
societies, and also “humor”. The context shows that Kugy is making joke to her
The sentence is from the page 26 by the title mother alien. The code
mixing of word level is the word jogging. The word jogging here has a meaning
Indonesian usually uses the language in their daily life. This word is familiar
and people will not be confused about the meaning of the word jogging. In the
sport side it means that jogging is walking faster or running slower in order to
get a fresh air makes heart beats faster. Jogging is usually done in the morning
different character from Kugy. He is very care and kind to Kugy. When Kugy is
at home, the phone bells ring, Ojos calls Kugy and listens to Kugy voice like
something wrong. It sounds that kugy feels so tired. But actually Kugy is
pushing Eko’s car. The car is so old, and they called it “Fuad”. The factor of the
use of code mixing in this statement mixing is popular term using, because the
caused in social life, there is certain vocabulary which has most popular
The sentence above is from page 32 by the title “lingkaran suci”. In this
chapter, Kugy, Noni, Keenan and Eko are making quality time. They are
making joke and telling their funny experience. The code mixing in the form of
word is “lip-synch” uttered by Eko. Eko is a care and modern boy. The part of
familiar word in musical, and the meaning has been known by Indonesian. Lip-
synch itself is done when people are in the stage. They are singing without
producing any sounds, they just open their mouth and follow the lyrics. In this
chapter, Eko tells to Kugy and Noni that Keenan lip-syncs Meggy Z’ song
while dancing.
The factor of the use of code in this statement mixing is popular term
Other factors are topic and humor. In this context, the characters are making
joke and telling about their past funny experience and the topic is about sing a
The sentence above is from the page 35 by the tittle mother alien. The
sentence in this chapter is uttered by Kugy. She is the main character of the
novel. The code mixing of word level is word “matching”. It is included into
usually said for fashion style, character, thing and other. The word matching is
something. The word matching refers to Kugy’s character. Kugy has a messy
character, and it’s not match with her room. Because people stereotype that the
In this chapter, Keenan comes to Kugy’s house and seeing that Kugy’s
room is so tidy, and it’s so different from Kugy who has messy character. Kugy
feel so shy at that time. The factors of the use of code in this statement mixing
are popular term using and conversation partner. It is because the characters are
from the same background. Such as, live in a big city, educated, up-to-date,
Pedang Es” in chapter six. The code mixing of word level here is taken from
word Popcorn. The word popcorn usually finds and use in culinary. Indonesian
usually uses word popcorn for “jagung letup”. And this it is very familiar for
Indonesian when they are talking about culinary. The word popcorn in Perahu
Kertas novel is uttered by Keenan, he offers Kugy to buy Popcorn when they
are going together to the cinema at midnight with Noni and Eko. In the cinema,
the snack which usually serves is popcorn. The factor is popular term usage,
in the cinema.
“Pokoknya kamu utang pemadam kelapanan, kalo cuma sampe bawain kaos
percomblangan”. The code mixing of word level itself is from word “ papan
surfing”. The word papan surfing here means surfing board. Besides saying
papan surfing, usually Indonesian says “papan selancar”. This kind of word
usually finds in surfing packages or tools, and it is familiar for Indonesian when
somebody says it. The sentence above is uttered by Kugy to Keenan who would
like to go to Bali for painting, and Kugy wants Keenan to bring many handy
crafts for her. She wants more than kaos barong, sarung pantai and papan
surfing. He is an artistic boy. The factors are popular term usage and humor. It
is because the word papan surfing is more used by people than papan selancar,
“Kurator Kuda”.in this chapter, the code mixing in form of word level is word
sentence is uttered by Ojos. He is a care and modern boy. This word is familiar
in Indonesian people. They use the language without any doubt to catch the
meaning, especially for teenager who masters more than one language. They
In this novel, the factors are popular term usage because of the word
“weekend” is more familiar in the societies. The popular term itself is a factor
caused in social life, there are certain vocabularies which has most popular
The context is when Ojos asks Kugy to be ready for taking holiday next week,
because lately they have no more time to spend their days together. He wants to
spend their short holiday in Singapore, they can stay at Ojos’ apartment in
the tittle “Kurator Muda”. The form of code mixing word level is inserting
boarding house. It is used as “verb”. The mixing word level above has a
hunting is not only use for searching for painting or other things, but it usually
use for taking a picture outside, search for book in the library, book store or
The word ”hunting” is very familiar for people who live at urban,
especially modern people and teenager. The word “hunting” in Perahu Kertas
novel is uttered by Noni, she talks to Keenan and Eko that wanda is hunting
painting in Bandung, and she wants to introduce Wanda to Keenan. The factor
satu frame.”
by the tittle “Kurator Muda”. The code mixing of word level found on this
the sentence above, it has a meaning that the character paints by mixing more
than one color and styles. The word “frame” is very familiar for artist,
especially for painters. Frame itself can be defined as a border or case for
prestigious girl. The factor of it is main topic factor. Wanda is a young curator
(the head of museum). She has big painting gallery in Jakarta.Wanda comments
Keenan’s painting in order to catch Keenan to be her close friend. The factor of
code mixing above main topic is function and aim factor. It is because of
“Kurator Muda”. The code mixing word level of this page is word “Darling”
which is uttered by Noni in Kugy’s boarding house. She is a care girl. The word
express love feeling to someone, it can be for family members, close friends,
“Darling” has a meaning to show best friend’s love when they are calling their
The word “Darling” is uttered by Noni when she explains to Kugy that
Wanda is a young success girl. It is because of Noni wants Wanda will close to
Keenan. The factor is types and language speech level. It is because choosing
can be seen from the context that Noni uses the word only for making sure to
”Yang ini adalah karya pelukis muda, menurut saya dia sangat gifted.”
tittle “Sakola Alit”. The code mixing word level found in this chapter is word
Warsita Gallery members when she is presenting the new collection of painting
not too familiar for Indonesian because of the factors are main topic and
prestigious. It can be used by modern and urban people who master more than
good creature. In this story, the word “gifted” written by the author means that
Wanda tries to explain to the audiences that Keenan is talented painter. She
explains this in her presentation. The factor of code mixing above is function
like asking, offering, expressing and announcing. Speaker uses language based
on the function they expected in context and situation. From the situation
“Jenderal Pilik dan Pasukan Alit”. The sentence is uttered by Ojos (Kugy’s
boyfriend). She is a care and modern boy. The code mixing word level in this
“apartment” usually lived by rich people with the luxury service and good
facility. There is a set of rooms fitted especially with house keepin facilities and
In the novel of chapter 12, the apartment refers to the residence in the
big city in Singapore. The factor is main topic because of Ojos asks Kugy to go
The sentence above is located on page 105 in the chapter 13 by the tittle
“Rencana Besar Wanda”. The code mixing word level on this page is word
Noni (Kugy’s best friend). She cares to Wanda. It is caused by “main topic”
factor. In this context, Noni says to Kugy that they should support Wanda to be
close to Keenan, although Kugy feel so upset to Noni that Noni tries to make
happened by main topic factor. The word trading is not familiar word for
Indonesian people, except economist. The word trading in economy side means
relevant marketing, etc. In this chapter, the sentence is uttered by Keenan who
says to Wanda that his father has a business in trading. Keenan takes a deep
breath and he thinks that his father will shock after he heard that Keenan’s
“Sebagai upah kamu ngilang, hari ini saya mau booking kamu.”
“Buku Harta Karun”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
people already order something (booking ticket, hotel and other). Basically, the
making a sure order and giving name on the order book. While, in Perahu
Kertas novel on page 123 the word booking means taking someone for
doesn’t meet Kugy for long time, because Kugy focuses on her thesis and to
hide her feeling from Noni and Eko. It is because of Kugy doesn’t want Keenan
be close to Wanda.
