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The undersigned certify that she has read and hereby recommend for acceptance by the Dar es
Salaam Institute of Technology project titled “Design and Manufacture of electric
cabbageshredding machine”in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Engineering degree in
Mechanical Engineering.

Eng. A. Kisioki

(Project Supervisor)




I, Shadrack Joshua (130535443341), declare that this project is my own original work and that
it has never been presented, and will not be presented to any other institute for a similar or any
other degree award.


Shadrack Joshua(Student)



This project report is a consequence on experience of shredding cabbage using knife and hand
slicer. Cabbage are required in small sizes and shapes depending on application
requirements.Anyone who has had experience with cutting vegetables has been exposed to the
risk of
injuring his fingers while having difficulty producing the type of cuts he wanted. An electric
cabbage shredder is capable of produce small pieces of cuts.
This machine also enables the chef to accomplish the task safely and quickly by allowing him to
keep his hands away from the cutting blades. The product aims for the capability to prepare
cabbages that are more aesthetically appealing in a shorter time period with a lower risk of injury
The machine is designed for large scale industries but can also be used for domestic purposes
which also include the slicing of cabbages. The machine works on shear cutting principle and has
the capacity to produce small size of cabbages of uniform sizes in lesser time.

This report involves background, literature review, methodology, data collection, and data
analysis. Through literature review the cabbages shredding methods, i.e. knife, hand slicer and
machinery, were reviewed. Methodology incorporates various methods used to achieve the
project, i.e. Literature review, data collection and data analysis. Through data collection the data
were collected, which are basically the product design specifications (PDS), SIDO Vingunguti,
where the available technology of cabbage shredding was assessed through observation, and
interviews, and hence, the strengths and weaknesses of each technology. The collected data
(PDS) were analyzed to establish the optimal design from which the large scale cabbage
shredding machine is designed accordingly.


I would like to dedicate this Project to the family; Joshua N. Tweve (father) and Ruth E. Lulindi
(mother), brothers and sisters, for the fully support they have had towards all my movements,
especially an academic one. I do appreciate their efforts.

To my friends, and classmates (B.Eng. 14 M) whom we shared all the ups and downs.

May almighty GOD grant you all a long living filled with an everlasting happiness,



Thanks to Lord God whose blessings are what we all count to move on, expecting more and
more. I am healthy and strong during all the time of my living, just because he lives.
The DIT Mechanical Engineering staff (Dr. Mgonja C.T., Dr. Malifedha J.M., Dr. Kaena N.A.P.,
Eng. Dr. Sanga F.M., Dr. Kilele C.E., Dr. Utou, Mr. Datsun Mbunga, Mr. Katani Augustino, and
many others who couldn’t mentioned here) who through their criticisms, suggestions, comments
and opinions, which stand as a cornerstone of this project work, have successfully raised this
project to this point. I do appreciate their efforts. However, the support and education I have had
from them remains as valuable integrated part of my body.
Sincerely thanks prevail to Madam Anna as project supervisor for all the efforts towards the
accomplishment of this part of project work. With his proper guidance all the way long, this
project has become even more feasible. The project coordinator, Dr. Malifedha, J.M. whose
challenges, advice, and supervision, have added a very exceptional value to this work, and Dr.
Kaena,N.A.P.the course lecturer, for his guidance, advice and encouragement towards the
accomplishment of this work.
Special thanks to Mr. Masai and management of SIDO – Dar es salaam, DIT Dinning Hall’s
Cookers and many others (names are closed as their wish) who played a very crucial role during
the data collection procedures in their respective sites.
Lastly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all B.Eng. 14 M Students, friends and
family for whatever they have done to take this project to a next step.







CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1


1.1 Background............................................................................................................................1

1.2 Problem statement..................................................................................................................2

1.3 Project objectives...................................................................................................................2

1.3.1 Main objective.................................................................................................................2

1.3.2 Specific objectives...........................................................................................................2

1.4 Significance of project...........................................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................4

LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................4

2.1 Classification..........................................................................................................................4

2.2 Origin and distribution...........................................................................................................4

2.3 Major production area............................................................................................................4

2.4 Description of the plant..........................................................................................................4

2.4.1 Roots................................................................................................................................4

2.4.2 Stem.................................................................................................................................4

2.4.3 Leaves..............................................................................................................................4

2.4 Cabbage shredding techniques...............................................................................................6

2.4.1 Knife................................................................................................................................6


2.4.2 Multipurpose Slicer or Cutter.........................................................................................9

2.5.3 Gear and Chain Design.................................................................................................11

2.5.4 Drum cabbage shredder................................................................................................12

2.5.6 Deluxe cabbage shredder..............................................................................................13

2.5.7 Motorized cabbage slicer..............................................................................................15

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................17


3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................17

3.2 Literature review..................................................................................................................17

3.3 Data collection.....................................................................................................................17

3.3.1 Interviewing...................................................................................................................17

3.3.2 Observation...................................................................................................................18

3.4 Data analysis........................................................................................................................18

3.4.1 Design Alternative for the mechanism..........................................................................18

3.4.2 Determination of shredding mechanism parameters....................................................18

3.4.3 Design of the shredding mechanism..............................................................................19

3.4.4 Manufacturing the Prototype........................................................................................19

3.4.5 Testing and Correcting the Prototype...........................................................................19

3.4.6 Report writing................................................................................................................19

CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................20

DATA COLLECTION..................................................................................................................20

4.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................20

4.2 Interviews.............................................................................................................................20

4.3 Observation..........................................................................................................................24

4.4 Literature Review.................................................................................................................25


4.4.1 Cabbage shredding machine.........................................................................................25

4.4.2 Material.........................................................................................................................25

CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................26

DATA ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................................26

5.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................26

5.2 Design Consideration...........................................................................................................26

5.3 Conceptual Development.....................................................................................................26

5.4 Selection of best alternative.................................................................................................27

5.4.1 Alternative A-Chain drive shredding machine........................................................27

5.4.3 Alternative C-Cam drive shredding machine..........................................................32

5.4.4 Determining the weighting factor..................................................................................34

5.5 Design Calculation and Analysis.........................................................................................35

5.5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................35

5.5.2 Design consideration.....................................................................................................35

5.5.3 Manufacturing Process of each Component of the Machine........................................45

CHAPTER SIX..............................................................................................................................47

CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATION................................................................................47

6.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................47

6.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................47



List of Figures

Figure 2.1: Green cabbage (
Figure 2.2: Red cabbage (
Figure 2.3: Slicing cabbages by using knife, Source (DIT Dinning Hall)...................................................8
Figure 2.4: Slicing Cabbages by using multipurpose slicer, Source (Kariakoo Market)............................9
Figure 2.5: Multipurpose slicer Source (
Figure 2.6: Gear and Chain design slicer Source (
Figure 2.7: Drum cabbage shredder source (
Figure 2.8: Deluxe cabbage shredder, (Source
Figure 2.9: Motorized cabbage slicer, (Source
Figure 4.1: Picture at Market Place Source (Mwadoto mburahati)..........................................................23
Figure 5.1:Chain drive cutting machine...................................................................................................28
Figure 5.2: Belt drive cutting machine......................................................................................................30
Figure 5.3: Cam drive cutting machine.....................................................................................................32
Figure: 5.4: Cutting disc...........................................................................................................................36
Figure 5.5: A shaft under Bending and Torsion stress..............................................................................39
Figure 5.6: Driving Pulley...................................................................................................................42

List of tables


Table 4.1: Data from DIT DINNING HALL............................................................................................20

