Correlation Between Dry Eye and Screen Time in Children by Natalie Eve Decook
Correlation Between Dry Eye and Screen Time in Children by Natalie Eve Decook
Correlation Between Dry Eye and Screen Time in Children by Natalie Eve Decook
Doctor of Optometry
May, 2019
Faculty Advisor: Paula McDowell, OD, FAAO
Faculty Course Supervisor
Ferris State University
Doctor of Optometry Senior Paper
Library Approval and Release
I, Natalie Eve DeCook, hereby release this Paper as described above to Ferris State
University with the understanding that it will be accessible to the general public. This
release is required under the provisions of the Federal Privacy Act.
Doctoral Candidate
March 7, 2019
Background: Use of computers and other electronic devices has been shown to cause dry
eye in adults1,2. Little research, however, has been done to determine if this is also
occurring in children who use electronic devices. The main goal of this study was to
determine if there is a correlation between screen time and dry eye symptoms in children.
Additionally, our study sought to determine the average amount of screen time of the
pediatric population in the area served by the University Eye Clinic at the Michigan
patients at the University Eye Clinic. The survey asked several questions about their
children’s use of electronic devices and complaints of dry eye symptoms. The dry eye
portion of this study was adapted from the Standardized Patient Evaluation of Eye
Dryness (SPEED) Questionnaire. Student clinicians also indicated on the survey form if
and what signs of dry eye are observable in the patient. Results: Three of the 39 enrolled
subjects reported symptomatic dryness based on our adapted SPEED Questionnaire. The
average amount of screen time per week was 39.03 hours, and 31 subjects reported some
type of device use at school. Conclusions: Children show ocular signs associated with dry
eye but subjective measures are of limited use. The current amount of digital device use
is likely higher than that recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for
I would like to thank my faculty advisor, Dr. Paula McDowell, for her assistance and
guidance in this research project. I also would like to thank the student clinicians for
1 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………...……... 1
2 METHODS………...……………………………………………………….. 3
3 RESULTS………………………………….…………………….…...…….. 5
4 DISCUSSION...…………………………………………………………….. 10
5 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………….….. 13
REFERENCES………………………………………………………….…………….. 14
B. SURVEY FORM…………………………….……………………………... 20
Chart Page
Table Page
Graph Page
associated symptoms3. Treatment methods also vary significantly, from artificial tear
drops and punctal plugs to intranasal stimulators4 and oral doxycycline. The prevalence
of dry eye syndrome in adult populations has been studied frequently and has been
reported as low as 5.7%5 and as high as 54.3%3,6, depending on the patient population
and diagnostic criteria. Several factors have been found to contribute to dry eye syndrome
including outdoor work, air conditioning, systemic health conditions, and tobacco use3.
Computer vision syndrome, a condition caused by prolonged use of computers and other
electronic devices, has also been shown to cause dry eye in adults1. Symptoms of
computer vision syndrome include irritation, dryness, watering, blurred vision and eye
fatigue1,7. One suggested mechanism for dry eye syndrome associated with computer use
is that decreased blink rate while using electronic devices allows the tear film to
evaporate more significantly1,8. Children use electronic devices at higher rates than they
have in the past9, but reported use varies greatly based on the location and age of
children10, 11. Research has been limited to determine if dry eye syndrome is also
occurring in children who use electronic devices. One study done in Korea found that
increased mobile phone use was a significant risk factor to dry eye disease11. A study
done in Hong Kong found that the other common symptoms of computer vision
syndrome, like neck and back pain, have been found in children12. Additionally,
increased cognitive demand has also been associated with decreased blink rate13. Since
schools are using electronic devices more frequently, the combination of electronic
device use and the increased cognitive demand of school may also contribute to dry eye.
The main goal of this study was to determine if there is a correlation between screen time
and dry eye symptoms in children. Additionally, our study sought to determine the
average amount of screen time of the pediatric population in the area served by the
This study was performed among the pediatric patient population of the Michigan
College of Optometry in Big Rapids, Michigan from May 2018 through December 2018.
