Pertemuan 1

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Struktur Beton



 Concrete and reinforced concrete are used as building
construction materials in everycountry. In many, including
the United States and Canada, reinforced concrete is a
dominant structural material in engineered construction.
 The universal nature of reinforced concrete construction
stems from the wide availability of reinforcing bars and of
the constituents of concrete (gravel or crushed rock, sand,
water, and cement), from the relatively simple skills
required in concrete construction, and from the economy
of reinforced concrete compared with other forms of
construction. Plain concrete and reinforced concrete are
used in buildings of all sorts (Fig. 1-1), underground
structures, water tanks, wind turbine foundations (Fig. 1-2)
and towers, offshore oil exploration and production
structures, dams, bridges (Fig. 1-3), and even ships.




 The construction of a reinforced concrete member

involves building a form or mould in the shape of the
member being built. The form must be strong enough to
support the weight and hydrostatic pressure of the wet
concrete, plus any forces applied to it by workers,
concrete casting equipment, wind, and so on. The
reinforcement is placed in the form and held in place
during the concreting operation. After the concrete has
reached sufficient strength, the forms can be removed.


 Reinforced concrete structures consist of a series of “members” that interact to
support theloads placed on the structure. The second floor of the building in Fig.
1-6 is built of concrete joist–slab construction. Here, a series of parallel ribs or
joists support the load from the top slab. The reactions supporting the joists
apply loads to the beams, which in turn are supported by columns. In such a
floor, the top slab has two functions: (1) it transfers load laterally to the joists,
and (2) it serves as the top flange of the joists, which act as T-shaped beams
that transmit the load to the beams running at right angles to the joists. The
first floor of the building in Fig. 1-6 has a slab-and-beam design in which the slab
spans between beams, which in turn apply loads to the columns. The column
loads are applied to spread footings, which distribute the load over an area of
soil sufficient to prevent overloading of the soil. Some soil conditions require the
use of pile foundations or other deep foundations.
 At the perimeter of the building, the floor loads are supported either directly on
the walls, as shown in Fig. 1-6, or on exterior columns, as shown in Fig. 1-7. The
walls or columns, in turn, are supported by a basement wall and wall footings.
 The first and second floor slabs in Fig. 1-6 are assumed to carry the loads in a
north–south direction (see direction arrow) to the joists or beams, which carry
the loads in an east–west direction to other beams, girders, columns, or walls.
This is referred to as one-way slab action and is analogous to a wooden floor in a
house, in which the floor decking transmits loads to perpendicular floor joists,
which carry the loads to supporting beams, and so on.


 The ability to form and construct concrete slabs makes possible the
slab or plate type of structure shown in Fig. 1-7. Here, the loads
applied to the roof and the floor are transmitted in two directions
to the columns by plate action. Such slabs are referred to as two-
way slabs.
 The first floor in Fig. 1-7 is a flat slab with thickened areas called
drop panels at the columns. In addition, the tops of the columns
are enlarged in the form of capitals or brackets. The thickening
provides extra depth for moment and shear resistance adjacent to
the columns. It also tends to reduce the slab deflections.
 The roof of the building shown in Fig. 1-7 is of uniform thickness
throughout without drop panels or column capitals. Such a floor is
a special type of flat slab referred to as a flat plate. Flat-plate
floors are widely used in apartments because the underside of the
slab is flat and hence can be used as the ceiling of the room below.
Of equal importance, the forming for a flat plate is generally
cheaper than that for flat slabs with drop panels or for one-way
slab-and-beam floors.o-way slabs.


 Beban Mati
 Beban Hidup
 Beban Angin
 Beban Gempa
 Beban Pengaruh Suhu



Pembebanan Pada Struktur

 Pembebanan diklasifikasikan sebagai berikut :

 Dead load (D) -The weight of the structure and all
other permanently installed features in the
building, including built-in partitions.
 Live load (L)-The gravity load due to the intended
usage and occupancy; includes the weight of
people, furniture, and movable equipment and
partitions. In LRFD, the notation L refers to floor
live loads and L,, to roof live loads.
 Rain load (R)-Load due to the initial rainwater or
ice, excluding the contribution of ponding.
 Snow load (S).
 Wind load (W).
 Earthquake load (E).

Dalam SNI 03-1729-2015

 D adalah beban mati yang diakibatkan oleh berat

konstruksi permanen, termasuk dinding, lantai, atap,
plafon, partisi tetap, tangga, dan peralatan layan
 L adalah beban hidup yang ditimbulkan oleh
penggunaan gedung, termasuk kejut, tetapi tidak
termasuk beban lingkungan seperti angin, hujan, dan
 La adalah beban hidup di atap yang ditimbulkan
selama perawatan oleh pekerja, peralatan, dan
material, atau selama penggunaan biasa oleh orang
dan benda bergerak
 H adalah beban hujan, tidak termasuk yang
diakibatkangenangan air
 W adalah beban angin
 E adalah beban gempa, yang ditentukan menurut SNI
1726–2012, atau penggantinya