“Yang jelas, kalo ternyata lu gak punya feeling sama dia jangan juga
The sentence above is located on page 128 in the chapter 15 by the tittle
“Mencari Ketulusan”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
word “feeling” as a noun. It is caused by main topic and popular term usage.
The sentence above is uttered by Eko. The word “feeling” on this page is very
familiar for Indonesian, especially for teenager and it has a meaning of heart
most of people usually use it. In this Perahu Kertas novel, the word feeling
The sentence above is located on page 128 in the chapter by the tittle
“mencari ketulusan”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
the characters can use more than one language. In Indonesian language, the
word “fair” means “adil”. It shows the equality and similarity each other. In
this page, the code mixing word level is uttered by Eko who says to Keenan
deeper about Wanda’s feeling to Keenan. She cares to Wanda. During her
meeting with Keenan, Wanda wants Keenan understands about what she feels,
but Keenan looks for Kugy. Eko feels that it’s unfair for Wanda who gives
The sentence above is located on page 134 in the chapter 15 by the tittle
“Mencari Ketulusan”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
means a portable computer usually battery powered, small enough to rest on the
user’s lap and having a screen that closes over the keyboard like a lid. In this
page, the context is when Kugy asked by Ojos to go to Holiday, but Kugy says
that she doesn’t has much money. He wants buy a laptop for completing his
thesis. But Ojos gives her surprise by showing two tickets. There is no reason
The sentence above is located on page 134 in the chapter 15 by the tittle
“Mencari Ketulusan”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
of the characters can use more than one language and main topic factor by using
arranged by Ojos. Kugy just stay happy. But it looks a doubt in Kugy’s face
“Cuma ngingetin aja, lain kali kamu lebih baik pakai celana panjang, bawa
The sentence above is located on page 135 in the chapter 15 by the tittle
“Mencari Ketulusan”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
the character can use more than one language and popular term by using word
fashion side is also known as pullover, Jumper, Jersey is a part of clothes for
covering body and hand. It usually uses heavy material and can pervade sweat.
But, in this novel, the word “sweater” means a thick cloth used in a cold.
Indonesian also says that is a thick cloth for warm up the body. The sentence is
The sentence above is located on page 138 in the chapter 16 by the tittle
“salah berharap.” The code mixing word level written by the author is word
This code mixing word level is uttered by Kugy to Noni (Kugy’s best
friend). She appreciates Noni’s effort. It is caused by function and aim which is
Speaker uses language based on the function they expected in context and
situation. She tries to hide her feeling in front of Noni when she says that
Keenan expresses his love to Wanda in Bandung. Noni talks to Kugy at Kugy’s
boarding house.
The sentence above is located on page 142 in the chapter 16 by the tittle
“salah berharap”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
modern and prestigious girl. The word “speechless” can be translated into
societies. The context of code mixing happens when Wanda asks Keenan about
his feeling. It is caused by the main topic character which is a dominant factor
just keeping silent in front of his painting. It is because of Wanda helps him so
The sentence above is located on page 148 in the chapter 17 by the tittle
“Tiga Kata Saja”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
“airport”. It is uttered by Ojos (Kugy’s boyfriend). The word airport is not too
familiar for Indonesian societies, because they usually say “Bandara”. But, it is
familiar for people who live in a big city with modern lifestyle. This is uttered
The code mixing above is caused by function and aim factor. Language
and announcing. In the car, Ojos looks at Kugy deeper. But both of them do not
say anything, Ojos feels that there is something wrong with Kugy after she
knew Keenan. Ojos demands Kugy to go to holiday, the ticket was bought by
Ojos. If Kugy doesn’t come, it means that their relationship will end.
The sentence above is located on page 150 in the chapter 17 by the tittle
“Tiga Kata Saja”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
The context of the sentence is when Wanda’s face becomes red when
Eko says that Wanda’s style is like Kugy, it looks so untidy. Wanda’s heart
situation becomes break and messy. She tells her upset to Keenan after Eko and
usually uses one language can use code mixing if their addressee from same
background but uses other language, and also the main topic, function and aim.
The sentence above is located on page 155 in the chapter 18 by the tittle
“Kepergian dan Kehilangan”. The code mixing word level written by the
friend). The word “whatever” on this page means giving freedom for people to
do anything without any forbidden and it usually uttered when people have
different point of view and thinking with other. They let other to do what they
want to do. The context of the sentence is when Noni complains to Kugy when
she says that Keenan, Eko, Ojos and Noni are not the same as before. They
keep their distance. They have little frequency to talk, to meet and to gather.
Noni responds what Kugy said while she goes from Kugy’s room. It is caused
by function and aim factor which used in communication based on the aim of
The sentence above is located on page 162 in the chapter 18 by the tittle
“Kepergian dan Kehilangan”. The code mixing word level written by the
Indonesian language, even it’s become a word which always used by the
can be found not only from this novel, but also in people daily communication.
This sentence is uttered by Noni (Kugy’s best friend) when she wants
Kugy to come to her birthday party after she try to not to know more about
Kugy and Ojos relationship that lately looks so strange. It is caused by function
The sentence above is located on page 192 in the chapter 22 by the tittle
“Pulang ke Ubud”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
“thanks”. It is uttered by Keenan (The main character of the novel). The word
above. Other example of saying thanks is “thanks ya, udah bantuin beres-
can be “terimakasih”.
function and aim factor which is used in communication based on the aim of
function they expected in context and situation. In this novel, Bima comes to
Keenan looks so thin and not fresh. Bima is Keenan friend in his university in
The sentence above is located on page 211 in the chapter 24 by the tittle
“Pembeli Pertama”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
She is a young modern boy. The word fresh is usually used for showing new
thing, new idea, nature, body condition and other. If it is translated into
societies. The context of the sentence is when Remigius comes to Bali to see
the new painting from Poyan, suddenly he meets Keenan whose painting is
liked by him. Remigius says to Keenan that he loves Keenan’s painting, and
appreciates it. He goes to Bali when and see his collection when Keenan is not
at home.
like asking, offering, expressing and announcing. Speaker uses language based
on the function they expected in context and situation. In this novel, Remigius
“Gy, Gua gak mau Tanya lu macem-macem, karena gua mengahargai privacy
The sentence above is located on page 228 in the chapter 26 by the tittle
“Lembaran Baru”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
feeling, word and other. In this chapter, the word privacy means “hidden
feeling” of Kugy. The context of the sentence when Eko becomes serious in
front of Kugy, he tries to make sure that Kugy will be ok. It is because of Kugy
make a distance from Noni, Eko and Keenan lately. Eko wants to know about it
of they are understand about English words, and the main topic on the context
“Lu lihat dong, Gue kan gaul, penuh prestasi, Kugy kan nerd.”
The sentence above is located on page 234 in the chapter 27 by the tittle
“Janji adalah Janji”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
boy. The word “nerd” means people who like to reed many books. They
usually spend their days by reading some books, even when the new book is
launching they will get it sooner. The context of the sentence when Kevin and
Karin are making a joke to Kugy, Kevin is Kugy’s brother who always doesn’t
care to his study, because of concerns on his organization at his campus. Study
is not priority, but organization is a priority. He likes to go out with his friends’
context shows that Kevin is making joke with Kugy. Besides, code mixing is
sentence “Lu lihat dong, Gue kan gaul, penuh prestasi, Kugy kan nerd”.
