Performance Appraisal System at BSNL Chennai Telephones
Performance Appraisal System at BSNL Chennai Telephones
Performance Appraisal System at BSNL Chennai Telephones
1. Name :
2. Age Group :
< 25 years 25 – 30 years 31 – 35 years
Above Rs.20000
5 to 10 years
10 to 20 years
Above 20 years
7. Nature of Job:
Engineering Officers
Accounts Officers
Organization Climate:
Strongly Disagree
10. Please put a tick ( √ ) in the column which you feel will lead to stress :
Strongly Strongly
Factors Agree Neither Disagree
Agree Disagree
Job Stress is prevalent due to
inadequate staffing
Lack of communication
Implementation of New
11. The work load on current employees is very minimum compared to standards of work ain
12. The common symptoms seen due to poor career plan are:
Performance Appraisal:
13. In your opinion are the employees aware of the Performance Appraisal technique being
followed at BSNL
Yes No
Yes No
17. Does Performance Appraisal lead to identification of hidden potential of the employees?
Yes No
20. Incentives are paid to all on a uniform basis irrespective of individual performance
23. Routine exercises like performance appraisal, annual confidential reports have to be
replaced like what is being done in private firms
24. The working condition of the BSNL has been affected due to non implementation of
Promotion Policy on merit. There is no system to assess performance in BSNL.
25. The productivity and profitability of the organisation will improve only if potential
appraisal is introduced:
26. According to you what are the common methods to improve performance and hence
workmans participation in the Growth of BSNL ? (rank according to your choice 1 to 6 )
27. The organisation should take more steps to look after the current employees’ needs in all
spheres of their activity to improve the market share of BSNL :
28. Do you feel the employees should be given training on all hi tech areas and HR skills and
increments drawn based on their performance after training. This has to be implemented
after introducing systems to measure accountability and responsibility.