Review of Related Literature Remote Working and Job Satisfaction
Review of Related Literature Remote Working and Job Satisfaction
Review of Related Literature Remote Working and Job Satisfaction
Satisfied employees are considered the main components of organizations that aim for
excellence. It is understood that when an organization has more satisfied employees, the
organization becomes more successful (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017). According to Villarubia
(2020), organizations say that their employees are the most significant assets, and studies have
shown this to be valid. This is why businesses are often finding ways to inspire their workers and
retain high job satisfaction. One way to increase job satisfaction of the employees is to establish
a leading consideration of the flexibility of an employer’s work arrangement policies. Satisfied
employees are closely related with organizational success and performance, leading job
satisfaction to become a key employee attitude (Westover & Taylor 2010).
Remote working serves as a way to recruit new employees to work and use a different
approach such as digital technology. With the use of this new approach in working, employees
can be seen as flexible (Mohite & Kulkarni, 2019). In today’s generation, many enterprises and
organizations provide flexibility. Mohite and Kulkarni (2019) also stated that employers, staff,
and end users demand flexibility in the workplace. Based on the survey conducted by Robert
Walters Group (n.d.), 8 in 9 professionals in the Philippines are satisfied with their current
remote working arrangements, with 9 out of 10 showing a similar or increased level of
productivity while at home. As a result, more than 9 in 10 professionals want more work-from-
home arrangements in the future. According to this group, this can become an increasingly
important factor in determining employees' job satisfaction. Also, based on a survey conducted
by Flex Jobs, 66% of professionals agreed their productivity improves when they are not in
office or working remotely. This survey confirms that employees feel that they are more
productive and can feel satisfaction in their jobs in a remote work environment.
Sometimes, flexible working arrangements helps to increase job satisfaction and maintain
work-life balance but often contributes to work augmentation and work-life conflicts.
(Shagvaliyeva & Yazdanifard, 2014) cited that employees are likely to retain with organizations
that adopt flexible working arrangements because these practices define how much an
organization cares about their well-being. Although job satisfaction in organizational behavior
literature has probably been the most common research topic, it is still not clear precisely what
drives employee satisfaction (Westover and Taylor, 2010).
Based on the results of Nicdao’s (2016) research study, salary & promotion, and job
security were the most motivating factors for the job satisfaction of the employees. He also
added in his research that employees were satisfied due to the annual salary increase and
working in a school setting, which gave them a sense of security for their future and their family.
However, rewards, promotions and recognition, and participation in decision-making had an
insignificant relationship to job satisfaction of the employees.
Similar to the above findings, the study of Garma (2019) showed that the respondents
were highly motivated extrinsically (satisfaction with salary and benefits, good relationships with
co-workers, effective supervisor, effective senior managers and presence of core values) and
intrinsically (work itself, recognition, good feelings about the organization, sense of
responsibility, opportunity for advancement, professional growth opportunities and clarity of
mission). Moreover, the researcher also stated that faculty members performed very satisfactorily
when they were highly satisfied with their remunerations and benefits. The Nueva Vizcaya State
University faculty members are highly motivated by the sense of responsibilities and opportunity
for advancement.
Schall (2019) examined the relationship between remote work and job satisfaction among
185 employees. According to the researcher, the correlation between remote working and job
satisfaction is based on the belief that remote work makes the employees more flexible and it
allows them to have greater control in doing their job which then helps the employees to fulfill
their job requirements as well as their own personal demands. The results of Schall's (2019)
study revealed that there is a linear, positive relationship between remote work and job
satisfaction, indicating that employees who work more often remotely are more satisfied with
their jobs. This is due to the idea that working remotely provides greater flexibility, such as
managing one’s own hours and the freedom to take care of personal/family responsibilities,
which may transcend to greater job satisfaction.