Table 4.2: Data from Mwadoto Market at Mburahati...............................................................................22
Table 4.3: Data from SIDO Vingunguti....................................................................................................24
Table 4.4: Parts and proposed materials...................................................................................................25
Table 5.1: Average marks for Alternative A.............................................................................................29
Table 5.2: Average marks for Alternative B.............................................................................................31
Table 5.3: Marks and average for an Alternative C..................................................................................33
Table 5.4: Determining the weighting factor............................................................................................34
Table 5.5: Ranking of design....................................................................................................................35

List of Abbreviations


SIDO Small Industries Development Organization
VETA Vocation Education and Training Authority
www world wide web

FAOSTAT Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations

NTA National Technical Award
M Mechanical Engineering
B.ENG M Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
DIT Dar es salaam Institute of Technology

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization

htt Hypertext Transfer Protocol

kg Kilograms

PDS Product design specifications

Chapter One

1.1 Background
An electric cabbage shredding machine is the machine which is used to cut or slicing cabbage
into small pieces, it used for quick salad preparation and shred a large amount of cabbage very
fast, this will help cookers to minimize time for preparing food that will satisfy a great number of

Cabbageis a leafy green or purple biennial plant grown as an annual vegetable crop for its dense-
leaved heads. It is descended from the wild cabbage, B. Napa cabbage is closely related to
broccoli and cauliflower (var. botrytis), brussels sprouts (var. gemmifera) and savoy (var.
sabauda). Cabbage heads generally range from 0.5 to 4 kilograms (1 to 9 lb), and can be green,
purple and white. Smooth-leafed firm-headed green cabbages are the most common, with
smooth-leafed red and crinkle-leafed savoy cabbages of both colors seen more rarely. It is a
multi-layered vegetable. Under conditions of long sunlit days such as are found at high northern
latitudes in summer, cabbages can grow much larger. In Tanzania cabbages is cultivated mostly
in lushoto – Tanga, Morogoro, Mbeya, Njombe, Iringa, Arusha, Kilimanjaro also cabbage is a
good source of vitamin A, B, C, it gives cooling effect to our body, prevent constipation,
diabetes and good appetizer, used as vegetable (Simmons, 2007; Subramaniam, 1971). The goal
of the design is to create a quick, safe, and easy way to cut vegetables,this design was
accomplished by design an electric cabbage slicer to slice the cabbage vegetables. The study
elaborates on the design of each part of the slicer, including selecting electric motor and V belt,
the design of V belt pulley, shaft, elevating mechanism and blade, to introduce the main structure
and operating principles of the slicer, based on which the conclusion has been reached.

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

1.2 Problem statement

The main problem in existing method are time consuming, not hygiene, tiresome activity, it can
endanger your hand. From time immemorial, the use of knives and plastic graters were themajor
tools for slicing and grating vegetable items such as tomatoes, pepper, carrot, cabbage, and so on.
But as time went on, technology began to advance and different manufacturers looked forward to
how to eradicate time wastage when using knife to cut and injuries caused by knives in the past
years, knives were the common tools used for slicing and cutting vegetables to smaller sizes. But
as time went on, it was noticed that, for one to cut just a little quantity of vegetables, it will take
long time in doing that and in some cases, it causes injuries as a result of carelessness. Due to
these inconveniences, technology is being devised to help ease the working operation of slicing
and to eradicate time wastage. This vegetable slicing machine is employed and applicable where
vegetables of large quantities are to be sliced and this in turn, makes it more suitable in
environments where students, bachelors. An electric cabbage shredder has a cutter which
operates on the concept of rotating disk, the cutting disk is rotating inside a casing powered by an
ac motor, machine will help chef to slice cabbage that will satisfy a great number of people like
student canteen, ceremony, and jail shredder will solve the problem by using less time as
compared to knife and hand slicer.

1.3 Project objectives

The project has two objectives which are main objective and specific objectives. These
objectives are described as follows;

1.3.1 Main objective

The main objective is to design and manufacture of an electric cabbage shredding machine.

1.3.2 Specific objectives

i. To examine different types of cabbage shredder

ii To design some parts according to specification.

iii To manufacture prototype.

iv To test prototype.

Chapter One

1.4 Significance of project

Manufacturing of this machine will provide safe working environment and facilitates efficient

Mainly significance are as follows;

i. Helps in preparing food faster that will satisfy a large group of people
ii. It saves time
iii. It is safe to use
iv. It is very easy and convenient to use
v. It reduces manual work
vi. It facilitates efficient shredding

Chapter Two

2.1 Classification
Cabbages is a large round vegetable with large green, white, or purple leaves that can eaten
cooked or uncooked. Types of Cabbages green cabbage, red cabbages, savoy cabbage, and Napa

2.2 Origin and distribution

Cabbage is believed to have evolved from a wild form native to Europe, growing along the coast
of the North Sea, the English Channel and northern Mediterranean.Theoprastus described
cabbage in 350 BC and the Greeks cultivatedit as early as 600 BC and they believed that cabbage
was a gift from the gods. Pliny reported a soft-headed form in ancient Rome and the Saxons and
Romans probably cultivated it and introduced it to the British Isles. The hardheaded types were
only mentioned in the 9th century. The plant is used for medicinal purposes to treat gout,
stomach problems, deafness, headache and hangovers. Cabbage is now grown throughout the
2.3 Major production area

Cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables in Tanzania. Cabbage is grown country-wide, but
production is more concentrated in Lushoto- Tanga, Morogoro, Mbeya, Njombe, Iringa, Arusha,
Kilimanjaro. Cabbage is a popular vegetable throughout the world because of its adaptability to a
wide range of climatic conditions and soil, ease of production and storage, and its food value.
2.4 Description of the plant
2.4.1 Roots
Cabbage has an adventitious root system.
2.4.2 Stem
Cabbage has an unbranched stem that remains less than 300mm long.
2.4.3 Leaves
A rosette of sessile leaves arises as the growing point continues to form leaf primordial. The
outer leaves are green in color and the inner ones are white.

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

As the plant grows, the leaves increase in number, forming a ball-shaped “head” in the center of
the plant. The head is basically a large vegetative terminal bud, formed by overlapping of
numerous leaves developing over.

Figure 2.1: Green cabbage (

Figure 2.2: Red cabbage (

Chapter Two

2.4 Cabbage shredding techniques

There are several types of cabbage shredding machine or tool in the market, each type of cutting
machine or tool has different cutting principle but the purpose is the same to slice the cabbage
into small pieces for further process.
i. Shredding or slicing by knife
ii. Hand slicer
iii. Deluxe cabbage shredder
iv. Motorized cabbage slicer
2.4.1 Knife
Is a tool used for cutting and slicing vegetables and other item. It is commonly made of a blade
and handle The blade is a sharp surface with pointed edge used for the slicing and cutting while
the handle which is normally made of plastic or wood is used as a support in holding the straight
end of the blade.
The tool works on shear cutting principle, When the cutting blade impacts on the cylindrical
surface of the cabbages, the surface gets cut by shearing along a plane.
From time immemorial, the use of knives and plastic graters were the major tools for slicing and
grating vegetable items such as tomatoes, pepper, carrot, onions, cabbage and so on. But as time
went on, technology began to advance and different manufacturers looked forward to how to
eradicate time wastage when using knife to cut and injuries caused by knives (Bird, 1995).
In the past years, knives were the common tools used for slicing and cutting vegetables to
smaller sizes. But as time went on, it was noticed that, for one to cut just a little quantity of
vegetables, it will take long time in doing that and in some cases, it causes injuries as a result of
carelessness. Due to these inconveniences, technology is being devised to help ease the working
operation of slicing and to eradicate time wastage. This vegetable shredding machine is
employed and applicable where vegetables of large quantities are to be sliced and this in turn,
makes it more suitable in environments wherestudents, bachelors, etc. are residing, (Morling,
1974). Types of knife
There are many type of knife depends on it application Cheese knife
These are knives commonly used for cutting cheeses on a cheese board.

