Scots Grammar
Scots Grammar
Scots Grammar
Caroline Macafee
(1980, revised c. 1992, edited 2011)
Several years ago, I compiled a checklist of those grammatical features of Modern Scots
that differ from Standard English, and from time to time I am asked for copies.
combined with references made to it in print, has prompted me to make it available,
although it has no claims to either originality or sophistication.
[Since the last revision (c.1992), some important work has appeared, including Pavlenko
(1996) on the be-perfect in Shetland, Hcker (1999) on adverbial clauses, Smith (2000)
on negation; and overviews of Modern Scots grammar including Beal (1997), Purves
(1997, rev. 2002) and Miller (2003). For Ulster Scots, see Robinson (1997). For Highland
English, see Sabban (1982, 1985). For considerations of Celtic influence, see Macafee
and OBaoill (1997) and Filppula (1999).
For further references, see]
The differences in grammar between Scots and Standard English are very numerous,
there is considerable scope here for quantitative studies of particular variables. There is
also room for more detailed and systematic investigation of specific areas of grammatical
structure in Scottish speech (embracing the continuum between Scots and Scottish
Standard English), following the exemplary work of Miller and Brown in Edinburgh.
Some of the points listed below are rarities, in some cases because they are peripheral to
the historical corpus of written Scots (whether because very localised, or colloquial, or
both), and have now become obsolescent; in others, because they are recent
Any further documentation of such usages, from written sources or from
speech, would be very valuable from a lexicographical point of view.
It is useful to have a historical benchmark with which to compare studies based on recent
data. I hope that this checklist will provide an overview of the grammar of Scots
(assuming that most of the structure not specifically dealt with below is shared with
Standard English). Such an overview should be especially useful in relation to the
stylistics of literature in Scots, particularly in identifying registers and in assessing the
realism of purported colloquial language. It is important to be aware of those features of
the grammar that might appropriately have been used in a literary representation of a
given dialect, but in practice were not. In grammar more than at other linguistic levels,
I am grateful to A. J. Aitken and Keith Brown for comments and discussion.
I do not intend to enter into the question of whether the differences are structurally profound enough to
indicate that Scots is an autonomous language. Kirk (1986, 1987a, 1987b) demonstrates, on the basis of his
work on the system of modal and auxiliary verbs, that they are not.
Kirk (1981:174) makes the plausible suggestion that urban non-standard varieties in Britain may be
converging upon each other by establishing innovatory and apparently widespread forms.
modern written Scots tends to adhere to the model instilled by literacy in Standard
Standard English as written in Scotland is generally indistinguishable from other British
Standard English. However, in speech, the distinction between standard and non-standard
is blurred, since standard speakers, in Scotland as elsewhere, use various localised forms
(lexical and grammatical as well as phonological) unself-consciously in speech and
may be unaware that some of these are scotticisms. (Aitken, 1979, calls these covert
Not all non-standard items are highly localised. Many of those found in Scotland are
widespread in English, e.g. regular inflections of verbs that are irregular in Standard
English. As with localised items, the distinction between standard and non-standard is not
always clear, and some items have been included that might be described as colloquial.
For the description of Standard English, I have relied on Quirk et al. (1972).
Since traditional dialectology, which is still our main source of information, has
concentrated on qualitative variation, most of our information is of this kind, with the
exception of the findings of Brown, Miller and Millar, Kirk, and Romaine in various
1. Negation
1.1 Negative particles
The usual forms of the negative particle in Scots are:
enclitic: /ne/, written nae, -ny (this originally East Central Scots form appears to be
spreading into West Central Scots
); /n/, written na (the preferred form in literary
free-standing: no; North-eastern nae.
Grant and Dixon record an enclitic form nin in the North-east, in interrogatives only:
Divnin ye see the ships sailin ont, said the lassie. (1921: 116).
The form nut (reformed on Standard English not?) occurs under emphasis:
And Im tellin ye it was the i!th. ... ... It was nut, the
st"an#e" asse"ted. ($eo"#e %la&e, The Shipbuilders, 19'(: 91)
Some auxiliary and modal verbs are phonetically modified by the addition of the enclitic
negative particle, e.g. winna (will + -na), alongside the now more common willnae and
the mixed form willnt; sanna (sal shall + -na); dinna(e) (dae do + -na(e)) and a
mixed form doannae.
I owe this observation to A. J. Aitken.
1.2 Distribution of isolated and enclitic forms
In negative declarative sentences, SUBJECTOPERATOR cliticisation, where it is
possible, is preferred over OPERATORNEGATIVE PARTICLE cliticisation in Scottish
speech, e.g. theyll no rather than they wont.
According to Hughes and Trudgill (1979), contraction on this pattern is also preferred in
the North of England. Im not, however, is usual in Standard English everywhere, and re
not is common. I amnt, by contrast, occurs in Ireland and Scotland. The peculiarly Scots
form is I amnae.
The further north in Britain, the more likely one is to find the order OPERATOR
SUBJECT NEGATIVE PARTICLE, in main clauses and in reversed polarity tags:
Does he not li&e it) (*+#hes and ,"+d#ill, 19-9: 2.)
,hats aw/ae 0i# o them, is it no) (,om 12$"ath and 3immy %oyle, The
Hard Man, 19--: '6)
1.3 Multiple negation
Multiple negation, where the negative particle is semantically reinforced by the negative
determiner, no, and its compounds (as opposed to any and its compounds), is common in
Scots as in other non-standard varieties:
4is shows ye, 2anny leave n+thin alane (tephen 1+l"ine, 5ostal#ie
in Poems, 19-1)
I sho+ldnae 0e nae 2ompany /o" nae0ody. (%essie 6hyte, ,he
p"in2ess and the p+ps, "e2o"ded 0y 7inda *eadlee (19-6), Tocher
vol.' (19-(8-6): 2(9)
1.4 Scope
The free-standing negative particle is frequently used with adjectives in its scope:
Is &nowled#e not dependent, in impo"tant senses, on this s+082+lt+"al
va"iation) (+nive"sity le2t+"e", "e2o"ded, 19-9)
Likewise, the free-standing negative particle can take as its scope the main verb of the
6ill yo+ not p+t too many on the"e in 2ase they /all in the st"eet,
please) (ove"hea"d in $las#ow, 19-9)
Millar and Brown (1979) found that the enclitic form nae does not invert over the subject in their corpus
of Edinburgh speech (when this less preferred order occus it is with the standard form nt), but other
dialects may not be so restricted.
*es still no wo"&in# yet, he #ot a pa"t time 4o0 with the :o+n2il,
0+t ... (%"own and 1illa", 19-9: 1.()
and not obeying can be used instead of disobeying, and so on.
In the North of Scotland, on (un-) is recorded by the SND as forming negatives with a
following participial adjective:
;a 2o+ld 0e on la+2hn, *ai""y 6o0ste", to thin& <at I wad ve! masel
to 2hise atween yo+ and $"eenmeedes) (5D, s.v. on8)
The two types of negation, with wide and narrow scope, can occur in the same clause.
This is not multiple negation in the usual sense, since these negatives are not mutually
*e isnae still no wo"&in#. (%"own and 1illa", 19-9: 1.6)
In the case of the modal verb must, which cannot be negated in the sense of logical
necessity, the enclitic negative particle also takes the main verb as its scope:
*e m+stnae have ta&en the money = *e m+st no have ta&en the money
(%"own and 1illa", 19-9: 11.)
1.5 Never
As in other non-standard varieties, the negative adverb never can refer to a single
>o+ve some hopes o 0ein &in#, 3a2&. An they neve" peyed nae
attention tae 3a2&, ye see, so 3a2& 4ist neve" heedit (And"a tewa"t,
,he th"ee /eathe"s, "e2o"ded 0y *amish *ende"son (19(6), Tocher
vol.2 (19-'8-?: 22-)
1.6 Aint
The form int (aint) occurs in Glasgow, but only in reversed polarity tags, as the
present tense of be + enclitic negative particle (not as a form of have):
6e"e aw happy, int wi) Ah mean weve aw ea"ned a 0it an thats
whit matte"s intit) (The Hard Man, op. cit., p.2-)
This appears to be of recent occurrence in Scottish speech. The forms wint (past tense of
be + enclitic negative particle) and dint (present tense of do + enclitic negative particle)
also occur, again in reversed polarity tags only (cf. Yorkshire forms described by Petyt,
1.7 Absence of do-support
Negation of main verbs by a following negative particle (enclitic or free-standing) and
without do-support, is now only literary:
Anent *en"y, its a+2to", we &en8na sae m+2&le as his s+"name (@o0e"t
$a"io2h, *en"y the 1inst"els <6alla2e, Lines Review 1' (19(-): -)
Negation of main verbs in declarative clauses by a preceding negative particle survives in
the South of Scotland:
they no made the /ood ve""a well, 0+t neve" mind, we #ot /illed
anyway (Daisy Ait2hison, *e""in# #+ttin# in >a"mo+th, "e2o"ded 0y
Alan %"+/o"d and Ailie 1+n"o (19-(), Tocher 19 (19-(): 11')
It would be remarkable if this usage represented a survival of Early Scots negation with
ne or na before the verb [but etymologically different items are involved].
A further minor type of negation is with the negative adverb nane meaning not at all.