(Giovanis, 2018) stated that flexible work structures provide workers with autonomy over
their employment and flexibility, work-life balance, and job satisfaction, resulting in improved
productivity. Working from home has different effects on work-family conflict, the more remote
worker works, the lower work-to-life conflict, but the higher life-to-work (Shockley & D. Allen,
2010). Overall, the relationship between remote work and job satisfaction derives from the
assumption that remote work allows workers more flexibility and more autonomy in how their
work is achieved, which allows the employee to meet the demands of their job and their own
personal (life and family) demands (Schall, 2019).
According to Thesaurus (n.d.), autonomy is an independence or freedom, as of will or one's
action. It is a vital feeling free and in control of everything. Perceived autonomy refers to the
degree to which an individual perceives his or her actions as a result of his or her own free will,
without external interference in a certain situation. Perception of autonomy is one of things that
should be analyzed with regards to the relationship between remote work and job satisfaction
(Schall, 2019).
In remote working, employees experience high autonomy and it may have a positive effect
on their job satisfaction
In effect, employees such as accountants may feel motivated if their actions or decisions
are made based on their own ideas. According to SmartBrief (2020), organization's management
might be able to boost productivity in remote working by giving employees more autonomy and
by focusing on output, rather than requiring employees to finish a work in a certain way.
Having autonomy in remote working will increase self-reliance in scheduling particular
tasks and to increase control over the means of completing them (Schall, 2019).
Employees who engaged in remote work had a perception of having more perceived
autonomy, which led them to become more satisfied with their jobs. (Schall, 2019). The outcome
of Schall's study therefore, showed that employees who worked remotely, had higher perceptions
of autonomy, which in turn experienced greater job satisfaction.
According to Allen, et. Al (2015), employees with higher autonomy show greater work
satisfaction compared to those with less autonomy. Also, although work-from-home
arrangements may be beneficial, the degree of benefit may be affected by the amount of
autonomy in the remote employees’ job as well as the outcome variable of interest.
The researchers also stated that autonomy was also explored as a mediator of the
relationship between remote work and work-related outcomes, based on the notion that remote
work strengthens autonomy perceptions and that stronger perceptions of autonomy in turn drive
positive results (like job satisfaction).
Allen, Golden, and Shockley (2015) found in a recent meta-analysis that remote work
was positively associated with job satisfaction, however, the correlation was small (r = .09).
Autonomy is one of the many factors that influence job satisfaction. According to
Gözükara & Çolakoğlu (2016), autonomy is considered crucial for organizational success
because greater autonomy is believed to result in greater job satisfaction due to the liberty of
employees to decide their own pace and schedule at work.
Employees feel greater satisfaction when they have freedom and independence to make
work-related decisions.
Autonomy is believed to play a crucial role in the well-being of employees as they can
cope with work-related stress better when they have greater work autonomy. Since autonomy
allows employees to believe that they have the skills and abilities needed to accomplish their
tasks, it leads to increased job performance and performance is known to have a major impact on
numerous factors including job satisfaction (Saragih, 2011).
Complex jobs have a disorganized framework that allows staff to make decisions and
choices, to be imaginative and to take discretionary steps (Chung-Yan, 2010). Therefore in the
event of challenges people who have discretion and autonomy are likely to exercise more
productive solutions as they have the right to determine how to manage the situation. Employees
also typically need autonomy at work for efficient performance (Naqvi et al., 2013).
Autonomy drives employees to feel a sense of job-related pride (Mehmood et al., 2012).
There is a limited research on the direct relationship between job autonomy and job satisfaction.
Thus, it seems reasonable to expect that employees who have more job autonomy would
be more satisfied with their job due to freedom to make decisions on their own.
Gözükara and Çolakoğlu’s (2016) study results showed that autonomy at the workplace
enhances the satisfaction levels of employees.
As a tool or HR technique to attract, maintain and inspire key talented individuals, flexible
structures are used. Because of the needs of the workforce and the changing world, employers
allow more dual earners, single parent families or women/men with elderly care obligations to
provide these flexibilities (Choo, Desa, & Abu Hassan Asaari, 2016).