Our selection criteria included any children younger than 18 years old. Parental consent
and, when appropriate, patient assent was obtained for each patient. Our goal sample size
was 100 patients and we enrolled 39 patients (21 males, 18 females). A questionnaire
was given to the parents regarding their child’s dry eye symptoms and electronic device
use. The dry eye portion was adapted from the Standard Patient Evaluation of Eye
19 or higher7. The electronic device use portion of the survey asked for quantity
electronic device uses at school. Electronic device categories included were television,
computer, cellphone, tablet, video games, and other. The American Academy of
children younger than 18 months, a maximum of one hour per day for children two to
five years of age, and consistent time limits on children 6 years and older that emphasizes
the importance of sleep, physical activity, and other healthy behaviors9,14. Based on this
recommendation, we considered any electronic device use significant for ages 0-18
months, more than 1 hour for children ages 2-5 years, and more than 3 hours per day on
weekends or weekdays for all older children. Student clinicians also evaluated tear break
up time (TBUT) and blink rate in 30 seconds and noted any other signs of dryness noted
during the patient’s exam. TBUT is a generally accepted sign of dry eye syndrome and
Solution, USP 0.25%/0.4% eye drops. TBUT was considered significantly low if it was
five seconds or less. Blink rate was measured over 30 seconds instead of the standard
one minute, due to the increased difficulty with working with some patients in this
population. Blink rate was considered significantly low if it was three or less times in 30
seconds. Other signs of dryness or other ocular surface diseases were noted by student
clinicians and the overseeing doctor, and was determined to be significant on a case-by-
A total of 39 patients were enrolled in this study, 21 males and 18 females. The
average age of the subjects was 10.81 ± 4.24 years (10.88 for males, 10.72 for females)
with an age range of 3 to 17 years (3 to 17 for males, 4 to 17 for females). While the
majority of surveys were filled out completely and correctly, some were not filled out or
were filled out incorrectly in sections. Those answers were only included in the results
where the intention of the parents or student clinicians were clear and were not included
The average SPEED Questionnaire score was 4.58 ± 5.93. Three patients had
scores of 20 and 24, one male with a score of 20). The average age of patients with
and at school, as shown in Chart 1 on page 6. The average amount of electronic device
use on weekdays was 5.06 ± 0.57 hours. The device with highest reported average
amount of use on a weekday was the cellphone at 1.77 hours of use per weekday. The
average amount of electronic device use on weekend days was 6.88 ± 0.85 hours. The
device with highest reported average amount of use on a weekend day was the television
Chart 1: Average Electronic device usage in Hours per day
Number of Hours per Day
TV Computer Cellphone Tablet Video games
Device Type
Weekday Weekend Day
at 2.59 hours of use per weekend day. The average week total was calculated based on
the average use on a weekday and a weekend day. The average total of hours of use per
week was 39.03. The most commonly used device on a weekday was the television with
32 subjects reporting weekday use. The most commonly used device on a weekend was
the television with 30 subjects reporting use. Five device categories were reported to be
used in school to some degree: television, computer, cellphone, tablet, and video games.
The most frequently reported item used was the computer, with 26 subjects reporting
The total number of users with significantly high electronic device use was 27 (15
males, 12 females), based on the recommendations of the AAP. While we did not have
any children in 18 months of age or younger, we had six subjects in the 2-5 years of age
category. All of our subjects in that category reported a significantly higher amount of
use than the recommendation, with an average of 3.40 ±2.06 hours on weekdays and 6.40
± 5.24 hours on weekend days. We had a total of 33 subjects in the older child category,
21 of which reported significant electronic device use. These subjects in this category
also tended to report significantly high amounts of device use than recommended on
average, with an average of 5.17 ± 5.18 hours on weekdays and 6.86 ± 6.60 hours on
weekend days. Overall, subjects who had significant high hours of electronic device use
tended to be older, with an average age of 12.19 ± 4.59 years, but less than one standard
normal, borderline, and significant. Five subjects showed a significant TBUT, defined as
five seconds or less. TBUT was unattainable on eight patients due to their age or
cooperation and was not recorded for two patients. Blink rate was also divided into three
subjects had a significantly low blink rate, defined as three times or less in 30 seconds.
Blink rate was not recorded on four patients. The average blink rate was 6.69 ± 4.01
blinks per 30 seconds. Various other signs of dry eye syndrome were recorded as shown
in Table 3 on page 8 and five patients had other significant signs of dry eye syndrome. In
total, between TBUT, blink rate, and other signs, fourteen subjects had objectively
significant signs of dry eye syndrome (6 males, 8 females). Subjects with objectively
significant signs of dry eye syndrome tended to be older, with an average age of 14.27 ±
3.88 years.
