Aircraft General - E175
Aircraft General - E175
Aircraft General - E175
1. How are knobs with A white rectangle 9. What does the cockpit door Energizes or de-energizes
a stationary position (guarded) LOCK button do ? the cockpit door locking
marked ? What indication is there that mechanism
it has been pushed ?
2. How are knobs with A white triangle
Deactivates the inhibition
a momentary
position marked ? Hold the knob in the momentary
position for 2 seconds
Resets the alarms and
3. Which three No lights on (dark) annunciators
conditions apply to
the dark and quiet No aural warnings (quiet) A white bar is illuminated on
cockpit concept ? the button
Selector knobs are in the 12 o'clock
10. Are the five Display Units Yes
[DARK QUIET 12 position
(DU's) interchangeable ?
A white striped bar on any button 11. Which of the five DU's can be DU 2 and DU 4 (MFD's) can
indicates that it is not in the normal reverted to a different be reverted either
position display ? automatically or manually
to either a PFD or EICAS
4. Where is the aircraft Top left side of EICAS
gross weight
displayed ? 12. If a DU fails what indication The display will go dark
will there be ?
5. If the flight number Top left side of EICAS
is entered into the 13. When a reversion occurs due PFD then EICAS then MFD
MCDU, where will it to multiple DU failure, what is
be displayed the order of display priority ?
(reminder before
14. How will a DU internal failure A large red X over that
PTT for comms) ?
(partial failure) be indicated ? portion of the screen
6. Which of the lights Amber associated with the internal
on the rainbow light failure
panel will illuminate
15. How is the PFD split into two The top half of the PFD is
when the sterile
screens with respect to a aviating and the bottom half
cockpit switch is ON
basic aviation premise ? of the screen is for
navigating and
7. When will the It will be illuminated when the door is communicating
cockpit door either unlocked or will flash when the
unlocked light be EMERG ENTRY button is pressed at the [AVIATE - NAVIGATE -
illuminated ? When passenger cabin control panel COMMUNICATE]
will it not be
16. How is the MFD split into two The top half is horizontal
illuminated ? It will not be illuminated when the
screens with respect to (lateral) navigation and the
door is either locked or the INHIB
navigation ? bottom half is vertical
button is pressed
8. What does the It inhibits the EMERG ENTRY button
17. When will EICAS declutter ? 30 seconds after landing
INHIB button do ? from unlocking the cockpit door for
gear and slat/flap retraction
500 seconds (8 minutes 20 seconds)
provided the INHIB button is pushed 18. Which EICAS display items Engine parameters
within 30 seconds of the EMERG remain after the screen has
ENTRY button being pushed been decluttered ? Fuel on board
Cabin Pressurization
40. How many liters of 70 (18.5 US gallons) 51. Where is the On the maintenance panel (observer
potable water ? alternate beacon seat panel)
light control switch
41. How is vacuum for the Below 18,000 ft a vacuum
located ?
toilets generated ? generator is employed, above
18,000 ft the cabin differential 52. Which lights provide The dome lights (switch located on
pressure is sufficient to generate cockpit lighting in an overhead panel), powered by DC
the required vacuum electrical emergency ESS BUS
condition and which
bus powers them ?
53. Where are the four Emergency Lighting Power Units One under the galley floor
(ELPU's) located ?
One under the forward main entrance door floor
(They contain batteries)
Two adjacent each other under the right rear service door floor
54. How long will the ELPU's provide emergency lighting ? At least 10 minutes
55. How are the four ELPU batteries charged ? Emergency Light switch on the overhead panel must be in the ARMED
56. How is a passenger entrance door normally opened at Lift flap, lift the vent flap and slide arming handles, close flap, lift door
the gate ? opening handle and push door outward
57. How is the passenger entrance door opened in an Lift door opening handle and push door outward, slide will deploy
emergency ?
58. How is the passenger entrance/exit door opened Make sure vent flap is closed, lift door opening handle and pull door
normally from the outside at the gate ? outward
59. In the event of a ditching, which doors are used for Forward passenger entrance/exit door and forward service door only,
evacuation ? rear doors will be below the waterline
60. What are the recommended normal speeds for enroute Long Range - 250 KIAS / M0.70
operations ?
Turbulence - 270 KIAS / M0.76