Project Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager
Organizational Experience
1. Does this person know how work gets done in this organization?
2. Is this person experienced in working in similar organizations and is that
experience transferable to this project?
3. Does this person know the politics of our organization and have the savvy to
navigate these situations?
Skills and Knowledge
1. Does this person have adequate knowledge about the subject of this project?
2. If some of these skills are weak is there support available in the organization
to offset the problem?
3. Does this person have adequate technical skills for this project?
4. Does this person have the skills understand the root causes of potential
problems and keep them from reoccurring?
Four major categories of skills that are required for the project manager and
serve as the key criteria for selection:
• Credibility
• Sensitivity
• Leadership and management style
• Ability to handle stress
The functional manager uses the analytic approach and the PM uses the
systems approach.
Functional managers manage people while project managers manage processes
without having any formal authority over people.
Functional managers usually manage budgets and resources while project
managers don’t manage their own resources but instead they work with the
resources managed by the functional managers.
Functional managers are part of the management team of the organization
while most project managers despite their job title are ordinary employees and
not real managers.
Conservation of resources.
Timely and accurate project communications.
Careful, competent management of the project.
Protect the firm from high risk.
Accurate reporting of project status with regard to budget and schedule.
Most Project Managers get their training in one or more of three ways:
Project management seminars and workshops
Active participation in the programs of the local chapters of the Project
Management Institute
Formal education in degreed programs
A major problem for the project manager is that most people required for a
project must be “borrowed”
At times, functional managers may become jealous if they perceive a
project as more glamorous than their own functional area.
Typically, the functional manager retains control of personnel evaluation,
salary, and promotion for those people lent out to projects.
Because the functional manager controls pay and promotion, the project
manager cannot promise much beyond the challenge of the work itself.
• Characteristics of effective team members:
• High quality technical skills
• Political sensitivity
• Strong problem orientation
• Strong goal orientation
• High self-esteem
One characteristic of any project is its uniqueness and with that come a series
of crises:
As a project nears completion, obstacles tend to be clustered around two
1. Last minute schedule and technical changes.
2. Uncertainty surrounding what happens to members of the project team
when the project is completed.
The project manager must make trade offs between the project goals of cost,
time and performance:
During the design or formation stage of the project life cycle, there is no
significant difference in the importance project managers place on the three
Schedule is the primary goal during the build up stage, being more
important than performance, which is in turn significantly more important
than cost.
During the final stage, phaseout, performance is significantly more
important than cost.
Breadth of Communication
To effectively deal with the demands, a project manager must understand and
deal with certain fundamental issues:
• Must understand why the project exists.
• Critical to have the support of top management.
• Build and maintain a solid information network.
• Must be flexible in many ways, with as many people, and about as many
activities as possible throughout the life of the project.