Of the subjects who were symptomatic, two subjects also reported high use of
electronic devices and one of those two subjects also had objectively significant signs of
dry eye syndrome. The other symptomatic patient did not have objectively significant
signs of dry eye syndrome and did not report high use of electronic devices. The average
SPEED Questionnaire score of subjects who reported high electronic device use was
4.31. The average SPEED Questionnaire score of subjects with objectively significant
Number of Number of
Classification Classification
Subjects Subjects
Normal – 10 seconds or more 13 Normal – 8 times or more 10
Borderline – less than 10 but
11 Borderline – less than 8 but
more than 5 seconds 19
more than 3 times
Significant – 5 seconds or less 5
Significant – 3 times or less 6
Unable 8
Not recorded 2 Not recorded 4
signs of dry eye syndrome was 4.57. Neither of these are significant according to the
SPEED survey or in comparison to the overall average SPEED Questionnaire score (4.58
± 5.93). Of the subjects who reported high use of electronic devices, 9 subjects also had
objectively significant signs of dry eye syndrome. The average TBUT in subjects who
reported high electronic device use was 6.59 seconds, which is a borderline value. The
average TBUT in subjects who had a significant SPEED Questionnaire score was use
was 9.83 seconds, which is also a borderline value. The average blink rate in subjects
who reported high electronic device use was 9.09 blinks in 30 seconds, which is in the
normal value category. The average blink rate in subjects who had a significant SPEED
Questionnaire score was 6.67 blinks in 30 seconds, which is a value in the borderline
Our primary goal was to determine if there was a correlation between screen time
and dry eye symptoms in children. Very few subjects reported significant symptoms in
the adapted SPEED Questionnaire. However, there were objectively significant signs of
dry eye syndrome in more than a third of patients. When evaluating the overall trends,
there was not a correlation between screen time and symptoms or dry eye in children, as
shown in Graph 1. This may be due to two reasons. First, it is possible that the amount
and severity of dry eye symptoms was underreported because the parents were
completing the survey based on their child’s complaints. The children may not be
Hours per Week
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
reporting all their symptoms to parents either because they are afraid to lose out on
something they enjoy, like electronic device use, or because they do not realize that the
symptoms they are experiencing are abnormal. Unfortunately, due to the population
being studied, it may be particularly difficult to get subjective findings of dry eye
experiences. Second, it is possible that the signs of dryness that we marked as clinically
significant may not be clinically significant due to lack of established normative values of
dry eye syndrome in children. Further study into the tear film quality and stability in
children should be done to determine if this is significantly different than that of adults.
Our secondary goal for this study was to determine the average amount of screen
time of the pediatric population in the area served by the University Eye Center at the
Michigan College of Optometry. The average weekly use, 39.03 hours, was
significantly higher than that recommended by the AAP for young children. While there
are no specific numerical values listed for teens or adolescents, this number is just one
hour shy of what would be a full time job for a working adult. This was comparable to
the urban value found by Moon et al11. This is significant as the area surrounding the
relatively rural area. Rural areas typically have less electronic device usage, suggesting
that these numbers may even be lower than the general population11.
device usage, particularly unsupervised usage9. The first reason given by the AAP to
caution parents is the importance of an active life to prevent obesity and other conditions
that are associated with sedentary activity. The second is to ensure that children have
minimal exposure to alcohol, sex, and tobacco usage on social media, minimizing the
effects of cyberbullying, and maximizing privacy and safety. The AAP recognizes the
recommends that first priorities should be given to ensuring children have adequate sleep
device use other than video-chatting in children younger than 18 months, a maximum of
one hour per day for children two to five years of age, and consistent time limits on
children 6 years and older that emphasizes the importance of sleep, physical activity, and
other healthy behaviors9,14. The majority of our subjects failed to meet these guidelines.
One limitation of our study was the small study size, which limited the
significance of the findings of the study. Finally, while there were several signs of dry
eye syndrome in the pediatric population, correlation does not necessarily equate to cause
in this case. There were several children who may have had ocular allergies, or pre-
existing dry eye separate from their device use. Some or all of this study should be
larger populations.
Dry eye syndrome due to computer use may be occurring in children in the same
children. Subjective measures are of limited use and do not always correlate with
objective signs of dryness. Some children, like those in the area surrounding the
University Eye Center at the Michigan College of Optometry, are using electronic
devices in a week almost as much as adults spend at a full time job. This is more than the
recommended limit of electronic device use put forward by the AAP to prevent overall
poor health and development. More research is needed on this topic to determine how
children are using electronic devices, and how that use is contributing to their ocular
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Study: Correlation Between Screen Time and Dry Eye in Children Number:_____
Parents: Please fill out the following questions about your child
Please indicate any of the following eye symptoms that your child has experienced. For all symptoms
that your child has experienced, please also indicate when those symptoms have occurred.*
*Adapted from the Standardized Patient If YES: When
Evaluation of Eye Dryness (SPEED™) No Today Within last 72 hrs Within last 3 months
Dryness, Grittiness, or Scratchiness
Soreness or Irritation
Burning or Watering
Eye Fatigue
Please indicate the frequency that your child has experienced the following symptoms.
The next several questions are related to screen time. Please list the number of hours your child uses
each of the devices on an average weekday or weekend day. Please also indicate if any of these devices
are used by your child while at school.