(Gerdenitsch, Kubicek, & Korunka, 2015) explained that employees are given more
autonomy over their jobs (when and where to work) as fixed working is now replaced by
schedule working practices, employees have more options as from where to do their task or
within an organization .
Adapting alternative work such as remote working is important in our country because of
the Covid-19 virus outbreak, both of which prompted employers to think about the safety and
health of their employees. With remote working, company activities can continue as workers can
deliver the job from alternative locations. Employees can control their workplace and can have
perceived autonomy in their respective works. As a result, workers can increase their job
satisfaction and can improve their efficiency (Villarubia, 2020).
Employees in the Philippines who are searching for work-life balance opportunities now
have another factor when considering a job offer (Villarubia, 2020). Employers should carefully
look at their choices at the end of the day to ensure optimum competitiveness, work performance
and consistency of service delivery, while considering changing employee expectations and
metrics of job satisfaction.
Mehmood, N., Irum, S., Ahmed, K., & Sultana, A. (2012). A study of factors affecting job
satisfaction (Evidence from Pakistan). Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in
Business, 4(6), 673-684.
Allen, T. D., Golden, T. D., & Shockley, K. M. (2015). How effective is telecommuting?
Assessing the status of our scientific findings. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 16,
40–68. doi:10.1177/1529100615593273
Saragih, S. (2011). The Effects of Job Autonomy on Work Outcomes: Self Efficacy as an
Intervening Variable. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 4(3), 203-215.
Chung-Yan, G. A. (2010). The nonlinear effects of job complexity and autonomy on job
satisfaction, turnover, and psychological well-being. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
15(3), 237-251.
Naqvi, S. R., Ishtiaq, M., Kanwal, N., & Ali, M. (2013). Impact of Job Autonomy on
Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Organizational
Culture in Fast Food Sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Management,
8(17), 92– 101.
The work-family conflict refers to the degree to which either family or work demands
invade the other since they occupy the same location at the same time. Work-family conflict
arises when there is an unhealthy balance between an individual’s personal life and job which
enables an individual to put job responsibilities above and beyond family requirements and
needs, or alternatively to put family demands first before their work demands. Work-family
conflict may also exist when problems at work are brought into family life or family problems
are brought to work which may begin to impact the employee’s excellence in work.
The work-family conflict in remote working affects the worker’s job satisfaction since it
involves his own personal life and the job he currently has. Fonner and Roloff (2010) studied the
connection between remote work and job satisfaction in relation to the conflict between an
individual’s work and life. The researchers figured out that remote workers were more satisfied
with their jobs than office-based workers and the researchers concluded that the connection
between remote work and job satisfaction was influenced by work-life conflict.
The result of the study of Schall (2019) indicated that employees who engaged in remote
work had fewer work interruptions with spouse/family time, which led the employees to become
more satisfied with their job.
Work can interfere with family and family can interfere with work. Although
telecommuting and other types of flexible work have long been promoted as a means for
enabling people to balance their work and non-work lives effectively, there is little empirical
evidence to indicate that telecommuting is a generally successful way to reduce tensions between
work and family (Allen et. Al, 2015).
However, employees become dissatisfied with their job when they cannot balance their
work and family lives due to competing demands.
The increased desire to balance family and work life is one of the many factors that
contribute to the growing popularity of work-from-home arrangements.
According to Chelariu & Stump (2011), The self-efficacious person interprets work-
family conflict as a failure to implement a distinction between work and family. This type of
person also believes that they lack effort in performing tasks which makes the job demands not
met. With this, the self-efficacious person may experience increased stress at work because they
think that they are not doing well.
Research about the factors affecting the work-family conflicts among married women
suggests that married women appear to be less happy with their job in an organization that
experiences higher levels of work family conflicts, which makes them less dedicated to work and
end up with the thought of leaving the organization (Wijesingha, 2019).