This follows the main verb:
Ahve nae time /o" p+nte"A that swe"" an spit o""atime, an 2an sin#
nane. (%illy :onnolly and 1al2olm 12:o"mi2&, 2a"toon in Bring on the
Big Yin, 19--)
Do-support is not required in the second (or later) clause of co-ordinated imperatives:
Bat he" +p, man, an no haive". (5D, s.v. no adve"0)
2. Imperatives
A subject pronoun can appear in negative imperatives in Standard English. In Scottish
speech, this is also common in positive imperatives:
3+st yo+ #o tae sleep. (The Hard Man, op. cit., p.21)
%elieve yo+ me. (2ommon idiom)
3. Passives
The auxiliary of the passive is frequently get in colloquial English. This is considered
non-standard only when an animate agent is expressed, as it regularly is in Scots:
we 4+st #ot 2hased 0y the pa"&ies ($all+s, did yo+ say), op. cit.,
Murray records the negative particle as inverting over the operator:
he no can (1873: 228)
According to Murray, nane could precede the main verb:
he nane gangs; hell nane gang (1873: 216)
and also, in the absence of a main verb, the operator:
he nane can (p.228)
The preposition governing the agent noun is commonly fae (from) or wi (with) in
4. Interrogatives
4.1 Pronouns and determiners
The Scots forms of the interrogative pronouns and determiners are as follows:
whae, wha (who)
wham (whom)
whase, whas (whose)
whilk (which)
whit (what)
whatten, whatna (determiner only)
North-east dialect forms have /f/ for //.
Whilk is probably obsolete in speech,
but is preserved as a literary form:
Il&a 2ots a+tho" ma+n ane day spei" tae himsel whil& o o+" th"ee
2ottish ton#+es hell +is. (Cenneth ;"ase", ,he "e0i"th o 2ots,
Scotia Review, 6 (19-?): '2)
Whatten and whatna are reduced from what kin (o) (what kind of):
%+t wha we"e his dominies and whatna models did he /ollow) (@o0e"t
$a"io2h, ,he A&"os "eview o/ poet"y, Lallans ( (19-(): 9)
Whit (or what) is probably the most usual non-personal interrogative determiner in
Scottish speech. It is used with definite as well as indefinite reference:
6hat ee saw d+ yon wi) enD+i"es one o/ the trows. (5D s.v. what)
Which as an interrogative pronoun is unusual in Scottish speech. Which as a determiner
with indefinite yin (or one) is preferred, but whit yin (or what one) is in practice more
In querying measurement, the construction what NOUN is usual in Scottish speech:
6hit a#e +" yo+) (The Hard Man, op. cit., p.69)
6hat we2ht is it) (5D s.v. what)
Murray also records whilken (1873: 193).
Interrogative whilk appears to have survived longer as a determiner than as a pronoun. Cf. the dates of the
examples given under the relevant entry in SND.
The objective form wham is literary. It is replaced in speech by the subjective form, as in
colloquial English generally.
The periphrases whae belangs (or who belongs) and (less commonly?) whae is aucht can
be used to avoid whase:
6ha 0elan#s this hoose) ($"ant and Di!on, 1921: 1.1)
6ha is a+2ht the wean) (ibid, p.1.1)
4.2 Particles
The tag particle e, described by Millar and Brown, can be fronted to stand as the sole
marker of interrogation:
B yo+ve #ot a new 0i&e) (1illa" and %"own, 19-9: '2)
The word shair (or sure) can be used in the same way:
+"e his nose is di"ty) (ove"hea"d in $las#ow, 199.)
Both of these may prove to be more common in speech to or by children.
4.3 Adverbs
An adjective as subject complement is queried by whit like (or what like):
7et me see whit li&e they +". (The Hard Man, op. cit., p.12)
Cause is queried by how, whit wey (or what way) and whit for (or what for):
<+"eE said h+##ie. <6ell ta&e th+m +p wi +s an yo+ &in as& +".
<*ow me) said Ale2&. (Alan pen2e, ts !olours the" are #ine, 19--:
*e says, 6hit wey that) (,he p"in2ess and the p+ps, op. cit.,
6hit /+"ll ye no #ies a ha+n)
Querying a sentence in the negative, a number of expressions with the preposition for are
available whit for no, how for no and why for no.
4.4 Absence of do-support
What is recorded querying manner:
It just cam open o free will in my hand what could I help it?
(SND s.v. what).
The formation of yes/no questions in Scots by inversion of the subject and main verb, and
without do-support, apparently survived widely until recently. Examples can still be
found in Shetland sources:
*e says, ee yo+ aal this lyin a"o+nt he"e) (3ames 7a+"enson,
1a##ie 1ille"s ,ows, "e2o"ded 0y Alan %"+/o"d (19-'), Tocher vol.'
(19-(8-6): 9()
%oy, tin&s d+ need we #en# a// the moa"n) (ibid, p.9-)
5. Exclamations
Whit (or what) is used in Scots to express degree in exclamations:
he told me what /ine these pies we"e, and whe"e yo+ 2o+ld #et them.
(5D s.v. what)
The is used in the same way
<Aw the ni2eE said 1"s @o0e"tson /"om downstai"s. (ts !olours the"
are #ine, op. cit., p.12()
Whit a (or what a) is used to express number:
7osh, what a ho+sesE (5D s.v. what)
6. Existentials
6.1 There
Existential there has a reduced form they, the in Scots. The construction there NOUN
PHRASE at the beginning of an existential sentence can therefore be interpreted as there
with elision of the copula verb be, or as they are, with phonetic assimilation. This occurs
with singular as well as plural subjects:
6ell, he says, the"e nae hai"m in t"yin. (%essie 6hyte, ,he 2at
and the ha"d 2heese, "e2o"ded 0y Fete" :oo&e and 7inda *eadlee
(19-(), Tocher vol.' (19-(8-6: 26-)
The first interpretation is supported by the elision of be after there as a place adverb:
:os the"e 6ee 3+nio", he wis +p at p"o0ation (yo+n# $las#ow man,
"e2o"ded 19-9)
However, are they does appear with singular subjects in interrogatives:
A"e they any waate" 2omin# in ove" it) (1a##ie 1ille"s ,ows, op.
cit., p.9')
There were likewise appears with singular subjects:
An they we"e a oald mGn amon# them (ibid, p.9')
,hat yea" was p"etty ha"d, the we"ent m+2h money to 0e made. (%ella
*i##ins, ,he th"ee do#s, "e2o"ded 0y 1a+"i2e ;lemin# (19((), Tocher
vol.' (19-(8-6): 19?)
By contrast, theres and interrogative is there are now regular in Scottish speech with
plural subjects, as in colloquial English generally:
Is the"e weapons) (The Hard Man, op. cit., p.1()
and likewise there was:
,he"e was ve"y /ew 4o0s availa0le even a/te" the si! months 2o+"se
($las#ow man, "e2o"ded 19-9)
6.2 It
In oral narrative, existential sentences are occasionally introduced by it,
a survival from
Older Scots:
6ell, it wis this yo+n# &in# an D+een, ye see (,he p"in2ess and the
p+ps, op. cit., p.2(9)
it was a ve"y ve"y wild ni#ht an it was a lot o/ snow (%"+2ie
*ende"son, ,he t"ow o/ 6indho+se, "e2o"ded 0y ,om Ande"son and Alan
%"+/o"d (19-.), Tocher vol.1 (19-18-2): 2(2)
7. Emphasis
7.1 See
In Glasgow and perhaps more widely in Central Scotland, the subject noun phrase can be
extracted from the main clause to stand as the object of the verb see. Its place is then
taken by an appropriate personal pronoun. This usage probably originates with asyndeton
*e &nows whe"e to stop, &now) ee this @a0, 0+t) *es mean "i#ht
th"o+#h ($all+s, did yo+ say), op. cit., p.()
A common collocation is see you:
ee yo+, 1e""y) Ah nivi" thoat a lassie wid a hid the #+ts. (Ale!
*amilton, H+" 1e""y in Three $lasgow %riters, op. cit., p.29)
Introductory see extends to other structures in sentence initial position, such as
subordinate clauses and adverbials:
In ballads, an existential construction it MAIN VERB SUBJECT is found:
Then out it speaks a guid auld man (SND s.v. it)
Hh see i/ this is yo+" idea o a 0loody 4o&eE Ahll 8 ... (*e2to"
1a21illan, The Sash, 19-?: 9)
An see when Ahve did that) Ahm #onnae &ill yiE ($all+s, did yo+
say), op. cit., p.-)
Hh 0+t see e/te"wa"ds, when they too& the 0ody away. ... (The Hard
Man, op. cit., p.-)
Ah thoat Ahd went a// +" a/o"e, so Ah did. %+t see noo) Ahve went
right a// +". (H+" 1e""y, op. cit., p.2?)
8. Ellipsis
8.1 Sentence initial items
The ellipsis of recoverable sentence initial items (asyndeton) is regular in Scottish
speech, as in colloquial English generally:
,hats 0e2a+se I missed th"ee 0+ses. ,hey we"e all o// the "oad. o
that was D+ite +psettin#. 7ate /o" a t+to"ial. (;emale st+dent,
"e2o"ded 19-9)
>o+ 2an +nde"stand how poo" people "eally we"e. 6as a #"eat deal o/
+nemployment, as yo+ 2an ima#ine. ($las#ow man, "e2o"ded 19-9)
8.2 Copula be
The present tense forms of be are frequently elided following there, and also here:
*e"e a /o"m I noo 0eat it D+i2&. (%+d 5eill, 2a"toon in The &vening
Times, 19(.)
8.3 Auxiliary have
Auxiliary have is occasionally elided in Scots following a modal verb, especially when
the modal takes the enclitic negative. The unstressed form // of have is perhaps
phonetically assimilated to na:
H ,i00ie I hae seen the day = >e wadna 0een sae shy. ($"ant and
Di!on, 1921: 12.)