Chapter Two

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT Steak knife

This is a type of knife for cutting steaks (i.e. a thick slice of good quality beef), and with a
special type of blade. Bread knife

This type of knife is generally applicable for cutting and slicing breads at different sizes. Also, this bread
knife uses a serrated blade as its blade. Carving knife
This is a larger knife used for cutting vegetables e.g. cabbages, tomatoes, and cooked meats
Steel and Aluminum
In this design, stainless steel and aluminum were the metals used. The stainless steels were used
in the body frame, the cutter, the cutter seat and the handle due to its ability to resist corrosion.
Aluminum sheet was used to produce the collector where the sliced item is being made to go in.
Looking at steel as whole, steel is an alloy of iron and carbon (Harrison, and Nettleton, 1982).
Pig iron is a relatively impure material containing up to 10% carbon, silicon, manganese,
phosphorus and Sulphur. The manufacture of steel from pig iron involves the progressive
oxidation of these impurities which are lost as slag or gases. Since steels are produced from pig
iron, there is the tendency of it getting rusted and as a result of this; chromium and Nickel were
added to it to make it stainless thereby, giving it the ability to resist corrosion.
Aluminum is an element obtained from the reduction of alumina (Al203) via the electrolytic
process. Some of its properties that made it suitable for the collector are:
i. It is durable
ii. It is light in weight
iii. It has a white and attractive appearance
iv. It does not corrode easily
v. It is usually available with low cost of purchase

Chapter Two Principle
The tool works on shear cutting principle. When the cutting blade impacts on the cylindrical
surface of the cabbages, the surface gets cut by shearing along a plane.
Shredding cabbage is a useful skill when making salads like coleslaw, or soups where you need
finely textured cabbage pieces. The texture that comes from shredding cabbage with a grater or
food processor– the results are always too fine, without enough crunch. Luckily, it’s very easy to
shred cabbage with a knife to create the perfect texture. While it might seem like a no-brainer,
properly shredding cabbage is a bit of an art form. The method is super easy once you get the
hang of it.

Figure 2.3: Slicing cabbages by using knife, Source (DIT Dinning Hall)

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

2.4.2 Multipurpose Slicer or Cutter

An existing blade that consists of a hand-held, hand-operated blade is commercially available.
Multi-purpose slicer also called manual slicer; it is widely used in Tanzania. Home usage of
multi-purpose slicer or cutter operated by manual is only can used as a kitchen gadget. The
multi-purpose slicer is a versatile classic that enjoys many uses, perhaps because the multi-
purpose slicer remains as one of the safest, easiest and simplest kitchen items in use. However,
while an excellent multi-purpose slicer can be used for all sorts of vegetables like onions, yam,
cabbages, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, squash etc., the traditional use of a multi-
purpose slicer is to make everybody’s favorite.

Figure 2.4: Slicing Cabbages by using multipurpose slicer, Source (Kariakoo Market)

Chapter Two Working Principle of Multipurpose slicer

It is also called manual slicer, it consists of hand held, hand operated blade. When the cutting
blade impacts on the cylindrical surface of the cabbages, the surface gets cut by shearing along a
plane. The premise behind this multipurpose slicer is a sliding hand grip which interlocks with a
surface containing a horizontal cutting blade. The interchangeable blades allow different types of
cuts, but can be dangerous if the user’s hand slips off the grip. Multi-purpose slicer, it is also
small in size, manually driven and also low cost. Its attributes did not differ much with the
slicing machine except for the safety measure, for multipurpose slicer, once the sliced food
getting shorter, our hand may accidently cut by the blade. This could be dangerous for anybody
who uses it.

Figure 2.5: Multipurpose slicer Source ( of Multipurpose slicer

i. Easy to use
ii. It is suitable for small size of family
iii. It is small in size
iv. Manually driven of Multipurpose slicer
i. It consumes time

Chapter Two

ii. Hand may accidently cut by the blade

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

2.5.3 Gear and Chain Design

The gear and chain design consisted of a stationary knife which actuated the advancement of a
vegetable with each slicing motion made by the knife. The cut vegetables were then pushed into
a storage bin located at the end of the cutting board. This design had many positive aspects,
which included the ability to be easily operated, the ability to perform successful slice retrieval,
and the ability to allow the blade to pass through the entire vegetable. The negative aspects of
this design were a complicated gear system, lower blade control, and a low level of versatility in
relation to the types of cuts it could perform.

Figure 2.6: Gear and Chain design slicer Source (

Chapter Two

2.5.4 Drum cabbage shredder

The drum shredder consisted of a drum, which had grating holes upon it. It is spun inside a
housing which had an opening on top of it to feed the fruit or produce. The drum would shred the
food as it was fed into the grating holes and the shreds would fall out the open end of the drum.
This design was found to be difficult to clean, because the drum needed to be taken out of the
housing every time it was cleaned. It was also very difficult to replicate the drum itself, so this
concept was eliminated

Figure 2.7: Drum cabbage shredder source ( Advantages of drum cabbage shredder

i. It saves time for small scale
ii. It is easy and safe to use. Disadvantage of drum shredder

i. Difficult to clean
ii. Difficult to collect sliced vegetable
iii. Time consuming
iv. Tiresome activity

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

2.5.6 Deluxe cabbage shredder

The drum shredder consisted of a drum, which had grating knife upon it. It is spun inside a
housing which had an opening on top of it to feed the cabbages. The drum would shred the food
as it was fed into the grating holes and the shreds would fall out the open end of the drum. This
design was found to be difficult to clean, because the drum needed to be taken out of the housing
every time it was cleaned. It was also very difficult to replicate the drum itself, so this concept
was eliminated Procedure
The design process is a scheduled plan for realizing an estimated goal. The estimated goal in this
case is to design of a manual vegetable slicing machine. Design covers a wide range of activities
from the conception of ideas to the preparation of working drawings (McCarthy and Repp 1987).
This machine is therefore, designed such that it can slice vegetables such as tomatoes, fresh
pepper, carrot etc. to smaller pieces with minimal strength. It will have other special
characteristic which makes it very unique when produced such as:
i. Durability: This is the ability of lasting long without breakage
ii. Portability: The device is freely and easily moved without stress or any form of
inconveniences Working Principle of the deluxe cabbage shredder

This device is designed in such a way that when vegetable is placed inside the machine, the
rotary motion of the cutters from the handle is made to crush these vegetables thereby, reducing
their sizes to its minimum. With the aid of the collector, the sliced vegetables are collected. Maintenance of the deluxe cabbage shredding machine

There are three types of maintenance in engineering at large, these are:
i. Planned maintenance
ii. Preventive maintenance
iii. Corrective maintenance

Chapter Two

To be on the safe side, it is always advisable to utilize the preventive type of maintenance for this
very device. The following maintenance guidelines should be adhered to in the use of the
machine:It should be washed and cleaned thoroughly after usage. More force should be applied
when slicing in order to avoid a little clearance between the handle diameter and the cutter pipe

Figure 2.8: Deluxe cabbage shredder, (Source Advantages of deluxe cabbage shredder

i. It saves time for small scale
ii. It is easy and safe to use Disadvantage of deluxe cabbage shredder

i. It is difficult to clean
ii. It is difficult to collect the sliced vegetable
iii. Time consuming
iv. Tiresome