Workers prefer working hours that allow them to achieve some degree of work-life
balance. Many employees want the flexibility of work that offers them the means to fulfill the
demands of their work and their personal commitments such as attending to families, seeking
further education, and any important matter. In the Philippines, some multinational companies
have already introduced flexibility in the workplace, such as allowing their employees to
“telecommute” or working remotely as a work alternative (Villarubia, 2020). An employer in the
private sector may voluntarily offer its employees a telecommuting program, including
compensable working hours, a minimum number of working hours, overtime, rest days and the
right to leave benefits (Villarubia, 2020). With regards to her study, remote working increases
employee’s flexibility to work at hours that suit their needs, tasks, and interests. Research has
shown that workers are able to improve their efficiency and fulfill their deliverables more
efficiently when workers have job flexibility.
Employers are motivated by work conditions and incentives to adopt strategies to boost
worker satisfaction and work-life balance, which would not only have a positive effect on their
businesses, but increase efficiency (Andrade, H. Westover, & A. Kupka, 2019). It is also stated
in their study that having a strong linear relationship of flexibility in schedule with the job
satisfaction of employees as if working from home increases the job satisfaction of employees.
Work flexibilities not only provide workers with job autonomy to handle their schedules, but
also offer organizational pride that makes them dedicated and more active. Thus, productivity
improves, and by maintaining a balance between work and family life, they feel a greater sense
of satisfaction.
However, due to the growing number of workers, one of the things now considers being
the origin of this is the disruption of family work (Galinsky, 2001). The family-work conflict has
become a relevant issue for contemporary organizations because both labor and family life of an
employee begins to override and, consequently, distract each other for a weighty commitment at
work. The relationship between job satisfaction and work-family conflict is such that an increase
in work-family conflict reduces the level of satisfaction. Job satisfaction is influenced by the
degree of compatibility between the work role and an important part of life. Work and family
roles are two of the most important responsibilities in life; we can imagine that the individual can
also create a negative attitude towards work. And since the organizational structures, policies,
and practices are changing abruptly; employees are important for employers and organizations.
Bitco, A. , Dael, J. , Macarayan, J. & Salvo, C. . (2019). Work-Family Conflict and Job
Satisfaction Among Personnel. SMCC Higher Education Research Journal (Business
Administration Journal), 1(1). Retrieved from
Fonner, K. L., & Roloff, M. E. (2010). Why teleworkers are more satisfied with their jobs than
are office-based workers: When less contact is beneficial. Journal of Applied Communication
Research, 38, 336-361. doi:10.1080/00909882.2010.513998
Gözükara, İ., & Çolakoğlu, N. (2016). The mediating effect of work family conflict on the
relationship between job autonomy and job satisfaction. Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 29, 253-266. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.07.136
Chelariu, C. & Stump, R. (2011). A study of work-family conflict, family-work conflict and the
contingent effect of self-efficacy of retail salespeople in a transitional economy. European
Journal of Marketing - EUR J MARK. 45. 1660-1679. 10.1108/03090561111167333.
Wijesingha, P. R. D. (2019). Factors affecting to the work-family conflicts (WFC) among
married female executive employees. Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary
Management (ICCM).
LOCAAAAL. (di ko alam kung pasok ba sya sa rril :< feeling ko mas okay sa intro pero
intro na lang siguro since pwedeng eye catcher yung sa current pandemic ihh pero kapag
kulang local natin, rrl na lang HAHAHAHA
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a paradigm shift in how work in the Philippines is
done. Before, long hours of stay in the office was the norm, but because of the coronavirus, the
imposition of the Enhance Community Quarantine has compelled employers to acknowledge that
work can be done even outside the office premises, which is through work-from-home
arrangements (Navarro, Pomoy & Consignado, 2020).