Have is frequently elided together with a relative pronoun:
In the following pun, are is elided after whaur (where), presumably by phonetic assimilation:
Propped up on the stove was a sign ... and beside it another which
said WHERRABOOTS ... AWRERR, with an arrow pointing to a stall
stacked high with work-boots and shoes. (Its Colours they are
Fine, op. cit., p.140)
I.e., whereabouts ... over there and where are the boots ... all rare.
,he"es also a /ai" amo+nt o/ wo"&, in2identally, 0een done on the
&ind o/ lan#+a#e that is e!pe2ted at s2hool. (+nive"sity le2t+"e",
"e2o"ded 19-9)
Have is regularly elided in the idiom had better, as in other non-standard varieties:
6ell, 3a2&, he says, yo+ 0ette" #o now (,he th"ee /eathe"s, op.
cit., p.22-)
Will may be substituted:
ahl 0ette" away (,om 7eona"d, ,ea time in Bunnit Husslin, 19-9)
Have is also regularly elided in have got to, as in colloquial English generally:
>e #oat tae p+t the /"i#htene"s, "i#ht, oan them. (yo+n# $las#ow man,
"e2o"ded 19-9)
8.4 Main verbs
Verbs of motion are frequently elided in Scottish speech, giving quasi-adverbial uses of
prepositional adverbs (see below).
Verbs of saying can also be elided in narrative, or replaced by be:
and the 2at #ot its 0a2& +p, ye &en, li&e this, an :hhhhE F//phE
and the "ats ,s2h2hE and the two o them a"e at ea2h ithe". (,he
2at and the ha"d 2heese, op. cit., p.'21)
6ell they sta"t I Daddy, this is the day wi" 2li2&s 2ome on Jto the
islandK. 1a##ie 1ille"s ,ows, op. cit., p.99)
9. Relative clauses
9.1 Pronouns
The Scots forms of the relative pronouns are:
at (that)
whae, wha (who)
wham (whom)
whase, whas (whose)
whilk (which)
North-eastern dialect forms have /f/ for //.
The verb expressing the request to be passed or handed something is elided in the following example:
Heh, Mikey! Big Mikey MacGloan! That baw, gonnae? (Gallus, did
you say? op. cit., p.5)
As with the interrogative pronouns, wham and whilk are only literary.
9.2 That and wh-relatives
In Scottish speech, as in colloquial English generally, the indeclinable relative pronoun
that is preferred to the wh-relatives. Scottish speakers regularly use that for personal
antecedents and in non-restrictive relative clauses as well as for non-personal antecedents
and restrictive uses:
An a+ld #+y at wis d"+n& #oat taen intae the polis 0oa!. (yo+n#
$las#ow man, "e2o"ded 19-9)
A /"esh shipment, that was lon# ove"d+e, a""ived today.
That is available not only as subject and object, but also with prepositions:
,hese a"e the people that we stay with.
Fronted prepositions and quantified relatives are normally unavailable in colloquial
Scottish speech, but fronted prepositions do occur in literary Scots:
the developan spe"it o %+"ns, /"ae whil& si22an heat was late"
en#end"it (*en"y the 1inst"els <6alla2e, op. cit., p.-)
The possessive of that is expressed by the form thats:
,he &ye thats 2a+" we"e 0o"n aa a0o+t the same time. (5D s.v. that)
or that is followed by an appropriate personal pronoun in the possessive form, or by a
periphrastic possessive:
,he 2"ew that thei" 0oat wis v"a2&it a"e in Ai0e"deen. (5D s.v.
,hat m+st 0e the yin that the tap ot wis 2hopped a//.
9.3 Which
Brown (1980) found that in Scottish speech, which is used almost exclusively in non-
restrictive relative clauses with sentential antecedents:
The English dialectal relative pronoun what is attested from Glasgow:
like the other birds what takes Dexedrine, she disnae know whit
shes dain! (James Patrick [pseudonym], A Glasgow Gang Observed,
1973: 52)
The relative adverb where is used not only with reference to place, but also with reference to hypothetical
In schools, it is still the case where the teacher corrects the
pupil if he pronounces a word wrongly. (student exam paper, 1979)
It appears that the relative pronoun whilk survived longest in speech in this sense:
,hey"e e!p"essin# themselves, whi2h is a di//e"ent thin#. (A"2hie
*ind, inte"viewed 0y @o0e"t ,ait, Scottish nternational 11 (19-.):
9.4 Zero relative pronoun
In Scots, as in other non-standard varieties, the relative pronoun is optionally deleted
when it is the subject of its clause:
an it "+00ed aa the "at owe" wi its /in#e"s I o" its paws I wi this
st+// was in the 0ottle (,he th"ee do#s, op. cit., p.2'?)
This is particularly common with an existential main clause:
the"e neve" wis a ha"e, he says, o" a "a00it eve" too& the hills
0+t wi/t 2o+ld 2at2h. (,he th"ee do#s, op. cit.,p.19?)
Standard English allows the reduction of relative clauses with an equative structure (e.g.
there are people waiting outside) except that this is not usually possible with one word
complements in Standard English. However, these are regularly reduced in Scots
the"es some o/ the tea2he"s D+iet (%"own, 199.: (?)
and on the #ates it says they we"e men wanted. (,he 2at and the ha"d
2heese, op. cit., p.266)
10. Complements
10.1 That
The conjunction that is regularly elided in Scottish speech, as in colloquial English
He said at he met us onna the muir whilk wasna the case. (Murray,
1873: 196)
Brown (1980) suggests that it is not necessary to interpret such sentences as containing a relative clause,
and regards them rather as transformed NOUN PHRASE COPULA SUBJECT COMPLEMENT
That how, how that and that how that are recorded as complementisers:
The laird himsel said, at hoo the bairns had never gotten on
naething like it wi ony ither body. (Grant and Dixon, 1921: 170)
Sic things my gude-dam tauld to me, / How that a switch o rowan
tree / Gard a the deils and witches fyke. (SND s.v. hoo
He said that fu that hed been swickit wi the coo. (SND s.v. that)
Grant and Dixon also record nor as a complementiser:
Nae woner nor ye was obleegt to tak yer innocent bairns awa
faes skweel. (1921: 169)
Anyway, thats not to say Id have helped him o+t even i/ I 2o+ld
have ($all+s, did yo+ say), op. cit., p.2)
10.2 For to
The infinitival complement is frequently introduced by fir tae (or for to) in Scots, as in
other non-standard varieties:
*e wis "eady /o" tae die any time (,he th"ee /eathe"s, op. cit.,
10.3 How
How can be used to introduce a complement (as opposed to an interrogative clause) in
Scottish speech:
>o+ &now how Ahve neve" had a 4ai2&et. 6hen Ah wis a wean Ah neve"
had a 4ai2&et, so it disnae "eally 0o""e" me. (yo+n# $las#ow man,
"e2o"ded 19-9)
11. Comparison
11.1 -er, -est
The distribution of the comparative and superlative inflections, -er and est, is less
restricted in Scots (and other non-standard varieties) than in Standard English:
an the"e hes t+"ned the 0ea+ti/+llest &in# ye eve" seen in ye" li/e
(,he th"ee /eathe"s, op. cit., p.2'')
11.2 -er, -maist
The addition of er and maist (-most) to prepositional adverbs is less restricted in
Scots than in Standard English:
at the hinne" end
ye"e aye 0ette" &eepin the s2ootin8end ootmaist (,om 2ott, 3o2&
,amsons 0ai"ns, Scotia Review 6 (19-?): -)
11.3 Double comparatives and superlatives
Like other non-standard varieties, Scots permits the formation of comparatives and
superlatives by the simultaneous addition of er, -est and mair (or more), maist (or most):
mai" li&e" a laddie no" a w+mman (ibid, p.-)
thi most 0i##est thin#mmi &i2& yiv ivi" saw in hi" hale thin#mmi
li/eE ($all+s, did yo+ say), op. cit., p.1')
Double comparatives such as worser and leastest also arise, as in other non-standard
varieties, when the inflections are added to suppletive forms.
11.4 Conjunctions
The conjunction of comparison in Scots is variously nor (the preferred form in literary
Scots), as or be (or by):
%ette" yo+ no" me. (The Sash, op. cit., p.-)
Hsie ,aitll loss mo"e a/o"e the saesons owe", hell loss mo"e as
i/ hed teen thee. (1a##ie 1ille"s ,ows, op. cit., p.9')
hes yo+n#e" 0e ony o them (1+""ay, 19-': 169)
When the post-modifying element has clause structure, what, recapitulating the hinge
element, can be found in Scots:
6hen ye see that Am as #ood as whit yo+ a"e, will ye no leave me
alane) (,he 2at and the ha"d 2heese, op. cit., p.'21)
12. Other subordinate clauses
12.1 But what
The subordinating conjunction but what may be translated otherwise than that:
7et them neve" let on to my /athe" and mothe" = %+t what Im 2omin#
hame. (5D s.v. what)
12.2 For aw (that)
The subordinating conjunction for aw (that) (also for all (that)) means despite (the fact
5o"man 1a2:ai#, /o" aa that his ain wa"& is aye i the +d"on, ...