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Student, DIT Specification of deluxe cabbage shredder

i. 18 Gauge 304 Food grade stainless steel construction

ii. 14 Gauge stainless steel blades
iii. Tossing cylinder breaks-up thick layers of sliced cabbage while slicing
iv. Cuts preparation time in half
v. Shred up to a dozen heads of cabbage in 2 hours

2.5.7 Motorized cabbage slicer

The power generated by motor is transfer to cutting wheel, the machine has 2 holes of the upper
chute, the upper chute is where the cabbage will be placed and feed to be sliced, the cabbage fed
through upper feeder will be sliced into small pieces. Working principle of motorized cabbage slicer

Though circle movement of the blade and materials’ manual feeding to realize the continuously
slicing of material. The electric motor transmits power to the principal shaft through coupling
and the principal shaft will rotate blade rest, manually feeding the slicer and the material will be
sliced. of motorized cabbage slicer

i. It saves time
ii. It is easy and safe to use
iii. It facilitates efficiency shredding Disadvantages of motorized cabbage shredder

i. It is tiresome activity
ii. Small size of upper chute
iii. Cabbage needs to be cut so as to fit size of chute
iv. Cabbages needs to be compressed to the cutting disc

Chapter Two Specification of motorized cabbage slicer

i. Voltage 110v/60HZ
ii. Power 0.9 KW
iii. Capacity 30kg/h
iv. Grater opening size 150*95mm
v. Packing size 49x 32.5x 48.5cm

Figure 2.9: Motorized cabbage slicer, (Source

Chapter Three

3.1 Introduction
For the main objective of this project namely, design and manufacture of an electric cabbage
shredding machine to be achieved, different methods and procedures will be employed to collect
data which is relevant for successful completion of this project. Below are those methods and
3.2 Literature review
Literature Review gives an opportunity to refer the related topics similar to this project, and thus
the other existing types of cabbage shredding machine to gain familiarity of what is done in types
of shredder existing, and thereafter to know what remains undone. It is referred to a main
framework of the project. It gives the information on the progress of the various types of the
existing cabbage shredding technology, machines and mechanism employed. This information is
mainly obtained through browsing in internet search engines, and reading related engineering
books, so that the information obtained reveals the gap that is to be bridged.

3.3 Data collection

The purpose of data collection is to know the various types of cabbage, cost per unit, various
weight of cabbages, different size of cabbage, challenges being faced by cookers, need of new
technology, and opinions on what factors should be considered in the design (PDS). The
following methods used to collect data for the required information, namely Interviewing and

3.3.1 Interviewing
Some of information, which specifically intended to get the Product Design Specifications (PDS)
was collected through interviewing some of the cabbage sellers, and some chef cookers, and the
customers at kariakoo Market. Examples of this information obtained is an individual’s
production rate per day, and income, challenges they face using knife or multipurpose slicer to
slice cabbages, consequences of this method and ability to pay for the new proposed technology.
Furthermore, market demand of the product and customer’s opinions on out coming product
obtained via this method of using knife. Operators shared information on some types of shredder,

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Student, DIT

principles, operating costs and the product return. Interview was also done with personals,
involving cabbage sellers and customers on selling sections of the products, to know various
types of the products ready for consumption, selling rate per day, cost of the product per unit,
quality of the products, shapes and sizes, means of transportation, and cost of transporting the

Interview in SIDO Dar es Salaam was done with the expert in Welding and Fabrication section,
to determine cost of each individual part, proposed type of material and cost, plus the cost of
manufacturing other parts, and finally overall machine cost.

3.3.2 Observation
Observation was done in Kariakoo market to observe how the shredder operate, mechanisms and
principles behind it. Different types of slicing machine were also observed, strengths and
weaknesses and the fact behind on the selection of types of shredders to be employed for a
particular task. Observation was also done to the side of large scale cabbages cookers, who
employ knife as their major tool to shred cabbages to a required shape and size. The
consequences of using knife, multipurpose slicer were easily noticed through observation i.e.
fatigue, risk of being injured, tiresome activity, etc. Observation was also done on buying pieces
of the cabbage, to study various types of products ready for consumption, selling rate, cost of the
product per unit, quality of the products, shapes and sizes, means of transportation, and cost of
transporting the product.

3.4 Data analysis

The purpose of data analysis is to know the size of each component and material suitable,
production rate, motor power and speed, and other requirements for an electric cabbage
shredding machines. The following facts will be critically analyzed during analysis.

3.4.1 Design Alternative for the mechanism

One purpose of data collection is to determine Product Design Specifications (PDS), thus from
the collected data, the best solutions will be determined considering the PDS, from which the
optimal design will be determined through analysis of each individual design.

3.4.2 Determination of shredding mechanism parameters

The parameters in consideration are such as Cost, Strength, capacity, weight, etc.

Chapter Three

3.4.3 Design of the shredding mechanism

Using the data collected from sites visited, putting in consideration of an electric cabbage
shredding machine’s demands, and using engineering’s principles of designing (drawings,
calculations & material selection), an electric cabbage shredding machine will be designed

3.4.4 Manufacturing the Prototype

After having the specifications of proposed small scale stone crushing machine (i.e. size of each
component, shape with respect to one another, means of fitting and joining, materials selected,
drawings, etc.) the prototype will be manufactured relying on Shredders PDS.

3.4.5 Testing and Correcting the Prototype

The prototype will be tested and, in case any fault is determined, action will be implemented to
rectify the problem, the actual capacity of the machine will be measured, and compared to
specifications, and thus efficiency will be determined.

3.4.6 Report writing

A detailed report which will critically explain all the procedures passed, from the idea
generation, design, manufacture till the testing of an electric cabbage shredding machine, with
conclusion and recommendations.

Chapter Four

4.1 Introduction
Data were collected from various sources through: literature review, interview, and observations.
One of the greatest goal of Data Collection is to look for product design specifications (PDS),
that will meet need of the society in need, in terms of capacity, cost, durability and working
environments, user ergonomics, etc. This information is important and useful during design, and
hence, manufacture of a Small scale stone crushing machine. Through Interview and
Observation, information was collected in Dar es Salaam, specifically DIT dining Hall, Mwadoto
market located at Mburahati, and SIDO vingunguti Through literature review, information was
obtained in different books for designing, and through internet.

4.2 Interviews
Through Interviews, the data below were obtained:

Table 4.1 below, shows the data obtained via interview with large scale cabbage shredders who
employ knife to slicing cabbages, at DIT DINNING HALL

Table 4.1:Data from DIT DINNING HALL.

Question Answer(s)
i.Types of Cabbage do you know? Type do i.Green and Red cabbage
they shredd?
ii.Cabbages which is mostly available ii. Green cabbages
iii.Cost (Buying Price) per unit? iii.Between Tshs.500 to Tshs.1500/=
iv.Slicing rate per day (Average)? iv.Between 100 to 150 cabbages per day

Depends on size of cabbages

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

Question Answer(s)
v.Weight of cabbage? v.From range of 0.5kg to 4kg
vi.Time you spent to slice 150 cabbage? vi.From 5 hour to 6 hours everyday
vii.Shredding frequency per week (in days)? vii.YES everydays of a week
viii.Challenges you face using knife? viii.-Knife consume alot of time and not

-Risk of injury and healthy hazards etc

ix.If there is a need of Technology (need of ix.Yes, it would be helpful
shredding machine)?

x.How will it be helpful? x.All challenges will almost be overcome,

plus minimizing shredding time of

xi.If technology is there, at what cost will you xi. Yes i will afford , at reasonable price
xii.Can we have pictures? xii.Some YES (very limited), others NO

Chapter Four

Table 4.2: Data from Mwadoto Market at Mburahati.