Kombinasi pembebanan
 The required strength is defined in the ACI
Specification as the maximum (absolute value) force
obtained from the following load combinations.
1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5 (L, or S or R)
1.2D + 1.6 (L, or ,S or R) + (0.5L or 0.8142)
1.2D + 1.3W + 0.5L + 0.5 (L, or S or R)
1.2D + 1.5E + (0.5r or 0.2S)
0.9D * (I.3W or 1.5E)

Dalam SNI 03-1729-2015

 Berdasarkan beban-beban tersebut di atas maka
struktur baja harus mampu memikul semua
kombinasi pembebanan di bawah ini:
1,4D (6.2-1)
1,2D + 1,6 L + 0,5 (La atau H) (6.2-2)
1,2D + 1,6 (La atau H) + (γ L L atau 0,8W) (6.2-3)
1,2D + 1,3 W + γ L L + 0,5 (La atau H) (6.2-4)
1,2D ± 1,0E + γ L L (6.2-5)
0,9D ± (1,3W atau 1,0E) (6.2-6)



Concrete is a composite material composed of aggregate,

generally sand and gravel, chemically bound together by
hydrated portland cement. The aggregate generally is
graded in size from sand to gravel, with the maximum
gravel size in structural concrete commonly being although
or aggregate may be used.


Mechanism of Failure in Concrete

Loaded in Compression
 Concrete is a mixture of cement paste and aggregate, each of which has
an essentially linear and brittle stress–strain relationship in
compression. Brittle materials tend to develop tensile fractures
perpendicular to the direction of the largest tensile strain. Thus, when
concrete is subjected to uniaxial compressive loading, cracks tend to
develop parallel to the maximum compressive stress. In a cylinder test,
the friction between the heads of the testing machine and the ends of
the cylinder prevents lateral expansion of the ends of the cylinder and
in doing so restrains the vertical cracking in those regions. This
strengthens conical regions at each end of the cylinder. The vertical
cracks that occur at midheight of the cylinder do not enter these conical
regions and the failure surface appears to consist of two cones.
 Although concrete is made up of essentially elastic, brittle materials, its
stress–strain curve is nonlinear and appears to be somewhat ductile.
This can be explained by the gradual development of microcracking
within the concrete and the resulting redistribution of stress from
element to element in the concrete [3-1]. Microcracks are internal
cracks to in length. Microcracks that occur along the interface between
paste and aggregate are called bond cracks; those that cross the mortar
between pieces of aggregate are known as mortar cracks.

Mechanism of Failure in Concrete

Loaded in Compression
 There are four major stages in the development of microcracking and failure in concrete subjected to
uniaxial compressive loading:

 1. Shrinkage of the paste occurs during hydration, and this volume change of the concrete is restrained
by the aggregate. The resulting tensile stresses lead to no-load bond cracks, before the concrete is
loaded. These cracks have little effect on the concrete at low loads, and the stress–strain curve remains
linear up to 30 percent of the compressive strength of the concrete, as shown by the solid line in Fig. 3-
 2. When concrete is subjected to stresses greater than 30 to 40 percent of its compressive strength, the
stresses on the inclined surfaces of the aggregate particles will exceed the tensile and shear strengths
of the paste–aggregate interfaces, and new cracks, known as bond cracks, will develop. These cracks
are stable; they propagate only if the load is increased. Once such a crack has formed, however, any
additional load that would have been transferred across the cracked interface is redistributed to the
remaining unbroken interfaces and to the mortar. This redistribution of load causes a gradual bending
of the stress–strain curve for stresses above 40 percent of the short-time strength. The loss of bond
leads to a wedging action, causing transverse tensions above and below the aggregates.
 3. As the load is increased beyond 50 or 60 percent of ultimate, localized mortar cracks develop
between bond cracks. These cracks develop parallel to the compressive loading and are due to the
transverse tensile strains. During this stage, there is stable crack propagation; cracking increases with
increasing load but does not increase under constant load. The onset of this stage of loading is called
the discontinuity limit [3-2].
 4. At 75 to 80 percent of the ultimate load, the number of mortar cracks begins to increase, and a
continuous pattern of microcracks begins to form. As a result, there are fewer undamaged portions to
carry the load, and the stress versus longitudinal-strain curve becomes even more markedly nonlinear.
The onset of this stage of cracking is called the critical stress [3-3].


Mechanism of Failure in Concrete

Loaded in Compression

Lentur : Perilaku dan Kuat

Nominal Penampang Balok


Analysis versus Design

 1. Analysis. Given a cross section, concrete strength,

reinforcement size and location, and yield strength,
compute the resistance or strength. In analysis there
should be one unique answer.
 2. Design. Given a factored design moment, normally
designated as select a suitable cross section, including
dimensions, concrete strength, reinforcement, and so
on. In design there are many possible solutions.

Required Strength and Design Strength

(Kuat Perlu dan Kuat Rancang)

 The basic safety equation is:

Reduced nominal strength ≥ factored load effects

 or for flexure

 Mu is the moment due to the factored loads, which

commonly is referred to as the factored design moment.
 The term Mn refers to the nominal moment strength of a
cross section, computed from the nominal dimensions and
specified material strengths.
 The factor f is a strength reduction factor (ACI Code
Section 21.1) to account for possible variations in
dimensions and material strengths and possible
inaccuracies in the strength equations


Positive and Negative Moments


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