(anonymo+s, Inte" alia, '(ros 1. (1969): (9)
12.3 Like as if
Like and as if are combined in Scots as in other non-standard varieties:
A frequent type of subordinate clause with main clause structure, and no introductory conjunction, is
exemplified by the following:
Or youd huv tae feed thems mair likely. (overheard in West
Lothian, 1980s)
Predicates similar to is mair likely, e.g. is nearer the mark, can also take a finite clause as subject. Since the
subject clause could stand alone and convey most of the information, this has the appearance of an
afterthought. However, the two clauses are within the same tone group, and cliticisation takes place across
the clause boundary, as in the example quoted.
This example is differently interpreted by SND.
Lp he #oes, li&e as i/ hes the 6ee 1an o" some0ody ($all+s, did yo+
say, op. cit., p.2)
12.4 And
Two types of subordinate clause are regularly linked to their superordinate clause by and
in Scots. The subordinate clause often, but not invariably, mentions a circumstance that
ought to preclude the situation expressed in the main clause:
a) verbless subordinate clause
Ill soap in ye" eyes ye I and it "ationedE (%ill ,ait, 2a"toon in
The &vening !iti)en, 19?2)
(ii) and with PHRASE
An me wi ma 0ad le# tae. (title o/ a play 0y %illy :onnolly)
b) non-finite ing clause:
*e" /i"st 0ai"n, and he" nea"in /o"ty. (3o2& ,amsons 0ai"ns, op.
cit., p.9)
13. Tags
13.1 Reversed polarity
In reversed polarity tags, the order OPERATOR SUBJECT ISOLATE NEGATIVE
PARTICLE is regular in Scottish speech (see 1.2 above). Double negative tags occur
following negative statements:
>o+" names no 6illie, isnt it no) (1illa" and %"own, 19-9: 2-)
13.2 E, e no
Millar and Brown (1979) identify a tag particle e in Scottish speech, used following
positive statements, to elicit confirmation:
>o+" names 6illie, e) (ibid, p.?1)
In the following sentence, the existential have clause is the equivalent of a with phrase:
Awm really nae wise t be sittin clatterin awa here, an me hiz
sic a lang road afore ma. (SND s.v. I)
A tag particle no, nae is recorded after affirmative statements, equivalent in a sense to a reversed polarity
tag. SND interprets this as a reduced form of noo (now), Grant and Dixon as the word no (not) (1921:
This particle can be fronted (4.2 above). A corresponding tag, e no occurs following
negative statements:
*e disnae li&e pi2t+"es, e no) (ibid, p.'2)
These tags may be more usual in childrens speech.
13.3 So
In Glasgow (as in Northern Ireland), a commonly used tag takes the form so
PRONOUN OPERATOR. This is used to reinforce a positive statement:
yo+ve #ot that wee0e"
= dest"oyed so yo+ have (tephen 1+l"ine, the
wee0e" 0i"d in Poems, op. cit.)
The corresponding, but less common, reinforcing tag for a negative statement is neither
Dont answe" nothin in2"iminatin, says the she"i//. = And thats #ood
eno+#h /o" yo+"s t"+ly. = And neithe" ah did, neithe" ah did, =
neithe" ah did, neithe" ah did. (Bdwin 1o"#an, to0hill in #rom
$lasgow to Saturn, 19-')
13.4 Like, but
Like and but are used in Scots to ameliorate the force of a statement, the latter perhaps
more commonly in the West of Scotland:
Aye, sandpies it wis. 7oo&ed #"eat. ,asted ho""i0le 0+t. (ts
!olours the" are #ine, op. cit., p.?.)
Like also post-modifies adjectives:
Ahd li&e tae say that he was di//e"ent when he wis wae me I D+iet
and #entle and a//e2tionate li&e. (The Hard Man, op. cit., p.2?)
14. Main verbs
14.1 Regular and irregular
Numerous main verbs that are irregular in Standard English can be declined regularly in
Scots, and vice versa. There are often further differences in treatment for verbs which
both agree in classifying as regular or irregular. There would be little point in listing the
verbs concerned, as there is no up-to-date information on the currency of particular forms
(see Wright, 1905, SND, and, for literary Scots, Graham, 1977). Some current examples
may, however, be given:
Weeber is a nonce word.
Morgan here plays on the different stress patterns of the main clause And neither ah did, with stress on
did, and the tag, with stress on neither.
a) past participle and past tense regular: seed, gied (gave), gaed (went), drawed,
throwed, hurtit, selt (sold), telt (told), catched, kneeled, sayed, heared, buyed
b) past tense irregular: brung, widd (waded)
c) past participle irregular: haen (had), load, thunk (jocular), drunken, satten, gotten,
pitten (put)
d) reduplicated part participle: brochten, hadden, soakent, wroten.
Like other non-standard varieties, Scots reduces the paradigm of several irregular verbs
by selecting one form as both past tense and past participle, usually the past tense form,
e.g. went, broke, gave, fell, knew, spoke, wore, tore, wrote, broke, ett [ate]; but also e.g.
run, gien [given], drunk, shrunk, begun.
In the case of come, gie (give), take, see and do (main verb), generalisation of both
occurs. Some of these generalisations are historical, e.g. come (past tense) and fell (past
participle). Others are recent, probably representing influences from English dialects
(Trotter, 1901) or from Hiberno-English, and such forms appear to be innovating while
those mentioned in a-d above are declining. This is despite the fact that the innovating
forms are heavily stigmatised by the education system and described by vernacular
speakers themselves as slovenly (Macaulay, 1977: 96) and as part of the stereotype of
the rough working-class (Hanley, 1984: 166). This is an area that deserves further
14.2 Inflections of the past tense and past participle
There are dialectal differences in the forms of the dental suffix in Scots, which leads to
conflicting accounts in the literature.
a) it is found after plosives and unstressed vowels, e.g. wantit, soundit, jumpit, pickit,
biggit, marriet, buriet.
It is also still found, but less commonly, after fricatives, especially in literary Scots, e.g.
screivit, forcit.
In Caithness, -id is regular for Central Scots it, e.g. cowpid, lookid.
b) d is regular in Scots, as in Standard English, after a stressed vowel, e.g. caad, deed.
It also appears to be more common than it after voiced fricatives, e.g. screived. In the
South of Scotland, -d is also regular after nasals, /r/ and /l/, e.g. saird (served).
c) -t is regular in other Scots dialects after nasals, /r/ and /l/, e.g. kent, fluttert, killt, and is
also common after voiceless fricatives, e.g. wisht, laucht.
14.3 Present
The distribution of the present tense inflection s, -es, was governed by a particular set of
rules in Older Scots, which probably survive only in variable form, co-existing with the
simpler rules of Standard English.
In the traditional system, the use of the inflection or not depends on the nature of the
subject. With the exception of an adjacent personal pronoun subject (see below), the
inflection appears throughout:
,hats the stones that sin&s the line down, we 2aa that steedhes
(1a##ie 1ille"s ,ows, op. cit., p.9-)
>e" maw an me thin&s ye 2anna #et ony tai0let the mo"n. (3. 3.
%ell, %ee Macgreegor, 19.2: ?.)
Its me at 2omes /i"st. (1+""ay, 19-': 212)
If the subject is an adjacent personal pronoun, the third person singular is inflected, as in
Standard English, and so also is the second person singular, where it survives (see
The first person singular and the plural are uninflected in this syntactic
environment (again, like Standard English).
However, even in Older Scots (Aitken, 1978), there are traces of a narrative present tense,
where the inflection was used with all persons and numbers regardless of the nature of
the subject, and this is regular in Modern Scots narration:
o anyway, he"e now ... they sho+ts /o" 3a2& (,he th"ee /eathe"s,
op. cit., p.229)
5awE I #oes, nea" s2"eamin#, yo+ &now) ($all+s, did yo+ say), op.
cit., p.12)
(cf. says, sez in colloquial English generally). This is also the pattern when the present
tense is used in a habitual sense.
The third person singular forms of be (including the past form was) and have are likewise
generalised only when the subject is other than an adjacent personal pronoun:
... times is p"etty ha"d on +s (,he th"ee do#s, op. cit., p.19?)
an no matte" how ti"ed the /ishe"men was ... they had to #o to the
2h+"2h (1a##ie 1ille"s ,ows, op. cit., p.9-)
7adies and #entlemen, I have to anno+n2e that my 0"a&es has went
(hea"d in $las#ow, 19-9).
14.4 Subjunctive
A trace of this in Modern Scots is the tag seestu, latterly Shetland, Orkney and Dumfries, and as a
nickname for Paisley (SND).
Special subjunctive forms of verbs are on record. Wright states that main verbs are
uninflected throughout the present subjunctive in Scots:
i/ the 0i"d sin# (19.(: 299)
SND records a past subjunctive of the form had + tae INFINITIVE:
I/ she had tae "e2ove" she wad hae 0in a 0i# help tae him. (5D)
and present subjunctive forms of the verb be, namely be or bees, and binna with the
enclitic negative particle.