The sentence above is located on page 235in the chapter 27 by the tittle
“Janji adalah Janji”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
brother. The word T-shirt is familiar in Indonesian, but it is not too familiar to
use because of only a few people who say that, especially people who concern
mixing is usually used by speaker to show a humor in serious meeting, and used
Family” are at home. They are spending their weekend with their family
members at home, and making joke each other. Kugy blames Kevin’s joke,
because Kevin always think that organization and event in campus is a priority.
It’s different from Kugy who focuses on her study and thesis. She has a target
The sentence above is located on page 235 in the chapter 27 by the tittle
“Janji adalah Janji”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
serious meeting, and used by comedian to entertain the audiences and popular
term using which caused in social life, there are certain vocabularies which has
“acara” in Indonesian language. The event organizer in a big city usually uses
word “event” than “acara”. In Indonesia, the word “event” is also specified
anniversary and other. The context of the sentence above is when Karin
responds Kugy and Kevin joke, makes sure that Kevin doesn’t care to his study
and he always make contribution to many events inside and outside campus.
The sentence above is located on page 236 in the chapter 27 by the tittle
“Janji adalah Janji”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
publishing the product. Because of this advertising company, the products will
The context of the sentence above when Karin offers Kugy to join his
friend’s company after Kugy graduated from his university. The company
concerns on advertising. The factor of using code mixing is function and factor.
function they expected in context and situation. It can be seen from the sentence
The sentence above is located on page 239 in the chapter 27 by the tittle
“Janji adalah Janji”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
“emergency” as noun on this page means Eko helps Kugy to repair her laptop.
emergency in medical sides, it is used when the patient should get the first
medical helping.
The context of the sentence above is caused by function and aim which
context and situation. It is uttered when Noni feels upset to Eko because he
comes late to her boarding house. Because Noni has been waiting for him for
ten minutes, she should go for teaching once a week, because she is a private
“Komputernya Kugy sempat ke crashed, sementara kan dia mau sidang dua
minggu lagi.”
The sentence above is located on page 239 in the chapter 27 by the tittle
“Janji adalah Janji”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
The word “crashed” on this page has a meaning in technological side. It means
that the computer is getting problem. The problem can be caused by virus,
software, printer, hard disk drive, hardware conflict, RAM, BIOS, VXD, power
supply and others. It makes the computers cannot give the respond when users
The context of the sentence above is caused function and aim. It is used
Speaker uses language based on the function they expected in context and
situation. It is uttered when Eko tries to explain to Noni that he comes late
because he helps Kugy to service her laptop. Two weeks later Kugy will
The sentence above is located on page 249 in the chapter 28 by the tittle
“advocado”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word “style”
stylish girl. The word style in Indonesia language is not only used for fashion,
but also it can be used for other activities. Such as, it can be dancing style,
singing style, learning style and many more. But in the sentence above, the
word style refers to the fashion which has a meaning the way people wearing
their clothes.
comedian to entertain the audiences. In this novel, it is uttered when Kugy takes
a mirror and sees her style. She thinks her style is not good to look. Because
usually she wear casual clothes, and this time Karin changes Kugy to be
“Udah banyak iklan produk sejenis yang pakai angle yang sama.”
The sentence above is located on page 254 in the chapter 29 by the tittle
“Bumi Pun Berputar”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
the way to take a good picture. The photographer should choose the right side
The context is caused by the function and aim factor which is used in
sentence above uttered at noon when the advertising employees make a meeting
with his Boss to discuss about their project. They have many considerations
The sentence above is located on page 256 in the chapter 29 by the tittle
“Bumi Pun Berputar”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
word “background”. It is uttered by Kugy. She is nerd and smart girl. The word
screen or view for taking good picture. The context of the sentence above is
uttered when Kugy with her flat face tries to comments the concept of
meeting by using simple language, and makes sure other about her concept.
“Klien kita suka banget sama konsep kamu. Mereka mau launch kampanye
The sentence above is located on page 257 in the chapter 29 by the tittle
“Bumi Pun Berputar”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
advertising side has a meaning as publishing the new products. The context is
sentence is uttered when Kugy comes to the office, Kugy asked to meet Remi.
Remi informs that their client likes Kugy’s Tammies Bar concept.
“Kalo kita meeting lagi, kamu punya kerjaan lain selain nahan ngantuk.”
The sentence above is located on page 257 in the chapter 29 by the tittle
“Bumi Pun Berputar”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
makes joke.People in Indonesia say meeting when they would like to discuss
about an event, project, matter and other. It is usually used by people who work
uttered in the office when Remi makes a joke to Kugy after they discussed
The sentence above is located on page 264 in the chapter 30 by the tittle
“Agen Non-Aquarius”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
and aim related to certain purpose, like asking, offering, expressing and
The sentence above is located on page 265 in the chapter 30 by the tittle
“Agen Non-Aquarius”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
word “stuck” as a noun. The word “stuck” means there is no way to go. But, in
this context it means that the character (Kugy) cannot find her interesting to
listen to the latest music. She likes to listen to music 80s. This conversation
happens when Remi and Kugy on their way go home and talk about their hobby
mixing isusually used by speaker to show a humor in serious meeting, and used
by comedian to entertain the audiences. In this novel, the character are making
The sentence above is located on page 267 in the chapter 30 by the tittle
“Agen Non-Aquarius”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
boy. In culinary, the word dinner means getting meal in the evening. In
Indonesian culture, the word dinner is usually used when people go out to the
restaurant for getting some food in the evening. The context of the sentence is
happened by popular term usage and topic meant that the word is popular to use
for people who will have a date. It is uttered when Remi offers Kugy to have a
dinner in Radio dalam after they made a joke about guessing their zodiac.
The sentence above is located on page 273 in the chapter 31 by the tittle
“Arisan Toilet”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
other. It means that mingle is people way to join the conversation, event,
it can be “membaur”.
The context of the sentence above because of function and aim which is
is uttered when Remi approaches Kugy who are bullying by Remi’s friend in
the toilet. Remi tries to take Kugy away from the girls who are upset to Kugy,
The sentence above is located on page 287 in the chapter 32 by the tittle
“Ninja Asmara”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
the appreciation for someone who gets an achievement. This word is very
it. The context of the sentence above is happened when Kugy and Remi are in
the street vendor restaurant. They talk their experiences, Remi tells his
The code mixing above is caused by function and aim usually used in
to certain purpose, like asking, offering, expressing and announcing. And it also
“Tapi ini pekerjaan yang selalu kamu inginkan, atau ada passion lainkah?”
The sentence above is located on page 288 in the chapter 32 by the tittle
“Ninja Asmara”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
“passion” as a noun. The word passion in Indonesian language usually used for
telling the hope and ability. It is very familiar in the societies, especially people
who live in the city, students who want to continue their study, etc. The code
mixing word level above is uttered by Kugy to Remigius Aditya in the street
vendor restaurant while spending their nights after join the event.
life, there are certain vocabularies which has most popular parable. The word
passion is more popular to use than “keinginan besar” when people talk about
the idea or occupation. Besides, it also caused by function and aim factor
uses language based on the function they expected in context and situation. In
“Perahu Kertas” novel, Kugy asks Remi about his other passion, because Remi
looks like so serious with his advertising company. Remi says there is no other
passion. It can be seen from the sentence that there is an asking indication
The sentence above is located on page 307 in the chapter 34 by the tittle
“Malam Terakhir di Ujung Tahun”. The code mixing word level written by the
updating something by adding the new facilities. The things which can be
updated are software and hardware. But, in this context of the passage, the word
“upgrade” means “change”. It means that Kugy wants to change the holiday
from Ancol to Bali. She wants to go to Bali for the next holiday. The situation
happens when Kugy and Remi are in Ancol beach spending their New Year
eve. Kugy makes joke that she wish next year she can spend her New Year eve
in Bali.
who usually uses one language can use code mixing if their addressee from
same background but uses other language. In this context, the characters usually
mix their language. It means that the characters are using more than one
The sentence above is located on page 320in the chapter 35 by the tittle
“Pangeran Sejati”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
astronomy side is a kind of another planet living thing. The form of the alien is
like a human, but it looks not normal form. The “alien” is still being something
mysterious. But, in this novel, the word “alien” which is uttered by Eko has the
different thing. It refers to Kugy’s strange character like an alien. This situation
happens when Keenan and Eko are making joke, all day long they spend their
time together and tell each other about their business during they don’t meet
and he tells that Kugi graduates sooner. It is caused by humor factor, because
“Lha elu… siapa yang bakal nyangka seorang Keenan bisa jadi businessman
di Ibu kota.”