Question Answer(s)
i.Need of technology improvement? Why? i.Yes, we need more reliable machine
because cooker spent much time on
shredding cabbage so it is tiresome
activity, as well as time consuming.

ii. Lushoto-Tanga, Arusha, Mbeya.

ii.Region that cultivate cabbage mostly in
iii.The demand is very high e.g. Hospital,
iii.Demand of cabbage in Dar es salaam Student canteen, Ceremonies and Jail.

iv. Range from 0.5kg to 4kg.

iv.Available weight of cabbage?

v.YES, diameter is 300mm.

v.Can I measure diameter of large cabbage by
using tape measure?

vi.What challenges does your costomer vi.It consume a lot of time to slice many
faced? cabbages that will satisfy large group of
people. E.g Jail.

vii.Any idea concern an electric cabbage vii.No

shredding machine?

viii.Pictures? viii.Welcome

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Figure 4.1: Picture at Market Place Source (Mwadoto mburahati)

Chapter Four

Table 4.3: Data from SIDO Vingunguti

Question Answer
i.Any idea on cabbage shredding machine? i.Yes, Multipurpose slicer, Motorized
cabbage slicing machine.
ii.The major working principle behind them? ii.They differ, one is manually other is
electrically operated

iii.Any idea of Production Line? What is it? iii.Yes, chronological order of producing a
certain product.
iv.Any idea on Production planning? What is iv.Yes, finding out what is required for a
it? production of a particular item.

4.3 Observation
Observation was done in Mwadoto Market to observe how the shredders operate, mechanisms
and principles behind it. Different types of cabbage shredding machine were also observed,
strengths and weaknesses and the fact behind on the selection of types of shredders to be
employed for a particular task. Observation was also done to the side of an electric cabbage
shredding machine, who employ knife as their major tool to slicing cabbage to a required shape
and size. The consequences of using knife were easily noticed through observation i.e. fatigue,
risk of being injured, production rate, etc. Observation was also done on selling sections of the
products, to study various types of the products ready for consumption, selling rate, cost of the
product per unit, quality of the products, shapes and sizes, means of transportation, and cost of
transporting the product.

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4.4 Literature Review

4.4.1 Cabbage shredding machine
So far only two places have been visited, the place is known as Gerezani near Kariakoo market
and SIDO in Dar es Salaam where I met Mr. Daniel. In Gerezani 10 technicians have been asked
about the machine, if they have ever design or manufacture, none of them have ever done or seen
the project before. As well at SIDO, they haven’t design and manufacture yet.

But they are dealing with the manufacturing and selling of manual operated slicing machines
itself and manufacturing machines such machines are of different sizes and different
specifications and capacity.

4.4.2 Material
After studying existing machine, the following are proposed materials for different parts of the
machine to be designed, although is not the final choice.

Table 4.1: Parts and proposed materials

Part Material
Machine frame Mild steel
Cutting disc Stainless steel
Bolt and nuts Stainless steel
Shaft Mild steel
Hopper Stainless steel

Chapter Five

5.1 Introduction
The data analysis explains much the procedures which will be taken to choose the best
alternative while keeping in consideration the data collected and the literature review covered in
chapters above so as to achieve the project objectives.

5.2 Design Consideration

There are some factors that should be met to get an optimal machine deign, based on the

i) The machine should be relatively cheap such that people in large scale shredding
industry can afford to buy.
ii) The machine should be able to work as per specifications (i.e. PDS).
iii) The machine should be made with readily available materials.
iv) It should reduce the labor input effort (intense) so that the problems of fatigue, risk of
injuries and health hazardous are eliminated.
v) The capacity or shredding rate should be as higher as compared to the method of
using knife.
5.3 Conceptual Development
For development of optimal design of an electric cabbage shredding machine, the following
features were highly rated during the design:

i. Mechanisms of shredding cabbages,

ii. Portability of the machine,

iii. Efficiency of the machine in shredding as per specifications (PDS),
iv. Source of power to drive the machine, and
v. Complexity of machine for maintenance purpose.

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5.4 Selection of best alternative

To get the best alternative design an electric cabbage shredding machine, the following factors
are highly considered during the selection:

i. Production cost
ii. Durability
iii. Capacity
iv. Maintainability
v. Efficiency (i.e. shredding efficiency)
vi. Ergonomics
vii. Safety

The selection of best alternatives has been accomplished through work break down structure,
where by different combinations have been developed and minimized up to three
The design alternatives are as follows
i. Alternative A – Chain drive shredding machine
ii. Alternative B – Belt drive shredding machine
iii. Alternative C – Cam drive shredding machine

5.4.1 Alternative A-Chain drive shredding machine Principle Operation
This type of machine includes simplex chain as a driving mechanism, two sprockets, and only
one shaft allocated to the driven sprocket for driving a cutting plate with rotating blade.
The cutting procedure is similar to the previous one the difference become on a means of power
transmission where here the rotating power from electric motor is transmitted by the aid of the
chain. In this design, the cabbages vegetables are pushed through the inclined chamber by means
of sliding with the help of and operator’s hand.
The rotating cutting disc has three knives which are spaced equally to maintain the uniformity of
cutting. After cutting, the pieces are dropped in a container where they can be taken ready to be

Chapter Five

Figure 5.1:Chain drive cutting machine

The figure above shows assembly parts of chain drive cutting machine. It
Contains five (7) major components, namely below;
1. Input
2. Chopping knife
3. Chain
4. Sprockets
5. Frame

6. Fixed cutting blade

7. Output

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Student, DIT Advantages of the Design

i. Its driving mechanism, that is the chain, it is easy to maintain
ii. It is stable (less vibration)
iii.Less wearing in drives Disadvantages
i. The design is too complicated
ii. Less working efficiency
iii. Require high skill due to the nature of and the performance of the chain
Table 5.1:Average marks for Alternative A

Judges Production Durability Capacity Maintainability Efficiency Ergonomics Safety

1 5 3 3 3 3 4 2
2 5 3 4 5 2 3 4
3 4 4 2 3 4 3 4
4 4 4 4 5 2 4 2
5 5 3 5 4 3 3 3
Avera 4.6 3.4 3.6 4 2.8 3.4 3
5.4.2 Alternative B-belt drive shredding machine Principle Operation

This type of machine includes simplex belt as a driving mechanism, two pulleys, and only one
shaft allocated to the driven pulley for driving a cutting plate with rotating blade.
The cutting procedure is similar to the previous one the difference become on a means of power
transmission where here the rotating power from electric motor is transmitted by the aid of the
belt. In this design, the cabbages vegetables are pushed through the hopper by means of sliding
with the help of and operator’s hand.
The rotating cutting disc has knives which are spaced equally to maintain the uniformity of
cutting. After cutting, the pieces are dropped in a container where they can be taken ready to be

Chapter Five

Figure 5.1: Belt drive cutting machine

The figure above shows assembly parts of belt drive cutting machine. It
Contains five (7) major components, namely below;
1. Hopper
2. Cutting disk
3. Shaft
4. Bearing
5. Pulley
6. Motor
7. Belt

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Student, DIT Advantages of the Design

i. Its driving mechanism, that is the chain, it is easy to maintain
ii. It is stable (less vibration)
iv. Less wearing in drives Disadvantages
i. The design is too complicated
ii. Less working efficiency
iii. Require high skill due to the nature of and the performance of the chain

Table 5.2: Average marks for Alternative B

Judges Production Durability Capacity Maintainability Efficiency Ergonomics Safety

1 4 5 4 5 5 5 4
2 5 3 5 5 4 5 5
3 4 5 3 3 5 4 5
4 4 4 5 5 4 5 4
5 5 3 5 4 3 4 4
Avera 4.4 4 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.6 4.4

Chapter Five

5.4.3 Alternative C-Cam drive shredding machine Principle Operation
In this type of machine, we have motor drive, which also drive the reciprocating shaft. The shaft
from the motor is coupled with a cam which carrying the driving power as well to another shaft
to cause the reciprocating motion where the cutting knife is also attached on it. The cabbages
vegetables are inserted in a cutting chamber slowly to allow effective cutting when the machine
is switched on.