14.5 Inflection of the present participle
The distinction between the present participle inflection an(d) and the verbal noun
inflection in(g), which was apparently lost in Central Scots in the sixteenth century,
survives in Caithness and in parts of the South of Scotland:
7e&ly them in <e oothll 0e /indan <e same = 6i aal <iss +p8till8
deite /a"in, = %it All wa""an the"es hantle <ats thin&an o
hom = An lon#an /o" tatties an he""een. (:astle#"een
Jpse+don+mK, ,atties an *e""een in Tatties an* Herreen*, 1961: 6)
This distinction was also briefly revived in literary Scots under the influence of the Scots
Style Sheet (1955):
the In#lis, wha heidit an han#it th"o+ il&a ai"t o 2otland, /le##in
Jsi2K what seelie /ol& they mi2ht /ind #an#an a0"aid. (*en"y the
1inst"els <6alla2e, op. cit., p.11)
14.6 Progressive aspect
Several verbs that are stative in Standard English take progressive aspect in Scots,
namely think, want, forget, remember and hear:
Ah wis thin&in ... 3a2&, ye widnae 2ome (,he th"ee /eathe"s op.
cit., p.2'2)
An indiscriminate use of the progressive aspect with stative verbs is a feature of the
Highland stereotype in Scottish literature, and it may be that there is a Celtic influence
14.7 Transitivity
Some verbs that are intransitive in Standard English can be transitive in Scots, notably
talk, learn (meaning teach) and look:
Bve"y0ody says ah need me heid loo&ed #oin# a0o+t wae him. (The Hard
Man, op. cit., p.2?)
Conversely, some verbs that are transitive in Standard English can be intransitive in
Scots, offer being a particularly common example:
A o//e""ed I 0it a "oom in &it2hin isny m+2h 0ette" (3ames Celman,
5i2e tae 0e ni2e, The $lasgow Review IM:', 19-', ?28-)
14.8 Be
In Glasgow, and probably more widely, a form mur is found for the first person singular
form of be. It is used under emphasis and avoids the awkward sequence Ah am, which
can however occur:
,hats whit thai" sayin is it) ,hat ahm a l+nati2) ,hats aw"i#ht
then isnt it) Ah ahm a l+nati2. (The Hard Man, op. cit., p.16)
I/ Ah dae it, i/ Ah m+" stealin ... ("e2o"ded 0y *ai# $o"don /o" %%:
2otland, 199.N D+oted in 1a2a/ee, 199': 69)
Mur can take the enclitic negative particle:
Aw, yi" 4o&in, I #oes. Aw naw Ahm +"nae, he says. ($all+s, did
yo+ say), op. cit., p.22)
It appears to be a blend of am and are. Notice that the need for emphasis is often
produced by contrast with you are in the preceding context.
The form was is sometimes found with the second person:
say yo+ wis a "e2"+it, yo+ wis a p"ospe2tive "e2"+it (3ohn Ceith ,he
7ai"d o Ldnys /ool, "e2o"ded 0y *amish *ende"son (19(2), Tocher
vol.' (19-(8-6), p.2?()
14.9 Prepositional adverbs as verbs of motion
Several prepositional adverbs can occur as defective verbs in Scots, with the sense of
motion or the imparting of motion:
a) infinitive:
Was with the third person plural in the following example, if it represents a genuine observation by the
writer, may be an assimilation to the preceding context:
The Ack-an-Ess-Aitch was there. An the 6
H.L.I. was there in
reserve. See?
They was not, said his friend. (The Shipbuilders, op. cit.,
<Ahll 4+st away an have a loo&. (ts !olours the" are #ine, op.
cit., p.162)
b) imperative:
HC @en/"ew, o+tside. Ill deal with this. (The Hard Man, op. cit.,
c) past tense:
an he 2ome +p, pit the /la#stane doon, an 0a2& intae the &it2hen.
(,he th"ee /eathe"s, op. cit., p.22-)
d) past participle. The auxiliary is be:
o this do#s away an its th"o+#h the wate" and th"o+#h the wate"
(,he p"in2ess and the p+ps, op. cit., p.26.)
The verbs want and need, which take the part participle as complement in Scottish speech
(rather than the present participle), can also take such prepositional adverbs:
3enny, a"e ye wantin oot = 1an# the &nowes to /"is& a0oot) (5D s.v.
When the sense is of the imparting of motion, the preposition wi (or with) governs the
Lp wi ye" 2laymo"e an intae the /ol& that a"e "innin doon the
mo+ntain side. (son# ly"i2, @o#e" 6ate"s, eve"al spe2ies o/ small
/+""y animals #athe"ed to#ethe" and #"oovin# in a 2ave with a Fi2t
on Fin& ;loyd, +mmagumma, 1969)
Occasionally the verbal status of these adverbs is confirmed by the use of verbal
o he oots wi his wee 0o!, ... (,he 2at and the ha"d 2heese, op.
cit., p.2-.)
15. Modal and auxiliary verbs
15.1 Auxiliary of perfective aspect
In Orkney and Shetland dialect, be is the regular auxiliary of perfective aspect:
>es, well, he says, we"e #otten no /ish (1a##ie 1ille"s ,ows,
op. cit., p.9()
,hey we"e #iven +p /ishin at L"ie then (ibid, p.99)
An when owld 1a##ie 1ille" hea"d <at he" spell was 0een 0"o&en, ...
(ibid, p.1..)
Be is also the regular auxiliary in Scots generally with a small group of verbs including
start and come:
when I was 4+st sta"ted s2hool in the 0a0ies 2lass, ... (H+" 1e""y,
op. cit., p.1()
an when the do# wis 2ome tae its p+p 8 ... (,he p"in2ess and the
p+ps, op. cit., p.26.)
15.2 Do
Auxiliary do has an emphatic form div in Scots, occurring for dae (i.e. with all persons
and numbers except the third singular), probably modelled on the hae and hiv forms of
6ill ye say <at ye div ta& tho+2ht, $eo"#e) ($"and and Di!on, 1921:
15.3 Have
Scottish (together with Northern English) speakers treat have (main verb) like the
auxiliary in the following respects:
a) it can take an enclitic form:
*ed a #ood time last ni#ht. (*+#hes and ,"+d#ill, 19-9: 2()
b) it takes part in SUBJECT OPERATOR inversion in interrogative sentences:
*ave yo+ any money) (ibid, p.2?)
However, in the sense of possession, have is frequently replaced by have got.
In Scottish speech, as in American English, there is a sequence had (ENCLITIC
NEGATIVE PARTICLE) have PAST PARTICIPLE. The identity of the second have,
which appears as a weak or enclitic form, is problematic (as witness the writers who spell
it of):
<Ah wo+ldnae o/ 2ame i/ Ah had o/ &new, he insisted (*elen 6. F"yde,
the #irst Boo( o, the Mc#lannels, 19?-: 2?)
Adams (1948) suggested that it was a survival of English dialectal y- before past
participles, reinterpreted as have via the latters weak form a. The occurrence of the form
in Scotland and the USA is compatible with diffusion from Ulster. Fodor and Smith
(1978) offer a purely synchronic analysis, seeing the first have as a modal and the second
as the auxiliary of the perfect.
Brown and Millar (1980) consider that s for has is inhibited by possible ambiguity with is, but this is not
my experience as a native speaker.
15.4 Semi-modals
Brown and Millar (1980: 86) found that need to, used to and dare, which have been
recorded as semi-modals in Scots, are now treated as main verbs in East Central Scotland.
15.5 Obligation
Scottish speakers avoid must in the sense of obligation, reserving it to express logical
necessity. The semi-modals have to, have got to and will have to are used instead, and in
Scots, maun:
the"e 2omes a passa#e that ma+n 0e D+oted at some len#th (*en"y the
1inst"els <6alla2e, op. cit., p.9)
In negative declarative sentences with have to, Scottish (together with Northern English)
speakers can negate the main verb:
>o+ve no to #o (%"own and 1ille", 19-(: 16?)
i.e. you are obliged (NEGATIVE you go), whereas Southern English speakers would
use mustnt.
Negation of the auxiliary requires do-support:
>o+ dont have to #o.
In negative interrogatives, the construction with do-support is accordingly ambiguous:
Do yo+ no have to #o) (ibid, p.169)
i.e. QUESTION (NEGATIVE you are obliged (you go)) and QUESTION (you are
obliged (NEGATIVE you go)). Like main verbs, have to takes do-support in the
emphatic positive construction with so:
*e does so have to #oE (ibid, p.1-.)
15.6 Logical necessity
Since must is reserved to the sense of logical necessity, mustnt occurs freely in this sense
in Scottish (together with Northern English) speech:
*e m+stnt 0e in. (*+#hes and ,"+d#ill, 19-9: 2')
15.7 Hypothetical statements
In common with most of the English-speaking world, Scottish speakers reserve should
for the sense of moral obligation. In hypothetical constructions, would is used:
till event+ally i/ the ... thin# wo+ld +pset, the 0oat at sea wo+ld
0e doin# the same thin#. (1a##ie 1ille"s tows, op. cit., p.9?)
15.8 Polite will
Will is used in Scots, as in other non-standard varieties, in sentences that are predictive
statements in construction, questions with positive expectation in intonation and sense:
And this will 0e yo+" 0"othe")
Will is also used to ameliorate direct statements and questions:
A /emale a2D+aintan2e, /ollowin# a 2ommon 2ot2h idiom, said one day
I 3o2&, how a+ld will yo+ 0e) I &en weel eno+#h how a+ld I am ...
0+t dinna &en how a+ld Ill 0e. (5D s.v. will)
Would is used in the same way:
I 2o+ld tell yo+ when this wo+ld ha 0een. ,his wo+ld ha 0een i the
yea" o 6ate"loo (1a##ie 1ille"s tows, op, cit., p.1..)