The sentence above is located on page 321 in the chapter 35 by the tittle
“Pangeran Sejati”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
The word “businessmen” usually used in a city with success people in business.
topic. The sentence is uttered when Keenan tells that he tries to make a fairy
tale, and wants to publish it. But Eko doesn’t believe that Fairy tale will change
The sentence above is located on page 326 in the chapter 35 by the tittle
“Pangeran Sejati”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
marketing products from one company to other. The situation of the code
mixing word level above is happened when Remi and Kugy will come to Noni
and Eko’s engagement. Suddenly, Remi gets phone from his client and make a
The code mixing above is caused by function and aim which used in
uses language based on the function they expected in context and situation. In
The sentence above is located on page 330 in the chapter 36 by the tittle
“Reuni Kelompencapir”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
word “velvet” as a noun. It is uttered by Eko to Noni and Keenan. The word
“velvet” in the fashion side means red shiny color. The situation of the sentence
novel, there is a humor indication when Kugy comes to Eko and Noni’s
engagement, they shocks when they see that Kugy is so beautiful with her
gown. It’s because, Kugy usually doesn’t care with her style. Then, Eko says
The sentence above is located on page 351 in the chapter 38 by the tittle
“Penculikan Paling Indah”. The code mixing word level written by the author
the word “dessert” has a meaning as a dish usually served in the end of dinner.
It can be a dish which has great taste like cheese. If it is translated into
In this novel, the situation is happened when Kugy and Keenan don’t
meet for long time, Keenan brings Kugy far away from the city to spend their
time. He takes Kugy the nature. The factor is popular term, it means that this
factor caused in social life, there are certain vocabularies which has most
popular parable. In the sentence above, the word “dessert” is familiar, used by
The sentence above is located on page 352 in the chapter 38 by the tittle
“Penculikan Paling Indah”. The code mixing word level written by the author
limitation in doing or submitting the project, the time by which something must
be done or completed.
when Remi takes a deep breath. He feels that Kugy has no spirit about
completing their project. Kugy cannot get the target and she is late for doing
task about storyboard. The code mixing above is caused by popular term which
this factor caused in social life, there are certain vocabularies which has most
popular parable. The word deadline is familiar for people to want to reach the
The sentence above is located on page 362 in the chapter 39 by the tittle
“Karya Bersama”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
word “resign” in work side has a meaning as to give up a job for position or
one’s job and office by telling the employer, especially by formal notification.
In this novel, the word resign has a context with the same definition above.
factor. In bilingual society, the speaker who usually uses one language can use
code mixing if their addressee is from the same background but uses other
language. Kugy is an employee who works in the same office with Remi. Remi
is seeing Kugy’s work lately Remi feels there are something wrong and
strength on Kugy. Remi offers Kugy to resign from his company. Because
The sentence above is located on page 363 in the chapter 39 by the tittle
“Karya Bersama”. The code mixing word level written by the author is word
class for senior students. But for this this context, the word “outing” refers to a
pleasure tip, excursion, picnic, or the like an annual outing for the employees.
main topic factor. It is a dominant factor in causing code mixing. The factor is
caused by formal and informal topic and humor. It is usually used by speaker to
audiences. In this context Remi demands Kugy to join holiday to Bali with
other employees while joking. Remi realize that about Kugy’s decision to
resign from his company. This is the first time for Remi to love Kugy with no
The sentence above is located on page 371 in the chapter 40 by the tittle
“Menemukan Oasis” The code mixing word level written by the author is word
“shopping” in the sentence above means to visit shops and stores for
In the sentence above, the word shopping means buying clothes and
handy crafts. This sentence is caused by popular term usage. In social life, there
are certain vocabularies which has most popular parable. The word is familiar
employees get holiday to Bali, in sanur Kugy and Remi spend their time in
“Udah berat-berat pinjem kamera dari karel, tapi dari tadi belum sempet
hunting foto.”
The sentence above is located on page 371 in the chapter 40 by the tittle
“Menemukan Oasis”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
“hunting” is the way to get an animal in the forest, but word hunting also has
her day at the beach. Under the light of the sun, he plays parasailing, banana
boat, Jet Ski and other. She does not have a time for taking some pictures. The
code mixing above is caused by popular term. This factor caused in social life,
there are certain vocabularies which has most popular parable. The word
The sentence above is located on page 371 in the chapter 40 by the tittle
“Menemukan Oasis”. The code mixing word level written by the author is
word “transport” as a noun. The word transport is the abbreviation from word
means that, the Indonesian takes other language by changing some letters and
Jimbaran meet their friends and employees. The code mixing above is caused
The sentence above is located on page 400 in the chapter 43 by the tittle
“Cincin dalam Kotak Perak”. The code mixing word level written by the
The word shock is very familiar for Indonesian societies. Even most of the
teenagers say “shock” for showing unpredictable feeling. The word “shock”
uttered when when Remigius Aditya comes to Kugy’s house while bringing a
ring in silver box for a surprise. Remi knows that Kugy looks so strange to face
Remis’s arrival. This is not what Kugy’s expects. Remi said to Kugy that it did
The sentence above is located on page 400 in the chapter 43 by the tittle
“Cincin dalam Kotak Perak”. The code mixing word level written by the
word “look” is not too familiar in Indonesian societies, only a few people with
certain background. Such as people who master more than one language,
when Remi gives Kugy a time to answer his serious engagement. After Remi
went out, directly Kugy goes to her room, locks the room and just stay there.
uses language based on the function they expected in context and situation.
typically containing more than one words, and lacking the subject and predicate
“Kita jalan kaki aja cari yang dekat-dekat, atau delivery service.”
“Mother Alien”. The code mixing phrase level written by the author is
societies is. It usually serves by the company, store, food court and other.
sending the food that has ordered. The customers only call the call centers for
the audiences and popular term usage. There are certain vocabularies which has
most popular parable showed by using phrase “delivery service” than “pesan
antar”. It is uttered when Eko’s old car is getting trouble. The machine
performance is too old. Noni and Kugy will have a meeting with Keenan and
Eko. They will take walk to find some food, because Eko cannot pick them up.