Figure 5.3: Cam drive cutting machine

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The figure above shows assembly parts of cam drive cutting machine. It contains four (4) major
components, namely below;
1. Cutting knife
2. Reciprocating Shaft
3. Spring
4. Cam of the Design
i. It contains a few components
ii. Easy to maintain
iii. Less skill required
iv. It has high efficiency, since does not depend on human power Disadvantages
i. It less stable. Since the actuator can give out more power
ii. Has got high wearing in their drives

Judges Production Durability Capacity Maintainability Efficiency Ergonomics Safety

1 5 4 2 3 2 3 2
2 4 2 3 4 2 2 3
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4
4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2
5 4 2 4 3 2 2 2
Avera 4 2.8 3 3.4 2.2 2.8 2.6
Table 5.3: Marks and average for an Alternative C

Chapter Five

5.4.4 Determining the weighting factor

This was done by interview different people based on the main objective of the project.

Judges Production Durability Capacity Maintainability Efficiency Ergonomics Safety


1 4 4 5 4 3 4 5
2 5 5 4 3 3 3 4
3 3 4 5 4 4 3 4
4 4 3 4 5 4 4 5
5 4 3 5 4 3 3 4
Sum of 20 19 23 20 17 17 22 ∑Ri =
ranks 138
Weighting 0.145 0.138 0.167 0.145 0.123 0.123 0.159 ∑f = 1
f = Ri/∑Ri
Table 5.4: Determining the weighting factor

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Table 5.5: Ranking of design

Production cost

Total score

Rank order




Weightin 0.145 0.138 0.167 0.145 0.123 0.123 0.159
g Factors
A Weight 4.6 3.4 3.6 4 2.8 3.4 3 2
Score 0.667 0.4692 0.6012 0.58 0.3444 0.4182 0.477 3.577
B Weight 4.4 4 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.6 4.4 1
Score 0.638 0.552 0.7348 0.638 0.5166 0.5412 0.6996 4.3198
Weight 4 2.8 3 3.4 2.2 2.8 2.6
Score 0.58 0.3864 0.501 0.493 0.2706 0.3444 0.4134 2.9888 3

Therefore, from the table above the best alternative is Alternative B which is an electric cabbage
shredding machine.

5.5 Design Calculation and Analysis

5.5.1 Introduction
From the selected the best alternative; (i.e. alternative B), in this chapter, design calculations and
selection of some machine components has been analyzed.
5.5.2 Design consideration
The machine will have the following units (a) The hopper (b) The cutting unit (c) The frame The hopper (feeding unit)

The hopper has the circular part in which the lower and upper part. The base of the hopper opens
into the channeling chamber from the top son that feeding of vegetables will aided by gravity and
the aid of the specimen. This is achieved through a proper choice of the angle of inclination of
the hopper to the horizontal which will be made greater than the angle of response. An angle of
45 will be used.

Chapter Five The cutting unit

The cutting unit has the following components (a) The cutting disc (b) The power drive
mechanism (c) The transmission shaft (d) Cutting chamber (e) The bearing assembly.
1. The cutting disc

Figure: 5.4: Cutting disc

This is the primary or basic component that does the cutting (fig 5.6). Some basic empirical
properties were determined as shown below;
Diameter of the disc = 300mm
Speed rotation of disc:
To determine this the following equations were used
V=WR………………………………………………………………………………... (5.1)
V= Linear velocity of the disc m/s
W=Angular velocity rad/s
R= Radius of the disc
N= Number of revolution/ min
2 πN
W= …………………………………………………………………….(5.3)

Chapter Five

2 π x 950

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W= 99.5rad/sec
V= 99.5 x 0.15
V= 15m/s

Volume of the disc

π d2
From, V= x t…………………………………………………………………(5.4)
Whereby V = Volume of the plate
d = Diameter of the plate in mm
t = Thickness of the plate in mm
πx ( 300 x 300 ) mm x 5 mm
V= 353.429mm3

From the data table; PRODUCT DATA SHEET 316L- AK STEEL HOLDING, Shows that;
1mm3 of stain steel = 8.0272 x 10−6 kg /mm3
So, if 1mm3 of stain steel = 8.0272 x 10−6 kg /mm3
353.429mm3 = ?
Density of rotating plate = 353.429mm3×8.0272×10-6kg/mm3
Density of the plate =2.84×10-3kg/mm3.
After getting the density of rotating plate, now it’s mass can calculated as follows;
Mass= Density x Volume……………………………………………………………………( 5.5)
= 2.84 x 10−3 kg/mm3 x 343.42mm3
Mass of rotating disc = 0.97kg
Therefore, the load from the rotating plate ( F RP) = m rpx a
= 0.97kg x9.81m/s 2
The rotating plate load = 9.56N

Chapter Five

2.Transmission shaft
Data to be considered;
- Weight of rotating disc ( F RP) = 9.56N
- Material to be used- Mild steel.
- Length of the shaft ( L) = 500mm
- Force acting upon the shaft (P) = FV + FP
= 14.715 + 9.56N
= 24.28N

- Assumptions. Taking Young Modulus of steel = 840MPa

- Second condition ; one end fixed one end free
According to Euler’s theory, the crippling or buckling load (P) under various end conditions is
presented by the general equations, ( R.S KHURMI and J.K GUPTA-2005)
n x π 2 x Ex l
Where….( I= AK2)

The diameter of the shaft can be found.
n x π2 x I x E
Since P= …………………………………………………………………………..
( 5.6)
P L2
Then; I = ……………………………………………………………………...
n x π 2 xE
( 5.7)

Hence I = 24.28 x 4002 / 0.25x π2 x 840

I = 1873.9594
But also
π x d4
I= …………………………………………………………………………(5.8)
Compare equation (1) an equation ( 2)

Chapter Five

π x d4
Thus 1873.96=
Therefore d4 = 1873.96 x 64/ π
d 4 =¿ 38175.99mm4

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d = (38175.99mm4)0.25
= 37.978mm

d = 38mm
The driving shaft diameter is 38mm

The standard shaft ( ∅=38 mm) available was selected based on the above calculated value of
diameter that satisfied the design condition
Bending moment of the shaft is calculated as follows;
Consider the shaft diagram below:

Figure 5.5: A shaft under Bending and Torsion stress

From the figure above; Mt = Torque transmitted by the shaft

M= Mb = Bending Moment
σ b= Permissible bending stress
τ s= Permissible shearing stress
According to American Society of Mechanical Engineer( ASME) code for the design of
transmisssion shafts,

Chapter Five

The maximum permissible shear stress may be taken as

(a) 56 MPa for shaft without allownce for keyways

(b) 42 MPa for shaft with allowance for keyways
π x d3 τs
Torque transmitted by the shaft, Mt = ………………………………………………………………………...( 5.9)

Whereas; d = Shaft diameter = 38mm = 0.38m

τ s = Permissible shear stress = 42MPa = 42 x 106 N/ m2
Mt = (π x 0.0143 x 42 x 106)/16
Mt = 22.63Nm
Torque (Mt) on the shaft is 22.63Nm
Also the Bending Moment can be calculated as follows,
Bending moment = Weight x Length of the shaft………………………………...( 5.10)
Consider the weight of the rotating plate and the vegetables, where their total gives the weght
(w) Acting upon the shaft
Thus; Net weight = weight of the rotating plate + weight of the cabbage…………………...(5.11)
W= 25.9N

Length of the shaft ( L) = 500mm = 0.5m.