15.9 Prediction and intention
Scottish speakers follow the colloquial practice of using will with all persons and
numbers. Shall can however be used, again with all persons and numbers
a) as a formal form:
A "eade" /ailin# to p"od+2e a ,o&en ... shall p"od+2e p"oo/ o/
identity (noti2e, $las#ow, 19-9)
b) to express intention emphatically:
this is a 0loody demo2"a2y, and these ... mo"ons shall 0e /o"2ed to
ma&e a 2hoi2e (#"a//iti, $las#ow, 19-9)
Sal (also shall) remains generally available in Shetland:
Hh, he says, th+ sanna wGnt that. (1a##ie 1ille"s tows, op.
cit. p.9-)
An as they"e sittin wonde"in whGts w"on# o" whe"e they shall move
to o" whGt they shall do o" whGt they shant do (ibid, p.9()
15.10 Possibility
May is avoided in Scottish speech, except as a formal alternative to can in the sense of
permission. In the sense of possibility, could and might (Scots micht) are used. In the
negative, cant is preferred for the sense it is not possible that; might not for the sense
it is possible that not. However, the Scots form michtnae (below in the mixed form
mightnae) also occurs in the former sense:
%+t, he says, i/ I wis to ... ta&e the do# /i" ma 2ow, he says,
I mi#htnae #o home, he says, /i" ma siste" wo+ld &ill me. (,he
th"ee do#s, op. cit., p.19?)
In the interrogative, possibility is expressed by will or could, with might only in the
interrogative, and only with the main verb as its scope, thus, whereas the following
means to an English speaker is it not possible that it might be broken?, to a Scottish
speaker it is more likely to mean is it possible that it might still be whole?:
1i#ht it no(t) 0e 0"o&en) (%"own and 1ille", 19-(: 169)
15.11 Double modals
In Central and Southern Scotland, can and could are found as the second element in
double modal constructions. Can is regularly used as an infinitive, without to, following
Brown and Miller (1975) tested the responses of Edinburgh speakers to sentences
containing will can, and found the following order of acceptability:
a) negative declarative:
*ell no 2an 2ome this wee& (%"own and 1ille", 19-(: 1-?)
b) positive declarative:
,he mana#e" will 2an tell yo+ i/ its 2ome (ibid, p.1-?)
c) negative interrogative:
6ill he no 2an mend them) (ibid, p.1-?)
Could likewise appears as an infinitive, following would:
In a 2"isis, what wo+ld a wee lassie li&e that 2o+ld dae /o" me)
(hea"d in 6est 7othian, 19-9).
However, I heard the following in West Lothian:
The boays are auld enough to can make theirsels a bit i toast.
The other non-finite forms of can are also on record. Murray (1873: 216) gives an example of could as a
past participle:
they haenae could get ane
and SND gives an example of can in the present participle:
Wi him no cannin wun hyim wi the railway strike.
The syntactic sequence exemplified is the normal one, but the following was heard in West Lothian
(from a different speaker from the one quoted in note 28):
Ell cannae be bothered wi weans
possibly as a result of the internal coherence of the idiom cannae be bothered.
Less common are other modals with could:
>in2e an Ad w+n the"e, A tho2ht, A mi2ht me00ies 2ood #eet a h+"l
the lenth o/ *awi2& (5D s.v. can)
I didnt +sed tae 2o+ld ta& them at aa. (5D s.v. can)
Other double modals occur occasionally:
,hey sho+ld o+#ht to ma&e the "+les 2lea". (%"own and 1ille", 19-(:
*e +sed tae widnae let me +p the 0"ae: Ah wis te""i/ied i im. (hea"d
in 6est 7othian, 19-9)
16. Adverbials
16.1 Formation of adverbs
Like other non-standard varieties, Scots regularly forms manner adverbs without the
addition of a suffix:
yi 2anny tal& = "i#ht (,om 7eona"d, Ln"elated in2idents ' in Three
$lasgow %riters, op. cit., p.'6)
Ah wid h+v a""an#ed the /+"nit+"e di//e"ent. (The Hard Man, op. cit.,
ye 2o+ld easy tell 0y the siAe o his nose. (3o2& ,amsons %ai"ns,
op. cit., p.-)
Scots has an adverbial suffix s, used with certain sentence adverbs, particularly mebbies
(maybe), whiles (sometimes) and nae wunners (no wonder). This also occurs in
combination with ly, e.g. readilies, geylies.
More archaic, and less productive, is lins, as in aiblins (maybe) and nearlins
A group of prepositional adverbs are compounded with by(e), thus ootbye (outside
there), doon by (down there), etc.
16.2 Position of adverbs
In some cases, restrictions on the position of adverbs are different in Scots from Standard
he #ot paid ove"time /o" 4+st 2he2&in# a 0+n2h o/ 0oys ($all+s, did
yo+ say), op. cit., p.2)
Notice that do-support is involved in the negation of used to. Could is here approaching the status of a
main verb. In a later example, the problematic negation of used to is solved by negating would instead.
Lp he #oes, /lyin# almost this time (H+" 1e""y, op. cit., p.29)
she nea" a0o+t massa2"eed him (,he th"ee do#s, op. cit., p.196)
16.3 Noun phrases
A wider range of noun phrases occur as adverbials in Scots than in Standard English:
tho+#h it no"mally seems the"es twi2e as many lassies the noise they
ma&e (H+" 1e""y, op. cit., p.16)
they we"e hae"t0"o&en a0oot thei" 0ai"n, an tho2ht they wo+ld neve"
#et it 0a2&, the siAe o this man. (,he p"in2ess and the p+ps, op.
cit., p.2(9)
and yo+ 2an see hes 2on2ent"atin#, on his /a2e, the way his ton#+e
2+"ls away "o+nd a0o+t his ea"hole, ... ($all+s, did yo+ say), op.
cit., p.')
A dont &now how the poo" so+l mana#ed tae pi2& hissel a// the #"o+nd
the state he wis in. (The Hard Man, op. cit., p.22)
Ah 2o+ld a 0een the"e an 0a2&, the time ye too&.
17. Prepositions
17.1 Position
Constructions involving the movement of prepositions tend to be avoided in Scottish
speech. Fronted prepositions in relative clauses occur only in literary texts (see above).
According to Hughes and Trudgill (1979: 25), speakers in Scotland and the North of
England prefer not to postpone the prepositional adverb in phrasal verbs:
ame thin# a#ain, +p tae the tap o the towe", an th"ew o// thei"
/eathe"s (,he th"ee /eathe"s, op. cit., p.2'2)
This preference persists even when there is a pronominal object:
1+m, do yo+ have anythin# to wipe +p that with) (ove"hea"d in
Bdin0+"#h, 199.)
17.2 Selection
There are numerous instances in which prepositions are used with different senses or in
different lexical environments in Scots than in Standard English, including:
a) intae (or into) is used as a preposition of place north of the Forth:
A wonde" wo+ld the"e 0e ony to0a22ae, he says, intae that wee 0o!)
(,he 2at and the ha"d 2heese, op. cit., p.269)
b) aff o (or off of) expresses various senses of from:
5ow this is pl+2&it a// o the en2hantit &nowe (1a##ie 1ille"s
tows, op. cit., p.9-)
an eve"y0odys #ettin thei" money a// i the o2ial e2+"ity, "i#ht)
(yo+n# $las#ow man, "e2o"ded 19-9)
c) on is used to express the relationship between a part of the body and the whole:
an this was a #iant "i#ht eno+#h, th"ee heids on him. (,he 2at and
the ha"d 2heese, op. cit., p.2-.)
d) oot (or out) is equivalent to out of
Hh ye 2annae /lin# pie2es oot a twenty sto"ey /lat ... (Adam
125a+#hton, &ys2"ape" wean in 5o"man %+2han and Fete" *all, eds.,
The Scottish #ol(singer, 19-': 2')
e) a noun phrase expressing constituent elements is post-modified by a phrase with o (or
of) expressing the whole (rather than vice versa)
,hat any man alive 2o+ld #ive >o+n# :e2il thi"ty o/ a sta"t ...
so+nded "idi2+lo+s to o+" way o/ thin&in#. (3ames Celman, >o+n#
:e2il in Three $lasgow %riters, op. cit., p.6.)
an wi this yo+n# man o/ a 2"ew (1a##ie 1ille"s tows, op. cit.,
f) outwith without, outside is normal usage in Scottish legal terminology.
18. Nouns
18.1 Formation
The suffix ie is used freely to form nouns from monosyllabic adjectives and other
monosyllabic nouns, e.g. daftie, sweetie, kiltie.
18.2 Regular and irregular
A small number of nouns take an irregular plural in Scots differing from their (regular or
irregular) plural in Standard English, particularly een eyes, shuin shoes, caur
calves, kye or kine cows, childer children, galluses braces (literally gallows).
Regular plurals sometimes occur, as in other non-standard varieties, where Standard
English has an irregular form, e.g. louses lice.
18.3 Inflection of plurals and possessives
Where other varieties of English voice /f/ and // finally in nouns such as wife and path
before the s inflection, as well as before the /s/ of house, no such change takes place in
Scots, or, for the most part, in Scottish Standard English.
As in other non-standard varieties, the inflection of the possessive can be added to a
regular plural, e.g. bairnss.
18.4 Collective and segregate
Several groups of nouns regularly take zero plural marker in Scots when used in a
collective sense:
a) nouns of measurement and quantity, e.g. eight year, six pound;
b) names of large domestic animals
an he #ot the ithe" yin that wis the thie/ tae &ill twa 0i# o! /i"
him (,he p"in2ess and the p+ps, op. cit., p.2(9)
c) the compounds theirsel self and their lane lone:
so they sat an #o"#ed thei"sel wi this 2heese. (,he 2at and the ha"d
2heese, op. cit., p.'21)
yne he #aed oot an le/t the twa o them thei"lane /o" a wee 0it
(3o2& ,amsons 0ai"ns, op. cit., p.11)
18.5 Possessives
When a possessive noun is post-modified, the possessive inflection can be postponed, as
in other non-standard varieties:
thats the man at ye met yeste"days do2hte" (1+""ay, 19-': 166)
18.6 Gender
In Insular Scots, certain nouns referring to inanimate objects take gender marked
5ow the"e we"e no do+0t a0o+t the "an&sman Ji.e. a 0oatK now: he wGs
deep. ... *es deep: yon 0oat loo&s as i/ shO was load wi /ish.
