D - Basic Movements in Philippine Folk Dance
D - Basic Movements in Philippine Folk Dance
D - Basic Movements in Philippine Folk Dance
This handout is designed to help your students familiarize some of the most widely used
movements in Philippine folk dances.
Depending on your teaching style, you may arrange the students in one big circle, a series
of columns, or three rows. These movement patterns may be done individually, facing a partner,
or facing the leader. These movements may also be used as a warm-up activity, a refresher
exercise, or as a review of the previous lesson in Philippine folk dance.
2. Bilao (bih-la-oh)
a. Bend elbows close to waist, hands in front, fingers pointing forward, palms down.
b. Turn hands up and down alternately
c. Repeat by varying the speed of execution.
3. Kewet (keh-weht)
a. With fist slightly closed, stick thumb out.
b. Turn Right wrist outward, making a check sign in the air with your thumb.
c. Repeat with the Left hand.
4. Folded arms
a. Bend arms in front of the chest
b. Put one forearm on top of the other.
5. Hayon-Hayon (ha-yohn-ha-yohn)
a. Place one forearm in front of the waist
b. Place the other forearm at the back of the waist.
c. Do the movement simultaneously and alternately until you achieve a wave like
movement in the front and back of the body. When the arms go to the side of the
body (upon exchange), it is as if the arms are in flying motion.
2/4 time signature ¾ time signature
1. Touch step
a. Point Right foot in front. count 1 count 1, 2
b. Step Right foot close to Left foot. count 2 count 3
¾ time signature
2. Change step
a. Step Right foot in front count 1
b. Step Left foot close to the Right foot in rear count and
c. Step Right foot quickly in front count 2
Arenas, Ken, BPE Alumnus, West Visayas State University, Iloilo City, Philippines.
Piamonte, Rose Marie R. and Liberty R. Porras. Teaching Guide in Philippine Folk Dance and Recreational
Ballroom Dancing, Iloilo City, Philippines, 2009.