Dry Eye
Dry Eye
Dry Eye
Background: There is increasing prevalence of dry eye in recent years. This disease is chronic and progressive and
invariably leads to complications, if left untreated.
Objective: To study the prevalence, incidence, and attributable risk factors associated with dry eye syndrome in eastern
Madhya Pradesh region.
Materials and Methods: This study included 1178 patients of which 114 patients were found to have dry eye. After
detailed history, complete work up, and investigations patients were categorized into mild, moderate, and severe grades.
Result: In this study, the prevalence of dry eye in hospital-based population in eastern Madhya Pradesh was 9.6%. Dry
eye was more common in women (66.6%). Most patients in this study belonged to rural background (60.5%). Air pollution
(33.3%) was found to be the most common attributable risk factor affecting most of the farmers/laborers (33.4%). In this
study 43.8% patients had moderate and 39.6% patients had mild grade of dry eye.
Conclusion: Diagnosis of dry eye is often overlooked as a possible cause of patient’s complaint. Therefore, detection of
disease at the earliest stage and prevention of attributable risk factors for dry eye alluded to in literature include air pollu-
tion, cigarette smoking, low humidity, high temperature, sunlight exposure, drugs, and uncorrected refractive error should
be the goal so that disease progression to severe stage and serious sight-threatening complications caused by severe
dry eye could be prevented. Thus prevention of attributable risk factors and early diagnosis could be the key for dry eye
and offers good hope for better outcome.
KEY WORDS: Dry eye, prevalence, risk factors, occupation
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Online 2015. © 2015 Pankaj Choudhary. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2015 | Vol 4 | Issue 11 1556
Choudhary et al.: Dry eye and attributable risk factors
Keeping the above facts in view, this study was carried out ●● T ear film was examined for thinning, any debris or mucous
with aim to shed light on the dark area and to place things in strands.
true perspective. Recent advances in our knowledge of the ●● Relevant general and systemic examination was carried
causation of dry eye disease opens opportunities for improv- out.
ing diagnosis, disease management and for developing new,
more effective therapies to manage this widely prevalent and Investigations
debilitating disease state. Both eyes of all patients were subjected to specific
investigations such as Schirmer’s test, TBUT, Rose bengal,
Lissamine green, and fluorescein stain. The results of tear
Objective function tests were further subjected to scoring system
To study the prevalence and incidence of dry eye (Khurana (1993) scoring system)[3] to assess the severity of
syndrome in eastern Madhya Pradesh region. To study the dry eye. According to their scores, the patients were graded
attributable risk factors associated with dry eye syndrome and to be having
its various subtypes.
1. No dry eye (0–1)
2. Dry eye suspect (2)
Materials and Methods 3. Mild dry eye (3–8)
4. Moderate dry eye (9–13)
This study included 1178 patients consecutively from out-
door and those admitted in Department of Ophthalmology, 5. Severe dry eye (14–18)
Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Rewa (MP) from July 2007 to Routine and specific blood investigation for diabetes and
October 2009. thyroid dysfunction was done. RA factor was done in patients
A detailed history of patient including his/her name, age, suspected of having Sjogren’s syndrome.
address, occupation, and registration number was noted.
Attributable risk factors that exacerbated the symptoms of dry
eye are place of residence (rural or urban), excessive wind, Result
sunlight, high temperature, air, pollution, drug, computer
worker, office worker/shopkeeper, factory worker, myopia, This study was carried out on 1178 patients selected
hypermetropia, etc. A detailed history of medication, ocular consecutively from outdoor and those admitted in Depart-
disease, operation, treatment, occupation, and medical history ment of Ophthalmology, Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Rewa
was recorded in every case. After recording relevant history between July 2007 and October 2009. Of the 1178 patients,
of case, the external examination of both eyes (using diffuse 114 patients were found to have dry eye.
torch light and slit lamp) of each patient was conducted. All the The age of patients ranged from 21 years to more than
patients were subjected to a 13 point ‘Dry Eye Questionnaire’ 51 years. We observed that the prevalence of dry eye increased
based on model suggested by Hikichi et al.[2] In selected with increasing age with maximum number (n=40; 35.0%) of
patients a complete ophthalmological examination was dry eye patients belonging to the age group of more than
carried out using a slit lamp bio microscope. Objective tests 51 years. There were 38 men (33.4%) and 76 women (66.6%)
comprising blink rate, Schirmer’s test, tear film break up time, and most of the patients (n = 69; 60.5%) belonged to rural
rose Bengal test, and Lissamine green staining were carried background.