(1a##ie 1illee"s tows, op. cit., p.9()
Murray (1873: 161, fn.2) records double plurals expressing collective and segregate senses
Now, scrape yer feets weel, and pit off aa o yer shuins i the
an they wo+ld ta& +p the /i"e8&aettle, yo+ &now, i the middle o/ the
0oat: yo+ hGve he" standin# on stons (ibid, p.99)
a sae Ja wate" 0+tt 2a""ied on "opes o" polesK, thats the name o it.
*e was hal/ /illed with waate" (1a##ie 1ille"s tows, op. cit.,
18.7 Diminutives
The diminutive suffix ie is used freely, as in colloquial English generally, sometimes in
combination with ock, which is especially productive in the North of Scotland, giving
ockie. In Caithness, -ock takes the form ag, e.g. Cheordag Geordie.
18.8 Indefinite nouns
The usual Scots indefinite term for a person is a body. Compounds with body are
preferred over compounds with one, e.g. awbody everyone. Aw all combines with
body, -thing and where in place of every. The Scots equivalent of body else is
QUANTIFIER ither body, e.g. ony ither body.
Ane one can stand alone as the indefinite term for a person:
%+t the"e we"e eens <at was yond"awa, they 2aad them pen2es to neem
(,he t"ow o/ 6indho+se, op. cit., p.2(2)
19. Personal pronouns
19.1 First person singular
Scots forms of the first person singular pronoun are:
Nominative: Ah
Accusative: me
Possessive, determiner: ma, Insular Scots me
nominal: mines
Us is regularly used with singular reference in Scots as in colloquial English generally.
19.2 First person plural
Scots forms are:
Nominative: South and East of Scotland oo
Accusative: huz
Possessive, determiner: oor, unstressed wir
In the following Shetland example, the possessive form wir (our) is used with singular reference:
By Jove, yes, wir kdha (that was the name they couldna say
wife at sea, ) wir kdha is right efter aal (Maggie
Millers tows, op. cit., p.95)
nominal: oors.
19.3 Second person singular
The second person singular pronouns survive in spoken Scots only in Insular Scots,
where the local dialect forms have /d/ for //. The forms are:
Nominative: du, also thoo
Accusative: dee, also thee
Possessive, determiner: dee, also thee.
As in Older Scots, regular verbs take the (e)s inflection in the present tense when there
is a second person pronoun subject, and likewise is and has.
19.4 Second person plural
The distinction between nominative ye and accusative you has not survived in Modern
Scots, although in Ulster Scots, and perhaps in other dialects, ye does occur as a stressed
form (in either function).
Second person plural forms, recorded as Hiberno-English by Wright (1905), are now
regular in Glasgow dialect, and widespread in Central Scotland. These forms, nominative
and accusative alike, are youse and unstressed yiz.
19.5 Third person singular
Although h-dropping is not a feature of Scottish speech (except in the fisher dialect of the
Cromarty Firth), /h/ is elided in unstressed forms of he, him, his and her. Conversely, /h/
is added to the emphatic forms huz us and hit it. Other Scots forms are hes his and
shae (Insular Scots sh) she.
The possessive determiner its is avoided in Scots, as in other varieties of non-standard
English, but is of course available from Standard English.
One is virtually unavailable as an indefinite human pronoun in Scottish speech, and is a
stereotype of the English of England. Colloquial you is used instead.
19.6 Third person plural
The nickname for Paisley, seestu (do you see), captures the memory of this surviving as an archaism in
idiomatic use there.
SND also records an accusative form thoo.
SND also records are and have, as with you.
SND records it for the possessive:
See at the cat pittin up it paw an clawin it head.
The forms of the third person plural pronoun are as in Standard English, except
accusative thaim. They is also used as an indefinite subject in Scottish speech, without
any explicit antecedent, as an alternative to impersonal constructions:
6hen I lived in the Bast Bnd, when they +sed to have the 1ay Day
Fa"ade ... ("eti"ed man, "e2o"ded in $las#ow, 19-9)
19.7 Periphrastic possessives
Its (see above) can be replaced in Scots by o it (also of it), and reduced forms ot, od.
The periphrastic possessive o me (or of me) is part of the Highland stereotype in Scottish
literature. Periphrastic possessives occur regularly in the idioms for the life o(f) +
19.8 Accusative pronouns
Like other varieties of colloquial or non-standard English, Scottish speech employs the
accusative forms of the personal pronouns in the following circumstances:
a) conjoined subject:
%+t hooeve", him an the th"ee do#s is away a#ain (,he th"ee do#s,
op. cit., p.19-)
b) in apposition to a noun:
I mean the"e a"e only the th"ee o/ +s &ids in o+" 0it, "i#ht) (H+"
1e""y, op. cit., p.1-)
Scots also has the accusative forms of the plural pronouns in apposition to the indefinite
pronoun yins (also ones), e.g. you yins.
c) when the pronoun is separated from the verb, for instance by a relative clause:
,hem atll #o an 0"in# 0a2& the 0est "in# ... <ll #et my whole
&in#dom (,he th"ee /eathe"s, op. cit., p.2'.)
d) as the subject of verbless or non-finite ing clauses (see above);
e) in denials:
hes a pio+s wi/e, si". 1e 2a he" a wit2hE (5D, s.v. )
f) as a postponed subject:
nae need o a tit8halte" he" (3o2& ,amsons 0ai"ns, op. cit., p.-)
g) as a subject complement:
it was "eally me that 2a+sed the 0othe" (H+" 1e""y, op. cit., p.1()
19.9 Order of pronominal objects
In Scottish speech, the order of pronominal objects is usually INDIRECT DIRECT,
even when this means that a pronoun follows a noun:
#ie the 0ai"nt (5D s.v. it)
19.10 Reflexives
Like other non-standard varieties, Scots bases all reflexive forms with sel (also self) on
the possessive forms of the personal pronouns, thus hissel and theirsel(s).
The adjective ain (also own) can be inserted between the pronoun and sel(s) for
emphasis, e.g. their ain sels. Twa(e) (also two) is also common in this position:
$an# away ye" twae sels (1+""ay, 19-': 19-)
The reflexive pronouns can function as adverbials in Scottish speech, with the sense by
>o+ see, a 0oat didnt #o itsel/ to the /a" o+t #"o+nds: the"e we"e
always two <at went to#ethe" (1a##ie 1ille"s tows, op. cit., p.9?)
Yoursel(f) as an emphatic alternative to you is associated with Highland English, but is
more general in the greeting:
Hh, its ye"sel.
20. Determiners
20.1 Indefinite article
The form a occurs before vowels as well as before consonants in Scots:
she wo+ld #et a assistant (1a##ie 1ille"s tows, op. cit., p.9?)
Ae or ane (also one) is used emphatically in place of the indefinite article:
Grant and Dixon (1921: 98) have an example of pronominal objects in DIRECT INDIRECT order,
without to, as in the North of England:
Ill show it ye some of thir days if yere good.
Grant and Dixon (1921: 99) record the sell ot (itself):
Kirkcaldy, the sell ot, is langer than ony town in England.
Conversely, the adverbial hellova, which is lexicalised as a single item, as in colloquial English
generally, occurs with a final /n/, e.g. hellovan expensive.
i", my lo"d, i/ yell 0elieve me, the"e was no ae sin#le ane,...
that wo+ld #ie yo+" lo"dship a 0aw0ie /o" a+ld lan# syne. ($"ant and
Di!on, 1921: -6)
Ive #ot one hell o/ a sai" heid.
20.2 Definite article
The definite article is used in Scots with exophoric or homophoric reference before
various categories of nouns where Standard English employs no determiner, including:
a) diseases:
*es aw 2ho&ed +p wi the 2a+ld.
b) trades, sciences and branches of knowledge:
$ood 4oa0 A hid tae oan the lon# distan2e. (3ames Celman, 5i2e tae
0e ni2e, The $lasgow Review IM:', 19-':?2)
c) names of days:
Itll 0e "eady 0y the 1onday o/ ne!t wee&.
d) institutions:
aye h+n#"y 2omin hame /"ae the s2h+le (3. C. Annand, 1e and ma
#"annies, I, Lallans -, 19-6:19)
7andit +p in the hoaspital way it tae. (5i2e tae 0e ni2e, op. cit.,
wi thei" po&e o pan8d"aps /o" the &i"& in the mo"nin (3. C. Annand,
1e and ma #"annies, II, Lallans 9, 19--:2?)