“Yah, gua kan cuma menganalisa dari statistic penegmbalian buku lu, Ko. Dan
“Lingkaran Suci”. The code mixing phrase level written by the author is “no
hard feeling”. It is included into noun phrase and can be formulated into
Adjective as modifier and noun as head. No hard feeling means “don’t take it
Pizza, a television, there are four people who are talking each other, make joke
Eko is Kugy’s best friend who is always late to return the book to
Kugy, Kugy has a small library in her house for children around the regency.
the audiences. There in a joke indication in the sentence which uttered by Kugy
“Masa prospek gua dihancurkan gara-gra track record kartu anggota taman
“Lingkaran Suci”. The code mixing phrase level written by the author is “track
record”. It is included into noun phrase. “track record” is the notes of someone
from the past until the recent. In Indonesian language, track record means
“rekam jejak or catatan silam”. This code mixing phrase level is caused by
serious meeting, and used by comedian to entertain the audiences. The sentence
is uttered when Kugy and Eko make joke each other in front of Keenan and
Noni. It’s because Eko always be late in returning the book to Kugy. Because
“Asal kamu tahu, di Negara ini Cuma segelintir penulis yang bisacari makan
dari nulis tok. Kebanyakan dari mereka punya pekerjaan lain, jadi wartawan
“Lingkaran Suci”. The code mixing phrase level written by the author is “copy
modifier and noun as head. Copy writer usually found in printing office,
factor in causing code mixing, because of formal and informal topic. The
context is when Keenan comes to Kugy’s boarding house. They meet only for
having simple chat. Keenan comments Kugy’s idea to be fairy tale writer.
Kugy’s idea does not guarantee for better life in the future.
“Sebatang Pisang Susu”. The code mixing phrase level written by the author is
factor. The context is when Kugy looks at Keenan’s painting. The painting
looks so abstract. Keenan asks Kugy to the the meaning of his painting, but
Kugy cannot guess what the meaning of the painting is. There is a humor
“Hunusan Pedang Es”. The code mixing phrase level written by the author is
“double date”. It is included into noun phrase and can be formulated into
familiar, especially for teenager. Double date itself means as a couple who are
going outside. It is usually for having dinner, watching movie in the cinema and
usage factors. It is uttered by Eko at Kugy’s boarding house when Eko and
Noni meet Kugy. Three of them sit on the usual chair while bringing their
dishes. They talk about their plan, and Eko has a plan to make triple date. Kugy
with Ojos, Noni with Eko, and they still confuse for Keenan’s couple.
“Pasha ini gue Wanda.Gue minta tolong ya? Gue Cuma butuh data lo doang
The sentence above is located on page 114 in the chapter 13 by the tittle
“Rencana Besar Wanda”. The code mixing phrase level written by the author
formulated into noun as modifier and noun as head. Customer list in this novel
means a segment of users based on a set of criteria, the list of users instead of a
society, the speaker who is usually uses one language can use code mixing if
their addressee from same background but uses other language. Wanda and her
friend know the meaning of customer list phrase. Because of both of them are
from the same background as a painting collector. In the context, Wanda reads
her customer list and looks for the appropriate painting collector for Keenan’s
painting. Because, Wanda is sure that Keenan painting is not her father
qualification. So, Wanda asks her friend to be Keenan’s customer and Wanda
“Mencari Ketulusan”. The code mixing phrase level written by the author is
“quality time”. It is included into noun phrase and can be formulated into noun
spent with close family, partners or friends that is someway important, special,
productive or profitable. It is time that is set aside for paying full and undivided
attention to person or matter at hand. It may also refer to time spent performing
The sentence above is uttered by Ojos in The light of the candle lights.
He is care and calm boy. It is caused by popular term usage, because quality
time is usually used by people who know the meaning of the term and people
who understand more than one language. Kugy and Ojos have no quality time
lately, because Ojos studies in different city. Ojos wants to date with Kugy all
day long.
“Yup, Gua bikin garden-party, minjem halaman rumahnya Wanda yang segede
The sentence above is located on page 163 in the chapter 18 by the tittle
“Kepergian dan Kehilangan”. The code mixing phrase level written by the
author is “Garden party”. It is included into noun phrase. Garden party means
a formal party happens outside in the afternoon, often in large private garden.
The sentence above is uttered by Noni to Kugy. She is a modern and neat girl.
She will celebrate her birthday. She will make a garden party by using Wanda’s
house yard.
usually people in the city say garden party to change the phrase “pesta kebun”.
uses language based on the function they expected in context and situation. In
the sentence above, there is and announcing indication when nony utters “Yup,
The sentence above is located on page 251 in the chapter 28 by the tittle
“advocado.” The code mixing phrase level written by the author is “media
campaign”. It is included into noun phrase and can be formulated into noun as
modifier and noun as head. Media campaign is from phrase “campaign media”
in English. But the Indonesian societies usually say media campaign especially
media channels. It may focus on a common theme and the one of few brands or
office. He says that his company gets many projects about media campaign. For
sure, it will make Kugy and other employees are busier. The sentence above is
“Gy, gambar yang udah ditandaian, tolong diguntingin. Kita mau buat dummy
story board.”
The sentence above is located on page 252 in the chapter 28 by the tittle
“advocado.” The code mixing phrase level written by the author is “dummy
story board”. It is included into noun phrase and can be formulated into
adjective as modifier and noun as head. The phrase is not too familiar in
changes of action and scene in a planned film, as for a movie, television show
than before. Remi gives Kugy many magazines and scissor. She has a duty to
cut the picture has marked. Remi is a businessman who has good responsible.
The factor of code mixing on this page is main topic. It is a dominant factor in
causing code mixing. It is because of formal and informal topic. The sentence
language based on the function they expected in context and situation. There is
The sentence above is located on page 257 in the chapter 28 by the tittle
“advocado.” The code mixing phrase level written by the author is “hazelnut-
crème”. The phrase is included into noun phrase. It can be formulated into
cup of coffee, wafer, cakes and other food. It is a crème made by hazelnut. It
can be used for topping. In this novel, hazelnut-crème uses on the wafer. The
function they expected in context and situation. In this novel, the context is
when Kugy explains her ideas in front of Remi and other employees in the
“Khusus untuk pitching ini, saya mau Kugy jadi project leader.”
The sentence above is located on page 257 in the chapter 28 by the tittle
“advocado.” The code mixing phrase level written by the author is “Project
leader”. The phrase is included into noun phrase. It can be formulated into
noun as modifier and noun as head. The phrase “project leader” is a familiar
In this novel, the phrase “project leader” means a person who is tasked with
planning, executing and closing the project. But only a project leader inspires
and motivates a team. Project leader takes the time to get knows the team,
In the sentence above, the phrase is uttered when Remi doesn’t think too
much anymore about the project. It is because he has no more brilliant idea for
project. The sentence above is caused by conversation partner. It means that the
who usually uses one language can use code mixing if their addressee is from
same background but uses other language. The context of the sentence above is
when Remi is talking to his employees who understand about “project leader”.
uses language based on the function they expected in context and situation
because the sentence above has and asking indication uttered by Remi.
“Kalau saya jadi tukang bubur, saya bakal jadikan kamu brand ambassador.”
The sentence above is located on page 287 in the chapter 32 by the tittle
“Ninja Asmara.” The code mixing phrase level written by the author is “brand
into noun as modifier and noun as head. The sentence above is uttered by
In the sentence above, the phrase is uttered when Kugy and Remi are
having date after they worked at the office. They go the street vendor
restaurant. They are making joke that Remi will take Kugy as “Bubur Brand
“Dari lulus kuliah, saya mulai magang seperti kamu, jadi junior art director.”