Substitute equation one (i) into equation two (ii) XD
Become; Bending moment (Bm ) = 25.9 x 0.5m
Therefore The Bending moment ( Bm) is 12.95N
Twisting moment Te = √ M 2 x T 2………………………………….( 5.12)
= ( 22.6322 x 12.952) 0.5
= 293.084Nm
The Twisting Moment of the shaft is 293.084Nm

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3. Determination of the Shearing Force for the cabbage

The machine works on shear cutting principle. When the cutting blade impacts on the cylindrical
surface of the cabbage, the surface gets cut by shearing along a plane.

Considering the shear strength of the cabbage and the area under shear, the impact force required
to shear the raw plantain may be obtained from the following equation:

Fs = As x τs................................................................................................................................(5.13)


Fs = Force required for shearing cabbage

As = Area under shear

τs = Shearing stress of the cabbage

The area under shear can be determined using the following equation:

As = π

D = Diameter of the cabbage

The average force required to shear cabbage of diameters ranging from 100-300mm is 33.15N
This force reduces as the cabbage ripens and softens. The measured diameter of the cabbage was
in the range of 100 - 300mm, averagely 200mm.

As = π ……………………………………………………………………………………(5.14)

(200 x 200)


= 31415.93mm2

4.Determination of the Power Required by the Cutter for Slicing the cabbage

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Cutter velocity is another important parameter in the slicing process. The optimum value of
cutter velocity required for slicing is 2.65m/s. The power required by the cutter to slice the
cabbage may be obtained from the following expression:

Chapter Five

Pc = FP x VC…………………………………………………………………………………(5.15)
Pc = power required by the cutter
Vc = Linear velocity of the cutting blade = 2.65m/s
Pc = 33.15 x 2.65m/s
Pc = 87.85W
5. Determination of the Power Required by the Electric Motor
The power required by the electric motor may be obtained from the following equation:
PM = Pc x PF…………………………………………………………………………………( 5.16)
PM = Power of electric motor
PF = Power factor = 1.5
PM = 87.85 x 1.5= 131.775W
Selected capacity of electric motor 0.37KW (0.5hp)
Speed= 1400rpm
6.Determination of the Driving Pulley Diameter

Figure 5.6: Driving Pulley

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Sin α = 1
………………………………………………………………………………( 5.17)


α – Angle of cap on the smaller pulley

Sin α = = 0.08636
2 x 440

α=sin −1( 0.08636)

α = 4.9544

The angle of contact may be obtained from

θ = ( 180- 2α) ……………………………………………………………………………
( 5.18)


θ = Angle of contact on the smaller pulley

θ =( 180- 2 x 4.9544) = 2.96

The relation between the belt tensions in the tight and slack side in terms of the coefficient of
friction and the angle of contact or angle of lap is given as

T 1 µθ
=e ………………………………………………………………………………………(5.19)


µ = Coefficient of friction between belt and pulley

T 1 0.3 x2.96
=e =2.43= T 1=2.43T 2

(2.43-1) T 2 = 74.30 T 2= =51.95N

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T 1= 2.43 x 51.95 = 126.23N

Chapter Five

7. Cutting Chamber
Cutting chamber is the place where those vegetables are entered and then cut into desired size.
Features considered;
i. Materials; -Made from Stainless Steel 3mm thick.
-Amount of the materials required.
ii. Capacity of cutting.
Then, the circumference of the cutting chamber can be calculated by using the formula of the
cylinder open on both side:
Circumference (C) = π × Diameter of the bucket (d )…………………………………….. (5.20)
(C) = πd, so C = π ×300mm× 402 mm
Therefore, the circumference (C) of the round part/top side = 924.48mm

This circumference will be used as the length of the sheet and the height as the width, as shown
in the figure 5.7a below. So, the minimum dimension of the sheet is
100mm x942.48mm x2mm thickness.

8. The cutting blade

This cutting blade is the main cutter which is attached on a rotating disc. It has the sharp
edge at the one end in which this sharp edge is located toward the direction of the rotation
of the disc. There are to two blades on the disc and one blade attached on the stationary
disc. Material for these blades is stainless with the size of 130×30×2mm. The gap
between the rotating blades and the stationary blades was designed to be very thin in
order to allow the easy cutting of cabbage and this is due to the mostly required size.
9. Bearing selection

The machine has two bearings located at both ends of the frame. Static and dynamic load
conditions and design life requirement were the factors considered selecting the bearing,
sealed pedestal bearing, diameter of bore was selected as it satisfied the design

10. The frame

Chapter Five

Weight of the shaft, the hopper, the bearing and of the other material was considered in
designing of the frame. The square pipe of mild steel material (38mmx38mm x 1.6mm)

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

was used to make a frame of the size 976mm height, 600mm length and 400mm at the
bottom and 700mm at the top side.

5.5.3 Manufacturing Process of each Component of the Machine

1. Machine Frame
In order to manufacture the machine frame, the following machine were used;
I. Hack saw
II. Welding machine
III. Hand cutting grinder.

The machine tools used were the welding electrode, scriber, hack saw and also the
measuring tool used i.e. tape measure. The manufacturing process was done by taking the
square bar of (38mm×38mm×1.6mm) then marked in the required size before being cut
by using the hack saw. After those processes, the prepared parts were joined the welding
machine to get the required shape.

2. The Outer Cover

The machine used were bending machine, welding machine and the hand cutting grinder.
Also tools used were the scriber, tape measure, an electrode and ruler.
The manufacturing process is done by taking the aluminium sheet metal and measure it in
a required size. There are two covers, back (250mm×500mm) and front cover
(100mm×310mm), these two covers was then bended by the bending machine to get the
cylindrical shape then joined by using the welding machine.

3. Driving Shaft
The machine used to manufacture the shaft was the lathe machine.
Tools and equipment used were steel ruler, Vernier caliper, hand grinder and chalk.
The manufacturing procedures were started on taking the work piece and cut it in the
required length i.e. 500mm using the power hand grinder. Then the work piece held in the
lathe chuck and turned to get the diameter of 20mm, then facing and after, the surface
finishing was done.

Chapter Five

4. Rotating Disc
The manufacturing was done with the help of the hand grinding machine, drilling
machine and other tools like scriber, a steel ruler and drill bit.
The manufacturing procedures were started on the piece of sheet where the marking of
required diameter of disc i.e. 300mm was done. After marking, then the cutting process
was done using hand grinding machine followed by the process of drilling the small holes
around the center of the disc. Then by using the hand grinder also the two gaps in each
side from the center of the disc were cut. This is to help to attach of the cutting blades.
5. Hopper
The machine used to manufacture the cabbage hopper were bending machine and
welding machine. Other tools and equipment used were steel ruler, scriber and hand
Other parts like Flange bearing, bolts and nuts, blades, and an electric motor are bought
from hardware.