out. Complete refraction under mydriasis with subjective Occupation wise, farmers/laborers (n = 38; 33.4%) were
correction was done where required. most affected followed by factory workers (n = 19; 16.6%),
office workers/shop keepers (n = 17; 14.9%), homemakers/
Ocular Examination students (n = 15; 13.2%), others with high exposure (n = 14;
●● Visual acuity: This was tested with Snellens test type. 12.3%), and those with low exposure (n = 11; 9.6%) (Table 1).
●● Blink rate: Frequency of blink rate was noted (increased/ Attributable risk factors for dry eye in this study in order
decreased/normal) and also whether there was incom- of decreasing frequency were air pollution (33.3%), sunlight/
plete closure of lid or lagophthalmos. high temperature (16.6%), smoking (14.9%), drugs (14.9%),
●● Palpebral fissure: Narrow/wide/normal. and others (20.3%) (Table 2). Hypermetropes were affected
●● Lid margins were examined for any evidence of blephari- more (48.2%), followed by myopes (37.7%), then emmetropes
tis, entropion, and ectropion. (14.1%) (Table 3).
●● Conjunctiva was examined for hyperemia, lymphoid follicle, Foreign body sensation (84.2%), photophobia (37.7%),
papillae, cicatrization, and symblepharon. and mucous discharge (35.0%) were the most common com-
●● Cornea was examined for any evidence of ulcer, epithelial plaints followed by burning (30.7%), ocular fatigue (30.7%),
filaments, mucous plaques, opacities, loss of normal blurred vision (20.1%), itching (18.2%), pain (11.4%), dryness
luster. Corneal sensations were noted by touching the of eye (9.6%) and redness (7.8%), watering (6.1%), heavy
cornea with cotton wisp. sensation (4.3% ), and discomfort (2.6%) (Table 4).
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2015 | Vol 4 | Issue 11 1557
Choudhary et al.: Dry eye and attributable risk factors
Table 1: Association of occupational risk factors with dry eye Most of cases had dry eye due to vitamin A deficiency
S. No Occupational groups Number of dry eye (%) (19.4%), followed by secondary Sjogren’s syndrome (15.0%),
1 Home maker/Student 15 (13.2%) idiopathic (12.4%), Stevens–Johnson’s syndrome (10.5%),
primary Sjogren’s syndrome (7%), chronic blepharitis (7%),
2 Other with low exposure 11 (9.6%)
lid abnormality (7%), contact lens users (6.1%), postoperative
3 Farmer/laborer 38 (33.4%)
patients (6.1%), diabetes (5.2%), and corneal anesthesia
4 Office worker/shopkeeper 17 (14.9%) induced dry eye (4.3%) (Table 7).
5 Others with high exposure 14 (12.3%)
6 Factory workers 19 (16.6%)
Total 114 (100.0) Discussion
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Choudhary et al.: Dry eye and attributable risk factors
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2015 | Vol 4 | Issue 11 1559
Choudhary et al.: Dry eye and attributable risk factors
transient blurring of vision (27%), itching (22.3%), and photo- dry eye alluded to in literature include air pollution, cigarette
phobia (5%). smoking, low humidity, high temperature, sunlight exposure,
In our study conjunctival congestion and mucous thread drugs, and uncorrected refractive error should be the goal so
were found in all patients and in all grades. In the present that disease progression to severe stage and serious sight
series ulcer/opacity was found in 41.2%, superficial vascu- threatening complications caused by severe dry eye could
larization in 29.8%, circumciliary congestion in 22.8%, loss be prevented. Thus prevention of attributable risk factors and
of luster of cornea and conjunctiva in 16.6%, trichiasis and early diagnosis could be the key for dry eye and offers good
entropion in 9.6%, epithelial and mucous filaments in 7.8%, hope for better outcome.
crusting and waxy scales over lid margin in 8.7%, and ectro-
pion in 1.7% eyes.
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