The sentence above is located on page 287 in the chapter 32 by the tittle
“advocado.” The code mixing phrase level written by the author is “junior art
director”. The phrase is included into noun phrase. It can be formulated into
noun as modifier and noun as head. The phrase junior art director is not too
advertising, television and other. The junior art director itself has meaning as a
function they expected in context and situation. In the sentence above, Remi
tells that after he graduated from university, he ever practiced as junior art
director in advertising company. From the context, it can be seen that there is
“Room service-nya indomie rebus sama the tawar, luas kamar seluas-luasnya,
The sentence above is located on page 350 in the chapter 38 by the tittle
“Penculikan Paling Indah” The code mixing phrase level written by the author
is “live music”. The phrase is included into noun phrase. It can be formulated
into adjective as modifier and noun as head. The phrase of “live music” is very
domicile and time of conversation factor because of they enjoy the sky which is
getting dark with their romantic atmosphere. Kugy and Keenan take down from
“Oke, rekan agenku. Main course udah, sekarang dessert, terus apalagi
sesudah ini”
The sentence above is located on page 351 in the chapter 38 by the tittle
“Penculikan Paling Indah.” The code mixing phrase level written by the author
is “Main course”. The phrase is included into noun phrase. It can be formulated
into adjective as modifier and noun as head. The phrase is uttered by Kugy (the
main character) to Keenan. The phrase of “main course” it self means the
follows the entry course. The main course usually the heaviest, heartiest and
protein source.
and time of conversation. It also caused by functions and aim factor. The phrase
is uttered when Kugy Asked Keenan to go to the next plan after they got meal,
they are having holiday and spending their time in the beach. Keenan takes
“Nah, yang satu ini formatnya buku seni, bentuknya coffee table book, yang
isinya adalah cerita kamu plus lukisan saya dari awal sampai yang terbaru.”
The sentence above is located on page 383 in the chapter 41 by the tittle
“Buku dan Pameran.” The code mixing phrase level written by the author is
“coffee table book”. The phrase is included into noun phrase. It can be
formulated into noun as modifier and noun as head. The sentence is uttered by
usually hard-cover book whose purpose is for display on a table intended for
use in an area in which one entertains guests and form which it can serve to
inspire conversation.
In the sentence above, the phrase of coffee table book refers to the fairy
tale book will be launched sooner. In Jakarta, Keenan will launch his fairy tale
book. The book will be dedicated to the children group discussion in Bandung.
The group had made for several times. The sentence above is caused by
society, the speaker usually uses one language can use code mixing if their
addressee from same background but uses other language, because Kugy of and
Keenan are from the same background who can speak English and Indonesian
“Saya sedang bantu ayah saya, Mas. Beliau lagi sakit. Dan sekarang saya
The sentence above is located on page 386 in the chapter 45 by the tittle
“Kastil yang Masih Berdiri Tegak.”. The code mixing phrase level written by
the author is “trading company”. The phrase is included into noun phrase. It
can be formulated into adjective as modifier and noun as head. The sentence
is business working with different kinds of products which are sold for
to customers.
factor. It also caused by function and aim factor. The sentence is uttered when
Remi accidentally meets Keenan in Jakarta. Suddenly Remi hugs Keenan and
they having chat. They are making a conversation about their business.
The sentence above is located on page 387 in the chapter 45 by the tittle
“Kastil yang Masih Berdiri Tegak.”. The code mixing phrase level written by
the author is “coffee shop”. The phrase is included into noun phrase. It can be
formulated into noun as modifier and noun as head. It is caused by function and
function they expected in context and situation. In the sentence above, there is a
reporting indication when Remi tells to Keenan that he will have a meeting at
coffee shop. Keenan doesn’t believe that he will meet Remi in the coffee shop
accidentally. Keenan and Remi realize that the meeting should be there. And it
cannot be avoided.
The sentence above is located on page 408 in the chapter 44 by the tittle
“missed call”. The code mixing phrase level above is included into noun
phrase. It can be formulated adjective as modifier and noun as head. The phrase
“missed call” is a call to a cellular phone that was not answered, where the
caller leaves no message. The called is expected to return the phone call.
In the sentence above, the phrase is caused by popular term usage factor.
terjawab”. It is uttered when Noni and Keenan have a meeting in the Kemang
restaurant. Noni only gives Keenan a missed call in order to can call her back.
The sentence above is located on page 423 in the chapter 46 by the tittle
“Hati Tak Perlu Memilih”. The code mixing phrase level written by the author
familiar in Indonesian societies, especially for people who live in the city,
people who have a business in wedding organizer and a couple who will get
fair, it’s the event which shows the wedding plane, concept, decoration, bridal,
and other.
boy. It is caused by humor factor. The factor is usually used by speaker to show
this novel, it is uttered when all family members have strange action from this
morning. Kugy realizes about that situation and lazy to respond when her sister
makes a joke about Kugy’s engagement plan. Actually kugy did not go to the
sentence, but larger than the phrases, words or morphemes and clause
having a subject and predicate. Some clauses are dependent, so they cannot
“Pindah Ke Bnadung”. The code mixing clause level written by the author is
girl with full of imagination. The clause “I’ll find my stream” is included into
structure Subject, predicate, object. The clause is caused by function and aim
and announcing. Speaker uses language based on the function they expected in
morning, Kugy stands in front of the river, she makes a perahu kertas which
has a message to Neptunus in it. She believes that Neptunus is a real friend who
“Kurator Muda”. The code mixing clause level written by the author is “I just
dropped my contact”. It is an independent clause which does not need any other
clauses. The structure is subject, predicate, and object. The clause above is
the function they expected in context and situation. In Perahu Kertas novel, the
context is when Eko and Noni come to Kugy’s house to introduce Wanda to
Keenan. Wanda comes late because she just dropped her contact.
“Sakola Alit”. The code mixing clause level written by the author is “it’s
okay”. It is uttered by Kugy to Keenan. He is a cool and artistic boy. The clause
“it’s okay” is included into “independent clause” by the structure “subject and
predicate”. The clause can stand without any other clauses. The sentence above
is caused by speaker and speaker character. It means that the speaker uses code
mixing to the hearer because she or he has certain purposes. There are some
Besides, the speaker uses code mixing because of habit and informal
addressee or group. In bilingual society, the speaker who usually uses one
language can use code mixing if their addressee from same background but
uses other language. In “Perahu Kertas” novel, Keenan and Kugy can use
more than one language, and the context of sentence is in the campus, Keenan
waits for Kugy. She wants give her birthday gift. But, Kugy wants to make a
distance with Keenan, because she knows that Noni wants Keenan to be close
to Wanda.
The sentence above is located on page 100 in the chapter 12 by the tittle
“Jendral Pilik dan Pasukan lit”. The code mixing clause level written by the
author is “I’m okay”. It is uttered by Kugy to Ojos. The clause “I’m okay” is
included into independent. It can stand without any other clauses. The structure
Indonesian societies for showing feeling condition. But sometimes that clause is
aimed to hide the heart or feeling condition in order to make the situation be
In this Perahu Kertas novel, the context is caused by function and aim
and announcing. Speaker uses language based on the function they expected in
context and situation. In “Perahu Kertas” novel, the context happens when
Ojos meets Kugy in her boarding house. He feels that there is something
different with Kugy’s sight when she is reading then J.R.R Tolkien book. But
The sentence above is located on page 127 in the chapter 15 by the tittle
“Mencari Ketulusan”. The code mixing clause level written by the author is
“are you straight?”. It is uttered by Eko to Keenan. The clause “are you
using interrogative. The sentence above is uttered by function and aim factor. It
context and situation. In Perahu Kertas novel, it is uttered when Eko asks
Keenan about his feeling to Wanda. It looks that there is no something special
for Keenan about Wanda. From the context above, there is an asking indication
on the sentence spoken by Eko to Keenan showed as function and aim factor.
“Nan, mungkin aku kolokan, but I’m not stupid, I’m not blind. Aku lihat
The sentence above is located on page 151 in the chapter 17 by the tittle
“Tiga Kata Saja”. The code mixing clause level written by the author is “but
I’m not stupid”. It is uttered by Wanda to Keenan. She is a prestigious girl. The
clause “but I’m not stupid” is included into independent clause. The structure is
language, it can be “saya tidak bodoh or aku nggak bodoh”. The clause above
In Perahu Kertas novel, the clause is caused by function and aim factor.
context and situation. The clause above is also caused by main topic factor. It is
a dominant factor in causing code mixing because of formal and informal topic.