With the enhanced community quarantine still in place because of COVID-19, some local
businesses are operating through work-from-home arrangements. According to the survey
conducted by Sprout Solutions (n.d.), nearly 72 percent of businesses in the Philippines have
worked remotely as the country has been put under community quarantines. The BPO industry
(31%), information and communication (9.79%), and healthcare (8.51%) sectors were found to
be the largest industries that allowed employees to work from home during the Enhanced
Community Quarantine implemented last March. Despite the constraints imposed by the
enhanced community quarantine, employees who work from home are reported to be highly
motivated, well-equipped to work at home, and can concentrate and focus more.
Villarubia, R. (February 23, 2020). How workable is working from home? Retrieved from
Choo, J. L., Desa, N., & Abu Hassan Asaari, M. (2016). Retrieved from Studies
in Asian Social Science Vol. 3, No. 1; 2016 Published by Sciedu Press 21 ISSN 233Flexible
Working Arrangement toward Organizational Commitment and Work-Family Conflict.
Studies in Asian Social Science, 21-36.
Gerdenitsch, C., Kubicek, B., & Korunka, C. (2015). Control In Flexible Working
Arrangements: when freedom becomes duty. Journal of Psychology, 61-69. Retrieved from
Giovanis, E. (2018). The relationship between flexible employment arrangements and
workplace performance in Great Britain. International Journal of Manpower, 51-70.
Shockley, K. M., & D. Allen, T. (2010). Investigating the missing link in flexible work
arrangement utilization: An individual difference perspective. Journal of Vocational
Behavior, 131-142. Retrieved from
Andrade, M. S., H. Westover, J., & A. Kupka, B. (2019). The Role of Work-Life Balance and
Worker Scheduling Flexibility in Predicting Global Comparative Job Satisfaction.
International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 80-115. Retrieved from
The impact of one’s attitude towards work and its working environment affects the job
quality and productivity, thus, affecting the organization itself. In an organization, job
satisfaction is an attitude associated with the degree to which people like or dislike their job. A
low-level job satisfaction predicts negative attitudes and behavior in work, such as absenteeism,
external turnover, and reduced productivity. Among others, the characteristics of the work itself
and the employee's job principles determine the causes that can lead to dissatisfaction and
satisfaction (Susanty, Miradipta, & Jie, 2013).
Job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of
one's job and job experiences. The happier the individual, the higher is level of job satisfaction. It
is assumed that positive attitude towards work and greater organizational commitment increases
job satisfaction which in return enhances performance of the individual. Based on this
phenomenon, this study is aimed to explain and empirically test the effect of attitude toward
work, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment to the employee's job performance at
Bitco, A. , Dael, J. , Macarayan, J. & Salvo, C. . (2019). Work-Family Conflict and Job
Satisfaction Among Personnel. SMCC Higher Education Research Journal (Business
Administration Journal), 1(1). Retrieved from
Effective Employee Engagement in the Workplace Schrita Osborne Walden University
Mohamad S. Hammoud Walden University
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GARMA, M. C.. (2019). Predictors of Job Performance of Nueva Vizcaya State University
Faculty Members. The ASTR Research Journal, 3(1). Retrieved from
Bitco, A. , Dael, J. , Macarayan, J. & Salvo, C. . (2019). Work-Family Conflict and Job
Satisfaction Among Personnel. SMCC Higher Education Research Journal (Business
Administration Journal), 1(1). Retrieved from
Westover, J. H., & Taylor, J. (2010). International differences in job satisfaction: The effects of
public service motivation, rewards and work relations. International Journal of Productivity and
Performance Management, 59(8), 811-828
Factors that affect Employees Job Satisfaction and Performance to Increase Customers’
Mohite, Mr & Kulkarni, Dr. (2019). Job satisfaction Factors of Employee in Virtual Workplace:
Review. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development. Special Issue.
38-42. 10.31142/ijtsrd23059.