Chapter Six

6.1 Conclusion
This report has discussed the design of an electric cabbage shredding machine and shows the
mechanism. The main objective of this project was to design and manufacture of an electric
cabbage shredding machine which will be able to slice cabbage into a good/reasonable size. The
main objective was met. By using a rotating disc that having the three cutting blades which are
being rotated by the rotating power from an electric motor through a shaft, the cutting process is
In order to ensure good performance of the machine; appropriate type of vegetables i.e. cabbage
vegetables only is direct to be cut by this machine, motor type should be correct so as to get a
required rotating power, cutting blades should be as sharp as they required to be and it supposed
to put a right angled fixed bar in the place of a fixed cutting blade. Also the gaps in disc where
the cutting blades are attached should be larger. Because of these, the design is no yet completed
and it is still in progress.The prototype of an electric cabbage shredding machine was
manufactured and tested.
6.2 Recommendation
Unsafe use of the machine can either damage the machine or cause the injury to the user,
therefore an operator has to take care of his/her safety as well as the machine. For man, do not
attempt to insert hand in the bucket while the machine is running. For the machine, do not use or
insert hard materials such as metal, stones in a cutting chamber while the machine is running.
This will course damage especially in the cutting blades.
Design is a continuous work thus any further improvement for the better performance of the
machine is highly welcomed and any contribution will be acknowledged accordingly when
permission is granted. Coping is highly restricted.


1. ., A. D. D. C., 2006. Vegetable Processing. ISBN: 978-0-471-19859-8 ed. New York: VCH

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There are three types of costs that have been considered under this cost estimate, these cost includes;

 Material cost
 Labor cost
 Machining cost
 Overhead cost

The considered cost in this design is roughly estimated based on the construction of the whole machine.
The parts like sheet metal, bearings, bolt and nuts, washers, square pipe and mild steel hollow section
should be purchased from the dealers and manufacturers according to the design specifications. The
material cost is approximately based on the datasheet and the cost of the material from the local markets.

Table 1: Project cost estimation sheet

S/N Description Quantity Price Subtotal

1 Aluminum sheet metal 1 @85,000/= 85,000/=

700 x 700 x 2
2 Mild steel square pipe 25 x 2 @18,000/= 36,000/=
25 x 2500
3 Electric Motor(0.5 hp) 1 @200,000 200,000
4 Shaft (Ø38mm x 500mm) 1 @70,000/= 70,000/=
5 Bearing 2 @25,000/= 50,000/=
6 Bolt and nuts M10 x 20 8 @500/= 3,000/=
Total 444,000/=

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Student, DIT


The labor cost as taken from the workshop, labor payment is calculated as;

Labor cost = 30% of material cost

30× 444,000
Labor cost =

Labor cost = 133,200/=

Therefore, the labor cost is TSh 133,200/=


Fabrication and machining cost as taken from the same workshop, payment estimates is
calculated as;

Fabrication and machining cost = 20% of material cost

20 x 444,000
=¿ 88,800

The fabrication and machining cost is TSh 88,800/=


The overall cost is taken as 40% of the labor cost plus machining and fabrication cost.

Overall cost = 40% x (Labor + fabrication and machining cost)

40 x (133,200+88,800)

= 88,800/=

The overall cost is TSh 88,800/=


The total cost of an electric cabbage shredding machine is taken as the summation of the material
cost, Labor cost, fabrication and machine cost plus overall cost.

Total cost = (Material cost + Labor cost + Fabrication + Overall cost)

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Student, DIT

= 444,000 + 133,200 + 88,800 + 88,800 = 754,800/=



Basic load Fatigu Mass Designation

Principle dimensions ratings e load
dynami Static Selected
c bearing
D d1 D B C S r 1 ,2 C co Pu
mm N N Kg
12 24.2 40 27.4 12 11. 0.3 7350 4750 140 0.11 SKF YAR
5 203/12
15 24.2 40 27.4 12 11. 0.3 7350 4750 140 0.09 SKF YAR
5 9 203/15
17 24.2 40 27.4 12 11. 0.3 7350 4750 140 0.08 SKF YAR
5 8 203
20 24.2 47 31.0 14 12. 0.6 9800 6550 196 0.14 SKF YAR
7 204
25 28.2 52 32.1 15 14. 0.6 10800 7800 232 0.17 SKF YAR
3 205
30 33.7 62 38.1 18 15. 0.6 15000 1120 355 0.28 SKF YAR
9 0 206
35 39.7 72 49.2 19 17. 1.0 19600 1530 455 0.41 SKF YAR
5 0 207
40 46.1 80 49.2 22 19. 1.0 23600 1900 560 0.55 SKF YAR
0 0 208
45 51.8 85 49.2 22 19. 1.0 25500 2160 640 0.60 SKF YAR
0 0 209
50 56.8 90 51.6 22 19. 1.0 27000 2320 695 0.69 SKF YAR
0 0 210
55 62.5 100 55.6 25 22. 1.0 33500 2900 865 0.94 SKF YAR
5 0 211
60 69.1 110 65.1 26 25. 1.5 40500 3600 1060 1.30 SKF YAR
4 0 212
65 75.6 120 68.3 27 25. 1.5 44000 4000 1180 1.65 SKF YAR
4 0 213
70 82.5 125 74.6 28 30. 1.5 46500 4500 1320 1.90 SKF YAR
2 0 214
80 87.1 140 82.6 30 33. 2.0 54000 5500 1530 2.80 SKF YAR
3 0 216
90 101.4 160 96.0 36 39. 2.0 73500 7350 1960 4.10 SKF YAR
7 0 218
100 112.5 160 108. 40 42. 2.0 95000 9300 2320 5.65 SKF YAR
0 0 0 220

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT


Type of Powe Rotationa T max /T norm

Type of Powe Rotationa T max /T norm

designatio r l speed n, designatio r l speed n,

n rating in rpm n rating in rpm
P, in P, in
Kw Kw
Synchronous rotational speed 3000rpm Synchronous rotational speed 1000rpm
4A71A2 0.75 2840 2.2 4A80A6 0.75 915 2.2
4A71B2 1.1 2810 2.2 4A80B6 1.1 920 2.2
4A80A2 1.5 2850 2.6 4A90L6 1.5 935 2.2
4A80B2 2.2 2850 2.6 4A100L6 2.2 950 2.2
4A90L2 3.0 2840 2.5 4A112MB6 3.0 955 2.5
4A100S2 4.0 2880 2.5 4A132S6 4.0 950 2.5
4A100L2 5.5 2880 2.5 4A132S6 5.5 965 2.5
4A112M2 7.5 2900 2.8 4A132M6 7.5 970 2.5
4A132M2 11.0 2900 2.8 4A160S6 11.0 975 2.0
Synchronous rotational speed 1500rpm Synchronous rotational speed 750rpm
4A71B4 0.75 1390 2.2 4A90LA8 0.75 700 1.9
4A780A4 1.1 1420 2.2 4A90LB8 1.1 700 1.9
4A80B4 1.5 1415 2.2 4A100L8 1.5 700 1.9
4A90L4 2.2 1425 2.4 4A112MA 2.2 700 2.2
4A100S4 3.0 1435 2.4 4A112MB8 3.0 700 2.2
4A100L4 4.0 1430 2.4 4A132S8 4.0 720 2.6
4A112M4 5.5 1445 2.2 4A132M8 5.5 720 2.6
4A132S4 7.5 1445 3.0 4A160S8 7.5 730 2.2
4132M4 11.0 1460 3.0 4A160M8 11.0 730 2.2


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