The context of the sentence above is when Wanda feels upset to Keenan,
because of she knows that Keenan likes Kugy. Keenan asks Wanda to wear
clothes like Kugy, and she doesn’t like if she should be like Kugy. There is an
“It’s going to be fun.Noni, Eko, aku dan Keenan akan jadi host-nya.”
The sentence above is located on page 168 in the chapter 19 by the tittle
“Tragedi Pesta Noni”. The code mixing clause level written by the author is
modern and stylish girl. The clause above is included into independent clause,
because it can stand without any other clause by the structure “subject,
predicate and compliment”. The clause “it’s going to be fun” in Perahu Kertas
means they (Noni, Eko, Keenan and Kugy) will be having fun in Noni’s
birthday party. The clause “it’s going to be fun” is familiar to say in Indonesian
Wand. It is caused by prestigious factor. It means that the speaker used code
factors. It does not allow the speaker to use code mixing, or in other term the
contextual function and relevance function are rising. The sentence above is
uttered when she meets Kugy in the supermarket. Kugy tries to avoid Wanda,
but she can’t. Wanda asks Kugy about Noni’s birthday party just for making
Kugy be dejected.
The sentence above is located on page 177 in the chapter 20 by the tittle
”Kebohongan Gigantis”. The code mixing clause level written by the author is
she drinks too much champagne. The clause “I’m sorry” is included into
independent clause because of it can stand without any other clauses. The
clause “I’m sorry” is familiar to use, but sometimes they only say “sorry or
uses language based on the function they expected in context and situation.
The sentence above is uttered when Keenan avoids Wanda, because of Wanda
drinks too much alcohol in Noni’s birthday party. Wanda does an apology to
Keenan after she told that she has a lying about painting to Keenan. Wanda
pays Keenan’s painting by using her friend name. From the context above, it
can be seen that there is and asking forgiveness expression spoken by Wanda to
“Gua serisu, gila. Kalo ada apapun yang bisa gua bantu buat lu, please let me
The sentence above is located on page 241 in the chapter 27 by the tittle
”Janji adalah Janji”. The code mixing clause level written by the author is”I
owe you one”. It is uttered by Kugy to Eko. The clause I owe you one is
included into independent clause. It is because the clause can stand without any
audiences. In Perahu Kertas novel, the context and situation is not serious
when Eko asks Kugy about Noni. Kugy wants to help Eko anything she can
while joking with funny words, because Eko helps Kugy for completing her
component, they are Indonesian affixes and English word. This kind of Baster
“Jalan yang Berputar.” The code mixing baster level written by the author is
affixation Indonesian prefix. The structure is “nge as prefix and date as word”
out together with partner. The sentence above is uttered by Kugy to Noni. Kugy
is nerd, but sometimes she makes joke. It is caused by humor factor. The code
In Perahu Kertas novel, it is uttered when Noni asks Kugy to prepare all
the packages will be round to Bandung by Fiat. Fiat is Eko’s old car that always
gets trouble on the road. There is a humor indication when Kugy says that
Eko’s car is too old to use, world will be run slower with that car. Besides
visual), and written modus (letter, newspaper and scientific book). It is showed
The sentence above is located on page 168 in the chapter 19 by the tittle
“Tragedi Pesta Noni.” The code mixing baster level written by the author is
“Host nya” . It is included into Baster affixation English word with Indonesian
suffix. The structure is Host as word and nya as suffix” becomes baster Host-
nya. The sentence above is caused by prestigious factor. It means that the
speaker uses code mixing because of situation factor, addressee, topic, and
other socio-situational factors. It does not allow the speaker to use code mixing,
or in other term the contextual function and relevance function are rising.
In Perahu Kertas novel page 168, the sentence is uttered by Wanda. She
meets Kugy in the market and asks Kugy to come to Noni’s birthday. Noni is
going to celebrate her birthday party in Wanda’s house yard. The situation
above looks too strange because both of them have hidden hate feeling.
The sentence above is located on page 264 in the chapter 30 by the tittle
“Agen Non Aquarious.” The code mixing baster level written by the author is
structure is “di as prefix and cancel as word” becomes baster di-cancel. The
In bilingual society, the speaker who usually uses one language can use code
mixing if their addressee from same background but uses other language.
The sentence above is also caused by function and aim factor. Language
and announcing. Speaker uses language based on the function they expected in
context and situation. In Perahu Kertas novel page 264, the sentence is uttered
in the office after Kugy finished worked. She is going to back home by booking
the taxi. But, suddenly Remi comes offer to accompany Kugy back to home.
From the context above, it can be seen that there is and offering indication
“Jelas, lewatlah. Ini namanya hotel bintang, room service-nya Indomie rebus
The sentence above is located on page 350 in the chapter 38 by the tittle
“Penculikan Paling Indah.” The code mixing baster level written by the author
Indonesian suffix. The structure is “service as word and nya as suffix” becomes
baster service-nya. It is uttered by Keenan to Kugy when they are having fun in
the beach, sharing their longing. They spend their whole day in Pangandaran
beach. The code mixing is caused by domicile and time of conversation. It can
be seen from the place where Keenan and Kugy make conversation. The
The sentence above is located on page 392 in the chapter 42 by the tittle
“Kastil yang Masih Berdiri Tegak.” The code mixing baster level written by the
with Indonesian suffix. The structure is “masterpiece as word and nya as suffix”
topic factor is a dominant factor in causing code mixing by looking the context
and situation. It is uttered by Kugy to Remi. They spend their Saturday night as
usual. They talk, laugh and share happiness. But, this Saturday night is
different, because of Remi feels there is something strange with Kugy when she
The sentence above is located on page 423 in the chapter 46 by the tittle
“Hati Tak Perlu Memilih.” The code mixing baster level written by the author
suffix. The structure is “EO or Event Organizer as word and nya as suffix”
at home. He is a humorist boy. They spend their Sunday with family and share
their love. Suddenly, Kevin who has funny character says about Kugy’s
wedding plan. He wants to be home event organizer. The code mixing in the
sentence is caused by humor factor. It can be seen from the context and
Further, the words being reduplicated that are found in the data are noun-noun,
adjective-adjective, and verb-verb. Than the words will be still the same before
and after being reduplicated. In other words, this process (word reduplication)
The sentence above is located on page 139 in the chapter 16by the tittle
“Salah Berharap” The code mixing reduplication level written by the author is
two words “nite”. In the foreign country, especially country uses English as
native language there is repetition word “nite”. But, in Indonesian culture, the
and nerd girl.She feels so fed up to Noni who always talks about Keenan and
Wanda. She decides to leave Noni. The code mixing above is caused by popular
term usage. The repetition word is happened because of the culture and habit.
The other example can be “dia kerjaannya happy-happy terus”, or “itu sih
The sentence above is located on page 249 in the chapter 28 by the tittle
“Advocado.” The code mixing reduplication level written by the author is “fine,
language, there is no repetition word of “fine” but they only say once “fine”. In
the K family is spending their leisure time at home. The K family is making
joke each other. Karel comments Kugy’s unusual style and Karin tries to stop
the joke. The sentence above is caused by popular term usage. It is because
the meaning of the individual word. It means that idiom creates new meaning
“Hunusan Pedang Es.” The code mixing idiom level written by the author is
“candle light dinner”. It is uttered by Noni. She is a serious girl, but sometimes
she make joke. Candle light dinner itself typically means dining by the light of
candles placed on the table, candles give a warm, soft light, which makes
Perahu Kertas novel, the sentence is uttered by Noni. It caused by popular term
usage for having date term with partner. Noni tells that Kugy has a boyfriend.