<Ahve seen +m with ye at the 0+""oo. 5i2e wee /ella< (ts !olours
the" are #ine, op. cit., p.1?-)
e) means of public transport:
A"e the"e ony li&e he" oan the 0+ses the day) (Adam 125a+#hton,
6he"e is the $las#ow) in The Scottish #ol(singer, op. cit., p.(6)
f) languages:
and him a #+id hand at s2"eivan the 2ots (Inte" alia, '(ros, 1.,
g) family members:
In 2omes the lassie. Bywis 2omes "oon /i" a 0lethi" wi the maw in
that whin the a+ld yins oot it his wo"&. (3ames Celman, ,he hon in
Short Tales ,rom the -ight Shi,t, 19-9)
h) parts of the body:
0+t yo+ 2an tell 0y the so+nd o/ it that the 0lo&es lost the head
($all+s, did yo+ say), op. cit., p.6)
ays wGn o the yo+n# 2haps wi the sha"p eyes, he says, ... (1a##ie
1ille"s tows, op. cit., p.9?)
i) miscellaneous
,hin#s hae no imp"oved tae ony e!tent wo"th the mentionin#. (A
m+2&le stee", '(ros 1., 1969:9)
$"annie and he" +nma""iet do2hte" 0aid +p the stai". (1e and ma
#"annies, I, op. cit., p.16)
and #ets st+2& "i#ht in wi thi 0aith a is ha+ns ($all+s, did yo+
say), op. cit., p.1')
and the sett8ma&&e"s that ain2e paved the maist o the st"eets in the
to+n (Alastai" 1a2&ie, 1y #"and/athe"s nieve, Lallans (, 19-(:9)
6ell, she says, ... the"es 4+st the wGn way (1a##ie 1ille"s
tows, op. cit., p.96)
j) with the names of various periods of time, including those with to- in Standard English,
thus the day, the nicht (also the night), the morn, the streen yestreen, the noo (also the
now), the year.
20.3 Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns are used before certain nouns in Scots where other varieties have no
determiner, including names of meals and the noun bed:
1y #"and/aithe" had taen his 0"ea&/ast (@o0e"t 127ellan, ,he "o0in,
Lallans ?, 19-(:1.)
Im away tae ma 0ed.
20.4 Demonstrative
By analogy with the day etc., together is also remodelled as thegither in Scots.
But the in this Shetland example:
the hoosekeeper fand this tablemaid dead it the baed (The trow
of Windhouse, op. cit., p.252).
That has the reduced form at. There are distinctive forms of the plural demonstratives:
thir these and thae those. Them those occurs occasionally, as in other non-standard
an 3a2& /ollaet them ... doon the steps. (tone steps in them days
in the old 2astles). (,he th"ee /eathe"s, op. cit., p.2'.)
In Northern Scots, and formerly more widely (DOST f/c), this and that are used for both
singular and plural:
,hey wo+ld say this wi"ds when they we"e haalin +p the line. (1a##ie
1ille"s tows, op. cit., p.9?)
Iv 2oo"se <e /ow& 2hist shoo& th+" heids, = ,heyd hea"d <at tales
a/o"eE (<:astle#"een, ,he #host o/ the hill o ;o"ss in Tatties
an* Herreen*, 1961)
Scots has an additional distinction in the demonstrative system: yon (singular and plural)
expresses a further degree of physical or conceptual distance than that and thae:
6e #ot yon way wed sta"ted 4+st #oin# "o+nd to the wee s2hool
($all+s, did yo+ say), op. cit., p.2)
Yon also has the form thon by analogy with the rest of the paradigm.
Scottish speakers tend to avoid demonstratives in nominal function antecedent to a
relative clause:
Ah thin& who dont "ealise it, an sho+ld, is aw the s+pposed
a+tho"ities an aw that. (yo+n# man, "e2o"ded in $las#ow, 19-9)
However, demonstratives can be found in this position in literary Scots:
0+t thae that /ind it ha"d to app"e2iate thei" e!2ellen2e may 0e le/t
nane the wise" (@o0e"t $a"io2h, ,he A&"os @eview o/ Foet"y, Lallans
(, 19-(:2')
That which is not available in colloquial Scottish speech, and is replaced by what:
Im 0+t a 0ede"al, si", 0+t wee& o+t an wee& in, its li&e" twenty
shillins, what I 2an ma& atween that an my t"ed. (5D s.v. what)
Rather than use thae and thir in nominal function, Scottish speakers prefer
DEMONSTRATIVE anes (or ones):
Ahll ta& thae yins.
or, when the demonstrative would be the object of the sentence, the personal pronoun
thaim (also them):
Ahll ta& thaim.
As in colloquial English generally, these (Scots thir) is used in narratives with reference
to past time:
5ow the pove"ty wasnt so o0vio+s in these days. Its only when yo+
loo& 0a2& in "et"ospe2t ("eti"ed man, "e2o"ded in $las#ow, 19-9)
Conversely, thae (also those) is occasionally found with reference to time continuing up
to the present of the speaker:
,he"e is a m+2&le stee" on thae days (A m+2&le stee", op., cit.,
This is usual in Scots in adverbials expressing time since, e.g. this wee while, this day or
That and thae occur with cataphoric reference:
I will say that /o" the Bn#lish, that they a"e a 2eeveleesed people.
(5D s.v. that)
%+t when aas d+in, we 2ome +pon thae wo"ds, p"entit wi le#itimate
p"ide, P+od . $. ., 1a&a". (@o0e"t $a"io2h, Lnde" the Bildon
,"ee, '(ros 1., 1969:?-)
This and that are used elliptically for this/that time/place/person:
Ill hae plenty adae atween this and 6hits+nday. (5D s.v. this)
%it /"i2ht o" no, a wee& /ae <at, a ni2ht o win an "ain, = <B"es
:heo"die 2oman /ae <e seile JsaleK an 0laAan d"o+n& a#ianE (,he
#host o/ the *ill o ;o"ss, op. cit.)
$o on, she says, wi yi" th"ee do#s o+t o this, dont ente" my
doo". (,he th"ee do#s, op. cit., p.196)
3immy happent to 0e ma&&in his wey atween Ldny and that ithe" pla2e
... Cno2&ha: he +sed tae visit atween that and the 7ai"d o Ldnys a
lot (3ohn Ceith, ,he 7ai"d o Ldnys ;ool, "e2o"ded 0y *amish
*ende"son, 19(2, Tocher vol.', 19-(8-6:2??)
an he was 2at2hin +p on them almost, spoolin an wydin th"o+#h this
wate" ... an this wis app"oa2hin the 0oat. (,he p"in2ess and the
p+ps, op. cit., p.261)
Hh, 0+t shes the 2leve" one, thatE (5D s.v. that)
21. Numerals
21.1 Cardinals
The numeral ane (yin, een, etc.) one has contrasting nominal and determiner forms in
tradititional Scots, with ane etc. for the nominal, and ae (yae) for the determiner. The
same distinction is found in the co-ordinate construction the tae / the tane ... the tither:
,he tae hal/ o the #illies winna &en. ($"ant and Di!on, 1921:1.()
/o" twa "easons, the tane o whil& 2on2e"ns +s the no+ ... the tithe"
we sall leave /o" a late" pa"a#"aph (*en"y the 1inst"els
<6alla2e, op. cit., p.9)
However, ane etc. is now usually generalised to both functions in speech:
,he doo" 0lew doon yin ni2ht in the w+n. (5D s.v. "in)
21.2 Ordinals
The Scots form of the ordinal suffix is t, thus fourt, fift, saxt, etc.
22. Other modifiers
22.1 Formation of adjectives
There are some differences between Scots and Standard English in the distribution of the
suffix en, e.g. beechen but wood and wheat (alongside wheaten).
The names of places can be used as adjectives:
the #lottal stop, on2e tho+#ht o/ as 0ein# pe2+lia"ly $las#ow
(st+dent e!am pape", $las#ow, 19-9)
22.2 Open class quantifiers
There are a number of open class quantifiers in Scots that act as pre-modifiers of nouns
(but not of pronouns) rather than as heads followed by an of phrase containing the noun,
including plenty, bit, pickle, drap (also drop) and wheen:
$"annie had a wheen ithe" ploys (1e and ma #"annies, I, op. cit.,
Conversely, eneugh (also enough) takes an of phrase:
5ow they had eno+#h o 0aet an that (1a##ie 1ille"s tows, op. cit.,
23. Pro-forms
23.1 That
That generally replaces so (Scots sae) in Scottish speech:
a) as direct object:
A tellt ye that. (6ilson, 191(:9?)
It can also be used:
hes /i/ty 2ome ;e0"+a"y I yo+d neve" thin& it.
b) as predicate of a modal verb:
dae yo+ thin&, he says, that yo+ 2o+ld #et the p"in2ess) Hh /ine
that, he says (,he p"in2ess and the p+ps, op. cit., p.26.)
That can be fronted without inducing SUBJECT OPERATOR inversion:
F"omise me ... that yell "ead o+t o that 0oo& eve"y ni#ht at
wo"ship ... ,hat I will, si", "esponded Annie ea"nestly. ($"ant
and Di!on, 1921: 1'9)
c) as a subject complement:
$ood mo"nin#, si", he says. Its a /ine mo"nin. It is that, he
says. (,he th"ee do#s, op. cit., p.19?)
d) that is also used instead of so as an intensifier:
ma manA thaht di////"int ... = hiAthaht indipehhhhndint (,om 7eona"d,
,ea time in Bunnit Husslin, 19-9)
23.2 So
So is used as a pro-form by Scottish speakers in the following constructions:
a) emphatic sentence fragments:
*e isnae 2omin#. *e is so. (%"own and 1illa", 199.:11()
b) in apposition to the predicate in emphatic replies:
*e is so 2omin#. (ibid)
This is an innovatory usage, and is not recorded with Scots sae. There is a form sut,
probably confined to childrens speech, which appears to be influenced by nut, an
emphatic form of not (see above):
Ahm no a 0ampot. >e a"e s+t. Ah m+" n+t.
Adams, G. B. (1948) An introduction to the study of Ulster dialects, Proceedings of the
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