Igneous Activity at The Present Day: Topic
Igneous Activity at The Present Day: Topic
Igneous Activity at The Present Day: Topic
Submitted To:
Sir A.B Kausar
Submitted By:
Muhammad Bilal Paul (01-161072-036)
BS Geo Physics 5
Date of Submission:
26th November 2009
Igneous Activity at the Present Day
Present day volcanoes can be broadly grouped in to three
1. Ocean Basins.
3. Continents.
Ocean Basins:
Here magamatism is divided in to three types:
• Layer 1 – 0.4 km
• Layer 2 – 1.7 km
• Layer 3 – 4.9 km
Some basalts and all of the gabbros from the ocean floor
are metamorphosed. Majority are in the greenschist and
amphibolites facies of metamorphism and some are in the
zeolite facies. Breccias are also confined to fracture zones.
Oceanic Islands:
Iceland is the only active island which is situated on active
spreading oceanic ridge. It is entirely oceanic in nature and its
rocks are entirely volcanic.
Continental Regions:
True continental magamtism at present day is found only
in small number of regions and magma eruption is very less
there. The igneous activity of this region has been continuous
since the Miocene.