He is Ojos. Ojos always make a special date with Kugy when they are meeting
“Karena saya pikir kamu punya syarat itu semua. Ide kamu fresh, out of the
The sentence above is located on page 263 in the chapter 30 by the tittle
“Agen Non Aquarius.” The code mixing idiom level written by the author is
“out of the box”. It is uttered by Remigius Aditya to Kugy. She is modern and
cool boy. The idiom “out of the box” typically means can be used easily
without further effort, try to use creative thinking with something unit and it
doesn’t need a harder thinking or effort. In Perahu Kertas novel, the idiom is
uttered because of function and aim factor. It can be seen when Remi decides
advertising project. Because he koew that Kugy has many creative ideas. There
B. Discussion
above. In Perahu Kertas novel, all the levels of code mixing are used by the
author. The levels of code mixing used by the author of the novel are code
mixing of word level, code mixing of phrase level, code mixing of clause level,
code mixing of baster level, code mixing of reduplication level, and code mixing
idiom level.
The first dominant level is word level. It is found from the insertion of
the word in a sentence. The writer inserts the appropriate word based on the
culture, context, and situation. The second dominant level is phrase level, where
there are some phrases which is inserted by the author in a sentence. It can be
noun phrase, adverbial phrase, and adjective phrase. But, the most dominant
phrase used by the author is noun phrase. The third dominant level is clause
level. Those are found in nine sentences with dependent and independent clauses.
Where, the clauses show that there are some Indonesian and English Mixing
which are completed by subject, predicate and object. The fourth is baster level.
It shows that Indonesian mix their language by inserting affixation. The insertion
is in the form of Indonesian affix and English word. The ninth is reduplication
level. It is used by the author because of way to prounounce and the culture of
Indonesian when they are repeating the English language. The sixth level is
idiom level. The insertion of idiom shows that there are some sentence should be
findings. Levels of code mixing are influenced by factors. The dominant factors
of code mixing are function and aim. The author mix Indonesian with English
caused by the aim where every sentence has an aim based on the context and
situation. The level, factor and characterization have a relation in causing code
mixing. Based on the analysis above, it is found that a character who has
prestigious, high level life style, and modern characterization produces code
mixing in a clause level more. Then, the humorist and simple character procude
A. Conclusion
In Perahu Kertas novel found some code mixings, the data are
classified into six levels according to Suwito’s theory. They are code mixing in
form of word, code mixing in the form phrase, code mixing in the form clause,
code mixing in the form of baster, code mixing in the form reduplication or
repetition word, and code mixing in the of idiom. The whole data found in
Perahu Kertas Novel are 102. It can be classified into code mixing word level
are 59 data, code mixing of phrase lever are 24 data, code mixing clause level
reduplication/repetition word are 2, code mixing of idiom level are 2. From the
research, the researcher conclude the highest number of code mixing in Perahu
Kertas novel is code mixing in form of word which attain 59 data, the fewest
The thirteen factors in causing code mixing are very influence to this
novel. The utterances influence by the factors, they are speaker and speaker
character, third person, domicile, topic, prestigious, humor, main topic, types
and language speech level, conversation level, conversation modus and other.
The most dominant factors are function and aim, topic, and popular term usage
B. Suggestion
researcher would like to give some suggestions. Some suggestions are pointed
mixing which is employed by the author of the novel. It had better if the
next researcher also takes a discussion in other media. The researcher who
can also develop this research is not only limited by the levels and factors
of code mixing, but also it can be added by code mixing usage purposes,
2. The reader
The result of this research may helpful for the reader to know that
English can also be learned by media (novel), especially teenlit genre. The
code mixing itself not only can be found orally from daily conversation,
but also it can be found in the novel. By reading this research, the
researcher hopes that the readers can develop the language by using more
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The Data Validity of Code Mixing Levels in Perahu Kertas Novel by Dewi
Keenan is talented
painter. She explains
this in her
012.CMWL/P.97 Omku baru beli Ojos asks Kugy to
apartment di daerah go to holiday
Orchard. together in
Singapore, he offers
Kugy to stay at his
uncle’s new
013.CMWL/P.106 Ini namaya support Noni says to Kugy
sayang. that they should
support Wanda to be
close to Keenan,
although Kugy feel
so upset to Noni that
Noni tries to make
Keenan close to
014.CMWL/P.113 Iya, dia punya Keenan says to
perusahaan trading Wanda that his
ekspor-impor father has a business
in trading. Keenan
takes a deep breath
and he thinks that his
father will shock
after he heard that
Keenan’s painting is
received by Warsita
015.CMWL/P.123 Sebagai upah kamu Keenan doesn’t meet
ngilang, hari ini saya Kugy for long time,
mau booking kamu. because Kugy
focuses on her thesis
and to hide her
feeling from Noni
and Eko that catually
Kugy doesn’t want
Keenan be close to
016.CMWL/P.128 Yang jelas, kalo ternyata Eko suggests
will be emergence if
the data crashed.
036.CMWL/P. Karel, ini namanya Kugy takes a mirror
STYLE. Oke? and sees her style.
She thinks her style
is not good to look.
Because usually she
wear casual clothes,
and this time Karin
changes Kugy to be
elegant. Karel
comments Kugy’s
style, and Karin tries
do deny.
037.CMWL/P.254 Udah banyak iklan At noon, the
produk sejenis yang advertising
pakai angle yang sama. employee makes a
meeting with his
Boss “Remigius
Aditya” to discuss
about their project.
They have many
consideration about
the angle will be
taken on screen.
038.CMWL/P.256 Bayangkan tiba-tiba Suddenly a girl with
muncul background flat face tries to
hitam sunyi tanpa suara. comments the
concept of
advertisement. Kugy
explains the
appropriate concepts
to her friends in the
meeting by using
simple language.
And makes sure
other about her
039.CMWL/P. Klien kita suka banget When Kugy comes
sama konsep kamu. to the office, Kugy
Mereka mau launch asked to meet Remi.
kampanye besar-besaran. Remi says that their
045.CMWL/P.288 Tapi ini pekerjaan yang Kugy asks Remi
selalu kamu inginkan, about his other
atau ada passion passion, because
lainkah? Remi looks like so
serious with his
company. Remi says
there is no other
046.CMWL/P.307 Mudah-mudahan tahun Kugy and Remi are
depan bisa upgrade jadi in Ancol beach
sanur. spending their new
year eve. Kugy
makes joke that she
wish next year she
can spend her new
year eve in Bali.
047.CMWL/P.320 Rekan alien lu, tuh, After Keenan and
Kugy udah lulus tahun Eko made joke, all
lalu. day long they spend
their time together
and tell each other
about their business
during they don’t
meet. And he tells
that Kugi graduated
048.CMWL/P.321 Lha elu… siapa yang Keenan tells that he
bakal nyangka seorang tries to make a fairy
Keenan nisa jadi tale, and wants to
businessman di Ibu publish it. But Eko
kota. doesn’t believe that
Fairy tale will
change Keenan’s
life. Fairy tale has no
beneficial for
49.CMWL/P.326 Gy, sori barusan banget Remi and Kugy will
agency dari vector point come to Noni and
telepon. Eko’s engagement.
107.CMIL/P.53 Kalo Ojos sih pasti candle Noni tells that Kugy
light dinner. has a boyfriend. He
is Ojos. Ojos always
make a special date
with Kugy when
they meet up.
108.CMIL/P.263 Karena saya pikir kamu Remi decides Kugy
punya syarat itu semua. Ide to be project leader.
kamu fresh, out of the box. He demands Kugy
to be harder in
finishing the new
advertising project.